Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 184: are you kidding

Chapter 184 Are you kidding me?

 Early the next morning, Lu Yanhe got up early and went for a run.

 This is what Huang Kairen told him. If there is a scene the next day that requires him to show his energy, go for a run in the morning and the state will be completely different.

Lu Yanhe didn’t have the habit of running in the morning.

 He is very different from Yan Liang.

 He doesn't have much love for sports.

 But today I am going to be on camera, so I will listen to Huang Kairen and go for a run to improve my condition.

 At six o'clock, Lu Yanhe went back to the hotel to take a shower, went to the restaurant to eat two slices of toast and a boiled egg, and at 6:20, he arrived at the hotel gate downstairs on time and got on the shuttle bus.

 The drive from the hotel to Nanhe University is 40 minutes.

Because we set off early, there will be no traffic jams on the road and we will not be stuck in the morning rush hour.

 At 7:10, the car drove into Nanhe University.

  It is already summer vacation, and the campus is two-thirds empty of students.

But there were also many students who knew that "The Golden Age" was going to be filmed here, so when the crew was looking for extra actors, they signed up and stayed.

The first scene this morning was the first encounter between Yao Yuan and Guan Zhu in the film.

Yao Yuan walked in from outside the classroom and fell in love with Guan Zhu at first sight.

 Because director Luo Yuzhong wanted to use skylight for this scene, filming was scheduled to start at 8:30.

Lu Yanhe followed the crew to the third floor of a teaching building. There was a large lecture theater at the end of the corridor.

The classroom was decorated yesterday by the staff who arrived first.

 tracks are being laid in the classroom for the camera to move and shoot later.

  Several classrooms next door were borrowed to serve as dressing rooms and dressing rooms for the actors.

As soon as Lu Yanhe arrived, he was called over to put on makeup.

  When filming, few of the actors actually appear without makeup.

 Appearing without makeup can easily make you look haggard, uneven skin tone, and in bad condition in the camera.

The look of today’s scene has long been decided.

By the time Lu Yanhe changed his clothes and finished styling, it was already 7:50 in the morning.

At this time, Luo Yuzhong, who looked as tired as if he hadn't woken up, also arrived.

He first called Lu Yanhe over and asked someone to take him there.

Today is Lu Yanhe’s first day of acting. Luo Yuzhong specially arranged scenes for Lu Yanhe that were not that difficult.

For example, for the first scene to be filmed today, Lu Yanhe only had to walk in.

There is no need to make any expression, just his face.

When Lu Yanhe knew his route, Luo Yuzhong saw Lu Yanhe and was about to talk to him when he suddenly frowned.

“Who painted your eyebrows? Why are they so thick? Re-do them.”

Lu Yanhe was at a loss, but someone immediately took Lu Yanhe over.

  Re-do your eyebrows.

By the time he came out after re-doing his eyebrows, Jiang Yuqian had already changed her clothes and came over.

 She was dressed in a very student style today, a typical good student outfit.

His hair was completely combed back, revealing a white face.

 “It’s eight-fourteen!” someone called the time.

When Luo Yuzhong heard the time, his first reaction was to look at the rising sun outside the window.

 The extras had already come in through another door under Mo Zhi's arrangement, and sat down in the corresponding seats according to the instructions of the on-site personnel.

They are all former students of this school, and they play college students in their true colors.

 Their eyes lit up when they saw Lu Yanhe and Jiang Yuqian, especially the latter.

This is like seeing a star in reality with your own eyes!

Lu Yanhe turned back and glanced at them, which immediately aroused a soft cry from some of them.

 “He’s so handsome in real life!”

 “Much more handsome than he looks in the camera!”

 “And he’s so tall.”


 Such discussions arose one after another.

Jiang Yuqian suddenly whispered to him: "Don't be disturbed by these sounds, focus on it."

Luo Yuzhong discussed with the photographer how to move the lens to capture the light later, and told Lu Yanhe: "When the first shot is taken of you later, we will capture the moment when the sun rises just behind you. This shot was shot from Guan Zhu’s perspective.”

Lu Yanhe nodded.

Luo Yuzhong said to Jiang Yuqian: "Yuqian, you will be sitting there later."

 He pointed to a place where a person was standing, indicating the location to Jiang Yuqian.

“We’ll shoot you again after we’ve shot Lu Yanhe.”

 “Okay.” Jiang Yuqian nodded.

 In fact, Jiang Yuqian did not need to participate in this kind of shot specifically for Lu Yanhe.

 Because she will not be shown in the camera.

 She can wait until she finishes filming Lu Yanhe’s scenes before coming over.

But Jiang Yuqian didn't say much, and she took pictures whenever she needed them, without being pretentious at all.

Luo Yuzhong personally took Lu Yanhe through it, told him how to act, and then asked Lu Yanhe to act it out himself.

 He didn’t say anything, nodded and said, “Very good, just keep the same feeling.”

Lu Yanhe breathed a sigh of relief and nodded.

The photographer who had been observing the movement of the sun suddenly shouted: "Director Luo, the light is OK."

 Luo Yuzhong immediately arrived at his seat.

Lu Yanhe was already waiting outside the classroom door.

 “Okay, start shooting!” Luo Yuzhong’s voice sounded.

Lu Yanhe immediately raised his feet and walked forward.

  Too urgent.

Luo Yuzhong frowned slightly, but did not shout to stop.

Lu Yanhe opened the classroom door and walked in.

 The whole classroom of students looked towards him.

 “Wow—” A girl at the scene couldn’t hold it back and exclaimed.

 He himself was slightly absent-minded.

"Okay, click!" Luo Yuzhong shouted, "Yan He, move slower, it's too fast. You are the campus male god, so you should be calm and measured."

 Lu Yanhe nodded and returned to his original position.

Luo Yuzhong came to the classroom with a smile again and said: "Students, please be more reserved. The students' reactions just now were right, but because we are filming Lu Yanhe for this scene, the camera has not yet been brought to you. You are reacting at this time. The camera Can’t get it either.”

The girl who just wowed had her cheeks flushed and she lowered her head in embarrassment.


 Three cameras were filming him at the same time.

Lu Yanhe couldn't help but notice them.

 After the performance, he felt that the performance was bad, but Luo Yuzhong said: "Not bad, let's do another one."

 Lu Yanhe came to the third section.

 He reopened the door, walked into the classroom, glanced around the classroom, and then looked at the podium.

 “Keep feeling, come up with another one.” Luo Yuzhong’s tone did not change at all.

 Lu Yanhe is back again.

 Article 4.

The fifth. “OK, pass.” Luo Yuzhong checked the footage he had just taken and finally shouted.

 Five shots, totaling about ten minutes.

 Because it is only a shot of less than five seconds, there is no need to re-set up the scene every time, which is very convenient.

 When Lu Yanhe heard the word "pass", he felt relieved.

 One shot was shot five times. Lu Yanhe was worried that he would affect the shooting progress.

 “Yan He, come here.” Luo Yuzhong suddenly shouted.

 Lu Yanhe will go over immediately.

Luo Yuzhong asked him to look at the monitor screen.

ˆ is the content of the fifth shot just now.

 The video starts playing.

 In the screen, the light has a warm tone unique to the morning sun.

 From the glass window of the classroom door, you can see the figure of Lu Yanhe approaching.

The door opened, and Lu Yanhe walked in from the door. The golden sun just shone behind him, converging into a slightly exposed background.

His eyes are so clean, and there is a fresh breeze on his body. There is no smile on his face, but his expression is warm. He is a figure that can walk through every girl's afternoon dream.

Lu Yanhe was a little surprised.

  He acted by himself and had imagined many times in his mind what it would be like to perform, but none of them were as good as the moment when he saw himself on the screen with his own eyes.

Luo Yuzhong said: "This is the first acting scene in your life. Remember it well. After five takes, I finally got the most perfect shot. I will leave no regrets."

Lu Yanhe was stunned.

 He looked at Luo Yuzhong in surprise.

  Luo Yuzhong would actually tell him this.

He patted Lu Yanhe on the shoulder and said, "You have placed too much psychological burden on yourself. Don't be afraid of failing in the performance. Even if the performance fails, Jiang Yuqian and I will support you. Don't worry about anything. Trust me fully. You will do well in this performance." The character, no problem at all.”

Lu Yanhe, who had been nervous all morning, seemed to suddenly receive a soothing hug at this moment.

"Director..." Lu Yanhe didn't know how to express it. He always felt that saying thank you was too sloppy and a bit disgusting, but after hesitating twice, he still said the word "thank you".

Luo Yuzhong: “Go and prepare for the next scene.”

Lu Yanhe nodded.

Lu Yanhe entered the classroom and found Jiang Yuqian still sitting in her seat, and the students around her were looking at her.

However, no one took out their mobile phones to take pictures, and no one came up to talk to her.

  It is estimated that this has been communicated to the crew in advance.

Luo Yuzhong also came into the classroom.

 This time he is here to guide the extras.

"Dear students, please wait as if you were in normal class. Don't stare at the camera." Luo Yuzhong said, "Thank you for your hard work today. The filming is different from what you see in the usual movies. It looks like everything in the movie is..." It’s a very smooth scene. In reality, it needs to be shot one shot at a time, so everyone needs to be patient. It’s normal to shoot three or four takes for each scene.”

Lu Yanhe was really surprised. He didn't expect Luo Yuzhong to be so patient in guiding the student actors on the scene.

 He heard that generally the crews of major directors would not direct these extras themselves.

Luo Yuzhong chatted and laughed with the students for a while, then turned around and asked, "Is Yang Fan here?"

Mo Zhi said: "Teacher Yang Fan is still on the road, there is a traffic jam, and it is expected to arrive in thirty minutes."

Luo Yuzhong couldn't help but frowned, but didn't say anything. He said, "Let's shoot the scenes of Lu Yanhe and Jiang Yuqian first."

"Yuqian, I'll take your shot later." After Luo Yuzhong finished speaking, he turned to Lu Yanhe and said, "You can set up a scene and come in through the door again."

Lu Yanhe nodded.

The meaning of acting together here is really acting together. The camera will not be filming Lu Yanhe, but Jiang Yuqian's reaction when she sees Lu Yanhe coming in from the door.

Even without Lu Yanhe coming in, Jiang Yuqian can still act.

However, if there is someone to play with, Jiang Yuqian's reaction will definitely be more realistic.

 Lu Yanhe retreated outside the classroom.

 Re-build the camera’s action track on-site.

According to Luo Yuzhong's idea, this shot will slow down for a specific few seconds, so the picture requirements are very high.

Jiang Yuqian has already begun to prepare quietly.

 Ten minutes later, we started shooting.

 “Start!” Luo Yuzhong said.

Lu Yanhe opened the door and walked in.

Jiang Yuqian seemed to have really seen the person who made her heart beat. She was stunned for a moment, and her eyes shone with surprise.

Lu Yanhe didn't dare to look at Jiang Yuqian for fear of affecting his acting.

 Luo Yuzhong looked at Jiang Yuqian's scene through the monitor and gave her a thumbs up.

"Excellent, Yuqian, here's another one, keep one, and let this one out a little more." Luo Yuzhong said, "I took a medium shot, giving it a little more of the look just now."

Jiang Yuqian made an OK gesture.

 Come again on site.

 Another one.


Luo Yuzhong filmed several more scenes of student actors.

 One advantage of having many student actors is that there are always a few with better camera sense.

Luo Yuzhong shot with three cameras at the same time. Once he checked and found that the material was available, it was done.

“Isn’t Yang Fan here yet?” It was almost ten o’clock in the morning, and Luo Yuzhong had a look of annoyance on his face. “How long has it been since the morning rush hour, and he’s still stuck on the road?”

Mo Zhi had a look of distress on his face and said: "Director, I just contacted his team and told him that Teacher Yang had a temporary stomachache and went to the hospital for a check-up. He will be there soon."

 “What the hell!” Luo Yuzhong suddenly roared, startling everyone present.

Lu Yanhe was also taken aback.

This roar was like thunder on the ground, suddenly exploding.

This roar also reminded Lu Yanhe of Chen Ziyan’s instructions to him.

Chen Ziyan reminded him that Luo Yuzhong is a very strict and fierce director.

After getting along with each other for the past two days, Lu Yanhe still felt that Luo Yuzhong was a very gentle director who was also good at coaching actors. How could he be so fierce?

With the roar just now, Lu Yanhe finally understood what was going on.

 But Lu Yanhe felt that Luo Yuzhong's temper was not unreasonable.

 The actors who were scheduled to arrive at eight o'clock have not arrived yet.

Yang Fan is here to play the role of the teacher. If he doesn't come, Lu Yanhe won't be able to play the rest of the play.

Luo Yuzhong directly asked Mo Zhi for his mobile phone and called Yang Fan.

 Under the gaze of everyone, Lu Yanhe suddenly felt a little nervous, not knowing what would happen next.

 But the call was not answered.

Luo Yuzhong yelled at Mo Zhi angrily: "Go tell Yang Fan and tell him to pack up and go home. He won't come here again!"

Mo Zhi was stunned.

 “Not going yet?!”

"Yes." Mo Zhi then left in a panic.

 When he got angry, the whole place was silent.

Lu Yanhe didn’t know what to say.

After a while, the director of photography Liu Zeliang, who had known him for a long time, said: "Director Luo, the movie still needs someone to shoot it. Why don't we arrest the person to shoot the movie first, and then we can settle the accounts later. Don't delay the filming."

Yang Fan is not just here to make a cameo.

There are several scenes behind this teacher, which will greatly promote the relationship between Guan Zhu and Yao Yuan.

Luo Yuzhong waved his hand, "Then you will act."

Liu Zeliang's expression changed, "Are you kidding me?"

 (End of this chapter)

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