Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 280 The Deep Sea? No, It's the God of Mist (5,000 words)

At the hearing.

Before the hearing began, everyone was whispering in their respective waiting areas.

Homelander and Storm stood together, his eyes cold, staring at the woman who was communicating with someone on the other side of the hearing.

Grace Mallory, former deputy director of the CIA.

The accusation against Homelander and Vought Group was issued by the CIA represented by Mallory.

They seemed to have crucial evidence against Vought Group, so Homelander and Storm were sitting here on behalf of Vought Group.

"This time Vought Group must have no way out."

Storm whispered in Homelander's ear.

Homelander took his eyes off Mallory and asked:

"Can't Edgar think of a solution?"

"Don't think that everything is under his control. At least he didn't think of Newman's death, and Newman may be a crucial existence in this matter. Now that she is dead, Edgar probably has no other way."

Storm explained in a low voice.

She didn't know how Edgar would use Newman as a chess piece if Newman was still alive.

But Storm knew that when the chess piece named Newman was kicked off the chessboard, this chess game was no longer under Edgar's control.

The fact that the Water Group has not issued a statement until now is the best proof.

It's not that the Water Group does not want to issue a statement, nor that the Water Group does not want to delay the opening of the court, but that they can't do it now.

In the eyes of Congress and the CIA, Water, who has already revealed his weaknesses, is an old wolf with exposed wounds.

They are waiting to tear the behemoth of the Water Group clean, and will never give the Water Group a chance to breathe.

Storm has a hunch that perhaps today is the end of the Water Group.

But it's also good. If Water really falls, the Homelanders will no longer have any scruples.

This is what Storm wants to see.

"Ahem, the hearing is about to begin. Please be quiet and sit back in your seats."

In front of the hearing, the host in charge of notarization knocked the small hammer, indicating that everyone should sit down and be quiet.

Hearings are different from courts.

The main purpose of this meeting is not to judge the criminals, but to judge the various evidence materials currently presented by both parties. Both parties will debate and finally the host of the meeting will make a judgment.

This is not to judge the Water Group, but to judge whether the witnesses, testimony and evidence provided by the CIA have the due effectiveness before the judgment.

After all, the Water Group is a large enterprise, and the CIA is not a small organization. If the two sides really want to go to court to compete, at least they must confirm the authenticity and actual effectiveness of the evidence.

The hearing started soon, and the people from the CIA and the Water Group sat down and listened to the host's reading of the hearing before the meeting.

Soon, only the voice of the host was left in the room.

But in a place where no one noticed, the door of the hearing room was quietly opened, and Kevin, wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses, found a corner in the back where no one cared and sat down.

He came here this time to ensure that things would not go to a worse place.

Or to be more precise, it is to ensure that Homelander and Storm will not go crazy and attack everyone in the field after hearing the evidence he provided.

Unlike the plot, Kevin can be sure that the Vought Group will really not be able to turn over this time.

Including Homelander and Storm.

Because what Kevin provided to Mallory was the confidential information he stole from the Vought Group, as well as the video recording of Homelander abandoning the passengers on Flight 37.

These things are really enough to send the Vought Group to hell, and this is not a joke.

So, the Vought Group in this world is really going to be finished.

"Don't blame me, I really don't have time to play games with you."

Kevin's eyes under the sunglasses fell on Homelander, and he said to himself.

If Kevin still had plenty of time, he wouldn't mind playing a game of heroes and villains with Homelander and the others, and he could also brush up on his cognition as the 'God of Fog'.

Let more people know this title, and Kevin will get closer to the Lord of Dimensions, and the blurry skill icon on Kevin's skill tree will appear faster.

But unfortunately, Kevin doesn't have that much time now.

Through retrospection, Kevin already knows that the Black Robe World is intersecting and colliding with countless parallel worlds.

If this matter is not dealt with as soon as possible, it won't be long before the colliding parallel worlds will annihilate each other and disappear in the long river of time.

This is what Ancient One mentioned, the worst situation brought about by the intersection of parallel worlds.

The remaining luck in Kevin's heart also disappeared without a trace.

This matter must be dealt with. If it is not dealt with, both here and the Black Robe Universe where Kevin is will be finished.

Before dealing with this matter, Kevin plans to completely solve the troubles of the Black Robe World here.

At least let the skill icons appear in the future and determine the future route.

That's why Kevin is sitting here.

While Kevin was thinking, the host of the hearing had already stated the main purpose of this meeting.

And invited one of the most important people in this meeting.

"…Now, please welcome Dr. Vogelbaum, the former chief scientific officer of Water International."

As soon as the hearing host finished speaking, the reporters around him were already noisy.

When the door of the conference room was opened, Wogelbaum came in from outside in a wheelchair, and the sound of shutters kept clicking could be heard around him.

Flashes flashed like stars on both sides of the hearing, and Wogelbaum came to the center of the hearing in full view of the public.

On his left were the people from the CIA, and on his right were Homelander and Storm.

Homelander looked at Wogelbaum with a complicated expression, and Wogelbaum also looked at him, but soon retracted his gaze and looked straight ahead.

Wogelbaum is Homelander's adoptive father.

His feelings for Homelander are not as ruthless as he said.

Although he said that he only treated Homelander as an experimental subject, if that was the case, how could he give his name to Homelander?

Wogelbaum's full name is John Wogelbaum.

And Homelander, he is also called John.

Although this may be a coincidence, it may be because the name John also means "nameless", but this at least proves that Wogelbaum is not completely without feelings for Homelander.

But he still appears here now, accusing Homelander and Vought Group.

Butcher's threat may be part of the reason.

But more likely, he also wants to make up for his mistakes.

The mistake of letting Homelander be born in this world.

"Dr. John Wogelbaum, thank you for coming. Next, please raise your right hand."

The host of the witness meeting said to Wogelbaum through the microphone.

Wogelbaum's right hand clenched into a fist and slowly raised it.

The host continued to ask:

"Are you willing to promise that you will answer truthfully and that every word you say at the witness meeting today is true and not false?"

"I do."

Wogelbaum said without any hesitation.

Hearing this, Homelander closed his eyes.

Storm held his hand, and there was a purple current flashing in her eyes. She didn't speak, but judging from her attitude, she was obviously planning something.

The witness meeting continued.

After Vogelbaum made his promise, the host continued:

"Very good, now you have five minutes to speak and answer, first about the accusations against the Water Group.

"Is it true that the Water Group has produced Compound No. 5 over the years, distributed Compound No. 5 all over the world, injected it into newborns, and secretly experimented with Compound No. 5 on adults?"

"It is true."

Vogbaum still did not hesitate.

And when his voice fell, countless flashes flashed again.

Dr. Vogelbaum, a former important member of the Water Group, is responsible for all scientific research matters of the Water Group.

For ordinary people, he is a well-deserved big man.

What such a big man says is certainly not wrong, and therefore the information he says is frantically recorded by reporters.

Because this is a big news that can shock the whole world for the reporters here.

The host seemed not surprised by the answer given by Vogelbaum. He looked calm and continued to say to Vogelbaum:

"So now, regarding this matter, please explain the process and experience in detail, thank you. ”

“…There is nothing to say, Mr. Host. I can be sure that all the accusations against the Vought Group in front of you are true and correct.”

“Then the Sage Mental Recovery Center is also confirmed to be one of the experimental bases of the Vought Group?”


“Very good, then now summon the former members of the Vought Group’s seven-member team…”

“I protest!”

When the host was about to let the Lamplighter appear, Homelander stood up and pointed at Vogelbaum and said:

“He is a liar! A liar who is unwilling to retire, so he wants to turn around and take revenge on the Vought Group! !”

When Homelander said this, the muscles on his face were twitching.

His blue eyes stared at Vogelbaum, as if he would spray out hot eyes to kill Vogelbaum completely in the next second.

But facing Homelander’s gaze, Vogelbaum was very calm:

“I have just sworn that everything I said is true and there is no falsehood.”


“Homelander! It's not your turn to speak yet, please sit down!"

Homelander was about to speak, but the host raised the hammer and knocked, signaling him to sit down and not to disrupt the order of the hearing.

Homelander's eyes turned to the host. He gritted his teeth, and the muscles on his face bulged slightly as he gritted his teeth. His angry look made people worry that he would go on a killing spree here.

But fortunately, Storm stopped him.

Storm was obviously more rational than Homelander. She knew that with so many cameras, it was not appropriate for them to do anything extreme here, so she pulled Homelander and asked him to sit down again.

Homelander's eyes were blazing, but he finally sat down as Storm said.

But his eyes were still staring at Vogelbaum.

The host continued to repeat what he had said before, wanting the lamplighter to come out to testify.

But someone interrupted him again.

This time it was not Homelander, but Mallory.

"Sorry, Mr. Host, before the subpoena, please allow us to make new supplements to the evidence of the Water Group's crimes."

"...The request is passed, please let Ms. Mallory speak."

Although the host was helpless, this was a reasonable request and he could not refuse, so he gestured to Mallory to ask her to submit new evidence.

Mallory walked down from the stand, took the document Kevin gave her in her hand, and showed it to everyone.

"According to our witnesses, the latest intelligence shows that what the Vought Group did was far more than what was done in the Sage Center.

"In the middle area of ​​the Vought Building, there are experiments and supervision on superhuman children. Most of these superhuman children are orphans. They will be evaluated for their abilities every once in a while, and those who fail the evaluation... will be "cleaned up" by the Vought Group.

"Yes, "cleaned up", I think everyone should understand the meaning of this word."

Mallory said, handing the document and its copy to the witnesses on the host stand.

Mallory then took out another document and continued:

"Also, there is an experimental facility called 'The Woods' in the basement of Godokin University, where they are also conducting experiments on superhumans, but the difference is that the experiments there are targeting superhumans.

"On the surface, it is a campus for training superhuman heroes, but secretly it is an experimental facility for conducting research on superhumans, Vought Group... you guys have done a really great job. "

Mallory said calmly, while handing the information related to the woods to the witnesses.

This is not the end. In addition to the woods, there are many experimental institutions under Vought.

These institutions may not be as famous as sage and the woods, but their existence is enough to explain everything.

Mallory's appearance made the reporters around him even more crazy, and surprised Homelander and Storm.

Homelander stared at Mallory, and then turned to look at Storm. He wanted to know if these things were true.

Storm, who was still calm just now, became panicked at this moment.

She realized that Mallory knew a lot of things, knew sage, and many more things that should not be exposed.

But she never thought that Mallory could come up with so many "evidence" related to the Vought Group.

This is simply lifting Vought's underwear. The Vought Group seems to have no secrets in front of her!

Mallory, the CIA... They will never do this. To what extent.

Someone must be helping them, and it must be an important member of the Vought Group, and the only one who can know this is the CEO of the Vought Group...

When Storm realized this, he felt that there must be something wrong with his brain.

Edgar would betray his group?

How could this be possible?

But if it wasn't Edgar, who would it be?

Homelander and Storm were shocked.

But they were still shocked.

Just when they thought that what Mallory said now was everything, they saw Mallory take out a small camera and show it to everyone.

When she took out the camera, she even deliberately glanced at Homelander.

This gave Homelander a very bad premonition.

Sure enough, the next moment Homelander's premonition came true.

"And, I am here to accuse Homelander of destroying Flight 37 and watching the victims of Flight 37 crash. This is the last video left by the passengers on Flight 37... "

Mallory held up the small video recorder and showed it to everyone, and then placed it on the notary table.

At that moment, Homelander felt sweat on his back for the first time.

The Vought Group was accused, and what they did was exposed.

These had no effect on Homelander at all.

What is the Vought Group? They are not a superhero group, nor are they... a company that can control the entire world. What does their life and death have to do with Homelander John?

Without Vought, Homelander will still be a superhero!

He will still be Homelander!

So he doesn't care what happens to the Vought Group at all.

But now what Mallory has taken out, Homelander can't care about it.

Being liked, respected, and worshipped as a god by thousands of fans is the foundation for Homelander to settle down.

If Mallory really wants to hand everything over to the hearing, then Homelander will lose it all!

This is something Homelander can't stand!

The anger at Mallory for saying this, the anger at the fact that he is about to lose a The panic of everything made Homelander lose his mind.

He immediately stood up, and the red heat vision was emitted instantly, and the scarlet rays went straight to the camera in Mallory's hand!

If this attack was hit, the camera in Mallory's hand and her wrist holding the camera would be smashed into pieces!

That's right, Homelander took action.

He had to take action. After all, as long as he destroyed the evidence about Flight 37, he could say whatever he wanted to the public later.

Anyway, the evidence has been destroyed, and no one can accuse him.

On the contrary, if he doesn't destroy the evidence, he will really be finished!

Homelander, who seemed to have lost his mind, actually still retained some rationality. It was for this reason that Homelander made the decision to use his ability at the hearing.

It's just a pity that Homelander didn't succeed.


The sudden sound of glass, like the discordant notes in the music, attracted Homelander's attention.

At the same time as the sound of glass rang, Homelander found that the laser he shot out had a strange refraction in the air.

It bypassed Mallory's hand and the evidence on his hand, flew upwards, and then after a strange refraction, hit Homelander's own shoulder.

Homelander was hit by his own beam, smashed the chair he was sitting on, and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

The people sitting behind him scattered when they saw this, and those reporters who finally realized what happened also raised their cameras and pointed them at Homelander, recording everything faithfully.


In the slightly noisy hearing site, crisp clapping sounds appeared.

A certain "onlooker" sitting in the back row of the hearing site stood up from his seat, clapping and walking to the front of the stage:

"It really gave me a good show, Homelander."


Homelander, who was knocked to the ground by his own laser, raised his head in astonishment when he heard the sound.

Although the visitor wore a peaked cap and sunglasses, these things could not block Homelander's perspective eyes. Through the sound and the appearance under the sunglasses, Homelander quickly analyzed the other party's identity.

That was someone who would never appear here.

It is also impossible for him to live in this world!

"You are... Shenhai!!? This is impossible!!!"

"No, no, no, that's not right."

The man walked slowly to the front, turned around and found a good angle to face the camera, as if he was an actor on stage, standing in the center of attention, raising his hands and saluting like a gentleman:

"Please call me... Fog God."

He said so, and greeted every audience in front of the TV.

It's not Shenhai who came here.

It's Fog God.

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