Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 141: The person she likes, she covers

Chapter 141 The person she likes, she covers

This time, they changed to a cafe a little further away.

It is still the place where Chen Ziyan made a reservation.

 Mainly because what happened with Su Su and Yuan Yi there last time, Chen Ziyan felt that the omen was not good.

Lu Yanhe walked for fifteen minutes before arriving at Chen Ziyan's new place.

 This is a Western restaurant.

When Lu Yanhe left the classroom, Chen Ziyan took a photo of the menu and showed him what to eat.

By the time Lu Yanhe arrived, the meals had already been served.

 At noon on weekdays, there are not many people in the western restaurant.

 Chen Ziyan wore a slim-fitting suit and lipstick today, making her look more capable than the last time we met.

 She smiled slightly when she saw Lu Yanhe.


 Lu Yanhe sat down.

 “Let’s eat first, and we’ll talk after we finish.” Chen Ziyan said, “I haven’t had lunch yet, so I’m very hungry.”

 “Okay.” Lu Yanhe nodded and picked up the knife and fork.

 After finishing eating, Chen Ziyan wiped her mouth with a napkin.

Lu Yanhe also put down his knife and fork.

Chen Ziyan said to him: "I have been sitting all morning today, meeting people. After everyone knew that I was back, they were giving me gifts and wanted me to see if they were interested in bringing them. I have been thinking, after bringing so many Now that big-name artists have emerged, does the job of being an agent still have new meaning for me?”

Lu Yanhe looked at her doubtfully, not understanding why she would tell him this.

“Then I kept thinking of the two works you sent me last night.” Chen Ziyan looked at him, “Is this your latest creation?”

“It’s not just recently, I’ve been working on it for a long time. I just wrote it down formally just to meet you this time.” Lu Yanhe said.

 “You are very honest.”

"How should I put it? I'm just an ordinary 18th-tier star." Lu Yanhe smiled, "I have nothing but honesty."

“Don’t you know how to create by yourself?” Chen Ziyan said, “This is a very rare and precious ability.”

Lu Yanhe nodded and said calmly: "But Chollima needs Bole. Without you as my agent, it might take me a long time to let others talents."

 When he said the word "talent", Lu Yanhe still felt an unspeakable shame.

"But I know that if you are willing to take me with you and give me a year, you can make me famous and let me make you money." Lu Yanhe overcame this shame and continued, "It is not good for you to make an artist famous. It’s easy to say that making money is also easy for you, but after thinking about it for a long time, this is what I can promise now and what I can do.”

 Chen Ziyan's calm eyes showed a hint of interest.

"I hope you can be my agent. I have already put forward everything I can to impress you." Lu Yanhe's sincere eyes fell gently on Chen Ziyan's eyes.

 “Okay.” Chen Ziyan nodded.

Lu Yanhe was stunned.


"I said yes." Chen Ziyan said, "Actually, I had already made my decision when I asked you out to meet for the first time, but I wanted to see how you would react if I hesitated. To be honest, you It gave me an even bigger surprise, I didn’t expect you to have such creative ability.”

Lu Yanhe looked at her in disbelief.

 “Have you decided to take me with you?”

"Otherwise, why do you think I would come to see you near your school? Am I very free?" Chen Ziyan smiled, "You are a very smart boy, but sometimes, you are simpler than I thought."

Lu Yanhe didn’t even know what to say.

 After you have worked so hard to prepare for so long, you tell me that you have already decided to take me?

Chen Ziyan said: "Don't tell anyone else about this matter I brought you. I don't plan to give you any job before your college entrance examination is over. I just want your contract with Star Entertainment to end smoothly, and we will sign a new one." share."

Lu Yanhe looked at Chen Ziyan in surprise.

 “Sign a new one?”

“Hmm.” Chen Ziyan nodded, “Why, do you still want to take the old contract and get the share?”

   In the original old contract, the share was in a ratio of 2:8, 8 for him and 2 for the company.

Lu Yanhe looked at Chen Ziyan in surprise. He didn't expect that she was even ready to change the contract for him.


Chen Ziyan: "In the next period of time, you should prepare for the exam and don't think about other things. If you can really pass the exam, then I will have the first topic for you."

"Straight A student?"

"Don't insult me ​​with Zhou Ping'an's vulgar tricks." Chen Ziyan said, "What I want to run is a topic about how outdated idols can counterattack and succeed through their own efforts. He is the eternal protagonist. If you go from the last grade in your grade to the top 100 in your grade, and pass the exam from a junior college to a first-level student, you will become the first star in the entertainment industry to have a counterattack halo. There are not many, but there are still some, but there has never been a star who has made a counterattack since the third year of high school and passed the exam. "

Lu Yanhe was speechless again after hearing Chen Ziyan's words. It can only be said that Chen Ziyan does have somewhat different ideas and methods than ordinary people.

Chen Ziyan drove Lu Yanhe to the gate of No. 13 Middle School.

 “Come on and do your best.” Chen Ziyan said.

“Yes.” Lu Yanhe unbuckled his seat belt, “Thank you.”

After getting out of the car, Lu Yanhe turned around, waved to the car, and walked towards the school gate.

 Perhaps it was because he felt at ease in his heart that he felt relaxed.

 No longer so anxious about the future.


The classroom is very lively.

Before Lu Yanhe even walked in, he heard the sound of discussion like hot water boiling.

He walked in doubtfully, a little confused, and saw a group of people whispering something to each other.

 “What’s going on?” Lu Yanhe asked Li Pengfei.

Li Pengfei seemed to be distracted, frowning and lowering his head in thought, and did not hear Lu Yanhe's voice.

Lu Yanhe had no choice but to wave his hand in front of Li Pengfei.


Li Pengfei came back to his senses and looked at him.

 “Oh, Lao Lu, you are back.”

"What's wrong with you? Why are you so distracted?" Lu Yanhe asked.

Li Pengfei looked around, took out his mobile phone, searched for it, and then sent the page on his mobile phone to Lu Yanhe.

 “You’ll know just by looking at it.” Li Pengfei said.

Hearing this, Lu Yanhe picked up Li Pengfei's mobile phone and looked at it.

   is a Tieba post.

Lu Yanhe soon realized that this was the post that had been abuzz with discussion in the class in the past few days.

  The one who said that two people in his class were secretly in love.

Lu Yanhe took a closer look and found that the person who created this post updated it at noon today, writing: Although not many people know about this underground couple, the boy once gave the girl a pair of pink gloves.

 Wait, pink gloves?

this is not-

Lu Yanhe suddenly came to his senses. Aren't the gloves Li Pengfei bought for Xu Zijun pink gloves?

 He looked at Li Pengfei in surprise and asked, "Are you and Xu Zijun?"

Li Pengfei's face immediately showed a look of panic.

"How is that possible? Don't talk nonsense!" He was a little nervous. "I'm worried that others will see this post and think it's me and her."

“Then if the two of you didn’t have this problem, why would someone write like this?”

"Who knows!" Li Pengfei said angrily, looking very angry. It was obvious that he was really dissatisfied with this matter.

There was nothing between him and Xu Zijun. If her sister Xu Fanxing hadn't asked them to send a letter, he felt that he would not have said a word to Xu Zijun in the three years of high school.

Although he later gave Xu Zijun a pair of gloves, it was only because he heard about Xu Zijun's incident and sympathized with her, and saw that she had frostbite on her hands, that he gave it to her.

 As a result, people are now spreading rumors online.

He really didn't want to be misunderstood that he was secretly in love with Xu Zijun. He admitted that although he sympathized with Xu Zijun a little, he absolutely did not want to have anything to do with her.

Lu Yanhe saw that he was angry and asked, "Then who else knows about you giving her a pair of gloves? Apart from you and me."

“No, I didn’t tell anyone. Even Xu Zijun himself didn’t know it was from me.” Li Pengfei said.

 Lu Yanhe looked at him in shock, "She doesn't even know it's from you?"

"Yeah." Li Pengfei nodded, "One night, I waited for everyone to leave, put the gloves in her drawer, and left her a small note, telling her that they were for her."

 Lu Yanhe: “…”

 “Why don’t you just send it to me?”

Li Pengfei: "Then what if she doesn't accept it? Why not just stuff it in her drawer."

 Lu Yanhe: “…”

I don’t know what to say.

“Is it a coincidence, or did someone know that you gave Xu Zijun a glove and mistakenly thought that the two of you were secretly in love?” Lu Yanhe asked.

Li Pengfei: "Who would have known that I gave Xu Zijun a glove? I didn't put it in her drawer in front of others. I told everyone about it and everyone left at that time."

Lu Yanhe's eyes flickered and he asked, "Have you forgotten that someone secretly opened your express box before?"

Li Pengfei looked shocked and suddenly realized, "Are you talking about the person who secretly opened my express delivery?"

"The only people who know that there is a pair of pink gloves in your express box are you and me, and the person who secretly opened your express. Now someone is saying that this underground couple has a pair of pink gloves. That is not me, nor It's not you, it can only be him." Lu Yanhe said.

 “Damn, this grandson!” After Li Pengfei reacted, he immediately yelled.

 The others immediately looked over and looked at him in confusion.

Li Pengfei suppressed his temper again when he saw this.

Lu Yanhe whispered: "This is actually good. Originally, we would never know who the person who secretly opened your express delivery was. Now this person can't help but jump out. This is an opportunity to catch him."

Li Pengfei said: "As long as you let me know who this person is, don't you think I'll beat him up! Damn it!"

Lu Yanhe: "Find the person first. This kind of person is really disgusting."


 The first step is to check the IP.

 When you post on the Internet, you will always leave traces. Unless you are a master hacker, you will not leave any traces in the online world.

 How advanced a high school hacking skill can be.

 But hiding the real IP does not require high technology, many high school students can do it.

 Looking at the poster’s account IP, it’s the United States.

   It’s fake at first glance.

If the IP address cannot be found, then check the traces left by this person's ID on the Internet.

 But this ID seems to be a newly applied one and does not contain much valuable information.

 Lu Yanhe discussed with Li Pengfei and decided to set up a conversation with this ID in the evening.


 The work of formulating words is done by Lu Yanhe.

He re-applied for a new account and sent a private message to the ID named "Light": I am a student in Class 3. One of the lovers you mentioned is not the one who was involved in a lot of troubles some time ago, right?

Lu Yanhe asked straight to the point.

He felt that only if he dropped some information and pointed the clue to Xu Zijun, would this "Light" take the bait.

His class was involved in a lot of troubles some time ago, and Xu Zijun did his part.

Sure enough, “Light” replied to him thirty minutes later: Do you also know who it is?

Lu Yanhe smiled and replied to "Light": I secretly saw them when they were giving gifts, so I was shocked when I saw your post. At that time, I was the only one outside the classroom, and there was only one person inside. the two of them.

 “Light” said: I know it from other places, but who are you?

Lu Yanhe rolled his eyes and said: They are all anonymous. I don't ask who you are, and you don't ask me who I am. It's not like you don't know how barbaric Li Pengfei is. If he knows about it, he will mistakenly think that he is. If I posted it online, I might get beaten up by him.

 “Light” was silent for a while, and then said: You are right.

Lu Yanhe laughed and "Light" admitted that one of the parties involved was Li Pengfei.

Combined with the previous "person involved in a lot of right and wrong", it seems that it is not a coincidence. The underground couple mentioned by "Light" are Li Pengfei and Xu Zijun.

Lu Yanhe continued: I really didn’t expect that the two of them would be together.

"Light" said: What's so strange about this? A barbarian and a fat woman are a match made in heaven.

Lu Yanhe couldn't help but frowned.

This person speaks too harshly.

 Who in the class usually talks like this?

  Luo Zicheng?

 The first person that came to his mind was Luo Zicheng.

 Actually, when he knew that this matter was against Li Pengfei, Lu Yanhe was wondering whether this person might be Luo Zicheng.

 After all, Li Pengfei had punched him before.

Luo Zicheng is a small-minded person who holds grudges.

 How to make him show his weakness?

Lu Yanhe thought for a while and sent him a message: Do you know why Li Pengfei likes Xu Zijun?

 “Light”: Why?

 Lu Yanhe said: You don’t know? Forget it, I won’t tell you anymore.

                                          : ?

 “Light”: Don’t you want to cover up your efforts?

Lu Yanhe said: I thought you knew, but I didn’t expect you didn’t know, so I didn’t say anything. If you spread the word, and Li Pengfei suspected that I was the one who said it, and beat me up, would I not die unjustly?

“Light”: I definitely won’t tell anyone.

 Lu Yanhe: Didn’t you still post anonymously in Tieba? You don't have much credibility.

 “Light”: Who said that? I didn't promise to keep it a secret. They let me find out about it, so why don't they let me talk about it? I swear I will keep this secret. Why does Li Pengfei like Xu Zijun? Say it quickly.


 Lu Yanhe is offline.

People's appetite always needs to be whetted to increase their appetite.

He took screenshots of all the chats and sent them to Li Pengfei: Control your emotions first, don't alert others.

Li Pengfei: I knew it was this piece of shit! Oh shit!

Lu Yanhe: It’s not surprising that it’s him. It’s not like you don’t know. He has a grudge against you and has always wanted to take revenge on you.

Li Pengfei: I really want to kick him. How can there be such a disgusting person in the world? Damn, it’s really disgusting. I can’t control my anger.

 Lu Yanhe: Wait until I expose his flaws first and there is evidence to prove that he is spreading rumors, then you can get angry again.

Li Pengfei: What are you going to do?

Lu Yanhe: I haven’t thought about it yet. Let’s dry him out first. He will be thinking over and over again tonight about why you like Xu Zijun.

Li Pengfei: This trick of yours is quite sinister. I originally thought you were a decent person, but I didn’t expect it to be damaging enough. You managed to trick him out with just a few words.

Lu Yanhe smiled slightly: This is not a loss, it is just a little wisdom used.

Li Pengfei: I said you are fat and you are still out of breath.

 Lu Yanhe: I won’t talk to you now. I’m reading a book. I’ll talk about it later.

 Li Pengfei: Yeah.

Lu Yanhe reminded again: Don’t hold back your temper and go find Luo Zicheng, he will definitely not admit it now.

 Li Pengfei: Come on, I know, it won’t stop you from continuing to deceive him.


 The next day, the first thing Li Pengfei did when he came to school was to find Lu Yanhe.

He looked impatient and asked, "Have you figured out how to expose Luo Zicheng?"

"I've thought about it, but we have to resolve the pink gloves matter first." Lu Yanhe said, "otherwise everyone will know later that the male and female protagonists of this matter are you and Xu Zijun. Even if you deny it, make it clear that Luo Zicheng is deliberately spreading rumors. , make up a story, and people won’t believe it too much. The gloves were given by you. If you had given them openly in front of everyone before, without covering it up, instead of letting such a post spread, it would not exist. There is so much room for people to imagine. If people find out, you will be fine, but Xu Zijun will definitely be discussed and entertained again. She has been involved in too many public opinions about right and wrong, so it is better not to let her stabilize. The results will be different again.”

Li Pengfei nodded.

"Fortunately, there are many girls wearing pink gloves in our class, and no one has suspected Xu Zijun yet." Lu Yanhe said, "The two options are to hide this matter, or to expose it in front of the whole class. You said that you gave Xu Zijun a pink glove, but you have to find a way to let everyone know that you two have no ambiguous relationship at all, so that everyone will not think about it, or even think about it. , I don’t believe it anymore, but it’s probably impossible.”

Li Pengfei shook his head: "I don't know what to choose. You make up your mind. As long as this matter can be solved, that's fine."

 The two people looked at each other.

Lu Yanhe thought for a moment and whispered: "Then you can do this later..."


 After the second get out of class, Li Pengfei deliberately walked to Xu Zijun's side.

When passing Xu Zijun's desk, Li Pengfei suddenly said loudly: "Xu Zijun, where are the gloves your sister asked me to bring you? I met her again at the school gate this morning, and she asked me to remind you that you have frostbite on your hands. , so you remember to wear gloves.”

Xu Zijun looked at Li Pengfei in shock, astonished, as if he didn't react.

When Jiang Haitian and Ying Hetian heard what Li Pengfei deliberately said loudly, they shouted, "Brother Fei, when did you see Sister Xu Zijun again?"

 “Two or three weeks ago.” Li Pengfei said without changing his face.

"Real or false? Brother Fei, don't you know that the post on Tieba is about you and Xu Zijun?" Li Cui immediately looked back, his eyes glowing with gossip, and asked.

"What the hell? You said that Xu Zijun and I are secretly in love? There is a bottom line for your nonsense." Li Pengfei denied it speechlessly.

Li Pengfei looked magnanimous, but Xu Zijun blushed and lowered his head because of the sudden mention.

However, at this time, Luo Zicheng suddenly looked at Li Pengfei with a sarcastic face and said, "This is too coincidental."

Li Pengfei saw Luo Zicheng appear and immediately glared at him.

"I advise you to shut up and stop being blind. The punch you gave you last time wasn't enough, was it?"

“你心虚了吗?”罗子程这一次却仿佛胸有成竹,一点不怕李鹏飞揍他,说:“按照你说的,徐子君她姐姐托你给徐子君送手套这事都两个星期了,你今天突然冒出Isn’t it weird to talk about this? Aren’t you afraid that the person who posted the post would reveal your and Xu Zijun’s names, so you deliberately found an excuse to make it clear that you gave Xu Zijun gloves?”

At first when Luo Zicheng stood up and spoke, everyone was subconsciously resistant and disgusted, but what he said made everyone agree.

Even though everyone didn’t like Luo Zicheng, his words still shook everyone.

Are Li Pengfei and Xu Zijun really secretly dating?

 Everyone looked at these two people and felt that they really didn't look alike.

Li Pengfei looked at Luo Zicheng speechlessly: "You are really good at making up stories. It seems that you also made up that post on the Internet, right?"

Luo Zicheng certainly denied it.

 “That has nothing to do with me.”

"Haha." Li Pengfei said, "It would be fine if I really fell in love with Xu Zijun. The problem is that I don't have one either. The person who posted the post didn't say that the two people were me and Xu Zijun. How can you be so sure that it's the two of us? ?”

Luo Zicheng immediately said: "Of course it's because you suddenly came out and said you gave Xu Zijun a pair of gloves. This kind of behavior is very suspicious."

"Oh, is it suspicious that I gave Xu Zijun a pair of gloves? Lao Lu, you were the one who met Xu Zijun's sister with me at the time. You were there when I gave Xu Zijun a pair of gloves. You are also suspicious. , are you also secretly together with Xu Zijun behind my back?"

Lu Yanhe raised his head, as if he didn't pay attention to what they were saying just now, "Huh?"

Li Pengfei sneered and looked at Luo Zicheng with disdain on his face.

Luo Zicheng said: "Of course Lu Yanhe will not object to whatever you say."

Lu Yanhe smiled.

“Brother Fei, why is Luo Zicheng targeting you again?” He turned the pen easily between his fingers.

Li Pengfei said: "This idiot insists that the underground couple mentioned in the forum are me and Xu Zijun."

 Lu Yanhe: “Are these the reasons for targeting you this time?”

  “That’s not true.”

Lu Yanhe suddenly became happy, "Let me tell you, Brother Fei, isn't this Luo Zicheng who directed and acted himself and wrote a special post just to spread rumors about you today?"

 Li Pengfei: “Who knows.”

Lu Yanhe said: "When you gave Xu Zijun gloves that day, I was the only one present, not even Xu Zijun, so you threw the gloves and the letter written by her sister into her drawer, and no one else was there. If this The couple in the post is talking about you and Xu Zijun, so I must say that this person is targeting you. He must have seen you bring a pink glove into the classroom, and then saw Xu Zijun again two days later. I put on the pink gloves you brought before, and I preconceived that you two must be in love."

Li Pengfei: "I think it's Luo Zicheng, the dog, who is targeting me and doing nothing for me all day long."

Luo Zicheng was so angry that his face turned red.

 “Don’t spit on others!”

"Then you have the ability to take out your phone, open your Tieba, and see if your ID is that "Light"!" Li Pengfei pointed at Li Pengfei, "Everyone has seen that post, and you have seen it too, so don't It says you don’t have an account. If you open it now, open the Tieba APP and show your ID!”

 The situation suddenly took a turn for the worse and changed dramatically.

Everyone thought what Luo Zicheng said was reasonable. There seemed to be a bit of ambiguity between Li Pengfei and Xu Zijun. However, Li Pengfei's confident and completely unapologetic attitude made everyone's eyes fall on Luo Zicheng.

“Luo Zicheng, why don’t you take out your mobile phone and take a look.” As Li Pengfei’s best friend, Jiang Haitian’s eyes lit up when he ate melons. At the critical moment, he still had to help Li Pengfei step on Luo Zicheng.

Luo Zicheng's face turned red and he remained motionless in front of everyone.

 He has been forced to go to Liangshan.

Lu Yanhe and Li Pengfei discussed this for the last time.

This incident is going to prove that Luo Zicheng is "Light". Unless he, like Chu Saiying, exposes himself as a fool, he can only rely on this method to force him.

Luo Zicheng's voice was trembling: "Why do you look at my mobile phone? This is my privacy!"

"Who wants to see your phone? Now open your Tieba APP backend and just show us your ID." Li Pengfei said, "You don't dare to show your ID to us? Are you feeling guilty?"

 He questioned Luo Zicheng back on what he had just questioned him.

 Lu Yanhe had already seen it, but he didn’t think he could force Luo Zicheng to show his ID. This was the effect he wanted.

 He waved his hand and said, "Forget it, it's boring."

Li Pengfei shrugged and said to the girl in front of him: "Xu Zijun, Luo Zicheng said that we are in love. It seems that we have to keep a distance from each other in the future. Otherwise, if we are just sitting at home, the pot will come from the sky. If Teacher Liu really misunderstands I caused harm to her favorite protégé, and I can’t help but be shot to death.”

 After saying that, Li Pengfei clicked his tongue twice, rolled his eyes at Luo Zicheng with disgust, and returned to his seat.

Luo Zicheng felt his face was burning, and that feeling of shame and anger came to his heart again.

 Old grudges and new hatreds were intertwined in his heart.

 Everyone was talking a lot, but Xu Zijun kept his head down without any reaction.


Li Pengfei sent a message to Lu Yanhe: Do you think Luo Zicheng will take the bait?

Lu Yanhe: Even if he doesn’t take the bait after forcing him to do this, there’s nothing you can do about him.

Li Pengfei: He must be eager to know from you right now why I like Xu Zijun.

 Lu Yanhe: Keep drying it and talk about it in the evening.

 Lu Yanhe now has no sympathy at all for people like Luo Zicheng.

He thought there were pornographic magazines in the express box and secretly opened Li Pengfei's express delivery. It seems that this guy has always been evil and tried his best to make Li Pengfei look embarrassed and take revenge on him.

Lu Yanhe reminded Li Pengfei: But are you going to explain it to Xu Zijun? She now knows that the gloves were given by you.

Li Pengfei: Don’t worry. Once you tell me your plan, I will tell her about it after the first class and ask her to cooperate with me.

 Lu Yanhe: That’s fine.

Lu Yanhe was suddenly startled, wait a minute, when did this guy have such a good relationship with Xu Zijun, and when he told her to cooperate well, she immediately cooperated?

Xu Zijun didn't say a word just now, letting Li Pengfei do what he wanted. Thinking about it carefully, it's a bit strange. He glanced at Li Pengfei with a strange expression.

 “What for?” Li Pengfei asked.

“It’s okay.” Lu Yanhe shook his head.


 At eight o'clock in the evening, Lu Yanhe logged on to Tieba.

Sure enough, "Light" has sent him seven or eight messages, asking him all the time, why didn't he stand up when Li Pengfei and Lu Yanhe lied today?

Lu Yanhe smiled and replied: How dare I stand up for this? Besides, Li Pengfei already said that he was just entrusted by Sister Xu Zijun to give her a pair of gloves. Maybe I really made a mistake? but…

 This "but" is used very spiritually.

"Light" replied immediately: You said yesterday that when you saw Li Pengfei giving Xu Zijun gloves, they were the only two people in the classroom. Today, Li Pengfei said that Lu Yanhe was also present. Isn't this lying? If he wasn't guilty, why was he lying?

Lu Yanhe continued to play his role: Alas, that’s what I said...

“Light”: You said yesterday that you know why Li Pengfei likes Xu Zijun. You must know something. How can you tell me?

 Lu Yanhe was silent and did not reply.

“Light”: As long as you tell me what conditions you want in exchange, I can agree to it!

 Lu Yanhe still didn’t return.

 “Light”: Don’t be a coward! I will never involve you in this matter. Don't worry, I don't even know who you are.

Lu Yanhe: Are you determined to make Li Pengfei pay the price?

 “Light”: Of course! I want everyone to see his true face!

 Lu Yanhe: His true face? He is just secretly in love with Xu Zijun. Although this person is a bit savage, he is not as bad as you say.

“Light”: Haha, you don’t know him at all. He just relies on his family’s money to do whatever he wants. Look at how many classmates he has bullied!

 Lu Yanhe: So what do you want to do?

“Light”: I want Teacher Liu to know what he is doing. Now even Teacher Liu thinks that he has made progress and is studying hard every day. He has deceived everyone! In fact, he just wanted to cover up his relationship with Xu Zijun. As long as Teacher Liu knows that Li Pengfei is in a relationship with Xu Zijun, he will definitely see through his true colors. Xu Zijun is a person who can enter a top university. Teacher Liu will not allow him to fall in love with Xu Zijun. His father will definitely be called out by then. Come to school.

"…" Lu Yanhe suddenly felt that Luo Zicheng was a very delusional person. No matter what happened, he could think of Li Peng in the most negative and worst situations, and nothing could be compiled into a novel by him.

 Did Li Pengfei cast such a big shadow on him? As for how much he hates Li Pengfei?

Lu Yanhe felt that it was almost done, so he said: Okay, I know that Li Pengfei wrote a love letter to Xu Zijun, sandwiched it in the Chinese language book, and planned to send it to Xu Zijun in the next two days. If you can get that love letter, you can prove it. Li Pengfei is lying.

                                          : ? ? How do you know this? You're not fooling me, are you?

 Lu Yanhe: Believe it or not, I’m going to cancel my account anyway.

 After saying that, he logged off.


Lu Yanhe believed that with the stimulation Luo Zicheng received from this incident, he would definitely find a way to find the love letter in order to take revenge on Li Pengfei.

It’s just that what’s waiting for him is definitely not a love letter.

 He called Li Pengfei and told him that the hook had been thrown out and he was waiting for Luo Zicheng to take the bait.

Li Pengfei said: "Do you think he will take the bait? If he is too cautious and refuses to act, it will not be in vain."

"If he is really too cautious and unwilling to act, then we can just forget it." Lu Yanhe said, "Anyway, after today's commotion, everyone must not believe Luo Zicheng's statement. He told you and Xu Zijun before If you have a grudge, no one will believe it 100%.”


“Besides, you and Xu Zijun are not really together anyway, right?” Lu Yanhe asked.

"Of course." Li Pengfei said immediately, "Luo Zicheng actually thinks that Xu Zijun and I are in love. I'm really speechless."

"After all, he knew that there was a pair of pink gloves in your express box, and the gloves happened to appear on Xu Zijun's hands a few days later. When you think of these things, it is difficult not to misunderstand him, but he has evil intentions. He also deliberately posted such a post on the school forum, just to slowly point the finger at you and Xu Zijun," Lu Yanhe said, "He is actually targeting Teacher Liu and wants Teacher Liu to teach you a lesson. It is also very inexplicable. It’s really meaningless, so what if you are taught a lesson by Teacher Liu? Have you been taught a lesson by Teacher Liu before?”

“He is crazy now. He is jealous when he sees my continuous progress and being praised by Teacher Liu again and again.” Li Pengfei said immediately.

Lu Yanhe thought for a while and felt that what Li Pengfei said might be true. The person Luo Zicheng hated the most in the class was definitely Li Pengfei. Not to mention other things, with that one punch, Luo Zicheng's image in the class collapsed. Many The classmates were all laughing at him privately. There was nothing they could do. It was not that everyone would laugh at a person who was beaten, but that everyone looked down on a person who usually set up a very high-ranking and righteous person for being so cowardly.

What ruined Luo Zicheng's image was not the punch he received, but the fact that on that day he allowed everyone to clearly see his fierceness and cowardice, and see through his self-righteous hypocrisy.

Luo Zicheng thought that as long as Li Pengfei was scolded and criticized by Teacher Liu in public, the image he had established during this period would collapse.

 But he did not realize at all that although a person's image would be affected by the evaluations of those around him, in the final analysis, it was still the person himself who looked like himself.

 When all the classmates signed their names on the joint letter, but he refused to sign, he should have understood. But maybe he was deceiving himself, or maybe he was unwilling to admit his own problem, he still couldn't figure it out.


It's already December, and the first semester of senior high school is almost over. Lu Yanhe really doesn't want to waste his time and energy, but Li Pengfei is his friend, and Luo Zicheng is staring at Li Pengfei like a poisonous snake. Lu Yanhe feels that he has to help Li Pengfei no matter what. Please solve this problem.

 Especially, Lu Yanhe now has another suspicion. If that suspicion is true, then he needs to help Li Pengfei resolve this matter and cannot let Luo Zicheng continue to add fuel to the fire.

 Linyu and Chen Qin came back just at this time.

They all passed independent enrollment and obtained the conditions for admission with reduced scores, with joy on their faces.

 As soon as they came back, other students were more or less envious.

This is a layer of insurance. The college entrance examination is only one time. If they perform abnormally on the day of the college entrance examination, their studies in the past ten years will be in vain. With such conditions for admission with reduced scores, based on their grades, even if they perform abnormally , can also be stabilized.

Li Cui said: "Linyu and Chen Qin are really lucky. I heard that independent enrollment may be canceled starting next year."

 “What?” Others were surprised, “Really or not?”

"Really." Li Cui said, "I heard that this matter has been discussed. Many people feel that independent enrollment is unfair to many students, especially to candidates from economically underdeveloped areas."

"Wow, if this year is really the last independent enrollment period, Linyu and the others will be very lucky."

"Put it down, what does this have to do with luck? Independent enrollment is achieved by people relying on their own strength." Mei Ping said to the person who sounded a little jealous, "You can get into the top 50 in your grade, you can also have something like this Chance."

 Lu Yanhe heard everyone’s discussion and thought to himself that independent enrollment had been canceled in the time and space before he traveled through time.

 Unexpectedly, preparations for cancellation were also started here.

 It seems that although there are many differences in the modernization development of these two time and space, society is still developing in the same direction.

Suddenly, at this time, Li Pengfei patted Lu Yanhe on the shoulder and said, "Would you like to go to the canteen?"

 “Let’s go.” Lu Yanhe knew what Li Pengfei was planning and created an opportunity for Luo Zicheng.

 With neither of them in their seats, Luo Zicheng had the opportunity to read the love letter from his Chinese book.

Seeing Lu Yanhe and Li Pengfei leaving the classroom, Luo Zicheng's heart immediately started to move.

It's just that there are many people in the classroom now, unlike the last time he went to look through Li Pengfei's express box, when there was no one at the back of the classroom.

 Is what that person said true or false?

  Luo Zicheng is actually still dubious until now.

 But if there is really a love letter inside, then he can prove that what he said is true!

 When he thought of this, Luo Zicheng became excited.

 He stood up and walked to the back of the classroom.

As a result, as soon as he got up, the eyes of many students around him immediately fell on him.

 No matter where Luo Zicheng goes, he is watched by everyone around him.

   …” He went to the back to get a glass of water and came back.


Lu Yanhe and Li Pengfei created several opportunities for Luo Zicheng, but Luo Zicheng did not make any move, which made the two people murmur.

"how so?"

 “He didn’t take the bait.”

“Did he discover something fishy and that’s why he didn’t take the bait?”

 The two people got together to discuss it for a long time, but nothing came out of the discussion, so they had to give up.

They didn’t know that it wasn’t that Luo Zicheng didn’t take any action, but because of what happened before, his every move was watched by his classmates, so he didn’t dare to take any action.

 “Then let’s forget it?”

 “If he doesn’t take the bait, this is the way to go.”

Li Pengfei was a little depressed.

Lu Yanhe comforted him: "It's okay. You performed very well that day. Now everyone believes what you said more. No one believes him."

Li Pengfei sighed.

“I didn’t force him to admit that he is ‘Light’, but I still feel a little unwilling to do so.”


 December 20th.

 Chen Ziyan came to see Lu Yanhe again.

This time she found a new store near the school. She drove to pick him up directly at the school gate.

“I know you are very pressed for time now, but you still need to relax properly.” Chen Ziyan said, “You learned at one o’clock in the morning last night?”

 “Did you watch my live broadcast?”

 “Don’t call you again.”

 “Then what should I shout?”

"what ever."

 “Sister Ziyan?”


Lu Yanhe let out an awkward sound.

“I think you work harder than Yan Liang.” Chen Ziyan said, “They say Yan Liang is the hardest working member of your group. That’s probably because many people don’t understand you.”

 Lu Yanhe shook his head: "I also decided to prepare well for the college entrance examination before starting to work hard. Yan Liang started working hard when he participated in the competition."

 Chen Ziyan nodded.

"You are willing to work hard and are so humble, which is a very good quality. I am most annoyed by people who do one-point praise and three-point praise and impress themselves." Chen Ziyan said, "Last time you gave me the title of "People on the Road" I read the story with a professional screenwriter, and he rated it very highly and said it was very suitable to be adapted into a movie script.”

Lu Yanhe thought, of course, this story was born out of a very good movie.

“Are you considering going behind the scenes in the future? I think you can write songs as well as stories.” Chen Ziyan said.

Lu Yanhe immediately shook his head.

“My creation speed is very slow. If I had to rely on creation to support myself, I would basically not be able to survive.” Lu Yanhe is self-aware of himself.

 These are not things that really belong to him.

 There will always be a day when it is used up.

Chen Ziyan: "You have strong creative ability, which will be of great benefit to your future development. Whether you are singing or acting, you must have a good aesthetic and a good vision. Some people rely on talent, while others rely on talent. It depends on learning. You obviously have talent and work **** learning. If you lay a solid foundation now, you will be able to go further in the future.”


Lu Yanhe could feel that Chen Ziyan was telling him some of her life experiences.

"The entertainment industry is a particularly cruel place, but you can't feel it now because you are very young. All the difficulties you are currently experiencing come from Zhou Pingan's obstruction to you, but one day when you come into contact with a broader world , you will also be exposed to broader difficulties, such as a complex character that you cannot understand and cannot play, which is a loss of opportunity, or a friend who seems to be well-intentioned and has you in mind suddenly stabs you one day. It is a cruel betrayal to turn your whole life upside down. For example, as you get older, your market continues to shrink, your opportunities become less and less, and you do not have enough ability to continue the vitality of this career, you just If you can embarrassingly continue to play a role that is not suitable for you, such as the handsome CEO in an idol drama, and then be scolded by the entire Internet so that no producer dares to use you anymore, your career will come to an end. "

 Chen Ziyan's car drove into a parking lot, and with quick eyes and hands, she grabbed a parking space when another car came from the opposite direction.

  She was very fast, but her expression remained normal.

"I know you basically can't understand what I'm telling you now, but I still have to tell you because you need to know one thing. Since I have decided to take you, then all my arrangements for you are For the sake of the longer-term future, you may not understand it, but you have to accept it." After Chen Ziyan finished speaking, she turned off the car and said, "We're here, get out of the car."

Chen Ziyan's unquestionable attitude made Lu Yanhe a little distracted.

 —You may not understand it, but you have to accept it.

This sentence is a bit like Zhou Ping'an's attitude. He never allows artists to resist his decisions.

However, Chen Ziyan clearly said such words in such an unquestionable tone, but it did not make him find it difficult to accept.

 On the contrary, he thought this was also good.

"Sister Ziyan, although I have debuted for two and a half years, in fact, these two and a half years of debut are no different to me than if I have never debuted. I am just a newcomer, and you are my manager. I must trust you." He said, "So, you don't have to worry that I won't listen to you, I will."

Chen Ziyan paused, turned around, and glanced at Lu Yanhe in surprise.

Lu Yanhe smiled brightly.

 “I know you do it for my own good.”

 Chen Ziyan thought to herself, young people are young people, and they easily believe in an agent they just met.

 It’s so easy to lie.

What would he do if she was another virtuous person like Zhou Ping'an?

Chen Ziyan turned her head, but the corners of her mouth were slightly raised.

 So far, every reaction from Lu Yanhe made her feel comfortable.

Although young people are easy to deceive, she is too lazy to deceive young people like people like Zhou Pingan.

 Since the person is what she likes, let her protect him.

From now on, all monsters and demons should go away.


Chen Ziyan suddenly came to see Lu Yanhe today, certainly not for chatting.

 After sitting down in the restaurant, she got down to business.

"I want to tell you two things. The first thing is your current live broadcast room." Chen Ziyan said, "The number of simultaneous viewers in your live broadcast room is now almost 2,000. Because of the theme of your live broadcast room, It is very in line with the mainstream. The live broadcast platform will also put it on the home page for you from time to time to attract traffic. According to my estimation, in June next year, the number of viewers in your live broadcast room will reach about 6,000 to 8,000. This number It’s not big in the live broadcast room, but it means a lot to you, or it means a lot to you to start acting again after the college entrance examination.”

Lu Yanhe looked at her doubtfully, not understanding why she said that.

"Because your live broadcast room is unique in the entire network, you are now the only influential learning blogger." Chen Ziyan said, "This is the greatest significance. Coupled with the two banners you got before, your image will be very Positive, and a very positive public image is very popular with partners.”

Lu Yanhe finally understood what Chen Ziyan wanted to say.


"However, there are advantages and disadvantages. You have already embarked on the road of being a hard-working academic. Even if you don't set up this persona, others will give you such a persona, and then your college entrance examination results will receive a lot of attention. "Chen Ziyan said, "Once you fail in the exam, all the praise and praise given to you in the early stage will turn into a disparagement of you. "

Lu Yanhe understood what Chen Ziyan meant and nodded.

“So, I hope that no matter what happens to you, don’t slack off. You must study hard and study seriously. Just pretending is not enough. You must get a really good score.”

"Okay." It turned out that this was what happened. Lu Yanhe nodded without feeling any psychological burden. This was what he had to do.

 His target is still Zhenhua and Yuming, although no one believes it.

"The second thing is about the two works you wrote: "Childhood" and "People on the Road".

Chen Ziyan said: "I'm already looking for someone to help you arrange the song "Childhood", but the official recording will be after the college entrance examination. At that time, I will prepare you to sing at a party. I will talk to you first. Just tell me that this song won’t be exposed to the outside world.”


"What do you think of the story "People on the Road"?" Chen Ziyan asked.

“Huh?” Lu Yanhe looked at Chen Ziyan with confusion, “What do you think?”

“You wrote this story with the intention of adapting it into a film and television work, right?” Chen Ziyan asked.

Lu Yanhe nodded.

 Chen Ziyan: “What I mean is, do you want to write this story as a script yourself, or do you want me to find a buyer, let them buy the copyright, and let others develop it.”

 Lu Yanhe thought for a moment and said, "I don't know how to write a script either."

Chen Ziyan said: "If you are not in a hurry to cash in on this story, then I would suggest to you to register the copyright of this story first, and then do not worry about what to do next. It would be a pity not to be the leading actor in this script. However, It’s hard to get a leading role in a movie these days, so let’s take our time.”

 “I’ll listen to you, Sister Ziyan.”

"Okay, then listen to me." Chen Ziyan nodded, "This is your advantage. Remember to keep any good ideas you have. An artist with creative ability is a rare commodity."

Lu Yanhe laughed and said, "Okay."


 That evening, Lu Yanhe continued to broadcast live.

After the broadcast, Lu Yanhe told everyone what he was mainly studying recently.

 He habitually flipped through the interstitial to read what everyone said.

That "beautiful girl Lan Lan" still hasn't appeared.

 She has not been seen for several days.

 Are you no longer interested in this live broadcast room?

Lu Yanhe couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

He Lan didn’t come in until half an hour later.

She looked at the familiar face on the screen and couldn't help but laugh.

Although Lu Yanhe still had no expression when reading, and most of the time he just kept a still movement, with only his eyes moving from time to time, but Helan keenly felt that Lu Yanhe was reading more relaxedly today than before. ,hapiness.

 Did something good happen to him?

 He Lan has no time to watch Lu Yanhe's live broadcast these days.

 She was locked away for intensive training for the competition, and her mobile phone was confiscated. She just finished the competition today and got her mobile phone.

 So tired.

Helan lay down on the bed, put the pillow under his hands, and stretched his legs comfortably.

 The game is finally over.

Helan looked at Lu Yanhe's face on the screen and sighed, finally she could see her handsome little brother again.

 She had a silly smile on her face.

"Helan, you're not watching Lu Yanhe's live broadcast again, are you?" Jiang Linxian came out of the bathroom wearing a facial mask and asked when he saw Helan lying on the bed looking at his mobile phone.

 Helan: “What happened to me watching his live broadcast?”

“I’m just surprised. I didn’t expect you to be in such deep trouble.” Jiang Linxian said, “I can’t accept that my roommate is a star-struck person.”

Helan frowned, these words made her feel very bad.

 “What does it have to do with you whether I chase stars or not?”

“Destroy the learning atmosphere in our dormitory.” Jiang Linxian said, “Don’t forget, except for you, everyone else in the dormitory is in the top twenty of their grade.”

Helan rolled her eyes silently in her heart.

“So you blame me for holding you back?”

Jiang Linxian: "If you had worked hard, I wouldn't have spoken to you so directly."

"Then I still have to thank you?" He Lan was furious, "Jiang Linxian, don't think that just because you have good grades, you can look down on this or that. You are only a sophomore now, and no one knows if you will do better in the future."

“But I know that wasting time chasing stars will definitely not make me happy,” Jiang Linxian said.

Helan took a deep breath and thought, just wait and see.


Helan didn’t feel that watching Lu Yanhe’s live broadcast was a waste of her time.

On the contrary, every time she saw Lu Yanhe reading for several hours alone, she would have the urge to study and read well.

  She knew that she was not a very self-disciplined person and needed some external force to stimulate her.

 But she never thought that one day she would be stimulated by a high school student’s live broadcast of learning.

 Helan has been preparing for this competition during this time.

 This competition is a national English interpretation competition. Today is Zhenhua’s finals. She finally qualified in second place and will represent Zhenhua in the national competition next semester.

 Because this is a professional interpretation competition, few non-foreign language majors participate.

 Helan, a non-major student, was able to get the second place in Zhenhua, which surprised many people.

Helan wanted to do this, on the one hand, because her spoken English is very good and her responses are very quick. On the other hand, she also wanted to develop a skill that she could use in addition to her major.

Jiang Linxian and the others didn’t know she was doing this.

Helan didn’t want them to know either.

Helan didn't tell anyone that she suddenly wanted to develop a skill that she could use. It was because she saw Lu Yanhe studying every day that she came up with the idea.

Lu Yanhe always takes everyone to memorize words together at ten o'clock in the evening, and then says: "English is a language. Although in the future with the development of artificial intelligence, more and more convenient translation software will appear, even for real-time translation. Artificial Intelligence Interpretation, but no one knows how long it will take for it to appear. Learn one more language and have more skills than you can handle. I always learn English with the thought that I will have to deal with many foreigners in the future, not just It’s to prepare for the exam and take a longer-term view, so learning is not so boring.”

 Helan was inspired at that time.

 Her spoken English has always been very good. When she was in high school, she always came first in competitions such as English speech.

She also remembered that when she was preparing for the exam in her senior year of high school, she often listened to the live translation audio of the masters of simultaneous interpretation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a way to maintain her sense of language.

Those great gods were her idols, but she gradually forgot about them after going to college.

 Then, she tried to pick it up.

He Lan spoke during the barrage and said: I don’t know how many people are like me. Because I saw Lu Yanhe reading and studying every day, I also started taking chicken blood.

 She was just talking casually, without expecting a few people to agree with her, but who knew that soon someone would add "+1" and "+2" below.

Someone said: I couldn’t sit still before, but now I have Lu Yanhe’s live broadcast in front of me. As long as Lu Yanhe doesn’t get up, I won’t get up and keep reading. Unexpectedly, slowly, I can insist on sitting at the desk and reading for an hour. I don’t get distracted by the book anymore.

Someone said: Our school has entered the exam week. Today I was studying in the self-study room, and there were two people reviewing Lu Yanhe’s usual self-study live broadcast. I was shocked.

Some people lamented: Could it be that learning can be contagious?

 Some people complained: Are you the navy hired by Lu Yanhe Company? This is too ridiculous.

He Lan thought to herself that she didn’t know if the others were sailors, but she was truly someone who was inspired and inspired by Lu Yanhe.


 Lu Yanhe finished the questions and was ready to broadcast. It was almost twelve o'clock.

He yawned, turned on his voice, and said to the people in the live broadcast room: "I'm a little sleepy today. Go to bed early, and you guys should go to bed early too."

Then he habitually flipped through the interludes and saw what everyone had said before.

Lu Yanhe was surprised.

His live broadcast room has so much energy that everyone can follow his love and learn from it?

real or fake?

Lu Yanhe himself didn’t quite believe it.

 However, many of the IDs in the barrage are familiar.

 Especially the appearance of "Beautiful Girl Lan Lan" made Lu Yanhe breathe a sigh of relief.

 It turns out she is still there.

She said so, and Lu Yanhe couldn't help but feel dubious.

 In any case, this is a good thing.

He is very happy.

This sign made him feel that opening this live broadcast room had some other meaning.

 “Beautiful Girl Lanlan” spoke and said: Xiao Lu finally looks like he is no longer skinny and skinny.

Lu Yanhe couldn't help but smile when he saw it.

Over the past few months, he has gained some meat for himself.

 I was too thin before, so thin that I felt like I was losing my appearance.

 He waved his hand: "Then I'll sow the seeds, bye."

 He turned off the live broadcast room, stretched out, washed his face and brushed his teeth, and soon fell asleep peacefully as a heavy sleepiness swept over him.

Hmm, sleep peacefully.

Now before going to bed at night, I no longer have to toss and turn because I am worried about my future, and I am so anxious that I can’t sleep.

 (End of this chapter)

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