Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 266: Walking the red carpet with a book (eight thousand words updated!)

 Chen Lingling is not the leader of the topic tonight.

 In fact, not only was Chen Lingling not the leader of the topic tonight, she even said very little.

Lu Yanhe originally thought that Chen Lingling had something to say to him tonight, or to ask him, but in fact there was nothing.

Chen Lingling seemed to be just observing him curiously.

Lu Yanhe didn't know whether he described this feeling accurately or not, but he did have such a feeling.

“Ancient costume dramas are different from modern dramas. You have to study how ancient people walked, how they talked, their posture and aura.” Chen Lingling suddenly said, “Don’t use the behavior of modern people to play your characters.”

 Lu Yanhe immediately said hello to Chen Lingling's sudden request.


 Many costume dramas require actors to undergo physical training before filming.

 But "Phoenix Terrace" did not do this because it is an imaginary ancient background.

Lu Yanhe has actually realized that his role is quite difficult to play because he has very few lines. He is a silent and cold character, completely different from Yao Yu'an in "The Golden Age".

 So, the body is very important and physical performance is very important.

 Just because an actor has fewer lines does not mean he has fewer plays.

 He still has eyes and other places where he can perform.

When He Shuyi led him to analyze the characters in the script, she pointed out this point: "What is a good drama? It is not that you deliberately adopt the tone according to the script, but the reaction. Joy, anger, sorrow and joy are all reactions, and they have their own emotional logic. , is passive.”

 Lu Yanhe nodded.

He Shuyi: "There are very few lines. You have to find a fulcrum for your performance. Revenge has been buried in your heart since you were a child, and it is also the tone of your entire character. Your taciturnity, coldness, and ruthlessness all come from the fact that you have an unknown person." Secret, you entered the palace for revenge. Therefore, the prince regards you as his brother, and Chen Yourong’s love for you has become a burden for you, making you struggle emotionally under the silence. The lines should be integrated into the details of your daily performance.”

He Shuyi's analysis was like a hand that lifted the fog from Lu Yanhe's eyes, giving him a deeper understanding of this character.

"Don't act taciturn just to act taciturn. It's just a facade. If you act like this, you will be a solid mask without the drive of inner emotions. You will be a wooden person." After He Shuyi said this to Lu Yanhe, she asked Lu Yanhe to start going through the lines one by one.

 Lu Yanhe has not received any acting training, and it can be said that he has no script skills at all, so he has a common problem among newcomers - he cannot speak well, cannot speak his lines in a normal tone, and tends to feel staged and artificial.

 He Shuyi took Lu Yanhe to grind it out line by line, and even recorded her own version for her, asking him to go back and listen to it and imitate it.

"Before you have established your own performance system, it is very important to learn to imitate. First imitate, and then integrate it." He Shuyi said, "Where the voice is soft, where there is a pause, where there is stress, the intonation and rhythm of the voice also have changes. ”

Lu Yanhe understood what He Shuyi meant, but it took many times of practice to move from understanding to proficiency.

 But Li Zhibai and Yan Liang are not here, they are all filming on the set.

Lu Yanhe could only read the script over and over again.

At this time, you can only go to the house they rent to practice.

However, after practicing it over and over again, I always feel a little worse.

 Later, Lu Yanhe had to find a few people in the dormitory for help.

 “Help me correct the lines.” Lu Yanhe asked them.

It was already the end of the semester and exam week was approaching, and everyone was busy preparing for the exam.

 But they were also happy to help Lu Yanhe read the lines, which was very fresh and relaxing.

The one who is most interested in it is Mao Jiayang. Whenever he returns to the dormitory and sees Lu Yanhe, he will take the initiative to ask if he can help him with his lines. He seems to be a little addicted.

Lu Yanhe’s time was cut into several pieces again, and he was precise about what he had to do every hour.

 Fortunately, with the arrival of December, classes were ending one after another. As soon as many classes ended, he had more time to arrange for himself.

For several grand ceremonies at the end of the year, the organizers insisted on inviting Lu Yanhe to attend. Some people even gathered around Wei to save Zhao, and invited Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi to attend the event as the editor-in-chief of "Jump Up" - the snake hits seven inches, and now it is "Jump Up" When we need publicity and exposure the most, the third phase is about to be launched.

 Especially one event was held in Jiangguang.

Lu Yanhe hesitated for a whole night and decided to attend this event.

Chen Siqi is not short of money, but usually people who attend such events will dress up. A set of makeup for celebrities and artists may cost millions. Lu Yanhe has Chen Ziyan to help him borrow clothes from brands, but Chen Siqi does not.

 Lu Yanhe had no choice but to ask Chen Ziyan for help.

It is a bit difficult to borrow clothes for Chen Siqi. After all, she is not an artist. However, because Chen Siqi is attending the event with Lu Yanhe, and she is not borrowing clothes for those expensive dresses that can easily cost tens of millions, so I borrowed it relatively smoothly.

 Lu Yanhe flew to Jiangguang one day in advance to meet Chen Siqi.

Jiang Guang is much warmer than Yuming. It has started to snow in Yuming, so Jiang Guang can only wear two pieces of clothing. Chen Siqi took Lu Yanhe around Jiangguang, and even took Bai Yu with him to have dinner together in the evening.

Compared with his high school days, Bai Yu seems to have become more generous and confident. In the past, Bai Yu was the kind of person who didn't talk much in class, and seemed to be timid when looking at others.

“Now the text part of the manuscript is basically handed over to Bai Yulai.” Chen Siqi told Lu Yanhe, “It also includes the first review of the submission email.”

 The submission mailbox for "Jump Up" is handled by three people, Bai Yu, Lin Yu and Xu Zijun, who are responsible for the first review. As long as one person thinks the manuscript is of good quality, it will enter the second review.

Nowadays, there are more and more submissions to the submission mailbox of "Jump Up", and more and more energy needs to be spent on reading and selecting manuscripts. However, Lu Yanhe's main energy is not on this, and Chen Siqi needs to be busy running outside and developing new projects. Author resources, so the task of selecting manuscripts from the submission mailbox was basically handed over to Bai Yu and the others.

At the beginning, several girls were still very nervous, worried that they were unprofessional, read wrongly, and eliminated high-quality manuscripts. However, after reading too many manuscripts, they could naturally tell the difference between high and low, and they did so again and again. During the communication, I knew what kind of manuscript "Jump Up" wanted.

The next day, Chen Siqi suddenly gave him a sample book of the third issue of "Jump Up" and said, "Let's walk on the red carpet with this book."

Lu Yanhe took the book into his hands in surprise.

Chen Siqi said: “We hope that the sales of the third phase can stop the decline in sales.”

 They both walked onto the red carpet holding a copy of "Jump Up".

Even the red carpet host was surprised.

 While taking photos, the book is always in hand.

 This move by the two people aroused the surprise of many people in the live broadcast room.

Most people don’t know what “Jump Up” is. Sales of 100,000 copies are a remarkable figure in the publishing industry, but considering the millions of live broadcast viewers and even tens of millions following this event in various ways In the eyes of people, it is a very niche existence.

What's this?

Then, they heard the introduction from the red carpet host: Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi, the two editors-in-chief of "Jump Up". They were holding the freshly released third issue of "Jump Up" in their hands.


 It was a steaming ceremony, star-studded, and familiar faces could be seen walking by everywhere.

Lu Yanhe was not used to such crowded occasions, but he cheered up because it was Chen Siqi's first time to participate. Otherwise, he would be "socially afraid". Chen Siqi's first time to participate would definitely make him more nervous. uneasy.

But Lu Yanhe soon discovered that he had overestimated himself and underestimated Chen Siqi.

Compared with his hard-working socializing that was more or less "nervous", Chen Siqi's cheerful attitude and approachable attitude made him more comfortable in this kind of situation. Then, Lu Yanhe suddenly remembered that he really wanted to do more. Yes, Chen Siqi has been acting with Liu Wei'an since childhood, and has practiced in various social situations with her father and Liu Wei'an.

 In comparison, he is the “newbie”.

Lu Yanhe didn’t know how Chen Siqi had so much energy and could say hello to so many people he didn’t know.

It’s not just celebrities, whether it’s directors, producers, or celebrities in other fields invited by the organizer, Chen Siqi seems to have a passion to “reject no one” and exchanges contacts with everyone. ways to chat and express your love for them.

Chen Siqi is actually just a freshman girl. It stands to reason that not everyone is willing to exchange contact information with her, but she is the editor-in-chief of "Jump Up", so every time she opens her mouth, she will inevitably mention one thing, and that is to invite them to promote During the period, come to "Jump Up" for promotion.

 In this way, Chen Siqi’s identity becomes different again. A magazine editor-in-chief, and the editor-in-chief of a very popular magazine at the moment. The media resources she possesses are exactly what "celebrities" need. In particular, the article Chen Siqi wrote for Huang Kairen not long ago was so influential that many artists have read it, and it also gave everyone the impression that Huang Kairen is the best young actor currently.

Lu Yanhe is like Chen Siqi’s little follower, following her to socialize with others.

When she was in high school, Chen Siqi didn't seem to show such a social side.

Of course, at that time, Chen Siqi had a sense of alienation and indifference: "No one should touch me."


There were dozens of artists coming to this grand ceremony.

 Because it was held by a fashion magazine, the scene was very high-end, but there was also an overflowing excitement.

 You can’t expect to have an in-depth chat with anyone on such an occasion. In fact, as Chen Siqi said, this kind of occasion is just for getting to know people.

However, in addition to these celebrities, there were also many Internet celebrities and anchors who had connections and bought tickets.

Their purpose is very clear, which is to take photos with various celebrities. To put it bluntly, 90% of them are just for "cheating".

Lu Yanhe is also one of the people they focus on. After all, he has become quite popular recently.

Lu Yanhe did not refuse and basically took photos together.

Of course, according to Chen Siqi's request, every group photo has "Jump Up" displayed frontally in Lu Yanhe's hand.

When Lu Yanhe went to the bathroom, he happened to hear two people chatting inside.

"I'm really speechless. He even took a photo with the book in his hand. Does he want us to help him promote it? Do you want to pay for advertising?" The tone was full of teasing.

"Go to him and ask for it, maybe he will give it to you." Another person said, "They must have made crazy money selling this book. The two of them are displaying this book everywhere like salesmen. It’s said that we Internet celebrities are eager for quick success, why don’t we talk about this college student in Zhenhua?”

“You’re going to Zhenhua, who’s to say anything about you? People rely on clothes and saddles, and they are college students from top universities. We are just small Internet celebrities, so we can’t compare.”


These conversations are not hurtful, and in fact they don’t affect Lu Yanhe’s mood very much.

Just as he was promoting his work properly, Lu Yanhe didn't care whether such a gesture looked good in the eyes of others, as long as he knew that he had not done anything that violated his own principles.

 It’s just that Lu Yanhe felt a little disappointed—

If I take a photo with you with "Jump Up" and you think I am taking advantage and charge advertising fees, then if you take a photo with me, do I also have to charge you promotion fees?

"What are you doing standing here?" Huang Kairen came over and saw Lu Yanhe standing in a daze at the door of the bathroom. He was a little surprised and patted him on the shoulder.

Lu Yanhe came back to his senses, saw Huang Kairen's smiling face, shook his head and said, "I have something to think about."

“I saw somewhere two days ago that ammonia can stimulate people’s mental clarity. It seems to be true.” Huang Kairen joked.

 Ammonia is what urine smells like.

Lu Yanhe was embarrassed, lowered his head and smiled.

Huang Kairen said: "I heard that you will soon join the crew to film "Phoenix Terrace"?"

"Yes." Lu Yanhe asked, "Brother Huang, after "Golden Age" is completed, when will you join the team?"

 Huang Kairen shook his head and said: "I haven't accepted any new plays yet, and I haven't found a suitable script yet."

 As an actor of Huang Kairen's level, acting is no longer just about quantity.

 Every play is important.

 After a film is finished, it may not be a hit, but if it fails, it can destroy the actor's reputation.

 At this time, the two people who had been chatting came out.

They saw Lu Yanhe and Huang Kairen standing at the door of the toilet chatting. They were stunned for a moment, and then they left immediately, not knowing whether it was because of guilty conscience or what.

 They just went in.

Huang Kairen asked: "Are you planning to keep working on the book "Jump Up"? Although I saw the news and said that you will keep working on it, it should still occupy your energy, right?"

Lu Yanhe explained: "I will keep doing it. I used to just do it for a dream, but now I have done it for several issues, and I have met more people because of it. Many people are encouraging us to continue doing it, and many people can be attracted by more people through this book." I know, but I have no control over the specific matters, Siqi is in charge.”

 “She is really a girl with great energy.” Huang Kairen said with emotion.

“Well, I’m ashamed of myself.” Lu Yanhe said with a smile.

The two of them looked at each other and smiled after going to the bathroom. Neither of them hurried back to the meeting place. Instead, they stood at the window at the end of the corridor outside the bathroom and continued chatting.

"I quite like watching your documentary "City Travels"." Huang Kairen said, "I will watch it when I have nothing to do."

Upon hearing this, Lu Yanhe said, "Brother Huang, are you interested in recording an episode with us?"

 Huang Kairen nodded and said, "It's okay if you have time."

“They will definitely welcome you.” Lu Yanhe said with a smile.

"Sometimes I really admire you for having so much energy to do so many things." Huang Kairen said, "I envy you. When I was your age, I had no idea what I could do in the future, nor what I could do in the future." What the future holds is full of confusion.”

“But Brother Huang, you are now a role model for all young actors.”

"It's just that you are more popular, you can't be a role model." Huang Kairen lowered his head and sighed softly, "By the way, you should know, right? My agent told me that he wants to get you to fight for it with me. Have you met Director Zhang Haizhou’s new movie?”

“Not yet.” Lu Yanhe shook his head.

Huang Kairen said: "I heard that a few people are also in contact, but think about it, if the news spreads, it is estimated that all suitable actors in the entire entertainment industry will want to fight for it."

 Zhang Haizhou, a top Chinese film director.

Which actor wouldn't want to be in one of his movies?

“I don’t know if I can get it.” Lu Yanhe was quite calm about this, probably because director Zhang Haizhou’s reputation was so great that Lu Yanhe didn’t think he could be favored by him.

This kind of thing is all metaphysics. When a director chooses an actor, he doesn't just choose who has better acting skills. It depends on his eye. Lu Yanhe has gradually understood this matter. Furthermore, if director Zhang Haizhou is really interested in this movie, which is a serious two-male movie, will he have time to make this movie?

 For various reasons, his expectations for this movie are not as high as Huang Kairen's.

 Huang Kairen has reached a bottleneck period and wants to move to a higher level and transform.


 After the third issue of "Jump Up" was officially launched, both Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi were a little nervous. This time, the first printing of the third issue was only 30,000, because no one knew how many this issue could sell.

What Chen Siqi told Lu Yanhe was that as long as the physical book could sell 40,000 copies and not collapse too much, she would be satisfied.

 When the sales results came out on the first day, a total of 24,000 physical books were sold.

 They both breathed a sigh of relief.

"The pressure is not so great anymore. We can continue to work according to the previous budget." Chen Siqi has thought about it. If the sales are really not ideal, she is even prepared to reduce the production cost back to 100,000 yuan per issue, at least to make "Jump Up" 》Be able to continue doing it.

 The following week, "Jump Up" remained in the top ten of the sales list. The physical book sold 47,000 copies in one week, making Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi heave a sigh of relief.

 Sales of e-books also reached 11,000.

“It’s stable.” Chen Siqi said, “In fact, if there was no three-day free reading period of, the sales volume would definitely be much higher.”

"This was promised to them from the beginning, and they are also responsible for the majority of the production and publicity funds." Lu Yanhe said.

 The first three phases were completed steadily, which exceeded many people’s expectations. After all, it is just a book written by two young people who have just entered college. It is difficult to start something from scratch, and it is also difficult to continue to do it.

  Chen Siqi said: “I plan to open a new section starting from the fourth issue.”

“Huh?” Lu Yanhe was curious, what new idea did Chen Siqi have?

Chen Siqi said: “I want to create a Q&A section, where readers want to ask questions, and we go to that person on behalf of the readers and ask them to answer in our magazine.”

Lu Yanhe looked at Chen Siqi in surprise, "Huh?"

"For example, your fans can ask you questions, or readers want to ask Teacher Shi Xia questions." Chen Siqi said, "We collect some representative questions and ask them to answer them. Readers can designate the answerer or not. , we contact people who are interested in this question to answer it, which also increases the interaction between readers and our authors.”

“You can ask any question. Of course, it doesn’t matter whether the person is willing to answer it or not.” Chen Siqi continued, “I want to select two representative questions and answers in each issue and publish them in the magazine.”

Lu Yanhe understood Chen Siqi’s idea, nodded and said, “This is a good idea.”

“Do you think this idea is good too?” Chen Siqi asked in surprise.

"Well, let's help readers ask the questions they want to ask." Lu Yanhe could almost predict how many people would contribute to this column. "In fact, almost all celebrities now have social media, and the questions everyone wants to ask are all You can send them a private message directly, or leave a message directly in the comment area. The question to be published in the magazine must be a little different, or it must be a question that the respondent has a desire to answer. The questions and answers themselves are representative and everyone wants to read them.”

 The question and answer itself is an expression.

Although it is a literary magazine, it does not want to be a purely literary book.

 There are interviews, questions and answers, comments, and miscellaneous notes, so the content is richer.

“One more thing, Yan He, someone came to me to ask about the film and television adaptation of Li Zhibai’s short story.” Chen Siqi said, “A company wants to buy the film and television adaptation rights.”

Lu Yanhe was surprised.

“This film and television copyright should be in Li Zhibai’s own hands, right?”

 They are not the copyright agent, nor do they represent the copyright of these articles in the magazine.

“Yes, but that company thought we were acting as agents, so they came to ask me.” Chen Siqi said, “Ask Li Zhibai if you can give them his contact information directly.”

Lu Yanhe agreed and hung up the phone. He contacted Li Zhibai and told him about the matter.

"What the hell?" Li Zhibai was shocked, "You said someone is going to adapt my novel into a film and television series?"

 “I don’t know if it’s a TV series or a movie.”

 “Whatever, this is too nonsense, I just wrote it casually, what should I change?” Li Zhibai felt puzzled.

“Anyway, the thing is like this, we give your contact information to that company, and you talk to them yourself?”

"It's nonsense. I don't know how to talk about it. Let Chen Siqi help me talk about it." Li Zhibai said, "I don't know anything about this. I don't even know if I've been deceived."

Lu Yanhe originally wanted to say it, but Chen Siqi didn’t understand either.

 But on second thought, maybe something like this will happen again in the future.

It would be more reliable for him to ask Chen Siqi for his opinion first.

 So he said: "Then let me ask."

"Well, anyway, you can get whatever commission you want, just help me do it." Li Zhibai didn't seem to take this matter to heart at all. After saying that, he hung up in a hurry, probably still on the filming set.

Lu Yanhe told Chen Siqi what Li Zhibai meant.

As expected, Chen Siqi did not refuse immediately.

"Let's be an agent, um..." Chen Siqi pondered for a moment and said, "I'll do some research first. It's true that we have to publish so many articles in each issue. Maybe there will be more and more cooperation in the future."

 They are not just collaborations on film and television adaptations.

Being a copyright agent is not something you can do casually. Fortunately, there was someone beside her who was familiar with this job, Xu Xiaoyin. As a senior editor of Jiangyin Publishing House, even if I am not specifically responsible for this work, I have participated in many such adaptation matters.

Originally, Chen Siqi wanted to pay Xu Xiaoyin to take them to do this, but Xu Xiaoyin said that due to the internal regulations of the publishing house, internal staff were not allowed to work part-time outside.

 Xu Xiaoyin said: "I will introduce you to a person who specializes in copyright agency."

It was only then that Chen Siqi learned that in addition to publishing institutions, there were also individuals and institutions that specialized in copyright agency.

This person was also the editor of Jiangyin Publishing House. It was because of his nearly twenty years of editing experience that he got to know many film and television companies and writers. After leaving Jiangyin Publishing House, he was able to start a new business on his own and start doing copyright work. acting.

 Then, catching up with the IP craze in recent years, we ushered in a big explosion.

Chen Siqi thought carefully about whether they should consult others specifically to learn how to be a copyright agent, or whether they should cooperate with the other party and let them do this specifically.

Finally, considering that their current editorial team actually only has a few people, the workload of being responsible for the monthly issue of "Jump Up" is already very heavy. In the early stage, we will definitely have to cooperate with them and let them do this specifically. .


 Chen Siqi was busy thinking about various things about "Jump Up", and Lu Yanhe was also focused on the exam week.

After finishing the course "Modern Chinese" (1), Lu Yanhe took a long breath and packed his things.

 Zou Dong sent him a message five minutes ago: I'm waiting for you at the South Second Gate.

Lu Yanhehui: I just finished the exam and will come out immediately.

 He put on a scarf and gloves.

The temperature dropped sharply and the ground was covered with ice. As soon as I came out of the room, the biting cold filled the air silently like smoke.

Lu Yanhe lowered his head and walked quickly towards the second south gate. He is going to meet with the equestrian teacher and action director arranged by the crew. There is training today.

However, unexpectedly, as soon as Lu Yanhe reached the second south gate, he was suddenly stopped by someone.

 “Lu Yanhe!”

 The sound came from the school gate.

Lu Yanhe looked up in surprise and found that the person calling him was actually Lin Miaomiao.

 He looked at her in surprise.

She was wearing a white velvet hat, and the clothes on her body were also white, or should I say, except for the light gray boots on her feet, they were all white. Standing under the miserable city snow scene, she looked so clean. Like an elf.

Lu Yanhe stepped forward in surprise and asked, "Why are you here?"

Lu Yanhe subconsciously thought that Lin Miaomiao was here to find him.

Lin Miaomiao said: "Today is the recommended interview."

Lu Yanhe was stunned for a moment and asked in surprise: "Today? Interview?"

"That's right." Lin Miaomiao raised her chin and said, "I have passed the recommended written test. As long as I pass the interview today, I will become your junior schoolmate in September next year."

Lu Yanhe was surprised.

Lin Miaomiao asked: "Where are you going?"

Lu Yanhe said: “I’m going to train, um, learn martial arts moves.”

Lin Miaomiao nodded and said, "Okay, will you come back tonight? I've finished the interview, can we have dinner together?"

Lu Yanhe looked a little embarrassed and said, "I don't know when it will end. When will your interview end?"

"I don't know either. We have to draw lots on site to determine the order of interviews." Lin Miaomiao sighed with some disappointment and said, "Forget it, next time."

Lu Yanhe feels sorry.

 He wished Lin Miaomiao success in the interview.

Lin Miaomiao nodded and said, "Believe me, I will definitely have no problem."

Lu Yanhe actually didn’t know that Lin Miaomiao was so powerful.

Being able to get Zhenhua's recommended examination quota is not something ordinary people can do, nor can you do it just because you are number one in the school.

This little princess of the Northern Lights who is a little squeamish and a little domineering, what outstanding achievements did she make to get this recommended exam spot?

Lu Yanhe wanted to ask a question, but in the end he shut up.


In fact, Lu Yanhe found that he was right not to agree immediately. He practiced until half past eight in the evening, and his muscles all over his body were sore.

 Wuzhi, who directed him, gave him a ten-minute massage to help him relax his muscles.

“Brother Lan, thank you for your hard work.” Lu Yanhe said goodbye to Wuzhi Molan.

Mo Lan smiled and waved.

Zou Dong asked: "Should we go back to school or Ziyuanqiao?"

Ziyuanqiao is where Lu Yanhe and the three of them rented a house.

Lu Yanhe glanced at the time and said, "Go back to Ziyuan Bridge."

 Zou Dong nodded.

“Brother Dong, you don’t have to pick me up tomorrow. There will be no classes or exams tomorrow. I plan to stay in the dormitory all day without going out.” Lu Yanhe said.

Zou Dong asked: "Then what do you do when you eat?"

 “I’ll order takeout, or make something casual.” Lu Yanhe said.

Zou Dong said yes.

 He said: "Then let me go and see my son."

“Well, by the way, Brother Dong, what’s your son’s name?”

 “Zou Yu.” Zou Dong said, “A beautiful jade.”

 “Are you in second grade now?”


Lu Yanhe laughed and said, "I'm so happy."

Zou Dong pursed his lips in silence.

Zou Dong took Lu Yanhe to Ziyuan Bridge, got off the car, accompanied him upstairs, and waited until he entered the house before preparing to leave.

 “Brother Dong, wait a moment.” Lu Yanhe said.

Zou Dong was stunned and looked at him in confusion.

Lu Yanhe returned to the room and picked up a bag placed on the table.

“This is a gift from the previous partner, you can take it back.” Lu Yanhe said.

Zou Dong was surprised to receive it and nodded, "Thank you."

 “Thank you for your hard work, be careful on the road.” Lu Yanhe said goodbye to Zou Dong.

Zou Dong went downstairs, returned to the car, opened the bag and took a look, only to find that it was a laptop packaging box that had not yet been opened.

 He couldn't help being a little shocked.

At first he thought it was just an ordinary thing, but he didn’t expect it to be a laptop.

This is...not cheap, right?

Zou Dong originally thought about sending it back to Lu Yanhe, but he hesitated and thought of going to see his son tomorrow.

His mother said last time that the school now arranges online classes from time to time. Their computer has been used for too long and is always stuck.

Zou Dong was silent for a while and decided to accept Lu Yanhe's kindness. (End of chapter)

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