Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 274: The Place Where Space Intersects

It was only when he landed on the deck of the cruise ship that Kevin felt something was wrong.

From previous observations outside, the models of the cruise ship were at most overlapping. Kevin speculated that there might be a problem with the space on the cruise ship, but he also felt that at most the cruise ships from two worlds were overlapping.


Kevin saw a cartoon bucket in a corner of the deck...

It's really cartoony, similar to the cartoon style that was popular in the United States around the 1990s.

Kevin tried to touch the cartoon bucket, but when his hand landed on it, he found that his hand also turned into a cartoon shape.

He was so frightened that he immediately took his hand back.

Fortunately, once out of the bucket range, Kevin's hand returned to its original shape.

"Could it be that there's more than one space here? It's broken. The interlacing of spaces seems to have become serious."

When he saw the cartoon bucket, Kevin knew that the space on this ship might not only include his own world and the world in black robes here.

I'm afraid there is also a black robe parallel universe world in comics and animations.

Kevin remembered that Ancient One said that the black-robed world he was in, because of his changes, turned into an alien race running rampant on the timeline.

It may intersect with all parallel worlds.

We will encounter the black-robed world here first because the timelines of the two sides are relatively similar.

But this does not mean that Kevin's world will not collide with other parallel worlds.

Looking at it now, there was something wrong with the ghost's companion's ability, which resulted in not only two intersecting worlds, but most of the worlds related to the black robe world overlapping together.

However, the fact that the superhumans in the black robe world can cause such terrible things to happen shows that the superhumans in this world still have potential.

The space is intertwined, causing the space on the cruise ship to become extremely unstable. Kevin can almost predict what the space inside the ship will look like.

The most troublesome thing now is not the problem on the ship.

The trouble is, Kevin isn't sure if this situation will continue to spread.

If this situation continues to spread outward, then the world here may also face the crisis of spatial chaos.

The consequences of the interlacing of the multiverses are being revealed little by little, and Kevin finally puts aside his playful mentality and begins to deal with this matter seriously.

"First, find the culprit who caused this."

Of course the culprit is not Kevin, but the guy who caused the space chaos on the cruise ship.

A superhuman who calls himself "retrospective".

"Then...then let's take it one step at a time."

After finding the traceback, Kevin didn't know what to do with him.

If this spatial chaos was caused by that guy, Kevin might kill him.

But no matter how hard you think about it, you don’t think that the other party would include you in something stupid, which means that this is most likely an accident.

Since it was an accident, Kevin couldn't just kill people casually.

But if you don't kill someone, you probably won't be able to solve the space interlacing situation, so Kevin finds it troublesome and doesn't know how to deal with it.

We can only take one step at a time.

Walking into the cruise ship from the deck, Kevin's perception was fully activated, trying to find the life forms inside the cruise ship.

Just now outside, due to the interlacing of spaces, Kevin's perception was affected and he was unable to feel the existence of life inside, so he decided to enter the cruise ship in person.

But now, even after entering the cruise ship, Kevin's perception is not functioning as it should.

It’s not that I can’t feel it, it’s that my perception is quite confusing.

For example, Kevin originally planned to only sense the object on the left, but somehow ended up on the object on the right.

I wanted to sense the existence of the cruise ship on the lower level, but I didn’t know why I ran to the upper level.

Although there was no complete chaos, it also greatly affected Kevin's perception.

The effective range of perception is only a distance of five or six meters in radius. Beyond this distance, it will be affected by spatial interlacing.

It's enough to show how serious the spatial interlacing here is.

Under such a serious influence, Kevin could only use stupid methods to slowly search layer by layer.

But this method was too inefficient. After Kevin searched two floors and found nothing, he began to look for other methods.

"Tsk, it would be great if this place could be filled with water..."

After opening the door of an abandoned cruise ship and discovering that it was filled with cartoon graffiti, Kevin silently closed the door and considered the feasibility of filling the place with water.

In deep water, Kevin's perception will be further strengthened, and the precision and range will be improved.

If this was all filled with water...


Kevin suddenly thought that his thinking could be more diffuse, so why did he have to fill it with water?

Aren’t you very skilled in using fog these days? So why not use fog?

You don’t even need to fill the cruise ship with fog. You only need to condense the fog into silk threads and spread to every corner of the cruise ship like a spider web. You can also achieve the effect of sensing everything in the cruise ship.

Thinking of this, Kevin immediately closed his eyes and began to operate according to his idea.

Slowly, the solid fog, like spider silk, centered on him and extended in other directions of the cruise ship.

"No, the phone still can't get through."

In a certain room inside the cruise ship, Barry put down his cell phone and said helplessly to a few people beside him.

Beside Barry, the girl Ghost, Paul in a wheelchair, and the black man codenamed Flashback all gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

Barry just turned around and heard the narrator Paul chattering there:

"Obviously there is no signal here at all. Because of the mistake of tracing back, everyone is trapped in a weird cage that cannot get out. What's more terrifying is that we are not the only ones in this cage.

"Just before, Ghost met a strange guy. That guy is very similar to the human tongue, but the difference is that the guy has legs and can walk upright.


"Okay, Paul, can you shut your mouth!"

Ghost scolded Paul impatiently. She obviously couldn't stand Paul's nagging.

But Paul didn't stop, his mouth was still chattering:

"The ghost is impatient. She is scolding Paul as the narrator, but there is no way. This is Paul's ability. He can't stop narrating everything he sees unless someone seals his mouth.

"Of course, Paul doesn't want others to do this, because... puff. "

"Okay, quiet down. "

Before the narrator finished speaking, Flashback used tape that he got from somewhere and stuck it directly on the narrator's mouth, making him completely quiet.


The tape was wrapped very tightly to ensure that the narrator would not break free.

When his ears were finally quiet, Flashback said to the ghost:

"Even you can't get out?"

"No, the sense of direction in this place is very strange. I just tried to go to one place, but I went around in a circle and came back. "

The ghost shook his head, indicating that he was powerless.

Originally, the ghost, who could pass through walls, was the most suitable person to run out of the cruise ship and ask for reinforcements.

But because of the loss of control of the backtracking, the direction of this place was completely unclear. The ghost felt that he was walking in a straight line, but he would always return to the original position in the end.

And this was still good.

On the way through, the ghost also went to a room full of blood-red meat, and there was a strange monster in it.

If the ghost was not immune to any physical damage, she would probably not be able to come back at all and would die on the way to exploration.

As the oldest person here, Barry analyzed the current situation:

"According to the current situation, there should be many parallel worlds intertwined together, so it has become like this. "

"Is it because of the backtracking? "

"I don't know who the backtracking you are talking about is, but if his ability is to travel through parallel worlds... yes, it is very likely because of him! "

Barry said with certainty.

Originally, after rescuing Starlight and her mother, Barry wanted to follow Starlight back to Mallory's villa to reunite with Kevin.

But later, when Barry learned that the ghost might be from the same world as Kevin, he changed his mind and wanted to temporarily follow the ghost to help Kevin find a way to return to his original world.

Barry knew that Kevin was trapped in this world for some reason and was looking for a way to go back.

The appearance of the ghost just provided Kevin and Barry with clues to go back.

So Barry asked Starlight to take her mother back first, and he followed the ghost back to where they were hiding to see what was going on.

But as soon as they entered the cruise ship, the ghost and Barry found that they could not get out.

The situation inside the cruise ship became extremely complicated. There were originally several relatively complete routes, and even Then, the simple structure of the cabin on the top of the cruise ship turned into a complex structure that seemed to be able to go anywhere.

It was easy for the two to get in, but there was no way to get out.

No, it can't be said that there was no way to get out.

Barry relied on his extreme speed and accidentally found an exit in the cruise ship.

But the outside world connected to the exit was a distorted abstract oil painting.

When Barry touched the ink painting, he found that his arm was also assimilated into the oil painting.

He was so scared that he retreated on the spot and hid in a relatively safe place in the cabin with Ghost.

Later, they found Flashback and the Narrator who were also hiding here. The four of them met up, and Barry tried to take out the phone to communicate with Kevin again.

But the result was that the phone didn't work.

They couldn't get out either.

"So what happened to the back?"

The topic went back to the starting point, and Ghost looked at Flashback.

Flashback opened his mouth, and he stretched out his hand to Barry and Ghost and said:

"It's faster to see than to talk. "

He said, and activated his ability towards the two.

Flashback's ability is just like his code name, Flashback.

Flashback of memory.

He can "see" a certain memory of the person next to him by feeling the emotions of the person next to him, and he can also weave this memory into information to pass on to other people.

The way to activate the ability is to feel strong emotions or touch.

Sometimes, it is okay without touching, and being very close can make the person see the memory that Flashback "sees".

So even if Flashback can't touch Ghost, he can let Ghost see his memories.

Flashback activates the ability, and the memory is woven into information and flows into Barry and Ghost's minds.

Then they saw Tuhui, the superhuman who wears glasses and looks like a stunted otaku.

In Flashback's perspective, Tuhui didn't know why he was holding his head and looked very painful.

When Flashback was about to approach Suhui, Suhui suddenly let out a loud roar.

The next moment, a circle of energy waves was released from his body.

The energy waves impacted the surroundings. Flashback felt nothing when it hit him, but when it hit the surrounding buildings, those buildings began to overlap and shift as if they were blocks being moved by someone.

And they accumulated towards the middle of the space at a rapid speed.

Flashback did not hesitate at all. Seeing that Suhui's figure had been blocked by the moved building, he immediately turned around and pushed away the narrator who was still chattering, and rushed madly towards the entrance and exit of the room.

When he took the narrator out of the room, the "safe house" they were originally in was also filled with distorted buildings.

And this is the experience of Flashback and the narrator.

It can be seen from their perspective.

Suhui's ability is out of control.

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