Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 118: Heavy

Chapter 118 Big news

 Vice President Ma suddenly dropped a bombshell at this time.

 “The audition starts this afternoon, so prepare well.”

 The audience in the audience felt as if they were in a state of shock.

“Lao Lu.” Li Zhibai asked, “What’s going on? Do you know?”

 In the crowd full of excitement, the three of them seemed out of place and a little different.

Lu Yanhe shook his head and said, "I don't know, but maybe he just didn't want me to get this opportunity, so he did this."

 “It’s really dark.” Li Zhibai looked disdainful, “The methods are so shameless, finding so many competitors for you.”

"It's okay, I feel more at ease when they do this, otherwise I would never know what harm they are going to do." Lu Yanhe smiled, "You should also prepare well. If it is really not my turn in the end, it will be better than having this taken away by others." Given the opportunity, I hope it’s you guys who will act, so that the money won’t go to outsiders.”

Yan Liang had an expression on his face that he was hesitant to speak and didn't know what to say.

 It is ten o'clock in the morning.

Li Zhibai said: "Let's just go get something to eat first. We will audition later in the afternoon. It's not good to be too full."

 “Yes, okay.” Lu Yanhe nodded, “Let’s go.”

 The three of them left the company building and went to a nearby restaurant.

 The restaurant is a homely restaurant, located in a nearby alley.

 This store has been open for many years, and they often eat here when they come to the company.

 Because it’s affordable.

Li Zhibai said: "I was called over for a meeting so early in the morning. I was really starving to death."

Among the three people, he was the only one who did not have the habit of getting up early, nor did he have breakfast, so he came with an empty stomach.

Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang are not very good at eating.

 But as soon as the food was served, the aroma of this home-cooked food was particularly tempting, and I felt hungry immediately.

“The braised eggplant fried by the boss is really a masterpiece.” Li Zhibai commented, “I want to pack a portion and take it home every time, but it doesn’t taste good when I take it home.”

As he was speaking, the door was pushed open again.

Cheng Hai and Tu Song walked in.

“Yo, what a coincidence.” Cheng Hai saw them and greeted them with a smile.

“What a coincidence, why are there only two of you?” Li Zhibai saw them and asked.

 Group seven people, three of them share a house, and the other four people share a house.

 Just like students are divided into dormitories, those who are assigned to the same dormitory usually do activities together.

Chenghai said: "They said they couldn't eat and needed to prepare, so Tu Song and I came."

“How can I have the energy to audition in the afternoon if I don’t have enough food?” Li Zhibai said, “Let’s sit down and eat together.”

Cheng Hai and Tu Song shared the table with them and sat down.

 Li Zhibai waved his hand again: "Boss, take the menu again and add two more dishes!"

 The boss responded immediately and came over with the menu.

Li Zhibai motioned to give the menu to Cheng Hai and the others.

“Look at what you want to add, boss, please add two more sets of bowls and chopsticks.”

“Okay.” They have known each other since they were fifteen or sixteen years old. They have known each other for several years in a group, and they are more or less close to each other as they have known each other since they were teenagers.

 As soon as we sat at the same table, we started chatting immediately.

“Are you planning to go to Chen Ziyan for an interview?” Tu Song asked Lu Yanhe and the others as soon as he sat down.

Li Zhibai immediately said: "I haven't thought about it yet. Yan Liang and Lu Yanhe are both in their third year of high school. At the most critical time, who has the mind to think about changing agents at this time? However, Zhou Ping'an is really cold. , actually made us kill each other, why only three of us were left to take care of ourselves in the end.”

Tu Song had a look of resentment on his face and said, "You don't have to worry. You and Cheng Hai are so popular, they will definitely be retained by him, unlike us."

"What are you talking about? It's not certain whether I can keep him or not." Li Zhibai didn't care and said directly, "My parents are not very satisfied with the few years he has taken me. They keep muttering that they want to give it to me." I want to change my agent, but I don’t know if they will change it for me.”

 Li Zhibai’s biggest asset is not his popularity, but his parents. Compared with others, Li Zhibai least needs to look at Zhou Pingan's face. Anyway, he is not worried about his situation in the company.

Hearing this, Tu Song's eyes lit up and he asked, "Aren't you going to stay under Zhou Ping'an?"

"Not necessarily, it depends on what my parents think." Li Zhibai looked at Tu Song and said, "To be honest, Tu Song, you had a bad time with Zhou Pingan before, so you still want to stay in Zhou Pingan?" Where is Ping An?”

  Previously, Tu Song questioned Zhou Pingan in front of many people about the single, causing Zhou Pingan to scold him angrily.

Tu Song was helpless and said, "Then I have no other way out. I'm not very popular like you, and other agents are willing to take care of me. If Zhou Ping'an doesn't take me, I might not be able to find him in the company." Someone else is willing to take me.”

"That's not necessarily true. How do you know if you haven't tried it?" Cheng Hai also said, "You are just too forward-thinking. Anyway, you are already a little unhappy with Zhou Ping'an. Why hang him on a tree? Contact him early. Other agents are better.”

 The trend of the topic is inexplicably heavy.

Yan Liang didn’t know how to answer the call.

 He is the most obedient and well-behaved of all people in front of Zhou Pingan. It is inappropriate to say anything at this time.

"Hey, Lu Yanhe, aren't you quite popular these days? Didn't Zhou Ping'an talk to you?" Cheng Hai suddenly asked Lu Yanhe.

“He talked to me and asked me to terminate the contract.” Lu Yanhe smiled.

 Cheng Hai and Tu Song were both stunned.

Only a few people knew about Lu Yanhe’s termination of contract, and Lu Yanhe had not told others before.

 But now Lu Yanhe has changed his strategy.

Since the current situation indicates that the termination of the contract has become a foregone conclusion, let more people know what is going on.

It's not that he wants to terminate his contract with Xing Entertainment, it's that Zhou Ping'an wants to terminate his contract with Lu Yanhe.

 Let this matter be known to more and more people.

Lu Yanhe didn't know what the benefits would be from doing this, but he knew that if he didn't do this, the dirty water of contract termination would definitely be thrown on his head in the future. When the time comes, he wouldn't feel anything if Zhou Pingan said anything to slander him. strangeness.

 “Why?” Tu Song asked in disbelief.

He was originally a little envious of Lu Yanhe's popularity again during this period. He originally thought that Lu Yanhe would become a strong opponent to stay under Zhou Pingan's team, but he didn't expect that Zhou Pingan would terminate his contract with him?

Lu Yanhe shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know the specific reason. I have to ask him. Maybe he felt that I was not popular before."

 Chenghai and Tu Song really didn't know what to say when they thought about Lu Yanhe's performance before.

  After all, it was really bad, and everyone felt that it was dragging down the whole group.

With Lu Yanhe's intention to terminate the contract as a comparison, Tu Song's worries and concerns no longer seem so heavy.

While they were silent, someone pushed the door in and suddenly said loudly: "Wow, these **** Fengzhi are also eating here, why don't we change places?"

 (End of this chapter)

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