Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 197: There is one more me in my life (2)

 Chapter 197 There is another me in my life (2)

 After the opening ceremony of the event, Lu Yanhe’s work is over and he can leave first.

Xu Xiaoyin and the others were also busy taking Liu Jiazhen and Mingyin to the autograph booth to prepare for the autograph later.

 In fact, a long queue has already begun to form at the autograph booth.

Xu Mingyue was still in charge of Lu Yanhe. She came over and asked, "The car is already downstairs. Should we go back now?"

Lu Yanhe waved his hand and said, "It's okay, no need. I have an appointment with my classmates later. I will walk back by myself later. You don't have to worry about me."

 Xu Mingyue nodded.

“Okay, this is my contact information. If you need a car when you leave later, just contact me.” Xu Mingyue handed over a small card with her phone number written on it.

Lu Yanhe took a look and waved his hand.

Xu Mingyue thought she didn't want it, and felt a little embarrassed.

 Lu Yanhe took out his mobile phone and said, "Let's just add a friend."

Xu Mingyue was stunned.

She had also thought about whether she could be friends with Lu Yanhe before, but he was a famous celebrity and she was just an intern. If she wanted to be friends with him, it would probably cause a lot of trouble and annoyance to him.

For this reason, Xu Mingyue thought of writing her phone number on a small card.

Lu Yanhe asked doubtfully: "Isn't it convenient?"

"Ah, no, no! It's convenient." Xu Mingyue nodded and immediately took out her mobile phone, still a little embarrassed, "I just didn't expect you to be willing to add me as a friend. I thought you were very reluctant to add strangers. WeChat."

"How can you be a stranger? I have seen you many times." Lu Yanhe said with a smile, "You have worked hard to help me connect these times."

 Xu Mingyue looked at the smile on Lu Yanhe's face, and felt as if a breeze was blowing in her heart and a clear stream was flowing through her.

 She suddenly thought of Helan.

 No wonder Helan likes Lu Yanhe.

 Wait a minute, Helan? !

 Where's Helan?

Xu Mingyue's expression suddenly changed, and she turned her head to look around.

He Lan also said she would come today. Why haven’t I seen her yet?

Lu Yanhe saw Xu Mingyue suddenly looking around and asked, "What's wrong?"

“Ah, no, one of my classmates said she would come today too. She is your fan, but I haven’t seen her yet.” Xu Mingyue said.

Lu Yanhe said: "Maybe I went shopping nearby. I'll go first then. Bye."

“Yeah, thank you for your hard work.” Xu Mingyue sent Lu Yanhe away with a smile.

Lu Yanhe also started to turn his head and look around, looking for Chen Siqi.

 She was nowhere to be found despite searching, not only her, but also Li Pengfei and the others were missing.

 Haven’t they all left?

 He took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Chen Siqi: Where are you?

After sending it, I realized that Li Pengfei had sent him a message before: Let’s go now, bye. I have to go to Jiangshan’s autograph shop to queue up for autographed books.

Lu Yanhe: Did Chen Siqi go with you?

Li Pengfei: No, we were separated from her.

Lu Yanhe breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the young reporter who had looked for Linyu and the others suddenly found Lu Yanhe again.

“Lu Yanhe, can we do a simple interview now? I am Zhou Shuchun, a reporter from Art Newspaper.”

Lu Yanhe came back to his senses and looked at Zhou Shuchun in surprise.

 “Sorry, I’m not accepting interviews right now.”

 Lu Yanhe refused.

 He was anxious to find Chen Siqi.

Zhou Shuchun was reluctant: "There were rumors about you and Jiang Yuqian being in love before. Although you later denied it, many people still thought that you were in love. Do you want to respond to this statement? ”

Lu Yanhe said, "You all know that we have denied this matter, what else can we say in response?" was on his lips. Looking at the pretentious smile on Zhou Shuchun's face, he knew that this was his trick, just to get something from him. Getting a response, no matter what kind of response it is, is a response, and it can be used as a headline for a report.

 Lu Yanhe: “Please contact my agent, I will not accept interviews in private, thank you.”

 After he finished speaking, he turned around and left.

 Zhou Shuchun caught up.

“By avoiding talking about it, are you acquiescing to this matter?”

This sound is too harsh.

Lu Yanhe deeply felt that the so-called truth is one thing, but whether he can do it is another matter.

 Chen Ziyan has said several times that no matter what kind of provocation you face, don’t be provoked and don’t answer a word.

At that time, Lu Yanhe said it was no problem, he could do it.

Now, Lu Yanhe feels like he wants to fight back every minute and every second.

 You can only endure it.

At this moment, Chen Siqi’s voice sounded.

“Why have you been pestering Lu Yanhe? Don’t you see that he doesn’t want to answer your questions?”

Lu Yanhe paused, and Zhou Shuchun stopped immediately.

 The latter looked at Chen Siqi in surprise.

 Chen Siqi looked at him with an unfriendly expression.

 “Who are you?” Zhou Shuchun also looked at Chen Siqi with an unfriendly expression.

"Who do you care who I am?" Chen Siqi suddenly pointed his cell phone at Zhou Shuchun, "Are you a reporter? I see that Lu Yanhe made it clear that he did not want to be interviewed by you, and yet you followed him aggressively and forced him to answer you. Is what you’re doing right?”

Zhou Shuchun suddenly became angry when he saw Chen Siqi suddenly taking pictures of him with his mobile phone.

 “What are you taking pictures of?”

"I'll take a picture of you." Chen Siqi said, "You can take a picture of Lu Yanhe, but I can't take a picture of you?" Zhou Shuchun: "I'm a reporter, not an artist!"

"So what's the matter? Which law stipulates that artists can be photographed casually, but you can't be photographed?" Chen Siqi's aura was very fierce, and there was no trace of the greenness of a newly graduated female high school student. Zhou Shuchun was stunned by this gesture, "How about I go and ask Jiangyin Publishing House now, have you communicated with them in advance that you want to interview Lu Yanhe?"

Zhou Shuchun was shocked by Chen Siqi's momentum.

He was not originally a media member invited by Jiangyin Publishing House. His unit is "Art Newspaper", which has nothing to do with the publishing industry. He just heard that Lu Yanhe would appear today, so he came over and wanted to get Lu Yanhe. First-hand response to the scandal between him and Jiang Yuqian.

Unexpectedly, each of Lu Yanhe's classmates became tougher than the other, Lu Yanhe didn't respond, and now there is a girl like this... Wait.

 Zhou Shuchun suddenly remembered where he had seen this girl.

Isn't this one of Lu Yanhe's high school classmates?

Zhou Shuchun immediately pointed at her and said, "Why are you so arrogant? You are Lu Yanhe's classmate."

"I'm his classmate, what's wrong? I'm his classmate, so I can't stop you?" Chen Siqi didn't feel guilty at all, nor did he give in. His momentum became stronger and stronger, and he glared at Zhou Shuchun, "You said I'm arrogant, but you said You said, why am I so arrogant? Isn't it even more arrogant for you to force Lu Yanhe to be interviewed by you? You don't even say hello in advance, but you just force yourself to do it. Interview, is this called an interview?”

Chen Siqi's speaking speed is getting faster and faster, like a machine gun shooting at Zhou Shuchun.

Zhou Shuchun was driven away by Chen Siqi.

He probably didn't expect that he would meet such a girl and win him over with lightning speed.

Lu Yanhe looked at Chen Siqi in amazement.

Although he has long known that Chen Siqi is very good in this aspect, after all, she has helped him drive away some people who were difficult to resist before, but he is still shocked by her fierce side.

"Are you stupid? If you can't resist this person, just ask for help. Why do you just hide like a quail?" Chen Siqi turned around and complained to Lu Yanhe.

Lu Yanhe: "...I didn't expect him to follow me so persistently."

Chen Siqi asked: "Then what should we do now?"

Lu Yanhe said: "Let's go to the book fair? It's rare that there are many publishing houses here today, so you can see many books at one time."

 “Okay.” Chen Siqi nodded.

“Or do you have other places you want to go?” Lu Yanhe asked.

"I didn't." Chen Siqi immediately shook his head, "We are all here, so we can go to the book fair."

Lu Yanhe didn't know whether Chen Siqi was interested in the book exhibition. As the two walked past, he looked at Chen Siqi frequently, wanting to know what she really thought.

But he couldn't see any thoughts or emotions from Chen Siqi's face.

 “Have you ever been to a book fair before?”

"No." Chen Siqi shook his head directly, "I'm different from you. I'm not very interested in fictional stories like novels."

“Would it be boring for you to walk around here?”

“Fortunately, I didn’t feel bored. This was the first time I saw what a book fair looked like. It was much richer than I imagined. I originally thought it was just a large bookstall.” Chen Siqi said.

Lu Yanhe didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard what Chen Siqi said.


Xu Xiaoyin breathed a sigh of relief after both Liu Jiazhen and Mingyin started signing books.

 She handed over the scene to other colleagues, took out her mobile phone, and checked the online comments.

 The live event just now was broadcast live.

Xu Xiaoyin had a hunch that what Lu Yanhe just shared would be liked by many people.

 Because his sharing was sincere, without showing off, and was all his true words.

 However, after logging in, it seems that this shared speech did not get the popularity expected.

Only thousands of people watched it, and most of the comments were positive. Some were surprised that Lu Yanhe could say such a thing, and some were surprised that Lu Yanhe actually loved reading. There were all kinds of things, but they added up to nothing. Dozens.

Xu Xiaoyin didn’t understand why so few people watched.

 Has their publicity gone too far? No one knows about this event? Or is the activity itself unattractive?

Xu Xiaoyin turned off her phone with some disappointment, and looked up just in time to see Xu Mingyue.

“Mingyue, has Lu Yanhe left?”

"No, he said he made an appointment with his classmates and told me not to worry about him anymore." Xu Mingyue said.

Xu Xiaoyin: "What do you think of Lu Yanhe's speech today?"

Xu Mingyue hesitated for a moment and said: "He almost didn't use the manuscript I wrote for him. He prepared it all by himself."

Xu Xiaoyin nodded, "Just get used to this. Although many guests will use the manuscripts we provide, there are also some guests who will choose to say what they really want to say. We invited Lu Yanhe here because we want to use his influence to I am surprised that he is willing to share his true feelings on such an occasion, but I also admire him. ”

"Well, the same goes for me. My roommate is a fan of Lu Yanhe. I never understood why some people chase stars before. I also like to watch those good-looking celebrities, but I have to spend more time chasing them and turning them into I couldn't understand him as an idol. After getting to know Lu Yanhe, I gradually understood that he was younger than me, but his words and deeds made me learn a lot. He had just graduated from high school, but he was better than me who had just started an internship. More humane and sophisticated.”

Xu Xiaoyin looked at Xu Mingyue tenderly and said, "Don't underestimate yourself. Lu Yanhe became a star at the age of fifteen. Although he is younger than you, he entered the adult society several years earlier than you. Of course, he is more experienced than you." , these can all be practiced. You have provided us with a lot of help during this event. Thank you for your hard work.”

Xu Mingyue shook her head quickly and said, "I want to thank Sister Xiaoyin for providing me with so many opportunities and for sparing no effort in guiding me so much."

Xu Xiaoyin helped her revise the manuscript she wrote for Lu Yanhe no less than three times.

"Our publishing house will have a dinner together later in the evening. You can also join us." Xu Xiaoyin said to Xu Mingyue, "Although the president will not come, several other leaders in the company will be there. You are the one who allows them to get to know you." Chance."

If Xu Mingyue hopes to work in Jiangyin Publishing House after graduation, it will certainly be a precious opportunity for the publishing house's senior management to get to know her in advance.

Xu Mingyue immediately understood Xu Xiaoyin’s intention.

Her eyes lit up with excitement, she nodded and said yes.


“There are quite a lot of people here today. I thought there were almost no people reading physical books in this era.” Chen Siqi looked at the lively crowd around him and said to Lu Yanhe.

Lu Yanhe has put on a mask.

He said: "There are still many people who are willing to hold a paper book and read it in their hands. Many people in my live broadcast room said that their reading habit developed since childhood was to read paper books. However, as Electronic reading is developing more and more. Nowadays, children are accustomed to electronic reading. Maybe one day physical books will be completely replaced by electronic reading. In fact, whether it is physical books or electronic reading, it is just a form, and the forms will be updated. , but everyone’s need for books, stories, and words will not disappear.”

Chen Siqi glanced at him thoughtfully and said, "I'm always surprised every time I hear you say this."


“It’s not like an artist.” Chen Siqi said, “If you talk to me about film and television dramas, music, and stage performances, I feel like I can get used to it a lot.”

Lu Yanhe fell silent.

"Maybe it's because I'm one of those kids who grew up reading physical books, so I'm a little bit reluctant to let go." Lu Yanhe was actually talking about what happened before he traveled through time. "I didn't have a mobile phone and couldn't access the Internet, so I would read various books with my classmates. There are all kinds of magazines. If any classmate buys a novel, everyone will borrow it to read, and be careful that the teacher will find out and confiscate it. I like reading novels very much. For a long time, reading novels was my only spiritual entertainment. "

 (End of this chapter)

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