Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 204: jump up

If the heat in June is still a little reserved as if it had just stepped onto the stage, the sun in July is like a crazy donkey spinning in circles, running rampant in the world, making everyone avoid it when they see it, and they can't stand it even though they are separated from each other by the old man. You can feel its madman-like threat from afar.

At this time, you can still run out to meet people. Either the relationship is extremely good, or there is something really important and you must meet.

Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi were sitting in a coffee shop next to Guangmao Building, waiting for Xin Zixin.

 They are going to communicate with Xin Zixing today about the follow-up cooperation of this Mook.

Compared to just talking about intentions when we first met, what we want to talk about today must be more specific and realistic.

Chen Siqi saw that Lu Yanhe was a little nervous and said, "Let me talk about it later. You and she have known each other and worked together before. There are many questions that you are embarrassed to ask, so it's better for me."

Lu Yanhe heard Chen Siqi say this and glanced at her with some gratitude.

 Thin-skinned is really a huge problem for him.

 To change.

 “But, I’ve actually been wanting to ask you a question.”

"what is the problem?"

“From the first time I communicated with Sister Zi

"I have imitated it many times. When I was a child, I often followed my dad and saw him discussing business with others. I was a little bit influenced by it. Later, when Liu Wei'an came, I often imagined that one day I would inherit my dad's company and then ruthlessly He slapped her hard in the face and often fantasized about negotiating with people in various scenes, just like in the TV series, imagining that she was a queen." Chen Siqi said with a smile on her face, "Actually, I just don't care about anything, and I don't care. Thinking about speaking skills and the like, the more people think about it, the more they feel they don’t know how to speak. I just say whatever comes to my mind. Maybe others think that I speak very bluntly and have no skills, or that the way I speak is not negotiation. It doesn’t matter to me which way is suitable for the time. Compared with whether it is the right way or not, I have always felt that you should say what you need to say first. It is much more important to really say what you need to say than to show your face that you are good or that I am good. "

 Lu Yanhe said: "Your mentality is much stronger than mine."

"Yeah." Chen Siqi nodded, "If you were born in a family like mine, you would open your eyes every day and there would be an enemy trying to outwit you. After so many years of training, you will definitely have such a mentality."

Lu Yanhe didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard what Chen Siqi said.

 At this time, Xin Zixing came.


Xin Zixing has been busy setting up the shooting team of "City Travel" these two days, and at the same time, he is guiding Liu Yaliang step by step in the clothing and fashion section.

 Almost every working day exceeds 15 hours.

However, Xin Zixing did not find it difficult at all. Instead, she was full of motivation and energy, which made people around her feel incredible, even unbelievable.

There are many people in the cafe.

However, she still saw Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi at a glance.

The two of them were sitting on a booth by the window. Lu Yanhe was wearing sunglasses, probably to avoid being recognized as much as possible.

Xin Zixin raised a smile and walked over, "I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long."

 “No, we just arrived.”

"The past two days have been really busy. I just had a video conference with people in the car." Xin Zixing said, "The feedback on "City Travel Notes: Corridor Chapter" is much better than expected. I am in the process of setting up a shooting team and will wait for confirmation From now on, we will officially start recording this documentary.”

 “Okay.” Lu Yanhe nodded.

Xin Zixing asked: “Is there any follow-up progress on the Mook you want to make?”

Lu Yanhe nodded and said: "I have contacted all of the lists I showed you last time. Everyone is initially willing to write and read first, and there is no refusal."

Xin Zixing looked at Lu Yanhe in surprise, "So fast?"

 “Yes, we also want to make it as soon as possible.”

“Then what you want to talk to me about today should be the follow-up cooperation method?”

"Yes." Lu Yanhe nodded and looked at Chen Siqi at the same time. "We need to communicate clearly first about how we will meet with you in the future and what kind of cooperation we will have."

Xin Zixing nodded, not surprised that they would make such a request.

"This is how it should be. If you have any ideas, you can just tell them directly. If I can make the decision, I will reply to you on the spot. If I can't make the decision, I will go back and communicate with my superiors." Xin Zixing said very frankly.

 Chen Siqi said: "Regarding this Mook, if it is put on in the future, what can do to promote this book?"

"If it is exclusively launched on, I can guarantee that the promotion will not be worse than the documentary "City Travel Notes: Corridor"." Xin Zixing said, "I have to repeat it again, our itself is very I hope to create my own book series. We have a dedicated e-reading section, but we don’t have our own book series. When Yan He proposed that you want to create an e-magazine, my eyes lit up and I felt like we hit it off so well. Because of this positioning, as long as your Mook is exclusively available on, you can imagine that we will not treat it badly. "

 “Do you expect it to make money?”

"To be honest, I may not have made money in the past one to two years. I must have lost money and made money. The current e-reading market, especially this form of e-reading with traditional content, does not have a mature market. There is one We need to develop a stable and profitable industry line ourselves," Chen Siqi said, "I don't even want it to be charged. It is a product we launch so that more people can know it and read it."

Lu Yanhe said: “What about the production costs?”

Xin Zixing said: " has its own profit points. This book may not be profitable from the perspective of the investment and output of this book. However, let me put it bluntly, we want to launch a book like this The relationship itself is not for profit, but for the influence of the brand and to obtain a stable group of readers. "

 Chen Siqi nodded and said: "I understand, but in this case, all the costs will be paid by Including our remuneration? We can't work in vain, right?"

Xin Zixing laughed, "Of course, my idea is very simple. For the first issue, I applied to the company for 100,000 yuan as a production fund. You can make this book within this budget. The 100,000 yuan also includes you." The remuneration of the two people will depend on the effect of the first issue. If the effect meets our expectations, we will sign a long-term cooperation agreement and the production expenses can also be increased, but this increase must depend on how many readers it can convert. "

“Does the one hundred thousand yuan require all the copyrights, or just the Internet broadcast rights?” Chen Siqi asked cautiously.

Xin Zixing said: "I don't care if I say this now. I want to report it and confirm it."

“If it costs 100,000 yuan for all the copyrights, we will definitely not be able to accept it.” Chen Siqi said directly, “To be honest, the price is not high.”

“For an electronic Mook, it is no longer a low price.”

"As you said, there is no basic foundation for electronic Mook now, the market has not been developed, and there is no comparison. Who knows whether the price is high or low?" Chen Siqi shook his head, "Jiang Yuqian, Lu Yanhe, Li Zhibai, Song Linxin, Liu Jiazhen , Mingyin... When these names are added together, if placed on any product, its publicity value is more than 100,000. Not to mention the brand influence, just these few names attract a lot of traffic. This traffic will have a great impact on your The advertising revenue is not small.”

Xin Zixing glanced at Chen Siqi in surprise.

 The same goes for Lu Yanhe.

Chen Siqi took a deep breath and said: "However, the first issue of 100,000 yuan, as long as you agree that it is just for the right to network broadcast, I think we can try it first and see how far we can achieve it in the first issue, and we will talk about it later To be honest, it’s difficult to pay these people just 100,000 yuan for their royalties and design fees.”

"I know, of course I know that this amount of funding is not comparable to the investment in the traditional magazine era, but I also tell the truth, except for our, no other company will spend 100,000 yuan in production funds to try such a modern "It's something that no one has made." Xin Zixing said, "As long as this Mook can get more than 50,000 subscriptions, starting from the second issue, we will increase the production funding to at least 150,000 yuan per issue."

Chen Siqi said: "How to calculate the number of subscriptions? Since you are not planning to sell, how to calculate the number of subscriptions?"

“If the same user reads for more than thirty minutes, we count it as one subscription,” Xin Zixing said.

 Chen Siqi made an estimate in his mind. If it is released for free, everyone can subscribe to this book without spending money. Fifty thousand subscriptions is not that many.

Just Jiang Yuqian and other celebrity artists can bring more loyal fans than this number.

 But there is a problem, they will read the articles of their own idols, but can they persist in reading for half an hour?

 Chen Siqi was doubtful.

 In fact, if a person is willing to read for more than half an hour, it means that he has almost accepted the content of the book and is really willing to read it.

 Calculated in this way, the number of subscriptions of 50,000 is quite high.


After meeting Xin Zixing this time, Chen Siqi and Lu Yanhe were silent for a while, thinking.

 What to do, how to decide?

Lu Yanhe actually doesn’t have much concept of these things. Compared with these things, Lu Yanhe is more concerned about the content itself.

 So, after thinking about it for a while, he stopped thinking about it.

Leave it to Chen Siqi to think about it. Anyway, she seems to be much more skilled at this matter than him.

 Chen Siqi looked up at him and asked, "What do you think?"

 Lu Yanhe said: “I listen to you.”

Chen Siqi looked at him in surprise and said, "This is the book you want to make."

"Yeah, but I found that I'm really not very good at these things. I just want to avoid losing money. If I were to think about it, we might soon fail because of my lack of care." Lu Yanhe exposed his shortcomings and said sincerely Explain, "You are much sharper than me on who to cooperate with, how to cooperate, and how to distribute benefits."

Chen Siqi: "...I won't let you do this to throw away the shopkeeper."

Lu Yanhe said: “The right person does the right thing.”

Chen Siqi was silent for a moment and said: "As long as doesn't ask for the ownership of this book, I will be inclined to cooperate with them. The right book must be placed on the right platform to achieve the effect of one plus one greater than two. "

Lu Yanhe laughed and breathed a sigh of relief: "That's great. I'm really worried that you don't want to cooperate with"

"I'm not stupid, they were just a bit stingy and didn't achieve the goal I expected, but they didn't cheat us either." Chen Siqi said, "Moreover, one hundred thousand yuan is enough to produce this book, but there is a high probability that the two of us will If you have to pay for your ideals, you won’t make much money.”

“If in the future this book can be turned into a book series as Sister Zi Xing said and start to make a profit, the two of us will get 50-50 profit,” Lu Yanhe said.

Chen Siqi raised the corners of her mouth, "So generous?"

This book is said to be written by two people. In fact, what really made this book possible was Lu Yanhe’s network resources and influence. Otherwise, Jiang Yuqian and the others would not be invited to write articles, and neither would So happy to cooperate with them.

Chen Siqi never thought of making a 50-50 profit from Lu Yanhe.

Lu Yanhe said: “Originally, the two of us did it together.”

 Chen Siqi nodded and said, "Okay, then I can trust you."

 “Yeah.” Lu Yanhe nodded.

 “Now we have one more thing to do.”

"What's up?"

“Choosing a name for this book is also a name for this book series.” Chen Siqi said. Lu Yanhe asked: “Do you have any ideas?”

Chen Siqi: "This is not nonsense, I don't believe you have no ideas."

Lu Yanhe laughed.

 Indeed, since I had the idea of ​​making a magazine, how could I not have thought about what kind of name I wanted to give the magazine?

 Lu Yanhe asked: “What name are you thinking of?”

 Chen Siqi: “Speak first.”

 Lu Yanhe said: "It's actually a very common name, "Jump Up"."

 “Jump up?”

"Yeah." Lu Yanhe nodded, "When I was writing a composition before, I wrote a sentence. I remember it very well. At that time, I wanted to change my mediocre life. When I wrote, I didn't want to look at the world map and imagine the environment boringly. In the future of traveling the world, I want to jump into the depths of the universe and go to the black hole to see if there is a new continent on the other side.”

The moment Lu Yanhe saw that he had finished speaking, the way Chen Siqi looked at him changed.

 “I quite like what you said.” Chen Siqi said.

 “I like it too, so I always remember it.”

"Let's use this sentence as the introduction to the first issue." Chen Siqi said, "The name is "Jump Up", which is pretty good."

 “Then what was the name you thought of before?” Lu Yanhe asked.

 Chen Siqi shook his head, "I like you better, so I won't tell you."

She took out a pen and paper and wrote down what Lu Yanhe had just said on the paper, and then wrote "jump up" at the end.

“Lu Yanhe, I suddenly have some feelings for this name now. When I wrote it, I especially hope that it can go on for a long time.”

“Then let’s work hard.” Lu Yanhe smiled seriously.


 In the next few days, Lu Yanhe began a miserable journey to press for the manuscript.

Chen Siqi sent him a message: I will leave it to you to push for the manuscripts of those people. I have sent invitation letters to some authors I think are suitable to see if they are willing to contribute.

 Lu Yanhe asked: Which authors did you send invitation letters to?

Chen Siqi sent a list, and Lu Yanhe found that he didn’t know anyone.

Chen Siqi said: These are some authors I saw on the Internet who told stories about their student days and their posts were very popular. I would like to ask them to write about their student days in more detail and richly, and maybe I can receive good manuscripts.

 Lu Yanhe feels that Chen Siqi’s idea is quite new. Many people look for manuscripts online, but few use online content to invite authors to create richer content.

To Lu Yanhe’s surprise, the first person to submit the manuscript was Song Linxin.

Song Linxin only took five days to send the article she wrote.

Lu Yanhe didn’t know why it happened so fast, and was very surprised.

 Opening it, Song Linxin was talking about her experience playing in a band in high school.

Lu Yanhe immediately took Song Linxin’s article to Li Zhibai: “She has already submitted the manuscript, and you haven’t written a word yet!”

Li Zhibai: “Yan Liang hasn’t written it yet!”

“He has already written half of it!” Lu Yanhe decided to use torturous tactics against Li Zhibai, “Why don’t you write a beginning for me today? Brother Li, Brother Bai, Big Brother!”

Li Zhibai looked worried: "Okay, okay."

Lu Yanhe saw him sitting in front of the computer, unable to write a word for a long time. He tried really hard, but it didn't work. Lu Yanhe realized that he might have to think of another way.

He thought of a way to help Li Zhibai write it himself, but when he thought about it, he couldn't do it. He would still write his own column for this column. The styles of the two articles would be too similar and there would be problems.

Then change it to an interview style?

 The question is, who can do the interview?

 Furthermore, this column is narrated in the first person to make it more immersive.

Moreover, people who are not familiar with Li Zhibai will not be able to hear some real stories from him. That's just the way he is. People who are not close to him, even professional reporters, will just deal with it.


During the process of writing the manuscript, Lu Yanhe also thought about the fact that the content of his book is still too little. There are enough well-known figures, but not enough content.

 In addition to the people invited by Chen Siqi, other manuscripts are also needed.

 Lu Yanhe suddenly thought of his classmates, Lin Yu and Bai Yu.

As a "hexagon warrior" among students, Linyu is also a monitor and a top student. Maybe we can ask her to write an article?

There is also Bai Yu. She often writes novels, and Luo Zicheng even read passages in front of the whole class. In fact, everyone knows that Bai Yu has a dream of writing.

Lu Yanhe hesitated for a moment and decided to invite them to write.

 The manuscript is really inappropriate, but since you want to make a Mook that is truly related to your student days, how can you create it without real students?

Lu Yanhe immediately sent a message to Linyu and Bai Yu.

When sending it to Linyu, Lu Yanhe was a little worried that Linyu would refuse, because Linyu had a competition in August and she was preparing for it, and the time was very tight. But Linyu immediately agreed and asked if there was a word count requirement.

 Lu Yanhe said that about two thousand to four thousand is more appropriate.

 Because it is an e-book, compared with paper books, there are fewer layout restrictions, and the control of the number of words is not as high.

Linyu agreed immediately.

 Bai Yu’s first reaction was: Me? Can I?

 She has little confidence in herself.

Lu Yanhe didn’t dare to say yes at this time. He would definitely use the manuscript: I’ll write it down first, okay? Now I can't promise that I will definitely use your manuscript. This is an official electronic Mook. When the time comes, Liu Jiazhen and Mingyin's short stories will also be published in the first issue, but I hope to be able to publish your creations on it. I I also need your support.

 Bai Yu: Okay, let me give it a try.

Lu Yanhe breathed a sigh of relief.


 Bai Yu put down his mobile phone, everyone was numb.

Since her college entrance examination results came out, the atmosphere at her home has become very stressful because she only got into an ordinary university and did not meet her parents' expectations at all.

 Until now, her parents have never smiled at her.

 She cried several times herself. Did she fail the exam? Not necessarily, the usual results are like that.

But it is true that as soon as the college entrance examination results come out, the lifelong pressure will come.

Bai Yu himself was depressed. He kept himself in the room reading and never went out.

 Suddenly, there were two knocks on the door.

“Your father and I won’t be at home for dinner tonight, so you can prepare some yourself.” Her mother said outside the door.

 “Yeah.” Bai Yu responded.

 She heard the sound of her mother and her father going to the entrance to change their shoes.

Knowing that they were going out, Bai Yu felt relieved.

  You can take a breather from this low pressure.

At this time, her father's voice came from outside the door: "I got those **** scores, but I still stayed in the room all day long. I didn't read the book well, and my brain went crazy."

"Okay, just stop saying a few words. What else can you do after this?" Her mother also had a good tone and persuaded her father.

 There was no more sound coming from the two people.

 The door opens and then closes.

 She is the only one left at home.

Bai Yuku sat in a chair and was in a daze for a long time.

By the time she came to her senses, the sunset had already set and entered her room diagonally.

There was no light on in the room, and half of it was in darkness.

 The tears on Bai Yu's face have dried.

 She took a deep breath, created a new document, looked at the white document interface, and put her hands on the keyboard.

 The sound of fingers tapping on the keyboard sounded.

"She knew she didn't do well in the exam, but when the results came out, she still felt an uncontrollable pain in her heart. The atmosphere at home was very bad. No one spoke during the meal. She felt very sorry and stopped raising her head. . On such a bad day, one rainy afternoon, she walked into a convenience store wearing shorts and a T-shirt, and she met the boy behind a row of shelves. "


 For readers, reading is like entering a dream and gaining comfort from other people's dreams. In fact, for the author, creation is actually creating dreams, and getting comfort from the dreams he creates.

 Bai Yu doesn’t know whether his manuscript will eventually be adopted.

 But at least it’s an opportunity.

 She failed in the exam and couldn’t get into a good university. Can her persistence in writing bring her a glimmer of new hope? (End of chapter)

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