Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 150: cultural route

Chapter 150 Cultural Route

 However, Chen Ziyan refused.

Xu Xiaoyin was confused and didn’t understand why.

Chen Ziyan said: "Editor Xu, Yan He is just a young man, just nineteen years old. He can chat with young authors like Liu Jiazhen. He can chat with those big writers who are already famous. He doesn't have that much accumulation yet. Let's talk about it." Take your time, I know your good intentions, but you can't make a fat man in one sitting. If you start to increase the pressure on Yan He, he will easily overturn. After all, he is not a professional host. "

Xu Xiaoyin finally understood Chen Ziyan's intention.

  This is the reason.

 She was a little sad.

To be honest, aside from the fact that Lu Yanhe is not the right age and may not have the ability to handle hosting a well-known writer, being able to have a best-selling writer come to his live broadcast room is definitely something that can bring a lot of benefits. Other book-selling anchors would definitely steal this opportunity.

Of course, this is also a fantasy. On the live broadcast platform, there are several live broadcasts of readings. Of course there are some, but they have little influence.

Watching a person read for several hours is almost like a static picture. How many people will read it?

 It can only be said that Lu Yanhe has something special.

In the past year’s live streaming and learning, he has accumulated a group of fans who are very tolerant of static image live streaming.


On the day of the live broadcast with Liu Jiazhen and Mingyin, Lu Yanhe could not handle it by himself with a simple device such as a laptop.

 Jiangyin Publishing House found a place in its own building and set up live broadcast equipment.

 Behind the three people chatting, there was a background board that smelled like books. It was a thick wall of books, all of which were published by Jiangyin Publishing House.

 Lu Yanhe was taken to the publishing house by Chen Ziyan.

Lu Yanhe found it inexplicable. Who would have thought that after finishing the college entrance examination, his first job would be to do live broadcasting at a publishing house, even though the job did not receive any compensation.

 He was wearing simple black pants, a white T-shirt, and no makeup.

Chen Ziyan said: "When you do a live broadcast with two young writers, there is no need to make it so elaborate. It doesn't look good in comparison. It's good that you just appear in the camera so simply, generously and naturally. After all, you are a handsome boy from high school. Keep your amateurish coolness.”

 Lu Yanhe: “…”

He always felt a little embarrassed when Chen Ziyan complimented her appearance like this.

When they arrived at the place, Xu Xiaoyin brought Xu Mingyue to receive them.

 A rest room was specially prepared for them.

Before Lu Yanhe even sat down, Chen Ziyan took him away to greet Liu Jiazhen and Mingyin.

 Their lounge is right next to his, so it's convenient to say hello.

 Actually, Liu Jiazhen and Mingyin are both young. The former is only twenty-eight years old, and the latter is even younger, twenty-six years old.

Of course, Lu Yanhe is just a little brother in front of them.

Lu Yanhe greeted them politely.

Liu Jiazhen and Mingyin didn't seem to be outgoing and generous people. When Lu Yanhe bowed at a slight angle of thirty degrees, they both ducked aside at the same time, not daring to accept it.

After hiding, Liu Jiazhen hesitated and said: "Don't be so polite. I, I also want to thank you for letting many people know about my book and buy it."

Mingyin immediately said: "Yes, I heard from the editor that many people bought our book because of your recommendation. Thank you."

 Both of them are new authors and are not familiar with this kind of situation.

 The three of them were extremely polite.

 Chen Ziyan watched the three people greeting each other politely, and knew that these young people were relatively reserved people.

She smiled and said, "How about I take a photo of the three of you first?"

 Liu Jiazhen and Mingyin immediately nodded, and then took the initiative to move to both sides, giving up the middle position to Lu Yanhe.

Lu Yanhe was embarrassed and immediately went around to the side, letting Mingyin stand in the middle.

 “Shoot it like this.”

 Chen Ziyan paid attention to Lu Yanhe's move and was very satisfied.

People's quality is reflected in such details.

 The communication between the three people has an outline.

Xu Xiaoyin prepared an outline for them to avoid running out of things to talk about.

 After the live broadcast actually started, the three of them had an outline and didn’t know what to talk about. It was very awkward.

Lu Yanhe has visible nervousness on his body.

However, there were a lot of viewers in the live broadcast room. Tens of thousands of people watched it as soon as it started. After all, it was because of the big promotion on the homepage of Station J, which attracted traffic, and the promotion from Jiangyin Publishing House, which attracted many people. Everyone knew about this live broadcast event in advance.

Lu Yanhe looked at Liu Jiazhen and Mingyin and felt a little uneasy. He thought, after all, he is the master, so he can't be too dissatisfied.

He took a deep breath and said: "Hey, I'm not used to it today. I used to live broadcast by myself with a laptop, reading books and doing questions. This is the first time I invite others to my live broadcast room. It’s an honor to come and talk with Teacher Liu Jiazhen and Teacher Mingyin about their new books "Nineteen Years of Crime" and "Star Orbit".

"Friends who have been watching my live broadcast should know that I read a book "Nineteen Years of Crime" a few days ago. I bought it when I went to a bookstore. After that, Jiangyin Publishing House was responsible for this book. The editor of this book, Xu Xiaoyin, contacted me and said that another novel she is responsible for, "Star Orbit", will be released this Thursday, and asked me if I could help promote this new book. I was very embarrassed, after all, my live broadcast room was also open. There wasn’t much traffic, but because I really liked these two novels, I read them in the live broadcast room.”

"This exchange event was only possible with the help of editor Xu Xiaoyin." After Lu Yanhe said so many words, he slowly relaxed and became less nervous. "First of all, welcome the two writers and teachers. Teacher Liu Jiazhen, the author of "Nineteen Years of Crime", and Teacher Mingyin, the author of "Star Orbit"."

 Liu Jiazhen and Mingyin waved to the camera mechanically.

 In the comment room, many people were talking about the embarrassment and awkwardness of the three of them.

 Mainly because these three people acted too obviously.

Lu Yanhe was a little better later, but Liujiazhen and Mingyin were still the same.

Lu Yanhe started asking questions according to the outline of the chat: "When did you two start writing novels?"

 Liu Jiazhen immediately turned his head to look at Mingyin.

 Mingyin also looked at him.

 “You go first.”

 “How about you go first.”

Lu Yanhe had no choice but to say to Liu Jiazhen: "Why don't you go first?"

Liu Jiazhen opened his mouth and said, "Ah, I'll go first."

 A group of people were stunned at first during the barrage, and then went crazy with joy. A group of people said "Hahahahahahaha".

 Many people who came to watch this live broadcast have read "Nineteen Years of Crime" or "Star Orbit". They have various imaginations about the author, but few people would imagine that they have such a character. Their writings are either cold or fresh, and their styles are unique. This is also a misunderstanding among many readers. Because I was moved by the work, I beautified my imagination of the author.

However, Liu Jiazhen and Mingyin are just unexpectedly introverts. Especially when several introverts meet together, the impact of the collision makes many people even feel as if they see themselves greeting strangers. .

People's psychology is very strange, and they may not want to see others behave so perfectly, especially newcomers and young people.

 They exposed such social shortcomings, but made everyone feel friendly. After the exchange, Lu Yanhe talked to them about the creation story step by step and according to the outline.

 Finally, he seriously recommended these two novels to everyone.

The live broadcast event is over.

Xu Xiaoyin said very happily: "In the one hour of the live broadcast of "Nineteen Years of Crime" and "Star Orbit", more than 10,000 people clicked on the sales link we sent to the comment area. "Nineteen Years of Crime" and "Star Orbit" "More than 7,300 copies were sold, and "Star Orbit" sold more than 12,000 copies because it was just released."

 This sales figure would allow these two books to be promoted as bestsellers in the current publishing market.

 Liu Jiazhen and Mingyin both expressed shock and surprise when they heard this sales figure.

Especially for Liujia Town, "Nineteen Years of Crime Records" has been on the market for a few months. The sales performance in the first few months was not obvious, but thousands of copies were sold out. The first printing of the first printing was not sold out, but since Lu Yanhe Since reading this novel in the live broadcast room, the sales of this novel have gone from being stagnant to selling again.

Especially this week, including today’s sales, a total of more than 20,000 copies have been sold, which is twice as high as the first printing.

Xu Xiaoyin felt like she had picked up a treasure.

At first I thought I could promote these two books through Lu Yanhe’s live broadcast. I didn’t expect that as the cooperation deepened, today’s live broadcast would also bring such good market feedback.

 Mainly the people who were newly introduced to Lu Yanhe’s live broadcast room on Station J today.

Lu Yanhe has gained many new fans, and Jiangyin Publishing House has sold more than 20,000 books, a win-win situation.

 Xu Xiaoyin had an idea in her mind and thought of more ways to cooperate in the future.

 This writer’s dialogue activity can be continued.

Maybe in the future, when her authors publish books, they can do preliminary publicity through this method. Of course, Lu Yanhe must first like the book and be willing to do such promotion.

At this time, Mingyin also asked Lu Yanhe softly: "Can we add a friend?"

"Of course." Lu Yanhe said immediately, then looked at Liu Jiazhen, "Let's also add a friend, Teacher Liu, I am your reader."

 Liu Jiazhen quickly waved his hand and said, "Don't call me Teacher Liu, I don't deserve it."

 People looked frightened.

 “Just call me by my name.”

 “Brother Jiazhen.” Lu Yanhe added a brother.

"I... okay, you want to shout like this." Liu Jiazhen scratched his head.

Lu Yanhe could see that Liu Jiazhen was still a little uncomfortable with this kind of honorific title.

Xu Xiaoyin asked: "If you have time later, can we have a casual meal together?"

 Chen Ziyan was determined to maintain a long-term cooperative relationship with Jiangyin Publishing House, so she nodded and said, "Okay."

 It's a simple statement, but it's not ambiguous at all.

 Chief editor Liu Cheng is also here.

Liu Cheng just came back from a business trip and dragged her suitcase to the hotel.

As soon as they met, Liu Cheng greeted: "Hello, classmate Yan He. Look at the fate. Your class teacher Liu Qin and I are classmates. Did you know?"

Lu Yanhe nodded with a smile and said, "Teacher Liu told me."

 Liucheng is a very sassy woman.

She and Chen Ziyan have similar temperaments in some aspects, but even though they are similar, Chen Ziyan still has a more elite and refined style, while Liu Cheng looks more bold and has a sense of intimacy.

Liu Cheng smiled and exchanged greetings with Lu Yanhe before going to congratulate Liu Jiazhen and Mingyin.

"Our two emerging writers from Jiangyin have become instant hits this time." Liu Cheng smiled and introduced two very promising emerging writers in one breath. As the editor-in-chief, Liu Cheng was of course happy to discover them. It is already a great luck to discover a new author with market potential, and now we have discovered two at the same time. According to the current trend, both of these books are likely to complete the sales record of more than 100,000 copies within a year - of course , provided that subsequent sales will not collapse.

 Liu Jiazhen was a little more social and immediately said: "Thank you to the editor-in-chief and editor Xiao Yin for supporting us."

Liu Cheng: "Xiao Yin does support you. You also know that it is difficult for new writers to publish books now and it is always difficult to get approval. Xiao Yin quarreled with different people at the topic selection meeting for the two of you. According to reports I fought hard to get the opportunity to be published, and then I asked the distributors, marketing department, and media friends to do the work one by one, and then these two books appeared. "

 Liucheng did not take all the credit on himself.

She added: "Of course, the most important thing is to thank Xiao Lu, who single-handedly promoted the best-selling of these two books. Now the search volume of these two books on various platforms has increased more than ten times. I believe that with the quality and reputation of these two books, this hot sales situation will continue. Come on, let’s have a drink together to celebrate!”

 Because those who drive drive, those who don’t drink don’t drink. In the end, this meal became a drink that everyone drank without drinking.

Originally, Chen Ziyan wanted to get acquainted with the people from the publishing house through this meal, but halfway through the meal, Liu Cheng suddenly mentioned another piece of news.

"In the past few days, several film and television companies have come to inquire about the film and television rights of these two novels, and want to talk about developing them into film and television dramas." Liu Cheng said, "In fact, when the manuscripts were finalized, there were regular collaborators Film and television companies have come to see the manuscript, but now film and television companies are pursuing big IPs and are more worried about novels written by new authors. Although they have some intentions, they are still not convinced. I also want to ask, from your perspective, Are these two novels suitable for adaptation into film and television dramas?”

Chen Ziyan actually didn't read these two novels from beginning to end. She just glanced through them briefly and knew what the two novels were about. When she was suddenly asked by Liu Cheng, she thought for a while and said, "Actually, the film and television There is a lot of luck when it comes to adapting dramas. Many things we thought were not suitable for adaptation after reading the original work turned out very well in the end. Many things we thought were very suitable turned out to be terrible when adapted. The key is to look at what you want to adapt. Does the company and that person really like the story, or is it because it has become popular in the past two days and thinks the sales data is better, so they bought the copyright, and the person who adapted it is more important. "

Hearing this, Liu Cheng nodded.

“You are a big publishing house, so you should have a lot of such film and television adaptation rights for sale, right?”

"Yes, there is a special department to deal with this matter, but there are also many people who know me and know that I am the editor-in-chief of the novel department, so they came to ask me for my evaluation of these two novels." Liu Cheng sighed, "Now The problem is just like what you said. They haven't read the novel at all, and they don't have time. They are very busy, so they judge whether it is suitable for adaptation based on various numerical indicators. "

"There is no way, there are many such opportunistic people in any industry." Chen Ziyan said, "Judging from the feedback from readers of these two novels, I personally feel that I am not in a hurry to sell them, because a story with a high reputation will grow with the reputation. Slowly fermenting, more and more film and television companies will know about it. Each company has a dedicated IP procurement department. After looking at the data at the beginning, as the reputation becomes higher and higher, perhaps more film and television practitioners will learn about this. If you read this book, you may meet a famous actor or producer or director who has a strong desire to adapt this story. If you leave the story to them for production, the success rate will be much higher. . If this is not the case, then various film and television companies will bid, and the one with the best overall conditions will be awarded.”

Liu Cheng nodded.

Chen Ziyan is thinking that Lu Yanhe’s live broadcast room can really continue to work.

 Look, thanks to Lu Yanhe’s promotion, both "Nineteen Years of Crime" and "Star Orbit" have become popular, and negotiations have begun for film and television production.

 There will be other books later.

Through this line, Lu Yanhe can get to know more and more people in the publishing industry, film and television industry.

For example, today we invited two authors. After that, the film and television rights of the two novels were sold. Then, can we also invite producers and buyers to the live broadcast room to talk about the film and television rights of the stories? Assumption, opinion?

 This is also publicity for film and television drama projects, and it is also a key publicity—the two original works took off in Lu Yanhe’s live broadcast room. No film and television company will miss this place where the original works have the highest readership.

Various ideas are woven in Chen Ziyan’s mind.

 For Chen Ziyan, this is a new idea that she has never tried since she has been an agent for so long.

Artists like Lu Yanhe who can take this route are extremely rare.

Lu Yanhe is still very young now and is not in a hurry to strive for status. Before the age of thirty, he has plenty of time to follow an unusual path.

For example, the cultural line that is now vaguely emerging?

  At any rate, no one in the current entertainment industry is taking this path.

 This is about getting real stuff.

 After dinner, everyone said goodbye with laughter.

Chen Ziyan took Lu Yanhe to the parking lot, preparing to send him back, and at the same time review his performance in the live broadcast with him in the car.

 “What a coincidence.” Suddenly a voice came from the side.

 (End of this chapter)

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