Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 251: Finish

 The camera switched again, and Meng Li ran downstairs with red and swollen eyes. He pointed at everyone in disbelief and said, "Are you just going to bully me like this?"

That was the scene when they were about to go to the supermarket together, but Mengli suddenly rushed down and accused them.

Everyone watching the show was dumbfounded.

None of them expected that Li Zhenzhen would actually cut out this scene.

 However, only this one shot was cut, and everything that happened later was lost.

 The screen switched again, and an eight-square grid appeared on the screen, showing eight people packing their things and getting ready to set off.

Li Zhenzhen's narration continued: "Cohabitation is a science, and getting along is an art. Seven young people, some of whom have known each other for several years, and some of whom have never met before, gathered here from all over the world. What kind of story will happen to them in the show?”

 From here, the program begins a linear narrative, but it is not completely linear.

The first issue is divided into three chapters. The theme of the first chapter is greetings. It mainly shows the impressions and preparations of the other guests in the car of the seven guests, as well as the scenes of them answering questions before entering the door, including Li Zhibai's vow to The scene where you have to answer a question to open the door, but when you open the door, you find that the director has made a fool of you.

The editing specifically zooms in on a close-up shot of Li Zhibai being speechless, as well as a shot of Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang hiding their smiles.

 No one thought that this scene would be so funny when cut out.

 Get to know each other, say hello, say hello, and chat.

 Up to this point, the entire atmosphere of the show is pretty good.

 But at this moment, chapter two suddenly appeared, with the subtitle reading "Quarrel".

Lu Yanhe never expected that Li Zhenzhen and the others would broadcast the scene of the dispute between him, Li Zhibai and Meng Li intact in the feature film.

 Furthermore, after editing, the three people became more quarrelsome with each other.

“Wow, Lu Yanhe, you are indeed a top student who was able to get into Zhenhua University. Your thinking is so clear.” Just when the audience was quiet and no one knew what to say, Liu Zhiyin suddenly said with surprise on his face.

Lu Yanhe was stunned.

 Others looked at Liu Zhiyin in astonishment.


Liu Zhiyin said: "It would be great if I could have such clear thinking as you when I quarrel with others. Every time I am so angry with myself, but I can't speak to others because I am stupid."

“Sister Zhiyin, it’s mainly because when you are abroad, you can’t argue with others in your native language, right?” Xiao Yun asked with a smile.

Liu Zhiyin immediately patted her thigh, "That's the same. Sometimes I really can't stand it. I don't care if they understand it or not, so I just yell back in Chinese."

The atmosphere was originally very awkward, but Liu Zhiyin interrupted it, and the atmosphere suddenly became joyful.

Yan Liang joked: "Let Lao Lu teach you how to quarrel in the future."

 Lu Yanhe quickly shook his head and said, "No, I can't do it either."

"Just teach me how to clarify my thoughts at critical moments." Liu Zhiyin said, "Every time I get anxious, my mind goes blank, I can't think of anything clearly, my mouth is still stupid, and the things I finally think of are still organized. No words."

Lu Yanhe immediately pointed at Peng Zhixing and said, "Sister Zhiyin, then you should learn from Brother Zhixing. He is the host, and he is the one who really relies on his mouth to eat."

Peng Zhixing waved his hand quickly, "I can't argue."

Li Zhibai folded his hands on his chest, smiled and said, "Don't be humble, Lao Lu. You are the best person I have ever seen who can argue with others."

“It’s one thing to argue, but another to argue.”

“In my opinion, it’s the same thing.” Li Zhibai said confidently, “Don’t be modest.”

 “Stop being modest.” Peng Zhixing also agreed.

 Lu Yanhe: “…”

 Want to refute but don’t know where to refute.

 The program aired very quickly.

 From a quarrel, the two of them were clamoring to quit the show.

Li Zhenzhen did not follow the conventional editing plan, but instead edited the first feature film at a fast pace.

After the quarrel, there was no transition, and Li Zhenzhen narrated again: "We all know that people have bad moods sometimes, so quarrels are inevitable. Pursuing who is right and who is wrong in anger will only cause the volcano to erupt. It will become more intense, so instead of being in a stalemate, it is better for each of us to take a step back and apologize first.”

 Everything in the picture turned into Mengli pacing uneasily, with the subtitle "I lost my temper because I was in a bad mood and fell into deep self-blame".

Then, on the other side is Li Zhibai, the same person walking in the yard with an expressionless face, and the subtitle "Same self-blame" next to him.

 The scene changes again to Peng Zhixing and his friends.

Several people were in the kitchen preparing dinner, all of them were a little cautious and looked uneasy.

  There are several close-ups of their eye contact.

There is no need for subtitles. Everyone knows that they are disturbed by the conflict between Li Zhibai and Meng Li.

“What if they really quit the show?” Xiao Yun asked uneasily.

Song Linxin: “I don’t know if our program can continue to be recorded.”

Peng Zhixing said nothing, wanting to appease them, but he really didn't know what to say to appease them.


Li Zhibai looked at everyone and said, "I'm sorry for making you worry."

"Ahem, it's okay." Peng Zhixing said immediately, "Why are you so serious about apologizing to us?"

Li Zhibai said: "Originally, this was a program where we could get along happily and relax."

 “There’s always some quarrel.”


 The main film of the program has deleted all the clips of the arrival of the two agents.

  Not reflected.

 At the end of the first episode, Meng Li came to the living room, sat on the sofa, and looked back at the door from time to time.

Li Zhibai also walked in from outside the courtyard and walked towards the young people's house with a heavy heart.

This scene seems like two people are about to meet again after a violent conflict.

 What will happen between two people?

 The first episode ends here.

 “Wow!” Xiao Yun opened his eyes wide, covered his mouth in disbelief, and said, “How exciting!”

“The whole process was just like watching a TV series.” Song Linxin also said, “Although I was clearly at the scene, there was a lot of content in the program that I didn’t know at the time. It turns out that this is the perspective of God.”

Yan Liang turned to look at Li Zhibai and said, "Brother Bai, I think you and Meng Li are going to be on the hot search." Li Zhibai raised his phone and said, "My comment area has been compromised. "

 This is all to be expected.

Lu Yanhe also didn’t expect that the first video would be so wonderfully edited. The micro-expressions, interactions between people, as well as the quarrels and derived changes in interpersonal relationships, were like a movie. By re-editing these materials, Li Zhenzhen highlighted a very clear main line, but avoided all the clips of Li Zhibai and Meng Li that were not suitable for broadcast.


"The fans are quarreling." Li Xia told Meng Li, "If nothing else, you and Li Zhibai will be on the hot search. You must not be impulsive and do not reply to anyone or any message online. Do you understand? "

"I know." Mengli was a little impatient and asked, "They are recording the show again? Who did they find?"

 “A newcomer, a member of a girl group who has returned from overseas, Ryu Ji-yin.”

Meng Li immediately curled his lips in disdain.

"Once I leave, they will only be able to find people like this to record the show." Meng Li said, "You must keep an eye on me and don't let them pour dirty water on my head just because I am no longer on the show." ”

Li Xia was a little helpless when she heard Meng Li say such things.

"I won't throw dirty water on your head. In the previous issues, I have communicated with Zhou Ping'an and the director team, and I will edit you in the direction from quarrels to reconciliation. The conflict between you and Li Zhibai It's just a conflict between two people who are in bad moods. There is no other reason. Don't worry," Li Xia said, "Of course, the fans of you two will definitely quarrel. This is what we expected. It doesn’t matter, it’s also a kind of heat.”

Meng Li: "I know, I won't quarrel with them. How many times have you told me this? Do you don't trust me so much?"

Li Xia said: "It's not that I don't trust you, but you know your temper. When you get emotional, you don't care about anything. If you couldn't control your emotions, how could you have trouble with Li Zhibai on the show?" That look?"

"Is it my fault?" Mengli immediately became aggressive and said angrily, "If you were teased like me, how could you remain calm?"

Seeing that Mengli was about to enter a state of indiscriminate attack again, Li Xia stopped talking and silently closed her mouth.


 The recording of the second phase of the program ended at 9:30 pm.

 Everyone left one after another.

 The same goes for Lu Yanhe and the others. They didn't ask the company to pick them up. Li Zhibai drove them back directly.

Peng Zhixing was still joking, saying: "The three of you don't seem to be here to record a show, it's like you are here for a vacation together."

 Everyone else had a team to pick them up. Only the three of them, Li Zhibai, kept things simple and traveled lightly.

"Anyway, we have been apart for so long, and the three of us live together again, so we are too lazy to bother." Li Zhibai waved to everyone, "See you later."

Peng Zhixing nodded, "Bye."

 The night is like ink, filling the sky and the earth.

 As we move forward, there are more and more cars on the road.

 There was even a traffic jam in the middle section.

But there was no rush. Both Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang were reading online comments about this show on their mobile phones, and they were reading them while reading.

“Li Zhibai is a bit funny. Doesn’t an idol artist do a good job in image management?” Yan Liang read a question, “His hair is like a chicken coop, does his manager really not care about him?”

 Li Zhibai: "Shut up."

Lu Yanhe relayed: "Li Zhibai and his agent are too funny, and his agent is too humble in front of him."

Li Zhibai was in disbelief: "Is he humble?"

Yan Liang: "Li Zhibai looks very smart and domineering, why is he so stupid?"

 Li Zhibai: “Who said that?”

Yan Liang: “An ID named ‘Where is my Mr. Right?’ said it.”

“Hmph, you’re so mean in your words, no wonder you can’t find the right one.” Li Zhi was indignant.

Lu Yanhe and Yan Liang both laughed and made goose noises in the car.

“However, there are a lot of people online now scolding you and Yan He.” Yan Liang said, “Most of them are fans of Mengli and think that you two are working together to bully Mengli.”

  Li Zhibai: "Let them scold me, but they won't take away a piece of my flesh."

Lu Yanhe nodded and said: "Sister Ziyan has vaccinated me, and said that the scolding of me will continue for a while. I have heard that Mengli's fans are crazy, let them scold me for as many days as they like, Sister Ziyan As long as Meng Li and her team don’t get involved, there won’t be any big trouble.”

“Sister Ziyan’s judgment can still be trusted, unlike Zhou Pingan, who never said a word of truth and only said what was beneficial to himself.” Li Zhibai still looked down on Zhou Pingan and couldn’t understand his tone.

“Netizens have all said that your agent is very humble in front of you.” Lu Yanhe joked.

“I can only say that he is really good at pretending. He knew there was a camera filming, so he pretended to be like that. It’s disgusting.”

“That’s not true. When you don’t have a camera, don’t you still yell at him to the point of flying?” Yan Liang said with a smile.

Li Zhibai said: "That's because he was looking for a fight on his own."

The three of them spent the long traffic jam talking and laughing on the road, and finally returned to their new dormitory late at night.

They were all tired. After returning home, they all washed up and went to bed. The next day, Lu Yanhe got up early, went for a morning run with Yan Liang, and then walked to school to catch the eight o'clock morning class.

 Because he arrived too late, the three rows of seats in front were already occupied, and Lu Yanhe could only find a seat in the back row.

“Yan He, are you okay?” Miao Yue, who was sitting in front of him, turned around and asked him.

"Huh?" Lu Yanhe looked confused and didn't understand what Miao Yue was asking, "I'm OK, what's wrong?"

Miao Yue said: "We saw that many people are scolding you online."

 “It’s okay, they are basically all Mengli’s fans.”

"Are you really okay? If you are unhappy, you can complain to us. Don't keep it to yourself. You are our classmate, and we will definitely support you."

"It's okay, I expected it before the show was broadcast." Lu Yanhe said, "It is expected that this kind of thing will happen."

Miao Yue was surprised and said: "You are so awesome. We thought your mood would be affected a lot, so we were thinking about inviting you to eat and sing together to relieve your mood."

 Lu Yanhe: “It’s okay to sing and eat, but I’ve never had a meal with anyone before.”

“Then when do you have time? I heard that you haven’t been at school except for classes these days. Are you very busy?”

“Well, I have been recording the program before, and I just finished it last night.” Lu Yanhe said, “Just these two days? I have other work in October.”

“Okay, I’ll ask everyone if it’s okay tonight.”


 At this time, the teacher came in. Miao Yue ended the conversation and turned back. Lu Yanhe took out his textbook and notebook and prepared to listen to the lecture.

The sun is just right today, streaming in from the window, and it’s very comfortable. (End of chapter)

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