Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 287 The Hateful Green Light

"Some questions about the timeline."

Kevin leaned on the counter, looked at OB sitting on the ground playing with parts, and expressed his inner doubts.

OB asked in surprise:

"Timeline? What could be wrong with the sacred timeline?"

"It's not a sacred timeline, it's a branch of time. If there is such a world, its timeline begins to be chaotic, and various parallel universes are born, but these parallel universes collapse due to collisions with each other... What should I do? What can we do to save these parallel universes that are about to collapse?”


OB heard this and exclaimed:

"The collapse of the parallel universe sounds like a terrible thing, but you don't have to worry, the problems you mentioned will not occur in the sacred timeline."

"I know, I know, so what I'm saying is hypothetical, hypothetical... there is no sacred timeline, and the problem of time disintegration arises again, what should I do?"

Because the sacred timeline has space-time incrementer constraints, it can prevent too many time branches from appearing, resulting in collisions.

The Time Management Bureau can also restore the stability of the sacred timeline by cutting off time variants.

This is certainly one way to deal with it.

But it's a pity that Kevin's world does not have a Time Management Bureau and a sacred timeline.

They are like rivers flowing in the void, unable to be restrained and unable to find a way to restrain them.

Besides, the method of forcibly leaving only one timeline and destroying all other timelines is not in line with Kevin's wishes, so he is looking for a way here.

Faced with Kevin's question, OB answered decisively:

"Then create a sacred timeline, just like the Guardians do!"

"But...what if it can't be done?"

"I can't do it...Oh, you're stumping me with this question."

OB thought for a moment, put down his work and started thinking:

"If, according to you, the timelines are colliding and disintegrating, and there is no sacred timeline, then the best way to prevent them from continuing to disintegrate is to prevent them from colliding."

"How to do it?"

"Create a constraining device that can constrain the direction of the timeline and restore it from order to disorder."

"Yes! That's it!!"

Seeing that OB quickly came up with a solution, Kevin was overjoyed and said quickly:

"Do you have a way to create this restraint device? Even just a miniaturized prototype?"

Kevin also knew that it would be impossible for OB to create a constraint device that could constrain several timelines.

After all, Kevin has seen with his own eyes how huge the timeline is.

To make a device that can constrain the timeline, the materials and time required will be incalculable.

But it doesn't matter. Kevin doesn't need the OB to actually make a complete device that constrains the timeline. He only needs the other party to make a prototype, a complete prototype that contains all the details.

Kevin can find a way to copy it, enlarge it, and then constrain the timeline!

Thinking of this, Kevin couldn't help but sigh, the Bureau of Time Management is indeed the Bureau of Time Management. He did not come to the wrong place. He got the solution from OB in less than a day.

But Kevin soon discovered that he was happy a little early.

Because OB answered simply and decisively: "Sorry, I can't do it."


The smile on Kevin's face froze and he looked at OB in shock.

OB said naturally:

"I have never seen the timeline collapse, and even if I have seen it, it will take me a long time to create the relevant device because of the different timelines..."

"Time is not a problem! Anyway, the most important point is that you haven't seen it before, right? Okay, give me your hand!"

Kevin reached out to OB.

OB didn't quite understand and held his hand, and asked doubtfully:

"What are you going to do?"

"Take you to see the timeline collapse."

Kevin told the truth.

Since the current problem is that OB has never seen the timeline collapse, then why don’t Kevin just go and take him to meet him?

Kevin has been able to use magic in the world of black robes, and with the experience of following Huey through the world, he can enter the void filled with different timelines even without relying on Huey.

So Kevin can take OB for a tour of his own universe and see the disintegration of the timeline.

Maybe then OB can be inspired to create a corresponding restraint device.

"Although I am indeed curious about what time disintegration looks like... but in the Time Management Bureau, it would be against the law for you to rashly travel through time."

Seeing that Kevin was about to take him away, OB reminded him with concern.

The Time Administration will not tolerate behavior that disrupts the timeline, especially if Kevin is still an agent. If you do this, you will be guilty of knowing the law and breaking the law.

He will face severe punishment at that time.

But after hearing OB's reminder, Kevin smiled at him:

"It doesn't matter. The Bureau of Time Management can't control me yet. Get ready, we're going to go."

Does the Time Management Bureau have the ability to manage another completely different universe?

Just kidding, if the Time Management Bureau was really that capable, it wouldn't be so overwhelmed by the hidden power of time in the end that Loki would have to come to the rescue.

Get ready, grab the OB, Kevin closes his eyes and prepares to return to the black robe universe.


One second, two seconds... more than ten seconds passed, and the surrounding scene did not change.

Kane opened his eyes dully, looked at the scene in the maintenance department, and was stunned for a long time before muttering:

"No... No, this shouldn't be..."

"I think you don't know that the Time Management Bureau has a buffer that prohibits magic and superpowers?"

OB approached carefully and asked.

Kevin said unhappily:

"I know, of course I know, but..."

The ability to travel through other universes should not be banned by the Time Management Bureau.

After all, they don't belong to the same system!

But then again, the Time Management Bureau can ban Kevin's magic, and perhaps there are indeed means to prohibit Kevin from traveling... No, no, no, no!

Kevin, who failed to successfully return to his own world, was almost bypassed by OB.

It was not the Time Management Bureau that made Kevin's magic and superpowers ineffective.

It was Loki!

And now the person who prevented Kevin from going back is also Loki! !

In addition to Loki, who has already sat on the throne of the God of Stories, Kevin couldn't figure out who has such a great ability to isolate the power system that does not belong to the Marvel Universe!

Loki wants Kevin to stay here.

After figuring out the key, Kevin silently let go of OB's hand and said to him:

"...Okay, it seems that I can't take you to see it, but I will draw it for you when the time comes. Please help me think of how to do it. This is very important... Thank you!"

Kevin originally wanted to tell OB that he would reward him handsomely after the task was completed.

But after thinking about it, he didn't know what OB wanted. Besides, Kevin was trapped in the Time Management Bureau and couldn't return to the black robe. His magic ability was also sealed, leaving only physical fitness and fighting ability.

With only these left, he said that he would reward him handsomely after the task was completed... It was a bit unreliable.

So he simply didn't promise anything, and kept it in mind. When OB really completed it in the future and Kevin recovered his original strength, he would help OB complete something that Kevin could do.

Although OB was asked by Kevin, and he didn't ask for any compensation, he was not angry at all. Instead, he smiled and said:

"Sure, it's just to kill time when I'm bored, but will you come here often in the future?"

"Of course!"

"That's great, finally someone can come down to chat with me."

OB said happily.

But Kevin always felt a little strange when he heard this.

What do you mean by 'come down to chat with me'? It's as if we are all dead...

Kevin didn't say it in his heart, smiled back at OB, and left the maintenance department.


It's not something that can be done overnight to let Ouropollo make the time constraint device, and during this period, Kevin has to stay in the Time Management Bureau to work.

Originally, Kevin should have wandered around the universe at this time, but now he is trapped here.

As an employee of the Time Management Bureau, you can't leave the Time Management Bureau without a mission.

Even if there is a mission, you can't stay on the timeline for too long, otherwise it will cause time branching.

So Kevin was idle for a while, reading the agent manual given by Mobius every day to learn how to become a successful agent of the Time Management Bureau.

Then he fell into a state of doing nothing.

Although the Time Management Bureau has to work every day and has no proper holidays, they do not have much work.

Take Kevin himself as an example. If a day is calculated as 24 hours, Kevin can do almost nothing if he has no tasks.

Just stay at the workstation.

Except for no salary and no rich entertainment, the work of the Time Management Bureau is really a dream job for others.

However, no matter how idle the time is, there will be an end.

Just when Kevin was doing nothing and making paper airplanes for himself with the documents on the table, a round, orange clock jumped out of the time tablet next to Kevin.

The clock was orange and cartoon-style, with two cute big eyes, and two black line arms with white gloves.

It... or rather, she is Miss Minute, the artificial intelligence of the Time Management Bureau, which has self-awareness and wisdom, manages the electronic file archives of the entire Time Management Bureau, as well as the operation of some important equipment.

It sounds quite normal.

But this guy is a sickly girl obsessed with Kang.

Yes, you heard it right, this cute mascot-like artificial intelligence is actually a sickly girl who is madly in love with Kang!

Although she looks very normal now, Kevin will never forget how Miss Minute expressed her love to the inventor Kang in the second season of "Loki".

But fortunately, as long as Kang is not involved, Miss Minute is a very normal TVA assistant, helping agents and pursuers search for time variants.

"Kevin, you have a job."

As soon as the cute Miss Minute jumped out, she said to Kevin.

Then a cartoon-like folder appeared on her right, and the folder unfolded in front of Kevin:

"The F-13 team of the hunters has lost a time variant. He has now entered a special time node, causing a time branch. You now need to search for his traces and arrest him before he causes more time branches.

"Oh, by the way, you can delete him directly when necessary. You know how to do it, Kevin."

"Yes, I understand. Is this the information of this time variant?"

Kevin pointed to the folder beside him and asked.

Miss Minute smiled:

"Yes, I will send the complete file to your time tablet later. I wish you a successful first mission, Kevin."

Miss Minute said, turning the file into an orange sphere and "throwing" it into Kevin's time tablet.

Then she turned into a yellow comet again and disappeared from Kevin's sight.

"Going on a mission? Congratulations."

After Miss Minute left, Mobius came over with juice and congratulated Kevin.

Kevin reviewed the file and asked Mobius:

"As an old man in the bureau, do you have any suggestions?"

Kevin just asked casually, mainly to communicate with Mobius, so that when Loki comes to the Time Management Bureau, Mobius can take him to investigate the time variant of "Loki".

Mobius sat on Kevin's desk, lowered his head and thought for a while and said:

"My advice is, don't be soft-hearted."

"That's all?"

"Yes, that's all. Don't think this advice seems useless, but in fact, many pursuers have let time variants go because of their soft hearts, causing greater disasters."

Mobius' words became heavier when he said this.

This is not a joke. The issue of time variants is very serious. Once there is any softness or hesitation, it will cause greater disasters on the sacred timeline.

What Kevin has to do next is to lead a whole team to capture time variants. If he hesitates at a critical moment, the time hunting team he leads will be hurt.

Even himself.

Nodding slightly, Kevin said that he listened to Mobius' words, and then took out the document that Miss Minute gave him and read it.

Fortunately, the time variants Kevin needs to deal with this time are not anyone in the Marvel Universe that he is familiar with.

This person is just a corporate executive. He will have a very good life in the future. He will be with his childhood sweetheart, get married, and finally die surrounded by his children and grandchildren.

According to the normal trajectory, this is what happened.

But this time variant didn't know what happened. He didn't go to work when he was supposed to go to work, which caused the timeline to change.

Not only will his future be changed, but this series of chain reactions will also cause many casualties.

Anyway, this is what the file says. As for whether it is true, Kevin doesn't know.

And the key is what happened afterwards.

The pursuers originally sent people to arrest him, but they don't know what happened to the team, so that the man ran away.

Now the time variant is still wandering around on the mutated timeline. If it is not controlled, this time branch will become longer and longer.

It will even affect the sacred timeline.

For this reason, the Time Management Bureau has to send agents to hunt him down.

After understanding this person's file, Kevin picked up the time tablet and took the pursuit team to 2011 where the man was.

2011 on the sacred timeline.

At this point in time, there is still one year left before the establishment of the Avengers.

"The place where the man disappeared is here."

The pursuer who came with Kevin is named D-16, a white male with a beard.

These pursuers have no names, they are named by code names, and the experienced pursuers among them serve as captains.

D-16 is the captain of this team.

Now he obeys Kevin.

"He can't run too far. Check the traces of time left nearby. In addition, prepare the time cutter. Don't let too many people see us."

Kevin gave orders very skillfully.

Sometimes the manual of the Time Management Bureau is there. As long as you read the records carefully, even an ordinary person can become a qualified Time Management Bureau agent.

Simply put... this agent manual is too fool-proof, or the Time Management Bureau agents need to be responsible for too few things.

He didn't even take the exam!

It seems that as long as you are created by the Time Guardian and placed in this position, you can become a qualified agent!

Anyway, this is how Kevin feels now.

There is no technical content at all, it's just like playing a game.

No matter what Kevin thinks, the pursuers who came with him are all seriously carrying out the tasks he has assigned.

The four pursuers, including D-19, quickly analyzed the time traces nearby to lock the escaped variant.

With the technology of the Time Administration as support, everyone soon found the place where the variant escaped and hid.

In an unfinished unfinished building.

It is now night, and the unfinished building is pitch black, making it difficult to see clearly.

Kevin tried to use his perception ability to perceive everything in the building, but got a hazy feeling.

After leaving the Time Administration, most of Kevin's magic abilities have been unlocked. Except for being unable to return to his original world, other abilities are not affected in any way.

This proves that Kevin was unable to use magic before, and it was indeed the fault of the Time Administration.

It also proves that he cannot travel through time, and it was indeed Loki's fault.

But now is not the time to talk about these.

With Kevin's perception ability, let alone an unfinished building, even if it was a small town, as long as he wanted, he could sense everything inside in detail.

But now he felt a hazy feeling from this unfinished building.

This proves that something is wrong here.

"Be careful, I feel a little strange."

Because he didn't want the survivor Kang to know about his special existence, Kevin couldn't use his special ability in front of the people in the Time Management Bureau, so he could only warn them tactfully.

Fortunately, Kevin's current status is relatively high. Although the pursuers didn't understand why Kevin said that, they still agreed and began to approach the unfinished building cautiously.

The unfinished building was pitch black, like a monster's huge mouth, as if it would swallow everything that entered here.

Kevin watched the two pursuers walk in, staring at the surroundings vigilantly to prevent any sneak attacks.

It was at this moment——


A shrill scream came from the unfinished building, and the two pursuers who were originally in Kevin's sight disappeared in an instant!

And at the moment when the two pursuers disappeared, Kevin keenly caught a glimpse of light.

A glimmer... Now he hates the green light.

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