Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 270 Reverse Flash Barry

Slightly different from the original plot.

In the original plot, Starlight was captured, and Homelander firmly said that Starlight betrayed them and she was a traitor in the Seven.

But now, Homelander said that Starlight was just bewitched by the super villain, and also counted the dead Deep Sea among them.

This is obviously also a change brought by Kevin.

But Huey doesn't care who brought this change.

Starlight was captured, which made him panic instantly. He jumped up from the sofa and stared at the TV for a long time without recovering.

"I guess she should be locked up on the 42nd floor."

The lamplighter said indifferently.

The panicked Huey didn't listen to what the lamplighter said at all. He picked up the phone and was about to call Butcher.

Butcher's phone was not connected.

"Damn... What is Butcher doing?! Why didn't he answer the phone!"

When Butcher went to take Frankie and Marvin to do the mission, he didn't tell Huey.

Huey's mission was to keep an eye on the lamplighter, so he didn't need to be told about the mission to assassinate Newman.

So now Huey had no idea what Butcher was doing, and he didn't understand why he couldn't get through to Butcher on the phone.

But fortunately, Huey didn't completely lose his composure.

When Huey realized that Butcher's call was not going through, he immediately thought of what the lamplighter had said just now:

"... You just said... 42nd floor? What does that mean?"

The lamplighter put his hands on the sofa and explained:

"There is a special room on the 42nd floor of the Water Group. That room is made of metal that can block superpowers. Once you are locked in, you basically can't get out."

"Okay... okay!"

Huey paced back and forth and suddenly asked, "How do we get in?"

"Get in? Don't be silly. The Water Group has tight defenses. We can't get in at all. And since she was caught by the Homelanders, the probability of her death is relatively high. You should stay here with peace of mind."

"There will always be a way!"

"Uh... I say, how about I help you... rescue her?"

While Huey and the lamplighter were arguing, Barry, who was eating chocolate, came from the kitchen.

Because Barry was not suitable to participate in Kevin's recent work, he stayed here like Huey to take care of the lamplighter.

By the way, it also prevents the lamplighter from escaping.

He had heard the conversation between Huey and the lamplighter just now, thinking that since there was nothing to do now, he might as well help them save someone.

"You...are you willing to help?! Thank you so much!"

Knowing that Barry wanted to help him, Huey immediately said to Barry with emotion.

Afterwards, perhaps because he felt that it was not good for him to rely on others completely like this, he added:

" there anything I can do?"

"No, no, you just need to tell me the address."

Barry waved his hand at Huey.

For a speedster, as long as they know the address, there is no place in the world that they cannot go.

Especially for Barry, who has super speed, this is even more true.


Kevin was not surprised to receive Barry's call.

Calculating the time, it is indeed time for Starlight to be captured in this world.

Kevin did not say this, after all, he had no obligation to remind Starlight in this world.

Although they look the same, have the same name, and have very similar personalities, the Starlight in this world is not the Annie that Kevin knows.

In addition, the Starlight in this world doesn't like Kevin's appearance, so Kevin didn't specifically remind her what to do.

Anyway, she will definitely not die with the protagonist's aura.

However, Kevin still left a safety with Hughie.

That is Barry.

If anything happens to Starlight, Barry will definitely not sit idly by, he will find a way to rescue Starlight.

For example, now.

"You want to save Starlight, yes, but I also have a request."

Barry on the other side of the phone was also stunned when he heard Kevin say that he had a request.

"What's your request?"

"After you save Starlight, you have to find a way to let people know that it was 'Mist' who saved her."

"Mist...? What is this... a superhero or a super villain..."

"It's my current code name. According to your understanding, it should be a super villain."

At this point, Barry fell silent instantly. Even across the phone, Kevin could feel Barry's speechlessness.

"You should know that we are heroes, right?"

"Who stipulates that heroes in one world can't become villains after running to another world?"

Kevin chuckled and said to Barry:

"Besides, after you have learned about the superheroes in this world, do you really think they deserve the title of superheroes?"

Barry has been in this world for a while. Even if no one deliberately told him anything, he could understand what the superheroes in this world are like from the conversations between Kevin and Butcher and the exchanges between the black robe team.

To put it bluntly, they are a group of demons in the skin of heroes.

Barry does not admit that they are superheroes.

So when Kevin finished speaking, Barry quickly understood:

"So, now the positions of heroes and villains have been reversed?"

"I said you are smarter than me, Barry, now do what the 'villain' should do and make a big fuss."

"Okay... okay... but I have another question."

At the end of the call, Barry asked:

"Your villain title is 'Fog God'... To be honest, this title sounds ugly, far worse than Poseidon and it doesn't sound like the name of a villain... Well, it doesn't matter, I just want to ask ...What should my title be?"

"You? Let me think..."

After hearing Barry ask this, Kevin tilted his head and touched his chin. Suddenly, a malicious smile appeared on his face, and he asked with a smile:

"How about 'Reverse Flash'?"

"Reverse Flash...Reverse Flash..."

Barry muttered a few words, and his words gradually became excited:

"Sounds good? Okay, then I'll be called Reverse Flash here!"

The movie version of Barry is completely different from the TV version of Barry. The movie version of Barry has not yet met the fateful opponent he should have met, Reverse Flash.

Therefore, Barry has no idea where the title of Reverse Flash came from, and even thinks that this title sounds good.

The Flash becomes a bad guy and is Reverse Flash, which Barry thinks is very suitable.

Although he doesn't want to be a bad guy.

"Ahem, well, then I wish you a successful debut, Reverse Flash."

Seeing Barry accept the title of Reverse Flash like this, Kevin almost couldn't hold back his laughter, and it took a lot of effort to send Barry a serious blessing.

After hanging up the phone, Kevin couldn't help laughing.

The Flash turned out to be the Reverse Flash. I wonder what other people's expressions would be if this Barry went to the TV version of The Flash and introduced himself to The Flash as the 'Reverse Flash'.

I believe that would be very interesting.

But in fact, the title of Johnny Quick is also OK, the title of the evil version of the Flash in the Crime Syndicate team.

But this title doesn't sound good, and it is not as imposing as the Reverse Flash.

Of course, this may also be because of Kevin's preconceived notions.

"Sorry... Sorry, sir, are you done with the call?"

When Kevin was overjoyed, suddenly, a woman's voice came from his side.

He instantly put away his smile, put down his phone and turned around to look.

Next to Kevin, a younger-looking woman and a child who looked a bit like Homelander stood there.

They were Butcher's wife Rebecca and Homelander's son Ryan.

That's right, after Kevin's debut as the 'God of Mist', he immediately came to the place where Rebecca and Ryan lived in seclusion.

What he had to do was very simple, that is, to take the two away and leave the name of 'God of Mist'.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting for so long, where were we just now?"

Kevin put away his phone, sat up straight and asked the two.

Holding her son tightly, Rebecca said in a trembling voice:

"Just now...just now you said you would rescue us out..."

"Yes, rescue you out, I can guarantee that you will be taken out intact, and I can even guarantee that the Water Group will never come to you in the future, but...Ms. Rebecca, you should understand the truth that 'there is no free lunch in the world'."

"You...what do you want me to do? As long as I don't hurt Ryan..."

There was a little fear in Rebecca's voice.

That was the fear of Kevin.

She knew that Kevin was a superhuman, and a superhuman who could come here quietly and take her and her son away smoothly.

Think about Walter's strength, Rebecca will know how powerful Kevin is, who can sneak in here quietly and take them away.

But the more so, the more scared Rebecca is.

She actually doesn't want to leave here. She has been here for a long time and has long been accustomed to her current life.

And Rebecca wants to raise Ryan like this and prevent him from being exposed to all the dirty things in the outside world.

She doesn't want Ryan to become the next motherland.

So it's best to stay here. It's better to say that leaving will make her feel overwhelmed.

But Rebecca is also a smart woman. She used to work in the public relations department of Walter Group. She knows very well that when Kevin proposed to take her and Ryan away, he was not suggesting to save them, but just stating a fact.

Rebecca has no right to refuse.

Then at least...

She wants to ensure that Ryan will not be hurt.

"I think you may have misunderstood something, but forget it, it doesn't matter."

Seeing Rebecca's frightened look, Kevin knew that he must be regarded as a bad guy by the other party.

But Kevin didn't care.

Anyway, his current character is a villain, so he should do villain things.

So when he was sure that Rebecca and Ryan were willing to go with him, Kevin smiled and raised his hand:

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to the child, so..."

Fog suddenly rose around.

The thick fog covered Rebecca's entire secluded cottage, gradually enveloping the figures of Kevin, Rebecca and Ryan.

Seeing this, Rebecca hugged Ryan tightly and held him tightly in her arms.

Kevin only said the second half of the sentence at this time:

"... Let's leave here first."

After that, the thick fog completely covered everything in the cottage.

It also covered the figures of the three people.

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