Loki walked towards Thor.

He looked at his brother's fat body with an expressionless expression.

It's not that Loki hasn't thought about returning to the original world after everything is over and living according to his original destiny, or simply resisting fate and doing what he wants to do.

After all, Loki cares about his family.

Everything he did from beginning to end was just for the approval of his family.

He has no friends.

There is no one around me who can tell the truth.

Even Thor, in Loki's eyes, was not a good brother at all.

But Asgard is his home after all, and the longer he is away from home, the more homesick he becomes.

In the past, no matter how much Loki wandered, where he went, or how long he was away from home, Loki would never feel sad.

Because at that time Loki knew that no matter where he went, Asgard was there and his home was there.

but now……

Asgard has been destroyed, his parents have died one after another, and even his original fate has ended in death, leaving Thor alone in this world.

Loki lost his home and was drifting in the Bureau of Time Management.

Thor also lost his home, and even everything, leaving only the false name of 'King of Asgard'.

Until now, even this false name has been given to the Valkyrie.

Loki didn't know what he felt like.

He has always wanted to see Thor make a fool of himself. He has always wanted his parents to see Thor's embarrassment and let them know that he should be their most beloved child and should become the king of Asgard.

But now, looking at Thor in front of him, Loki couldn't say a word of ridicule.

He didn't even dare to say hello to the other party.

He just stood quietly behind Thor, standing silently.

Until Thor realized that there seemed to be someone behind him.


Thor turned around, thinking that Valkyrie was back, so he turned his head and looked behind him.

Thor originally planned to say something to Valkyrie, but when he turned around and saw the man standing behind him, he was stunned for a moment.

He rubbed his eyes in disbelief. When he was sure that this was not his hallucination, the muscles on Thor's face trembled.

He tried to raise the corners of his mouth, but failed several times.

He blinked his eyes, his eyes turned red, pointed at Loki with his finger, and then turned around to face the sea in the distance.

Loki didn't know Thor's psychological activities, but looking at Thor's changing expression, he knew that Thor's emotions must be very complicated.

It's so complicated that I can't even put it into words.

Loki lowered his head slightly and walked towards Thor. He stood next to Thor, and the two stood side by side looking at the sea.

I don't know how long he stood there before Loki heard Thor say:

"I'm dreaming again, Loki."


"I'm dreaming about you again. Don't laugh when I say it. In the past few years since I moved to Earth, I've dreamed about you, you bastard, more times than my father and mother.

"Because I always think, you are Loki, you are the brother who has played tricks on me countless times. When I returned to Asgard from Earth for the first time, I saw you falling into the abyss of the universe. I thought you were dead, but you have not.

"The second time I saw the dark elf kill you, and you died in my arms, I thought you were dead, but you weren't.

"The third time... you were killed by Thanos, in front of me... I thought this time you would still find an opportunity to appear in front of me like you did before, and then say to me, 'Hey, brother, I didn't Damn, I lied to you again."

Thor paused for a moment when he said this, and his tone was a little choked:

"…but you didn't."


"So you are really dead, you really lost your life in front of me, so I think about you the most and dream about you the most, because you are Loki... you are the best at God of deceit and lies, how could you possibly die..."

By the end of Thor's words, tears were already streaming down his cheeks, but he did not turn to look at Loki.

He thought it was his dream.

Just like the dreams he had one after another during those years of confusion.

He had met his parents countless times in his dreams, and he had also met Loki countless times. Every time he wanted to think it was real, but it wasn't, it was a dream.

A dream just like this one.

Loki felt very complicated after hearing Thor's words.

What you see with your eyes is different from what you experience personally.

Loki saw everything about his future in the theater of time, but after all, that was not the story he experienced.

He didn't fight with Thor against the Dark Elves, nor did he fight alongside Thor against their sister.

Not even dying in front of Thor.

So Loki didn't know much about Thor's feelings for him. In his impression, Thor was still the 'bastard brother' who although he cared about himself, cared more about his friends.

So now Thor's emotional expression towards Loki has left Loki at a loss.

He subconsciously looked back.

Wanted to see if Kevin was there.

But in the end, he didn't see anyone. Kevin seemed to have disappeared without a trace after he sent him here.

I don't know if he was left here intentionally.

Taking a deep breath, Loki knew that it would be fruitless for him and Thor to delay this.

He finally made up his mind, turned to face Thor, and at the same time stretched out his hand to Thor:

"This is not a dream, I am real."


Thor, who was expressing his inner anguish, was startled for a moment.

He turned to look at Loki and met his green eyes.

The two stared at each other for a while before Thor finally responded.

He quickly raised his fist and punched Loki hard in the face.


This punch accurately hit the side of Loki's face, knocking him to the ground without any preparation.

"WT...!? Thor?! Why did you hit me?!"

Loki, who was knocked to the ground by Thor, was stunned.

He covered the place where he was beaten and stared at Thor in disbelief.

Just now she said she missed him with all her heart, but the next second she turned around and punched him.

Is this what you mean by missing me? ?

Is that what you think?

He thinks about how to punch me every day! ?

Loki was confused, and so was Thor.

He looked at his fist and then at Loki who was lying on the ground. His clear and stupid eyes finally revealed some shrewdness and disbelief.

"You...are you really Loki!?"

He stared at Loki with wide eyes, and then slapped himself across the face.

Loki: "?"

Severe pain came from his cheek. Thor ignored his red and swollen cheek and rushed forward to pull Loki up and hug him tightly.

"It's really you... I knew it, I damn sure knew you weren't dead! That's right, you bastard had so many ways to save your life, how could you possibly die! I knew it!!"

Thor held Loki tightly as if he was worried that he would run away.

His voice trembled, and tears couldn't stop pouring out. He patted Loki's back hard, as if this was the only way he could feel his brother's presence.

Loki was held by Thor, his hands a little overwhelmed, and he didn't know where to put his hands.

After a while, he tentatively hugged Thor.

"...You're too fat, Thor."

Then he expressed how he felt about Thor at the moment.

Thor didn't care. He let go of Loki with a smile on his face, looked at him up and down for a long time, and finally slapped Loki on the face.



Loki cried out in pain and looked at Thor in disbelief again.

Now he couldn't bear it anymore and said angrily:

"Twice!! You hit me twice!!!"

"Sorry, the first time is to confirm whether you are real."

"Then what's going on with this slap!?"

Loki pointed to the side of his face.

Thor said confidently:

"This is a lesson you learned from not coming to me all these years! You are obviously still alive, why don't you come to me?"

Thor did feel a little guilty when he punched him at the beginning.

After all, he worked really hard to make sure this was not an illusion.

But Thor didn't feel guilty at all about the second slap.

He was obviously still alive, but he didn't come to see his brother for so long, making Thor suffer for him for so long in vain.

Was Thor wrong to slap him for this?

That’s right!

"Okay, you're right."

Loki was too lazy to explain anything to Thor. Although he was not Thor's younger brother in this time and space, Loki had indeed not thought of using the resources of the Time Management Bureau to meet his relatives for such a long time.

Even if we just meet from a distance.

But having said that, Loki felt that it would be better to explain some things in advance.

His expression became more serious and he looked at Thor:

"But I want to make something clear to you. Although I am Loki, I am not the Loki you think I am."

"What...what do you mean by this?"

"The Loki of this world is dead, and I actually come from a parallel universe."

"Tsk, why did you say this?"

Kevin, who secretly watched the meeting of the brothers from a distance, slapped his forehead after hearing Loki openly explain to Thor that he came from a parallel universe.

Originally, Thor and Loki were happily meeting each other. Wouldn't it be nice for the two of them to catch up with each other and then go about their own business?

This is the last sentence to pour cold water on Thor's excitement after meeting Loki.

In just a few minutes, he experienced the pain of losing and regaining, gaining and losing again, and he didn't know if Thor could endure it.

Thinking of this, Kevin didn't even want to continue reading.

Originally, it was Kevin's selfish intention to let Loki and Thor meet.

After watching the finale of "Loki", Kevin has been thinking about how great it would be if Thor knew about Loki's current achievements.

The naughty younger brother who only knew how to make trouble and cause trouble eventually grew into a truly responsible superhero.

Thor would be very happy if he knew.

But it's a pity that in the entire "Loki" show, there is no scene where Loki and Thor meet.

This is something Kevin feels regretful about.

That's why Kevin now brings Loki to meet Thor to make up for the regret he had while watching the show.

Of course, Kevin still has many regrets.

For example, the dead Black Widow, the dead Iron Man...etc.

It's just that because too many people have nothing to do with Kevin or have any friendship with him, Kevin doesn't work so hard to make up for his regrets.

But Loki...

Kevin had met him several times before, and then this guy was tied to the Tree of Time by his own transformation to sit on the toilet. Kevin felt a little guilty for him.

That's why I thought of bringing him to see Thor.

It is not only to make up for the regret in Kevin's heart, but also to make up for the regret in Loki's heart.

But now, Loki has told the truth, and he doesn't know how it will end next.

After thinking about it, Kevin decided to continue peeking.

After finally sending Loki here to meet Thor, no matter how the next plot develops, Kevin must read it completely.

After all, he is the 'director' of this scene.

His eyes focused on Loki and Thor again. What surprised Kevin a little was that the expected scene of Thor's collapse did not appear. Instead, he showed some understanding.

It seems that Loki's origins are not surprising at all.

"Parallel world..."

Listening to Loki talk about his origins and what he has experienced, Thor muttered with a sudden smile on his face.

Loki was silent for two seconds and asked:

"You...don't have any doubt?"

"What do you suspect? Do you suspect you are lying to me?" Thor asked, and then shook his head: "I should have thought of it a long time ago. My brother is dead, really... died in the hands of Thanos, so you are here now , definitely not my brother.

"It's just that I don't want to admit it."

Even if the Loki in front of him is fake, Thor wants to regard him as real.

At least for this moment, Thor experienced the joy of having loved ones again.

Loki nodded, not knowing what to say.

After Thor confirmed that Loki was not his brother in this world, he remained quiet for a long time. It was not until finally, when he saw the Guardians of the Galaxy's spaceship flying towards this side, that he asked Loki:

"You... should have a good life in another world, right?"

"It's not bad. I made a few friends and did some...some good things."

"Then you have really changed a lot."

Thor had no doubts and gave Loki a thumbs up:

"I have always believed that you will get better because you are my brother."

Regardless of whether what Thor said was true or false, at least at this moment, Thor truly thought so.

Seeing the Guardians of the Galaxy ship coming to pick up Thor getting closer, Loki knew it was time to end this conversation.

But before leaving, Loki extended an invitation to Thor:

"...Would you...want to come with me? Just treat it like a trip."

Loki knew that Thor had nothing to worry about now, otherwise he wouldn't have gone with the Guardians of the Galaxy.

And although this Thor is not the Thor that Loki knows, based on what Thor said just now and based on this Thor's feelings for his brother Loki, Loki is willing to take him with him.

Leave your original destiny.

Just looking at Loki, Thor slowly shook his head.

He didn't say anything, just shook his head, but in Loki's eyes, he seemed to have said countless words to himself.

After looking at Thor for a long time, Loki said:

"Then... I wish you good luck in the future."

"You too, but don't die again."

Loki twitched the corners of his mouth and showed a forced smile.

He watched Thor slowly retreat, and as if to cooperate with him, a blue portal appeared behind Loki.

When Loki entered it, the blue portal closed and Loki himself disappeared.

Watching Loki leave, Thor had a happy smile on his face.

He turned to look at the Guardians of the Galaxy spacecraft that was falling in this direction, put on his sunglasses, and patted his belly again.

"...It looks like I'm going to lose weight. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll be laughed to death by Loki the next time he comes to see me."

With a self-deprecating smile, Thor, who was almost fat as a ball, walked toward the Guardians of the Galaxy's spaceship step by step.

"How does it feel to meet your brother?"

As soon as Loki returned, Kevin asked him what he thought about meeting Thor.

Loki didn't say a word. After a while, he looked at Kevin and asked:

"You still want me to be the god of stories, right?"

"I have this idea, but more importantly I want you to meet Thor."


"So what do you think? Should you go back and continue to be the God of Stories, play for a few more days, or simply live in seclusion with Sylvie and live a quiet life?"

Facing the two choices proposed by Kevin, Loki hesitated and asked:

"If I choose the latter...will you agree?"

Kevin smiled: "Don't confuse me with that guy Wen Yi. I respect your choice. After all, this is your right, but I still hope you can help me at critical moments."

"…How to help?"

"Do something for me."

Kevin didn't say clearly what he was going to do, nor how he wanted Loki to do it.

He just asked Loki sincerely.

When Loki met Kevin's eyes, he seemed to know something. His eyes flickered and he replied:

"Okay, let me help you."

Hearing Loki's answer, Kevin smiled with satisfaction.

Letting Loki and Thor meet was just out of Kevin's selfish motives.

He had other serious things to do.

The first thing to do is to gather all the scientific research experts from the Time Management Bureau together and design a device that can shrink the timeline of the black robe world.

This is something that must be done, and it is also the purpose of Kevin's return to the Marvel Universe.

Designing a device to converge the timeline is not difficult for the Time Management Bureau, especially with so many "variants".

Each variant here is equivalent to a time traveler.

They have the current strength through various means, and can participate in the decision-making of the Time Management Bureau, so they naturally have the means to build a time convergence device.

These tasks were handed over to the variants headed by Night Walker, and Kevin himself took advantage of the time to find the Ancient One again.

The Ancient One who met Kevin at the beginning.

Because of the changes in the timeline, the universe where the Ancient One is located is actually quite dangerous.

After all, many things in this universe have been changed by Kevin. It is like the black robe universe that Kevin first crossed, running wildly in the timeline away from the original trajectory.

Fortunately, the Marvel Universe is very resistant in this regard, and now this universe can still be maintained.

And after Kevin temporarily replaced the position of the God of Loki's Story, he can further maintain the stability of this universe.

So there is no need to worry about problems with this universe now.

At least not for the time being.

When Kevin met Ancient One again, he found that Ancient One was in a very bad state.

She seemed to be dying at any time.

After sensing the trajectory of fate, Kevin understood why Ancient One was in a bad state.

The civil war in this world has ended, and the plot of Doctor Strange has just begun. Ancient One has already found a way out for himself.

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