Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 101: recommend

Chapter 101 Recommended

 Lu Yanhe did it on purpose.

 The relationship between him and Zhou Pingan is doomed to be irreparable.

 After the termination agreement was signed, there was only one outcome between him and Zhou Pingan, and that was to part ways.

 Lu Yanhe had to leave a way out for himself. From his original memory, he also knew many stories about artists being cheated by companies, agents or partners.

 There will always be an explanation if a good person suddenly wants to terminate the contract.

Lu Yanhe didn’t believe that Zhou Pingan would blame himself for the reason for the termination of the contract. He would definitely blame Lu Yanhe for the artist’s lack of development potential, bad temper, or poor work cooperation attitude.

  When "Little Songs Gathering Crowds" and Hou Jun contacted him to save the situation, Lu Yanhe directly pointed out that Zhou Ping'an might not agree.

Based on his understanding of Zhou Pingan, Zhou Pingan definitely does not want him to continue to be exposed, especially since he was exposed on this show that made his performance a little popular.

 At least this time, it was not Lu Yanhe who was unwilling to cooperate, but Zhou Ping'an who refused.


 “His agent disagrees?”

Hou Jun couldn’t believe it and didn’t understand.

The person in charge of artist liaison looked helpless.

“He said that Lu Yanhe is preparing for the college entrance examination and will not take any jobs in the future.”

If Hou Jun hadn’t made that call to Lu Yanhe before, Hou Jun might have really believed it.

After all, Lu Yanhe is a real high school senior. Facing the college entrance examination, it is normal for him to stop working and concentrate on preparing for the exam.

Until this moment, Hou Jun was keenly aware of the certain meaning contained in what Lu Yanhe said before.

 Did his agent deliberately refuse work to Lu Yanhe outside?

Hou Jun asked: "If Lu Yanhe can't come to the rescue, who can?"

 Others looked at each other, but for a moment no one named him.

 The main reason is that the show will be recorded tomorrow, and it is really difficult to find someone to save the show at this time.

Even if there are singers who have time, but there is no rehearsal, recording directly tomorrow is too hasty, who would be willing?

"How about we go do some work for Lu Yanhe's manager?" Someone immediately suggested, "Actually, the latest program broadcast yesterday, Lu Yanhe's "Memory" received very good feedback, and many people liked this song very much. Even the broadcast volume of yesterday's episode was higher than that of the same period in previous episodes, and many viewers were still attracted to watch the program. "

"Continue to communicate with Lu Yanhe's manager and work hard to get things done." Hou Jun said, "At the same time, we must quickly contact other singers who can come to the rescue. If we can't find them, be prepared to sing with only four singers. ”

 We have all been together for a long time and are very familiar with each other.

Hou Jun issued the order, and everyone took action immediately.

Hou Jun was the only one left sitting there.

 He sighed worriedly and put a hand to his forehead.

Earlier, when Chen Ziliang wanted to stop recording, they tried to persuade him to change his mind.

Later, I saw that Chen Ziliang really refused to let go, and Hou Jun had no intention of pursuing the blame at this time, so he decided to finish recording the program first.

 When the program is finished, he must press the breach of contract and ask Chen Ziliang’s agent to pay liquidated damages!

This kind of temporary suspension of recording is so shameful!

Hou Jun felt sleepy.

 It is already early in the morning.

Seeing that there is such a big hole in tomorrow’s recording makes people feel uneasy.

 The fatigue caused by long-term high-intensity work sweeps through the body.

The phone suddenly rang.

Hou Jun took a look and saw that the call was from Lu Yanhe.


“Director Hou, have you contacted my agent?”

"I contacted you. As you said, he doesn't agree. I'm letting people do the work." "Director Hou, the recording will be tomorrow, so you should be very anxious." Lu Yanhe said, "If you haven't found a rescuer yet, Is it human? I would like to recommend my teammate to you. He is also a member of our group. He also knows the song "Dream Chaser" and is familiar with the version I rehearsed. He can directly participate in the recording tomorrow. "

Hou Jun was stunned.

 He really didn’t expect that Lu Yanhe would come to recommend others to him.

 But now at this time, he needs this person very much.


Lu Yanhe said: "Yan Liang, you can search for videos of him singing in the past. He sang very well."

Hou Jun asked: "Will your manager agree to let him record this show?"

"Yes." Lu Yanhe chuckled, "He's just targeting me."

Hou Jun was full of doubts, but since this was someone else's private matter after all, he didn't ask, and Lu Yanhe didn't say anything more.


 “Dong dong!”

Lu Yanhe knocked on Yan Liang’s door.

Yan Liang has already fallen asleep.

 He usually goes to bed early because he has to get up very early the next morning to exercise.

Yan Liang looked confused as if he had just woken up. He looked at Lu Yanhe with sleepy eyes and asked, "What's wrong?"

 Lu Yanhe said: "Wake up and come out to practice singing."

 “Practice singing?” Yan Liang looked confused as to what was going on.

Lu Yanhe said: "If nothing else happens, Zhou Ping'an will contact you within half an hour. There will be a program recording tomorrow night that requires you to sing "The Boy Who Chasing the Wind."

 “Program recording?” Upon hearing these four words, Yan Liang woke up immediately.

He trains so hard every day and listens to Zhou Pingan's words, isn't it just to get more opportunities?

Yan Liang asked in surprise: "What's going on?"

Lu Yanhe shook his head and said, "Don't ask anymore, just listen to this version and practice it quickly."

 He sent the audio to Yan Liang’s mobile phone.

“I’ve given it to you. You can practice it yourself. I also want to read.” After Lu Yanhe explained to Yan Liang, he went back to his room.

Yan Liang had an expression on his face of "What the **** is going on?" After a few seconds, he came back to his senses. He listened to Lu Yanhe and washed his face first, then clicked on the audio and began to familiarize himself with this version of "The Boy Who Chased the Wind" .

 Twenty minutes later, Yan Liang’s cell phone rang.

It turned out to be Zhou Pingan who actually called.

Yan Liang answered the phone. When he heard that there was actually a music variety show that invited him to record tomorrow, he felt numb.

 Lu Yanhe is definitely not a prophet, which can only mean that this matter is also related to Lu Yanhe.

  "Little Songs Gathered Together", this is the program that Lu Yanhe just recorded.

Yan Liang was excited about this sudden opportunity, but at the same time he was thinking about asking Lu Yanhe if he had recommended this opportunity.

 Otherwise, even if "Little Songs Gathering Crowds" is not popular, he will not be found when looking for guests.

 In the entire group, only two people, Li Zhibai and Cheng Hai, are very popular and well-known. The rest of them have only a few hundred thousand fans. In the entertainment industry, they basically have no reputation.

Of course, Lu Yanhe is also becoming popular now because he has been frequently searched recently.

 Yan Liang is actually a little envious.

 (End of this chapter)

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