Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 272 Clues to the Ghost

Just playing.

When Butcher heard Kevin's reason for staying in this world, his heart sank instantly.

Before this, he thought Kevin was a good-talking superhuman, because there were superhumans like Starlight and Lamplighter, and Butcher no longer felt as disgusted with superhumans as before.

He would think that maybe not all superhumans were assholes.

But now seeing Kevin's smiling face, Butcher knew that the asshole of superhumans was not their personality, but their ability.

When they have the ability to do whatever they want and no one can stop them, even the best people will become unreasonable.

For example, Kevin in front of him, who seems to be good-talking, is actually no different from the people in his homeland.

He did not regard the people in this world as human beings.

Perhaps in his eyes, the people in this world are just NPCs for his entertainment.

Butcher's idea made no sense. If Kevin knew, he would definitely think that he was wronging him.

But Butcher could not tell Kevin his thoughts.

After staring at Kevin for a long time, Butcher said:

"You should leave."

"I do want to leave, but who was the one who asked me to stay in this world in the first place, citing Huey's safety as an excuse? Do you think I want to stay in this world?"

"...I'll call Huey over now. I don't care whether you want him to send you back or take him with you. I only have one request, to ensure his safety."

Butter took a deep breath and relaxed.

He found that it was more dangerous to let restless factors like Kevin stay in this world than to target Walter.

Maybe Kevin himself had no intention of hurting others, but now no one knew what he would do next.

Butcher hated the unknown.

Because the unknown meant something outside the plan, and everything would deviate from the original trajectory and be out of control.

So even if he lost Kevin's help, he didn't plan to let Kevin stay in this world.

But Butcher obviously didn't know an old saying from the East.

That saying is, it's easier to invite a god than to send him away.

"Sorry, I've changed my mind now."


"I suddenly think this world is quite interesting, and I want to play here for a while. Of course, if you want Huey to send me back, that's fine, but I will definitely come back in the future."

Kevin said with a rogue look.

Butcher stared at Kevin deeply, took two steps forward, and said to Kevin seriously:

"I'll give Huey to you and send you back, and then you don't come back again, okay?"

"Butcher, do you remember what I said when we first met? Who gave you the courage to negotiate with me? I'm willing to talk to you because of our friendship in the parallel world, not because I really don't dare to do anything to you."

Kevin still smiled, but there was not much smile in his eyes.

If Butcher decisively asked Huey to send him back at the beginning, Kevin would probably not be interested in this world.

But now, Kevin, who couldn't go back for a long time, felt a little unhappy.

Because he didn't know what the other black robe world looked like now.

In theory, Kevin paused the time of the other world, so he didn't have to worry about the things there for the time being.

But judging from the time when the other Huey went back and forth, the time of the two black robe worlds was basically synchronized.

Kevin could not guarantee that the time of the other black robe world was still suspended.

After all, this was different from traveling through Marvel and DC. Those were different universes, and now they were the same and close universes.

Perhaps when Kevin came back, the time of the other world would resume flowing.

It was just that Kevin had already dealt with the things in the other black robe world, and there would be no problem even if he disappeared for a short time, so he was not too anxious.

But even so, the bastard Butcher refused to let Huey inject Enhanced No. 5, which made Kevin impatient.

Going out to pretend to be the God of Mist to "play" was also a way to kill time.

Of course, Kevin also understood that Butcher and the others did not know the effect of Enhanced No. 5, and were worried that Huey would have problems after the injection, so they planned to be safe and observe the situation first.

It can be understood, but it does not mean that Kevin can accept it.

Kevin and them are not close friends, so there is no reason to understand and accept them.

Kevin's attitude made Butcher realize that he really had no way to deal with the superhuman in front of him.

After taking a deep breath and closing his eyes to think for a while, Butcher's tone softened:

"Okay, let's continue to negotiate. How can you let this world go?"

"Don't make me sound like a villain who destroys the world. So far, our interests are the same. I will help you deal with Walter, and you let Huey inject Enhanced No. 5 and send me back. There is no conflict between us."

"But your behavior today is likely to make Walter promote Compound No. 5 in the military!"

"They can't do it."

"Why are you so sure?!"

"Because I still have a trump card that I haven't used yet...Okay, let's stop here. Someone called you, answer it."

Kevin ended the conversation with the excuse that someone called Butcher.

Buchel originally planned to ask Kevin what his trump card was, but when he saw the caller ID, he had to leave Kevin to answer the phone.

Because the caller was his mother.

Butcher went to the side to make a phone call. Kevin was a little far away from him and didn't listen to the content of his conversation with his mother.

Kevin walked to a rattan chair not far away and sat down. He looked at Rebecca and her son Ryan who were communicating with Mallory in front of the villa, and was a little absent-minded.

He missed Anne a little.

His fiancée Anne.

In the past, because he could go back at any time, Kevin didn't miss Anne so much.

But now, when he realized that he might not be able to go back for a long time, Kevin finally felt the feeling of a couple in love separated from each other.

I couldn't call or send messages, and even seeing each other became a luxury. This feeling was really bad.

If it weren't for this unexpected situation, Kevin himself didn't know that he was afraid that he would always be alone.

Seeing that everyone in the villa was busy with their own things, Kevin felt a little bored for a while.

No longer paying attention to the things in the villa, Kevin casually checked the skill tree, wanting to see if the skill icon related to the "Fog God" had changed.

Just after sitting for a while, he received a call from Barry:

"Kevin! You won't believe what I saw!"


Barry's words left Kevin with a lot of questions.

But the next moment Barry's words made him stand up from his chair instantly.

"I saw the ghost! She also helped me find Miss Anne and Miss Anne's mother! Of course, this is not the point, the point is that she seems to be from the same world as you!"

"Where are you? Send me the location now! Immediately!!"

"Uh... We are... Sorry, Miss Ghost, where is this? Oh..."

The voice of Barry and Ghost talking came from the phone, and soon Barry said to Kevin:

"In a wreck in the port..."

"Wait for me, I'll be there soon!"

After ending the communication with Barry, Kevin couldn't wait to rush to the location Barry sent.

He didn't expect that Barry would meet the person he wanted to find when he went to save Starlight!

Now without Huey, Kevin might have a way to return to his own world!


The lawn was burning with fire, and the warm cottage in the past was now a ruin.

Homelander stood in the ruins. He looked at the hut in front of him, which had already become a ruin, with a gloomy face. He clenched his fists and almost crushed the gloves on his hands.

Storm stood beside him.

She noticed Homelander's emotions and expressions, and said:

"It seems that the person you want to take me to see is not here."


Homelander ignored Storm.

His anger was almost bursting through his brain, and he was in no mood to pay attention to his current girlfriend.

If Storm hadn't stopped him just now, he would have destroyed more than just the hut in front of him.

Let me explain what happened a little.

After the last breakup with Storm, Homelander was persuaded to come back by Storm within a day.

It must be said that Storm really understood Homelander. With her understanding of Homelander, her love for him, and her "sincerity" in revealing everything to him, she moved Homelander and made him return to her arms.

Things were simple afterwards.

With Storm, who knew the Internet very well, they successfully incited a group of people on the Internet who supported them in forming a superhuman army.

Using super villains as an excuse and target, incite the public to put pressure on the American government, asking them to open Compound No. 5 and allow more people to become superhumans.

Things went smoothly.

It went smoothly beyond imagination.

The public's dissatisfaction with the recent rampage of super villains has been suppressed to the extreme, and they need a channel to vent.

Storm gave them such a channel to vent, arousing their anger and madness, and using this emotion to urge the government to agree to the opening of Compound No. 5.

Then, after today's routine speech, Storm saw a woman holding a child at the scene.

She thought of her daughter.

The daughter who had passed away.

Homelander saw her expression, and then, in the mood of making his girlfriend happy, took Storm to see his own son.


Homelander thought that this would make Storm feel better, and even thought about taking Ryan and Storm out to eat together, just like a real family of three, a real family.

As a result...

When Homelander and Storm came to the place where Rebecca and Ryan were secluded, they couldn't find anyone.

They only saw the security team of the Vought Group here.

After the security team explained, he learned that Rebecca and Ryan were taken away by an unidentified superhuman.

When he learned the news, Homelander's emotions were instantly ignited.

He was out of control and was like a mad kid, smashing things and destroying things when he saw them.

The thermal vision set the house and lawn on fire. The wooden hut was turned into a ruin under Homelander's "out of control".

Storm did not stop Homelander. She knew that Homelander needed to vent, just like the ordinary people she instigated, they needed a place to vent.

Otherwise, it would not only be the house that would be hurt.

After standing aside and waiting for a long time, Storm dared to approach and hold his hand when he felt that Homelander's emotions were calming down, and said:

"Being angry can't solve any problems. We have to find the superhuman who took your son away."


“It couldn’t have been Edgar. He wouldn’t do something that would anger you, but he must know something. We can ask him.”

Storm knows Edgar.

As a racist, she certainly hates Edgar and wishes he would die immediately.

But it is undeniable that Edgar’s existence is the foundation for ensuring that the mountain of Walter will not collapse.

At the same time, Storm also knows that Edgar will not take the initiative to anger the Homelanders.

This does not conform to the strategy formulated by the Walter Group.

It does not conform to Edgar’s shrewd personality.

So this was not done by Edgar, it should be someone else.

A new enemy who dares to snatch people under Walter’s nose…

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