Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 194: his ability

 Chapter 194 His Skills

There is a scene where Lu Yanhe is being stepped on by someone. The effect Luo Yuzhong wants to shoot is a close-up of Lu Yanhe being pressed to the ground, and someone else's foot stepping directly on Lu Yanhe's face, ruthlessly. Crush it.

 It’s just a scene like this. I don’t know whether Lu Yanhe will be willing to take it.

Such a humiliating scene cannot be overcome by just saying "actors must be dedicated" to overcome all psychological barriers.

In many production crews, such shots will be processed, such as letting people put their hands into shoes, using their hands as feet to "step on" the actor's face, or using a stand-in and other processing methods.

Luo Yuzhong came to communicate with Lu Yanhe how to shoot this scene.

 Of course he hopes to actually shoot it.

But he also knows that Lu Yanhe is still relying on his face at this stage. This kind of shot of stepping on his face to the ground and crushing it, not to mention whether he is ugly or not, can easily cause scratches on his face.

Luo Yuzhong is not a tyrant-like director. He is usually strict in his demands, but he is not the type who forces an actor to do something that the actor does not accept.

 So, Luo Yuzhong planned to seriously persuade Lu Yanhe to accept filming this scene.

However, Luo Yuzhong did not expect that as soon as he opened his mouth, Lu Yanhe nodded directly and said yes.

Luo Yuzhong was stunned.

 He didn't even react.

He couldn't help but remind him: "This lens will make you look ugly."

 “Yeah.” Lu Yanhe nodded, not caring at all.

Luo Yuzhong understood. Lu Yanhe had never taken this kind of shot before. He didn't know how easy it would be to scratch his face, nor how ugly the shot would be.

 He doesn’t have that concept.

Luo Yuzhong hesitated for a moment, whether he should make it clear to Lu Yanhe. But seeing that Lu Yanhe had no resistance to the shooting of this scene, Luo Yuzhong hoped to strike while the iron was hot and let Lu Yanhe shoot this scene smoothly.

 In the end, in order to ensure this shot, Luo Yuzhong chose silence.

Xiao Lu, you are very naive, which is a good thing. Just sacrifice it for art.

Lu Yanhe always felt that Luo Yuzhong's last look at him showed a little bit of unbearability.


 Actually, Lu Yanhe really had no objections to this scene at all.

 He doesn’t feel that every scene he shoots has to be good.

At this time, we have to talk about the acting teacher Chen Ziyan hired for Lu Yanhe, Mr. Zhang Ming, who teaches him acting theory every day.

 Zhang Ming instilled in him a concept from the beginning, which is that performance is the beauty extracted from reality.

 Reality includes both objectively beautiful and objectively ugly aspects, but performance is the reality placed in the camera, which is an abstract beauty that transcends reality.

  A person can be so beautiful and soulless in the camera, or he can be so shockingly ugly in the camera that it makes people tremble inside.

 The latter is the beauty of the performance.


Wang Yunfan sat in his chair, waiting to see Lu Yanhe perform the next scene.

 Suddenly, Li Qian also came over.

 She moved her chair and sat down next to him, looked at the people in front of her who were setting up the scene, and asked, "What are you sitting here looking at?"

Wang Yunfan: "Just now, Director Luo said that Lu Yanhe has a high level of understanding. I want to see how high his level of understanding is."

Li Qian immediately heard the jealousy in Wang Yunfan's heart.

 Jealousy is an emotion that is more difficult to hide than other emotions.

If she had never seen Lu Yanhe act with her own eyes, Li Qian would have echoed Wang Yunfan at this moment, because Wang Yunfan is her old classmate, and she would stand by him both emotionally and rationally.

However, she had seen with her own eyes what Lu Yanhe was like in acting, and she really couldn't agree with him against her will.

“Don’t care what he does, just play your own role.” Li Qian could only say this in the end.

Her eyes did not look at Wang Yunfan, but looked ahead, as if sizing up something.

Wang Yunfan looked at her in surprise.

"Have you ever seen Lu Yanhe act?" Wang Yunfan immediately noticed the avoidance in Li Qian's words.

This is not in line with Li Qian’s usual speaking style.

 That's how old friends are, it's too easy to reveal their true thoughts and emotions in front of each other.

 Because he knows his usual style so well, it is too easy to detect anything amiss.

Li Qian nodded and said, "I've seen it."

“You also think what Director Luo said is right?”

"If you want to hear the truth, why not wait and see for yourself." Li Qian said, "Seeing is believing."


everything's ready.

Lu Yanhe has already laid down at the spot according to the director's instructions.

 No treatment has been done on the ground, and dust and debris still appear on the ground.

Ordinary people would not want to touch such a ground with their hands, but Lu Yanhe just lied down, with one side of his cheek directly touching the ground.

This kind of snappy attitude surprised the filming team headed by Luo Yuzhong.

 Luo Yuzhong was the most surprised.

He has seen too many actors, all kinds of actors, but there are very few actors like Lu Yanhe who don't care about torturing themselves at all.

There are many people who praise their professionalism, and there are also many people who praise each other in business. There are also some people who have to be "professional" when being dragged there in front of everyone, but they just lie on the ground like dust in such a calm and logical manner. Very few indeed.

“This kid, does he not care about his own face?” Even Liu Zeliang, the director of photography, couldn’t help but sigh.


 At the back, Li Qian saw that Lu Yanhe was ready, and turned to ask Wang Yunfan: "Let me ask you, if you were asked to film this scene, would you bury your face in the ground so readily?"

Wang Yunfan originally wanted to say that of course he was fine.

 He never felt that there was anything wrong with his professionalism.

 But when the words came to his lips, he hesitated again. Of course it's okay to let him film such a scene, but he will require that the dust and debris on the ground be specially treated and clean, and he will also hope that he will not step on it as much as possible.

Li Qian is familiar with his character and knows what he will do.

 It doesn’t matter what you say, people already have the answer in their hearts.

Li Qian said: "This Lu Yanhe really impressed me. I used to be discriminatory towards idol artists like them. They had to have acting skills but no acting skills, no experience and no experience. They could do nothing except being polite and polite. But this time Lu Yanhe didn't." It’s the same, even if you are a top student, your spirit is different.”

"We have only known him for how long, and you think he is different from others?" Wang Yunfan still refused to admit that Lu Yanhe was indeed better than they expected.

Li Qian: "This kind of thing can only be understood at a glance."


 When the opponent actor’s foot stepped on his face, Lu Yanhe finally felt a sense of humiliation.

This feeling comes from actually being stepped on, which is completely different from the imaginary feeling of imagining it ten thousand times.

Emotions of humiliation and anger just flowed out and welled up in my heart without having to be mobilized.

Yao Yuan's anger, humiliation, and embarrassment at this moment all converged on Lu Yanhe.

 There is a camera capturing a close-up of Lu Yanhe.

 Lu Yanhe's eyes at this moment showed almost substantial reluctance and anger.

Luo Yuzhong and Liu Zeliang, who were sitting behind the monitor, couldn't help but nod.

 This feeling is right, no matter how you act, it will be right.

Lu Yanhe let out a roaring roar, grabbed his opponent's ankle, and moved it away from his face.

 The strength of both hands was so great that veins bulged on the backs of the hands.

“Phone No. 3, take a close-up of the back of Lu Yanhe’s hand.” Liu Zeliang suddenly picked up the walkie-talkie and said softly.

They used three cameras to shoot this scene, just to make it happen in one shot and not to let the actors do it twice.

Luo Yuzhong didn't even speak, but Liu Zeliang had already given him instructions.

 This is a tacit understanding between the two old friends and a consensus on the quality standards of the play.

 The scene was quiet.

The staff all looked at the scene in the studio in front of them.

 Lu Yanhe reluctantly got up from the ground.

He stooped slightly, enduring the pain on his body. There was a fire in his eyes, and he glared at the people in front of him, as if he would never give up.

 Suddenly, with a sudden "bang", a baseball bat hit Lu Yanhe from behind.

 “Okay, click!” Luo Yuzhong shouted to stop in time, “Stop a moment and change the props.”

 A staff member came forward with a specially made baseball bat and exchanged props with the actor holding the baseball bat.

Luo Yuzhong: "Get ready to continue, come on, start!" The actor held a baseball bat and hit Lu Yanhe on the back of the head.

Lu Yanhe felt as if he was dizzy. His body suddenly froze and then swayed.

 “Stop!” Luo Yuzhong shouted stop again.

 At this time, blood will drip from Lu Yanhe’s head.

The makeup artist in charge of special effects makeup held the blood bag high on Lu Yanhe’s head.

 “Get ready!” Luo Yuzhong shouted.

At this moment, photography is also cooperating.

 The camera focused on Lu Yanhe's neck.


As Luo Yuzhong shouted, the makeup artist immediately crushed the blood bag in his hand, and a small splash of artificial blood fell on the back of Lu Yanhe's head near the top of his head.

 The makeup artist immediately leaves the camera.

From the camera, a stream of blood flowed from his head, flowed through Lu Yanhe’s neck, and slid under his neck.

 The camera slowly moves up. As it moves up, it also moves back, slowly zooming from a close-up to a panoramic view.

Lu Yanhe raised his hand and touched the back of his head, and felt blood on his hand.

 He blinked his eyes in confusion.

“Senior!” Jiang Yuqian went to call someone back. She looked at Lu Yanhe with a panicked look on her face. There were four or five meters between them.

Lu Yanhe turned around in surprise when he heard Jiang Yuqian's voice.

 He saw Jiang Yuqian's anxious expression and saw the classmates behind her.

He wanted to say hello to them, but his vision suddenly went dark.

 He fell down directly.

 Fell to the ground without any buffer.

“Yao Yu’an—” This was the last sound he heard, a shrill scream.


Lu Yanhe felt that his vision had really gone dark just now. It was not the effect of the lens, but the feeling at that moment.

 The moment he fell to the ground, he felt that his soul was also thrown out in an instant.

He was clearly lying on the ground with his eyes closed, but it was as if he could see himself falling to the ground from mid-air.

 The blood flowed out and slowly overflowed.

Jiang Yuqian rushed over, threw herself behind him, pushed him and called his name.

He seemed to be able to see her tearful and overwhelmed fear, as if he could feel the silence that separated her from the whole world.

 Until a distant "click" came.

Lu Yanhe opened his eyes and looked at Jiang Yuqian, who was still kneeling in front of him, with tears on her face.

 “Sister Yuqian.” He shouted helplessly.

Her assistant Luo Xiaoyu came over and handed her tissues.

Jiang Yuqian took the tissue and wiped the tears on her face.

Lu Yanhe suddenly felt a little pain in his shoulder. It seemed that when he fell down just now, he didn't pay attention to relieve the force and hit the ground hard.

I didn’t feel the impact, but now the pain is coming slowly.

“Very good.” Luo Yuzhong came over and gave Jiang Yuqian and Lu Yanhe a big hug.

 “This scene was performed very well.” Luo Yuzhong said.

 The key point is that this scene was completed in one go, with only a few pauses in the middle.

Jiang Yuqian said with a smile: "I only showed up for the last time, mainly Xiao Lu. I was watching his performance from the side. I was shocked. He really got into it as soon as he said he was in the state. He handled it a lot better than we did in this kind of performance." The actors in the New Year drama also need to have a sense of hierarchy.”

Luo Yuzhong said to Lu Yanhe: "After you were finally beaten, that scene, tsk, from the look in the eyes to the look back, every detail was good, I have nothing to say about it."

 The way he looked at Lu Yanhe was as if he had discovered a unique treasure.

Lu Yanhe touched his greasy "blood", dumbfounded and said, "Thank you, director, do I need to take another shot?"

Luo Yuzhong: "Just add a few more shots. There is no need to reshoot. I brought three cameras here today just to let you do it only once. Don't torment you. This scene consumes a lot of money, I know."

 “Thank you, director.” Lu Yanhe said gratefully.

Luo Yuzhong patted Lu Yanhe on the shoulder, full of encouragement.

As a result, Lu Yanhe screamed, which shocked Luo Yuzhong. He thought he had struck too hard and looked at his palm with suspicion.

Even though he used force just now, he didn't make Lu Yanhe scream so fiercely, right?

 “Are you injured on your shoulder?” Jiang Yuqian was careful and asked immediately.

When Luo Yuzhong heard this, he remembered the moment when Lu Yanhe fell straight down, but there was no buffer at all.

 He immediately shouted: "Ask the doctor to come and take a look!"

 While filming this scene, the crew had already hired a doctor to prevent this situation.

After inspection, it was okay. No muscles or bones were injured. It was just a hard bump that caused a bruise and bruises.

Lu Yanhe tried to move his arm, but found that he couldn't move his arm very well, as if he was numb.

Luo Yuzhong looked at his shoulder nervously.

 “Then take a rest first.” He said.

Lu Yanhe shook his head, "Director, what scenes are you going to reshoot? Let's shoot them in one go. I'm afraid I won't be able to muster up the energy to shoot as soon as I take a break. It's just the last few shots. I want to shoot them in one go."

Hearing this, Luo Yuzhong nodded and said yes.

So, Lu Yanhe gritted his teeth and finished shooting a few more scenes.

 At this point, Lu Yanhe’s first drama in his life has been completed.

When Luo Yuzhong said the word "passed", Lu Yanhe felt relieved, but also a little reluctant.

Mo Zhi held a bouquet of flowers and gave it to Luo Yuzhong, who gave it to Lu Yanhe.

Lu Yanhe accepted it in surprise, hugged it with his right hand, and looked at Luo Yuzhong in surprise.

"I am very happy to be the director of your first play in life. I hope you will start with this play and let the world see your talent." Luo Yuzhong said enthusiastically, "You have a very touching talent, grasp it well. Don’t let God feed you this bowl of rice.”

Lu Yanhe nodded, thinking about leaving, feeling sad and reluctant, and his eyes suddenly turned red.

 “Thank you, director.”

Luo Yuzhong smiled and hugged him gently.

"Okay, let's not say those pretentious words between us men. We have a long way to go. See you later." Luo Yuzhong said, "When the time comes to announce the drama, I also ask for your help. Although it is only a small supporting role, it is definitely worth your time. A character of pride and remembrance.”

"Yeah." Lu Yanhe nodded seriously, "I will, director."

When it was Jiang Yuqian's turn, Jiang Yuqian had completely returned to her usual appearance.

 She looked at him with a smile and emotion.

 “It’s great. I’m glad we have such a cooperation. I hope we can work together in more scenes next time.”

"Well, thank you, Sister Yuqian!" Lu Yanhe nodded with a smile, and there were some emotions that only he knew about, "I'm glad I dated you. You are my first girlfriend."

Jiang Yuqian burst out laughing.

"You are the first one who dares to take advantage of me in person." She raised her lips, "But since you are my unique boyfriend, I will forgive you this time."

Lu Yanhe bowed slightly to her gratefully.

“Thank you, Sister Yuqian, thank you for recommending me to act in this drama.”

 (End of this chapter)

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