Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 99: Someone stopped recording

Chapter 99 Someone stopped recording

 There is no lawyer whom Lu Yanhe knows.

 But there is someone who can help.

 When he returned to the dormitory, it was still only Yan Liang and Li Zhibai was not there.

“Did Li Zhibai say when he would come back?” Lu Yanhe asked.

Yan Liang shook his head: "What's wrong?"

 “Ask him for help if you need anything.” Lu Yanhe said.

 Li Zhibaijia's group has a legal team, and every contract he signs has been reviewed by his legal team. Sometimes Yan Liang is asked by the company to sign a supplementary agreement, and when he is unsure, he will ask Li Zhibai for help.

Yan Liang said: "He probably won't come back in the next two days. The incident of jumping from the building on Thursday had a great impact. Now the police have not given an investigation conclusion. Their family is worried that Li Zhibai is not safe living outside, so they have been away from home these days." Stay at home."

 Lu Yanhe nodded: "It's okay, then I'll tell him online."

He took a photo of the termination agreement that Zhou Ping'an gave him, sent it to Li Zhibai, and told him the general story.

Li Zhibai immediately made a call.

“Terminate the contract?!” Li Zhibai asked in disbelief, “Zhou Pingan asked you to terminate the contract with the company?”


"He's gone too far, **** it!" Li Zhibai said angrily, "Why should he? You've just started to get better now, but no, we can't agree to him."

 “I have agreed.” Lu Yanhe said.

Li Zhibai was stunned.

"I have already thought about this matter. Now I have no way to argue with him. If I don't agree, I will have all kinds of troubles later. I won't be able to have an acting career, and I won't even be able to study normally. " Lu Yanhe said, "So, I talked with him. Although the contract termination agreement will be signed, it will take effect after the college entrance examination. Before that, I am still a contracted artist of Xing Entertainment. I can prepare for the exam seriously during this time without being asked. Other things will affect me, and after the college entrance examination, if the company decides to terminate my contract, then I will terminate the contract. My agent does not want me, so there is no point in me staying. If I still want to be an artist by then, then I’ll try to find a way to sign with another agency.”

Li Zhibai was silent. Lu Yanhe's words were obviously spoken after careful consideration and were not a decision made out of anger.

 And apart from quarreling with Zhou Pingan, he couldn't do any real help. Li Zhibai was silent for a while before saying, "Okay, I understand. I will find someone to help you check if there are any problems with this agreement."



 Live broadcast in the evening.

 The comments were all congratulating him on being commended by the police.

 After all, there are so many artists, and only a handful of them can be solemnly awarded banners and medals by the police.

 Lu Yanhe thanked everyone and started to do the questions.

Someone immediately said: Start doing the questions, and I started too. I will study with him every day to see how much progress I can make in the end this semester.

Another person also spoke: Me too, I basically study with him now. I read books and do questions by myself. I always get distracted easily, or I can’t concentrate. I turn on the live broadcast, and every time I get distracted, I watch When he was still reading, he felt a little bit pushed.

 One after another, people receive "+1".

 When Helan saw this situation in the barrage, his face was full of surprise and incredible.

For the first time, she felt that this live broadcast room had a real learning atmosphere.

 Some newcomers were confused when they saw the situation in the barrage.

ha? Are the live broadcast rooms now starting to teach with fans? What kind of positive energy live broadcast room is this? -

 Hou Jun looked at Chen Ziliang helplessly at the recording site of the latest episode of "Little Songs Gathered Together". He still has a performance in this issue, and the song he performs is a new song, but probably because it is a new song, Chen Ziliang's rehearsal has been going on for an hour and a half, and it has not ended yet, and he is still debugging.

 The staff at the scene all had their opinions, but it was difficult to express these opinions to this popular singer.

  After all, this episode of the program relies on this person to increase attention and traffic.

It doesn’t matter if the song is good. The key is that they all think this new song is actually very average.

 After the program aired yesterday, the performance of "Memorial" became very popular online, especially when it was later launched on major music platforms. The playback data and feedback of this song were very good.

 For an idol singer like Lu Yanhe, it is rare to have a serious masterpiece.

According to the agreement signed between the program team and Lu Yanhe's agency, after the audio of this song is released on major music platforms, Lu Yanhe and his agency will also be paid a share of the benefits received.

Hou Jun and his group have been doing "Little Songs Gathering for Crowds", and of course they love music.

 While you are passionate, you also need to consider your job.

 Hence, there are times when they invite idol singers like Lu Yanhe over to gain popularity.

Of course, the song "Memorial" that won them over was a later story.

As for Chen Ziliang, a popular singer, his singing is indeed pretty good. He was originally the biggest star of the show "Little Songs", but he has too many things to do. Hou Jun negotiated with Chen Ziliang's team for the new song this time. Several times, I told them that the performance style of this song was not suitable for the program "Little Songs Gathering Crowds", but Chen Ziliang insisted on performing this song, otherwise it would not be recorded.

Hou Jun had no choice but to agree.

The result is good now. He went to the scene by himself and was not satisfied no matter how much he rehearsed. Everyone was here to accompany him, and there were singers behind him who had not rehearsed.

However, Hou Jun never expected that half an hour later, Chen Ziliang suddenly put down the microphone and left.

He walked away inexplicably, no one knew what was going on, and he didn't say hello to anyone.

 “What do you mean? Has he finished the rehearsal?” someone asked.

Hou Jun felt that Chen Ziliang had just left angrily, as if he was holding his breath, and he didn't know what was going on.

Hou Jun asked someone to ask Chen Ziliang’s team, and also asked someone to notify the next person to come to the rehearsal.

Who knows, half an hour later, the person who went to communicate with Chen Ziliang’s team came back with an angry look on his face and said, “Chen Ziliang refuses to participate in tomorrow’s recording.”

 “What?” Hou Jun’s eyes widened suddenly.

 For the recording of a program, what could be more troublesome than recording guests who temporarily give up their choices?

Especially this guest, he is the biggest guest in tomorrow’s recording!

 A nameless fire burst out from Hou Jun's heart.

"What does Chen Ziliang mean? How can he say that he won't record it if he doesn't record it?" Hou Jun said, "Have you contacted his manager? This recording is a contract! He has breached the contract!"

Hou Jun roared angrily.

Everyone at the scene was exhausted, but this happened to them. Everyone looked at each other with anger and dissatisfaction towards Chen Ziliang.

 (End of this chapter)

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