Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 162: Very annoying, very annoying

Chapter 162 Very annoying, very annoying

 Lu Yanhe’s Weibo is rarely used, especially his certified account, which was previously managed by Zhou Ping’an. He basically did not log in. The account was only returned to his own hands after the contract was terminated.

 He took out his mobile phone and logged into his Weibo.

 At first glance, there are many unread messages.

 He clicked on it and saw a large number of retweets, comments, likes and private message content reminders.

It has been so long since I logged in, is that why there are so many messages?

Or did it come from tonight’s hot search?

Lu Yanhe clicked on Chen Ziyan's dialog box and copied the paragraph she sent.

After reading it carefully, Lu Yanhe was surprised, but also silently convinced by Chen Ziyan.

—Can this legendary father-in-law with great powers help me gain 100 points in the college entrance examination? Instead of daydreaming, it is more reliable to go to the cinema to watch Brother Shang Yongzhou's new movie. I don't know whether I will have a father-in-law with great powers in the future. What is certain now is that going to the cinema to watch "Carpe Diem" is a good idea. Really carpe diem!

While responding to this outrageous rumor, he also helped to promote "Carpe Diem" by avoiding being overshadowed by others.

 It is foreseeable that because of this hot search, his Weibo response to this matter will be seen by many people.

 This is also a huge wave of traffic, which is naturally helpful for the promotion of "Carpe Diem". The most important thing is his attitude. Remember that his identity tonight is to help promote the movie "Carpe Diem".


He Lan was still wondering what Lu Yanhe was reading on his mobile phone. Someone sent a message during the barrage, saying that Lu Yanhe had just posted a Weibo post.

Tonight Lu Yanhe fell into some crisis of public opinion.

 Mainly because in the background of the live broadcast of the official account of the movie "Carpe Diem", two people were talking about Lu Yanhe.

When Helan saw the hot search on Lu Yanhe, followed by the word father-in-law, her heart skipped a beat. After hearing the amplified audio, she breathed a sigh of relief.

This must be the two people who are spreading rumors and gossiping behind their backs, and their voices sound full of naked jealousy.

 He Lan expressed his belief and support for Lu Yanhe without saying a word.

 Lu Yanhe has just finished the college entrance examination, how could he get married!

Moreover, it is said that Lu Yanhe climbed high branches and hugged his thighs, haha! Helan didn't believe it at all.

Which person who climbs a high branch would study so hard every day for a year?

If you really want to embrace him, you have a legendary father-in-law, but why don't you see him get any good resources and become popular?

Since paying attention to Lu Yanhe, Helan has become more and more familiar with Lu Yanhe's situation and understanding, and knows what kind of situation and treatment Lu Yanhe is in Xingyu.

 That’s it, and the legendary father-in-law supports him?

 Those who spread rumors don’t even make drafts!

Helan was also worried that this incident would affect Lu Yanhe's mood. Unexpectedly, Lu Yanhe started broadcasting as usual and seemed not to be affected at all.

It’s just that a group of people came in during the barrage, questioning and ridiculing Lu Yanhe one after another.

Those words were full of provocation, derogation, and unpleasant to listen to. Helan felt angry after reading them, not to mention Lu Yanhe himself.

 Fortunately, he was not used to watching the comments during live broadcasts, so he never saw it.

 Until he suddenly picked up his phone and posted a Weibo message.

He Lan immediately exited the live broadcast, opened Weibo, and searched for the Weibo post posted by Lu Yanhe.

 She enjoyed reading it.

It seems that Lu Yanhe was not angered by such rumors, but was just a little dissatisfied, and muttered a simple response.

He Lan spoke in the comment area: He looks handsome in a suit today. Believe you, I will watch "Carpe Diem" over the weekend! -

There are many people reading Lu Yanhe’s Weibo.

 Chen Siqi is one of them.

 After the college entrance examination, Chen Siqi never met Lu Yanhe.

She had no intention of meeting Lu Yanhe. As soon as the exam was over, a war broke out at home.

When it comes to what university to study in the future, Chen Siqi wants to leave Yuming and study elsewhere, but Liu Wei'an doesn't know what she is planning. She insists that girls shouldn't stay too far from home and just find a university in Yuming. .

 Chen Siqi said that if she had to go to a university in Yuming with her scores, she would definitely not be able to get into a good university.

Liu Wei'an said that for a family like hers, it doesn't matter if she doesn't need to go to a good university.

Chen Siqi was so angry that he cursed Liu Wei'an and Sima Zhao's heart.

 Liu Wei'an accused Chen Siqi of not being able to understand her intentions.

"I am a stepmother. Just because of my identity, other people's eyes can suppress me and I can't lift my head up. It seems that I am that kind of vicious person." Liu Wei'an turned around and cried to Chen Siqi's father, " If I were really a vicious person, why would I want to keep her by my side? I would have sent her far away and left her to fend for herself."

 Chen Siqi heard these words at the door, and her chest heaved with anger, but she couldn't just rush in and continue to question Liu Wei'an.

 Otherwise it would be a fact that she eavesdropped.

 Because of this incident, the atmosphere at home has been very bad these days, to the point where almost no one takes the initiative to speak.

 Chen Siqi also regained his composure after experiencing the initial anger and thought about what to do. At this time, he was browsing Weibo and saw Lu Yanhe's trouble tonight.

 Sure enough, everyone has their own troubles.

Chen Siqi originally wanted to talk to Lu Yanhe, but now he no longer thinks so.

Let’s sweep the snow in front of our doors.


 After graduation, we no longer go to the same school every day, and we no longer meet each other every day. Many things that can be said easily begin to require a serious "right time, right place and right person" to say them.

 Talk to others about your troubles, which is also a trouble for others.

 Not everyone has thick skin.

 Especially Chen Siqi.


 But Li Pengfei is very thick-skinned and never cares about this.

 After Xu Zijun rested at home for a few days, he went out to tutor.

A student who had just graduated from the college entrance examination couldn't afford to be a tutor at all, but because he was in the top 30 of his grade in No. 13 Middle School, some people still paid for it. In the end, the price was 20 yuan an hour, and he was hired by the family of a high school sophomore. In the past, I tutored their children for four hours a day and earned 80 a day.

 This is already a huge sum of money for Xu Zijun.

 She is saving money for her college.

However, Xu Zijun has to take a two-hour car ride from home to Yuming every day. After finishing tutoring, he also has to take a two-hour car ride back. Counting other time lost on the way back and forth, he is on the road for nearly five hours a day. .

 After Li Pengfei found out, he gave Xu Zijun a pair of headphones and a power bank.

“Looking at your mobile phone in the car is not good for your eyes. Listen to music or radio dramas,” Li Pengfei said.

Xu Zijun has a mobile phone, but she uses a second-hand mobile phone. She bought it herself. It is very cheap. She bought it for 200 yuan, but it still has a little lag when using it.

Li Pengfei actually thought about buying her a new mobile phone directly, but thinking of what Lu Yanhe said before, he gave up the idea temporarily.

 Don’t give too expensive gifts directly.

Li Pengfei said: "When I pass my driver's license test and get a car, I can pick you up and drop you off every day."

Xu Zijun shook his head: "No, then you have to run back and forth twice a day, which is very tiring."

 Li Pengfei: “I’m not tired.”

His eyes were rolling and he was very energetic.

 Xu Zijun laughed when he saw this.

 “That’s not necessary either.”

Li Pengfei: "Okay, okay, don't worry if you don't like it, but it's good for you to be a tutor, so we can see each other every day."

Li Pengfei smiled.

 When Xu Zijun was not working as a tutor, he rarely came over because he lived far away.

Li Pengfei spent less time seeing her.

Now after Xu Zijun finishes tutoring every day, Li Pengfei will have a meal with Xu Zijun and then take her to the station.

His father would have scolded him if he didn't have dinner at home every night if it weren't for the fact that he had just finished the college entrance examination.

However, although the days are happy, Li Pengfei is also secretly worried about the future.

 Can he and Xu Zijun be admitted to universities in the same city by then?

 What should I do if I move to another place?

Li Pengfei chatted with Lu Yanhe and discussed this concern.

 Lu Yanhehui: No solution.

Li Pengfei:? ? ?

Lu Yanhe: If it goes over, it means the lovers finally get married. If it doesn’t go over, it means the long-distance relationship goes their separate ways and depends entirely on oneself.

Li Pengfei: Now I feel a little regretful that I didn’t study hard. If I could get a higher score, I would have a wider range of choices.

 Lu Yanhe: Then you will repeat the course for another year?

 Li Pengfei: I have a mental illness and have to retake the exam. It was only because of your encouragement that I was able to take the exam like this. Without you, how many days would I have been able to persevere.

Lu Yanhe smiled.

Li Pengfei is indeed not a patient person.


However, Li Pengfei reminded Lu Yanhe.

He couldn't help but think about one thing. If he didn't get into Yuming and Zhenhua, should he choose to go to a top university elsewhere, or settle for the next best thing and choose another university in Yuming?

 Lu Yanhe felt that it would be a pity if he did not get into the best university with the score he spent so long to get.

 But if you leave Yuming, there will be a lot of inconveniences.


 On Monday, Lu Yanhe went to the company again.

 He found that the way everyone looked at him changed again.

In the past two days, Lu Yanhe has become a hot topic because of his father-in-law's incident, and he has responded to it. What was originally just a matter that everyone discussed in private has become an entertainment event discussed in a public scope.

When Lu Yanhe didn't respond, he could make up any story that others wanted. Now that he has responded and clearly denied the incident, people who previously believed in it started to murmur.

 Is it true or false?

Lin Desheng treats Lu Yanhe favorably, which is visible to everyone.

But Lu Yanhe’s denial so confidently made everyone wonder if there was any misunderstanding.

Of course people from Star Entertainment already knew that the person who was talking about Lu Yanhe’s rise to power through his father-in-law in the background of the live broadcast was Wei Zhuoran.

Everyone was also a little curious about what would happen if Lu Yanhe and Wei Zhuoran met.

 It's just that the two did not meet as everyone expected.

Lu Yanhe went to the rehearsal room as usual, but Wei Zhuoran did not come to the company at all.

 Artists generally don’t stay in the company very often. Unless they need to use the company’s rehearsal room like Lu Yanhe or sign a contract, they don’t have to work or go to the company all day long.

At noon, Tu Song took the initiative to ask Lu Yanhe to have lunch.

 His face almost had the words "I want to ask about gossip" written directly on his face.

 The two of them were still going to the same place.

When the food was ready, Tu Song immediately asked: "Last Saturday, you and Wei Zhuoran had a conflict?"

"No, what's the conflict? Both of our managers are here." Lu Yanhe said, "He said some random things and was taught a lesson by Sister Ziyan."

Tu Song laughed.

“You deserve it, you have such a bad mouth.” He cursed, “Are there many people talking about you online now?”

“Fortunately, I didn’t read it much. I didn’t read it after I posted it on Weibo.” Lu Yanhe said, “It’s just a myth. You can say whatever you want.”

"Is it true that you and Lin Miaomiao are not in a relationship?" Tu Song asked with some confusion, "I heard that you dated her in the small garden of our company."

“Dating? What the heck, sitting together, drinking a cup of coffee, and chatting, is this considered a date in the eyes of others? Then their form of dating is also quite poor.”

Tu Song was a little envious and said: "We are not in love, but we are still good friends. I really envy you."

"It's different from what you think. Although Lin Miaomiao and I know each other, we haven't reached the point where Northern Lights Video also gave me a chance." Lu Yanhe said helplessly, "I know that many people in the company spread various rumors. Rumor has it that I was able to sign to Sister Ziyan because of Lin Miaomiao's relationship. But since you are working for Sister Ziyan, you should know best. Is Sister Ziyan the kind of manager who will hire an artist just because of this relationship? ?”

Tu Song came back to his senses, pondered for a moment, nodded, and said, "No."

"To put it bluntly, there are still many people who don't believe that I was chosen by Sister Ziyan simply because of myself." Lu Yanhe shrugged, "So you must find other reasons in me to prove that I am not relying on myself."

"That's too abominable." Tu Song felt the same and immediately shared the same hatred.

 The door was opened with a "clatter".

Ma Zhiyuan walked in alone from outside with a bad expression. Suddenly he saw Lu Yanhe and frowned instantly.

When Lu Yanhe saw him, he also put away the expression on his face.

 Heat was rushing inside like crazy.

Ma Zhiyuan closed the door, walked in, and walked directly in front of Lu Yanhe.

“Wei Zhuoran stopped working for half a month, is it because of you?”

Lu Yanhe looked confused after hearing this.

 What will it be like if the work is suspended for half a month?

Ma Zhiyuan looked like he was blaming Lu Yanhe for this incident.

"What, do you dare to do it or not?" Ma Zhiyuan sneered and glared at Lu Yanhe, "Wei Zhuoran said that you relied on your father-in-law, was he wrong? If you are dissatisfied, go to Wei Zhuoran yourself if you have the ability and let your agent stand up for you. How shameless.”

Lu Yanhe took a deep breath.

"I rely on my father-in-law, but which kind of father-in-law do I rely on? You can tell me."

Ma Zhiyuan said: "Your relationship with Lin Desheng has been spread throughout the company, why are you pretending?"

"Lin Desheng?" Lu Yanhe raised the corner of his mouth, "Ma Zhiyuan, let me ask you something. Do you dare to say this in front of Lin Desheng?"

“Why should I say it in front of Lin Desheng?”

“Confrontation.” Lu Yanhe said in a deep voice, “Since both of you think that Lin Desheng is my father-in-law, then ask him to see if this is the case!”

Lu Yanhe's voice was resounding and without any fear. This courage made him look upright and stern without any guilt.

Ma Zhiyuan, who was still angry at first, was stunned for a moment and did not answer the question.

"If Wei Zhuoran hadn't spread rumors, why would he stop working? Who am I to make him stop working? The person in charge of you is your own manager. If you have anything to ask him, go ask him!" Lu Yanhe said angrily, "I have been doing this all the time. If you put up with me, you are getting worse. If you come in front of me and accuse me without any reason, you better have evidence, otherwise he will not be the only one who is suspended! "

Ma Zhiyuan’s eyes turned cold for a moment.

 “You threaten me?”

"I'm warning you." Lu Yanhe's eyes were firm and strong, and he didn't give in. "From the beginning to the end, I have never provoked any of you MX. How about you, if you provoke me once or twice, do you think I will endure it again and again? This time I only denied your rumors. Next time, I will directly name the person who spread the rumors. Can you try?"

Ma Zhiyuan clenched his jaw.

 “Want to try?” Lu Yanhe asked.

Ma Zhiyuan clenched his fists, was silent for two seconds, snorted coldly, and nodded, "Okay, you have Chen Ziyan as your agent, you are confident enough, let's see!"

He turned around and strode out of the hotel. The door was pulled hard by him, making a loud "bang" sound.

Lu Yanhe's eyes showed contempt.

 The color is sharp and the interior is sluggish.

Lu Yanhe withdrew his gaze, and when he raised his eyes, he saw Tu Song looking at him with admiration.

 “You were so cool just now.”


Ma Zhiyuan was filled with anger.

How dare he?

How dare he? !

Ma Zhiyuan's face turned blue with anger.

Lu Yanhe actually dared to threaten him!

At the same time as he was angry, Ma Zhiyuan also had some secret fear deep in his heart.     Because he was really threatened.

 Lu Yanhe actually named the rumor makers on Weibo, but they couldn't refute it. They were just word of mouth and there was no evidence.

During this period, Ma Zhiyuan himself was having a hard time. He originally had a popular two-person team competition show to record, but because his original partner was Wei Zhuoran, he was implicated and could not record the show.

 Otherwise, Ma Zhiyuan would not have been so angry and directed his anger at Lu Yanhe.

Go to question Lin Suyang?

Ma Zhiyuan had already been there, but Lin Suyang just told him with a straight face that Wei Zhuoran had made a big mistake and must accept punishment, and Wei Zhuoran also accepted it.

Ma Zhiyuan went to ask Wei Zhuoran why he accepted the punishment, but Wei Zhuoran refused to tell him and took him there hesitantly.

Those words Lin Suyang said gave Wei Zhuoran a blow in the head and woke him up from the illusion that he was a popular artist, but he was not willing to let Ma Zhiyuan see his joke.

  There is a lot of competition within MX, and Ma Zhiyuan is someone who doesn’t want to be upstaged by his teammates.

 Wei Zhuoran was vague, and Ma Zhiyuan assumed that Chen Ziyan helped Lu Yanhe get angry. Due to Chen Ziyan's power, Lin Suyang and Wei Zhuoran cowardly stopped work for half a month to apologize.

 But even if Wei Zhuoran was wrong, so what?

They are MX, the most popular idol group in the company. Is it worth losing so much for such a small thing?

Wei Zhuoran stopped working for half a month, how much work was lost?

Ma Zhiyuan was still holding his breath.

Lin Suyang refused to support Wei Zhuoran, and Wei Zhuoran himself was weak, but Ma Zhiyuan felt that he could never let Lu Yanhe become proud of this matter.

Although we already have a legendary agent, if he succeeds so easily, where will we put MX in the future?

Is the order of the young artists in the company going to change?

Lu Yanhe hasn’t done anything yet, and Wei Zhuoran is about to be forced to bow his head. In two days, will he, Lu Yanhe, be ranked first among the younger generation on the company’s artist page?

Ma Zhiyuan was determined to teach Lu Yanhe a lesson.


Li Zhenzhen and Chen Biqiu got out of the car and looked up at the tall building in front of them.

“Star Entertainment has such a big family business here, but it is not taken seriously by its boss. I really don’t know where this big boss comes from.” Chen Biqiu sighed as he thought about some secrets he had heard.

It is said that the real boss of Star Entertainment is not in this industry at all. When he founded Star Entertainment, he was just to make his girlfriend at the time happy. Now it’s better, he has done this, but he still doesn’t care and barely shows up. Just let Hong Qi take a few deputy general managers.

 Li Zhenzhen said: "Star Entertainment is the largest idol artist company in the industry, but Jiang Yuqian and others are also popular. The artist lineup is indeed strong."

“Yes, otherwise we should come to negotiate in person?” Chen Biqiu curled his lips, “Which of the other companies didn’t take the initiative to come to us?”

 This time they took the initiative to come, not only because they wanted to come to Mo Zhou Ping'an to agree to Li Zhibai's joining "Young Days", but also because the Star Entertainment family has a big business and it is difficult for them to get Qiao.

 Entering the company building, Chen Biqiu and Li Zhenzhen walked up.

“You’ve really thought about it, do you want all three of them: Li Zhibai, Yan Liang and Lu Yanhe?” Chen Biqiu confirmed again.

"Yeah." Li Zhenzhen nodded, "I have been observing them for a few days, and their daily interactions are very interesting. I think the audience will like this pairing."

Chen Biqiu nodded and sighed, "Then the next step is to deal with Zhou Ping'an, the money-hungry man."


Thirty minutes later, Zhou Pingan was bored and listened to the introduction about the program, and finally started to introduce the main topic. When he heard the quotation, Zhou Pingan exploded.

"Two hundred thousand per issue?" Zhou Ping'an looked at the two of them in shock, "Old Chen, you are also a senior program producer in the industry. Don't you know Li Zhibai's current market price? Are you sending a beggar?"

Chen Biqiu suppressed the anger in his heart and explained: "We invited Li Zhibai to be a permanent resident. There are a total of twelve episodes in one season. He is not a flying guest. In addition, the recording of our program is very easy and does not require artists. With extra preparation, it only takes about thirty days to record one season of the program, but the time required to record a regular program is much less.”

Zhou Ping'an: "That's too little! Last month we went to Zhibai to record "Battle Boy", and they gave us 500,000 yuan. Even if you cut it in half, it's not enough!"

Chen Biqiu said: "What kind of program is "Battle Boy"? It takes at least a week from preparation to recording to record one episode, right? Our type of slow-life variety show requires completely different time. On average, , one period only lasts two to three days. Considering the time, is the reward too small? "

Zhou Ping'an immediately complained: "How can it be calculated like this?"

"I'm talking about the matter. Our programs are not recorded separately. The recording time is fixed and not scattered. This also makes it easier for you to give him other work at other times." Chen Biqiu said, "You also know that I have been doing this for a long time. Will I treat you badly?"

"This price is too low, and it will affect our future quotations." Zhou Ping'an said, "Besides, your show doesn't look like it will be popular, is it directed by Li Zhenzhen? Although it's a bit hurtful to say that, But after all, this is your first time as a program director and you have no experience.”

 Li Zhenzhen: “…”

"Lao Zhou, she has been working for me as an assistant director. Let me tell you the truth, if I hadn't been optimistic about her and it wasn't my own show, why would I have been running around like this?" Chen Biqiu said, "This show can't be popular. , that’s your prejudice, when it comes to making programs, I’m the professional, don’t you believe my vision?”

Zhou Ping'an clicked his tongue, "Is this a matter of vision? Just tell me directly, your program budget is not large, is there a quotation for the video platform? What level are you planning to do it at?"

 Nowadays, programs are internally classified into grades S+, S, A, and B.

Chen Biqiu said: "The budget is indeed not large, but this is the first season of the show, and it doesn't require a large budget. I have no intention of taking advantage of you. Two hundred thousand is the price I calculated based on Li Zhibai's current market price. You Don't pretend, you know whether I have treated him badly or not."

Chen Biqiu's attitude was so tough that Zhou Ping'an had nowhere to say anything.

 “Anyway, the price is too low.”

"I will let another artist of yours join this show." Until this time, Chen Biqiu asked Yan Liang, "Buy one, get one free, okay? Yan Liang shouldn't be able to get a permanent one at all now, right?"

This sentence instantly aroused Zhou Ping'an's interest.

Yan Liang is the least popular among his three artists, and he is also the most difficult to obtain resources from outside.

If Yan Liang can also become a permanent resident, there will be room for discussion.

“Why not bring Cheng Hai on board too?” Zhou Ping’an thought to himself, Cheng Hai is not yet a resident in variety shows.

Chen Biqiu said: "You also know that we don't have a big budget, so we can't hire another artist worth 200,000 yuan in one go, unless you give us another discount?"

Zhou Pingan immediately raised his hand and made a prohibitive gesture, "Stop it, taking advantage of Lu Yanhe is not enough, we have to give another discount. As for Yan Liang, how much remuneration do you plan to pay Yan Liang?"

Chen Biqiu: "Let's just follow the market price. If I remember correctly, the last time he came to my show, he got 30,000?"

Zhou Ping'an: "Thirty thousand? This is too shabby."

“Tell me, which other program has ever offered a higher price to Yan Liang?” Chen Biqiu asked directly.

Zhou Ping'an directly changed the subject, "A show is going to leave two of my artists. Who knows whether your show will be popular or not."

"If they become popular, will you refund their compensation to us?" Chen Biqiu was familiar with Zhou Ping'an, and he would hit the snake every time he opened his mouth.

Zhou Ping'an glared at him, "There's no such way."

 Chen Biqiu breathed a sigh of relief. Looking at Zhou Ping'an's appearance, he knew that the matter was almost done.

 The next step is just bargaining.


Arrived at Lu Yanhe, Chen Biqiu's negotiation tactics were not so smooth.

"Thirty thousand? Too low." Chen Ziyan said without a doubt, "Although Lu Yanhe is not very popular and is not well-known now, he is an artist with positive energy. His public image is unique among young artists. He participated in the recording Your program also adds value to the program’s image.”

Chen Biqiu's aura became much weaker in front of Chen Ziyan.

"But sponsors will not give Lu Yanhe more money just because he is a positive artist." Chen Biqiu said, "Teacher Chen, I know that Lu Yanhe is your favorite, but now his market situation is indeed here, you You also know that when we do variety shows, we can’t see any long-term benefits. We just make quick money. Even if Lu Yanhe becomes famous in a year, there will be no feedback from our show. "

 Chen Ziyan asked: “Do you know what day Thursday is?”

Chen Biqiu was stunned for a moment and thought about it carefully. He didn't remember that Thursday was any special day.

 “What’s your birthday?”

 Chen Ziyan: “…”

She rolled her eyes at him.

"It's the day when the results of the college entrance examination will be announced." Chen Ziyan said, "At that time, Lu Yanhe will become the only idol artist in the entertainment industry who has been admitted to a key university with cultural scores. With such a status, do you think that a person with 30,000 yuan will be admitted to a key university? Is this program worthy of him?”

 Chen Biqiu took a breath of air.

 He was really speechless and choked.

If the person who said this was not Chen Ziyan, he would really want to go back with a sigh.

The results haven’t been released yet, so you are so blatantly claiming that you can get into a key university?

So what if I pass the exam? Can you monetize your good academic performance in the entertainment industry?

Chen Ziyan didn't care at all about the murmurs in his heart.

"You can also talk to me about Lu Yanhe's remuneration after the college entrance examination results come out, but at that time I will quote a higher price." Chen Ziyan said, "This is a life observation program, and no other program can invite An idol artist who just relied on cultural scores to counterattack and get admitted to a key university in his junior year of high school as a guest specimen, because before this, there was no such artist, the first show after the college entrance examination, such a gimmick and potential popularity , you know better than me, and you have already said it, do you think my request of 50,000 yuan per installment is low? "

 Chen Biqiu: “…”

He didn't know whether what Chen Ziyan said made sense or not, but the way she seemed to make sense and make sense no matter what she said was really bluffing.

 He was frightened for a moment and didn't know how to continue bargaining.

 After coming out of Chen Ziyan's office, Chen Biqiu and Li Zhenzhen both wiped the sweat from their heads.

Chen Ziyan's aura is so strong that when they sit in her office, they feel a lot of pressure.

big head.

 They walked towards the elevator.

“Producer Chen, why did you come to our company?” A familiar voice suddenly called them from behind.

 Chen Biqiu and Li Zhenzhen looked back in surprise at the same time.

Ma Zhiyuan of MX looked at them with a bright smile.

“Zhiyuan, you are also in the company.” Chen Biqiu had approached Ma Zhiyuan to record a program before, and they were acquainted with him. “We have a program that we are preparing, let’s talk to your company’s agent.”

Hearing this, Ma Zhiyuan glanced at the office they just walked out of.

 “Are you looking for Chen Ziyan?”


“You don’t want Lu Yanhe to record this show, right?” Ma Zhiyuan asked.

"What's wrong?" Chen Biqiu asked with some confusion when he heard Ma Zhiyuan ask.

Ma Zhiyuan asked: "Are you two in a hurry to go back now? Our company has a sky garden. May I treat you to a cup of coffee?"


In the evening, Lu Yanhe broke out in sweat after finishing class.

Today, He Shuyi led him to liberate his inner restraints and burst out his emotions completely. He then yelled in the rehearsal room, and finally shed tears under the intense emotional collision.

"The most fearful thing about acting is the artificiality. This is a state that young artists are prone to. So, just now I made you run, jump, shout and scream, draining all your excess energy, and then let you act. Do you feel that all your energy is focused on your scene? No energy to do any more additions?"

Lu Yanhe nodded: "Before, I wanted to do everything in my performance, but I didn't care about it today. My brain was too tired and my concentration was focused."

"You have to remember this feeling, because you don't have the ability to control multiple lines now. Once you pursue perfection, it will be easy to overact or act incorrectly." He Shuyi said, "You have to start acting from one point. After you have performed one part, then consider other parts. To put it simply, start with your strengths. One of your particularly good points is your eyes. Your eyes are very deep and have a sense of story. Your acting style is not exaggerated and has a rich sense of detail. This is your strength. You have to focus more on these areas to add to your performance. In other areas, you have to subtract. When you don't know how to act, your face will be expressionless. It’s better than making random expressions.”

Lu Yanhe responded with a smile.

 Many of He Shuyi's suggestions are very practical, and Lu Yanhe even took special notes.

 “Thank you, Teacher He.”

Lu Yanhe sent He Shuyi away, packed his things and entered the elevator.

 At rush hour, the elevator stops at almost every floor, and someone wants to get up.

 Lu Yanhe retreated to the innermost part.

When the elevator stopped at a certain floor in the middle, Lu Yanhe saw Li Zhenzhen, Chen Biqiu and Ma Zhiyuan walking in together.

 He was stunned.

Mainly because he knew that Chen Biqiu and Li Zhen were preparing for the program "Young Days". When he saw the three people appearing together, he immediately had an idea. Could it be that they wanted to invite Ma Zhiyuan to record this program?

If this is the case, Li Zhibai and Ma Zhiyuan may have a fight on the show.

 He will probably start a fight as well.

Lu Yanhe was blocked in the corner of the elevator, and Chen Biqiu and the others did not see Lu Yanhe inside.

 After waiting on the first floor, Lu Yanhe waited until everyone in front of him got out of the elevator before going out.

 He went back worriedly and told Li Zhibai and Yan Liang about the incident.

When Li Zhibai heard this, he immediately said: "What? If Ma Zhiyuan also records this program, then I won't go."

 He hated Ma Zhiyuan deeply and was determinedly unwilling to cooperate.

 Lu Yanhe: “I don’t know if I’m overthinking it, but if that’s the case, we should prepare early.”

"What are you preparing for? If Ma Zhiyuan records, I won't record. It's as simple as that." Li Zhibai didn't hesitate, "Anyway, the contract hasn't been signed yet."

“Since they went to the company today, they might have talked to Zhou Pingan.”

 Li Zhibai: “I’ll call Zhou Pingan now.”

"Don't be anxious." Lu Yanhe stopped Li Zhibai, "I don't know what's going on now. Maybe I'm overthinking."

Li Zhibai said: "Then who should we ask? Li Zhenzhen?"

"Ask Li Zhenzhen." Lu Yanhe nodded, "She must know."


 A roadside shop.

Li Zhenzhen was having dinner with Chen Biqiu.

 The busy shop was bustling with people, but the two of them seemed a little silent.

  What Ma Zhiyuan said to them in the afternoon made them both a little unresponsive.

“Does Ma Zhiyuan have any conflict with Lu Yanhe?” Li Zhenzhen asked.

 Chen Biqiu looked around and confirmed that there were no acquaintances before he said: "I don't know, but it's probably quite a contradiction to allow Ma Zhiyuan to do this."

"Then..." Li Zhenzhen looked at Chen Biqiu, "You're not really going to agree to Ma Zhiyuan, are you?"

"Take away Lu Yanhe and get Ma Zhiyuan. Such an exchange is a good deal no matter how you calculate it." Chen Biqiu said, "Ma Zhiyuan is more popular than Li Zhibai. If he is willing to join, we can all apply for more production funds. You can also get more sponsors.”

Li Zhenzhen looked a little confused and said, "But didn't you also say that Ma Zhiyuan's character is not suitable for recording this kind of life observation program?"

 Chen Biqiu sighed, nodded, and said: "This is indeed what I am worried about. Besides, Ma Zhiyuan's asking price is higher than Li Zhibai's, and the production funds will definitely be tight by then."

"Although he is very popular, he is not suitable for this program, and he will not be liked by everyone if he returns to the program." Li Zhenzhen said, "There are many programs that play the star card and find a lot of popular stars to record the program, but in the end If the recording doesn’t look good, it’s a waste of effort.”

"But Ma Zhiyuan's joining can allow us to get higher production funds, and it can also give the program a higher rating and more sponsors." Chen Biqiu sighed, "You know, really, we can't completely Make a choice based on whether it’s suitable for the program or not.”

Li Zhenzhen felt a little disappointed when he heard Chen Biqiu's words. He wanted to say something, but his cell phone rang at this moment.

It turned out to be a call from Li Zhibai.

Li Zhenzhen was a little surprised and answered the phone.

"Hello? Why are you looking for me all of a sudden?" Li Zhenzhen answered the phone in a different emotional state. These tangled emotions cannot be felt by the artist.

Li Zhibai asked: "Sister Zhenzhen, you won't be looking for Ma Zhiyuan for this show, right?"

 “Huh?” Li Zhenzhen was stunned.

Her subconscious reaction was, why did the news about Li Zhibai come out so quickly?

"There is indeed contact." Li Zhenzhen hesitated, but did not hide it, "But it is not confirmed yet. What's wrong? Isn't he an artist in the same company as you?"

"Put him down, I don't want to record a show with this person. If you ask him to record a show, then I will quit." Li Zhibai said, "If I record a show with him, I will definitely fight with him. 100%, I'm not going to lie to you. ”

Li Zhenzhen was stunned on the spot.


 “I hate this idiot very much, very much.” Li Zhibai emphasized.

Li Zhenzhen hung up the phone with a confused look on his face, and then looked at Chen Biqiu with a confused look on his face.

 (End of this chapter)

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