Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 192: I am the Lu Yanhe you want to see

Chapter 192 I am the Lu Yanhe you want to see

After Li Zhibai woke up, he looked surprised and asked: "Eat? What to eat?"

 Once he heard that Xin Zixing invited them to dinner, Li Zhibai immediately agreed.

“Of course it would be nice to have dinner together.” Li Zhibai immediately jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom to wash his face and smooth his hair.

Li Zhibai, when he sees a beautiful woman, he can't walk and his eyes go straight. Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang both guessed his reaction and didn't find it strange at all.

After a while, Lu Yanhe received some photos and inquiries from Xin Zixing, which introduced some places in the city of Langhua.

Xin Zixing said: You can first take a look and see if there is any place you are interested in and would like to go to.


“Zixing, were you really not injured last night?”

 The person who asked this question was Xin Zixing’s colleague Liu Yaliang at

Xin Zixing shook his head, "No."

Liu Yaliang clasped her hands together and looked at Xin Zixing with admiration, "You are so awesome! You can actually deal with three men at the same time and beat them into submission. I feel so safe as a colleague with you."

 Xin Zixing smiled slightly.

 After the project plan for corridor transformation was approved, Xin Zixing and the company found someone to help.

 Chen Liang.

 Liu Yaliang came to help at her own expense.

Xin Zixing roughly understood what Liu Yaliang was thinking - Chen Liang was the man she liked, and she didn't want to see Chen Liang traveling alone with her on a business trip, so she followed him.

Anyway, Liu Yaliang comes from a wealthy family, and she found her job at through her family connections. She skipped work and no one said anything about her, let alone took the initiative to go on a business trip at her own expense to help.

Chen Liang is very tall and thin. He wears a black T-shirt and looks a little serious. He looks quite unapproachable.

Xin Zixing admired his professional ability and said, "After Lu Yanhe decides which places to go to, we will plan the route later."

 Chen Liang nodded without saying a word.

 But Liu Yaliang interrupted, a little confused, and asked: "Why don't we just decide the route ourselves and let Lu Yanhe come directly to participate."

“This is Lu Yanhe’s geographical diary about Corridor, not our staff at,” Xin Zixing said.

  Liu Yaliang: “Then will you appear on camera?”

 “I won’t appear on camera.”

"It's such a pity. If you had appeared on the scene, with the enthusiasm you had against three in the bar last night, this plan would definitely be a great success and attract a lot of people's attention." Liu Yaliang said, "Yes, Chen Liang ?”

Chen Liang glanced at Liu Yaliang doubtfully.

Xin Zixing said: “We at have never relied on hot spots and popularity to attract users.”

“That’s what I’m saying.” Liu Yaliang said, “You invited celebrity artists to do this planning, isn’t it just to gain popularity from them?”

Xin Zixing glanced at her and found that this person was either sarcastic or sincerely confused. He really didn't understand the difference.

Xin Zixing shook his head and did not argue with her about this issue anymore. Instead, he said: "Lu Yanhe's image is suitable for the urban geography diary project. We have already mentioned before that we would invite well-known celebrities to do this, but The result of the discussion at that time was that we couldn't afford to hire suitable artists, and those who could afford them were some small stars and artists. Their own image was not suitable for such literary and artistic things, so they were not good. Now Lu Yanhe finally appears. Such an artist who loves reading and has a strong sense of being a student, please invite him to do one issue. If the effect is good, we will continue to do it later. "

“I have always felt that most of the users of our website are quite hypocritical.” Liu Yaliang suddenly said, “Do they only like artists like Lu Yanhe?”

“Lu Yanhe’s image and reputation on our website are indeed very good.”

Liu Yaliang immediately curled her lips and said, "I don't like it very much."

 “Why?” Xin Zixing asked.

"Too great and upright. I don't like people with too perfect images. Who doesn't have shortcomings? Too perfect images only mean one thing." Liu Yaliang said, "This person is not sincere."

Of course what Liu Yaliang said is not wrong, but it also depends on who she is talking about.

Xin Zixing: "Of course this makes sense, but everyone is different. When you get to know someone based on your preconceptions, it is easy to overlook the advantages of others."

Liu Yaliang: “Oh my God, Zi Xing, you talk like my mother.”

“…” Xin Zixing was speechless.

“I’ll treat them to lunch at noon, and we’ll meet again after lunch,” she said.

Liu Yaliang was able to have a meal with Chen Liang alone and readily agreed.

 Chen Liang doesn’t care.


 The real world is in sharp contrast to the hustle and bustle of the Internet.

 In the real world, whether it is Xin Zixing or Lu Yanhe, even if what happened last night, they still have their own things to do today.

However, in the Internet world, discussions about this matter have always continued, and the popularity has not declined, giving people a wrong impression. Everyone involved in this matter is still in the state of this matter. Some are perpetrators, some are victims, and some are heroes.

 Huang Kairen, who originally received the most attention, was suddenly surpassed by Li Zhibai and Yan Liang near noon, and the latter two ranked fourth and fifth in the hot search.

 Click in, and almost all the content about the two of them discusses their justice, bravery, and protection of girls.

Li Zhibai was quite happy when he saw it at first, but then he realized it belatedly.

“What’s going on? Isn’t this a hot search item bought by Zhou Ping’an?”

“Perhaps Zhou Pingan found a company to get it done.” Yan Liang said.

 The smile on Li Zhibai's face fell instantly.

“Why is this happening?” He said angrily, “It’s a good thing that he made it look like we were doing it to be on trending searches.”

 He immediately took out his mobile phone and called Zhou Pingan.

Zhou Ping'an saw that the call was from Li Zhibai and rejected it directly.

 You don’t need to think about it to know why Li Zhibai called at this time.

These children are still clamoring one by one to rely on their own true abilities to gain a foothold.

This is a joke in the entertainment industry.

Whoever has established a firm foothold in the entertainment industry does not have countless hands supporting and supporting him, hoping for fair competition without any strife, just dream!

Zhou Pingan put down his phone and looked at Li Zhenzhen sitting in front of him.

 The director of "Young Days" is very young and looks like a young girl.

 Zhou Pingan looked at her, smiled, and said, "Zhenzhen, you look very young. To be able to be in charge of a program and become a director at such a young age must be an unparalleled talent."

Li Zhenzhen was really not used to dealing with people like Zhou Pingan. After being praised by Zhou Pingan so coldly, he immediately waved his hand and said, "You're welcome, I just happened to get such an opportunity. Zhou... Broker, I'm so Can I call you something?”

“Okay, Manager Zhou, people usually call me that.” Zhou Pingan said.

“You made an appointment to meet with me today. What’s the matter?” Li Zhenzhen asked.

 Zhou Ping'an said: "Aren't Li Zhibai and Yan Liang going to participate in the recording of the program "Young Days" in the future? I want to discuss with you about their cooperation with this program."

Li Zhenzhen frowned slightly, "Cooperation?"

“Yes, some more specific cooperation matters.” Zhou Pingan said.


"He actually refused to answer my call. It seems that he did it. Haha, something like this happened. He didn't even call me to ask about the situation. He bought hot searches quickly." Li Zhibai was speechless, "He We obviously don’t like being included in this kind of hot search.”

"When has he cared about our thoughts?" Yan Liang was more rational, "Things have already happened, so stop mumbling. It's getting late. Lao Lu, has Xin Zixin given you a place to eat at noon?"

"Sent." Lu Yanhe nodded, "It's not far from us. I checked and it only takes about fifteen minutes to drive."

"That's okay." Yan Liang turned to Li Zhibai and asked, "We can go back to Yuming directly after lunch, right?"

 “Aren’t you going to take a nap again?” Li Zhibai asked.

Yan Liang: "...Didn't you just wake up an hour ago?"

Li Zhibai scratched his head and said, "But I always feel sleepy after lunch."

“Then you can sleep, you are the driver, you have the final say.”

Lu Yanhe said: "Then I will give you a room card. You can go back and sleep on your own. Just leave it for me at the front desk later."

Yan Liang nodded.


Xin Zixing picked up the cup and said, "I have to work in the afternoon, so I won't drink. I'll have tea instead of wine to express my gratitude."

 She has a generous and big-sister demeanor at the dinner table.

After taking a sip of tea, Xin Zixing nodded and said, "The oolong tea here is pretty good."

 Lu Yanhe asked: "Sister Zi Xing, do you usually study food and drink?"

“I don’t talk about research, I will think about some interesting stores.” Xin Zixing said, “I often go to visit stores with my friends.”

“Then if you do a live broadcast, you should have a lot of followers.”

"Who knows, I didn't want to do live broadcast, otherwise it would not be so happy. I just want to relieve the fatigue and pressure brought by work, and I like to spend my free time on these things, but I don’t want to turn this little happiness into work,” Xin Zixing said with a smile, “Besides, I’ve seen too much of your artists’ lives, and I don’t really want to appear in the spotlight. If I become an Internet celebrity or something, I’ll have to do something else. Worried about being photographed by others.”

Li Zhibai said: "You are so beautiful, even if others don't know you, they will secretly take pictures of you."

"At least my privacy is there, no one is prying around all the time." Xin Zixing said, "I saw the news not long ago that someone sneaked into Song Linxin's room. He was an avid fan and wanted to see Song Linxin sleeping. ”

Lu Yanhe and others all widened their eyes in surprise.

"Song Linxin must have just debuted, right?" Li Zhibai said, "She also sang Yan He's "Remember"."

"Yeah." Xin Zixing nodded, "He's a pervert anyway. Haven't you seen the news before?"

“No.” Lu Yanhe shook his head.

Li Zhibai and Yan Liang also shook their heads.

Xin Zixing: "Well, in short, you should be careful yourself. Although you are men, in this era, perverts can target both men and women."

 A nightmare-like convulsion flashed across the faces of all three people.

Xin Zixing laughed when he saw the three of them like this.

“There’s no need to be so nervous. After all, it’s just an extreme situation.”

 After lunch, they were ready to leave.

Xin Zixing went to pay the bill, and the three of them were waiting for her at the door of the hotel.

Li Zhibai suddenly remembered something and said, "It wasn't just the three of us yesterday. Why wasn't she called Huang Kairen?"

“Brother Ren is filming on the set today, so he doesn’t have time to come out.” Lu Yanhe explained.

 Li Zhibai nodded.


“Goodbye then, we’ll make an appointment again after I finish filming.”

 “Yeah.” Li Zhibai nodded.


Lu Yanhe got on Xin Zixing’s car.

 Xin Zixing’s car doesn’t have any feminine features.

There are no cute and playful things in her car, not even decorations.

Xin Zixing gave a piece of information to Lu Yanhe and said, "You can take some time to read it on the way. These are some questions we have prepared. We will randomly ask you some questions during the follow-up shoot later."

Lu Yanhe nodded.

The whole planning is actually the route of a travel blogger or a shop-exploring blogger.

  Similar to those VLOG videos that can be seen online, there is not much difference in form.

 Subsequently, they met Chen Liang and Liu Yaliang at the first stop - Jiangqiao Bookstore.

  Xin Zixing gave them a brief introduction.

Lu Yanhe greeted them.

Xin Zixing told Lu Yanhe: "We will shoot a scene at the door later, mainly to introduce how you discovered this bookstore."

Lu Yanhe nodded.

“Chen Liang, have you finished taking pictures of the empty mirrors in the bookstore?”

Chen Guangming nodded.

Liu Yaliang said: "But, Zi Xing, we have encountered a problem."

"what is the problem?"

“The boss didn’t allow us to shoot inside the bookstore.” Liu Yaliang said helplessly. “No matter how I told them, it didn’t make sense. I told him that doing this would help the bookstore’s business, but he didn’t listen at all.”

The shortcoming of finding a place temporarily is that no one has done a good job in the early stage of docking. If you come directly to the site, it is easy to encounter various situations.

Xin Zixing: "It's okay. I'll talk to the boss later. Chen Liang, Ya Liang, you can take a shot of the door here."

She turned to Lu Yanhe and said, "Don't be too deliberate. Ya Liang will lead the conversation. The camera will basically follow you from now on and will not shut down or pause. The picture is similar to a documentary. You can say whatever comes to mind. No need." Too serious."

 Lu Yanhe nodded.

After Xin Zixing finished explaining, she walked into the bookstore.

“Boss, do you remember me? I was just here yesterday.” Xin Zixin smiled and greeted the boss sitting behind the counter.


  “There is no distinction between protagonist and supporting role in this show.”

Li Zhenzhen said helplessly to Zhou Ping'an, "I understand that you want to get more shots for Li Zhibai and Yan Liang. In fact, every artist team hopes so, but if the show is not done well, all the shots will be right." It’s useless to talk to Li Zhibai and Yan Liang, Manager Zhou, a program must be completed before we can talk about follow-up issues.”

Zhou Ping'an: "Yes, of course I believe you will be able to film this program well. Chen Biqiu has high regard for you and says that you are very sharp in producing programs."

"Yes, it is true." Li Zhenzhen nodded, "I am confident to create a program that everyone will like, but the premise is that it will not be interfered with. Please believe me. Since I invited Li Zhibai and Yan Liang to record this program because I saw their compatibility with this program. They will definitely show their attractive side in this program. I am not the kind of director who relies on malicious editing to gain popularity. There’s no need to do that.”

Zhou Pingan: "Yes, of course I am relieved to hear you say this. However, Director Zhenzhen, I think we Zhibai should also have made a great contribution to the investment of your show, right? If Zhibai is in the show The length of time is too short, I think there will be a lot of people on the Internet who will make trouble. When the fans' opinions are too big, I will have no way to stop it. "

Li Zhenzhen nodded and said: "Agent Zhou, I have been in the Korean variety show production circle for a while. I have seen everything from the management of idol artists to the craziness of fans."

 The implication is that she doesn't care about those people making trouble at all.

Zhou Ping'an didn't expect that after chatting with Li Zhenzhen for so long, there was almost no progress in the end.

 He got in the car, was silent for two seconds, and called Chen Biqiu.

"Chen Biqiu, you pestered us to let Li Zhibai come to join your show. Now, as soon as the contract was signed, you turned your back and refused to admit it. It's business, right?" Zhou Ping'an got angry with Chen Biqiu angrily.

Chen Biqiu said calmly, "Ping An, can't you talk about something? Why are you so angry?"

Zhou Ping'an snorted coldly, "Don't you know how you feel? Shouldn't Li Zhibai be the most popular celebrity artist in the show "Young Days"? At this time, you don't even plan to use him as the main artist. What are you doing? Do you want to use him to attract advertisers and promote others? "

Chen Biqiu: "This is a very serious accusation. I can interpret it as an angry remark from you. Zhou Ping'an, you have to make it clear that in my program, there will be contradictions, controversies, and emphases, but There has never been a situation where one is flattered and one is criticized. When I communicated with you about this program, I told you very clearly that this is a cohabitation observation program, not a show for a certain artist. This program The focus is on the interaction between artists, showing their reality as young people and the common social topics. There is no such thing as the latter. I filmed Li Zhibai for ninety minutes in one episode, and several people came to watch. ? No matter how popular he is, can 10 million viewers come to watch this show? "

 Chen Biqiu's response was very straightforward and unquestionable.

Zhou Pingan said: "If you say that, why would you invite Li Zhibai? Just find a few people to record your observation variety show. Anyone can record it."

“Hey, Old Zhou, we have known each other for a long time, why are you saying such angry words to me? Of course we value Li Zhibai, he is the magic weapon for promoting our program.”

 “Then you’re still talking nonsense?”

"I just want to make it clear to you what makes this program different from other programs." Chen Biqiu said, "We can't understand this program using the same standards as ordinary programs. I am willing to support a newcomer to do a program." Is it just to make a mediocre show? A new genre and a new format are destined to have many things that are not suitable for the current variety show environment, and the gameplay is also different. I understand that you hope that Li Zhibaihe Yan Liang and his wife have more shots, but actually having more shots is not necessarily a good thing. I promise you, we will not treat them badly, okay?"

 Zhou Ping'an: "There is no basis for what you say."

"It's unfounded, but I have been working with you for so long. How many times have your artists appeared on my show? If your artist team puts less demands on us, we can make the show better and more enjoyable. It’s beautiful, but the artist is also the one who benefits.” Chen Biqiu said, “I can understand the restrictions in the contract to protect artists, but you also know that the more restrictions there are, the uglier the dance will be with shackles.”

Zhou Pingan was silent.

 He recognized what Chen Biqiu said.


"How much profit it can bring has never been something we pay attention to. The key lies in the relationship between Jiangqiao Bookstore and the city of Langhua." Xin Zixing sat at the tea table with the boss, speaking in a clear, gentle and powerful voice, He picked up the teapot and refilled the boss's cup with hot water.

"You can see that you are a person who is interested in and committed to books, history, and culture. I admire your persistence in opening a second-hand bookstore in such an era. If you can attract more people through such a special topic, Many young people know this bookstore and want to learn about it, which is my original intention of doing such a special topic.”

“Let more people know that there is such a bookstore in Langhua. It is not meaningful to you, but to everyone and young people. What do you think?”

Xin Zixing’s eyes fell on the boss wearing tortoiseshell glasses.

Judging from his appearance, he is in his early fifties. Judging from some details of his facial expressions, he is a bit slow and stubborn.

Xin Zixing was quietly observing the other person's reaction when he said every word.

 In the end, the topic fell on what it means to young people.


 Five minutes later, Xin Zixing walked out of the bookstore, nodded to them and said, "The store owner agreed, let's go in."

Liu Yaliang looked at her in surprise and asked, "Wow, Zi Xing, how did you do it?"

Xin Zixin smiled slightly and said, "Hurry up, we have to go to other places today."

She turned to Lu Yanhe and said, "Yanhe, when we go in for filming later, I would like to trouble you to have a chat with the shop owner."

Lu Yanhe nodded and asked, "Do you have any requirements for what we want to talk about?"

"Just chat casually." Xin Zixing said, "Don't be too deliberate."

Lu Yanhe nodded.

 So, the shooting started.


 At the filming site of "The Golden Age", people would pass by Huang Kairen from time to time and talk about what happened last night.

 Everyone looked at Huang Kairen with admiration in their eyes.

Even director Luo Yuzhong patted him on the shoulder today and said, "Well done yesterday."

Huang Kairen was smiling and dealing with others, but he still felt a little guilty. Now everyone thinks of him as a hero who stood up to protect a strange girl, but this is not the case in reality. If everyone knew that the girl was his girlfriend, how would they feel about it?

Huang Kairen felt a little uneasy in his heart.

While he was uneasy, Wang Yunfan was a little jealous.

 Originally, this matter had nothing to do with him. He told Huang Kairen yesterday that he should not be so impulsive, but it turned out that Huang Kairen's move brought him huge rewards.

Just by being listed on the hot search today, he has established a heroic image in the hearts of many people, and all the media and netizens are praising him.

Wang Yunfan also began to regret at this moment. Why didn't he follow along yesterday?

Of course, it is impossible to admit it. Wang Yunfan will never admit to others that he regrets it.

 What thoughts are in his heart, only he knows.

If this incident only made him regretful, Li Qian's attitude made him a little worried.

Throughout the whole day today, Li Qian was at the scene and actively described to everyone how handsome Huang Kairen was the moment he rushed out last night, and how he looked like a complete fangirl.

Wang Yunfan became angry when he saw it, and even felt a little jealous.

 Now, the crew is taking a temporary break.

 Everyone is waiting for the sky and the sunset.

In the following scene, director Luo Yuzhong wanted to shoot a panoramic view of the group of them under the sunset.

This scene is a very brilliant moment in the play. It is a rare moment of harmony between them to defeat foreign enemies.

 The set was full of joy.

 “Kai Ren, do you want to go sing K together tonight?” Wang Yunfan suddenly heard Li Qian’s cheerful voice asking Huang Kairen.

Wang Yunfan felt unhappy, why didn’t you come and ask him?

Even though he knew that Li Qian liked Huang Kairen, he could never correct his attitude.

 Huang Kairen shook his head and said, "I have something to do tonight, so I won't go. You can just play."

Li Qian suddenly sighed in disappointment.

 “Every time I ask you out, you reject me.”

Huang Kairen: "It just happens that I have something to do. I will definitely do it next time."


Wang Yunfan deliberately didn't look there and waited for Li Qian to come find him.

“Hey, Wang Yunfan, will you come to sing K tonight?”

Wang Yunfan glanced at her and said, "Does it matter whether I go or not? You didn't call me because Huang Kairen rejected you, right?"

Li Qian glanced at him doubtfully and said, "What does it have to do with whether Huang Kairen goes or not if I ask you to go?"

Wang Yunfan's face looked better now.

“You are not normal today. What’s wrong with you?” Li Qian asked.

Wang Yunfan immediately denied it: "What's wrong with me today? Don't talk nonsense."

"I'm not talking nonsense, you are a little abnormal now." Li Qian said firmly, "Forget it, you want to admit it or not, anyway, you are singing K at night, so don't let it go."

Wang Yunfan thought to himself, how have I ever let you go?

For this scene in the evening, when the sun set, the sky seemed to be dragged by countless goldfish. Luo Yuzhong grabbed all the actors and filmed the scene. The filming was successfully completed before the sunset completely sank to the ground.

 When I finished work, it was almost seven o'clock in the evening.

Wang Yunfan saw Huang Kairen packing his things in a hurry and leaving. It really looked like he had something to do at night.

"You said, why did Huang Kai let him do it at night?" Li Qian suddenly appeared from behind him, accompanied by these slightly sad words.

Wang Yunfan was startled and said angrily: "Can't you just suddenly appear from behind me like a ghost? It's scary even before it gets dark."

Li Qian: "Oh, how can you understand my mood."

Wang Yunfan: “…”

Wang Yunfan: "What is it about him that attracts you to be like this?"

 “Just fell in at a glance.” Li Qian said seriously.

“There are so many good-looking men in the entertainment industry.”

“But Huang Kairen is the only one.” Li Qian said, “This is his unique charm.”

Wang Yunfan: "Stop, stop, I don't want to listen to your idiotic remarks. If you want to know what he did at night, just ask him yourself."

 “Can you help me ask?”

 “Think beautifully.”

 “You are still not my friend.”

 “Not at this time.”

“Wow, Wang Yunfan, you don’t have any sense of loyalty at this time.”

"I don't want to be loyal to you at this time." Wang Yunfan only felt that this moment was extremely ridiculous.


As soon as Huang Kairen got in the car, he called Xin Zixing.

 “Zixing, where are you?”

“We are filming now.” Xin Zixing said, “I’ll call you later.”

  Huang Kairen: “Then I’ll wait for you to have dinner?”

"Don't wait for me. I will finish very late tonight." Xin Zixing said, "Okay, I won't tell you anymore. Lu Yanhe is right next to me. We'll talk about it later."

When Huang Kairen heard this, everyone was shocked, "Lu Yanhe?"

 Unfortunately, Xin Zixing didn't hear his exclamation at all and hung up the phone directly.

 Huang Kairen: “…”

This is how the same thing?

 He immediately opened the chat box with Xin Zixing and sent a text message.


Xin Zixing's phone kept vibrating. She looked down and saw questions from Huang Kairen, asking why she was with Lu Yanhe.

Xin Zixin replied with two words: "work".

Now, Lu Yanhe is holding a piece of grilled sausage in his hand, eating it while walking forward.

"I think Langhua is actually a city worth visiting with our own feet for those of us outsiders. It has many places that may seem ordinary at first glance, but once you open the door, there is something special." Lu Yanhe While talking to the camera, he smiled and pointed to the river to their right, "Also, I haven't seen a river bank like this for a long time. There are several barbecue restaurants and food stalls on the river bank. There are many people and it looks very lively. If Li Zhibai and Yan Liang are here, we will definitely go here to eat at night.”

Xin Zixing looked at Lu Yanhe, and a smile appeared in his eyes involuntarily.

Lu Yanhe's body was so full of vitality that she was delighted to see him.

 The most energetic and thorough stage for a person is these few years.

Xin Zixing sincerely hopes that Lu Yanhe can maintain this temperament for a longer time.

 She couldn't help but think of the time when she first met Huang Kairen. At that time, Huang Kairen was not much older than Lu Yanhe now.

 He has not yet become famous, and he has the confusion of young people about the future, but at that time, he was also full of confidence in the future.

 They can eat five-yuan instant noodles and think about having dinner in a high-end restaurant ten years later.

Xin Zixing thought of that time, when they were in a small house, hugging each other and watching TV series. It was warm, and the memory was filled with a light as sweet as honey.


 “Let’s have dinner together.” Lu Yanhe asked Xin Zixing.

Xin Zixing nodded and said yes.

 They found the place for dinner in the afternoon. However, in order to ensure that the shooting went smoothly, they planned to go after the meal time when there were the most people.

 It’s now around 7:30 pm, and the first group of people should have finished eating.

 They took a taxi and set off for the hotel.

The driver was a little surprised when he saw Chen Liang carrying a camera and asked, "What are you filming?"

“Just shoot something.” Xin Zixing immediately explained, “We are usually more interested in making documentaries.”

“Oh, that’s right.” The driver laughed, “I thought you were here to record a show.”

Lu Yanhe laughed.

I originally thought this was just a small incident, but the driver suddenly said at this time: "Oh, I don't know when we will see Lu Yanhe come to our Langhua. I heard that this celebrity got 657 points in the college entrance examination. Zhenhua and Yuming Let him choose. This is really enviable. How can this kid do so well in the college entrance examination while being a star? I really want to learn from him when I see him."

Lu Yanhe was sitting in the back seat. He was sitting just behind the driver and was in the blind spot of the driver's sight.

Probably because it was almost dark, and there was insufficient light when they got in the car, the driver didn't recognize that the person sitting in his car now was the Lu Yanhe he was thinking about.

 Xin Zixing, Chen Liang and Liu Yaliang were all suppressing laughter silently.

 Chen Liang did not turn off the camera at this time and was still recording Lu Yanhe.

Chen Liang thought to himself that this section should be included in the feature film. As an interesting clip, it should make many people laugh.

At this time, Xin Zixing suddenly asked: "Master, if you see Lu Yanhe, do you have any questions to ask him?"

"I just want to ask him how he got such good grades!" The driver said without hesitation, "My kid reads and studies until early in the morning every day, but he doesn't see any improvement in his grades. I'm so anxious. I can’t sleep well at night.”

“How old is your child?” Xin Zixing asked again.

The driver said: "I am in my first year of high school. Alas, I will take the college entrance examination in two years. With this score, it is difficult to take three exams."

"It's still too late. Look at Lu Yanhe. When he started his senior year of high school, he was only ranked over 500 in his grade. In one year, he counterattacked and reached the second place in the grade." Xin Zixing said, "Or, you can let your child Look at Lu Yanhe’s live broadcast, I heard that Lu Yanhe often answers fans’ learning questions in the live broadcast room.”

“Really?” the driver asked, “I don’t let my children go online because I’m afraid they won’t realize it.”

"It's okay to let him take a break. Besides, he studies until early in the morning every day, so why are he afraid of being unconscious?" Xin Zixing said, "How are your child's grades now?"

“Oh, I can’t compare with Lu Yanhe. He is in the top 20s in his grade, but he can’t even get into the top ten.” The driver looked sad.

Xin Zixing, who had been talking to the driver for a long time, was stunned on the spot.

 “Does this mean your grades haven’t improved?”

“I want him to get into the top ten, but he can’t get into the exam no matter what. Doesn’t this mean there is no progress?” the driver said.

Xin Zixing: "...Uncle, don't put too much pressure on your child. If he can reach the rank of more than 20 in his grade, he is already a top student. At this stage, you should give him more responsibilities. ”

“Then do you think Lu Yanhe has relaxed his load?” The driver said, “I’ve heard all about it. They study till early in the morning every day.”

"That's because his previous foundation was too poor, so he had to make up for it. But he also said that learning is hard and easy to break. If you focus all your attention on improving your grades, your grades will decline." Lu Yanhe finally couldn't help but speak, "Only by relaxing appropriately can you maintain your attention better and be more focused."

"Tsk, you young people, listen to what he said. Let me tell you, usually people who say this just pay lip service to it, but in fact they learn to be more ruthless in private." The driver said, "That's it. Just like the top student in my child’s class, he always said that he never stayed up late and never went to cram school. Hey, guess what, he secretly signed up for four cram schools outside.”

 “Are you trying so hard?” Xin Zixing was in disbelief.

“No,” the driver said. “So, talking about taking a moderate rest and giving children their own time are all nonsense. They are all meant to deceive others.”

"I didn't lie to you, uncle." Lu Yanhe said, "I have to rest when I really should. If I am too tired, I still hold on. It is just a waste of time. There is really no need to study until early morning every day. If I don't have the basics If I am too bad, I will make up for it. I will definitely let myself sleep for seven hours a day, and I will do better in the exam.”

 “What’s the use of saying this.”

 “Uncle, I am Lu Yanhe.” He said.

"what do you?"

“I said, I am Lu Yanhe, the Lu Yanhe you want to see.”

 The car suddenly braked suddenly!

 The taxi parked directly on the roadside.

 The driver suddenly turned his head and looked at Lu Yanhe.

Lu Yanhe silently nodded to the driver and said, "Hello, uncle."

The driver stared at Lu Yanhe for a while, then suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes bursting with surprise, "Are you really Lu Yanhe?! Wow!"

 The driver looked as shocked and happy as if he had seen an idol.

Lu Yanhe was very embarrassed, smiled and said, "Yes, I am Lu Yanhe."

 Driver: “Are you recording a program?”

“Actually, it is not a recorded program and will not be broadcast on TV stations or video websites.” Lu Yanhe explained, “Uncle, I heard you talk a lot just now, so I have to explain this to you.”

“Okay, you said that, of course I believe it.” The driver looked excited, wiped his palms, and said, “Can I take a photo with you later?”

“Okay, let’s take a group photo when we get there later,” Lu Yanhe said.

 The driver nodded immediately.

"Hahaha, what a coincidence! I didn't expect you to be in my car while I was talking! Who would believe it!" the driver said, "You must take a photo with me later, otherwise my child I definitely don’t believe I’ve seen you.”

“Okay, don’t worry, I will definitely take a photo with you later.” Lu Yanhe couldn’t laugh or cry.

  Ten thousand words updated!



 (End of this chapter)

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