Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 188: Condoms and Xin Zi Xing

Chapter 188 Condoms and Xin Zixing

Lu Yanhe is thin-skinned. Lu Yanhe did not dare to hide this matter from the beginning because he could not hide it.

 Shame is something you have, and if you don’t, you don’t. It’s something you’re born with. To practice it, you have to go through a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire.

Lu Yanhe doesn’t know what will happen to him in the future. Anyway, he doesn’t have the nerve to build a city wall now, pretending not to know anything and not having heard anything.

 When Jiang Yuqian finished filming her last scene, Lu Yanhe stood by and waited for her.

Luo Xiaoyu stepped forward and handed Jiang Yuqian a tissue.

 After one scene, Jiang Yuqian was sweating on her face and neck.

 “Sister Yuqian.” Lu Yanhe called to her.

Jiang Yuqian looked at Lu Yanhe with some surprise, and asked, "Can you see me if you have anything to do?"

Lu Yanhe looked to the side and hesitated, but still said: "Recently, there have been some comments about me and you in the crew, do you know?"

Jiang Yuqian was stunned for a moment, then laughed and nodded, "Is this happening? I know. I heard about it two days ago. Did you just find out about it?"

“Yeah.” Lu Yanhe nodded, looking a little uneasy, and said, “I’m sorry, Sister Yuqian, I’m afraid you’ve been misunderstood.”

"Misunderstandings are too common, don't take it to heart." Jiang Yuqian gave him a comforting look, "Don't think too much, it's finally time to call it a day. Go back and rest early."

Jiang Yuqian had no intention of talking to him about this matter anymore. After speaking, she took Luo Xiaoyu and prepared to leave.

The crew assigned her a car. She didn’t have to wait for the shuttle bus, she could just get in the car and go back to the hotel.

Lu Yanhe was relieved when he saw that Jiang Yuqian really didn't seem to take this matter to heart.


 “Here, did you see it?”

 The bus parked nearby. Cao Yong sat on the driver's seat and raised his chin to the person next to him.

 Looking along his gaze, you can see Lu Yanhe.

"Look at that look in his eyes. Who would believe that he doesn't like Jiang Yuqian?" Cao Yong said with an old-fashioned attitude, "Those actors who have been acting for a long time can't help but fall in love with each other because of the drama. Not to mention a young man like Lu Yanhe who is acting for the first time. I don’t believe that he plays a couple with Jiang Yuqian in the play? "

 The people nearby heard what Cao Yong said and thought it made sense.

“Except for the big age gap between the two of them, they are actually quite suitable in other aspects and they look pretty good.”

"You are a woman's opinion. What level of star is Jiang Yuqian, and what level is Lu Yanhe? How many pairs of weak men and strong women can make it to the end?" Cao Yong immediately retorted.

 “You are right.”

 Cao Yong looked at Lu Yanhe who was still standing stupidly in front of him, and clicked his tongue again.

This young man is in love for the first time.


Lu Yanhe followed the shuttle bus to the hotel. Instead of going in directly, he went to a convenience store nearby to buy some food.

He had a scene to shoot in the evening and missed the meal. When he could eat, there was no food in the cafeteria and only a few boxes of packed lunches were left for them.

Lu Yanhe ate a box but was not full. Today he took photos until about 11 o'clock in the evening. He was already hungry.

As soon as he entered the convenience store, Lu Yanhe bumped into Huang Kairen.

Wearing a hood and mask, he is almost unrecognizable.

 But because Lu Yanhe bumped into him at the door, he happened to see his eyes and recognized him.

 “Brother Ren!” Lu Yanhe greeted him in surprise.

 Huang Kairen quickly put the things he bought into his pockets.

Lu Yanhe could only vaguely see a dark blue thing, and couldn’t tell what he bought.

Huang Kairen looked at him, smiled, and asked, "Have you finished your work?"

 “Yeah.” Lu Yanhe nodded.

"Get some rest early." Huang Kairen nodded to him, "I'll go up first."

 “Oh, okay.” Lu Yanhe nodded and stepped aside, and Huang Kairen hurried away.

 Lu Yanhe felt a little strange.

 It felt like he was in a hurry, as if he was anxious about something.

 But it’s so late at night, what else can I be anxious about?

Lu Yanhe went to get a sandwich and went to the counter to pay. He glanced out of the corner of his eye and was stunned.

There is a small shelf next to the counter, with a row of small dark blue boxes on it. The words "Double Lubrication" are clearly written on it, the brand name is written below, and below it is a line of small white letters, which contains The word "condom".

“…” Lu Yanhe lowered his gaze and was stunned for a long time.

 Did he see it wrong?

 Did he see it wrong?

Lu Yanhe recalled in his mind the moment when he bumped into Huang Kairen, and the blur that flashed past his eyes.

 Not sure.

 Brother Ren...isn't he single?


After dropping everyone off, Cao Yong drove back with several other drivers, and then found a roadside restaurant. They sat together, ordered a plate of edamame, a plate of peanuts, and each opened a can Beer, drinking and chatting, ended up talking about rumors on the Internet.

"You haven't seen the innocent look on Lu Yanhe's face." Cao said with a firm tone, "Don't make blind guesses, he is definitely in love with Jiang Yuqian."

“Then according to what you say, it’s really him and Jiang Yuqian who are in love?”

"That's not nonsense!" Cao Yong nodded immediately, "Look at Jiang Yuqian's reaction. The news has been circulating on the Internet for several days. If the two of them had not had such a thing, wouldn't Jiang Yuqian avoid Lu Yanhe? Lu Yanhe is a You little boy doesn’t understand anything, and she still doesn’t understand?”

“The main reason is that they don’t look alike.” A tall and round guy next to him said in disbelief, “How could a girl like Jiang Yuqian like a young boy like Lu Yanhe?”

“Who told you they wouldn’t like young boys? Nowadays, rich and powerful women also like young boys.” Someone said immediately.

Cao Yong: "That's right, these people in the entertainment industry, everyone looks glamorous, the men are handsome and the women are beautiful, they are all clean and simple, there are a few who are really clean and simple, don't you think of those divas? Do you often make appointments with male models? It’s like an emperor choosing a concubine. If you have money, regardless of whether you’re a man or a woman, you might be interested in someone else’s room.”


Huang Kairen looked at the woman in front of him.

 The woman in front of him was also looking at him.

 In the room, the curtains were closed, and they were lying on the bed, skin to skin.

  After finishing the work, our bodies were all covered in sweat, but neither of them wanted to separate. They still hugged each other, their breathing disturbing each other's breath.

“What if the leak on the Internet is really talking about us?” Xin Zixing looked at the man in front of her with wet eyes and asked.

Huang Kairen didn’t speak. He was silent for a long time before he said, “Then admit it.”

When Xin Zixing heard Huang Kairen say these words, water seemed to flow in his eyes.

She hugged Huang Kairen and said softly: "It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter even if you deny our relationship to the outside world. Kairen, I just hope everything is fine with you."

Huang Kairen sighed lightly.

 “I’m sorry that I have wronged you all these years.”

"As long as you love me, I will not be wronged." Xin Zixing laughed, with Huang Kairen in his eyes.


 Early morning.

 Huang Kairen has fallen asleep.

Xin Zixing suddenly opened her eyes and stared at the man in front of her in silence with the little light coming in from the window.

 They have been in love for four years, and four years can be regarded as a long-distance race.

 She is not an artist and does not work behind the scenes. When they first met, Huang Kairen was not as popular as he is now. He was just a small actor. Most of the time, he had no job and could only stay in the house. At that time, they spent a lot of time together and loved each other very much.

Later on, Huang Kairen became famous.

After becoming famous, Huang Kairen’s agent asked them not to make their relationship public. Because this will affect Huang Kairen's career development. After that, they kept hiding it from everyone. Xin Zixing didn't even tell her family that she had a boyfriend.

Xin Zixing has experienced all the ups and downs of falling in love with an artist.

 She has also changed from a confident girl to one who is worried about gains and losses.

 Huang Kairen has become the perfect male **** in the hearts of countless girls. In comparison, Xin Zixing is a standard beauty even in reality, but she has become much bleaker.

Xin Zixing glanced at Huang Kairen who was sleeping, got out of bed, picked up the charging phone on the bedside, and walked towards the bathroom.

 She logged into Weibo and switched accounts.

 Successful login will be displayed soon.

There are still a lot of new comments today, and the private messages are almost bursting.

Countless people ask her every day who is the person she wants to expose and who is pretending to be single.

Xin Zixing glanced at these private messages and then at the newly added comments. She raised her head and glanced to the right.

On the right was a frosted glass wall, blocking her view of the bedroom, but her eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the glass wall and see the person on the other side.

-It doesn't matter.

—It doesn’t matter even if you deny our relationship to the outside world.

 —Kaieren, I just hope everything is well with you.

 —As long as you love me, I will not be wronged.

 When she said it, she meant it sincerely, but the years of uneasiness, worry, and panic made it impossible for her to stay rational all the time.

 She sat in the bathroom for ten minutes before finally making up her mind and logging out of her account.


 The second day after returning from Nanhe University, Lu Yanhe had a rare sleep.

However, his so-called lazy sleep actually meant waking up at 8:30 in the morning.

 In the past few days, I had to get up early to film almost every day, and got back late at night, so I was already tired.

There is no Lu Yanhe drama today, not only today, but also tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

Lu Yanhe’s most important scenes are those at school. Later, he will shoot a conflict scene in the classroom, and his most important scene of protecting Guan Zhu. His filming in this scene is over.

 Simply put, he is a character with very few roles.

 But the character design is too good, and it is too important to the heroine Guan Zhu of this drama, so it is so valued.

Since there was no filming for the past two days, Lu Yanhe decided to take a look around the city of Langhua by himself.

I have always had a dream to travel around the world, but I traveled across the world before it came true.

 I don’t know if it can be realized in the future.

 Lu Yanhe first went to the hotel restaurant to have breakfast.

  It feels so good to have breakfast leisurely without having to rush for time.

 There were a lot of people in the hotel restaurant, people coming and going.

Many people also recognized Lu Yanhe.

 The play "The Golden Age" occupied three floors of rooms in this hotel, and all the guests staying in this hotel knew that there were stars.

What is different from the situation in many movies and TV dramas where "everywhere a star goes, fans are always there" is that in most cases, unless you are extremely popular, the most you can do in your daily travels is to be recognized and requested. I just want to take a photo with you and ask you to sign your name.

Lu Yanhe was also recognized and asked to take a photo with him during breakfast. Lu Yanhe was in a good mood, so he readily agreed. But what was more embarrassing was that a mother with a junior high school student suddenly came over and accused Lu Yanhe of treating her son. Said: "This brother's grades are really good. He scored 657 points in the college entrance examination. He can get the grades of Zhenhua and Yuming. You should learn from this brother and don't play games all day long."

It wasn't that strange for someone to say such things to his face, but what embarrassed Lu Yanhe was that his mother didn't say hello to him in advance. She just treated him as a decoration and started educating her child by pointing at him. , he didn’t even know whether it was better to give a reaction or not to give a reaction.

There are a lot of things like this, and Lu Yanhe is getting used to it.

But at this moment, a beautiful woman with long black hair suddenly sat down across the Lu Yan River, holding a plate with toast, jam, and a fried egg in her hand.

She smiled at Lu Yanhe and asked, "Is there no one else sitting here?"

Lu Yanhe looked at her. Her smile made him a little distracted. He came back to his senses when he heard the voice, nodded and said, "No."

“Don’t be nervous, I’m not a reporter, and I’m not here to ask for your autograph. Of course, I know you. You are Lu Yanhe, you are a star, I know.”

Xin Zixing said this generously and showed a calm and magnanimous attitude, which made Lu Yanhe feel a little stressed for no reason.

Lu Yanhe nodded, smiled, and continued eating his noodles. Xin Zixing was a little curious, pointed at the noodles in front of Lu Yanhe, and said, "I read on the Internet that you celebrities rarely eat staple food and carbohydrates in order to stay in shape. Do you still eat noodles?"

Lu Yanhe snorted and shook his head, "I didn't do that."

"It seems that the news on the Internet is not true." Xin Zixing laughed, "I heard that you are filming now, don't you need to film today?"

 Lu Yanhe: “I don’t have any shooting tasks today.”

"So that's it." While chatting with Lu Yanhe, Xin Zixing finished the toast and fried eggs in front of him, wiped his hands and said, "Then you eat slowly, I'm done, bye."

Xin Zixing stood up, smiled at Lu Yanhe, turned and left.

The others had been walking for five minutes, and Lu Yanhe was still in a state of inexplicable confusion.

What he wondered about was why a stranger would chat with him for ten minutes in a casual manner from the beginning, as if he was very familiar with him.

Moreover, he actually continued chatting with her while still answering questions.

Lu Yanhe is not a Sheniu with an outgoing personality, nor does he have the ability to talk and laugh with strangers. He is confused about this beautiful and charming woman, and also confused about his own performance just now.


 Lu Yanhe had breakfast, put on his schoolbag, put on his fisherman's hat, and left the hotel.

 He did not notice that there was a tail following behind him.

  Xin Zixing's attention to Lu Yanhe was completely unexpected.

 Huang Kairen went to film a movie and was not in the hotel. She was alone.

Xin Zixing originally planned to leave today, and she couldn't stay overnight at Huang Kairen's place continuously. When she came out of Huang Kairen's room this morning, she was cautious and had a guilty conscience, fearing that the people next door would see her coming out of Huang Kairen's room.

 But the moment she saw Lu Yanhe in the restaurant, Xin Zixing had another idea. She had been hiding from Huang Kairen with a transparent identity before, and she didn't even dare to appear next to him when others appeared. Why not give yourself a legitimate reason?

  Xin Zixing knew Lu Yanhe because Lu Yanhe was really popular recently.

 She followed Lu Yanhe because she wanted to create a chance encounter with him.

It's better to go too far than it is to meet Lu Yanhe by chance. With a few encounters and familiarity, she can naturally get to know Lu Yanhe better.

Xin Zixing is a website editor. She once worked in a fashion magazine. Later, the fashion magazine failed to sell and ceased publication. She changed her job and went to work as an editor on a website, responsible for the clothing and fashion section.

Due to work and her relationship with Huang Kairen, Xin Zixing knows much more about the entertainment industry than ordinary people.

For Lu Yanhe, an academic idol who suddenly became famous this summer, Xin Zixing still hopes to get to know him even if there is no factor of Huang Kairen.

 Because he has a story.


Lu Yanhe had his first chance encounter with Xin Zixing in a second-hand bookstore.

 He was surprised, and the expression on Xin Zixing's face was even more surprised.

“What a coincidence. Did you come to this bookstore specifically?” Xin Zixing asked Lu Yanhe.

 She was holding an old fashion magazine in her hand.

 Lu Yanhe shook his head and said, "I just came here, what a coincidence."

 He felt somewhat indescribably confused.

Xin Zixing nodded, "I thought you were here to look for old books just like me. I watched your live broadcast and heard that you like reading novels."

"I... usually read novels when I have nothing to do." Lu Yanhe's eyes fell on the fashion magazine in Xin Zixing's hand. It was a magazine from more than ten years ago. He was a little surprised and said, "The fashion magazine from more than ten years ago Magazine, do you still want to read it?”

Xin Zixing said: "Oh, this is for my job. I used to work in a fashion magazine, and now I am a website editor, but I am also responsible for clothing and fashion. I am currently doing a topic selection, and I want to start from Dig some classic fashion elements from old magazines.”

Lu Yanhe had a look of surprise on his face.

 “So that’s it.”

Xin Zixing took the magazine and went to the boss to pay the bill.

“Let’s go, bye.” Xin Zixing nodded to Lu Yanhe and left.

Lu Yanhe looked at her leaving figure thoughtfully. She was very thin and wore a white slim-fitting vest. When she walked into the sun, she seemed to blend into the whiteness.

The phone rang at an inappropriate time, interrupting his thoughts.

 “Lao Lu, are you filming on the set now?” It was Li Zhibai.

 Lu Yanhe: “There’s no drama for me today, so I’m going out for a walk.”

"What a coincidence. Yan Liang and I came to Langhua to visit you." Li Zhibai said, "Where are you now? Send me your location and we will come find you."

Lu Yanhe was pleasantly surprised.

 Half an hour later, Li Zhibai's car appeared on the roadside.

Lu Yanhe got into the car and was very excited.

“You two are quite interesting, you even took the time to visit the class.” Lu Yanhe chuckled.

Yan Liang was sitting in the passenger seat. He said: "Originally, we were planning to go to the crew to find you, bring you a cart of milk tea and snacks, feed the crew, and support you. But we didn't expect that you wouldn't be filming today."

 On the set, friends of the actors often come to visit the crew and bring snacks and drinks to everyone.

 At this time, there will also be a banner saying "XXXX invites everyone to eat XX/drink XX".

Lu Yanhe met once in "The Golden Age". That was when Huang Kairen's friend came to visit the class and gave everyone iced sour plum soup and fried chicken.

 But more often than not, several leading actors use their own pockets to provide benefits to everyone.

After Lu Yanhe heard what they said, he smiled and said thank you a few times, and then said: "It's better not to waste money. It's just a profit. It's a loss."

He was not the leading actor in "Golden Age", so there was no need to steal the limelight from the leading actors.


 Because Li Zhibai drove the car, Lu Yanhe's scope of activities suddenly expanded.

 He searched online for places worth visiting in Langhua, and all he found were scenic spots or landmark buildings.

 These are not places Lu Yanhe wants to go to.

 He would rather go to a place like the second-hand bookstore that he happened to encounter in the morning.

“Have you not worked these two days? Why do you have time to come to my place?” Lu Yanhe asked.

Yan Liang said: "It just so happens that we both have no work today and tomorrow, and we have nothing to do, so we came here, but we have to go back tomorrow afternoon, and Li Zhibai has a shooting the day after tomorrow."

“The timing is really lucky. I haven’t been shooting for the past two days.” Lu Yanhe said, “Have you been to Langhua before?”


“Then let’s go shopping together.”

"By the way, wasn't there a person named Victor who sent a message on the Internet before, saying that your "Golden Age" star was not single? That person canceled his account in the middle of the night yesterday." Li Zhibai said, "They all said so. The PR was successful and you are on the set. Have you heard any news? "

Lu Yanhe shook his head and said, "Stop it. Many people in the crew thought that this news was about Sister Yuqian and me. Just because Sister Yuqian usually takes better care of me, it turned out to be ambiguous in other people's mouths."

"You and Jiang Yuqian? Huh? Who said that?" Li Zhibai asked in confusion, "I have seen such statements on the Internet before, but isn't this just nonsense?"

“The people in the crew don’t think so.” Lu Yanhe sighed helplessly.

 Li Zhibai's face became even more confused.

“I thought you were on the set and knew more about this,” he said.

 Lu Yanhe also felt strange: "Why are you so curious about this matter?"

Li Zhibai is actually not that gossipy about people and things that have nothing to do with him, and most of the time he is too lazy to listen.

 This time, he was so proactive in wanting to know the details.

Li Zhibai: “Just ask.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Yan Liang came to disrupt the situation.

“He is so curious about this matter because Sister Qiu Ling came to ask him.” Yan Liang said immediately, “Officer Qiu is a fan of Huang Kairen, and she wants to know if this man who is no longer single is Huang Kairen.”

Lu Yanhe originally wanted to say it was impossible, but the dark blue thing from yesterday suddenly flashed in his mind, and the words reached his lips and he could not say them out.

It may not be impossible for Huang Kairen.

Lu Yanhe clicked his tongue and immediately looked at Li Zhibai with disgust.

“How come Sister Qiuling didn’t come to ask me, the person who was on the crew of “Golden Age”, but asked you instead?”

Li Zhibai sighed impatiently and said, "Just asking casually, there are so many reasons."

Yan Liang came to cause trouble again.

“That’s because he chats with Officer Qiu every day.”

Lu Yanhe looked at Li Zhibai in disbelief, "Are you going to be so exaggerated?"

The age gap between Li Zhibai and Qiu Ling is not that big, but... they look really unworthy.

Li Zhibai is just a poodle with big fur, and police officer Qiu Ling, who is sometimes a royal sister, is too inappropriate to appear in the same scene.

Lu Yanhe knew before that Li Zhibai was interested in Qiu Ling, but he didn't expect him to be so interested?

Have you been sending messages to people every day?

Li Zhibai glared at Yan Liang angrily.

 “If you don’t speak, no one will think you are mute!”

Yan Liang laughed and made a gesture to zip up his mouth.

At this time, Lu Yanhe finally found a place on the Internet that he was quite interested in.

"There is a place called Qingshi Bridge here. It is a stone arch bridge that is more than 200 years old. How about we go and take a look."

Li Zhibai and Yan Liang are incompetent.

Bluestone Bridge is just twenty minutes away by car.

 Corridorization is not very developed in the first place, and it looks even less developed in this area.

 Even a little desolate.

 There are low-rise bungalows on the roadside.

When they arrived at the Bluestone Bridge, they saw that it was actually a small stone bridge about five meters long. It didn’t even feel like a river under the bridge, but a wider stream. The water height should be less than half a meter, and the stones and water plants on the bottom of the river were clearly visible.

 Somewhat disappointed.

However, at least we are here for the trip.

The three of them took a selfie together, smiling brightly in front of this bluestone bridge with a history of more than 200 years.

When the two of them are together, it’s so surprising that they don’t actually have to go to places.

 As long as a few of them are together, they will be happy wherever they go.

 For lunch, they returned to the busier part of the city.

 The hotel was chosen by Yan Liang.

There is an antique building by the river. As soon as you go up the steps, a figure in the outdoor atrium looks particularly familiar.

Lu Yanhe looked at her in surprise. His expression was so surprised that Li Zhibai and Yan Liang were confused.

Although that woman is beautiful, she doesn’t know her. Why is Lu Yanhe so surprised?

At this time, the woman seemed to notice the gaze. She was looking down at her mobile phone, but she raised her head and looked over with some confusion.

 She and Lu Yanhe looked at each other.

This time, even she was a little surprised.

After watching Lu Yanhe get into the car, Xin Zixing originally wanted to take a taxi to follow him, but when she couldn't find a taxi for a long time, she gave up and came here to have lunch by herself, read a book for a while, and get ready. I went back in the afternoon, but I didn't expect Lu Yanhe to show up here.

This fate made her wonder for a moment if he was also following her when she was following him?

He won’t fall in love with her, right?

 (End of this chapter)

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