Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 121: Audition scene

Chapter 121 Audition scene

 When Lu Yanhe came back, people had already started auditioning.

 Because there were so many people, the audition was conducted in groups of five.

As soon as he came back, Li Zhibai said in his ear: "My dad's people have gone to the hotel to get the surveillance camera. What do you tell Zhou Ping'an?"

"If there is no accident, he will definitely negotiate with Ma Zhiyuan's agent. I don't know what the final result of the negotiation will be." Lu Yanhe said, "You can also forward a copy of the video to me. I have this video. If you have it in hand, you will definitely kill Ma Zhiyuan severely."

  Li Zhibai: "Okay, at least the medical expenses will be multiplied by ten. I'm so angry."

"Be more popular. If you work harder, attend more shows, and become more popular than him, how dare he be so arrogant in front of you." Lu Yanhe said immediately.

  “Damn, it’s my fault for not living up to expectations.”

"If I can be more popular than him, I will definitely do it." Lu Yanhe said.

Yan Liang also laughed.

 It’s unfair to say it, but that’s how it is in the entertainment industry.

 Effort and reward are not necessarily directly proportional.

 Those who are liked the most are not necessarily the ones who value their likes the most.

 Those who have the most high hopes in this industry may not necessarily be the ones who love this industry the most.

Li Zhibai doesn't work hard, is lazy, has an average temper, and is not very good at singing or dancing. However, he is likeable and popular, and coupled with his cynical temperament, he is also favored by many circles.

Lu Yanhe said that, but Li Zhibaizhen worked hard, and he may not be as popular as he is now.

 People who work hard are admired, but they will not be infatuated or worshiped.


 The audition was set up in a spacious conference room, which was specially decorated.

Luo Yuzhong and Jiang Yuqian sat in the middle, with Vice President Ma sitting on one side.

In addition to a few of them, there were many people sitting behind them, including Star Entertainment's agents and other company managers.

 In the corner, sitting a woman with long wavy hair.

From where she sat, she seemed to be an insignificant figure.

 But from time to time, people around her would look at her with awe, and it could be seen that this person had a high status in this company.

 In fact, when she came in, everyone except Luo Yuzhong stood up and asked her to sit in the first row.

 She declined herself.

"Director Luo is here to choose actors. It's not appropriate for me to sit there, but I also want to listen to Director Luo's evaluation, so please forgive me for coming uninvited. I will sit quietly in the back. Everyone can just pretend that I don't exist." ”

 This is what the woman said at the time.

Vice President Ma looked back at her and noticed the awe and nervousness in the eyes of others when they looked at her from time to time.

 There are only a handful of people in this company who can have this kind of influence.

Who dares to really think that she does not exist?

 This woman.

 Vice President Ma complained in his heart.

 But he only dared to complain silently in his heart.

 After all, this woman’s name is Chen Ziyan.

 She is responsible for most of the Xing Entertainment Brokerage Company.

  Auditions have already been conducted for two rounds.

Two groups of people came in, and each group took less than ten minutes. It was obvious at a glance that there was no one who satisfied Luo Yuzhong.

 After this group of people went out, Luo Yuzhong called a timeout.

"Why are all these children wearing makeup? Let everyone who comes in behind take off their makeup first." Luo Yuzhong said unsatisfied, "This is not a stage, there is no need for them to perform, so why are they wearing such heavy makeup? ”

Vice President Ma immediately responded and arranged for someone to go outside to deliver the message. "Director Luo, I've already asked someone to tell you. Don't be angry. These kids attach great importance to this audition, so they want to put their best foot forward to see you." Vice President Ma immediately said, "They They are all carefully selected by the company, take your time and take a look.”

Jiang Yuqian glanced at Luo Yuzhong, who had already drank two-thirds of the coffee in front of him, and winked at her assistant.

The assistant understood instantly, turned around and went out.

While waiting for those at the back to take off their makeup, Jiang Yuqian mentioned her thoughts about the drama in a timely manner, without letting the scene cool down.

Luo Yuzhong suddenly thought of something and asked, "By the way, the Lu Yanhe I met last time, is he here today too?"

Jiang Yuqian looked at Vice President Ma.

Vice President Ma immediately said: "Here we are, waiting outside."

He was murmuring in his heart, there wouldn't be so many people scheduled for today, why not let Lu Yanhe get this opportunity?

 He did not expect that Luo Yuzhong would have an impression of Lu Yanhe.

Luo Yuzhong said: "He looks pretty good that way, fresh and clean. What I'm looking for is a young man with a student image. I really can't stand these stage makeup."

Jiang Yuqian said: "Don't worry, the situation between the two groups will not happen again. These young children sincerely want to learn from you, so you should give them more guidance."

"You said so, of course I have to give you more guidance." Luo Yuzhong smiled and pointed at Jiang Yuqian, "If these young people are half as smart as you, think about how they should appear in the audition. It won’t be like that just now.”

Jiang Yuqian glanced at Vice President Ma, but did not expose the fact that the company had just gathered everyone together this morning and notified them of the audition.

 This matter has actually been decided a long time ago.

 Vice President Ma only informed them this morning just to catch Lu Yanhe off guard.

These people were afraid of the relationship between Lu Yanhe and Luo Yuzhong, who had met each other before. They were afraid that Lu Yanhe would find out in advance and find other ways to win the role in advance, so they used such a move. The result was that everyone was caught off guard, and no one was One can prepare in advance.

Jiang Yuqian thinks it’s quite funny.

She didn't quite understand why Vice President Ma would target a young artist like this.

By the time Lu Yanhe's group came in, both Jiang Yuqian and Luo Yuzhong finally concentrated a little bit.

Lu Yanhe’s group happens to be the five people from Fengzhi.

 Lu Yanhe, Li Zhibai, Yan Liang, Cheng Hai and Tu Song.

Luo Yuzhong’s eyes lit up.

The boys in this group all look quite upright, don’t have so many bells and whistles, and have a very clean temperament.

 For an older generation like him, he likes to see pure young people.

 Furthermore, these people each have their own aura and different looks.

Lu Yanhe is clean and upright, Li Zhibai is a bit arrogant, Yan Liang is reserved and restrained, Cheng Hai is a bit more mature than them, with the look of a college student, and Tu Song is...a bit ordinary, looking a bit off-putting. .

“You all briefly introduce yourselves to Director Luo,” Vice President Ma said.

Luo Yuzhong waved his hand, "No need."

 He looked at these young people.

 “Have you ever acted before?”

 The five people shook their heads in unison.

Luo Yuzhong smiled and said, "I was an idol before, right?"

 The five people nodded sparsely.

“I’ll give you a question. You act it out one by one from left to right, and I’ll check the status.” Luo Yuzhong said.

 The five people looked at Luo Yuzhong attentively.

 (End of this chapter)

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