Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 242: Fall into the water

What the photographer is confused about is, did you two come out at night to hold a reflection and summary meeting?

Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang wandered around for a while, but in the end they didn't come up with a single word related to the conflict between Li Zhibai and Meng Li.

Li Zhenzhen sat in the workroom, watching them and listening to their conversation, feeling a little helpless.

“Both of them really have no trust in me at all.” Li Zhenzhen said to Chen Biqiu helplessly.

"The trust between the director and the actors cannot be established by just saying a few words. There is a lot of knowledge here, so don't worry." Chen Biqiu said to Li Zhenzhen, "Today's dispute between Meng Li and Li Zhibai can go smoothly. Let’s tie the knot, we are lucky, Chen Ziyan can get the sponsorship from Xueyou APP in time, otherwise, we will still have to fight with Mengli.”

 Li Zhenzhen asked: "Brother Qiu, if Chen Ziyan hadn't brought in the sponsorship of Xueyou APP, would you have agreed to Meng Li's request and let Lu Yanhe leave?"

"How is it possible? If this request can be agreed to, then no matter how the program is recorded, it will all be hers." Chen Biqiu denied it very clearly.

Li Zhenzhen looked at Chen Biqiu's attitude, but couldn't really believe that Chen Biqiu would do this.

 Preparing the program "Young Days" made Li Zhenzhen really feel the pressure as a director. When she was an assistant director in the past, there was pressure, but it didn't weigh on her head. It was more often the pressure of specific matters. During this time, pressure came from all directions and was everywhere.

 Chen Biqiu's image in Li Zhenzhen's mind has also undergone a huge change.

 In the past, Li Zhenzhen would have believed what Chen Biqiu said without hesitation, but not now.

 In the past, Li Zhenzhen could only make one judgment: whether this person was telling the truth or a lie.

Now Li Zhenzhen realizes more and more that whether a person tells the truth or a lie does not depend on the person speaking, but on who the words are meant to be spoken to.

Li Zhenzhen cannot make a judgment now whether Chen Biqiu will really stick to his principles and bottom line as he said, or whether he said this out of hope that she will believe that he is a person who will stick to his principles and bottom line.


 Lu Yanhe took a shower, opened his notebook, and started working on "Jump Up".

As Jiang Yuqian submitted the manuscript, all the manuscripts have been received.

Chen Siqi took Yilong to design the entire book prototype and sent the electronic version to Lu Yanhe's mailbox, asking him to read it over the next two days.

 After Lu Yanhe downloaded the electronic version, he made himself a cup of coffee.


In the program team's workroom, Chen Mo, who was looking at the monitor screen, was a little surprised when he saw this, and asked: "Make yourself coffee so late? Or instant coffee? Aren't you going to sleep?"

Li Zhenzhen heard Chen Mo's words, walked over and asked, "What's wrong?"

“Lu Yanhe just made himself a cup of coffee and opened his laptop. Isn’t he planning to do a live broadcast at this time?”

"Probably not." Li Zhenzhen knew Lu Yanhe somewhat, and knew that Lu Yanhe was not the kind of person who was so diligent that he would not waste any time. Besides, live broadcasting was not Lu Yanhe's job in the first place. So far, the live broadcast room has only been Lu Yanhe. It is a channel to keep in touch and communicate with fans. Lu Yanhe should not do live broadcasts during the recording of the show.

Li Zhenzhen looked at it carefully for a while and said, "Is he reading something? A script?"

 She asked someone to enlarge the screen of Lu Yanhe's notebook and saw the densely packed words on it.

 “What is this?” Others were surprised.

Li Zhenzhen suddenly reacted, "This should be the magazine he made, right?"


"It should be." Li Zhenzhen said, "Don't stay here at night. Go and rest. The camera in his room is on 24 hours a day. You don't need to guard it. They will probably go out tomorrow."

 Once they go out, everyone in each group must follow them.

Chen Mo did not get up and leave in a hurry, but said thoughtfully: "Director, I watched Lu Yanhe today, and I feel that he is a very ordinary person, and he has no distinctive character traits, except for being a top student. I don’t think there’s anything special about setting a label, so why would you want him to participate in this show?”

Li Zhenzhen has always emphasized that the most important thing in reality shows is people.

 The right person will look good no matter how you take the photo. If the person is wrong, no matter how hard you try, it will be in vain.

Chen Mo couldn't see anything in Lu Yanhe that was suitable for this reality show, so he asked this question.

Li Zhenzhen said: "At first it was for a gimmick, but then it was for the three of them, Li Zhibai, Yan Liang and Lu Yanhe. I decided to do it together. To be honest, Lu Yanhe alone is really not suitable for variety shows. He and Yan Liang both have this problem and are not very open-minded, but haven't you noticed? As long as Li Zhibai is around, the atmosphere between the three of them becomes very lively."

“Doesn’t this mean that Li Zhibai is the most important person? He is indeed very suitable for recording programs.”

"No, I thought so at first, but later I discovered that Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang are interesting. They have their own points, but they just need to be inspired and familiar with them." Li Zhenzhen said, "The audience needs to build a sense of familiarity with them. They also need to build a sense of familiarity with our program team and cameras. Li Zhibai has appeared on many programs and is familiar with it. His personality is open-minded and not rigid, so he can watch it no matter what. Lu Yanhe's personality is more cautious and restrained, and most of the time the material is None of them are interesting, but there are a few scenes where, without him, you can’t see the reality of Li Zhibai, and you can’t feel the friendship between true friends.”

 Chen Mo fell into silence.

"Moreover, don't underestimate Lu Yanhe, a person who can counterattack in life by his own efforts in the third year of high school, an artist who can be selected by Luo Yuzhong and Jiang Yuqian to act when he is so angry that there is almost no such person. There must be something about him, but we haven't found it yet." Li Zhenzhen patted Chen Mo on the shoulder, "Don't worry, it will be there."


 Lu Yanhe read the entire book carefully from beginning to end, marked every place that he felt could be revised, saved it, and sent it to Chen Siqi's mailbox. When he looked up, he found that his neck was sore.

 When he looked at the time, it was already one o'clock in the morning.

 He yawned.

 It’s really too tiring.

 He went to wash his face and get ready to go to bed. Before going to bed, he checked his mobile phone to see if there were any messages that he had not responded to.

At first glance, I found that Song Linxin and Xiao Yun were still chatting in their "Young Days" group chat.

Song Linxin: I don’t dare to sleep anymore. As soon as I close my eyes, I think of a coffin and a woman chained in my mind.

 Xiao Yun: Me too.

Song Linxin: How about I come to find you? Shall we sleep together at night?

 Xiao Yun: Okay, okay.

 Song Linxin: I’m here!

Lu Yanhe smiled and said in the group chat: Is it so scary?

Song Linxin: Why aren’t you sleeping yet?

 Lu Yanhe: I had other things to be busy with just now.

Song Linxin: What time is this?

Qin Zhibai: So, it’s been a long time and you haven’t slept at this point?

Lu Yanhe was startled and asked in surprise: Why are you still up so late?

Qin Zhibai said: I went to bed late, and I couldn’t sleep if I was asked to go to bed so early.

 Lu Yanhe: I’m a night owl.

Qin Zhibai posted a picture of a "night owl".

Chatting online, Qin Zhibai is much more active than talking face to face.

Xiao Yun said: We are all up so late, can we meet on time at eight o'clock tomorrow morning?

 Qin Zhibai: I feel suspended.

 Lu Yanhe: Struggling to get up.

Song Linxin: How about we postpone the gathering time?

 Lu Yanhe: This is not something we have the final say on. Everyone has made an appointment.

Song Linxin: Same.

 Lu Yanhe: Go to sleep, go to sleep.


 Getting acquainted with others, if there is no special reason, is often the only way to develop feelings over time.

Li Zhenzhen put a group of young people into a program and wanted to make them good friends in a matter of ten days. This idea itself is not very reliable.

Li Zhenzhen never thought that he could really do it, unless he was acting.

 Hence, Li Zhenzhen had no intention from the beginning to make this show a show about friendship.

 At least not at the beginning.

What Li Zhenzhen wants to photograph is the process between people from strangers to familiarity and then to closeness.

There is always a certain amount of performance in front of the camera, let alone the camera, there is always a certain amount of performance in front of people. No one can really be themselves wholeheartedly.

 It is extremely remarkable to have some sincerity.

Lu Yanhe, Li Zhibai and Yan Liang are true friends, and they are true friends with emotional foundation.

Li Zhenzhen has been with them for a few days and was moved by the feeling of getting along between them. She really hopes to broadcast it on the program.

 But if other people could become friends, Li Zhenzhen would certainly be happy to see it happen.

Li Zhenzhen only slept for four hours that night and woke up early in the morning.

 She put on a hat without makeup and went directly to the workroom.

 Only three or four people in the workroom were still awake, and the others were sleeping on camp beds.

Some people saw Li Zhenzhen coming and quickly prepared to say hello.

Li Zhenzhen made a silent gesture, telling them to keep quiet and not to disturb everyone's rest.

She sat down in her seat and asked the person next to her in a low voice, "Did anything happen last night?"

This person guarding the scene is clearly the assistant director Zheng Hesong.

 “Haha, you don’t even know how exciting it is.”

Li Zhenzhen was stunned.

Zheng Hesong called up a video and said, "Watch it for yourself."


 The time is displayed as three o'clock in the morning.

Li Zhibai went to the toilet at night, but he didn't know whether it was because he was too sleepy. When he came back, he didn't find the right room for himself and went directly into Qin Zhibai's room next door.

He lay down on Qin Zhibai's bed, pulled the blanket from Qin Zhibai's body and covered him, without even realizing that there was someone next to him.

 Then, Qin Zhibai woke up with a shiver.

  Under the night vision camera, Qin Zhibai’s expression was very clear even in the dark.

His whole body was stiff and he did not dare to move. His eyes tilted to the side cautiously.

Li Zhenzhen could feel that expression at a glance, and Qin Zhibai was probably frightened.

“Who is it?” Qin Zhibai asked in a low voice.

Li Zhibai had fallen asleep in a daze when he suddenly heard someone asking "Who is it?" and subconsciously replied "Your father".

 Then he himself was startled.


 He sat up suddenly.

Qin Zhibai suddenly seemed to have been greatly frightened and roared loudly, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh-"

 He actually rolled directly under the bed, "Ghost, help me—"

This voice roared so loudly that Li Zhi almost lifted the lid of Baitian.

 At the same time, several other rooms responded.

 Seeing this, Li Zhenzhen discovered that Zheng and Song had actually cut together the shots from other rooms.

Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang turned on the lights almost simultaneously, looking confused and confused.

Peng Zhixing got out of bed immediately, opened the door, and shouted: "What's wrong?"

 The girls upstairs.

Song Linxin and Xiao Yun woke up at the same time and subconsciously hugged each other with fear on their faces.


 “Did I hear a cry just now?”


 “Don’t scare me.”

 The two little girls were talking tremblingly while searching their surroundings with fear.

Of all the people, only Mengli didn’t hear anything or react because he wore earplugs to sleep.

 Then, five minutes later, everyone except Mengli gathered in Qin Zhibai's room.

 It was midnight, and everyone looked groggy and didn't seem to wake up.

Qin Zhibai returned to his soul and became his usual expressionless face again.

Listening to the two of them explaining the cause and effect, and knowing that the incident was caused by Li Zhibai going back to the wrong room after going to the bathroom in the middle of the night, a group of people didn't know what to say.

Peng Zhixing sighed helplessly.

“Okay, let’s go back to sleep, we have to get up early tomorrow.”

 “Why don’t you get up early.” Song Linxin suggested in a weak voice.

 Li Zhibai: “Second.”

Lu Yanhe also yawned.

Seeing everyone like this, Peng Zhixing nodded, "Let's meet again at ten o'clock."

 “Yeah!” Song Linxin gestured happily.

 Xiao Yun also smiled happily.

Yan Liang yawned and glanced at Qin Zhibai, who was silent. He really didn't expect that this aloof young man was actually so timid.

The roar that seemed to tear the sky apart can still be heard.

Looking at him now, oh, he has turned back into that expressionless and cold young man.

Yan Liang was just thinking about it, but Li Zhibai complained directly: "Xiao Bai, are you so cowardly?"

Qin Zhibai's eyes were full of resentment, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't.

Xiao Yun said: "What do you mean, if you hadn't gone to the wrong room, Xiaobai wouldn't have been frightened like this."

 “I was not scared.” Qin Zhibai said.

 Others looked at him silently.

Qin Zhibai emphasized: "Really, I was just reacting to stress and wanted to scare the ghost away."

At this time, even Peng Zhixing couldn't help but smile.

 “Let’s go, let’s go, go to bed.”

Seeing that everyone ignored him, Qin Zhibai moved his mouth, as if he wanted to explain a few more words to himself, but no one else had any intention of listening, so he could only give up in frustration.


After watching this video, Li Zhenzhen looked at Zheng He Song in disbelief.

Zheng Hesong spread his hands, smiled, and said, "You didn't expect that, did you?"

"I really didn't expect Qin Zhibai to be so frightened. The contrast is quite big."

Zheng Hesong said: "This paragraph is interesting, much more interesting than the games they played all night."

Li Zhenzhen said: "Nothing else happened later, right?"

 “No more.” Zheng Hesong shook his head.

Li Zhenzhen said: "You go and have a rest. I'll take care of you here."

Zheng Hesong yawned, picked up the half-empty cup of coffee, and said, "I'll have breakfast before going to bed. When will breakfast be delivered?"

 He turned back and asked another person.

 “Already bought it, on the way.”

 After watching this video edited by Zheng Hesong, Li Zhenzhen finally felt a little more at ease.

 In this episode last night, Li Zhenzhen finally saw something real and soulful from these few people.

This kind of immediate reaction cannot be faked.

Zheng and Song were happy because they captured an interesting piece of material, but Li Zhenzhen was happy to see that these young people finally stopped using "reality shows" to "talk and do things".


 Lu Yanhe woke up at half past seven.

 Although he went to bed late and woke up in the middle of the night, his biological clock was to get up at this time.

 After Lu Yanhe washed up, he glanced out the window.

 The weather is very good today, the sun is shining, and it is another sunny day.

 There is an unread message on his phone from Chen Shiqiu, the counselor he just added yesterday.

 Chen Shiqiu sent him a message inviting him to join the group chat.

Group chat is a new group at their level.

 Lu Yanhe replied “Okay” and joined the group chat.

 Chen Shiqiu said in surprise: You got up very early.

 Lu Yanhe: Teacher Chen got up earlier.

 Chen Shiqiu: I have to go to bed in the morning.

Lu Yanhe was a little surprised, ah, do you still need to check dormitories in university?

 Chen Shiqiu asked again: When do you plan to report?

 Lu Yanhe said: September 2nd.

 Chen Shiqiu: Well, okay, I’ll wait for you to come over.

 Lu Yanhe: Thank you, Mr. Chen.


Lu Yanhe read for a while and went downstairs at 8:30. The first floor was still empty, without anyone.

There was no movement in the group.

 The meeting time is ten o'clock, everyone is probably still sleeping now.

 Lu Yanhe was going to make breakfast for himself.

  A little hungry.

 There are quite a lot of ingredients in the refrigerator, almost everything.

Lu Yanhe was too lazy to bother, so he prepared a bowl of noodles for himself, boiled water on the fire, took out the noodles, and fried an egg for himself in another pot.

Mengli came down at this time.

Lu Yanhe heard the footsteps and looked back.

Mengli saw him and took the initiative to say hello: "Good morning."

"Morning." After Lu Yanhe realized that the smile on his face was a little stiff, he immediately added with a smile, "Sister Mengli, are you awake so early?"

“Didn’t it say that we would meet at eight o’clock? I woke up at seven o’clock, and then I saw that the meeting time had been changed to ten o’clock.”

 “Everyone was woken up last night.”

"Huh?" Mengli was the only one who didn't wake up and didn't know what happened. "What do you mean?"

 Lu Yanhe simply explained what happened last night.

Mengli: “I wore earplugs to sleep and didn’t hear anything at all.”

Lu Yanhe: "Do you sleep lightly?"

“Well, I have to wear earplugs when I sleep, otherwise I won’t be able to sleep well.” Mengli explained.

Lu Yanhe saw that the water was boiling and asked, "Sister Mengli, have you had breakfast? I'm going to cook some noodles, do you want to eat some too?"

"Thank you, I don't want it anymore. I don't dare to eat carbohydrates." Mengli waved his hand, walked to the refrigerator, opened it and looked at it, "I'll just eat an apple."

Lu Yanhe was surprised and said, "Is one apple enough?"

“It’s not enough, but I have no choice but to eat like this.” Meng Li said, “I have to join the team later, so I can’t get fat.”

 “Okay.” Lu Yanhe stopped talking as soon as he heard that he was going to join the group.

 “Will you join the group later?”


Mengli asked: "Which group should I join?"

“It has not been made public yet,” Lu Yanhe said.

 Before the crew made the official announcement, Lu Yanhe didn’t want to announce it himself.

 Chen Ziyan said that before the film is officially launched, everything is subject to change.

What if I say it now and it's not him when I turn around, it will be so embarrassing.

 Besides, Chen Lingling also said that he was going to star in "Phoenix Stage" and that he couldn't tell anyone about it in the early stage.

Meng Li curled his lips when he didn't say anything and didn't ask further questions. Instead, as if he suddenly remembered something, he said, "Do you like acting?"

"I like it, I like it very much." "You have just acted in a play and you feel this way?"

"Yeah." Lu Yanhe nodded, "I was very lucky. I fell in love with acting after filming the first scene."

Meng Li's expression was a little surprised and complicated at this moment.

Lu Yanhe felt that she seemed to have something to say, but of course, Mengli didn't say anything in the end.

Lu Yanhe put the noodles into the pot and cooked them, then adjusted a bowl with very skillful movements.

Mengli saw this and asked, "Do you often cook by yourself?"

“I rarely cook, but cook noodles more often.” Lu Yanhe said, “This is the most convenient.”

 “Isn’t it more convenient to order takeout?”

“I don’t have much money, so it’s cheaper to do it myself.” Lu Yanhe admitted frankly.

 Mengli once again showed an expression of confusion and surprise.

“You’ve been in the industry for several years, and you don’t even have the money to order takeout?” Meng Li subconsciously thought that Lu Yanhe said this just to pretend to be pitiful in front of the camera, and raised questions.

Lu Yanhe heard her doubts.

 He smiled helplessly and said, "Before June this year, I had almost no work."


Lu Yanhe did not want to be miserable, but after careful consideration, Lu Yanhe thought it was right to tell everything he had experienced in a realistic and realistic manner.

 He has an uncle who will jump out to accuse him at any time.

 He also has one or some unknown enemies.

  Letting others think that his past was happy and wonderful is lying and does him no good at all.

Lu Yanhe knows that his character flaw is that he is too serious - he cannot act as wantonly as Li Zhibai.

 Then, let everyone know his past clearly.

 The weak are always more likely to gain sympathy from the audience than the strong.

 The strong are always more likely to be admired by the audience than the weak.

Lu Yanhe is only nineteen years old now, and it is easier for him to get the former.

 Chen Ziyan once said that as an artist, you can be aloof, but you should not be aloof in front of the audience.

 Everything about you is decided by the audience.

At that time, they discussed that if there was a suitable time, Lu Yanhe might as well talk about his past.


"It was true that I was not popular at the time, and the fans I gained while participating in the competition gradually left." Lu Yanhe said, "I don't know if you have seen the videos of me participating in competitions before and participating in some programs later. At that time, I was one of the The kind that I dare not say anything.”

Meng Li: "I did see some of them before I came here. Were you feeling very inferior at that time?"

"A little bit." Lu Yanhe nodded, "But my appearance at that time was not caused by low self-esteem. It was because I couldn't understand what you were talking about most of the time. If I couldn't blend in, I could only stay alone."

 Mengli saw Lu Yanhe put the cooked noodles into a bowl, mixed them evenly, brought them to the dining table and sat down.

She sat on a chair next to her and asked, "Then how did you change? You are indeed very different now from before."

"If you don't change, there will be only a dead end." A glimmer of light appeared in Lu Yanhe's eyes, "We had already reached that point, so we could only force ourselves to change."

Meng Li looked at Lu Yanhe thoughtfully.


 Chen Mo is prejudiced against Lu Yanhe.

If you want to ask why Chen Mo entered this industry and became a PD of variety shows, Chen Mo will say that it is because she has liked watching these shows since she was a child.

This is not a lie, but it is not true enough.

 The most real reason is that Chen Mo’s grades were so bad that he dropped out of high school before finishing high school.

 Such an academic qualification cannot support her in finding a decent job.

 She worked in many places, but none lasted long, until she joined Chen Biqiu's team.

 You don’t need academic qualifications to make a show, you just need to be able to sacrifice your own life and devote yourself to it. There is no day or night, completely upside down.

When Chen Mo knew that he was going to be Lu Yanhe's PD, he actually disliked it. She doesn't like Lu Yanhe because he is too positive. Chen Mo doesn't like this kind of artist, who is hard-working, positive and progressive, and is liked by mainstream values.

 In Chen Mo's heart, this kind of artist is inhumane.

 Chen Mo likes artists with attitude and self-esteem.

 Even if it is a piece of cake.

Mengli is selfish, pretends to be crazy and acts stupid, and has a lot of shortcomings, but she is capable of catching horses and never tries to shape herself into a perfect goddess image.

 This is the most disgusting thing about Chen Mo.

 Following Lu Yanhe and watching his footage from yesterday to today, Chen Mo was filled with rejection deep in his heart.

Until Lu Yanhe said the words "If you don't change, there is only a dead end."

Photographer He Zhong, who was in her group, was sitting next to her, holding a bowl of instant noodles and eating them.

He Zhong also wore headphones and heard what Lu Yanhe said.

He Zhong curled his lips and said, "These eighteen- or nineteen-year-old kids really dare to say anything. They will die wherever they go."

Chen Mo glanced at him and said nothing.

If Chen Mo dislikes Lu Yanhe because of his own upbringing, He Zhong simply dislikes these artists.

 He hates all entertainers.

Many people have the illusion that people who work in this industry like this industry.

 In reality this is not the case.

 Everyone is just here to make a living and make money. In many cases, it is not a question of whether they like it or not. They do not have the capital to choose a job based on their own preferences.


Probably because so many unexpected things happened on the first day of filming, everyone from the program crew to the artists had a bit of a "something might happen at any time" mentality for the subsequent filming. However, nothing happened. The subsequent recording suddenly became normal.

Meng Li did not go crazy again, and Li Zhibai also controlled his temper and did not get into a fight with Meng Li again.

 We went out to the supermarket together, ate and drank, played games and chatted in the "Young People's House".

 Peng Zhixing was involved in this, and there were many topics discussed.

Lu Yanhe did not expect that in this program, chatting would become the main content.

Because there are no main tasks like ordinary programs, and there is no burden. Everyone in the Young People's House is looking for something to do, playing various games, and then chatting between games, which became this show The main content of the program.

 The information density is very high.

Getting along like this day and night, it’s hard not to get familiar with each other as soon as possible.

However, it is easy to get tired when getting along like this, because there are always a few of them, and what they should say and can say will dry up after two or three days.

 Programs require a large amount of information. A group of people cannot do their own thing, nor can they always do the same things.

 The first recording lasted for five days. By the third day, everyone was running out of things to do.

 Without a main quest, everyone would really feel bored if they stayed in this house every day.

By the morning of the fourth day, everyone was sitting together, but there was really nothing to do. In the end, everyone held their mobile phones and did their own things.

 It was not until this time that Li Zhenzhen finally appeared again.

Li Zhenzhen has basically not appeared in the past few days of recording. According to her request, the program staff should disappear into the world of these artists as much as possible, so that they can only rely on themselves.

Li Zhenzhen said: "In the past few days, everyone has become familiar with each other. You may be confused. We have never given you any tasks or scripts, and you don't know what to do in the show. In fact, we have always focused on one that combines everything. The concept of leaving all the initiative in the hands of the guests, we only do filming.”

Li Zhibai said: “But now everyone is quite bored, and there is nothing to do. Every day we just eat, drink, and play games.”

Li Zhenzhen nodded and said, "Yes, so from now on, our director team has decided to change our thinking."

 “Huh?” Others were stunned.

Li Zhenzhen said: “Starting from today, we will assign tasks to everyone, and everyone needs to earn living expenses by completing the tasks.”

 A group of people were stunned and looked at Li Zhenzhen in astonishment.

Li Zhenzhen said: "Originally we didn't want to do this, but now it seems that if we don't do it, we won't be able to use the material later."

Li Zhenzhen’s words made the artists look at each other.

As soon as Li Zhenzhen left, Peng Zhixing spread his hands helplessly and said, "It seems they have discovered our boredom."

 Lu Yanhe has never recorded a reality show before, and he doesn’t know what the recording scene of a reality show is like. Without comparison, he thought that this is what reality shows are like.

Li Zhibai was not surprised.

“If they don’t adjust their shooting strategy, there will be no content for this show.”

 Obviously, Li Zhibai has long felt that there is something wrong with the current recording.


 Half an hour later, they will gather again on the first floor, and Li Zhenzhen will announce the tasks assigned to them by the program team.

 The director team reminded them to change into a set of clothes that are convenient for working outside.

This reminder surprised everyone.

 Working? What work?

Although they were confused, everyone went to change clothes obediently.

 In fact, boys have nothing to change into. They are already wearing shorts and short sleeves. They can wear a pair of sneakers and do whatever they want.

 But Lu Yanhe happened to be going to receive an email.

Xin Zixing sent him a message, saying that he had sent him an email about the recording plan for the next issue of "City Travel Notes".

Lu Yanhe opened his laptop and downloaded the email attachment, but it showed that the network signal was weak and could not come down for a long time.

 Lu Yanhe can only let it rain here first.

 Half an hour later, the email attachment has not been downloaded.

Lu Yanhe could only give up and go downstairs to meet everyone.

 Nearly everyone changed into shorts and sneakers, except for Mengli who still insisted on wearing a delicate short skirt and high heels.

“Mengli, are you really okay with this?” Peng Zhixing asked, “Didn’t the director just say that? Let’s change into clothes suitable for work.”

Mengli shook his head directly and said, "I won't do it. I'm not here to do the work. I'm here to look good."

 The words left everyone wondering what to say.

Li Zhenzhen came out and saw Meng Li's clothes. He was obviously confused and looked a little surprised.

Li Zhenzhen asked: "Is this all you wear?"

Meng Li: "I'm just wearing this, what's wrong?"

Li Zhenzhen shook his head and didn’t say much, since he had reminded him anyway.

"The task assigned to you today is to go fishing." Li Zhenzhen said, "There is a reservoir nearby. We have arranged for someone to teach you how to fish. You need to catch twenty fish by yourself in exchange for tomorrow's living expenses. "

 Lu Yanhe asked: “What if we don’t catch twenty fish?”

“Then everyone will only have steamed buns to eat tomorrow.” Li Zhenzhen said.

 Lu Yanhe: “…”

Then you can still live.

"That's okay." Lu Yanhe breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought you wouldn't give us anything to eat."

Yan Liang nodded and said, "The steamed buns sound pretty good. I only need to eat them for one day. Our first recording will be over tomorrow, so we don't have to eat them for too long."

“It sounds like it does. If it doesn’t taste good, you only have to endure it for a day.” Song Linxin said.

 The reactions of the artists were completely beyond Li Zhenzhen’s expectations.

 In Li Zhenzhen’s expectation, how could these artists endure eating only steamed buns?

 As a result, everyone now says it can be tolerated?

Li Zhenzhen smiled helplessly.

Peng Zhixing said: "We will still work hard to complete the task and try to eat better. I don't want to just eat steamed buns."

“I don’t want to eat steamed buns either.” Fortunately, Xiao Yun also raised his hand pitifully, “Everyone, let’s work hard and catch twenty fish.”

 Under the arrangement of the program crew, a group of people left the Young People's House and headed to a nearby reservoir.

Their photographer also hurriedly followed.

 Chen Mo did not follow.

She told Zheng Hesong: "I'm going to change the batteries and memory cards of the cameras in Lu Yanhe's room. He Zhong just said that the batteries of the cameras in Lu Yanhe's room are only enough to last at nine o'clock tonight."

 Zheng Hesong nodded.

 Chen Mo went up with the tool bag.


Lu Yanhe didn’t know what would be interesting in taking pictures of fishing in the reservoir.

However, Mengli created the biggest joke.

While everyone was learning fishing skills from the master hired by the program team, she was the only one posing for photos on the edge of the reservoir.

She said confidently: "If you ask me to fish, I will definitely not be able to catch it. Just go ahead and fish."

 Everyone thought it didn't matter to her attitude. As long as she didn't go crazy like the first day, she could do whatever she wanted.

 A group of people were sitting on the edge of the reservoir fishing. The sun was shining brightly and the temperature was very high. Lu Yanhe could only feel the sweat rolling down his body.

 At this moment, the cell phone suddenly rang.

Lu Yanhe immediately answered the phone.

“Hey, Sister Zi Xing, the email you just sent me, my Internet connection is poor, so the attachment has not been downloaded.” Lu Yanhe said, “I haven’t seen it yet.”

Xin Zixing said: "It's okay, there's no rush, I just want to tell you that the Jiang Zhi chapter is about to be broadcast online."

Lu Yanhe was surprised and asked: "Is the later stage so fast?"

“Well, we want to go online as soon as possible before the summer vacation is over.” Xin Zixing said.

 Her idea is actually to attract a group of tourists to Jiangzhi through this film.

  For the documentary "City Travels" to produce something, word-of-mouth is one thing, but feedback that can bring real money to the city is another.

 The reason why the "Longhua" chapter was successful is that it generated a lot of interest in the city of Langhua, and various search data soared.

 Whether "City Travel Notes" is a short-lived flash in the pan, or whether it can be a real and long-term development, Jiang Zhi's chapter is crucial.

"At that time, I still need to ask you to forward it to promote it. In addition, we would like to cooperate with your live broadcast room to do a live broadcast promotion program, can you?" Xin Zixing said, "Jiangzhi Cultural Tourism has some projects to help agricultural products. Make an event to go with this program.”

When Lu Yanhe heard this, he said, "Okay, but I have never done anything like this."

Xin Zixing said: "If you are OK, I will come to the team to do it, and I will contact your live broadcast platform."


Xin Zixing: "Yan He, thank you very much. This program has been troublesome for you."

“Sister Zi Xing, let’s not be so polite. I also like this show very much. Let’s work together to continue it for a long time.”

 Hang up the phone, Li Zhibai on the side asked him: "Xin Zixing called you?"

"Well, the second issue of "City Travels" is about to be broadcast." Lu Yanhe said.

 Li Zhibai: “Do you plan to continue doing this show?”

“I’m planning on it.” Lu Yanhe nodded, “I told you, I like this show very much.”

Li Zhibai asked: "What about "Young Days"? You have been recording this program for a few days. How do you feel?"

 Lu Yanhe pondered for a moment and said, "I don't have much feeling yet."

 “Is it the same as you imagined?”

"It's not the same." Lu Yanhe said, "I originally imagined this program to be like a group of people going out for an outing, and being able to meet a lot of new friends. But after coming here, I basically stayed with you and Yan Liang, and it was nothing like usual. difference."

“Well, because we all act together.” Li Zhibai said, “It’s really not that interesting to record these days.”

 Lu Yanhe: “However, I think there is actually another very important reason.”

"what reason?"

"You and Mengli made such a big fuss on the first day. Although you two reconciled inexplicably later, we are still a little embarrassed. We don't know how to face you two. As long as you two are present at the same time, we will Taking into account the feelings of you two." Lu Yanhe sighed and said, "At least I am a little nervous all of a sudden, I don't know how to deal with everyone."

Li Zhibai glanced at Lu Yanhe and said, "What's the rush?"

“I haven’t asked you yet, why did you suddenly reconcile with Mengli?”

 “If you don’t want to reconcile, why don’t you continue to quarrel?” Li Zhibai gave Lu Yanhe a look, indicating the wheat on Lu Yanhe’s body.

Lu Yanhe silently closed his mouth.

After a while, Li Zhibai said again: "I'm really not happy with the recording, so keep at it. When the recording is finished this time, we won't record it next time."

“You’re just fooling around, you’ve already signed the contract, how could you not come to record it?” Lu Yanhe said.

Li Zhibai: “I really don’t want to record it anymore, there’s always a way.”

"Don't be too quick. After all, this is our first time recording a reality show. How can we say we won't record it if we don't record it?" Lu Yanhe said, "Let's record it first. In fact, we are not unhappy."

 “Ah—” Mengli screamed.

Everyone looked at him in surprise, only to see that Mengli didn't know what was going on. He lost his balance and fell into the reservoir.

 “Mengli!” Peng Zhixing was the first to throw down the fishing rod in his hand and jump in.

 Li Zhibai is the second one.

 He also jumped down and dived into the water.

Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang hurried to the place where Mengli fell into the water.

  Everyone in the program team was shocked.

 The water in the reservoir is very deep, and falling down is no joke.

Lu Yanhe was relieved when he saw Li Zhibai and Peng Zhixing catching Meng Li.

 The program team did not prepare life jackets, but luckily there were long bamboo poles and boats nearby.

 After Mengli was rescued, his face was pale and trembling.

 It was impossible to continue fishing now, so a group of people returned to the "Young People's House".

It's a mess.

 The girls went to accompany Mengli and calm her down.

Li Zhenzhen is also here.

Lu Yanhe and the others were sitting in the living room downstairs, looking at each other.

“Why did she fall suddenly?” he asked Qin Zhibai.

 When Mengli fell into the water, Qin Zhibai was closest to her.

Qin Zhibai said: "It seems that I missed the mark."

Lu Yanhe said: "Fortunately, she was fine and we rescued her in time."

Yan Liang also nodded and said, "Yeah, luckily it's okay."

 Two hours later, Mengli’s manager Li Xia came.

Li Xia was furious, like an angry lion.

 She became very angry with the program crew as soon as she came.

“How could your program team be so careless? You actually put Mengli in such danger!”

“If something happens to Mengli, can you bear any responsibility?”

"No more recording. We are determined not to record this show!" Li Xia was furious. "If we continue to record, will I have to go to the hospital to see Mengli next time?"

Li Xia took Meng Li away with a very strong attitude. This time, there was no hesitation or negotiation at all. (End of chapter)

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