Kevin is now standing in front of an old castle.

This is the Castle of Time, where Kang, the remnant, lives in seclusion, and Kevin knows it.

But he remembered that he should still be restraining Elios. Why did he appear here?

So who is Elios being restrained now?

Nothing will happen to Nightcrawler and the others...

Without Kevin, Elios loses his target and will definitely choose to attack others. Others are not as strong as Kevin, let alone as physically fit as him, to be able to withstand Elios' attack.

If he is caught by Elios, the outcome may not be much better.

But now that he has appeared in front of the castle, it is impossible for Kevin to turn around and go back.

Before Loki arrived, Kevin decided to meet Kang, the remnant.

After all, the fact that he is able to come here proves that this is the instruction of Kang, the survivor. Otherwise, do you really think that if you connect with Elios, you can come to the Castle of Time?

Everything was arranged by Kang, the Legacy.

Including Sylvie, including Loki.

In fact, like Gu Yi, he did all these things in order to find himself an heir.

Wait a moment...

Speaking of Ancient One, Kevin suddenly had a bad premonition.

In order to retire, Ancient One dragged Kevin over to become a young man. Kang, the survivor, probably didn’t want to drag Kevin over to become a young man, right?

Thinking of this, Kevin suddenly lost the idea of ​​meeting Kang, the survivor.

It's not enough to be the Sorcerer Supreme, but you also want to tie yourself to the Marvel Universe and become the God of Story?

Sorry, no way, bye!

Realizing that he might be pulled over to sit on the toilet, Kevin immediately turned around and left.

However, as soon as he took a step forward, his body suddenly flew backwards, and the surrounding images were distorted into rays, flying from behind to the front.

When everything stopped, Kevin was already inside the Castle of Time.

He faced the 'elevator' in front of him, with his back to the person sitting at the desk behind him.

Is it Kang, the remnant?

Perception and magic were greatly weakened after entering this space. Kevin could only vaguely feel that there was someone behind him, but he was not sure who the person behind him was.

Logically speaking, there would be no one else here except Kang, the survivor.

But Kevin had a hunch.

The person behind you.

I'm afraid it's not Kang who is left behind.

"Won't you turn around and take a look?"

Sure enough, the voice behind him was different from Kang, the survivor, and the voice made Kevin's heart sink, and the bad premonition became more obvious.

Turning around slowly, Kevin's eyes darkened when he saw the man sitting behind the desk.

"I knew it!"

Staring at the man in front of him with gritted teeth, Kevin's mouth twitched and he spoke word by word.

The man sitting behind the desk laughed. He leaned back in his chair and said with a smile:

"Are you surprised or surprised?"


Kevin didn't say anything, just stared at him, looking at the other person's face that was exactly like his own, looking at the indescribable playful smile on the other person's face, his heart gradually sank to the bottom.

That's right, the person sitting behind the desk at this moment is not Kang, the survivor he imagined.

But himself.

In other words, it is his version of Kevin in this universe.

Kang, the Legacy, became Kevin, the Legacy...

Although he had heard from Nightcrawler and others before that when they formed the [Kevin Council], Kevin had a premonition that the plot would become completely different.

But he really didn't expect that the person who became the person left behind would actually be changed.

This left him not knowing what to say.

"who are you?"

After a long time, Kevin asked a seemingly stupid question.

Who the other party is, no one should know better than him.

The person left behind kept smiling, with his feet crossed on the table, and replied:

"Don't you already have the answer?"

"But that's impossible! If you are really the one left behind, why would there still be..."

"So many 'us'? It's simple, because the person who created the sacred timeline is not me, but Kang."


Kevin was stunned.

The person left behind smiled and said:

"The time that everyone traveled through is actually different. They are actually evenly distributed at every time point in the sacred timeline, and I... traveled through the earliest time, and I became the subordinate of Kang, the legacy."

He slowly explained his origins and told his story:

"Yes, I traveled to Kang's era before the establishment of the sacred timeline, and got to know Kang of that era, and then... I assisted him, accompanied him, and helped him create the entire Time Management Bureau, and finally... I betrayed "


"Sorry, saying this may cause misunderstanding, or it can be said that... with his active cooperation, I usurped his position, just after he created the sacred timeline and everything was on track."

The remaining person in front of me is a ruthless character.

During his relationship with Kang Changchang, the survivor, he fully gained the other party's trust, and then with the other party's active cooperation, he betrayed the other party.

Kevin's eyes widened when he heard this.

Actively cooperate?

What means?

Kevin was about to ask, but the other party seemed to be aware of what Kevin was going to ask, and said bluntly:

"You heard me right, he just actively cooperated. He knew what I was going to do, and I also knew that he knew what I was going to do, so he gave me this position without resisting. Do you understand why?"

"...He wants to retire? So early?"

Kevin came up with a reasonable explanation.

Apart from the fact that Kang the Legacy didn't want to continue sitting in this position, Kevin couldn't figure out why Kang the Legacy would take the initiative to hand the knife to the man in front of him.

The remaining person smiled again:

"Yes, no one wants to stay in a void with nothing all the time. Even I have been unable to bear the loneliness for so long. But fortunately, you are here, or... you are finally here. ”

"I will come here...did you arrange it?"

Kevin thought about what he experienced when he came to the Time Management Bureau.

Miss Minute turned a blind eye to her own anomalies, and Losrael did not realize that Kevin was an outsider who had mixed in.

At the time, Kevin thought this was arranged by Loki, but looking at it now, it might have something to do with the person left behind in front of him.

What surprised Kevin was that when he heard Kevin's question, the remaining man nodded and shook his head:

"Yes and no."

"Stop playing riddles!"

"Don't worry, we still have plenty of time, I can take my time."

The person left behind signaled Kevin not to worry, and he organized some words before continuing:

"I said yes because your status in the Management Bureau is what I left behind, so no one will doubt you.

"And I say no because... I don't have that much power to drag you, who doesn't belong to the Marvel world, into this universe. There is only one person who can do this."


"No, it's you."


" in the future."

The people left behind spoke with great assurance, as if they were sure that the person who sent Kevin to the sacred timeline was not Loki, but Kevin himself.

Kevin is puzzled:

"Why not Loki?"

Kevin always thought that Loki sent him here.

After all, the green light he saw when he traveled through time represents everything. In the Marvel world, green has become Loki's representative color.

That is the color of time.

Faced with Kevin's question, the remaining people just asked a rhetorical question:

"Do you think Loki is so capable that he can keep you in this world who can travel to other universes? If he can really do it, then he is not just the God of Story in the Marvel world."

Each world has its own power system. No matter how powerful Loki is, he is only the God of Story in the Marvel world. He cannot transcend this system and truly go to other worlds.

There is no way to force Kevin to stay in this world.

The origin of Kevin's skill tree is unknown, but it is certain that its technical content is higher than that of Marvel, DC and the Black Robe world combined.

There is a high probability that Loki will not be able to manipulate Kevin's skill tree. From this, it can be inferred that it may not be Loki who keeps Kevin in the Marvel Universe.

But it’s Kevin himself…

"You want to was me who became the God of Story in the end?"

Kevin came up with the most improbable guess.

The person left behind asked:

"Will you be the God of Stories?"

"How is that possible! Of course not!!"

Kevin answered without thinking.

He didn't have as high a consciousness as Loki. He would rather die than sit on the throne forever and not be able to move.

That's not his character.

The person left behind smiled and said:

"Yeah, I don't think so, so I guess it's possible that you and Loki have reached an agreement... and for this, you need to ask Loki personally."

"I would like to, but I asked Loki before and he didn't respond to me."

When Kevin met Loki for the first time, he tested his tone to see if Loki would come out and talk to him.

After all, if Loki has really become the God of Story, at this point in time, he will definitely be able to borrow his body to chat with people.

But Loki didn't.

This proves that either Loki doesn't want to chat with Kevin, or Loki can't interfere with the timeline here after sending Kevin here.

Therefore, there was no way to come out and meet Kevin.

But no matter what it is, Kevin can't communicate with Loki face to face, let alone have a heart-to-heart talk.

"Is this so..."

The remaining person was thinking, and he guessed as if he had a clue:

"Maybe it's not that he doesn't want to, but that he can't."

"What do you know?"

"Although it's just my guess, I guess Loki may not be as easy to interfere with as you think."

The remnant said, and in front of Kevin, the black metal gravel condensed into a pattern.

It is divided into three sections, implying the past, present and future.

The pattern that represents the past is countless irregular lines.

The pattern that represents the present is a ring of time forming a circle.

The pattern that represents the future is a towering tree with roots and branches.

Kevin knows what these are.

These are the three stages before making up the Sacred Timeline, the present with the Sacred Timeline, and Loki becoming the God of Story and the timeline becoming the Tree of Time.

After showing this in front of Kevin, the legacy man said:

"The timeline of the Marvel world is actually always looping. No matter what they have experienced, whether it will be destroyed in the future, when they come to the end, they will definitely start again.

“So no matter what stage you’re at, the same story happens over and over again in the Marvel world.

“But this is within the timeline, and outside the timeline, the time of the Marvel world cannot be circulated.

“For example, the ‘Kan’ war that happened a long time ago, the current sacred timeline, and the time tree ‘created’ by Loki in the future, these key time nodes, they cannot be circulated.

“What happened is what happened, and what ended is what ended. Even Loki himself can only do whatever he wants in his own time tree. He cannot interfere with the Kang war, let alone the sacred timeline.

“Because this is what has happened to Loki.”

“Then according to what you said, he can’t send me here at all…”

“Yes, that’s why I said that it was you who sent you here. Only people outside the standard can do this kind of thing, and that’s why Loki can’t chat with you.

“Because the person who sent you here was not him, he can’t interfere with the things inside the sacred timeline.”

The person left behind said his guess.

In short, Loki, the god of stories, can’t enter the sacred timeline period, because for him, the sacred timeline does not exist at all.

So Kevin can’t talk to Loki.

After all, no one can see this side, so how can I chat with him?

"There is no way now. I can't chat with Loki. I don't know what agreement Loki has reached with my future self, so I can't answer your question."

Kevin spread his hands, looking helpless.

He knew that the legacy wanted to seek answers to certain questions from him, but unfortunately Kevin didn't know, and he couldn't know now.

"It doesn't matter. I didn't call you here to seek answers to questions."

The legacy said very freely. He sat up straight and said to Kevin with a smile:

"I just want to see you, that's all."

"What should I see?"

"After all, you are the theoretical source. According to the setting, we are all your clones, and even the nutrients that can make you a 'god'."

The legacy said bluntly.

Thinking of the scene of the death of the Hulk variant, Kevin had nothing to say, only silence.

Because from the energy and skill points he absorbed, what the legacy said was not exaggerated.

"So? What are you going to do when you see me? Eliminate me, the source?"

Although Kevin didn't think that 'he' would have murderous intentions towards others for no reason, he was a threat to everyone here after all.

Especially the legacy in front of him.

He was powerful and had lived for an unknown number of years. Both his mentality and personality were very different from Kevin before he crossed over.

If the other party wanted to kill Kevin, Kevin would not be surprised at all.

But Kevin was also prepared.

He didn't have the habit of surrendering. If the guy in front of him wanted to attack Kevin, he had to be prepared to fight Kevin.

Although Kevin didn't think he could beat the legacy who controlled time.

But the good thing was that the legacy didn't seem to have any intention of dealing with Kevin.

He shook his head at Kevin, his eyes slightly complicated:

"I don't have that plan, and... I'm afraid we can't kill you either."

"... Why do you say that?"

"Because we are just 'nutrients', nutrients... how can we kill something that needs to be cultivated?"

The words of the Legacy seemed to have a deeper meaning.

Before Kevin could figure it out, the Legacy raised his hand to signal Kevin to leave:

"Okay, you can go, Loki and the others are here, I still have to continue the plot."

"Do you plan to stay here and be killed by them?"

Although Kevin knew that the Legacy must die here, only in this way can the plot of "Loki" continue, but Kevin didn't believe that he would be a person who would sit back and wait for death.

At least Kevin couldn't accept that he would simply die according to his original destiny.

But the Legacy quickly replied:

"This is my destiny, and I really don't want to stay here anymore. I need a successor."


"The conversation with you is over, Kevin, goodbye."

Kevin was about to ask again, but the Legacy didn't plan to continue the conversation.

He waved at Kevin, and Kevin's body flew up by himself, just like when he came, flying towards the place where he came from.

Before leaving the Castle of Time, Kevin saw the Legacy turning some device on his wrist and turning himself into the appearance of the Legacy Kang.

Then Loki and Sylvie came in, and the Legacy, who looked like the Legacy Kang, began to talk to them.

This was the last scene reflected in Kevin's pupils.

Then... his eyes were filled with dazzling green again.


Iron Man and Night Walker stood side by side, looking at Elios who was completely motionless in front of them, and looked at each other without speaking.

They were waiting for something, and the people around them were also waiting for something.

Finally, as if they had received some signals, Night Walker and Iron Man moved at the same time.

Iron Man instantly raised the hand cannon in his hand and aimed at Night Walker, and the laser fired out.

And Night Walker also teleported away at the same time, not giving Iron Man a chance to hit.

Iron Man's magic suppression device has been destroyed by Cassie, and he can't stop Night Walker from leaving now, but it doesn't matter, Iron Man never thought that he could kill Night Walker with one blow.

Forcing Night Walker to leave him, Iron Man closed his visor again and retreated.

He said to the super soldier who was watching the show not far away:

"It's time! Open the channel! Let them come over!!"

Night Walker also said to Cathy at the same time:

"Time's up, contact the magician, let them all come over!!"

The super soldier and Cathy did not hesitate at all, and each of them used their own way to convey the message to the outside world.

Then, in just two seconds, behind Iron Man, more than a dozen spaceships that came here by space jump suddenly appeared.

And behind Night Walker, circles of portal halos appeared on the ground, and dozens of Kevins, along with their companions, walked out of the halo together.

At that moment, they all knew one thing.

Loki killed the remaining people, and the sacred timeline no longer constrained time, so they didn't have to worry about the Time Management Bureau.


The first 'Kevin Multiverse War' was thus opened with Kevin himself as the fuse and the void as the battlefield.

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