Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 305: Gathering

In the end, Kevin failed to let Annie succeed.

The main reason is that he is afraid that the process of 'reminiscing about old times' with Anne will not pass the trial.

But having said that, Kevin and Annie still had a warm relationship for a while, and it wasn't until the evening when Logan came to the door that the two of them started to deal with it formally.

There are a lot of people from the Marvel world.

Not to mention the people from the Mutant Academy, there is also Carol, the Captain who has not been able to regain her memory, and several people from the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Kevin made arrangements for them first, asking Charles and the others to go back to the Mutant Academy first, and then visit him when he had time.

Then arrange for people from the Vought Group to pick up the Guardians of the Galaxy who are still in the wilderness and resettle them.

It was during this period that I began to sort out my current abilities.

When fighting Apocalypse, Kevin unconsciously said words like "I am God" to him.

Although Kevin is indeed a god-like existence in the Black Robe Universe now, he was not so arrogant before and really thought he was the god of this world.

But in front of Tianqi, Kevin still said this.

And he really thought so at the time.

Coupled with the lack of emotional control that occasionally showed up, this made Kevin feel bad.

"My xinxing has become a child...that wouldn't be fun."

Kevin feels that this may be because his body has become a child, and his mentality has become unstable and immature.

Under normal circumstances, this change would be nothing.

But now the Black Robe Universe is at a critical moment of life and death. Any decision that is not handled well may lead to the destruction of the Black Robe Universe.

Kevin is worried that his mentality will not be able to handle the collapse of the parallel universe.

But even though he thought so, deep in Kevin's consciousness, he felt that the collapse of the parallel universe was nothing.

The worst he can do is imitate Loki, grab the timeline, and become the god of all black-robed universes!

How cool is that-

——So cool! !

As soon as this idea came to his mind, Kevin pressed it down hard.

Again, Kevin was so full that he sat on the toilet and wouldn't move for the rest of his life?

Did he think he was some kind of emperor? !

Shaking his head, Kevin got rid of all the secondary thoughts in his head, and then looked sad.

It was just speculation before, but now it is basically certain.

His current mentality has been affected by his young body.

It is full of the energy, passion, innocence, and middle school that young people should have.

It is precisely because of this that he calls himself a god in front of Apocalypse.

It's not that these emotions are bad, it's just that sometimes things can't be done with passion.

Things you do impulsively will definitely be regretted in the future, Kevin can guarantee this.

"It seems that I need to pay more attention in the future... By the way, I haven't seen how the world line of the Black Robe Universe is going."

Only now did Kevin remember that he had not yet determined the situation of the parallel universes in Black Robe.

From Annie's words, it was not difficult for Kevin to know that five months had passed in the black robe world.

Five months is neither long nor long, but for the collapsing black-robed parallel universe, it is definitely not short.

Kevin remembered that when he left, the parallel universe had already collapsed.

After these five months, God knows what other parallel universes will look like.

After thinking for a moment, Kevin opened the portal and went directly from the black robe timeline here to the outer void.

Countless time ribbons appeared in front of Kevin, but surprisingly, these time ribbons showed no signs of collapse at this moment.

To ask why...

"...This is...the timeline of the Marvel Universe?"

Yes, the Marvel Universe, the time branch that caused chaos due to the elimination of those left behind, is entangled with the Black Robe Universe where Kevin is located.

The two sides are now playing a complementary role.

On the one hand, it ensures that there will not be too many time tributaries in the Marvel world, and on the other hand, it delays the collapse of the Black Robe timeline.

Seeing this, Kevin knew why so many Marvel characters appeared in this world.

Here's why.

But this is not a good thing.

Kevin can see that although the timeline of the Marvel Universe and the Black Robe World are integrated with each other, their integration is clearly distinct.

From a distance, it doesn't look like a fusion at all, but rather like different threads wrapped around a rope!

And the deeper the degree of 'integration', the more signs of collapse they show.

But this kind of collapse, in a strange situation, actually slowed down the progress of the destruction of the worlds on both sides.

But Kevin always felt like this was only temporary.

Now both worlds are walking on an extremely dangerous cliff, and a slight mistake will lead to an irreversible outcome.

If this continues, it won't be surprising if one day the whole world suddenly collapses!

"The time constrainer... Tsk, I ran out before OB could build it... I don't know what the situation in the Marvel Universe is now..."

Kevin didn't dare to act rashly now.

Although he has now integrated with the skill tree and completely mastered the way to travel through the world, even because he has integrated with the skill tree too completely, all his abilities are beginning to move towards a higher level.

But Kevin still doesn't dare to do such a thing as traveling across the world.

He was worried that after he traveled through the Marvel Universe, it would directly cause the collapse of the timeline, and then everyone would be finished together!

"Think about it again, think about it again... eh?"

Rubbing his eyebrows, Kevin wanted to think about it again.

But before he could think for long, he saw layers of film-like things suddenly appearing in the void farther away, extending towards the already chaotic timeline.

Kevin recognized that thing.

It was the time ball of the DC Universe!

The stretched and extended time ball! !

"Fuck! This is going to be completely messed up!"

The Marvel Universe hasn't been settled yet, and the DC Universe is going to be messed up again.

Kevin is now very fortunate that he didn't travel through more copy worlds, otherwise he doesn't know how many worlds will collide with the Black Robe Universe.

The approach speed of the DC Universe is not too fast now. According to this progress, it will take at least a few months to contact the universe of the Black Robe World.

But Kevin can't drag it on now.

Even if it may cause the world to collapse, he has to find a chance to go back to the Marvel Universe to take a look!

"… Let's go back and rest for a while."

Kevin didn't dare to look at the timeline in the void anymore, he sighed and went home.

Kevin felt bad because of the increasingly serious troubles.

He felt very tired now, and just wanted to have a good rest first, and then make plans.


"Ha, the technology here is too backward, you can't even make a machine for physical examination?"

This ridicule came from the genius Rocket.

After Kevin came back, he stayed with Annie for two days and began to think about checking his body.

He originally wanted to determine whether there was any problem with his body through a more detailed examination.

But after returning to Water, he found that the equipment of Water Group could not complete the physical examination of him at all.

The level of technology was not enough, and the things analyzed were not accurate at all.

There was no way, and Kevin could only ask Rocket to help him build a machine for physical examination.

As one of the best geniuses in the Marvel Universe, Rocket built an instrument that could check the body of higher organisms in a few days after learning of Kevin's request using the parts provided by Kevin.

Now he was testing Kevin's body while mocking him.

"I know our technology is really backward for you, so stop mocking me and tell me the result directly."

Kevin, lying on the testing instrument, said helplessly.

He had had enough of being a child these days, although he was not a child now, at most a teenager.

But so many people looked at him with the eyes of a child, which made him a little uncomfortable.

And his height became much shorter, from the original 1.8 meters to barely 1.6 meters.

Not even as tall as the captain!

What made Kevin even more unacceptable was that Annie always pressed on him!

Well... I won't go into details here.

Anyway, Kevin now wants to change back as soon as possible.

Not to change back with magic, but to truly "grow" back to the original appearance.

At least the height should be restored to its original state!

It's just a pity that Raccoon Rocket didn't seem to find anything.

He studied the data that Kevin couldn't understand for a long time, and finally came to the conclusion:

"Your body is very healthy, just like a newborn baby... um... this is not a metaphor."


"Anyway, judging from the data above, your body age is probably not even one year old... you really have regained your youth."

Rocket sat on the chair and turned around, and continued:

"Body density... health level... cardiopulmonary function... all are fine, but it will be a bit difficult for you to grow up in the future."

"What do you mean...?"

"According to the data, your body lifespan has been infinitely extended, and the same is true for growth time. I can't predict how long it will take you to "adult". Conservatively estimated... I'm afraid it won't work within a hundred years. God, you are immortal, brother!"

Rocket said to Kevin teasingly.

He didn't have any idea about immortality. Anyway, there are so many long-lived races in the universe.

Not to mention others, just Groot alone, he has lived much longer than everyone Kevin's longevity is indeed not a surprising thing.

Moreover, in their impression, Kevin is actually almost the same as a god.

Even Ego, the ‘false god’, can live from the beginning of the universe to the present. So what’s wrong with Kevin, the ‘true god’ who killed Ego, living longer?

On the contrary, Rocket couldn’t help but want to laugh at Kevin when he thought that he would maintain the appearance of a little brat until his death.

It was because Kevin had dealt with him before that he didn’t dare to ridicule so wantonly now.

“Hahahaha! You’ve been a little brat all your life!”

Well, Rocket couldn’t help it after holding back for a long time.

He threw away the data in his hand, and slapped the table with his little paws to burst into laughter.

“When I think about when I’m old and you walk beside me, when others ask about our relationship, I answer ‘Oh, I’m his Rocket Grandpa’, I can’t help it… Hahaha! Rocket Grandpa——”


His fist was hard.

Kevin’s forehead was bulging with veins, and the corners of his mouth twitched as he suppressed the urge to beat up Rocket.

He took a deep breath and said with a fake smile:

"Rocket, if you want to learn from Drax and practice water skills in the 'washing machine'... then you can keep laughing."

"Pfft... cough cough... well, who laughed? I didn't! By the way, I remember Quill seemed to say that he would take me to see the customs of this country..."

Rocket was able to let go.

Seeing that Kevin was really angry and wanted to turn him into a 'drenched raccoon', Rocket immediately got off the chair and ran outside.

But before he ran two steps, he found that he couldn't run anymore.

Looking down, he saw that the blue whip was wrapped around his waist.

"Hey! Using tricks is too much! I'm not laughing now!"

Rocket, who was dragged over by Kevin, was hanging upside down in the air to protest.

Kevin rolled his eyes at him unhappily, then took out a manual from his treasure house and threw it to Rocket:

"I didn't mean to cause you trouble, but I have something serious to tell you. This thing, you study it and see if the 'time control device' mentioned above can be made."

"Time control?"

Rocket untied the magic whip at his waist and landed nimbly with the manual in his hand.

He looked at the cover of the manual in his hand, then opened it again, raised his eyebrows and asked:

"Time Variance Administration Manual? I remember that the thing called the time tablet I got from the ancient ruins before came from this organization?"

Rocket still remembered the experience when they got the time tablet.

Originally, Rocket wanted to study the time tablet to see if he could make the same thing.

It's a pity that the time tablet was taken away by Kevin in the end, so Rocket couldn't study it even if he wanted to.

But he didn't expect that he would get the relevant manual on time technology from the Time Administration in one step.

Don't look at it as just a small manual, but it contains countless precious technologies within the Time Administration.

Scientist Kang made some prototype equipment of the Time Variance Administration with this small manual.

For example, the time capture device and the time cutting device.

Kevin knew that scientist Kang was very smart, and he was indeed a very remarkable genius.

But in terms of intelligence, Kevin felt that Rocket was definitely not inferior.

Scientist Kang could research so many things with a manual, and Rocket might be able to do so as well.

So Kevin thought, bring out the manual to see if Rocket could make a prototype of the time constraint device.

"Yes, it's that organization. I want you to see if you can use this to research a device that can constrain the timeline."

Kevin said truthfully.

"..." Rocket was stunned. He looked down at the manual in his hand, then looked up at Kevin, and finally said to Kevin seriously:

"Before I start my research, do you want to explain to me what the timeline is and what the time constraint device is?"

"It's a long story, but I will tell you, because now I... need your help."

Kevin took a deep breath and finally decided to start asking for help from his friends.


Saving the timeline is not Kevin's business now.

This is everyone's business.

Kevin can no longer think about solving the problem alone, mainly because he can't solve it.

Therefore, looking for external help is a very good choice.

Originally before this, Kevin thought that the mutants in the Marvel Universe would help him.

But before the mutants could discuss anything, he was beaten back to the Black Robe World by the strongest mutant, and he became like this.

But it doesn't matter.

The appearance is no longer important. What matters now is how to save the timeline that is about to collapse.

For this reason, Kevin gathered everyone together.

The Guardians of the Galaxy, the X-Men, the Hero Association created by Kevin, and the Black Robe Team who chose to take the initiative to inject Enhancement Five to protect the city.

At this moment, they are all in front of Kevin, listening to him talk about the biggest crisis facing everyone now.

The timeline collapses.

"Oh... God, this joke is not funny..."

When Huey learned from Kevin about the crisis facing the Black Robe World now, he murmured.

Others also had different expressions, some thinking, and some doubting.

Captain Marvel Carol asked directly:

"So, we went to the wrong world because our universe began to collapse?"

"That's about right, so I need your help."

"Just tell me what you want to do."

Star-Lord of the Guardians of the Galaxy said bluntly without asking any questions.

They believed in Kevin, and they believed that Kevin would not joke with everyone. Since he said that the world was in danger, it must be in danger.

After all, in their eyes, Kevin was a real hero who saved Xandar and eliminated Ego.

In the Guardians of the Galaxy, Kevin's trust value was directly maxed out.

The same was true for Logan. He looked at Kevin and said:

"Okay, although I don't know much about the multiverse...but since you said it, we are willing to help. What should we do?"

Kevin was very moved that the Guardians of the Galaxy and Logan were willing to believe in him.

Kevin's eyes swept over everyone and began to tell his plan:

"First, we have to make a time constraint device. I have given the relevant theory to Rocket."

Everyone looked at Rocket, and Rocket also cooperated and walked out with his chest held high.

Kevin continued:

"But Rocket alone can't do it. Hank, I remember that you are also a scientist? You are here to help Rocket improve the theory of time."

Kevin is talking about Hank the Beast.

Hank is the scientist in the new trilogy of the X-Men. The fighter planes used by the X-Men, Charles' brainwave enhancement device, and the drug that can make mutants lose their X-factor for a short time in Days of Future Past all came from Han. The hand of Gram.

From this aspect, even if Hank is not a mutant, he is still a genius among humans. With him and Rocket, he should be able to create a time restraint device faster.

"no problem."

Hank quickly agreed.

Charles looked at Kevin: "What about us? What should we do?"

"Charles, I want you to first help this person here...restore his previous memory, and then help me deal with the active villains in the world."

Kevin said pointing at Carol.

Carol frowned and asked in confusion:

"My...memory from the past?"

"Your memory was retrieved when you were captured by the Skrulls, right? You should know very well that part of your memory has been sealed. Your name is not Firth. You have another name, but you need to think about it yourself. It’s clear, I won’t say more.”

After briefly explaining to Carol, Kevin looked at everyone:

"The remaining people have been helping to deal with the evil superhumans in the world recently. We must stabilize the world in the shortest possible time and deal with the problem of timeline collapse with peace of mind."

As the saying goes, before fighting against the outside world, you must first settle down the inside. Because of a series of previous events, many super villains have appeared in the black robe world.

These super villains are not very powerful, but there are so many of them that they cannot be stopped, and they are distributed all over the world. It would be a waste of time for the Super Hero Association to deal with them alone.

It just so happened that with the help of the X-Men and the Guardians of the Galaxy, Kevin wanted to recruit strong men to get rid of all the restless factors in the black-robed world.

Then start building a new organization based on the people in front of you.

[Time Management Bureau].

Belonging to the black robe world, the Time Management Bureau.

Kevin ordered the arrangements to continue. There was no way to return to the original world for the time being, and everyone at Marvel who could only stay here could only do what he said first.

After all, time collapse sounds very dangerous. Don't worry about whether it is true or false. It is right to treat it as true first.

And dealing with villains is what heroes like them should do.

The X-Men began to travel around the world with the Heroes Association.

Kevin finally started to rest, preparing to rest for a few days before visiting the Marvel Universe.

At least we need to get a prototype of the time constraint machine.

But it’s not like Kevin didn’t do anything when he was free.

He was feeling his current power, and used the last moment to control all the power integrated into his body.

Now Kevin understands that the mysterious force that turned him into what he is now is not harming him, but helping him.

Although the previous Kevin seemed to be getting stronger little by little, he actually did not exceed the limit of the skill tree.

He can only rely on skill points to become stronger. Without skill points, his strength will be stuck at a certain stage and he will never be able to take a step forward.

But now, Kevin and the skill tree are completely integrated and independent of each other, and the upper limit of the skill tree is lost.

Therefore, Kevin now does not need to obtain skill points. He can continue to become stronger just by recycling magic power and understanding divinity.

Especially your own physique.

Kevin feels that his physique is increasing every moment. If he can grow up like this, his physique will undoubtedly be a level seven!

The same goes for spiritual and magical aspects.

As long as you grow as usual, you can reach the peak set by the original skill tree, and even continue to grow upwards.

And the price is...

Kevin is growing up a little slowly.

What Rocket said was a bit conservative. Based on the current growth rate of his body, it would take at least several thousand years for Kevin to grow a little taller.

"This is really a growth spurt..."

It is not surprising that the improvement of life level leads to the increase of life span and the extension of growth cycle.

But Kevin doesn't have hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of years to wait for himself to grow.

So in the still have to get 'nourishment'...

Thinking of the mutants in the Marvel world who would become his 'nourishment', Kevin's eyes darkened.

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