Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 234: God's will in the dark

Chapter 234 God’s will in the dark

 The two of them walked around the community twice before slowly going back.

 Chenghai has left.

 “He left?” Yan Liang asked in surprise.

Li Zhibai nodded and said, "After that, we left."

Yan Liang asked: "He came to tell you about Zhou Ping'an?"

"Yes, that's the only thing to say." Li Zhibai said, "He came to explain and apologize to me, but I think it's nothing."

Li Zhibai looked like he didn't care at all.

However, if Cheng Hai does this, he must be happy.

Lu Yanhe didn’t expose it, he just said: “What are you going to do with Ping An that week?”

"I'll leave him alone for two days. I'm so **** annoying to this kind of person." Li Zhibai immediately frowned, complained about Zhou Ping'an first, and then said: "I haven't explained Ma Zhiyuan's matter to me clearly yet, and now he's doing this "Things, I am fooling around as a fool, and I call it optimizing resource allocation and sharing it with his uncle. Why doesn't he share some of his income with us?"

 Lu Yanhe smiled instantly.

Yan Liang: "Hit the nail on the head."

He suddenly thought of something and said: "Should we clean up the house later? The crew of the program will come over tomorrow to film. The cameras will start filming when we set off, and they will take pictures of our house. environment.”

“There’s nothing fun to do, and there’s nothing shameful.” Li Zhibai has a lazy temperament, “Don’t be nervous, after all, after the show is broadcast, everyone will know that I am the laziest person.”

Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang couldn’t laugh or cry.

Li Zhibai is so self-aware that it leaves them with nowhere to say more things to complain about.


Different from programs such as "City Travels" and "Little Songs", "Young Days" is the first reality show Lu Yanhe has participated in.

Reality shows have been popular for ten years and have become the most popular type of variety show for actors.

 Compared with professional shows like "Little Songs Gathering Crowds", or other shows that show off IQ, acting skills or other talents, reality shows are about showing yourself, every part of your body.

 So, Zhou Pingan asked Yan Liang to find a label for himself.

 The easiest thing to get out of in reality shows is labels.

 Foodie persona, responsible physical strength, superb IQ, funny person, etc.

  Only with a distinctive label can many people recognize you at the first time.

Lu Yanhe didn’t intend to say that he didn’t participate in this show just to become popular. It was too high-sounding and too untrue.

 If you don’t want to be popular, why not become an artist?

 It’s just that Lu Yanhe didn’t know how to do it because it was his first time.

It’s true that I want to be famous, and it’s also true that I don’t want to do anything for the sake of being famous. At the age of nineteen, I want to be famous in an upright and respectable way.

"Are you nervous?" Lu Yanhe asked the two of them, his eyes falling on Li Zhibai, seeing that the latter had no reaction, "Li Zhibai is not nervous, I know."

“Nervous.” Yan Liang admitted honestly, “I’m a little afraid that I’ll make a mistake if I don’t say a word or if I make a wrong move. I’ve seen many artists get scolded like this.”

"It's okay, it's better if someone scolds you than no one knows you." Li Zhibai said in a very open-minded tone: "Look at me, how many people scold me every day, scold me, the more people scold me, the greater my reward will be." high."

 This is a double-edged sword in the traffic era—more pressure, but also greater liquidity.

Compared to Lu Yanhe, who suddenly became popular, Li Zhibai, who has been popular for several years, is obviously more experienced and knowledgeable in this area.

  He is already used to the voices scolding him on the Internet.

Apart from pain, what people are not accustomed to are always accidental things. Sometimes, even pain can be used to it.


 The luggage of the three people has been packed.

 Early the next morning, someone knocked on the door.

 Yan Liang and Lu Yanhe have both returned from running.

Yan Liang finished taking a bath, and Lu Yanhe was washing in it.

Yan Liang went to open the door. When he opened the door, a camera was shooting at him.

Several program staff wearing work badges greeted him.

“Hi, hello, you guys are here so early.” It was only 7:30 in the morning, and Yan Liang originally thought that they would arrive after 9 or 10 in the morning.

Yan Liang invited them in.

 There are six people in total.

 They are all PDs responsible for the three of them.

 As soon as the other two groups came in, they asked about the situation of Lu Yanhe and Li Zhibai.

"Yan He is taking a bath, and Brother Bai is still...sleeping." Yan Liang was a little embarrassed to say that Li Zhibai was still sleeping in front of the camera, which seemed to expose the fact that Li Zhibai was lazy. In fact, Li Zhibai himself said it didn't matter, and , it’s only 7:30 in the morning, it’s normal to still be sleeping.

Yan Liang asked: “Have you had breakfast?”

The program staff all nodded and said they had eaten.

Yan Liang was a little surprised, "Wow, you guys eat so early?"

 At this time, Lu Yanhe came out of the shower and was confused as soon as he came out.

 There were actually a lot of people in the room, and there were several cameras.

 As soon as he appeared, there was one facing him.

Lu Yanhe’s hair was still wet. He asked in shock: “Are you here so early?”


 Lu Yanhe scratched his head and took a look at the T-shirt and big pants he was wearing. He really didn’t have any image at all.

 “Well, I’m going to change clothes and come out later.”

 After saying that, he rushed into the room.

 Fortunately, Chen Ziyan would regularly send him a batch of clothes, all of which were sponsored by cooperative brands. Lu Yanhe put on a new set before walking out of the room.

 He and Yan Liang were both at a loss when faced with this scene.

Yan Liang was still struggling to find some topics to chat with them.

At this time, a girl with a ponytail and white sun protection clothing smiled at him and said: "Yan He, hello, I am Chen Mo, your following PD, he is He Zhong, your following photo, after Please give me more advice."

Lu Yanhe quickly greeted them, "Hello, I am Lu Yanhe."

He rolled his eyes with some fear and embarrassment, and asked: "Do you want a drink? Can I get you some drinks?"

"It's okay, no need." Chen Mo said, "Just pretend that we don't exist and do what you want to do normally. When your agent arrives later, we will do a simple preparation."

Lu Yanhe nodded, and then looked at Yan Liang. Yan Liang knew what he meant and replied directly with his eyes, "Don't look at me, I don't know what to do now."

Both of them are complete reality show noobs.

The two of them were silent for a while, and then their eyes suddenly lit up.

 They looked at Li Zhibai's closed door at the same time.


 “I wipe, I wipe, I wipe—”

Li Zhibai sat up straight from the bed with a chicken coop on his head, and when he opened his mouth, he said a series of "I wipes" as if he was running on a train.

One of Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang opened the curtains to let in the summer sunshine, and the other lifted the blanket on Li Zhibai and closed the door from the inside, preventing the photographers from entering and taking pictures of this scene.

People outside heard Li Zhibai's roar in the room, but unfortunately only the sound was recorded, not the picture, and they felt it was a pity.

 Five minutes later, Li Zhibai came out of the house angrily.

Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang had to wake Li Zhibai out of bed and asked the reality show veteran to guide them because they "didn't know what to do at all."

The veteran of the reality show was not happy about being woken up, but because someone had already arrived outside, a veteran was a veteran after all. He did not spit out sweet things at this time, but just went to the toilet angrily without even having time to say hello. .

Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang looked at Li Zhibai's unobtrusive look and nodded to each other.

 “Brother Yan is still Brother Yan.”

Li Zhibai went to the toilet and washed his face. Only then did he have the energy to say hello to the staff.

But it was just a greeting. As soon as the greeting was over, he acted as if they were not there and lay down on the sofa again, apparently intending to take a nap.

Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang certainly didn’t intend to let him sleep like this again.

So, two people immediately sat down next to him, one pushed his head to the side, and the other pushed his legs to the side, so that Li Zhibai's body, which was originally lying on the sofa, became an angle. Li Zhibai couldn't help but let out an angry roar, finally sat down and looked at the two of them, "I'm going to **** you two!"

 The staff present silently thought to themselves, OK, this has just begun and the sound will be silenced.

After being provoked by Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang, Li Zhibai kept a straight face and lamented from time to time.

Lu Yanhe looked at Li Zhibai's chicken coop and asked, "Do you want to get your hair done?"

"Anyway, I've already taken the photos. I'm too lazy to do it. I'll wait until the makeup artist comes." Li Zhibai yawned as he spoke, looked towards the camera, and said to the program crew, "You are so unkind. This time The reason for the early morning raid was to make us look embarrassed."

His PD immediately smiled and said, "We didn't mean that." "Believe it or not, the ghost is here." Li Zhibai curled his lips, "Where is Li Zhenzhen? Why didn't she come? She was sleeping in, leaving you early in the morning Came here to work?”

“The director is waiting for you at your accommodation.” PD covered his mouth to hide his smile.

Lu Yanhe was surprised by Li Zhibai's attitude of not daring to say anything in front of the camera.

However, he instinctively felt that Li Zhibai should be the best part of the reality show.

 In comparison, he and Yan Liang are too reserved.

Li Zhibai slowly woke up a little and was no longer so sleepy. He yawned and asked, "Have you two finished running?"


 “Have you had breakfast?”

Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang both shook their heads.

 Both of them had just finished running and couldn't eat. It usually took half an hour before they ate.

Li Zhibai said: "Then let's go downstairs and have breakfast."

Yan Liang said: "We have already bought steamed buns and soy milk."

"Oh?" Li Zhibai nodded, "You don't even need to leave the door, that's fine."

 He yawned and said, "I'm going to brush my teeth."

As soon as Li Zhibai left, the living room became quiet again.

Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang looked at each other, and the staff members were also wondering whether the two people didn't have a good relationship. Why didn't Li Zhibai stop talking as soon as he left? But it doesn't look like they have a bad relationship.

 After a few seconds, Lu Yanhe said: "Then shall we eat here, or shall we eat at the dining table?"

“Just eat here, otherwise they will have to change seats again.” Yan Liang pointed to the staff and said.

The staff wanted to say that they did not have a fixed camera position. The photographers carried the cameras themselves and could move them flexibly. Li Zhibai's camera went over to film him brushing his teeth.

However, reality shows have always tried not to interfere in the lives of the artists and guests, and to shoot their most real appearance. Therefore, as a staff member, one of the principles is to try not to interrupt or disturb them.

 Unless it involves issues of principle, people generally don’t speak up.

Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang went to get the steamed buns and soy milk, and started eating them without waiting for Li Zhibai.

As soon as Li Zhibai arrived, he asked: "What kind of buns did you buy?"

 “It’s the bun shop at the door.” Yan Liang replied.

"Oh." Li Zhibai yawned again, sat down, and said, "I'm really convinced by you two. You have to wake me up."

“This is our first time recording a reality show like this. We have no experience. We don’t know what to say when you are not here.”

“Then just say what you need to say.” After Li Zhibai finished speaking, he took a bite of half of the bun and it was very delicious.

Lu Yanhe really envied Li Zhibai's ability to act as if no one else was around and look at the camera as if it were nothing.

“When did Zhou Pingan and Sister Ziyan come?” Li Zhibai asked again.

“Yesterday, it was around 8:30, and we had to do styling work,” Yan Liang said.

“That’s still a while.” Li Zhi ate the bun in his hand and took another one. “The bun at our door is very fragrant. It’s so delicious.”

 “It’s okay, there’s a lot of meat.”

Li Zhibai did three tasks by himself, while Yan Liang and Lu Yanhe only did two tasks.

 After eating and drinking enough, the first reaction of the three of them was to lie down.

 “It’s so good.”

After Yan Liang lay down, he immediately realized that there was a camera filming him. He felt that he was too lazy, so he sat on the sofa again.

Lu Yanhe also sat on it.

The image is indeed not very good.

Only Li Zhibai didn't care and continued to lie on the floor.

 “How long will we record this time?”

 “It will be recorded for five days.”

Li Zhi gave an ooh, and after a while, he said, "Then we go to the house to have lunch?"

“It should be, it seems that we should get to know each other during lunch.”

Li Zhibai: "Why do reality shows like this like to play such mysterious things?"

He didn't even complain behind the back of the reality show staff, he just vomited in front of them.

 Lu Yanhe thought to himself, this is really the gap. Neither he nor Yan Liang could be as relaxed as Li Zhibai.

However, at this moment, Lu Yanhe thought about it and felt that it would be okay even if he was not relaxed. It was normal and there was no need to pretend to be relaxed.

Lu Yanhe figured this out and relaxed.


 Suddenly there are several people in the room taking pictures of you, which makes you feel a little uncomfortable.

Lu Yanhe and the others rested for a while and then began to do their own things.

Lu Yanhe went back to his room, opened his laptop, and read the manuscript.

 "Jump Up" has issued a call for submissions on both and Jiangyin Publishing House. He and Chen Siqi manage the call for submissions email address together.

 99% of the manuscripts in the mailbox are actually unusable, but they still look at the manuscripts received in the mailbox every day.

The division of labor between the two of them is that whoever clicks on the read email is responsible for reading the manuscript. If there is a well-written article that seems promising for publication, he will download it and upload it to a network drive they share.

 The network disk is used by just two of them.

 Lu Yanhe reads manuscripts every day.

In fact, Lu Yanhe often feels tired of reading. Reading and reading novels were his hobbies before, but now he is a bit tortured because many articles are really not very good.

 Things like writing, it seems that the more words and sentences are used, the more literary they are, but in fact the more sincere they are, the more touching they are.

 It just so happens that sincerity is so precious and hard to see.

At this moment, Lu Yanhe suddenly received a message from Jiang Yuqian: The article I promised you has been written.

Lu Yanhe’s eyes lit up at this moment.

 Finally received it.

Jiang Yuqian sent a document.

 Lu Yanhe: Thank you, Sister Yuqian!

Jiang Yuqian: Don’t ask me for this kind of job next time. I really can’t write.

 Lu Yanhe: Thank you Sister Yuqian for supporting me!

Jiang Yuqian: It’s good to know. Okay, I’ve paid my errand and I’m going to bed.

Lu Yanhe was stunned and asked: Sister Yuqian, why are you sleeping at such a late hour? Didn't you sleep last night?

Jiang Yuqian said: I stayed up all night yesterday and just finished shooting, when I suddenly felt something, I finished writing your article.

Lu Yanhe: Should I be grateful for this big night show? Otherwise, Sister Yuqian, you wouldn’t even be able to write.

Jiang Yuqian: It’s too torturous. Go to bed. Bye.

Lu Yanhe opened the article sent by Jiang Yuqian with some excitement, and he actually wrote almost two thousand words in a solid manner.

 He read it immediately. What Lu Yanhe didn't expect was that Jiang Yuqian actually wrote a letter to the character she played in "The Golden Age".

 Lu Yanhe really didn’t expect this form.

However, Lu Yanhe was stunned after reading through the article. The content of this article shocked Lu Yanhe.


“When I wrote this letter to you, it was during a big night show. The weather was very hot. I was sitting at the scene and there was only a small fan blowing out some wind.”

“If I hadn’t promised Yan He to write this manuscript, it might have been a long time before I thought of writing this letter to you.”


"Many fans think that I am a very dedicated and hard-working person, but I actually know that compared with you, I am far behind. When I played you, I often couldn't help but think, what if I Can I survive the setbacks and problems like you in life?”

"Seeing you still holding your breath and refusing to give up in such a difficult environment, I often think of the time when I was in school, and I can't help but feel a little regretful. I regret that I didn't persist more and work harder like you. a little."

"You know? My experience is really similar to yours, but I haven't achieved the same achievements as you. I'm not unhappy now, but like you, in my heart, there lives a person who I can no longer see anymore. An unforgettable person, so after I read the script for the first time, I was thinking that maybe meeting you was God’s will.”

 (End of this chapter)

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