Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 92 Plans can’t keep up with changes

Jailbreaking is not something that happens overnight.

Rocket has been observing the structure of Klin Prison these days, the entry and exit times of the guards, the startup time of the middle console, and all kinds of miscellaneous things.

Kevin couldn't understand the specifics. After all, there was so much alien technology in it that he, an Earth bumpkin, couldn't understand it at all.

But he doesn't need to understand. He just needs to wait for the Rockets to figure everything out and rush out with the Rockets.

As for before jailbreaking...

Kevin and others need to be calmer, at least not to let people see that they have the idea and ability to escape from prison.

Therefore, Kevin temporarily lived in prison, eating nutritious meals delivered by the prison every day, drinking plain water, and sleeping in a cell full of odor.

Although life is a little harder than when he was in the Walter Group, Kevin can barely adapt.

And that's all that makes Kevin uncomfortable.

The news that Kevin had taught Drax a lesson that night had somehow spread in the prison, and therefore, everyone who looked at Kevin now looked at him with vigilance, awe, and fear.

There is no prison bullying as imagined. It would be better to say that if Kevin does not bully others, those people will be very grateful.

Kevin unknowingly became the prison tyrant, and Gamora and others also took advantage of it. No one dared to bully them anymore.

Gamora can also go out to eat openly without worrying about being blocked by a bunch of people at the door and unable to get out.


Now Gamora can have lunch with Kevin.

"Ma'am, I think it would be better if you sit with Star-Lord. He will be very happy."

Eating the nutritious meal delivered by the prison, which was not unpalatable but not delicious either, Kevin chewed something and pointed at Star-Lord who was preparing the meal beside him.

Gamora glanced at Star-Lord expressionlessly:

"He will take the initiative to sit over when the time comes."

"That's true."

Kevin nodded and continued eating. Gamora suddenly changed the subject and asked:

"You seem to know a lot?"

"Fortunately, what I said is only a little more than you know."

"Then do you know what the Cosmic Spirit Ball is? Do you also know why Thanos wants the Cosmic Spirit Ball?"

Gamora asked.

Although Star-Lord and others have always known that it was Ronan who wanted to get the Cosmic Spirit Ball, what they didn't know was that Ronan was also working for Thanos now.

The person who really wants the cosmic spirit ball is Thanos, otherwise he would not have taken Thanos' two daughters with him.

That's why Gamora is here and says that Thanos wants the cosmic spirit ball.

Although the question Gamora asked was in the form of a question, her tone was very certain, as if she was certain that Kevin must know some secrets that she didn't know.

Kevin ate slowly and swallowed what was in his mouth into his stomach. Then he raised his head and looked at Gamora:

"I do know, but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with you. You just need to sell the sphere to the buyer and get the money."

Gamora was silent, she stared at Kevin seriously, and after a while she said:

"If you know who Thanos is, you will know very well that he is not a guy who does something for no reason. He wants the cosmic spirit ball. This cosmic spirit ball is definitely crucial to some of his plans. If there is something in this ball, it will harm the universe..."

"Don't worry, Thanos can't get this ball, at least not for the time being."

Kevin didn't want to explain too much to Gamora. Anyway, when he got to the Collector, the Collector would explain everything to Gamora.

It's better to save your breath and continue to advance the plot.

Gamora still wanted to ask, but Star-Lord, who had already finished his meal, sat down next to Gamora and asked with a smile that he thought was charming:

"What's wrong, you two? What are you discussing? Are you discussing how to leave this prison?"

When the two of them didn't answer, Rocket spoke:

"Oh, although the two of them are very good at fighting, things like jailbreak cannot be solved by fighting. I can guarantee that they must have been flirting just now. I think Kevin's ability will definitely be used when doing certain things. very funny."

"This reminds me, Kevin, when you sleep with women, those women will be extremely excited, right?"

Star-Lord chimed in.

Gamora couldn't bear it and said:

"Can you guys stop talking about this kind of topic in front of me? Shouldn't we be discussing how to escape from prison now?!"

"About this." Star-Lord looked at Rocket: "He already has an idea."

"Well, as I just said, get the guard's bracelet, get the control tower, get the automatic defense system, and then get me the prosthetic leg of the guy I need, and finally... go to the yellow one in the back Inside the light, tear off the green wire inside and take away the energy battery I need..."

Rocket chirped a lot, and finally spread out his two little paws:

"It's that simple."

"It's not easy to get close to the place you mentioned."

Star-Lord looked back and said to Rocket.

The box with yellow light that Rocket was talking about was located just under the console. There were guards on duty watching there. It was not that easy to take it out.

Before that happens, the guards need to be lured away.

"This requires the help of our great magician."

Rocket said and looked at Kevin.

Kevin raised his eyebrows, looked away from Groot who was already walking towards the console, and asked in surprise:


"Of course, these Novas are idiots for not banning your abilities. When the time comes to execute the jailbreak plan, you will use your abilities to tie them up for fun. We will take the opportunity to take away the battery. Then enter the console to complete our jailbreak plan."

After Rocket finished speaking, he tapped the edge of his metal lunch box, "Who has any objections now?"

Kevin silently raised his hand.

Rocket looked at him: "Okay, do you have any other ideas?"

"I don't have any other ideas... It's the battery you mentioned. Groot seems to have taken it off."

Kevin said, pointing behind everyone.

The other people looked back instantly, and sure enough they saw Groot, the tree man, relying on his racial characteristics to stretch his body to get the energy battery located high up, and was tearing the green connecting cable at the back.

Before anyone could stop him, Groot forcefully tore the green line off, and the energy battery completely fell into his hands.

Then, as expected, the entire prison began to blare with piercing alarms.

This scene shocked everyone. After being stunned for a short time, Rocket stretched out his little paw and patted his forehead hard, and then slipped off his face.

He stared at Kevin:

"...Why didn't you remind me earlier?"

"Because I was fascinated by your plan? What do you think of this reason?"

Kevin looked innocent.

Although he is just to follow the plot...

"Then I really thank you!! Okay, now the plan has changed, the battery is in hand, all that's left is to take one step at a time and start taking action!!"

Rocket has nothing to do with Kevin, and now that Groot has taken away the battery, it has attracted all the attention of the guards, which is just right for them to act. Rocket is not in the mood to say anything to Kevin anymore.

Since the plan cannot keep up with the change, just follow the plan after the change.

"I'll get the guards' bracelets."

Gamora immediately stood up.

Star-Lord also stood up at the same moment: "I'm going to get the prosthetic leg."

"I'll form the head... No, I mean I'll help Groot."

Kevin also stood up and walked towards Groot.

The drone troops from Kling Prison came very quickly. Almost the second after Groot took the battery, they rushed out of the passage in dense numbers and surrounded Groot in the center.

Kevin looked at the machine guns under the drones and couldn't help but shake his head.

It was obviously alien technology, but the weapons carried by the drone turned out to be not energy-type firearms, but bullets made of gunpowder.

I really can’t figure out whether the technology of these aliens is advanced or retro, which makes Kevin not feel nervous at all.

To be fair, it doesn't think the bullets in these machine guns can break through the defense of Groot's skin.

Then these drones cannot break through your own defenses.

So facing this group of drones, Kevin walked directly towards Groot without any fear and said to him:

"Give me the battery."

"I'm Groot."

Groot said as he handed the battery into Kevin's hand.

Kevin still didn't understand what he was saying, but he probably said something like 'protect it' and 'leave it to you'.

That is, at the same time that Groot handed the battery to Kevin, the guard in the console issued an ultimatum to the two of them:

"Prisoner! Please immediately put down the battery and return to your cell, otherwise we will open fire! Last warning!"

Listening to the warning in his ears and weighing the battery in his hand, Kevin raised his head and grinned at an angle visible to the guards in the console:

"If you have the ability, why don't you come and get it?"

Kevin's attitude could be said to be quite arrogant, and he didn't take the guards seriously at all.

How could the guard on duty endure such a provocation from a prisoner? After confirming that Kevin had no intention of surrendering, he immediately issued an order to the drone group:


Da da da da——

The gun muzzle under the drone spit out flames. Kevin tore off his prison uniform and wrapped it in the energy battery. He was naked and faced the rain of bullets.

After traveling into the deep sea for so long, this is the first time Kevin has actually faced off against a large-scale firearm.

And it’s so-called alien technology.

Before firing, Kevin was still a little uneasy.

Although these machine guns seem to only use 'ancient' gunpowder-type bullets, what if there is extraterrestrial technology added to them?

What if this just looks like a gunpowder bullet, but is actually a bullet specially made by aliens?

That might break your body's defenses.

Therefore, Kevin is ready to control the water flow to cover his whole body. As soon as a bullet breaks his skin, he will immediately control the pure water around him to protect himself and destroy these drones that are launching at him.

But when the first bullet landed on Kevin's body and bounced off Kevin's skin like a lost stone, the corners of Kevin's mouth couldn't help but rise.

It seemed that even in another world, even so-called alien technology could no longer cause harm to his body at this moment.

At least not these 'retro' toys.

"I feel relieved now."

His heart fell back into his stomach, and Kevin's eyes glowed when he looked at the drones.

Since there is nothing here that can harm him.

Then let him.

Let's make a scene!

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