Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 152: acting class

Chapter 152 Acting Class

 Lu Yanhe thought carefully.

Before he traveled through time, he also read some news on the Internet, especially the national teacher Lao Mouzi, who was famous for his strict requirements on actors' faces.


“Is it because of a natural face that you can express all kinds of expressions? It seems that you can’t express many expressions after plastic surgery.”

"This is one of the reasons. Another reason is that plastic surgery can easily give the audience a distorted and lifeless visual effect." Zhang Ming said, "Ninety percent of human emotions are expressed in the facial features, especially on the screen. Emotions and lines aside, what a face looks like is innate. Some faces are born to be stunning, while others are plain and featureless, but we all admit that any face is Its beauty can be shown at a specific angle. This depends on acquired packaging, and a plastic surgery face is a face that has been packaged. If a face that has not been plastic surgery is a piece of white paper, then A plastic surgery face is just a piece of paper that has been painted, so of course the director would be willing to use a blank piece of paper.”

Lu Yanhe nodded.

"The same is true for the audience." Zhang Ming said, "Most audiences will not analyze the level of your performance or whether you are likeable or not. They are just a drama. If you like it, you will like it. If you don't like it, you just don't like it. There is no reason, and you don't have the chance to explain it. For a young actor, most of them can't talk about acting. They can only say that their own conditions and a certain kind of innate aura can make them capable. If you can’t impress and attract the audience, you rely on the following things.”

 Lu Yanhe seemed to understand but not quite.

Zhang Ming: "At this time, the importance of true character comes out. When you meet a good director, capture your most attractive true character and present it on the screen. If you don't meet a good director, no matter how good your conditions are, It also looks like a pig head. The lens is like this. It does not restore the original color 100%, but magnifies or ignores it. "


Chen Ziyan returned to her office and contacted Luo Yuzhong’s assistant Mo Zhi.

Chen Ziyan: "Xiao Mo, has Director Luo been particularly busy in the past few days?"

Mo Zhi said: "Sister Ziyan, Director Luo has been busy preparing for "Golden Age" these days. The film will start shooting next week, which is quite busy."

"Okay, I was thinking that if Director Luo has time, I would take Xiao Lu to visit him to see if Xiao Lu has prepared anything in advance." Chen Ziyan said, "It's Xiao Lu's first time acting. I don’t feel at ease in my heart, and I want to listen to Director Luo’s opinion and try to prepare early so that my performance on the set can be better.”

Mo Zhi smiled and said: "Sister Ziyan, you are too worried. Lu Yanhe doesn't have many roles. He will only join the cast next month. He should memorize his lines early. When he comes back to act, Director Luo will train him well." , It’s not like you don’t know that Director Luo is always very patient when training actors.”

"That's good. If you start shooting next week, then Xiao Lu will be free. I'll ask him to join the group first and learn on the set." Chen Ziyan said, "Will this cause a burden to you? The main reason is that this child has never been there. After passing the set, I didn’t know how the set was run, so I asked him to go and have a look in advance so that he could get familiar with it in advance.”

"This..." Mo Zhi hesitated, "I don't know about this. I have to ask Brother Hong. Our movie has a lot of people, and there are hundreds of staff members. I don't know if Brother Hong is willing to arrange for one more person on the set. Not willing."

 Brother Hong refers to the producer Liu Hong.

Chen Ziyan: "Okay, let me say hello to Liu Hong and see what he says. I want to ask you, if Xiao Lu comes over, will Director Luo mind?"

  It does not mean that if everyone actively joins the group in advance, the director will be happy to see it.

Just like Mo Zhi’s reaction just now, individual positivity may still be a trouble and burden for the entire team.

Mo Zhi: "Director Luo doesn't mind. He likes hard-working and enterprising actors."

“I feel relieved with your words.” Chen Ziyan smiled, exchanged greetings with him for a few more words, and hung up the phone.

Although Mo Zhi is only a director assistant, he knows Luo Yuzhong very well.

Chen Ziyan wants everything to be safe and does not make Luo Yuzhong unhappy for no reason, so she must have a good relationship with such people and ask many questions in advance.

 She called Liu Hong again.

Of course, Liu Hong would sell her face and readily agreed to Lu Yanhe's visit in advance to observe.

 The drama "Golden Age", because it is a new drama directed by Luo Yuzhong and has Jiang Yuqian as the heroine, has long been targeted by major platforms and is waiting for bidding.

 It's just that Director Luo was cautious and didn't want to sell the play so early, so he didn't let go.

 Liu Hong has been busy with this matter recently. Although Luo Yuzhong is unwilling to sell now, Liu Hong still has to entertain a lot of platform parties and cannot neglect it.

Liu Hong answered Chen Ziyan's call and remembered something someone had mentioned to him before. He asked with a smile: "By the way, I have something to ask. Ziyan, why are you suddenly thinking about signing Lu Yanhe?"

Chen Ziyan: “I think it’s quite valuable for training. I also took a break and it’s time to train a few new people.”

“He is really lucky. If you hadn’t taken a fancy to him, he would have been kicked out by Xingyu.” Liu Hong said with a smile.

 “Yo, you know all this?”

"Yeah, I'm quite curious. Is there something wrong with this kid that made Zhou Ping'an target him?"

“Zhou Ping’an is mentally ill and it has nothing to do with the child.”

"Haha." Liu Hong laughed twice, "Zhou Ping'an is very interested in Lu Yanhe. He also told me that he would let Cheng Hai play the role to replace Lu Yanhe. Although Cheng Hai is not bad, Director Luo has chosen Lu Yanhe. He He still refuses to give in. He really thinks that this character belongs to him and he can pick and choose it.”

Chen Ziyan: "Zhou Ping'an has evil intentions, but the artists he brings are pretty good, and they all look like good kids."

“Now there are more and more people in the circle who are eager for quick success.” Liu Hong sighed, “I really miss that time more and more.”

"It was as good as that time in the past, and it's as good as it is now. The drama "Golden Age" is a big project, and you are under great pressure. If you need my help, just tell me. We are old friends, and I will help you wherever I can. Help as much as possible.”

 “Yo, if you say that, I won’t be polite.”

 “Why are you so polite?”

“Now I really want to ask you for help.” Liu Hong said with a smile.

 “It’s just in time.”

"Yes, what a coincidence." Liu Hong said, "A friend of mine wants to find Shang Yongzhou to act in a play. Can you help me get in touch and introduce him to have a meal?"

"You can skip the meal. Haven't you heard about Shang Yongzhou's character? I'm afraid of the Iron Society." Chen Ziyan said, "Give me the script and I'll forward it to him and let him see if he can accept it."

Liu Hong: "The script has been entrusted to him. It's because he didn't like it, so I wanted to chat in person again."

"It's useless to talk to him face to face. If the script can't impress him, no matter how much you talk about it, it's useless." Chen Ziyan said, "Please give me the script for a look and I'll see if there's room for modification. If I modify it, it will help." It’s possible to impress him, I’m telling you, if you don’t have that leeway, find someone else.”

Liu Hong: "Tsk, who doesn't know that he has a lot of trust in you? I feel relieved if you say this, and the script will be sent to you right away."

“Heh, it seems you came here to ask me to read the script for you from the beginning, right?”

“I can’t help it, my true friend, I can only trouble you in this busy situation. For ordinary friends, I am too lazy to say this.”


 Hang up the phone, and within five minutes, the mailbox notifies that a new email has been received.

 Chen Ziyan downloaded the script, printed it, and prepared to take it with her on the road.

 She has to go on a business trip again in the evening, taking a plane to Jiangguang, where she has a cooperation to discuss.


 One morning passed, and Lu Yanhe felt that there were a lot of things in his mind.

 Zhang Ming said that he was here to teach him performance theory. In fact, he was talking about understanding.

Lu Yanhe had no theoretical understanding of performance at all. After listening to Zhang Ming's talk, he had a vague impression.

 At noon, Chen Ziyan took them to dinner.

 Lu Yanhe was also brought along.

During the meal, Chen Ziyan said to Zhang Ming: "You have basically not acted in the past two years. In the future, do you not plan to join a group and just stay in school and teach?"

Lu Yanhe was a little surprised when he heard this. He didn't dare to make any expression, so he just lowered his head and ate silently.

 Zhang Ming said: "I can't get any good roles, so why bother."

"Accumulate slowly, that's what acting is all about. Only by accumulating, can you soar into the sky when the opportunity comes. Look at Zhang Zhiwen, who suddenly became famous with the movie "Hongzhou" two months ago. He only became famous at the age of forty. Aren't you still showing up?" Chen Ziyan said to Zhang Ming, "Don't be discouraged, you are only thirty years old."

"It's not that I'm discouraged. It's just that there aren't many roles to play. The ones I can play are all very ordinary small roles, and I don't have the interest." Zhang Ming said directly, "I didn't want to play the role." I think it’s cheap.”

"If you don't act, won't you put yourself in a higher position? In the future, no one will ask you to play small roles because they know you don't like it. No one will ask you to play big roles, thinking that you don't act anymore." Chen Ziyan said, "You act and act." It’s good, it’s just a matter of time, just wait.”

Lu Yanhe was a little confused when he heard the conversation between the two of them. Since Chen Ziyan thinks Zhang Ming is a good actor, why not become his agent?

 In the industry, it is said that whoever Chen Ziyan likes can be promoted to fame.

Chen Ziyan has such a wide network of contacts, can’t she help Zhang Ming introduce some good characters?

These questions arose from the bottom of Lu Yanhe's heart, but he did not say them out loud and listened silently.

 Zhang Ming: "Forget it, let's just be a teacher and play a supporting role. It's embarrassing."

 “You are just too ambitious.” Chen Ziyan sighed helplessly.

 After lunch, Zhang Ming went back by himself.

 Chen Ziyan took Lu Yanhe back to the company.

As expected, Chen Ziyan took the initiative and talked about Zhang Ming, "Are you a little confused? Why is it that Zhang Ming is a teacher in the Performance Department of Beijing Performing Arts, but he seems to have no chance to act?"

Lu Yanhe nodded and said yes.

"He's just too ambitious, and he's hurting himself." Chen Ziyan said, "He stayed at the school to teach directly after graduation. He had a good opportunity, and he played the male lead in a new play by a big director, but he didn't become popular. Later, he played the leading male and second male roles, but the opportunity was not good, and the drama he acted was never popular. After two years, no one asked him to play the leading male or second male lead. As for him, because he had been When he was playing an important role, he was so angry that he refused to give in. He also refused to play small roles. Later, he was slowly forgotten by many people and no one asked him to act. "

Lu Yanhe suddenly realized that this was the case.

"Actually, I told him many times, don't worry about the fact that you have always been the number one or number two male in the past. If you have acting skills, just act well. There will always be a day when you will be seen again. Just like the Zhang Zhiwen I just mentioned, also I didn't graduate from a professional school. I played bit parts seriously for many years, and gradually got roles with lines. Later, I also played the villain, the third male lead, and the fourth male lead. One time, he finally starred in a movie "Hongzhou". When the show became a hit, he also became a hit. In the entertainment industry, it is impossible to say who will be popular or popular. It is a metaphysics. If you are not popular or popular, you will be a hit. Act honestly and don't let it go if you have the chance, being too angry will only harm you."

Lu Yanhe nodded.

"I'm telling you this too. You are young now. When you first started acting, you acted in director Luo Yuzhong's plays. However, there are not many directors who can reach the level of director Luo Yuzhong in this industry. Don't let yourself be dissatisfied just because you acted in "The Golden Age" He is too high-spirited to look down on other opportunities," Chen Ziyan said, "Otherwise, Zhang Ming is an example. You can tell how good he is at acting by being able to stay in school to teach as soon as he graduates, but he can't adjust his mentality well. No matter how powerful you are, it’s useless, understand?”

 “Hmm.” Lu Yanhe didn’t expect that this was still a nod to him.

He smiled and said: "No matter how high-spirited I am, I can't be high-spirited about acting. I don't understand anything, and I don't know how to act at all."

“There’s no need to be so arrogant. You can impress Director Luo Yuzhong with just one audition. That’s your ability.” Chen Ziyan added.

"Oh." Lu Yanhe felt that Chen Ziyan was also quite good. He was afraid that he would be proud but also afraid that he would belittle himself. He really cared about the old lady's heart and was very fond of her.

Of course, he didn’t dare to say this.

If Chen Ziyan heard the word "mama", she would probably roll her eyes a hundred times.

“Oh, Sister Ziyan, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you.” Lu Yanhe said, “Last night Li Zhibai said that Chen Biqiu asked him to have a dinner with Chen Biqiu tonight, and asked me to go with him.”

"Chen Biqiu, the producer of "Let's Camp Together" right?" Chen Ziyan nodded, "Okay, let him meet you. It would be great if he could record one or two episodes of this show. This show is quite popular."

 “Yeah.” Lu Yanhe nodded.

Chen Ziyan: "I'm going on a business trip to Jiangguang tonight. I won't be back for the next two days. You have a good class with the two teachers."



 In the afternoon, Lu Yanhe met another teacher of his.

 He Shuyi.

Lu Yanhe is also a very experienced teacher in acting teaching. Lu Yanhe didn’t know her and had never met her, but as soon as she came up, she took him directly to start rehearsing the play in "The Golden Age".

Even before Lu Yanhe came to his senses, He Shuyi led him to act again and again.


 “Start over.”


"Too fake."


Lu Yanhe was a little confused when he came to the back and said, "Teacher He, I'm not ready. Can you let me think about it by myself first?"

He Shuyi smiled and put down the script and said, "Do you think I was too fast and asked you to come directly without giving you time to prepare?"

 Lu Yanhe nodded hesitantly.

 It is indeed too fast.

 He Shuyi said: "I did it on purpose."


"I just want to see what your most instinctive acting method is." He Shuyi said, "I don't want your carefully thought-out performance. Those are all fake. I want the real thing. The so-called true listening, true watching and true feeling means The most direct reaction of a person, the character you want to play, there is no complexity, it is all an emotional presentation, so just give the most realistic emotional presentation. "

Lu Yanhe nodded blankly.

“Come on now.” He Shuyi said, “Throw away all your thoughts, just follow my rhythm and give the most direct response.”

 Lu Yanhe nodded and put down the script.

If Zhang Ming is a romantic theorist, He Shuyi is a practical activist.

Her infectious energy was very strong. She interrupted Lu Yanhe's performance time and time again, and then grabbed Lu Yanhe to pick him up again, shattering his worries, embarrassment, shyness, and inability to let go.

 As the afternoon passed, Lu Yanhe felt as if he had been drained dry.


 At 5:30 pm, He Shuyi’s first class ended.

Lu Yanhe sat on the ground with his eyes empty, his face a little pale.

 Acting turns out to be a physical job.

He kept following He Shuyi in saying lines and moving positions all afternoon, accompanied by roaring and shouting from time to time... This kind of emotional venting was not in the script at all. He Shuyi asked him again and again to give it to Lu Yanhe, so that Lu Yanhe could express his emotions. Switching between, I can only say that the rhythm is too sour and refreshing.

 He Shuyi went to chat with Chen Ziyan.

 “A very capable child.” He Shuyi praised with a smile, “I didn’t expect that he could hold on until now. I thought he couldn’t hold on an hour ago.”

Chen Ziyan looked through the glass wall of the rehearsal room and looked at Lu Yanhe who was sitting on the floor relaxing to himself, and smiled, "You should also take it easy."

“The first class is to test his limits.” He Shuyi explained, “Although he has no acting experience, he does have talent. He switches emotions easily and is very tenacious.”

 “After all, he is a newcomer who is favored by Director Luo.”

“You have a vicious eye, I am worthy of being the newcomer that you have taken a liking to.” He Shuyi said.

 “Do you think he can succeed in the future?”

“You have very good qualities. Whether you can succeed or not depends on luck.”

 Chen Ziyan nodded.

"He is different from the Wen Minglan you asked me to teach before." He Shuyi said, "Wen Minglan still has a heavy burden, and he is always a bit unable to let go. He...trusted me in one afternoon, and later he completely opened up to himself. This kind of Quality, as long as you meet a good director, he will burst into incredible glory. "

 (End of this chapter)

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