Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 249: "Stepmother" Director Team

Lu Yanhe didn't know how to describe his mood at this moment.

 He looked back at Li Zhenzhen in shock.

Li Zhenzhen got out of the car and looked at her with a smile.

"What's wrong?"

 Lu Yanhe said: "Sister Zhenzhen, what are you—"

Li Zhenzhen said: "When we were discussing what kind of tasks to set for you, someone mentioned the book "Jump Up", which itself is also a very popular book, so we contacted Jiangyin Publishing House. Let’s work together for this episode.”

Lu Yanhe was surprised.

Qin Zhibai is still asking: "What is "Jump Up"?"

Song Linxin hurriedly explained it to him.

Qin Zhibai looked surprised and asked, "Lu Yanhe also wrote a book?"

 “Yes, you didn’t expect it?”


“We didn’t expect it.” Song Linxin said, “However, he also made an appointment with me to write an article. When the time comes, my article will also be included in this book. Remember to buy a copy.”

 Qin Zhibai nodded, "Okay."

 After a brief exchange, Lu Yanhe figured it out. In fact, "Young Days" needed a location and environment for completing tasks. Li Zhenzhen also knew that Lu Yanhe was cooperating with Jiangyin Publishing House, and thinking of reciprocating the favor, he decided to combine one of the tasks with "Jump Up".

If Lu Yanhe is drawn into Group C, Lu Yanhe’s group will do this task. If Lu Yanhe is not drawn into Group C, other groups will do it. Anyway, "Jump Up" will be on "Young Days" and will be promoted through this program.

 Lu Yanhe is of course very grateful to Li Zhenzhen for this.

 And their mission today was also announced.

As three interns, we cooperate with people from the marketing department to negotiate with various e-commerce channels and try to get the best terms. Xu Xiaoyin will follow them throughout the process as a judge and give them scores.

Lu Yanhe couldn’t laugh or cry.

Song Linxin also laughed and said: "This book was edited by Lu Yanhe, and there is an article written by me in it. The only one who doesn't have anything to do with it is Qin Zhibai. Lu Yanhe and I will definitely work very hard, but the same cannot be said for Qin Zhibai."

ˆQin Zhibai: “I’m not that kind of person.”

“But.” Qin Zhibai suddenly turned to look at Lu Yanhe, “Why didn’t you make an appointment with me?”

"Huh?" Lu Yanhe was startled. He didn't expect Qin Zhibai to suddenly ask him this question.

Lu Yanhe can’t say that he’s not familiar with Qin Zhibai, so it’s hard to make an appointment with him.

 At any rate, we have recorded an episode of "Little Songs Gathering Together" together before.

Lu Yanhe found an excuse and said: "I'm going to ask you for manuscripts later. I can't use up all my friends in the first issue."

This reason is quite lame, but Qin Zhibai nodded and accepted it.

 “Then I’ll be waiting for your manuscript later.”


While Lu Yanhe was recording the show here, Chen Siqi’s military training finally ended.

Even though I put on a thick layer of sunscreen every day, I still tan several degrees.

 Chen Siqi was a little depressed.

 Because the video promised to be recorded by must be recorded and cannot be delayed any longer.

As the co-editor of "Jump Up", she, like Lu Yanhe, needs to cooperate with publicity channels to record several videos to use as publicity materials.

 Luckily, although Chen Siqi and Lu Yanhe were on a hot search in the summer, there was not much discussion about her, and her classmates did not seem to know about it.

This makes Chen Siqi very satisfied with his current life.

 Without Liu Wei'an's control, Chen Siqi felt like his life had opened a new chapter, and everything was brand new.

 Chen Siqi is now very grateful that she and Lu Yanhe wrote a book like "Jump Up" during the summer vacation. This allowed her to not fall into confusion after entering college, but to have something very certain to do.

The reason why she felt this way was because there was a girl in her dormitory. Probably because she had been forcing herself to study in the past, she finally got admitted to college. As soon as the military training was over, she started playing games. At first, she just played a few games at night. Playing, now I spend almost all my time playing games except for sleeping and class time. The game she played was not a competitive game, but an ancient plot game with various copies. It was indeed easy to get addicted.

Chen Siqi was just a roommate with her and not familiar with her. Of course, it was impossible to comment on other people's lifestyles. She just felt that it was not good. It's okay to play games, but if you play until the whole focus of your life is on it, wouldn't it become addictive?

At school, many people are full of energy, and many people indulge in this sudden freedom and indulge themselves because they suddenly changed from being watched by different people 24 hours a day to being able to control their own lives alone.

Chen Siqi doesn't think he will indulge himself, but it is of course better to have one thing to do and a clear goal in life.

 Chen Siqi has thought very clearly that during the four years of college, he must work **** "Jump Up". Regardless of whether this book can be continued, self-media is definitely possible. Even if there are no others, you can still do it yourself. She wants to add some chips that she can control in her life. The more chips she has in hand, the more confident she will be to get rid of the constraints of her father and Liu Wei'an.

Chen Siqi has no intention of destroying them, she just doesn't want to be suffocated under their eyes like before.


 There are many types of distributors for a book now.

 Physical bookstores, large-scale e-commerce, self-media operation platforms, Internet celebrity live broadcast rooms, etc.

Lu Yanhe and the others, as interns, actually have very limited things to do.

It is impossible for Jiangyin Publishing House to really entrust important and key work to them.

 At present, order orders from many channels have been received. Lu Yanhe also knew for the first time that the current order volume of the physical book "Jump Up" has exceeded 30,000 copies.

 This is a number that exceeds previous expectations.

 After all, it has not been officially launched yet, and the order volume from major channels exceeded expectations, indicating that the market response was better than they expected.

This means that "Jump Up" has not yet been officially launched, and the printing process has begun.

Jiangyin Publishing House set the first printing volume of "Jump Up" at 45,000 copies, and now it has printed an additional 15,000 copies, bringing the total to 60,000 copies.

Lu Yanhe was still very surprised and asked Xu Xiaoyin: "Actually, this book has not been officially sold yet. Although the market response is very good, why not wait until it is officially launched and the first batch of printed books is almost sold before printing again? At this time If the printing is not sold in the end, wouldn’t it be a loss?”

Xu Xiaoyin explained with a smile: "This is what publishing houses do. You have to judge the market in advance. If you wait for the market to tell you that more printing is needed, you can print again. From printing at the printing factory, to sending to dealers in various places, and then sending to dealers in various places. When you go to various bookstores, you have long missed this wave of market trends. You want to buy a book this week, but the bookstore tells you that it is out of stock. When the book arrives ten days later, you may not still remember that you want to buy the book. It would be a serious mistake for a publishing house not to provide sufficient volume during a good time.”

 Lu Yanhe nodded, understanding.

 The task of the three of them today is to go to the printing factory and become assembly line workers.

 The first task is to pack bookmarks. You need to pack 3,000 bookmarks into 3,000 books and then pack them into boxes.

 The second task is to contact the dealers and distributors who came to pick up the goods today, and transfer the books with different peripherals to the corresponding dealers and distributors in batches.

 Nowadays, when a book is published, it will be accompanied by many peripheral gifts, and bookmarks are just one of them.

  When Song Linxin heard these two tasks, she breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It sounds very simple."

 But when I actually started doing it, I found that it was not that simple.

 Three thousand books, opened one by one, and then packed.

 By the time the three of them had loaded the hundredth copy each, their wrists were already sore.

 “So tired.” Song Linxin shook her head repeatedly, “Let’s take a rest.”

 A few people nodded.

During the break, Qin Zhibai asked Lu Yanhe curiously: "Why do you suddenly want to write such a book? Do you want to be a writer?"

Lu Yanhe quickly shook his head, "I don't have the talent and ability yet. I just do this with my classmates because we all like reading magazines. At first, I wanted to make it into a magazine, but later it turned into a theme book like this ”

Qin Zhibai opened one of the books, and the first thing he saw was the table of contents.

 “Jiang Yuqian also wrote an article?!” Qin Zhibai was a little surprised.

 “Yeah.” Lu Yanhe smiled and nodded.

“How did you invite her to write an article?” Qin Zhibai was curious, “I’ve never seen her write an article before.”

"The main reason is that there is no such channel anymore. We used to have a lot of newspapers and magazines, but now there are fewer and fewer. The main reason is that people rarely read them and they all have mobile phones, right?" Lu Yanhe said, " I became acquainted with Sister Yuqian after filming "The Golden Age", so I boldly asked her for help, but I didn't expect that she agreed quickly. "

Qin Zhibai: "So it only took you three months from wanting to make this book to finishing it."

 “This time is not too short.”

“But you just graduated from high school.” Qin Zhibai’s eyes changed when he looked at Lu Yanhe, and he said, “You are very powerful.”

If Li Zhibai had said the words "You are great" to him at this time, Lu Yanhe would have directly replied with the words "Fuck you", but the person who said these four words was Qin Zhibai, who never spoke much. , praising him so seriously, he really couldn't use jokes to get rid of the embarrassment of being praised in person.

Lu Yanhe said: "I hope this book can continue to be produced, and I will ask you to help me promote it."

"No problem, I'll take care of it." Song Linxin said, "This is my first time to publish an article officially. I have submitted articles to magazines before, but they all fell into disarray."

“Your Chinese scores should be very good, right? From your article, you look like a student with very good Chinese scores.”

“It’s not bad.” Song Linxin said, “The main reason is that I spent most of my time studying music. I knew very early that I wanted to study music in the future, so I spent very little time in cultural classes.”

Everyone was chatting when suddenly, at this time, Xu Xiaoyin reminded: "Remind everyone, you have only completed 272 books in total, and there are still more than 2,700 books to be completed. This task must be completed in the morning. Finished before eleven o'clock, these three thousand books are scheduled to be picked up at eleven-thirty."

“Ah—” Song Linxin exclaimed, “Then we only have two hours and we need to speed up. What should we do? I don’t think we can finish it.”

Qin Zhibai said: "Let's start quickly."

"How about we divide the work." Lu Yanhe said, "It would be much faster if the three of us divide the work. One person is responsible for flipping the book, one is responsible for putting bookmarks, and one is responsible for packing. We rotate every ten minutes. Isn't this efficient? Can it be much higher?”

 “Try it like this.”

 The three people immediately began to act according to the division of labor.

 In the past, flipping through books, putting bookmarks, and packing boxes were all done by myself, with three people working at the same time. Now it has become an assembly line. I don’t know if the speed is much faster, but it is much easier.


“Siqi, do you want to go out?” asked the roommate.

 Chen Siqi nodded and said, "I made an appointment with a friend."

“Oh, I thought you were going to buy lunch, and I wanted to ask you to bring one back for me.”

"I won't be back until tonight. You can go and eat by yourself." Chen Siqi said helplessly, looking at his roommate who had been playing games since he got up.

"No, I can't leave. The dungeon battle is about to start." The roommate said, "I'll check it out later."

When Chen Siqi saw this, he couldn't say anything more, so he left.

 She made an appointment with Bai Yu to meet.

 Bai Yu did not do well in the exam and was admitted to another university here in Jiangguang. The school was not as good as Jiangguang University, but fortunately the two universities were not far apart. The two made an appointment to meet at a fried chicken restaurant in the middle.

 After deciding to create the self-media "Jump Up" Editorial Club, Chen Siqi contacted Bai Yu as soon as possible.

 We media needs a main writer with sufficient writing skills.

Bai Yu is the most suitable person Chen Siqi knows.

 She is also a high school classmate of Lu Yanhe, and has written a novel for "Jump Up".

Chen Siqi likes this novel very much.

The two have met several times in private, but they are still not very familiar with each other. This time they meet, there are two things to do. The first thing is to ask Bai Yu to help her record a video, and the second thing is to discuss the content of this self-media. What.

Chen Siqi said: "In doing this self-media, we ourselves have taken advantage of this book. Our starting point is much higher than others, and a group of readers will become our fans. But now there are too many people doing self-media. We have to think We can create our own characteristics.”

Bai Yu nodded.

“In addition, what kind of content should we make?” Chen Siqi asked, “Have you ever thought about it?”

“Didn’t you say it before? Film and television reviews, life records, and artist interviews.” Bai Yu said.

 Chen Siqi: "This is the most routine. We must have an update every day, right?"

 “Yeah.” Bai Yu nodded.

"Different types of content must be arranged in the same way, and the same content cannot be posted consecutively." Chen Siqi said, "Currently, the main writers of our self-media are you, me, Xu Zijun, and Lin Yu. We did this in the early stage Without any income, there is no way to get manuscripts, so we can only rely on the four of us to do it ourselves. But after we start doing it, we may also have the opportunity to accept advertisements, so I still hope to treat it as a self-media that needs to mature and become commercialized. To run it, rather than just having fun with a few of us.”

 Bai Yu pondered for a long time, thought for a while, nodded, and said: "Then we have to think of some interesting content to make everyone pay attention to our self-media."

"Yes." Chen Siqi nodded, "No matter whether the book "Jump Up" can continue to be produced, I plan to do a good job in this self-media. In the future, it can become an influential account, which can also be regarded as a university for the few of us. The most proud work of my career.”

"I don't think too much, I just like to write something. I am very happy to have such a platform for everyone to see what I write." Bai Yu said with a smile.

The novel Bai Yu wrote for "Jump Up" received a royalties of 5,000 yuan, which surprised her.

 But Bai Yu really doesn’t write to earn royalties—she writes all the time, regardless of whether she gets royalties or not.

Chen Siqi: "First of all, I will definitely do the most basic film and television review section. My goal is to be influential to the film company. In the future, when our domestic movies are released, we will be invited to premieres. Influence."

Bai Yu looked at Chen Siqi in surprise, "Is this difficult?"

“Of course it will be difficult, but I want to do it. If it’s not difficult, why should we do it?”

 Bai Yu hesitated and said, "But I don't know if we can achieve it."

"Whether it can be realized or not is a matter for the future. Let's do it now. Only after we have done it can we talk about it later." Chen Siqi said, "Bai Yu, we all have to go to college for four years. Do you want these four years to be used only for studying? "

Bai Yu: "Siqi, of course I am willing to do this with you. I am not saying that I am not willing. I just think that some of us students who have just entered college may not have the ability. I am worried about what I write. If it doesn’t meet your requirements, there’s no way to make people like it that much.”

Chen Siqi realized that it was his "grand goal" that scared Bai Yu.

After these few contacts, Chen Siqi has realized that Bai Yu is actually a very low-confidence girl. I wonder if it is because she did not perform well in the college entrance examination and was only admitted to an ordinary university. When talking to Chen Siqi, she often revealed A sense of inferiority.

She is different from Xu Zijun's inferiority complex. Although Xu Zijun also has some low self-esteem and sensitivity, Xu Zijun has always been confident in herself. She is only inferior to her origin and family background, but Bai Yu's character is very timid and timid.

Chen Siqi reached out to hold Bai Yu's hand and said firmly: "Believe me, you are very talented. Bai Yu, Lu Yanhe and I have seen your talent. Moreover, the novel you wrote will be available to everyone soon. When the time comes, , you officially become a writer.”


When Lu Yanhe and the other three finally packed up the bookmarks for the three thousand books, a profound sense of revolutionary friendship arose between the three of them.

 As expected, we still have to suffer and endure hardships together before we can have this kind of feeling.

Lu Yanhe smiled and clapped his hands with them and said, "It's finally done."

Song Linxin said: "I thought this was really a simple job at first, but looking at it now, as long as you measure a large amount of a job, the level of difficulty increases exponentially. I feel like my wrists are going to break." Lost."

 Qin Zhibai didn’t say anything, but judging from his appearance, he must have been working very hard.

Although this is the arrangement of the program team, "Jump Up" is still the work of Lu Yanhe. He said: "Thank you all so much for helping to promote "Jump Up"."

Xu Xiaoyin said with a smile: "Thank you for your hard work. You have been busy all morning. You must be hungry too, right? I will take you to the canteen."

The program team did not arrange lunch for them, but took them to the canteen of the printing factory. The cafeteria is not big, with about thirty tables for four and two round tables.

 Xu Xiaoyin accompanied them to prepare a meal and sat down.

The three of them all ate very well, and it was obvious that they were really hungry.

Lu Yanhe asked: "Sister Xiaoyin, have you ever cooperated with other program groups like this before?"

Xu Xiaoyin shook her head and said: "No, this is the first time, but it has opened up a new idea for us. We will create more opportunities like this in the future to see if it can help us do more publicity."

Lu Yanhe laughed and said, "How's Brother Jiazhen's new book going?"

"Still waiting for the ISBN. I hope it will be on the market before the end of this year." Xu Xiaoyin said, "Thanks to your recommendation, his new book has attracted everyone's attention. The first printing volume is estimated to reach 150,000 copies, which is rare in recent years. of the first printing.”

Lu Yanhe: “It would be great if I can help Brother Jiazhen.”

“I said before that the movie adapted from his book “Nineteen Years” wants you to play a role. Have you been contacted?”

“I’ve been contacted, but I’m still writing the script, so it’s not decided yet,” Lu Yanhe said.

"His current market situation is very good. Even before his new book is published, he has already been noticed by several film and television companies. He is talking about film and television adaptations and we are still following up." Xu Xiaoyin said, "Several contracted authors from our publishing house have seen his work. Regarding the situation in the town, they asked us if we could also recommend their books.”

Lu Yanhe was flattered, waved his hand and said: "These are all well-written novels by Brother Jiazhen. They are only useful if I recommend them. My recommendation is not decisive. Teachers, please don't blame me. I don't even dare to speak." ”

Xu Xiaoyin: "Don't be modest. You are able to go against the trend in the current market and write a themed book like "Jump Up". Many writers and teachers have reported to me privately. I admire your move. Your This book has also attracted much attention in our publishing industry. It is rare for a star artist to be willing to do such a thankless thing when he is popular. "

Song Linxin and Qin Zhibai asked: "Sister Xiaoyin, how did you get to know Lu Yanhe? Is it because of his celebrity status that you found him to collaborate?"

"No." Xu Xiaoyin shook her head, "One day he recommended a novel published by our publishing house in his live broadcast room, which stimulated the sales of this novel. I made a special trip to contact him to express my gratitude to him. Later We had some more cooperation, and the relationship became familiar. It happened that he had the idea of ​​making a magazine. After we learned about it, we contacted him and wanted to get physical publishing. In the end, it became "Jump Up". This theme book could be produced not because we asked him to cooperate, but because he and Chen Siqi came up with it. They were the two of them from beginning to end. We and only provided some funds and Technical Support."

Xu Xiaoyin said these words specifically in front of the camera just to let everyone know that Lu Yanhe is not just a name for the book "Jump Up" - in the past era when magazines were popular, many magazine editors did this. of.

Lu Yanhe said: "Now that "Jump Up" is about to be released, I have been nervous for several days."

 “It’s definitely possible.” Song Linxin said.


 After lunch, there was a short break, half an hour.

 There is no specially prepared lounge, only a temporarily vacated office.

There is only one sofa and a few chairs in the office.

After discussion, Song Linxin was given the sofa to lie down for a while, while Lu Yanhe and Qin Zhibai both lay down on the table to rest.

 It was another busy afternoon.

 Count the goods, contact various people, load the trucks, and count the goods.

 The work is actually not very difficult. It is very basic and mechanical work. You can get started quickly, but it consumes a lot of energy because you cannot relax for a moment.

 As the sun finally set, the program team’s car arrived to take them back.

 After the three people got in the car, Xu Xiaoyin began to hold a summary meeting for everyone, commenting more on each person and giving scores at the same time.

Xu Xiaoyin said with a smile: "I must say that everyone's performance today is really beyond my expectation. The celebrity artists I usually see on the news are very arrogant and difficult to serve. I thought today's work The environment and content would be difficult for everyone to accept, but I didn’t expect that everyone persisted, especially the environment during the lunch break. You didn’t complain at all, which really surprised me.”

Song Linxin said: "Actually, I wanted to complain, but wasn't this a recording of a program? I held it back and wanted to show that I was hard-working, but later I saw that everyone in the factory was working like this. We were just working for one day, and they were working for one day. With this kind of work day after day, I don’t think we have the right to complain at this time. Everyone is working very hard, and this is our own choice.”

“I have never been to a place like this before. It’s actually very strange.” Qin Zhibai said.


“Yeah.” Qin Zhibai nodded, “I have always been curious about how books are printed when I was a child, and I finally saw it today.”

Xu Xiaoyin gave Qin Zhibai an A rating.

Lu Yanhe originally thought that his performance was an A from every angle, but Xu Xiaoyin said: "Yan He, from your performance, I should give you an A, but "Jump Up" is yours My book, you and I have known each other for a long time, so in order to avoid suspicion, I decided to give you a B. "

 “Huh?” Lu Yanhe was shocked.

Xu Xiaoyin said: "There is no way. If I give you an A, all three of you are A, but the director team said that one person in each group must be a B. Qin Zhibai and Song Linxin worked very hard today. Of course, The same goes for you, but after all, "Jump Up" is your book. In order to thank them for their efforts, I can only give you this B. "

Lu Yanhe let out a long sigh, "Am I so miserable? What should I do if I get a B?"

Xu Xiaoyin shook her head and said with a smile: "I don't know about this. The director just asked me to rate ABC, but they didn't tell me how this evaluation would be used."

 Then, Xu Xiaoyin got out of the car.

 The car continued to drive and took them back to the Young People's House.

 Li Zhenzhen is waiting for them here.

 They are already the last group to come back.

Lu Yanhe and the others reunited with Peng Zhixing and the others. There were three groups of nine people, all of whom were visibly tired.

 “I’m tired.”

 “So tired.”

 “What is your mission?”


Everyone exchanged a lot of words, and only then did Lu Yanhe find out that Peng Zhixing's mission was to work as waiters in a restaurant, and Li Zhibai's mission was to go to a zoo to clean the animals' residences.

  Comparatively, they are really the most relaxed.

 Then, at this time, Li Zhenzhen came to announce.

"Thank you for your hard work today. Congratulations to everyone for completing their tasks." Li Zhenzhen said, "Well, I now have the evaluations given by each group of judges. We will announce them later. Before the announcement, we will Our new rules tell you that this evaluation is divided into group evaluation and individual evaluation. The group evaluation determines the dinner your group can enjoy, and the individual evaluation determines your living environment at night. "

 A group of people looked at each other.

 “What? And group evaluation?”

 Li Zhenzhen: “First of all, it is announced that the team of Peng Zhixing, Xiao Yun and Su Xiao received a B rating. The reason is that your team broke a total of 3 plates and failed to finish serving the dishes in time 2 times.”

Xiao Yun immediately stood up and apologized to everyone: "It's my fault. I broke the plate."

Peng Zhixing said quickly: "It's okay, it's okay. Why are you apologizing so seriously? Just sit down."

 “Yeah, it’s okay.” Su Xiao also said.

Li Zhenzhen said: "This is your dinner tonight."

 A cart was pushed in by the staff, with a total of four dishes. When the lid was lifted, there was a seafood fried rice, a steamed fish, an eggplant stew, and an omelette.

"It's not bad, it's pretty good." Peng Zhixing said, "It's enough to eat."

 Then the group of Li Zhibai, Yan Liang and Liu Zhiyin was announced.

“Your group evaluation is C. The reason is that Li Zhibai acted too slowly in the individual session, which seriously delayed the progress of members Yan Liang and Liu Zhiyin. He also had a fierce quarrel with Liu Zhiyin, which caused a negative impact on the little animals.”

Lu Yanhe was stunned.

 I saw Li Zhibai lowering his head expressionlessly and not saying a word.

 Liu Zhiyin also lowered his head.

 The atmosphere between the two people is indeed a bit awkward.

 Why are you still quarreling?

Yan Liang immediately gave Lu Yanhe a look to indicate that he was fine.

 Li Zhenzhen looked at the two of them.

“Well, Li Zhibai and Liu Zhiyin, do you have anything to say to each other?”

“I apologize.” Liu Zhiyin took the initiative to stand up and said, “I do have a quick temper and tend to be impatient. Today I saw that the progress was very behind, so I couldn’t hold back my temper. I should have managed my emotions well.”

Li Zhibai glanced at Liu Zhiyin and said, "Don't apologize. It's true that I'm not very good at work. Try to be more lucky next time and don't be paired with me. I'm really not very good at work." Sample."

The atmosphere is a bit awkward.

Li Zhenzhen saw that they had nothing to say, so he asked the staff to bring dinner.

 Compared with Peng Zhixing's dinner, their dinner was much worse.

An ordinary fried rice, a plate of dumplings, a stir-fried vegetables, and a steamed sausage.

Li Zhibai’s face fell.

 Liu Zhiyin's face looked normal, without any sign of disdain.

When they arrived at Lu Yanhe’s group, Li Zhenzhen said: “Your group is the only group that received an A rating today and successfully completed today’s task.”

Lu Yanhe and the three of them had faces full of surprise.

 The dinner they got was also much richer. There were six courses, and there were many big dishes, including a roast duck, a spicy crayfish, and a crab roe tofu...

"Those whose personal evaluation is A can stay in the rooms of the Young People's House. Those whose personal evaluation does not reach A will not be able to stay in their own rooms tonight and can only sleep in a tent outside the house." Li Zhenzhen announced, "The tents are also It’s up to you to build it.”

Lu Yanhe's eyes widened in shock.


“Living in a tent outside?” Lu Yanhe was shocked.

 Li Zhenzhen nodded.

 After announcing these things, the director team led by Li Zhenzhen left.

The remaining artists looked at each other.

 “Eat, everyone is hungry.” Peng Zhixing said.

“Then how will we eat? Divide into three groups and eat?” Yan Liang asked.

Li Zhibai looked a little unhappy. He glanced at the dishes in his group and saw that the three of them couldn't eat enough. He said directly: "I'm too lazy to eat, so you can eat."

Liu Zhiyin said, "If you don't eat, will you have the strength to work tomorrow?"

 The corners of Li Zhibai's mouth twitched.

Lu Yanhe asked Qin Zhibai and Song Linxin in a low voice: "How about we eat with everyone? The three of us can't finish the six dishes."

Neither Song Linxin nor Qin Zhibai had any objections, "Okay."

“Let’s eat together.” Lu Yanhe said, “There is only one table, and we are divided into three groups to eat. The director team did not say that we can’t share with each other.”

“Yes, let’s eat together.” Song Linxin said, “We have meat here, no vegetables.”

When Peng Zhixing and the others saw this, they immediately said, "That's okay, let's eat together."

“The directing team is not a good person, but we ourselves are reliable and love each other.” Xiao Yun’s eyes gleamed with excitement, “Crayfish! My favorite!”

 Everyone happily brought the dishes to the table.

“Come on, let’s first welcome our two new friends, Liu Zhiyin and Su Xiao!” Peng Zhixing said.

 Let’s raise a toast together.

 “Thank you, it’s a pleasure to be a part of the show.”

 “Please take good care of me.”

 As soon as I started eating, there were more topics than the last time I recorded.

 Everyone is talking about what happened when they were completing tasks during the day, and there is a lot to say.

Yan Liang said at this moment, "Lao Lu, it's a pity that you are not in our group today. The scene of Li Zhibai shoveling the elephant's **** is so classic."

 “Everyone is eating.” Song Linxin immediately protested.

Li Zhibai was speechless and said, "I haven't done as much work in the past ten years as I do today."

Lu Yanhe ruthlessly complained: "That's because you are usually too lazy."

"That's right." Yan Liang helped, "Lao Lu and I are responsible for the hygiene in our dormitory, and you don't care at all."

“He is so lazy, why do you still want to be friends with him?” Xiao Yun asked immediately.

“After all, apart from being a bit lazy, Brother Bai is still very loyal in other aspects.” Yan Liang added.

Liu Zhiyin picked up the cup and looked at Li Zhibai, "Li Zhibai, I apologize to you again. I should not have lost my temper today."

“Don’t apologize. I’ll be embarrassed if I apologize again.” Li Zhibai said, “It’s true that I’m holding you back.”

Liu Zhiyin said: "Nothing can hold us back. We are on the same team and should help each other."

Yan Liang nodded.

When Lu Yanhe saw Liu Zhiyin's attitude, he understood the reason for Yan Liang's look that told him not to pay attention.

Lu Yanhe was really nervous just now. He was worried that Meng Li, who had an extreme temper, would be gone, and Liu Zhiyin, who had a bad temper, would come.

Peng Zhixing said: "It seems that completing tasks in groups may become the norm for our show. In the future, it is estimated that everyone can form a team with anyone. Everyone has what they are good at and what they are not good at. Let's learn from each other's strengths and make up for our weaknesses. Don't let the director The group succeeded, they just wanted to see us quarrel.”


 The atmosphere at the dinner table was harmonious.


In the nearby workshop, Li Zhenzhen looked at the real-time screen, listened to the voice from the earphones, smiled, and thought, in order for you young people to really get along with each other and develop feelings, is it easy for us to be "stepmothers"? ?

 Why should we assign tasks to them?

 Why does the director team want to play such a "villain" image?

Because only in this way can they understand each other's difficulties little by little, empathize with each other, and then understand and consider each other.

 Just like today.

 Divided into three groups and gave them different foods. Finally, the three groups sat down to have dinner together.

 This is the purpose. (End of chapter)

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