Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 143: Winter goes and spring comes again

Chapter 143 Winter passes and spring comes again

The amount of alcohol was laughed at, and Lu Yanhe also died of "dead duck's mouth", laying flat and ridicule.

Yan Liang chattered for a long time and finally left.

 “I’m ready to go out,” he said.

 He put on a formal suit, carried a big schoolbag, and was ready to go out.

 Lu Yanhe: “Come on.”


On the first day of winter vacation, Lu Yanhe did nothing and started learning live streaming.

In the class group, Li Cui said: Lu Yanhe has started reading again. I am really convinced by him now. I used to think why he made such rapid progress, but now I realize that he just relies on hard work and studies for more than ten hours a day.

Someone immediately asked: How do you know he started reading again? Are you at school?

Li Cui said with disgust: How long has he been doing live broadcasts? Why don’t you know?

That person: Live broadcast room?

Li Cui: Yes, Lu Yanhe opened a live broadcast room before, and he studied live every day. Every day after we finished our evening self-study, he went back and was still studying.

That person: Are you trying so hard?

Li Cui immediately gave him the link to Lu Yanhe’s live broadcast room: Just watch it for yourself. I was still lying on the bed, and people had already started to do the questions.

Mei Ping: That’s why I’m convinced that everyone has advanced to more than 100 grades.

Li Cui: Maybe in the end Lu Yanhe can really get into the top 30 universities in the country.

 Mei Ping: terrible.

Jiang Haitian: Big boss.


  In the last winter vacation, Lu Yanhe’s life was lackluster every day.

 In addition to eating, drinking, and eating, there are also studying and sleeping.

 He broadcasts for more than 15 hours almost every day, and everyone in the live broadcast room is shocked.

After all, before the winter vacation, Lu Yanhe could only live broadcast for this long on a certain weekend. Usually when Yan Liang or Li Zhibai came back, he would stop broadcasting.

 However, during this winter vacation, Li Zhibai and Yan Liang were away almost every day. They were busy with work and were filled with a lot of work by Zhou Ping'an.

Lu Yanhe stayed alone in the house and didn't have to worry about disturbing anyone, so he kept studying alone in the house.

The fans in his live broadcast room were shocked, but as the day went by, they accepted and got used to it.

The platform was a little shocked when they looked at the background data. They noticed that the data in this live broadcast room showed that hundreds of users had been staying in this live broadcast room and would not come out.

 Is the fan effect so strong?

 Looking at it again, oh, that live broadcast room for learning, it’s okay, it’s not surprising.

Many people use this live broadcast room as a background board to study.

However, this anchor has two skills. He can really sit at his desk and read books and do questions at the end of the day without doing anything else.

Regardless of whether he is a persona or not, his perseverance is real.

Just like those who criticize public figures for doing charity to create a personality, it doesn’t matter whether they are creating a personality or not, as long as they donate real money and silver, not fake donations, then they are doing charity.

 The platform has been silently giving some recommendations to Lu Yanhe and slowly diverting the flow.

 At the peak of Lu Yanhe's live broadcast, the number of simultaneous viewers can exceed 10,000. Under normal circumstances, the number of viewers is almost 3,000.

 In fact, for Lu Yanhe, having such a long period of time as the winter vacation made him feel like he was doing something big from the beginning.

 One semester has passed, and the knowledge structure of the three liberal arts and comprehensive subjects has been established. This time can be used to sort out the knowledge structure. The three subjects besides Chinese and Mathematics all focus on solving difficult problems and shortcomings. Chinese is the classical Chinese section, mathematics is the last big question, and in foreign languages, Lu Yanhe is improving his ability to write the final composition.

  Before crossing over, Lu Yanhe had already reached levels of 120, 140, and 135 in math and mathematics. After half a semester of study, he felt that his real level had reached 120, 145, and 140. There is no change in Chinese, because as a subject of Chinese, after reaching 120, if you want to improve your score, it will be metaphysics.

 And the score happens to be the least important thing in the college entrance examination - what matters is how high the score can be ranked.

 At present, the distance between it and Zhenhua and Yuming is still lower than that of Wenzong.

Now the actual level of Lu Yanhe's liberal arts and comprehensive studies has reached about 230 points (total score is 300 points). However, just like Chinese and foreign languages, it is easy to improve the scores in the early stage, and then start to work hard for accumulation and foundation.

It is difficult to improve your scores in a straight line, because later on, it is really about your quality.

It just so happens that literacy is such a mysterious thing, and there is no clear written standard.

This winter vacation, Lu Yanhe basically lived like this every day.

 Reading, live streaming, eating, sleeping, occasionally Li Zhibai or Yan Liang come back, have a meal together, and occasionally play a game or two...

 The company never contacted him for anything.

 Oh, but another producer asked him to buy the copyright of "In Memory of Me". They wanted a singer to sing at a party they produced.

Lu Yanhe took the authorization agreement he had signed with Song Linxin as a template, signed one with them, and authorized it.

 Thanks to this era where copyright protection has gradually been put in place. If we go back to ten or twenty years ago, it was still an era when piracy was rampant and no one cared about buying copyrights.

Because his singing of "Memorial" continues to bring him some meager income on the music platform, as well as two authorizations, including the remuneration from the previous two program recordings, Lu Yanhe's pockets are now gradually enriched. , coupled with the subsidies issued by the company in the past few months, his savings finally exceeded 30,000 yuan.

 On the night of New Year’s Eve, both Yan Liang and Li Zhibai returned to their homes.

Lu Yanhe didn’t go anywhere.

He was an orphan. His grandmother, who was the only one who was kind to him before he was fourteen, passed away. He was taken to Yuming by his uncle, and he has been truly alone ever since.

Uncle didn’t call him, and he didn’t call back.

 It seems as if each other has forgotten the existence of such a relative as the other.

At this night when thousands of houses were brightly lit and people traveling from the north and south returned home, Lu Yanhe sat alone in his room studying, without any live broadcast.

From time to time, cheering and excited sounds came from outside the window. Although there was a smoking ban in the city, it still couldn't stop someone from sneaking in a few, and they appeared briefly in the night sky.

Lu Yanhe heard the sound of fireworks blooming and occasionally looked up.

 I can’t help but miss my parents, but I don’t dare to think about it or think too much about it.

 He could only shake his head, clear away his distracting thoughts, and continue to concentrate on reading and doing questions.

  It’s New Year’s Eve, a night that is no different from any other ordinary night in the past.

Lu Yanhe knew that both Li Zhibai and Yan Liang would take advantage of this period to stay at home for a few days.

 I am usually very busy and have no time to go back, especially Yan Liang, whose home is not Yuming’s.

Because he ran out of eggs, Lu Yanhe went to the supermarket outside the community to buy eggs on the second day of the Lunar New Year.

 A hard-boiled egg a day provides him with nutrition.

 At this time, there were almost no people in the supermarket.

 There are couplets and red lanterns everywhere, which looks very festive.

Lu Yanhe walked out carrying two cartons of eggs and a carton of milk, breathing into frost in the cold wind.

There are basically no people on the road.

Many people living here are not from Yuming in their hometowns. At this time of year, they have already returned to their hometowns with their families, and it seems that most of them are empty.

 Suddenly, two beeps came from the side.

Lu Yanhe didn’t react at first until the beep sounded again.

 He turned around in surprise and saw Qiu Ling's car on the largely empty road.

 Somewhat magical.

Lu Yanhe walked over, extremely surprised, and looked at the woman who had stopped the car and lowered the window.

“Sister Qiuling, why are you here? Haven’t you gone home?”

Qiu Ling: "Stop talking about work. I was summoned back last night and arrested someone all night long. I just got off work and was going back to catch up on sleep. What about you? Why didn't you go back?"

 Lu Yanhe paused and said, "Prepare for the exam. The college entrance examination is coming soon."

“Tsk, it’s different for seniors in high school. It’s so hard.” Qiu Ling’s dark circles were big and twinkling. “Have you had breakfast? If you haven’t had breakfast, why don’t we have noodles together? I’m full so I can sleep.”

Lu Yanhe picked up the eggs and milk, nodded, and said, "Okay."

 “Come up.”

Qiu Ling drove Lu Yanhe two hundred meters, and the car stopped at the edge.

 Finally, we caught a noodle shop that was still open today.

“Sister Qiuling, are you always so busy at work?” Lu Yanhe asked.

Qiu Ling: "Being busy is the second best thing. The key is that sometimes things happen very urgently and I have to overcome a lot of difficulties. I'm actually pretty good at it. Those policemen at the police station who are really on the front line are even busier and more tired. They are so busy. Like a spinning top, many people suffer from occupational diseases.”

Lu Yanhe nodded thoughtfully: "Sister Qiu Ling, haven't you ever thought about changing your job? You're so busy and so tired."

"What should I change?" Qiu Ling said, "Although I am busy and tired, if I had not wanted to do this profession before, I would not have chosen to come here. If I really can't do it anymore in the future, I would consider changing to a more leisurely position. Not all police positions are as busy as what I am doing now.”

Lu Yanhe still doesn’t know what Qiuling does specifically, but he only knows that she often has to deal with some very serious cases.

“I have been keeping an eye on your matter.” Qiu Ling suddenly said.

Lu Yanhe didn’t realize what Qiuling was referring to.

Qiuling said: "As for the incident where you were pushed into the river, there was no surveillance at the scene and no suspicious people were photographed around. There was only an anonymous letter you received, but it was also untraceable and there were no useful clues. , are you sure you were pushed down by someone else? Or is it possible that you didn't step on it properly?"

Lu Yanhe shook his head: "Sister Qiu Ling, I am very sure that I was pushed down by someone. There was a lot of force behind me and pushed me down. Although I didn't see that person, after that, that person came again. Never appeared again.”

"The main reason is that we can't find anyone suspicious around you, and no one has the motive to persecute you." Qiu Ling sighed, "The person around you who is most malicious to you is your agent, who wants to kill you Terminate the contract."

Lu Yanhe nodded: "Yes, this is also what I am confused about, but, Sister Qiu Ling, I told you before that the person in the company who wants to drive me away is not Zhou Ping'an. He also does what he is told. He told me something before that the people who really want to drive me away are people from outside. The superiors who instigated him are also entrusted by others. They don't want to drive me out of the company, but they want to drive me out. The entertainment industry prevents me from becoming a celebrity artist. I have a suspicion that the person who wants to drive me out of the entertainment industry is the same person as the person who attacked me. My past is really simple and I have no connections. But these two things happened to me inexplicably. I don’t think it was a coincidence, although I still don’t know what the secret is.”

 Qiuling nodded.

"I will continue to find ways to investigate, but in your case, because there are no clues or evidence, except for me to find a way to help you keep an eye on it, no one else will continue to follow." Qiu Ling said, "You Please also understand that the whole thing is only what you described in the report. There are no witnesses or evidence. We have many other cases to deal with and don’t have so much energy to deal with this matter with you. "

Lu Yanhe actually understood what Qiu Ling meant.

The police may even think that the incident of someone pushing him into the river is not true, and even the anonymous letter may not be true and is a forgery.

This feeling of not being believed is a bit uncomfortable, but it is probably because he is also a sojourner. When he came to this world, his original body had been pushed into the river, and all the memories were inherited, including fear and fear. , but it is more or less not as good as my own personal experience. Looking at these things is also a bit like looking at other people's feelings.

 Lu Yanhe did not fully feel this angry emotion, and the Ma Jingtao-style angry cry of "How can you not believe me" would never appear.

"Yeah." Lu Yanhe nodded, "Thank you, Sister Qiuling. I'm very grateful that you can take the time to help me keep an eye on this matter."

Of course danger exists, but after that incident, it never appeared around him again. Lu Yanhe also adheres to the concept of "a gentleman does not stand behind dangerous walls" and never goes to remote places alone. Every day is school - Bus to school, or just follow Li Zhibai and Yan Liang. Except for that time when they met Zhou Pingzhi who committed murder and kidnapping, which caused a panic, there was no other danger.

“But was my parents’ death really an accident?” Lu Yanhe asked, “The meaning revealed in that anonymous letter seems to be that there is another hidden reason behind my parents’ death.”

"I have also checked this matter, and it is indeed an accident." Qiuling said, "Your father died of lung cancer, and your mother died of the NIU virus that year. Both are documented. If If there is really a secret, it should be caused by man-made causes of death such as car accidents. Whether it is lung cancer or NIU virus, they are all pathological causes of death. This cannot be forged. "

 Lu Yanhe nodded.

What Qiu Ling said was consistent with the original memory, and there was no difference. It seemed that it was indeed not what he originally thought.

He originally thought that there must be another hidden reason for his parents' death, maybe they were persecuted, but the cause of death was just disguised.

 Pathological deaths such as lung cancer and NIU virus infection do not sound so easy to be caused by humans.

 There’s nothing else to say.

Lu Yanhe and Qiuling had a meal together and then left.

Qiu Ling wants to go back to catch up on her sleep, while Lu Yanhe goes back to continue studying.


 On the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, Li Zhibai ran back. Lu Yanhe was quite surprised and asked him what happened and why he came back.

Li Zhibai looked unhappy and said: "Anyway, I will be talked about if I stay at home. Why not run back early? I will feel more comfortable here."


 Li Zhibai asked again: "Lao Lu, what have you been doing these days?"

 “Read a book.”

 “Have you been reading a book?”

 “Well, I’ve been reading a book.”

Li Zhibai looked at Lu Yanhe in bewilderment. While he was in disbelief, he couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

“I saw that you didn’t even broadcast live anymore, so I thought you had given yourself a holiday and rested for a few days.”

 “There’s nothing else to do anyway.” Lu Yanhe said.

Li Zhibai: “How about we play games together today?”


 Two people took over the controller and played the game for an hour.

Lu Yanhe makes no sound when playing games, but Li Zhibai can still shout "Oh shit" from beginning to end by himself.

“I’m telling you, I’m really convinced.” Li Zhibai suddenly remembered something and said, “Zhou Ping’an asked me to go filming in March.”


"Yeah." Li Zhibai nodded, "There was a crew and a character. Someone temporarily released the crew, and then they were going to push me in. When I saw the character, hehe, that character is a cool and rich man. The second generation looks like a stupid cannon at first glance, but Zhou Ping’an didn’t say he was suitable for me, and he said he had a good character and would be popular if I acted. I really wanted to scold him.”

“Let’s act first. You were very cool in your last audition.” Lu Yanhe said with a smile, “Maybe it will be a good fit.”

“Damn, you actually said that?” When Li Zhibai heard this, his brows instantly furrowed.

Lu Yanhe said: "Oh, actually it's good to be able to play a character who is somewhat similar to yourself at the beginning of acting. Otherwise, people like us who have not received acting training and don't know how to act, how can we act?"

Li Zhibai: "Then am I acting in my true self now? Damn, am I usually that kind of person?"

 When I heard it, it turned out that this was the crux.

Li Zhibai felt that this character was not very tall, he was rude, showed off his wealth, acted exaggeratedly, and his words were not smart. He was also a rich second generation, so it was easy for him to feel "innuendo".

"Don't think so, no matter how you appear, it's all just acting." Lu Yanhe said, "Although Zhou Ping'an is not a good person, he will definitely not watch his most popular artist play a role that will ruin his image. If this character is really reviled, he won’t give you another role.”

 These words convinced Li Zhibai.

“…” Li Zhibai was silent for a moment, “Then let me read the script again.”

Lu Yanhe thought to himself, and if Zhou Pingan has decided to let you act, and you don't want to, Zhou Pingan will also think of various ways to make you willing.


 What Lu Yanhe said to Li Zhibai was sincere.

 He felt that Li Zhibai should also try to become an actor.

The entertainment industry in this world is very different from the one he came from. They are both at a similar stage. Movies and TV dramas are king, the music market is languishing under the impact of the shrinking physical market, and there is no mature performance stage for artists in the domestic environment. On the contrary, the music festival is in full swing, giving some less famous but very stylish singers a chance to survive.

He, Li Zhibai and Yan Liang all have similar vocal conditions. They can’t be said to be very good, they just can sing. To be a singer depends on such conditions. To be honest, it is really difficult without luck. Even though Lu Yanhe has a library of music that seems to be cheating, and he can sing "Wang Zha" every year for more than ten or twenty years, but "Memorial" gave Lu Yanhe a great feeling - he sang, Xiao Huo It has been around for a while, but it really became popular on social media after it was covered by Song Linxin.

 Not every popular song does not choose a singer.

 "A Diao" was only well-known in the folk circle before it was sung by Angela Chang.

It’s not even the difference in singers, the difference in stage and promotion intensity will determine how popular a song is.

"Never Left" had been released for many years before it appeared on "I Am a Singer". In the end, it was thanks to this variety show at the right time and place that it became popular all over the country.

 Lu Yanhe’s golden finger is only based on some foundations - he knows many good works, and these good works have the basis for their explosion in the original time and space, but this does not mean that as long as they are copied, the miracle can be replicated.

 He had thought about it before, but the results of "Memorial" made him feel that things were not as simple as he thought.

 So, after all, people still have to combine their own advantages to do what they want to do.

Coming to such a time and space, he has many songs that he can "create" in the future. With mature opportunities and conditions, there are still many film and television dramas that he can "create", but to really stand firm, after all, You still have to find something that truly belongs to you.

They all have some acting talent, so they can try this road. Whether it works and how far they can go are all matters in the future. Take it step by step. This is why Lu Yanhe had to do it in the first place. Seize the opportunity to perform in The Golden Age.

 An opportunity is like a key. No one knows whether it will be the key to the door that will lead to your final success, so you cannot give up one of them.


The winter vacation for high school students ended soon. Immediately, the new semester started, and a group of people started a new torture with great fanfare.

 After arriving at school, on the first day, take the answer sheet for the last monthly exam of the previous semester, which is the final exam, and check the results.

The school is quite benevolent and does not publish the results while they are at home.

 Lu Yanhe’s ranking is 148th in his grade, which has improved a little again.

 Li Pengfei passed the exam and ranked 274th in his grade, also making significant progress.

 Compared with this incident, what made them both happier was that Su Su was back.

His injury originally needed to be healed. After all, the knife was inserted directly into his chest.

 But he insisted on coming back to teach students.

   Since I couldn't speak loudly, I made a small bee and wore a headset to give lectures to everyone every day.

Seeing him like this, Yin Xiangyu teased him privately. If Su Su acted like this, he could represent the school in selecting model workers and touching figures.

 When the words came out, many people thought it was indeed okay. If Teacher Su’s spirit is not commended, then who should be commended?

 Praise the person who gossiped?

So, Yin Xiangyu, who was originally going to be selected to participate in the evaluation based on seniority this year, was cut off by her own words.

 These are all things for later.


The closer the college entrance examination is, the faster time passes. I feel that there is not enough time, and I feel that there are still many places that need to be checked and filled.

 Lu Yanhe’s sleeping time was further compressed.

  Before, I ensured that I slept at least six hours a day, but now I only sleep five hours.

 In March, Li Zhibai reported to the crew and started filming the first drama in his life. Yan Liang got very good results in the joint entrance examination and started the school entrance examination.

 Time flies by with every breath.

Lu Yanhe’s strength is no longer carefully hidden. The more than ten hours of live study every day during the winter vacation allowed him to reveal more of his strength in the monthly exam at the end of February.

Chinese 115, Mathematics gave up the last question of the last three big questions, and got 125. English took a slightly lower score, and got 122. Finally, with his diligent study, he got 241 points in the liberal arts test, including 87 points in politics. , Geography 88, History 66.

Lu Yanhe’s ranking jumped directly into the top 100 in his grade, shocking the whole school.

 His biggest concern is history.

 But their class’s historical score ranking has improved dramatically, ranking third in the grade in the exam here.

Yin Xiangyu saw the students in Class 3 these days, all with dark faces.

I used to be the last in my grade. After changing my history teacher, I am now the third in my grade.


 This is also a slap in the face.


Lu Yanhe entered the top 100 of his grade for the first time, which shocked the entire grade group.

 But this time, everyone was only surprised, not confused.

During the winter vacation, Lu Yanhe live-streamed his studies for more than ten hours every day and was known to many teachers and students in the school.

Many people are viewers of his live broadcast room.

Liu Qindu said: "Lu Yanhe has made such remarkable progress, firstly because of his teacher's teachings, and secondly because of his own hard work."

 He is really working hard.

 All students in Class 3 know how much energy Lu Yanhe puts into studying.

 Can one person make such great progress in just five or six months?

 This is the result of Lu Yanhe controlling his performance.

"He really learned every minute and every second, constantly thinking, and constantly supplementing his knowledge." When Lao Chen was in his office, he told the teacher in the office, "He broadcasts on his own every night He takes the fans in his live broadcast room to memorize words, ten in ten minutes, but I think he actually memorizes ten in three to five minutes every time, and then starts to memorize other words. He must be 100% sure. It actually doesn’t take ten minutes to memorize this word. He can improve so quickly because he really wants to learn it well.”

Lin Jue said in class: "What do you want to learn from Lu Yanhe? He will study every knowledge point thoroughly. Why does every warm and cold current appear? Why does it appear in this place? What brings it to this area?" What kind of impact has it had? After studying the geographical logic here, you don’t have to memorize it by rote. If you ask about the sea area marked by a certain longitude and latitude, combined with the landform features of the nearby coastal areas, you can even You can figure out by yourself whether it is a warm current or a cold current.”

 Every piece of knowledge is actually human experience. Behind the experience, there are rules for its emergence.

Lu Yanhe understood these rules and learned anywhere quickly.

 He devoted almost all his energy to studying.

Even eating is a waste of time. Li Pengfei said that every time he eats with him, it feels like someone is taking time, and he will finish it within ten minutes.

Lu Yanhe said: "I really set Zhenhua and Yuming as my goals. It's only been two or three months. If we fight hard, we won't have a chance to fight again later."

In the middle of March, Yan Liang’s art exam results came out. He was successfully admitted to the Beijing Performing Arts School and was just waiting for the college entrance examination cultural score.

 Because of this result, Yan Liang also became a hot search for the first time in a long time.

 It is Jingyi after all.

Then, Yan Liang, who was originally scheduled to go back to the No. 13 Middle School to prepare for the exam after the art exam, was also arranged by Zhou Pingan to have a set of private teachers to help him prepare for the college entrance examination and tailor-made a preparation plan to ensure that he was admitted to the Beijing Art Institute.

 In the group of three people, only Li Zhibai was left making comments from time to time.

Sometimes it’s because an actor is mentally ill, sometimes it’s because the director is incompetent and made him wait on set for eight hours in vain, sometimes it’s because a certain scene he’s about to perform is too idiotic, and so on.

 The snow melts and the dew clears, and the old trees sprout new buds.

 From thick down jackets and cotton-padded jackets to jackets and jackets, and then, slowly, the clothes became thinner and thinner.

Li Pengfei held his face in his hands and asked Lu Yanhe in the crowded cafeteria: "Have I lost weight? Why do I feel like my bones ache when I touch my face?"

Lu Yanhe looked at him speechlessly.

 “Go and ask Xu Zijun.”

 Li Pengfei felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy when he heard the name. He immediately turned his head and looked around, fearing that what Lu Yanhe had just said was overheard by others.

"Keep your voice down! Don't let anyone hear you. I told you, we are keeping it a secret!"

 Lu Yanhe: “...No one doubts you two now.”

Li Pengfei suddenly felt a little melancholy.

 “Lao Lu, I’m a little worried about something right now.”

"What's up?"

“What if she and I get admitted to different places?” Li Pengfei said, “Are we going to have a long-distance relationship for four years?”

"Why are you thinking about these things now? Maybe you can go to college in the same place later." Lu Yanhe said, "It's useless for you to think about these things now. Why don't you think of ways to get more points in the exam? Later, you will have more choices and be better able to follow the test." She stays in one place."

Li Pengfei sighed: "I'm very worried now. What if I do too badly in the exam and my dad wants to send me abroad?"

Lu Yanhe: "I don't think your father has that kind of idea. If he wanted to send you abroad, he would have sent you away long ago. He also urges you to study hard every day."

"My grades are so bad. Even if I try my best, I can't pass the first-level exam. I am very satisfied if I can get a good second-level exam." Li Pengfei is very self-aware of himself, "I can now get the first-level exam." There were more than two hundred people, and I thought it was smoke coming from my ancestral grave.”

"There are still more than two months, you just rush forward, no one knows what will happen until the last moment." Lu Yanhe said, "Also, maybe your performance in the college entrance examination will be extraordinary. Anyway, don't think nonsense, do what you are doing now." If you can do it, don’t think about it now.”

Li Pengfei pursed his lips, looked at Lu Yanhe, and said, "You really talk exactly like my brother now."

 Lu Yanhe: “…”

 (End of this chapter)

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