Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 246 Supergirl

In the future, Barry failed to regain the Speed ​​Force.

Kevin didn't know why. It was obvious that he was operating strictly according to the method in the movie. Except that the object of the operation had changed, nothing else had changed!

But this Barry failed to regain the Speed ​​Force, and now he is in a dying state.

In fact, if Kevin hadn't forcibly stimulated his heart and blood circulation and hung his life, he might have died!

And because Barry failed to obtain the Speed ​​Force, Kevin also obtained the corresponding skill points, which made Kevin completely convinced that Barry's destiny in the future had been completely changed by him!

Although the number of points is not many, only seven or eight, this matter is very serious.

No matter what the reason is for Barry in the future, he has completely lost his abilities now.

After finally rescuing Barry, he wrapped a bandage on him and placed him on the bed. Batman, who came back, looked at Kevin for a long time and suddenly asked:

"Did he ask you to do this?"

"It was the suggestion I gave him, and he agreed, because if he wants to return everything to the way it was, and if he wants to return to his own world, he must get his abilities back."

Kevin said solemnly.

Batman shook his head:

"It's so irrational. We could have come up with something better."

"But...this is obviously a way for him to regain the speed force..."

Before Kevin could finish speaking, Dark Lightning Barry couldn't help shouting to him:

"You haven't even tried it! Why let him do this!"

"Why haven't you tried it? You have succeeded, and he has succeeded before. Normally, it shouldn't fail at all!"

Kevin was a little irritated. This was how it was played in the movie. He followed the one-to-one restoration steps in the movie, and there were no flaws except that the person holding Barry was not Supergirl.

Who knew something might happen!

"But now it's a failure! It was you who harmed him! Damn, don't die..."

Dark Lightning Barry shouted to Kevin in collapse, and then turned to look at Future Barry, who was wrapped in bandages.

The crying look of Dark Lightning Barry made Kevin feel even worse. He couldn't help but said:

"If it weren't for your fear of not being able to go to the key place at the critical moment, he wouldn't have lost the Speed ​​Force! Now you're blaming me?"

After all, Barry will lose the Speed ​​Force in the future because the guy in front of him is disobedient and refuses to sit where he should be.

Future Barry had to forcefully hold him down and receive the lightning shock. As a result, both of them were electrocuted, and Future Barry lost his ability.

Although the world has been changed a lot by Kevin, because he has not been involved in the Flash's affairs before, what happened between the two Flashes is still following the original plot.

What Kevin is talking about now is indeed what Barry and the others have experienced before.

After hearing Kevin's words, Dark Lightning Barry was also stunned for a moment. He stopped talking and his eyes were full of self-blame.

Because he knew that Kevin was telling the truth.


Batman couldn't stand it and called Kevin.

Kevin also calmed down, took a deep breath and said:

"...I'm sorry, it's my fault."

His tone softened a bit and he calmed down. He knew that he shouldn't get angry at a child who was only eighteen years old. He said apologetically:

"I took it too much for granted and made an empiricist error... This matter is my responsibility."

If you rely too much on the original plot, it will become what it is now.

Kevin thinks that everything in this world has been determined by fate. The Flash is the Flash. Even if something unexpected happens in the middle, the ending will not change.

But in fact...from the day he came to this world, he has been a part of the destiny of this world.

His existence is equivalent to bringing changes to the world.

It would be okay if Kevin just wanted to change, he could do whatever he wanted.

But if he wants to follow the original route, he will encounter troubles and difficulties, like now.

Now it is meaningless to say who is responsible.

In the future, Barry cannot regain his powers, and he will be temporarily trapped in this universe. Even if Kevin solves Zod's troubles, Barry will not be able to go back.

So Kevin needs to find a way to let Barry regain his superpowers.

At least... the wrong things Kevin did must be made up for by himself.

But Kevin plans to wait until Zod is dealt with. The most important thing now is Zod.

Thinking of this, Kevin looked away from the 'mummy' on the bed, looked at Batman in the suit, and looked him up and down.

When he noticed the blood stains on Batman's body, he asked:

"You are hurt?"

"We ran into a little trouble, but at least we rescued the 'Superman' you mentioned... But the Superman you mentioned is not a girl, right?"

"The universe is different, and the Kryptonians who landed on Earth will also be different. The Superman in this world has never reached Earth at all. The only one who came here is Kara El."

"You already knew that the one in Russia was not the Superman you were looking for."

"Yes, so have you brought Kara El back?"

Kevin asked Batman.

Batman looked at Arthur, Arthur glanced at him, and then replied to Kevin:

"I put her on the narrow bed in the living room."

"That's the sofa..."

Batman explains.

"Then it looks like you brought her back. Let's go and see her first. After we see her, we'll talk about how to deal with General Zod."

Barry's question will be discussed later. Now that Supergirl Kara has been rescued, all she needs to do is fight the Kryptonians.

For this reason, Kevin decided to meet Supergirl first.

Supergirl Kara was placed on the sofa in the living room by Arthur, with a blanket wrapped around her body.

According to Batman's description, when they entered the military base where Supergirl was detained, they were discovered by the guards there and experienced a battle.

Dark Lightning Barry was the first to be eliminated. He had little combat experience and was almost killed by the enemy's bullets.

If it weren't for Arthur's presence, Dark Lightning Barry might really not be able to come back.

Batman was also seriously injured. With the help of Arthur, he overcame many obstacles and found the place where Supergirl was held.

But when he opened the closed prison door, Batman discovered that the person locked inside turned out to be a girl.

Because Barry in the future said 'Superman' instead of 'Superwoman', Batman understands that the girl imprisoned here may not be the one they are looking for.

But in the end, Batman decided to rescue her first.

After all, Kevin also agreed that they came here to save people, which proves that he may know the situation here.

The final result was similar to the plot in the movie, when everyone ran to the ground and was chased.

Supergirl, who was exposed to the sun, showed off her power and killed all the pursuers. Afterwards, she fainted due to long-term malnutrition and was taken back to Wayne Manor by Batman and his team.

There is no problem with this aspect of the plot, basically not much has changed.

Kevin thought about it a little, thinking that this might be because he was not involved.

The plot without Kevin's participation will follow the original route.

But once Kevin gets involved, no matter what he wants to do, the plot will change.

From this point of view, Kevin's previous guess about fate is actually not very reliable. At least with Kevin here, fate is no longer something that cannot be changed.

"So I should be able to kill Zod too..."

Kevin thought about it.

Originally, he thought that the destruction of the world was destined, but since the Flash did not have the ability to recover, maybe Kevin could also kill Zod and those Kryptonians.

Kevin, who was thinking about how to kill Zod, noticed that the blanket on Kara's body moved after a while.

He instantly retracted his thoughts and raised his head, and saw Kara slowly opening her eyes. Then when she saw Kevin sitting opposite him, she instantly stood up and stepped back. She huddled on the sofa and stared at the person in front of her vigilantly. Strangers watch.

"Who are you?!"

Kara remembered who the person who rescued her was, but she couldn't match the faces of the person in front of her with the faces of those who had rescued her.

Kevin smiled, tried his best to look kind, and explained to Kara:

"You can call me Kevin."

"Kevin...? Are you...Kevin?"


Hearing what Kara said, Kevin was stunned: "You know me?"

"I don't know her, but...the people who rescued me said when they brought me out, 'She is the person Kevin is looking for' and so on..."

Oh, it turned out that I knew my name from the conversation between Batman and others. I was shocked. I thought my reputation had spread to Krypton.

Kevin cursed in his heart, but his face was unmoved. He nodded and said:

"Yes, I asked them to rescue you."

"Why save me?"

"Because I need a Kryptonian to help me stop Zod, Kara Zor-El, we need you."

Kevin said many things that the person in charge of gathering members of a heroic team would say.

One more person means more strength. Kevin doesn't guarantee that he can defeat Zod, and there are so many Kryptonians around Zod.

Just Kevin, Arthur, Mera, Batman, and Barry, the Dark Flash of this world who has only been the Flash for less than three days.

The probability that they can completely agree to Zod is low.

Even if Zod can be defeated, no one can destroy the Creation Engines located at both ends of the earth.

At least Kevin can only destroy the Genesis Engine on one side, but not the other.

It's true that his speed can reach Mach 9 underwater, but it can't be compared to Superman. He can't run from one end of the earth to the other in fifteen minutes.

If Kevin can't do it, we can only let Barry the Flash or Supergirl go.

Now Future Barry is lying dead in bed, and he doesn't know when he will wake up. The Dark Lightning Barry of this world is new again.

The only one Kevin can rely on is Supergirl.

"Zod...? Zod is here? Wait, why do you know my name?"

Supergirl was first shocked by the news of Zod's arrival, and then remembered that Kevin had just said her name.

And if she remembered correctly, she didn't introduce herself just now.

"Because I know you, even though you may not know me."

Kevin organized his language and made up lies again:

"Me and...another person are both 'travelers' from other universes. In our world, you and your cousin Kal Al are both heroes on Earth, so I know your news. , and want to rescue you."

"Carl...How is Carl? Is he okay?"

Kara immediately became excited when she mentioned Superman. She tried to get up from the sofa, but almost fell off the sofa.

Kevin immediately stood up and helped her up, letting her lie down on the sofa again, and then said to Kara:

"I don't know the fate of Carl in this world, but I know the fate of another Carl. His spaceship landed on a farm, and he was adopted by the farmer there. He grew up well and became a human being in that world. Admired superhero.

"By the way, people who are familiar with him like to call him Clark. This is his name on earth."


It seemed that Kara had become much more relaxed after learning the news about Superman. She read the name, her eyes a little dazed, as if she had fallen into some kind of fantasy.

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