Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 240: turtle soup

Li Zhibai originally wanted to help, but after breaking a bowl, he realized the fact that "in the kitchen, the biggest help is if he doesn't help." He picked up the pieces and dragged Qin Zhibai away together.

“Don’t just sit here and stand still.”

 Qin Zhibai was dragged away by Li Zhibai.

Others looked at this scene and laughed.

Qin Zhibai is still struggling: "I can help."

Li Zhibai: "How can you help?"

 Qin Zhibai thought about it for a long time but didn't expect it.

Li Zhibai: "People still need to be self-aware. Since you know you don't have the ability, don't cause trouble for others."

Qin Zhibai obviously wanted to refute Li Zhibai, but he didn't know how to refute him. He opened his mouth, but hesitated and got stuck.


Li Zhenzhen and Chen Biqiu were eating lunch boxes and looking at the pictures on the screen.

The two of them occupied a table, eating and chatting at the same time.

"The interaction between Li Zhibai and Qin Zhibai is also quite interesting." Li Zhenzhen said, "Li Zhibai is indeed very suitable for variety shows. His reactions and effects are much higher than others."

 Chen Biqiu said: "What do you think? There is a reason why he is famous. Can you find anyone else of his type in the industry?"

Li Zhenzhen thought for a while and shook his head, "It's true that those who are richer than his family can't let go as much as he does, and they don't have the confidence that he has, and those who are more popular than him don't have any His sense of not taking himself seriously."

Chen Biqiu: "Any program needs a person like this."


 “What did Mengli say? Is there no reply yet?”

"No." Li Zhenzhen shook his head, "Anyway, I've said everything I need to say. If she comes back, of course I'll welcome her. If she doesn't come back, then find someone else to come. I feel now that it's even better if she's not here. Without her, everyone’s atmosphere is much more harmonious. I really hate filming pornographic content.”

Chen Biqiu smiled and said, "No matter what the content is, as long as it happens normally, we are responsible for recording it. Don't put your own likes and dislikes into it."

 “Hey, Mengli is back!” Someone suddenly said.

 Others immediately looked at the screen.

Li Zhenzhen was also looking, and then he found Meng Li walking in at the door.

“Mengli is coming back to continue recording?” Mengli’s PD asked in surprise.

"It seems so." Li Zhenzhen smiled softly, "It seems that she chose to stay in the end."

 Chen Biqiu said: "She would be really stupid if she just left like this."

 “If she stays, her situation will not be easy.”

"That's not necessarily the case. This little girl's acting skills are very good. As long as she is not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed." Chen Biqiu said.


As long as you are not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.

Many people know this truth, but not everyone can use it well.

The truth is like this, you may not be able to actually do it if you know it.

 However, this is no problem for Mengli.

 At least in the eyes of Lu Yanhe and others, Mengli has no problem at all. When Meng Li came in, no one noticed it yet. Li Zhibai, who was sitting on the sofa playing games with Qin Zhibai, saw it first.

After Li Zhibai saw her, he hesitated for about a second. Before he could figure out what he was going to do, he saw Meng Li suddenly walking towards him.

At this moment, Li Zhibai had a lot of thoughts in his head, guessing what Meng Li was here for.

What he never expected was that Mengli walked up to him, showed a smile and said, "Li Zhibai, let's make peace."

At this moment, Qin Zhibai suddenly came back to his senses and looked at Meng Li who suddenly appeared in shock, and then at Li Zhibai.

  His face was filled with various emotions such as bewilderment and disbelief.

Qin Zhibai himself is not a person with exaggerated expressions. Most of the time, his face is expressionless.

 So, when these emotions appear on his face, everyone feels even more different.

 Li Zhibai has already reacted.

He raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, then stood up, nodded, and said, "No problem, it's just a small matter."

Mengli sighed, "I've been too tired these past few days, and I'm in a bad mood. I'm going to explode soon. I'm sorry."

 Li Zhibai: “I don’t have a bad temper either, so it’s okay.”

 The two people's eyes were captured by dozens of cameras, and they reconciled without any warning.


Everyone at the scene was trying hard to control their expressions.

At this moment, the most test is not the acting skills of Li Zhibai and Meng Li, but the acting skills of others.

 This is especially true for Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang.

Lu Yanhe didn’t believe that Li Zhibai and Meng Li had really reconciled.

However, what happened that made a person like Li Zhibai suddenly become willing to act? Lu Yanhe couldn't figure it out.

Based on Lu Yanhe’s understanding of Li Zhibai, Lu Yanhe thought that Li Zhibai would rather not record this program than compromise with Meng Li.

Could it be that Zhou Ping'an coerced and induced him?


Li Zhibai is not like Zhou Pingan at all.

Lu Yanhe was puzzled, but now that the show was being filmed, he couldn't rush to Li Zhibai to ask what was going on.

He and Yan Liang looked at each other and could only continue recording.


 Zhou Pingan’s work is not over yet.

 After settling the matter with Li Zhibai, Zhou Ping'an drove all the way to the airport to pick up Ma Zhiyuan who had just returned.

 Ma Zhiyuan had an assistant and a driver, but Zhou Pingan came over anyway. He had a more important matter that he had to tell Ma Zhiyuan in person.

 Night shrouded the surrounding areas.

Zhou Pingan looked at the time and saw that Ma Zhiyuan would not land until twenty minutes later, so he sat in the car and waited.

 Vice President Ma's phone call came suddenly.

"Hello, Mr. Ma?" Zhou Ping'an answered the phone immediately. At the same time, he was still a little surprised. He didn't know why Vice President Ma called so late.

 Vice President Ma said: "I heard that Li Zhi and Meng Li had **** in today's Bailu program?"

"Oh, have you heard about it? I just finished handling this matter." Zhou Ping'an muttered in his heart. He didn't know why Vice President Ma was so well-informed and heard about this matter so quickly. He explained, " The matter has been resolved. It was originally a small conflict between the two of them. Li Zhibai was originally planning to quit the show, but he was just appeased."

Vice President Ma said: "You should also keep an eye on Li Zhibai, so as not to let him suffer."

"Don't worry, Mr. Ma, I understand." Zhou Ping'an said, "I won't let anyone suffer."

Zhou Ping'an thought that Vice President Ma was just here to care about Li Zhibai.

He couldn't help but murmur in his heart. Having a rich background meant he could enjoy better treatment. When had Vice President Ma ever cared about whether other artists suffered or not?

Vice President Ma suddenly changed the subject and said, "Chen Ziyan also passed by today, you know, right?"

"I know. She heard that this incident was related to Lu Yanhe and it affected Lu Yanhe. She was afraid that Lu Yanhe would suffer a loss, so she insisted on following it."

“You are not well-informed and have been kept in the dark. You don’t know yet.” Vice President Ma’s words made Zhou Pingan frown in confusion.

Zhou Ping'an asked: "Mr. Ma, what news did I miss?"

"Chen Ziyan went to give sponsorship to the program team, and Lu Yanhe got an endorsement. Her brand is very popular, and she paid generous endorsement fees. She was also willing to help Lu Yanhe's platform. I heard that Lu Yanhe had recorded a program, so she went to sponsor the program. "Vice President Ma chuckled, "Speaking of which, Chen Ziyan has the ability. Once this sponsorship is given, will Lu Yanhe become the prize of the program team?" Zhou Ping'an looked surprised, "What?"

Vice President Ma: "Are you dumbfounded? Don't look at Li Zhibai as the most popular artist in the entire show. Maybe Lu Yanhe will come from behind. After all the money has been paid, will the show team still turn Lu Yanhe into a negative image? ? It’s not Lu Yanhe who is offended, but their God of Wealth.”

Zhou Pingan suddenly realized why Vice President Ma made this call tonight.

“Mr. Ma, shall we contact Li Zhibai’s parents? Let’s see if they can also get an implant?”

"What are you going to do with his parents? Doesn't Li Zhibai have an endorsement brand that is willing to do this?" Vice President Ma said, "He is so popular now that you don't have to think about it. Why do you have to go all out to find his parents? It's not like there is no such thing." Someone else pays the bill.”

 Zhou Pingan: “Yes, yes, I understand.”

"Both Li Zhibai and Lu Yanhe are artists in our company. But who is an outsider and who is one of our own, I have weighed it very clearly in my mind. Don't take it lightly." Vice President Ma said, "Although the other party is just A nineteen-year-old kid, but standing behind him is Chen Ziyan. She easily and effortlessly gave Lu Yanhe a golden body in the program. You haven't heard anything yet, and you don't know where you are. What are you busying with?"

Zhou Pingan was speechless and wanted to vomit blood.

What is he doing?

He wakes up early and stays late every day, managing artists, business, talking about cooperation, projects, meeting platforms, watching the news, nothing else?

 You just sit in the office every day anyway, and you never have to worry about these things on the front line. It doesn’t hurt your back to stand and talk!

“I will definitely improve.” Zhou Pingan said on the phone with a smile on his face.


 Young people’s house.

We all had dinner together, washed the dishes, and sat in the living room playing games together.

Playing games is the easiest way for everyone to get familiar with each other.

Peng Zhixing said: "How about we play with turtle soup first?"

 “Okay.” Xiao Yun’s eyes lit up and he said immediately.

Lu Yanhe was a little confused and asked: "What is turtle soup?"

"It's a very simple game." Xiao Yun actively explained to everyone, "To put it simply, it gives everyone a riddle. We guess the answer based on this riddle. We can keep asking questions, and the host can only answer yes. Or not, and then we use these clues to find the answer to the mystery.”

After hearing this, Lu Yanhe felt a little enlightened and said, "Oh, okay, but I haven't played it before, so I will probably play badly."

"You scored more than 600 points in the college entrance examination and have a high IQ. How can you be bad at playing?" Song Linxin said immediately, "You will know after you play."

Peng Zhixing took out his mobile phone and said: "Then let me set the questions. I will be the host first and you will guess."

 “Okay.” Everyone nodded.

 At this time, even Mengli appeared to be participating seriously.

Peng Zhixing searched on his mobile phone and read out the first question: "I am a kindergarten teacher. A little boy in my kindergarten is five years old. But one day he told me that his mother was only four years old. I thought it was strange. So I followed him to visit his home, and what I saw when I arrived at his home shocked me. "

Lu Yanhe looked confused, "Ah? What do you mean?"

"I need you to solve the mystery. What is the truth of this matter." Peng Zhixing said, "You can ask questions, but they can only be questions of yes or no. I can only answer yes or no, and it has nothing to do with the question."

Xiao Yun was the first to raise his hand actively and asked: "Is the kindergarten a real kindergarten?"

“Yes.” Peng Zhixing nodded.

Song Linxin asked: "Is the mother the real mother of the little boy?"

“No.” Peng Zhixing shook his head.

“That could be the stepmother?” Song Linxin was stunned, “Is the mother the stepmother of the little boy?”

Peng Zhixing hesitated and said, "Yes or no, it has nothing to do with the question."

 Several people were lost in thought.

Xiao Yun immediately followed Song Linxin’s question: “Does the little boy have any mental illness?”

“No.” Peng Zhixing continued to shake his head.

Li Zhibai frowned and asked: "Are you really not wrong about this question? Since the little boy has no mental illness, how can he think that his mother is only four years old? Wait, does he have a misunderstanding of the concept of age?"

Peng Zhixing hissed and said, "No, but I'll give you a little tip. It's very important for you to ask this question from another angle."

Li Zhibai looked confused.

Yan Liang looked at Peng Zhixing doubtfully and said, "Is there a misunderstanding about the concept of age? The answer is no. It means that the little boy doesn't know what age is. Then he said that his mother is only four years old because his mother is really Isn't it only four years old?"

He was suddenly startled, "His mother is only four years old. Does four years refer to age?"

“Yes, I don’t mean age.” Peng Zhixing laughed.

“Huh? What does that mean?” Xiao Yun was stunned.

 Almost everyone looked confused and confused.

Just now Song Linxin asked his mother

 A somewhat horrifying thought suddenly came to Lu Yanhe's mind and he asked: "Four years old, does it mean that the little boy has only known his mother for four years?"

Peng Zhixing nodded: "Yes."

Lu Yanhe looked at Peng Zhixing in shock, "Was his mother abducted or bought by his father?"

Peng Zhixing nodded again: "Yes."

“Ah—” Song Linxin and Xiao Yun screamed at the same time and hugged each other. Xiao Yun had a look of fear on his face, “This is too scary!”

“Then have we figured out the answer to the riddle?” Lu Yanhe asked.

Peng Zhixing shook his head: "There are still several mysteries that I haven't figured out yet."

Yan Liang said: "The scene I saw at home that shocked me was the sight of the little boy's mother being chained inside the house?"

The horror on the faces of Song Linxin and Xiao Yun became even more intense.

Peng Zhixing nodded, "Yes, but not complete."

Qin Zhibai: "The reason why I was shocked was that the little boy's father was planning to kidnap the teacher. I am a kindergarten teacher, so he was planning to kidnap me, right?"

Peng Zhixing nodded, "Yes, but it's still incomplete."

 A group of people looked at each other.

Mengli sat in the corner without saying a word, and the two girls hugged each other, their faces turning pale.

 They looked like they were really frightened.

"Let me remind you again, every sentence and every piece of information in the riddle is useful." Peng Zhixing said.

Lu Yanhe heard Peng Zhixing's words and thought about the mystery again.

—I am a kindergarten teacher. A little boy in my kindergarten is five years old. But one day he told me that his mother was only four years old. I thought it was strange, so I followed him to visit his home. What I saw after arriving at his home. , which shocked me.

The kindergarten teacher, a four -year -old mother, I went to visit my home, and I was stunned ... All the information had been cracked, there was no information about it.


—A little boy in my kindergarten is five years old.

Lu Yanhe was stunned for a moment, and a chill ran through his body. He asked, "Little boy, is he really five years old?"

Peng Zhixing showed a knowing smile and said, "No."

Lu Yanhe felt restless now.

"The little boy is a dwarf. He is actually an adult. He and his father are not really a father-son relationship, but a partnership to kidnap women, right?" Lu Yanhe asked. (End of chapter)

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