Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 216: impactful

 "Jump Up" officially announced on August 5 that it will be released as a physical book by Jiangyin Publishing House.

  It was originally a novel that had attracted attention in the past. As soon as the news of this physical publication came out, it attracted the attention of some people.

Of course, this matter did not arouse many people’s doubts as it did when first announced it. However, a few people lamented in a strange way that even celebrities who publish books have publishers to do physical publishing.

 To the public, this is nothing. Physical publishing is just a physical release of the book "Jump Up". In most people's minds, this is a very normal thing, and it would be strange if it didn't happen.

 Chen Siqi and Xu Mingyue met at Jiangyin Publishing House almost every day, held meetings, read manuscripts, and discussed specific issues such as editing and typesetting of the book.

Lu Yanhe did not participate much.

Because he is about to participate in a party in Beijing and Taiwan. He has to attend the rehearsal tonight and it will officially start tomorrow night. It is a live broadcast. There is no way to make up for mistakes. Lu Yanhe has to sing someone else's song this time, which is stressful. Very big.

He set off for the rehearsal in the evening. Chen Ziyan had not found a suitable assistant for him yet, so she personally brought a driver to drive him there.

This made Lu Yanhe a little surprised, even embarrassed.

“Sister Ziyan, I can just go there by myself.”

“Not tonight. If I have to support you, how many artists will show up tonight? If you go alone, others will think you are not welcome by the company.”

“Didn’t I say before that before I really become popular, I should just run by myself? It doesn’t matter if I don’t have an assistant.”

"Then we can't let you wander around alone and make people laugh." Chen Ziyan did not say that she was not worried about Lu Yanhe going to Beijing by himself. Director Li's attitude towards Lu Yanhe made Chen Ziyan have to be more cautious. alert.

Lu Yanhe couldn't say anything more when he saw Chen Ziyan persisting, as if he didn't know how to praise him.

He nodded, feeling that although he was not as thorough as Chen Siqi, he was still somewhat measured and was working hard to learn this kind of worldliness.


The building in Jingtai is very big, and this is Lu Yanhe’s first time here.

 When he arrived at the door, he was shocked because there were a lot of people on the side of the driveway, and it looked like they were all fans who came to chase stars.

 They are all trying very hard to identify whether there is their favorite celebrity artist in every passing car.

Lu Yanhe suddenly heard someone calling his name as if he was about to lose control.

 Emotions are particularly intense.

Lu Yanhe couldn't help but turned his head in surprise and saw a girl in the crowd shouting his name in his direction.

This scene inexplicably crashed into his memory.

 At the door, Lu Yanhe was ready to get out of the car.

There are cameras at the door, and there are also staff from Beijing and Taiwan. There are many people stacked up on top of each other. It is completely different from when I went to Northern Lights Video to record "Little Songs Gathered Together".

Chen Ziyan accompanied Lu Yanhe out of the car.

As soon as he got out of the car, shouts of "Lu Yanhe", "I love you" and "Husband, I love you" came from the direction he had just come from.

Lu Yanhe was startled.

  He is no longer the little transparent artist who has never seen the world before, but now Lu Yanhe rarely encounters such a scene, which makes him shocked.

Chen Ziyan: "Don't stay here, otherwise they will keep shouting. Say hello to them and hurry in. There are cameras filming."

 She whispered in Lu Yanhe’s ear.

Lu Yanhe immediately did what Chen Ziyan said, which immediately triggered a burst of even more exaggerated shouts. He and Chen Ziyan hurriedly entered the building.

 Someone came to pick them up.

They walked all the way, with cameras following them all the time.

 The people who came to pick them up smiled and greeted them and exchanged pleasantries.

 Lu Yanhe and Chen Ziyan chatted politely with others for a while.

Chen Ziyan asked: "When will we rehearse later?"

The contact person said: "According to the planned time, it will be around eight o'clock in the evening. There is still an hour and a half. We have prepared a lunch box for you and will deliver it to your lounge immediately."

 “Okay.” Chen Ziyan smiled slightly, “Thank you, thank you for your hard work.”

 We arrived at a long corridor. As soon as we entered, there was a name plate on each room.

Lu Yanhe's nameplate was in the middle room, but Lu Yanhe was surprised to see that it was Song Linxin and Cheng Hai next door.

Lu Yanhe glanced at the room next to Song Linxin, withdrew his gaze, and went directly into his lounge, which was also his dressing room.

Jingtai is indeed a big platform, with plenty of space, and a lounge that is generously prepared for each person. There is no need to squeeze into a lounge with several other people like last time.

After Chen Ziyan accompanied Lu Yanhe into the lounge, she said: "Then you can rest in the lounge for a while. I'll go and say hello to a few acquaintances in Beijing and Taiwan. If anyone wants to come in, remember to check their work badges. If they haven't reported it in advance, Let’s wait until I confirm the work plan.”

Chen Ziyan was urging Lu Yanhe like an old mother.

 Lu Yanhe nodded and said yes.


When Chen Ziyan came out of Lu Yanhe's room, she happened to meet Song Linxin and his party coming.

Chen Ziyan glanced at them. There were five people in the group. In addition to her agent Zhou Meng, there were also assistants and other team members.

 There is strength in numbers.

Chen Ziyan met them in the narrow corridor and couldn't pretend not to see them even if she wanted to.

Zhou Meng felt guilty, so he took the initiative to say hello with a smile and called Sister Ziyan.

Chen Ziyan gave her a faint look and nodded, which was regarded as a greeting, rather than completely ignoring her.

 It’s just that this attitude has already revealed a lot of meaning.

Song Linxin knows Chen Ziyan and knows that she is Lu Yanhe’s agent.

As soon as he saw her, Song Linxin couldn't help but feel a little nervous and uneasy.

Song Linxin was worried that Chen Ziyan would beat her up with guns and sticks because she temporarily gave up Lu Yanhe.

As a result, Chen Ziyan didn't say anything, and didn't even give her a look.

This made Song Linxin lose her mind for a moment. While she breathed a sigh of relief, she felt a vague sting in her heart. Song Linxin was even more shocked when she came to the door of her lounge and saw Lu Yanhe's name written in the next room.

 She was stunned in place for a moment, at a loss.

Seeing her like this, Zhou Meng opened the door to the lounge and said, "Go in first."


Lu Yanhe had nothing to do in the lounge, so he turned on his mobile phone out of boredom, turned on the live broadcast, and started reading.

Recently, he has been too busy, and he has become scattered in the live broadcast.

However, despite this, Lu Yanhe still insists on live reading.

Lu Yanhe’s live broadcast room fans have also stabilized at more than 10,000 viewers.

 This data is exaggerated.

Because Lu Yanhe’s live broadcast screen is really just one screen most of the time.

Just such a picture can still maintain more than 10,000 viewers. Even the live broadcast platform finds it incredible.

 There is really nothing to see.

After some research, I found out that many people just like to watch the live video of Lu Yanhe studying, doing homework, catching up on work, or just reading along with him. They feel that having such a live broadcast gives them an invisible sense of companionship, or some kind of companionship. To the extent that they can delay their procrastination.

The background in the live broadcast is different from the place where Lu Yanhe usually broadcasts. Therefore, when everyone saw that the environment and background of Lu Yanhe's live broadcast had changed, they started to guess where Lu Yanhe was. After guessing, some people saw half of Lu Yanhe's live broadcast. He stood on the dressing table and asked Lu Yanhe if he was in the dressing room. Only then did a fan who knew that Lu Yanhe was going to perform at the Beijing Gala mentioned it and guessed that Lu Yanhe was waiting for the rehearsal.

 After a while, dinner was delivered.

 It was sent by the staff.

 It is a lunch box, with two portions in total, including those for Lu Yanhe and Chen Ziyan.

 Because Sister Ziyan was not here, Lu Yanhe started the work alone.

   I am indeed hungry.

 The configuration of the lunch box is pretty good, including stir-fried yellow beef, scrambled eggs, sweet and sour pork ribs, stir-fried lettuce, an egg, and a bottle of yogurt.

After Lu Yanhe opened it, his eyes lit up, he took off his chopsticks and started eating.

 In the comments period, comments began to surge due to the rare scene of Lu Yanhe eating.

 At the beginning, everyone's discussion was quite normal, focusing on Lu Yanhe's handsome movements when eating, or the fact that he felt hungry after seeing him eating deliciously.

But about ten minutes later, a group of people suddenly came in from nowhere and laughed at the fact that the lunch boxes provided by Jingtai to Lu Yanhe were not as good as those of other artists.


When He Lan saw this comment, he was stunned for a moment, mainly because he didn't realize what it meant. Until he saw someone posted a screenshot between the comments. At first glance, it turned out to be a social platform update posted by Chen Ziliang. The screenshot is a photo that Chen Ziliang sent 20 minutes ago. The content of the photo is also a lunch box, but the content of the lunch box is much richer than that of Lu Yanhe. The dishes are all packed separately. There are six dishes in total, plus one soup and one cold dish. , he spoke: Thank you Jingtai for preparing a sumptuous dinner for us in the rehearsal.

Compared with the contents of the dinner in Chen Ziliang’s photo, Lu Yanhe’s lunch box does seem relatively shabby.

Lu Yanhe himself was immersed in eating, and he didn't even realize that many people started to complain about him during his comments.

 Many fans of Lu Yanhe went to Beijing and Taiwan’s official account to question Beijing and Taiwan’s official account and asked them why they treat artists differently.

 After Lu Yanhe finished eating and glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room, he realized what had happened.

Lu Yanhe's eyes suddenly widened, a little surprised.

After he knew that some fans even went to the official account of Beijing and Taiwan to make a fuss, he quickly opened his voice and said, "Well, I just saw everyone's messages. There is no need for you to mobilize for such a trivial matter. Our box lunch is quite good." It’s delicious. Chen Ziliang is a senior. It’s normal for his team to have more people and more dishes. Don’t go out to complain just because there is no injustice.”

 Lu Yanhe doesn’t know if Chen Ziliang has more dishes because he has more people in his team.

 In fact, Lu Yanhe knew that even if it was specially prepared for Chen Ziliang alone, it was normal.

 Chen Ziliang is a popular first-line male singer. His treatment is better than that of Lu Yanhe, which is normal.

Just like when Lu Yanhe was filming "The Golden Age", the lunch boxes were better than those for the extras.

 The same principle applies.

Lu Yanhe felt there was no need to question these.

It’s not that Jingtai didn’t prepare dinner for him, nor did it prepare him a very simple dinner, it was actually quite good.

Lu Yanhe didn’t want everyone to think that he had been wronged, so they went to help him make trouble.

 Suddenly, at this moment, a man opened the door from the outside and rushed in.

"Lu Yanhe, what do you mean?!" The person who rushed in was Chen Ziliang, who had appeared in the barrage of Lu Yanhe's live broadcast room before.

Lu Yanhe was talking into the camera of his mobile phone. He was startled by Chen Ziliang who suddenly rushed in. His hands almost shook and he almost dropped his mobile phone on the ground.

 He looked back at Chen Ziliang and said, "Wait a moment, my live broadcast hasn't been turned off yet."

He closed his live broadcast room and didn't even have time to take a second look at the barrage room that was destined to start commenting on the skyrocketing number.

After turning off the live broadcast room, Lu Yanhe stood up and turned to look at Chen Ziliang.

"What did you say?"

Chen Ziliang pointed at Lu Yanhe, with a very ugly expression on his face, "You did it on purpose, right? I just posted a post and showed everyone the lunch box Beijing TV prepared for me, and you started live streaming the meal, deliberately letting everyone see me eating. It's different from what you eat, so if you are dissatisfied, just say it, what's the point of doing this? "

Lu Yanhe was so angry at Chen Ziliang's words.

"Don't spit on people with blood. Who the **** is doing this?" Lu Yanhe angrily asked Chen Ziliang, "How do I know what updates you posted? I have been reading a book during the live broadcast, and the staff came in with a lunch box, and I When you start eating lunch boxes, do you have delusions of being persecuted or something? Do you think that I am targeting you every time I eat a lunch box?”

"Those of your fans come to my comment section like crazy and scold me. Who the **** am I targeting if I'm not targeting you?" Chen Ziliang pointed to Lu Yanhe, "Don't you just hate me for a long time? Record "Little Songs Gather the Crowd" Braised" was laughed at by me, and this time you and Song Linxin's duet was stolen by me. Ha, you thought I didn't know what you were thinking?"

Lu Yanhe laughed angrily.

“Wow, it’s amazing. I haven’t said anything yet, and you’ve just said so many things that you’re sorry for me about, and you’re so embarrassed to accuse me? How can you be so embarrassed?”

Lu Yanhe pointed at the door he opened behind Chen Ziliang. Behind him, there were already many people gathered in the corridor who were attracted by Chen Ziliang's roar just now.

Lu Yanhe didn’t know who these people were. They were just staff members or members of other artist teams.

Lu Yanhe asked loudly: "Why don't you tell them what you just said, and see what they think of what you said? Damn it, how can I still see someone like you who is so confident about being a villain? Speechless ” (End of chapter)

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