Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 206: late night storm

Chapter 206 Late Night Storm Raid

Ma Zhiyuan’s house collapse became the biggest earthquake today.

It was not until 8 o'clock in the evening that Star Entertainment issued an explanation explaining that this girl was not Ma Zhiyuan's girlfriend, but just a friend. She was not the only one who went to Ma Zhiyuan's house that night, and many friends came with her.

As soon as this explanation came out, it immediately became a hot search topic.

However, the content of this explanation did not make many people pay for it.

 Many people don’t believe it, not even Ma Zhiyuan’s fans, nor even the people who eat melons.

Columnist Mao Yu, who often comments on entertainment industry news, posted: "Who is it? It was late at night, and Ma Zhiyuan went upstairs alone with his arms around the girl. There was no one else around. He didn't come out all night. It took him so long to think about it. Such an excuse to fool people is not such a fool. Ma Zhiyuan, as one of the most popular idols, has not responded at all since the incident. He is hiding behind the company and is probably treating him coldly for a few days as before. When this matter subsides, if it comes out again, then it will be said that this is a friend and it is a marketing account to spread rumors. "

Mao Yu’s speech received nearly 10,000 comments within an hour.

Nearly half of them came to scold her.

—When his company didn’t respond, you said he didn’t respond, but if he did, you didn’t believe it. Isn’t it common for good friends to stay at home together all night? Or do you mean that a mean-mouthed person like you has no friends at all?

—It’s obviously a malicious marketing account that deliberately only took photos of the two of them in the same frame to create the feeling that there were only two of them. Can you discuss this issue rationally?

—Ma Zhiyuan has always been a high-quality idol of hard work, diligence, humility, and kindness. Why is the world so hostile to him?

How much money did Mao Yuqi receive?

 —The blogger is a dog who goes around trying to gain popularity, and the entire Internet has known about it for a long time.


Mao Yu was speechless when she saw that she was scolded so badly. However, she had also known for a long time that she would be attacked by Ma Zhiyuan's fans if she commented on this matter, so she was mentally prepared.

Mao Yu has disliked Ma Zhiyuan for a long time, and now that she has the opportunity to criticize Ma Zhiyuan, she will definitely not miss it.

She couldn't understand even more. It was obvious that Ma Zhiyuan took a woman home. How could his fans still deceive themselves and believe the company's public relations rhetoric?

 She was not maliciously smearing, she knew what she said was right.

While I was browsing the comments on the Internet, I suddenly received a call on my phone.

   is an unfamiliar number.

Mao Yu answered the phone, "Hello, who are you?"

“Hello, Mr. Mao, I am Zhou Pingan, Ma Zhiyuan’s agent. Let’s have a chat. Are you free?”


 I didn’t drink alcohol in the evening.

After eating and drinking, Chen Ziyan and Li Zhenzhen made an appointment to go shopping, and Li Zhibai and the others went back first.

“Sister Ziyan actually goes shopping with others?” Yan Liang was a little surprised.

Li Zhibai said: "Sister Zi Yan is trying to build a good relationship with Li Zhenzhen, so PD Li can take more care of Yan He in the future."

Yan Liang was even more surprised and said, "Sister Zi Yan is such an awesome agent, why does she need to please a young variety show director?"

"Isn't this the most awesome thing about Sister Zi Yan? She never considers herself to be a very awesome agent. Even if she is not our agent, she always mentions things without telling us, like inviting PD Li to dinner tonight. , will also take us both with him. If Zhou Ping'an invites Li Zhenzhen to dinner, do you think he will call Lao Lu?" Li Zhi's admiration for Chen Ziyan was revealed in every word.

Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "Sister Ziyan has never regarded herself as a very good agent and is very sincere to people."

“This is probably the reason why she is able to achieve her outstanding position today.” Yan Liang sighed with emotion.

 When the three of them went back, Li Zhibai drove as usual.

Yan Liang saw the company’s response in the car and also saw Mao Yu’s name on the hot search list.

 The hot search term is #毛雨 comment on Ma Zhiyuan’s scandal#

But what Yan Liang didn't expect was that when he clicked on this hot search, he found that the real-time message turned into someone else's Weibo, a screenshot. The content on the screenshot was Mao Yu's previous posts, and Mao Yu's On the personal homepage, this dynamic content is no longer available.

“It’s public relations.” Li Zhibai said, “Isn’t Zhou Ping’an the best at doing this?”

"However, the fact that Mao Yu deleted her own posts did not seem to dampen the public opinion. On the contrary, many people said that Ma Zhiyuan's fans were harassed online and she deleted it because she could not withstand the pressure." Yan Liang said, "Now there are several big Vs who have come out to condemn Ma Zhiyuan's fans. They call Ma Zhiyuan's fans crazy. Some people say that his fans are like locusts crossing the border."

 Li Zhibai: “Tsk, tsk.”

Lu Yanhe couldn't help but sigh and said, "Sister Ziyan was still telling sister Zhenzhen this afternoon to ask everyone to try their best to manage their fans."

"Don't worry, Zhou Ping'an will never do this. He has always had the concept that black and red are also red. Artists are not afraid of being scolded, but they are afraid of not being popular." Li Zhibai said confidently, "Ma Zhiyuan is involved in this." In this kind of trouble, believe it or not, although he is a little annoyed, it is definitely Ma Zhiyuan who is making trouble for him, not Ma Zhiyuan being scolded. "

Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang both couldn't help laughing.

 Because they knew what Li Zhibai said was right.

“How much impact will Ma Zhiyuan’s incident have on him?” Yan Liang asked.

“Who knows.” Li Zhibai said, “But the fact that the fan clubs are all being disbanded is more serious than I thought.”

“But there are still many fans who believe in him.”

  “There’s always something.”


 However, no one expected that Ma Zhiyuan's incident would affect Lu Yanhe.

 In the evening, a big V blogger with millions of fans suddenly wrote an article eloquently, writing, "Why is Ma Zhiyuan, the same idol artist, frequently exposed with scandals, but Lu Yanhe is becoming more and more popular?"

In the article, the blogger analyzed Ma Zhiyuan's various performances since his debut, and described him penetratingly as "a top figure who was too well protected by the company and had too much luck but didn't know how to cherish it." And Lu Yanhe They are "high-quality idols who suffered a decline in popularity right after their debut, almost no one was found, but relied on their own hard work and hard work to make a comeback."

 Those who know how to cherish opportunities can stand longer and more steadily.

 The article itself is not too biased, but this article angered Ma Zhiyuan's fans. Many Ma Zhiyuan fans even believed that Lu Yanhe saw something happened to Ma Zhiyuan, so he took the opportunity to step on Ma Zhiyuan's position.

While Lu Yanhe was still sleeping, the Internet was already abuzz with noise.

 The number of fans of Lu Yanhe is definitely not on the same level as that of fans of Ma Zhiyuan.

 Lu Yanhe’s social account received nearly 100,000 insults in one night.

 The contents are almost the same. They all say that Lu Yanhe has evil intentions and that artists from the same company are in a crisis of public opinion. Not only does he not help speak up, he also adds insult to injury.

Lu Yanhe does not have as many fans as Ma Zhiyuan, and his ability to quarrel online is not as good as Ma Zhiyuan's experienced fans.

 It is almost a one-sided attitude.


 Chen Ziyan was woken up by a phone call at three o'clock in the morning.

 The caller was Lu Qingzhen, her old friend from the company. "Ziyan, Lu Yanhe was violently attacked online by Ma Zhiyuan's fans on a large scale." Lu Qingzhen said directly without saying any nonsense.

 Chen Ziyan suddenly woke up.

"what's the situation?"

Lu Qingzhen explained in a few words, "I got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, checked my phone, and saw that Lu Yanhe's homepage had been exploded."

 Chen Ziyan had already sat up from the bed and turned on the bedside lamp.

 “I understand, thank you, I’ll take a look right away.”

 Hang up the phone, Chen Ziyan searched for relevant information without expression. After understanding the general situation, she called the company's public relations department.


 This is the craziest and most troublesome day for Star Entertainment’s public relations department.

After dealing with Ma Zhiyuan’s public opinion crisis all day long, I finally took a break and was woken up by Chen Ziyan again.

 In the middle of the night, at four o'clock in the morning, several people met in the company building.

You can't even enter through the main entrance, so you can only go through the underground garage.

Chen Ziyan has exquisite makeup and hair, and there is no sleepiness in her eyes, as if she has not just woken up from sleep.

Compared with her, Zhou Ping'an on the other side had his hair raised and his face looked haggard, dwarfed by her.

"I don't want to say more about other things. If the large-scale attacks against Lu Yanhe by Ma Zhiyuan fans don't stop tomorrow morning, I will directly sue the leaders. Then don't come to me with the idea that two people are artists from the same company. "Intercede." Chen Ziyan said coldly, "You still have three hours to contact the bosses and ask them to delete the content no matter what method you use. Otherwise, just as Lu Yanhe was scolded, Ma Zhiyuan will be scolded as well. Swear back."

 After saying that, Chen Ziyan sat down, took out her mobile phone, and looked at the mobile phone silently as if she was too lazy to discuss it with them anymore.

Zhou Ping'an glanced at Chen Ziyan with fear and wanted to have a good talk with her, but in the end he did not do such a useless thing.


After all, Star Entertainment is a big company and cooperates with all major social platforms. There are still ways to contact partners to reduce the popularity and delete some popular content involving personal attacks. It just depends on whether they want to do this and how much effort they are willing to spend on it. thing.

As for Ma Zhiyuan's fan leaders who took the lead in causing trouble, Zhou Pingan took over Ma Zhiyuan not long ago, so it took a lot of effort to get rid of them. He deleted the posts of those who deleted them, and calmed the troubles of others.

 At seven o'clock in the morning, most of the mighty momentum had been eliminated, leaving some still bouncing around. Chen Ziyan had no intention of finding fault.

She looked at Zhou Pingan, who looked tired, and said: "We did not ask anyone to post this provocative post. Who deliberately put Lu Yanhe and Ma Zhiyuan together to stir up a topic war at this time of the storm? There is still an ulterior motive, I suggest you check it out.”

Zhou Ping'an glanced impatiently at this woman who still had a delicate look on her face, feeling all kinds of things running wild in her heart.

To put it nicely, she had been sitting on a chair playing with her mobile phone while he was here one night leading people to put out the fire. She even took a nap in the middle, and now she seemed to be reminding him of it with pretentiousness and good intentions.

 But after Chen Ziyan left, her words popped into Zhou Pingan's mind again.

What Chen Ziyan said may not be unreasonable. If it is a marketing account that wants to gain popularity, forget it. What if someone has ulterior motives and deliberately uses Lu Yanhe to step on Zhiyuan?

Zhou Ping'an still believed that Chen Ziyan would not use this method to carry Lu Yanhe's sedan chair.

He was asked to make an electronic magazine, and he even carried a **** sedan chair.


So, one night passed, and when Lu Yanhe woke up and learned what happened last night, the storm had passed while he was sleeping.

 He looked blankly at his comment section, which had left traces of wind, and the number of fans that had increased by almost 30,000 in one night, and he didn't know what to say.

Li Zhibai and Yan Liang were shocked when they learned about this.

 The matter was resolved in one night. Chen Ziyan's methods were so vigorous and resolute that they could not believe it.

 The same goes for Lu Yanhe.

 At ten o'clock in the morning, Chen Siqi sent him a message, saying: Were you attacked online last night?

Lu Yanhe: It seems like, I don’t know what happened. When I woke up, many people told me that I was bullied on the Internet on a large scale, but I didn’t see those comments very much. If someone hadn’t taken a screenshot, I would have Do not know at all.

Chen Siqi: There is really something wrong with Ma Zhiyuan’s fans, just like mad dogs.

 Lu Yanhe: Yes, but it’s okay now.

 Chen Siqi: Do you want to have dinner together at noon later? Do you want to deal with this?

Lu Yanhe: Let’s eat together. I don’t have anything to deal with. When I woke up, my agent had already taken care of everything and there was nothing left to do.

 Lu Yanhe didn’t know how to describe his mood.

 Half shocked, half moved, and some angry after seeing the contents of those screenshots.

 But this is not important. What is important is... Sister Zi Yan’s processing speed should be so exaggerated? -

Wearing a hat and a mask, Lu Yanhe walked through the scorching July sun and went to the hotel to meet Chen Siqi.

 The latter saw him and saw that his face was full of energy. Knowing that he was indeed not affected in any way, he was silently relieved.

Before meeting him, Chen Siqi was worried that Lu Yanhe's relaxed and nonchalant tone was just an act.

 It seems like everything is fine.

“If we can continue to write this book, we must make an issue in the future to discuss how wrong this kind of online violence that attacks people indiscriminately on a large scale is wrong.” Chen Siqi said eloquently.

Lu Yanhe heard her concern.

 He laughed and said, "Okay."

Chen Siqi: "The one who ordered the food first will discuss our progress after eating."


Two people, two dishes, one meat and one vegetarian, adding up to twenty-seven. The boss looked at Lu Yanhe with a look that was hard to explain. The main idea was: You, a handsome boy, invited your girlfriend to dinner, so you just ordered two dishes. Why is it so shabby? Can you still catch a girl like this? !

Lu Yanhe couldn’t laugh or cry.

 But eating two dishes for two people has become a habit developed between him and Chen Siqi.

 Don’t waste, don’t add too much.

Chen Siqi doesn’t like waste either.

 If you are despised, then be despised.

Second update! Asking for a monthly ticket!



 (End of this chapter)

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