Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 167: Cheap relative, someone is grinding it down

Chapter 167: Cheap Relatives Are Tried by Someone

 It is already hot in Yuming in June.

Even though it was eight o'clock in the morning, the sun was already as hot as a furnace, shrouding the entire city in an unshieldable heat wave.

This city has its international and modern side, as well as its ancient and backward side.

Everyone says that every inch of land in Yuming is gold, as if there is gold buried under every floor tile.

 But only if you measure this land with your own feet, you will be surprised to find the not so beautiful side.


Leming Hotel is a small restaurant located in the old city. The owner is He Bangan.

 The shops around him didn't like this man very much because he had a bad temper and was stingy.

However, He Bangan has been opening a store here for a long time.

He rode a motorcycle and stopped in front of his house. He took down several large packages of meat and vegetables and carried them to his store.

“Oh, you’re finally back!” A plump and gaudy-dressed woman saw him and hurriedly walked out, “Don’t be busy yet, do you understand?”

He Bangan frowned, "What do you know?"

 Fengxiu is He Bangan's wife. One look at him and it's clear that he must not know about it yet.

"It was said in the news just now that Lu Yanhe got 657 points in the college entrance examination! Ranked 13th in the entire Yuming City!" Fengxiu's eyes were shining, "You brought him out before, but I didn't expect this kid's score to be so good. ?”

When He Bangan heard this, his first reaction was: "Did you hear wrongly? His grades are not very good."

 Fengxiu immediately took out his cell phone and handed it to He Bangan.

 “See for yourself, is it your nephew?”

He Bangan took the phone and took a look, wow, it’s true!

“This kid is so lucky, I thought he was really useless.” A shrewd smile appeared in He Bangan’s small eyes, “It’s not in vain that I brought him to Yuming.”

Fengxiu slapped him hard and said, "I asked you to bring the person back, but you refused. Now that the person is destined to be prosperous, what do you think we should do?"

He Bangan immediately scolded: "You bitch, don't you recognize me as your uncle now that he's grown up?!"

Fengxiu smiled lightly and said, "That's not certain. If I become successful in the future, I might not recognize you as my uncle."

"He dares!" He Bangan cursed first, but he felt a little weak in his heart.

 In the past two years, he has not had much contact with Lu Yanhe.

At that time, I thought, this guy is useless, he can’t be an artist, he can’t make money, and I will have to be his scapegoat later.

 So, He Bangan didn’t even let him come over for the New Year’s Eve dinner, for fear that Lu Yanhe would miss him and come back.

Then there will be one more mouth to eat in the family.

I didn’t expect that this kid got such a high score in the exam without saying anything!

Didn’t Zhenhua and Yuming choose this randomly?

"Where is Le Ming? Where is he?" He Bangan immediately asked about his son.

Fengxiu said: "Where else can I be? Of course I'm in school at this time!"

He Bangan: "Ask him to come with me to meet his brother tonight."

  Fengxiu: “…”


 Star Entertainment.

Vice President Ma was sitting in his office, looking at the reports about Lu Yanhe on the computer screen, his face visibly ugly.

Since Lu Yanhe’s results came out, he has received inquiries and congratulations from many people. Many people are even sincerely jealous of him - his company is the only one in the entertainment industry to have such a magical figure. Of course, he is jealous.

 Only Vice President Ma himself knew that this was not the situation he wanted to see at all.

 Because of Chen Ziyan’s special status in Xingyu, especially Lu Yanhe’s previous termination and contract signing with the company, Lu Yanhe is no longer considered an artist under him.

 He didn’t care about Lu Yanhe at all.

This kid has soared into the sky, who would have thought?

 Vice President Ma is very depressed.

At this moment, Vice President Ma was somewhat lucky. Fortunately, Lu Yanhe was still in the company.

 Otherwise, if Lu Yanhe had just terminated his contract with Star Entertainment and got such a score, Star Entertainment would become everyone’s joke.

 When the time comes, will he be able to live alone?

Vice President Ma himself has Hong Qi above him.

Although this person is not in charge of things, he and Chen Ziyan are the only two people in the company who are really familiar with the big boss behind the scenes.

Vice President Ma has never even met the big boss until now.

 If such a public scandal occurs, Vice President Ma believes that he may be scolded by Hong Qi immediately.

Nowadays, Star Entertainment is no longer the grassroots team it was when it was first established.

It’s just that now that Lu Yanhe is making such a big fuss and the whole Internet knows about it, that person is probably going to be furious.

If it weren't for that person, he wouldn't have driven Lu Yanhe away before.


While everyone around him was shocked by his college entrance examination score, Lu Yanhe regained his composure from the initial ecstasy.

 The college entrance examination is over, and he will continue to film movies later.

 "Golden Age" has officially announced his appearance, which has attracted a lot of attention.

 It’s just that the people who are paying attention to him now are basically because of his college entrance examination results, so the fact that he will star in this drama has not aroused many people’s discussions.

 This is his first play.

Lu Yanhe worked hard and focused on performing well.

However, with the results of the college entrance examination coming out, the acting class arranged by Chen Ziyan for him is coming to an end.

He Shuyi told him that the class was over after teaching him today's class.

"You will have to join a group and continue learning later. I am just taking you to get started first, and you will have to rely on yourself later." She warned, "Don't develop a habitual performance mode for yourself. Performance is not that simple. If you perfunctory it, it will be gone." I’ll deal with you, so do your best.”

Lu Yanhe was surprised, but also a little reluctant to let go of He Shuyi.

“Teacher He, are there no classes anymore?”

"No more for now." He Shuyi said with a smile, "This is what I decided after discussing with Zi Yan. Of course I can teach you more, but it will not be conducive to your understanding of the performance. I don't want you to be too deeply influenced by me. You have to Explore it yourself, especially Director Luo Yuzhong, who is very good at training actors. You can learn more if you keep a blank slate."

Lu Yanhe nodded reluctantly.

"All right."

He asked: "Then when I don't know how to deal with it, can I still ask you?"

"Of course." He Shuyi nodded, "I'm very optimistic about you, come on, future actor!"

Lu Yanhe had a look of astonishment on his face.

 He is still not used to being praised like this.

 After class, Lu Yanhe went to Chen Ziyan’s office to find her.

 “Dong dong.”

 He knocked on the door.

 “Come in.” Chen Ziyan’s voice sounded.

 Lu Yanhe opened the door, "Sister Ziyan, class is over."

 “Is the class over?” Chen Ziyan asked.

“Well, suddenly tell me that the class will be over after today’s class.” Lu Yanhe was a little confused because he was caught off guard.

"I decided after communicating with them that I will continue to ask them to teach you at different stages in the future, but it is not appropriate to teach you too many things when you first come into contact with acting." Chen Ziyan explained, "They They are all very experienced acting teachers. You may not understand many things now, but when you don’t understand, you won’t go wrong by listening to experienced people first.”

 “Yeah.” Lu Yanhe nodded.

 Chen Ziyan suddenly smiled and said, "There is another happy event today."

"Huh?" Lu Yanhe was a little surprised and asked, "What happy event?"

""Young Days" has been decided. Chen Biqiu decided to invite you and gave up Ma Zhiyuan." Chen Ziyan laughed, "I guess this is because you were so popular on the Internet yesterday. They didn't dare to delay it any longer. In fact, I I received messages from more than a dozen producers today, asking you to appear on the show.”

 The number of invitations to program recordings is the indicator that best reflects an artist’s recent popularity.

Lu Yanhe smiled sheepishly.

"But there is another point. You are also taking advantage of Li Zhibai." Chen Ziyan said, "He told Chen Biqiu very clearly that as long as they invite Ma Zhiyuan, he will quit. So, you are not the only one who killed Ma Zhiyuan. It was you. If you defeat Ma Zhiyuan with Li Zhibai, don't be too proud or arrogant."

Lu Yanhe immediately nodded and said, "I will not be arrogant."

 “Do you have any plans tonight?” Chen Ziyan suddenly asked. "Tonight? No, what's wrong?" Lu Yanhe asked.

“If you don’t have any arrangements, come with me to have dinner. I don’t have any arrangements tonight and I don’t want to eat alone.” Chen Ziyan said.

“Oh.” Lu Yanhe nodded, “Then I’ll tell Li Zhibai and the others not to go back for dinner tonight.”

 “When do you plan to move out from them?” Chen Ziyan stood up and packed her things, throwing various small items into her bag.

"I had already said that I would move, but because Li Zhenzhen wanted to observe our living conditions before, he stopped moving, and Zhou Ping'an never urged me to move." Lu Yanhe actually didn't really want to move. "Anyway, I will move after school starts." I have changed my place. If I don’t have to move, I would like to continue living here this summer. Is that okay?”

“Of course, as long as Zhou Ping’an doesn’t drive you away.”

Lu Yanhe thought to himself that he had just accidentally helped Zhou Ping'an's mother a few days ago. He shouldn't kick her out cold-bloodedly again, right? -

If he wasn't afraid that it would be too cold-blooded to drive people out directly, Li Zhibai really didn't want to let them in.

Li Zhibai's face was extremely dark, and he looked at He Bangan and He Leming who were sitting on the sofa.

 This pair of father and son, one looks stern and the other looks stupid and rude.

 Ten minutes ago, the two of them rang the doorbell and wanted to see Lu Yanhe.

Li Zhibai met them once and knew that they were Lu Yanhe's uncle and younger brother.

Who would have known that these two people had never contacted Lu Yanhe before coming here.

“Who knew you were coming without even saying hello?” Li Zhibai looked at them impatiently.

They have ignored Lu Yanhe for the past two years, and Li Zhibai knows it very well.

His relationship with Lu Yanhe was not familiar before, so Li Zhibai never took care of him.

The year has become ripe recently, and Li Zhibai has asked him several times, why Lu Yanhe clearly has an uncle, but he doesn’t even go back during the New Year?

Lu Yanhe is outspoken and has little affection for each other. They are afraid that he will become a drag, and he does not want to drag them down. It is best not to disturb each other.

If Li Zhibai hadn't personally seen that Lu Yanhe had lived here for three years, and his uncle's family had come a few times in the first month when they moved in, but never showed up again, Li Zhibai would have felt like this when he heard Lu Yanhe's words. It was Lu Yanhe who was too indifferent.

 This is simply not the case.

Zhou Ping'an buried Lu Yanhe in front of the Fengzhi members, saying that his relative was embarrassing and tried to ask him for money several times.

How could a tough guy like Zhou Ping'an ask for money?

After scolding the person for a long time, he scolded the person back without saying a word, and even ran into Lu Yanhe. Li Zhibai and Yan Liang both knew about this.

Now you suddenly come to your door?

Yan Liang came back from buying dinner at a restaurant. When he saw the situation in the room, he was not as mean as Li Zhibai at ordinary times. As soon as he opened his mouth, he sarcastically said: "Hey, as soon as the college entrance examination scores come out, Lao Lu will never see you again in eight hundred years." A cheap relative appears right away?"

 Compared to Li Zhibai, Yan Liang hated Lu Yanhe's uncle even more.

 Because he once had several relatives who wanted to cheat Qiu Feng. When they found out that he had become a star, they came to his house one after another and wanted to borrow money.

 When there is no money to borrow, they change their faces and keep saying, "You have become a star, how can you have no money?" !

If you really care about Lu Yanhe, where do you usually go?

Being squeezed by Yan Liang, He Bangan's face suddenly turned ugly.

"How do you, a young man, talk? What do you mean by cheap relatives?"

"Isn't it cheap?" Yan Liang didn't even think about it, he opened his mouth to yell, "The last time I saw you was three years ago, right? Relatives who see you once every three years are not cheap relatives. What are they?"

He Bangan's face was really red but he couldn't explain. In the past two years, he had never come to see Lu Yanhe once.

 Knowing that he was not doing well as an artist, I was afraid that he would go back and be raised by them, so I didn’t even call him.

"This is not your debut as a star. I'm afraid of disturbing Yan He. He is my nephew. How can I not care about him?" He Bangan said confidently.

“Tsk, tsk.” Yan Liang looked at him speechlessly, “If you don’t contact me for two years because you’re afraid of being disturbed, then you’d better not contact me for the rest of your life. But today, you suddenly don’t want to be disturbed anymore?”

He Bangan was very angry at the young man in front of him.

 “I’m here to see my nephew, and I have nothing to say to you!” he shouted.

The fat son next to him sat on the edge, not daring to say a word.

 Mainly because Li Zhibai and Yan Liang looked like they were not easy to mess with.

Li Zhibai immediately stared when he saw that He Bangan dared to yell.

"This is not your home. Try yelling at me again!" Li Zhibai said with a straight face, "Don't act like an elder in our place! Whether Lu Yanhe treats you as an elder or not is his business. What are you doing? What are you wearing in front of us? Damn it, you came in and sat down and you served it, get out of here!"

Li Zhibai said and suddenly raised his hand.

He Bangan looked at the two young boys in disbelief. They both seemed to have eaten explosives.

 Such a bad character!

 No wonder people on the Internet say that artists are not good people!

"I came to see my nephew, why do you drive me away? You are all public figures. Believe it or not, I will report you to the media!" He Bangan narrowed his eyes and threatened.

Li Zhibai sneered, "This is the first time in my life that I have been threatened like this. In a place like Yuming, who dares to threaten me?"

 He directly picked up his phone and turned on the video recording mode.

"Look at the two people in front, one is Lu Yanhe's uncle, and the other is Lu Yanhe's younger brother. They were the ones who brought Lu Yanhe out of the countryside, but they didn't care about anything after they brought him out. In the past three years, he hasn't had a single risk. , now that Lu Yanhe’s college entrance examination scores have come out, he suddenly changed his mind, and even the coffin board can’t contain their greed!” Li Zhibai said, “They also said they would report me to the media, but I want to say it properly, What is the purpose of these two cheap relatives coming to Lu Yanhe? "

Li Zhibai’s mobile phone camera was focused on He Bangan and He Leming, and he became more and more enthusiastic as he talked.

He Bangan became more and more nervous when he saw this, and Li Zhibai's words became more and more harsh.

He couldn't figure out the situation and thought Li Zhibai was doing a live broadcast, so he suddenly panicked.

 “Put it down!” He Bangan looked about to rush up and grab Li Zhibai’s cell phone.

Yan Liang pushed him away.

 “You still want to take action, right?” Yan Liang scolded angrily.

Li Zhibai held up his mobile phone: "You are not leaving yet, are you? If you are not leaving, I will continue recording, and I will post it on Weibo later. I want to see if you still have the nerve to see your neighbors!"

He Bangan was so angry that his face turned as red as pig liver.

 He Leming was afraid.

He covered his face and said, "Dad, let's go back!"

 He has to go to school every day.

If Li Zhibaizhen posted it online, he would be embarrassed by the whole school!

 He Bangan was dragged away by his son.

Li Zhibai held up his mobile phone and chased him to the door: "Come back if you have the ability. You report me and I will expose you. Let's see who can outsmart whom!"

“Okay, okay.” Yan Liang tugged Li Zhibai’s arm, “Stop recording.”

Li Zhibai then put away his cell phone and slammed the door.

 “What kind of dog relatives!”

Yan Liang: "You have a big temper."

“The more I think about it, the more angry I get. Damn it, I’m angry for Lao Lu!” Li Zhibai put his hands on his hips, “It’s a good thing that Lao Lu is not here tonight, or else I will be so angry to death from such a shameless person?”

Yan Liang: "There is no way, the world is like this. As soon as you see that your life is getting better, someone will immediately want to get on your body and drink a mouthful of your blood."

“No, we have to talk to Lao Lu and we can’t let such cheap relatives take advantage of us.”

"Wait for him to come back." Yan Liang said, "When I was so happy, after I got such a good score in the test, rats came out immediately, which was an eyesore."

Li Zhibai snorted and said, "As long as I'm here, I'll kill one of these mice every time I see them."

Yan Liang couldn't help laughing when he saw Li Zhibai's majestic and high-spirited appearance.

“You really made a lot of mistakes just now. You probably scared people.” Yan Liang said.

"To deal with this kind of person, you have to be more shameless than him." Li Zhibai said, "I learned this trick from my mother. She dealt with some annoying people. That's it, she is more annoying than the other person."

Yan Liang gave Li Zhi a thumbs up and said with emotion: "Famous teachers give rise to brilliant disciples."

Li Zhibai sighed, feeling a little proud: "You are indeed lucky to have a friend like me."

Yan Liang: “Applause for you.”

Li Zhibai grinned and was no longer so angry.

I wanted to take a rest at first, but when I saw it, there were more than 200 people in the monthly ticket queue. What else could I say? I’d like to code another chapter to express my gratitude! Asking for a monthly ticket!



 (End of this chapter)

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