Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 247: Must start quickly

However, Xu Mingyue caused some criticism in the college because she ran to meet Lu Yanhe every two days and was witnessed by many people.

 Some not-so-nice remarks were spread like this.

 Mainly focused on discussing whether Xu Mingyue fell in love with Lu Yanhe and wanted to capture him.

By the time this news reached Helan’s ears, it had already passed through the mouths and ears of many people.

When He Lan heard this, he was surprised and helped explain: "That's not the case. It's because Mingyue is interning at Jiangyin Publishing House and is responsible for the "Jump Up" edited by Lu Yanhe, so I often go to him, all for work. Don’t talk nonsense about it.”

Helan’s explanation was quickly spread by others.

Xu Mingyue was originally a girl who attracted much attention in the college.

She is beautiful and has excellent grades. She has been an intern at Jiangyin Publishing House since she was a sophomore. She is also active in various school activities. Such a girl is easily hated by others. As soon as such news comes out, she will immediately Some people expressed disbelief and even made up some "past" about Xu Mingyue.

 That evening, Jiang Linxian mentioned the matter hesitantly.

“Mingyue, are you really chasing Lu Yanhe?”

Xu Mingyue was so shocked that she almost fell off the stool.


Jiang Linxian said: "Everyone is saying this, saying that you go to Lu Yanhe every three days."

 “Who is spreading rumors!” Xu Mingyue was furious, with an angry look on her face.

Jiang Linxian looked at Xu Mingyue's appearance and knew that this was most likely a rumor.

“I was shocked. I thought you really fell in love with Lu Yanhe.” After Jiang Linxian said this, he looked at Helan again, “What about you?”

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm just a fan who likes the idol." Helan said immediately.

Jiang Linxian: "I really didn't expect that Lu Yanhe would also come to Zhenhua and become our junior student."

He Lan: "What's strange about this? He said he would take the Zhenhua test during the live broadcast a year ago."

Jiang Linxian glanced at her silently and said, "Who would believe it at that time?"

"I believe it." Helan said very firmly, "I have always believed it."

Jiang Linxian: “…”

She subconsciously wanted to say that this was an afterthought, but when she thought about the past year, Helan had become a fan of Lu Yanhe as if he had been possessed by a poison, and she really couldn't say the word "an afterthought", so she had to give up.

"What should you do about Xu Mingyue? There are so many rumors outside." Jiang Linxian's face showed a little worry about Xu Mingyue, "Now everyone thinks you are chasing Lu Yanhe."

Helan said: "I have explained everything."

"What's the use of your explanation? Who cares what you said." Jiang Linxian said unceremoniously.

He Lan glanced at Jiang Linxian angrily, but she also knew that Jiang Linxian only spoke like this, and it was useless to get angry with her, so she suppressed it.

 Xu Mingyue herself was still very angry.

No girl wants to hear such rumors being made up about herself.

Jiang Linxian suddenly thought of something, frowned, and asked, "Isn't it Lu Yanhe who told others that you were chasing him? Many boys are like this now. In order to appear to be popular, they deliberately say that they have been favored by someone."

"Lu Yanhe is not such a person." To Jiang Linxian's surprise, this sentence was not said by He Lan, but by Xu Mingyue.

Of course, Helan immediately added angrily: "That's right!"


 Lu Yanhe heard the news from his counselor Chen Shiqiu.

"Of course not!" Lu Yanhe was shocked and immediately explained, "Sister Mingyue only sees me often because she is working on the book "Jump Up" with me."

 Chen Shiqiu understood, nodded, and said, "No wonder, that's it. I understand."

Lu Yanhe was embarrassed.

Chen Shiqiu said: "It's okay, don't take it to heart, we will handle this matter. Your identity is more concerned, and there will be such rumors. There is nothing you can do about it. You may have to be mentally prepared. Whenever Anyone who gets closer to you will be suspected."

Lu Yanhe didn’t know what to say, “Then I won’t talk to girls in the future?”

“Then they will suspect that you are gay.” Chen Shiqiu’s lips curled up into a smile.

 The corner of Lu Yanhe's mouth twitched momentarily.

When Chen Shiqiu saw Lu Yanhe like this, he laughed twice and said, "Don't worry, if your mouth is on someone else, can you still change yourself because of what they are going to say? I mean, be mentally prepared for the rest. Just do what you have to do and don’t let it influence you.”

“I know, thank you, Teacher Chen.” Lu Yanhe said.

 Chen Shiqiu asked: "How are you adapting to university life?"

 “It’s pretty good.” Lu Yanhe replied with a smile, “Everyone is fine.”

Chen Shiqiu nodded, "Your agent contacted me and also said hello to the hospital. If you can't go back to the dormitory at night due to work reasons and have to live outside, just remember to say hello to me. I'm here Make a record.”

 “Okay, please.”

“Stop being so polite, Mr. Chen and you, I’m not a few years older than you. My students in another grade all call me Brother Qiu, so you should also call me Brother Qiu.” Chen Shiqiu said.

Lu Yanhe immediately called Brother Qiu.

 Chen Shiqiu has actually only been a counselor for two years and is twenty-six years old this year.

Chen Shiqiu said: "This year's college welcome party, will you perform a show on stage?"

Lu Yanhe nodded happily and said yes.


 Lu Yanhe was really worried at first that people would give him special treatment because of his status as an artist. But fortunately, Zhenhua is Zhenhua. Although everyone is somewhat curious about him, they don't mean any special treatment.

Whether it is a college teacher or a classmate, everyone communicates with him in a normal manner.

During the military training, Lu Yanhe was very tired, but also very happy.

This type of collective training allows people who are strangers to each other to gradually become familiar with each other. The same routine of singing songs, talent shows, training, etc., although very routine, is also very effective.

Lu Yanhe was inevitably called out to perform several times, and even people from other battalions came to invite Lu Yanhe.

Lu Yanhe was rejected by his instructor before he could speak.

“Go, go, go, people from our camp, if you still want to borrow them, don’t even think about it. It’s too late for us to perform for ourselves. How can we have time to perform for you?”

 The time of military training ended in such a bitter and joyful day.

 The night after the military training ended, the whole class had a dinner and the instructor was invited.

Lu Yanhe did not expect that one-third of his classmates were very good at drinking, and everyone would drink liquor directly.

Lu Yanhe was surprised, and when he asked curiously, he found out that many people drank a little with their parents at home and knew how to drink long ago, while some people secretly drank enough on their own.

The instructor was toasted by everyone in turn, and his face turned red by the end.

"No, I can't drink anymore." The instructor kept waving his hands and said, "I'm very happy to be your instructor and spend these ten days with you, but I really can't drink wine."

 That's when everyone gave up.

“You’re going to train us so hard!” A girl raised her chin and snorted, “I’m eight degrees darker!”

 Everyone laughed together.

 After eating and drinking, everyone got together in small groups and chatted.

Lu Yanhe and Zhou Mukai were in the same dormitory, so they had a closer relationship.

They were sitting together, and Zhou Mukai still didn't talk much. Most of the time, he lowered his head and held his mobile phone, chatting with someone.

Lu Yanhe knew that she was his girlfriend without even asking.

“Lu Yanhe—” Suddenly, a girl walked up to him with bright eyes.

 It is his classmate, Ji Qianxing.

Lu Yanhe looked at Ji Qianxing in surprise.

Ji Qianxing asked: "Can I ask you a question?"

“Well, please tell me.” Lu Yanhe nodded.

Ji Qianxing asked: "Do you have a girlfriend? Are you single?"

Lu Yanhe's eyes widened in shock.

 The students around him also looked at the excitement and looked over in surprise.

"Ji Qianxing, what do you mean by asking Lu Yanhe this question? You don't want to confess to Lu Yanhe, do you?" asked Zhou Qingcheng from the next table.

Ji Qianxing said very frankly: "What? No?"

The sides of her cheeks were a little drunken red.

Lu Yanhe was stunned for a moment, then raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "Okay, I understand. Did you lose a bet with someone and are you playing a big adventure with me?"

Ji Qianxing was stunned, "Huh?"

Lu Yanhe said: "Don't make jokes like this with me, otherwise it would be terrible if the paparazzi finds out."

Zhou Qingcheng pointed to Lu Yanhe and said, "Then if a reporter comes to ask us, what should we say?"

"It's best not to say anything. Please, no matter what you say, they may not report it exactly as you said. Most of the time, they will take it out of context or add fuel to the fire." Lu Yanhe said with a smile, "How can I After being admitted to Zhenhua University, I just wanted to go to college quietly for four years without being chased by the paparazzi.”

Zhou Qingcheng bowed his hand to Lu Yanhe and said, "Don't worry, we will protect you well!"

Lu Yanhe also bowed his hands and expressed gratitude in return.

 When he turned around, Lu Yanhe found Ji Qianxing still standing in front of him.

Lu Yanhe didn’t know what to say at all.

 He didn't know if Ji Qianxing understood what he meant.

Ji Qianxing looked back when she saw Lu Yanhe's eyes. She took a deep look at Lu Yanhe, smiled and said, "Okay, I won't ask next time."

 After saying this, Ji Qianxing turned around and left, returning to his table.

Lu Yanhe looked at Ji Qianxing's back, feeling a little embarrassed for no reason.


 As soon as the military training ends, it’s the weekend. After the weekend, classes will begin.

The coursework in freshman year is very intense, with eight required courses, but compared with the jam-packed courses in high school, it is still much better.

Lu Yanhe thought about it and thought it would be good to earn more credits as early as possible, so that he could have more time during his junior and senior years.

 So, according to his class schedule, Lu Yanhe filled in several gaps.

 There were a few courses that he really wanted to take but he didn't take them, so he had no choice but to give up and take the ones he could first.

 After the class schedule was finalized, Lu Yanhe sent it to Chen Ziyan.

 According to the principles set by him and Chen Ziyan, everything should be focused on studies, and work should not affect study as much as possible.

Chen Ziyan got Lu Yanhe’s class schedule so that she could help him with his work. In fact, Chen Ziyan will not take over work for him from Monday to Friday, at most it will be on weekends.

 It is even more impossible to film a movie.

Although Lu Yanhe is a little regretful, after all, his career as an artist has just improved. At this time, it is the time when there are the most opportunities. Jobs come to him every day. Chen Ziyan said that his current market is very good and he is very popular with partners. If If it wasn't because Chen Ziyan deliberately controlled his exposure frequency and had very high requirements for the quality of his work, Lu Yanhe could have taken advantage of this period to take on a lot of jobs and make a quick buck.

 Now, because I am in school, I may not be able to get a job in a month.

 But there is nothing we can do about it.

 Lu Yanhe himself also wants to complete his studies at school.

"Young Days" will be recorded from September 21st to 25th. Fortunately, it will be recorded in Yuming. After negotiation, Lu Yanhe will attend classes during school hours, and return to the program crew during non-school hours to participate in the recording and work part-time to earn money. Record the days on weekends.

In addition to "Young Days", there is also "City Travel". Xin Zixing made an appointment with Lu Yanhe and decided to record the third episode in mid-October.

 Actually, work has not decreased.

Chen Ziyan said: "You are really busy. You have to record "Young Days", "City Travels" basically has to be recorded once a month, and "Jump Up" will be released this month, and pre-sales have already started. Promoted."

“These are all jobs I took on before, and I have to work hard to do them.” Lu Yanhe said, “Now I feel that I am lucky to still have the job of “City Travels”, which allows me to maintain exposure while I am in school.”

“City Travel” takes great care of Lu Yanhe. The program is built around him, and the recording time is also very accommodating to him.

  Comparatively, the recording time of "Young Days" was set long ago, and he needed to cooperate.

Chen Ziyan said: "The recording of "Young Days" will be finished in October, and there will be a lot more time by then."

“Hmm.” Lu Yanhe said, “By the way, Sister Ziyan, when will the filming of "Phoenix Terrace" be finalized?"

“Not yet, I forgot to tell you, we need to find time to try on makeup.” Chen Ziyan said, “Director Chen said that he wants to see the results of your current fitness.”

 Lu Yanhe said yes.

“But I have a lot of tan now, will Director Chen be satisfied?”

"It's better to be darker, didn't Director Chen say that? She just wants you to be stronger and leaner." Chen Ziyan said, "You look more energetic now than before, like a person who exercises regularly. "

Lu Yanhe smiled.

 “Fortunately it worked.”

Chen Ziyan asked again: "How is your relationship with your roommates in the dormitory?"

 “It’s good, everyone is doing well.” Lu Yanhe said.

Chen Ziyan said: "That's okay. You should be more careful in the dormitory. It doesn't mean that you have to be wary of others, or that there must be evil-minded people among them, but your identity is different after all, and you are in the dormitory." It will be very difficult for you to do whatever you say or do if someone finds out about it, posts it online, or threatens you. "

 Lu Yanhe said: "Understood, Sister Ziyan, I will pay attention to it."

 He did not naively say that he believed his roommate was not such a person.

 He understood what Chen Ziyan meant.

Treat others with sincerity, but don’t be so hot-headed that you believe others in everything.


 In fact, from the first day after the military training, Lu Yanhe’s life was extremely fulfilling.

 "Jump Up" needs to record some promotional materials, including videos and interviews.

  Xin Zixing and Xu Xiaoyin personally brought a photography team to take the photos.

They found a cafe near Zhenhua, negotiated with the boss a time period that was closed to the public, and asked Lu Yanhe to sit in the cafe and record a lot of VCRs, all of which were for different e-commerce channels and For use in large bookstores.

 After recording these, he will also record an introduction to the book, his thoughts on why he wanted to write such a book, etc.

 After recording in the cafe, we have to record a simple Q&A with Li Zhibai, Song Linxin, and Yan Liang.

These are the publicity plans proposed by Xin Zixing.

Xu Xiaoyin sighed repeatedly: "You guys are still having fun doing online media."

"These propaganda methods are all based on Lu Yanhe's connections. If it weren't for these people being his friends, how could they come to record this." If you want to hire an artist to promote you, the market price of recording a VCR starts at tens of thousands.”

Xu Xiaoyin nodded, "Yes, we are looking for book bloggers on the Internet to cooperate in publicity, and their quotes are very low."

"The biggest publicity point of "Jump Up" before its release is Lu Yanhe. After it is released, we will slowly promote the content." Xin Zixing said, "You are responsible for physical publishing, and we are responsible for electronic publishing. Let's build this IP together. Growing bigger will be of great benefit to both of us.”

 Throughout the weekend, Lu Yanhe was working on the promotional preparations for "Jump Up". Later, he also cooperated with people from several e-commerce channels to prepare various promotional materials.

 After everything was done, Lu Yanhe breathed a sigh of relief.

He has done everything he can do now and is just waiting for the book to be officially released.

Wait until the day of launch, post an advertisement on your own social media, then talk about it in your live broadcast room, do some publicity, and that’s it.

 On September 19th, the physical book of "Jump Up" was officially opened for pre-sale.

On, the physical book of "Jump Up" is priced at 32 yuan, and the e-book is priced at one-third of that, at 10.7 yuan.

 "Jump Up" will be released on on September 25th. According to the previous agreement, the e-book will be available for free reading for the first three days, and will be converted to paid reading after three days when the physical book is officially launched.

  So far, the number of reservations for "Jump Up" on has exceeded 10,000.

At this time, Chen Shiqiu suddenly found Lu Yanhe and said, "A youth association in our school asked me to ask you if you would like to hold a "Jump Up" promotional event at their place?"

 “Huh?” Lu Yanhe was stunned.

Chen Shiqiu introduced: "The Youth Association of our school is a student organization open to all students. It often invites big names in various fields to come to the school to give speeches, and also organizes many comment activities. You are a student of our school and the editor-in-chief. Such a book is very popular, and they would like to invite you to a sharing event.”

 Lu Yanhe did not expect to receive such an invitation.

 But it’s also a good promotional channel. The only hesitation is that he will be very busy during the next period and it will be difficult to spare time before finishing recording "Young Days".

“Teacher Chen, of course I am willing to do such an activity, but I basically don’t have time later. I have two programs to record, and I won’t be free until after the National Day holiday.”

"It's okay. If you are willing, I will tell them and have their person in charge contact you directly to confirm the time." Chen Shiqiu said, "Time is not a problem. I will definitely accommodate your time."

“Okay, then let them contact me.”

 After telling Chen Shiqiu about this matter, Lu Yanhe was ready to go back to the dormitory.

Halfway through the journey, Xiao Jing asked in the group: "Is there any elder brother who can help bring back lunch for the younger brother?"

Lu Yanhe realized at this time that it was already half past eleven.

 He replied: "I'll bring it for you. What do you want to eat?"

  Xiao Jing: “I don’t have to choose, anything will do.”

 Lu Yanhe went to the nearest canteen.

 At this point, queues have already started to form in the canteen.

As soon as Lu Yanhe appeared, he was recognized by many people. Some people secretly took out their mobile phones to take pictures. In such a crowded place, Lu Yanhe still attracted much attention.

 He queued behind a fried chicken rice window.

 After getting to know the various canteens in the school these days, it is generally found that the window that only provides a single option is the fastest in queuing.

Sure enough, he arrived soon and he asked for two portions of fried chicken rice.

 The so-called fried chicken rice is to cover the rice with a layer of fried chicken pieces and vegetables.

 Immediately, someone posted a photo of Lu Yanhe queuing up for lunch to the school’s internal forum.

There are a lot of people talking about it. Lu Yanhe himself is one of the most popular people among the freshmen in this class. Everyone still recognizes his appearance, and the girls praise him for his handsomeness.

 Then a few people were not satisfied and said some unpleasant things.

The general idea is not to be so infatuated with Lu Yanhe just because he is a star and handsome. Many male stars in the entertainment industry have been exposed to the scandal of "choosing concubines". Lu Yanhe may not be as good as he appears, and then he said Lu Yanhe had dinner with two girls before.

 This post caused a lot of controversy.

 Some people speak for Lu Yanhe, and some agree with those who question Lu Yanhe.

 There is also a group of people who say these doubts are boring.

The internal forum of the school has always been a gathering place for students to chat and chat. Many students are active here every day. Any big news or rumors in the school will appear in this forum immediately.

 The controversy about Lu Yanhe soon reached Lu Yanhe’s ears.

   is what Xiao Jing said.

“Yan He, you are really popular. There is a quarrel over you in the school forum.” Xiao Jing said.

Lu Yanhe was a little surprised and asked what was wrong.

Xiao Jing sent the link to the school forum’s post about him.

"Look." Xiao Jing finished, "Some people are so idle that they are just jealous that you are popular with girls, so you don't know who they are with all the weird connotations."

 Lu Yanhe clicked on the post and looked at it, then sighed.

 If possible, he really doesn’t want to appear in this kind of post and be discussed in this form.


"Are you okay?" Xiao Jing heard Lu Yanhe sigh and asked.

“It’s okay.” Lu Yanhe shook his head.

  Xiao Jing: "Don't pay too much attention to what they say. They are all sour grapes."

Lu Yanhe smiled and nodded.

 There is a class at 2:30 in the afternoon.

Lu Yanhe packed his schoolbag and went to the classroom in advance, ready to read for a while before class.

Xiao Jing was about to go out in a hurry and asked Lu Yanhe where he was going.

 Lu Yanhe said he would go to the classroom to read.

Xiao Jing immediately gave Lu Yanhe a thumbs up and said, "Boss, you are so diligent."

"where did you go?"

"Me? I made an appointment." After Xiao Jing finished speaking, he raised the corner of his mouth and smiled, looking a little proud.

Lu Yanhe probably knew without asking that the person Xiao Jing was dating was probably a girl.

 Xiao Jing is the one who most wants to find a girl in the dormitory to fall in love with.

He has a saying that he always talks about: "If we don't act quickly, the girls in our grade will be snatched away by the single seniors." (End of this chapter)

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