Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 285: Fisherman's profit

Chen Ziyan: Not really friends, but a cooperative relationship, what’s wrong? I asked suddenly.

Lu Yanhe: Then I understand. It’s okay. Someone sent me a project introduction. It’s a drama and they want me to act in it. I’ll tell you after I finish filming “Seventeenth Floor”.

 Chen Ziyan did not ask Lu Yanhe why he had to wait until the filming of "Seventeen Floors" was completed before answering, and directly replied: Okay.

Lu Yanhe promised Hu Siwei not to tell Chen Ziyan about the weekly drama, as he had to keep his promise.

But Lu Yanhe didn’t want to hide it from Chen Ziyan, so he explained it like this first.

 Fortunately, in this case, Chen Ziyan trusted Lu Yanhe enough so she didn’t ask further questions.

Lu Yanhe often feels that he is so lucky to have an agent like Chen Ziyan.

 If an artist encounters a bad agent, he may not become popular, but many things will lead to huge conflicts, quarrels, and even falling apart.

Yan Liang didn't have the confidence to resist Zhou Pingan, so he always obeyed Zhou Pingan's arrangements, running commercials, acting, and recording programs. The salary was not high, and he relied on quantity. Most of the time, he didn't have time to go back to see his parents, but luckily he finally did. Some popularity, some fame, some money.

From time to time, he buys tickets for his parents, asking them to come over to see him, stay with him, and take a trip.

 After all, he often travels around the country due to work reasons.

Li Zhibai was different. He quarreled with Zhou Ping'an every three days, so much that he broke pots and bowls. But no matter how fierce the quarrel was, it was just like a couple who had been fighting for many years and couldn't break up. Of course, this kind of description must not be said in front of Li Zhibai. Once he hears you describe his relationship with Zhou Pingan like this, he will feel like he has been greatly insulted and want to fight you.

 A truly unstable relationship is one in which the main contradiction finally transcends common interests.

 Just like Wei Zhuoran and Ma Zhiyuan now.

After Lin Suyang was no longer served as Ma Zhiyuan's agent, Wei Zhuoran became the artist of Lin Suyang after Lin Suyang no longer served as Ma Zhiyuan's agent.

 So, from that moment on, the competitive relationship between Wei Zhuoran and Ma Zhiyuan began.

 In the past, Wei Zhuoran was simply not as good as Ma Zhiyuan.

 However, the gap between two people can be bridged in many ways. For example, publicity and momentum building, forcible manipulation, lying with open eyes, or using dirty methods.


Lu Yanhe never thought that one day he would eat a pie falling from the sky.

 It was once a commercial endorsement of Ma Zhiyuan, from Math, a British luxury brand. When Ma Zhiyuan's endorsement contract was about to expire, Zhou Ping'an certainly wanted to renew it.

 So, Zhou Pingan started communicating with Math half a year ago.

Zhou Ping'an originally thought that this matter would be settled smoothly. After all, Ma Zhiyuan's current status has not been affected in any way. Not only has his status not been affected, but his popularity has always remained at a high level.

Zhou Pingan will never let Ma Zhiyuan not appear in public for more than a week, and once he appears, he will definitely be on the hot search and attract attention on various platforms.

In terms of topic creation and popularity, Zhou Pingan has always been a good hand. Not to mention, under Zhou Pingan's arrangement, Ma Zhiyuan almost maintains an appearance on a popular program every month - and he will definitely arrange it through various reasons. A stage show.

Zhou Ping'an firmly gave Ma Zhiyuan a key point in his personality, that is, he is an idol fashion leader.

While other managers are still promoting the popularity and popularity of their idol artists, Zhou Ping'an is already creating a concept of "leader" for Ma Zhiyuan.

 This has extraordinary significance for Ma Zhiyuan’s positioning.

 It was also because of this positioning that Ma Zhiyuan had initial recognition of Zhou Pingan's abilities.

 He felt that this was an agent who was worthy of him.

 As a result, this is where the problem lies.

Lin Suyang used to be his agent and was very aware of Ma Zhiyuan's problems.

The endorsement of Math was signed by him, and now Lin Suyang is not willing to see Math continue to cooperate with Ma Zhiyuan.

So, Lin Suyang found the middleman who had pulled the strings in the first place, and took Wei Zhuoran to have dinner with her.

"What is the most incompatible thing between Ma Zhiyuan and Math?" Lin Suyang said, "Math has an old-school, classic style, but Ma Zhiyuan is a challenger and a destroyer. When he was under my leadership before, I could downplay it. But now Zhou Ping'an is highlighting his characteristics. He and Math's image no longer match. Zhuo Ran, this kid, was on the same level as Ma Zhiyuan before, but he was more low-key. He is not as high-profile as Ma Zhiyuan, but it is this personality trait that makes him closer to Math’s image.”

This is of course just a superficial explanation, a set of reasons for giving red envelopes and gifts a serious explanation.

 Subsequently, Lin Suyang arranged several hot searches for Wei Zhuoran in the direction of "noble master" to create such a personal impression.

 Seeing such hot search content, as a former teammate, Ma Zhiyuan certainly sneered, but he did not realize that this was a marketing campaign aimed at him.

Until the scandal came out that Ma Zhiyuan often "hunted for women" in bars, there were even many photos taken, and there were no less than ten different women with his arms around each other's waists.

Lin Suyang's style of play was not aimed at bringing down Ma Zhiyuan. He also knew that these contents could not bring down Ma Zhiyuan. He only typed four words: lustful.

The middleman began to use Ma Zhiyuan's scandal and Wei Zhuoran's good news to start public relations work with relevant personnel of the Math Group.

 Ma Zhiyuan and Zhou Pingan were not vegetarians, and they soon discovered who was behind the scandal.

 The two sides began to fight.

Incidentally, in the business department of Star Entertainment, there is a woman named Lu Qingzhen.

So, with her "unintentional" introduction, Math included Lu Yanhe on its investigation list.


“Math asked me to be a spokesperson? Just give him the spokesperson right from the beginning, instead of being a close friend of the brand or something?”

At the filming site of "Seventeenth Floor", Lu Yanhe was shocked when he received a call from Chen Ziyan.

Chen Ziyan: “Well, it’s a complete surprise.”

“Isn’t this a very cool brand?” People like Lu Yanhe who don’t care much about luxury brands have heard of it.

Chen Ziyan: "The time, place and people are favorable. Of course, privately speaking, I have to thank you, Sister Qingzhen. Without her fueling the situation, you would not be able to be the profit fisherman who competes with the snipe and the clam."

Lu Yanhe was very happy to pick up the fat that fell out of the hands of Ma Zhiyuan and Wei Zhuoran.

He just picked up a big brand endorsement that can bring him millions in endorsement fees a year for no reason.

Not only that, in the entertainment industry, the identity of a top brand spokesperson often plays a vital role in the acting career. This may seem like a question of "why" at first, but it has been proven true over the past two decades.

Chen Ziyan said: "It is also thanks to you that you won the Golden Tripod Award. This Golden Tripod Award plays a vital role. Your sister Qingzhen's introduction to you is just one sentence: the youngest person to win the highest award for film and television dramas in China in the past ten years." people."

 Award cannot directly bring wealth. It is an honor, but it is never an honor that can be shelved on the shelf.

Lu Yanhe once again felt what Vanity Fair is.


 In the circle, this kind of news spreads quickly.

When Ma Zhiyuan and Wei Zhuoran finally learned that Lu Yanhe had picked peaches, they were both in disbelief.

Ma Zhiyuan yelled at Zhou Ping'an: "Why did he become the spokesperson in the end?"

At this moment, Ma Zhiyuan even felt that even if Wei Zhuoran snatched it away, it would be better than Lu Yanhe getting it.

Zhou Pingan refused to admit that this time he and Lin Suyang fought too hard, causing both Ma Zhiyuan and Wei Zhuoran to be eliminated, and Lu Yanhe got the chance, so he blamed the Golden Tripod Award.

“The main reason is that Lu Yanhe has now won a Golden Tripod Award.” Zhou Pingan said, “He is very popular and has won an award. It is not surprising to find him. I have said long ago that your strongest opponent will be him in the future.”

Ma Zhiyuan looked doubtful.

“Didn’t you say before that as long as I keep my current position, he will not be my opponent even if he wins the Best Actor Award?”

“He is still not your opponent now, but if he continues this trend and becomes the top young actor, then of course he will be your opponent.”

“He is not my opponent now, why can he take away the endorsement?” Ma Zhiyuan asked, “That turned out to be my endorsement!”

Ma Zhiyuan doesn’t care about the endorsement fees. The key is that the endorsements that originally belonged to him were taken away by others, which makes him lose face.

Zhou Ping'an said: "His endorsement fee is low. Compared with you, his endorsement fee is almost half cheaper. Do we have to lower the endorsement fee to keep this endorsement? There is no need. Without Math, there will be other endorsements." To make up for it, the endorsement fee has been reduced by itself, and it will not be that simple to raise it again in the future.”

Ma Zhiyuan was silent for a moment and accepted Zhou Pingan's explanation.

“How much endorsement fee does Lu Yanhe get?” Ma Zhiyuan asked.

Zhou Ping'an said: "If my information is correct, it should be only three million a year."


 “Well, RMB.”

Ma Zhiyuan raised the corners of his mouth sarcastically and said, "Then he is really cheap."

Zhou Ping'an: "We don't have to lower ourselves to have a moral dispute with him. If we do, we will really lower ourselves to the same level as him."

 Ma Zhiyuan was silent for a few seconds and asked: "When will the recording of "Idol Era" start?"

 Zhou Ping'an: "It's still in preparation. Don't worry, we have signed the contract for this show. If it turns into a weekly show according to their design, you will have a stage at least once a month."

 Ma Zhiyuan: "The competition will be held at that time. Can I hold on to the first place?"

“With your ability, of course you can.” Zhou Pingan said.

“But, Li Zhibai also wants to participate, right?” Ma Zhiyuan asked suddenly.

Ma Zhiyuan looked at Zhou Ping'an as if he was saying something.

Zhou Ping'an cursed secretly in his heart, knowing why Ma Zhiyuan asked this.

Ma Zhiyuan is asking him, between him and Li Zhibai, who will he support first?

“Li Zhibai doesn’t have enough time to compete for the Star Awards. He has also started acting now. He is taking a comprehensive route and will not compete with you. Don’t worry.” Zhou Pingan said.

Ma Zhiyuan then gave a noncommittal hum.


After the news that Lu Yanhe won the spokesperson of Math spread in the entertainment industry, many male actors’ agents said with a smile:

 The wolf is coming.

 For an actor, performance, status and art may also have a lot of weight.

 But for a broker and a brokerage company, no matter how important other things are, the most important thing must be money and income.

 Business cooperation is the most profitable place for an artist, and it is also the sector that agents value most.

 Because this is the most “realizable” sector besides remuneration, and you don’t have to pay too much cost.


At the scene of "Seventeenth Floor", Li Yuefeng expressed not too much, but couldn't hide his envy and jealousy to Lu Yanhe about this matter.

“I still have to win an award.” Li Yuefeng suddenly said with a smile while a group of actors were waiting for the show.

 Everyone didn't know why he suddenly felt like this, and looked at him in confusion.

 Li Yuefeng asked Lu Yanhe in front of everyone: "Yan He, have you got Math's endorsement?"

Lu Yanhe did not hide it, nodded and said: "The contract has been signed, but there is no official announcement yet."

Li Yuefeng: "Math is a top brand, what title did they give you?"

 Lu Yanhe said: “Greater China spokesperson.”

Li Yuefeng: "What a great person. He became the spokesperson of Math Greater China at the age of nineteen."

Lu Yanhe subconsciously wanted to ask, "Are you so awesome?" But when he was about to say it, he realized that saying this sentence would be a bit Versailles, so he closed his mouth again and just pursed his lips and smiled.

 When Li Yuefeng said this, others looked at Lu Yanhe with more or less envy.

 Lu Yanhe didn’t know what to say at this time. feels like nothing I say is right.

 Chen Bige looked at Li Yuefeng and asked: "After you finished filming "Seventeenth Floor", did you take on other movies?"

Li Yuefeng immediately shook his head and said no.

Shen Yue laughed loudly and said, "Then why do you still have time to worry about endorsements? If I don't have any other dramas to do later, I will be anxious to death now."

Li Yuefeng frowned slightly, "If you want to take on a role, you should have a lot of appointments, right?"

"But basically I don't want to act in them. How difficult is it to come across such a good script? I have to find good scripts through various channels and channels." Shen Yue said, "I have never cared about endorsements. , it’s all my agent who handles it, it doesn’t have much to do with me anyway, and it’s not something I can get by working hard or improving my business skills.”

 Li Yuefeng said: "A top-level endorsement is also very helpful for you to take on roles. Don't you know this?"

Shen Yue shook her head, "I don't know. How can I help? Can the director look at me favorably?"

Li Yuefeng thought to himself, why is this Shen Yue so unclear?

 However, after being interrupted by Shen Yue, Li Yuefeng finally stopped mentioning the endorsement matter.

 This made Lu Yanhe breathe a sigh of relief.


When Hu Siwei found Lu Yanhe again, Lu Yanhe thought he was here to ask about the weekly drama project. However, in fact, he was not.

Hu Siwei smiled and said: "Yan He, I must make it clear first. The things I am going to say next are not coming to you personally. I am just sitting in the seat of the producer of "Seventeenth Floor". Had to come and do my job.”

Lu Yanhe was surprised and confused, not understanding what Hu Siwei was going to say.

What Lu Yanhe didn't expect was that Hu Siwei actually came to talk about the cooperation agreement that Beijing and Taiwan wanted to sign with each actor.

Hu Siwei: "If you are willing to sign this agreement at this time, we will provide you with the best publicity resources before and after the show is broadcast. At the same time, we will also encourage you to nominate three awards through this show."

Lu Yanhe looked surprised.


Hu Siwei said: "You have already won the Golden Tripod Award for Best Supporting Actor with "Golden Age", and now it's time to compete for the Best Actor award, right? "The Seventeenth Floor" won the award for its subject matter. It’s probably difficult, but as long as Beijing and Taiwan work hard, it won’t be a big problem to ensure you get the nomination.”

Lu Yanhe shook his head in disbelief and said, "Producer Hu, if I don't sign this agreement, Beijing and Taiwan won't help me publicize these awards. Is that what you mean?"

Hu Siwei: "I want to make it clear again, Yan He, what I said today, I am just a microphone, and then I will answer your questions. In my judgment, it is not that they will not help you with public relations. , but it’s definitely not that intense, it’s just regular public relations.”

Lu Yanhe asked: “Do we also need public relations to be nominated for the three domestic TV drama awards?”

 After all, the selection mechanism of domestic awards is different from the mechanisms of several foreign awards.

 Overseas, it is an industry vote with thousands of judges.

 In China, there is a jury model. Generally, seven or eight people discuss or vote to decide.

 The number of people is large or small, resulting in many differences.

"It is better to have public relations than not to have public relations." Hu Siwei said, "Just like "The Golden Age", because it is the work of director Luo Yuzhong, it has been in the field of these awards from the beginning. As long as you can act well, Well, it is easy to be seen, and as you know, for a subject like "Seventeen Floors", no matter how popular it is, it is not within the scope of these awards. If you want to get nominated, you need to put in a lot of effort, at least let the judges Only if we watch this show will we have the possibility of being nominated.”

Lu Yanhe nodded understandingly, "What you said makes sense, but my agent Zi Yan has already rejected you, so I won't agree to it. The filming of "Seventeen Floors" is just about filming. Let me sign a contract with you. Not to mention that I don’t have time to record so many variety shows, but from a professional ethics standpoint, I don’t think I should do it.”

Hu Siwei sighed, but smiled.

 “I had already guessed that you would reject me.”

"It's not you I'm rejecting, Producer Hu, it's the person who asked you to deliver the message." Lu Yanhe smiled seriously and said, "In the past few years, I have spent most of my time studying, and the rest Time is scarce, so every acting job I choose has to be something I want to do and be worthwhile.”

Hu Siwei laughed.

 “You and Zi Yan said exactly the same thing.”


“She said that the most precious thing you have is not the market value, but your time.”

Hearing this, Lu Yanhe also laughed.

“It turns out that Sister Ziyan has said it a long time ago.”

“This matter will not affect our cooperation on the play in any way.” Hu Siwei said, “I have to add this.”

"Yeah." Lu Yanhe nodded and asked, "Producer Hu, have everyone else basically agreed?"

 Hu Siwei pondered for a moment. He actually shouldn't reveal the situation of other people, but the person who asked him the question was Lu Yanhe. Hu Siwei didn't want the relationship between the two of them not to get closer because of "business matters."

"We are all talking about it, but basically everyone will sign it, especially Li Yuefeng." Hu Siwei reminded Lu Yanhe, "We promise Li Yuefeng that if he signs another TV series and a variety show, we will Help him publicize his nomination for Best Actor, and at the same time, promote him as a co-star, not...the second male lead.”

 In "Seventeenth Floor", the contract Lu Yanhe signed was to be the second actor, the male lead.

By doing this, Beijing and Taiwan undoubtedly want to eliminate the differences between Li Yuefeng and Lu Yanhe at the public level in some way.

  Even the drama is positioned as a two-male drama starring Chen Bige.

After all, except for Chen Bige's undoubted top status, the difference between Lu Yanhe and Li Yuefeng is not that obvious. Even in the eyes of many people, Li Yuefeng, who has three hit dramas and is not low in popularity, also belongs to the category of young actors. TOP ranks.

If Beijing and Taiwan do this, other than Lu Yanhe and the others being disgusted, there won't be any problems.

 After all, Beijing and Taiwan do not want to change the order of their rankings, they just want to make slight adjustments in publicity.

 Even Chen Ziyan couldn't say anything.

Hu Siwei was willing to tell him the news at this time, which was actually to let Lu Yanhe and the others know the news in advance and prepare a response strategy.

Lu Yanhe nodded and said thank you, indicating that he had received Hu Siwei's kindness.


 In fact, if Lu Yanhe and Chen Ziyan were the kind of people who really cared about their roles and supporting roles, they would not have allowed Lu Yanhe to play so many supporting roles.

 They are both very rare people who use roles and production teams as their selection criteria.

 Many people say they focus on scripts, but in fact they still read a lot of things other than scripts.

 However, this does not mean that Lu Yanhe and Chen Ziyan are willing to be manipulated by others.

 Let alone make a ladder for others.

If Lu Yanhe played the male lead, and when the major awards came out, Li Yuefeng nominated the best actor, but Lu Yanhe got nothing, then Lu Yanhe would definitely become a joke.

Lu Yanhe certainly doesn’t want to see this happen.


Lu Yanhe told Chen Ziyan what Hu Siwei said.

Chen Ziyan: "Beijing and Taiwan are used to being strong, and they think they can control the situation single-handedly. Don't worry, if a TV station can control one award, then these three awards have long lost their credibility. Of course, they can help Li Yuefeng build momentum. , That’s right, but we can do the same. Xiao Lu, we all see how good your acting skills are. For Li Yuefeng’s acting skills, giving him a nomination is an encouragement. If this drama allowed him to win the nomination, But you didn’t get the nomination, it’s their shame.”

 What Chen Ziyan said is also a fact in itself.

If there is no public relations, many people may not know that you have a good performance, or even know what is good about your performance. After all, there are too many movies and TV series released every year. Public relations is to tell others on a large scale how good you are. good.

 However, if you are not that good, no matter how much public relations you do, it will be in vain. Unless you buy a black whistle.

 Can I buy a black whistle for the three grand prizes?

Chen Ziyan dare not say that there are absolutely no "black whistles" in their history, but at least on the whole, this is a fair and influential result. Otherwise, they would not have achieved the status they have now.

It's not like Chen Ziyan has never seen Lu Yanhe's performance in "Seventeen Floors". Through this genius character whose words and deeds are a little different from ordinary people, he gave a completely different feeling from before. This kind of shaping ability, A professional actor who has been acting for ten years may not be able to tell that - there may be a few actors like Lu Yanhe who are full of spirituality in acting every year, but someone like Lu Yanhe never abuses his spirituality and talent, and always focuses on polishing himself. It is almost rare to find a technically gifted actor.

Talented actors are often accomplished by their talents, but they are also easily bound by their talents.

 Lu Yanhe was able to have such a character at the very beginning of his career as an actor. In the words of Chen Ziyan and Lu Qingzhen, it is simply incredible.

"Sometimes I feel that he is too humble and cautious, but sometimes I feel that with his talent and luck, if he were not so humble and cautious, he would probably make a wrong move and lose everything." This is what Chen Ziyan said to Lu Qingzhen .


 “Lu Yanhe refuses to agree?”

Jiang Lan frowned and looked at Hu Siwei, "He is so stubborn and refused directly?"

Hu Siwei smiled and said, "Jiang Tai, a popular young student who just won the Golden Tripod Award and is also a top student in Zhenhua, why would he agree to our request?"

 Jiang Lan: "Did you also tell him about the prize competition?"

"I told you, I don't take it to heart at all." Hu Siwei said, "Don't mention it. With his acting skills, he won an award for his first play, so why worry about being nominated? I think if he is pushed too hard, If "Seventeen Floor" really wants to film a second season, people may not be willing to come. "

Jiang Lan curled her lips sarcastically and said: "If "Seventeen Floors" can really get a second season, it means it is really a big hit. If he doesn't make a sequel like this, that's because of his brain. If there is something wrong, no matter how big-name an actor is, it is impossible for him to refuse a drama that is destined to be a hit, and even the agency will not allow it.”

Hu Sisi stopped talking when he saw what Jiang Lan said.

I don’t know why, but Hu Siwei has a feeling that a big hit drama may be a dream for other actors, but it doesn’t seem to be that important to Lu Yanhe.

 Probably because Lu Yanhe’s current fame and status are not entirely brought about by his status as an actor.

Jiang Lan is already a relatively young and up-to-date leader among the leaders of Beijing and Taiwan. However, in some aspects, she is still like those old people, immersed in the afterglow of the TV station's past empire, and inevitably fell into The sadness of having a big tail.

●Today’s entertainment industry is undergoing tremendous changes, not only due to the changes brought about by the Internet era, but also from all aspects of influence.

Audiences prefer to see personalized artists and truly talented artists. Capital investors increasingly value data and rate of return. With the development of self-media and the invasion of social media into the real world, the concept of public figures is also changing rapidly. expand.

Twenty years ago, many people might have found it hard to believe that an actor could become famous all over the country without having even one masterpiece.

 If you don’t think of ways to come up with new things, you will be eliminated sooner or later.

Even the art form of film and television dramas seems to have begun to decline.

 More and more people are being attracted to other forms of media.

 This is a very helpless fact.


This world sometimes feels huge and empty.

Lu Yanhe will also feel this way.

 Fortunately, the crew would not give Lu Yanhe this feeling.

“You’re very lucky. From your description, the atmosphere of the crews you’ve been on is very rare and good.”

On this day, a few of them sat together to rehearse a play, and they chatted during the break.

 Chen Bige arranged for someone to deliver a cart of coffee and invited everyone on the crew to drink coffee.

Lu Yanhe took the coffee sent by Chen Bige and talked about his previous filming experiences, lowering his head and smiling softly.

“Well, I’ve always said that if I hadn’t filmed the first film with Director Luo, I might not have enjoyed acting that much.”

 Chen Bige: "You are lucky. Unlike Versailles, there are so many actors here, but you are the only one who works with such a good director in every play. Apart from you, no one here has acted in a few bad plays."

Shen Yue immediately nodded and said: "When I was on a movie before, I was scolded so much. Of course, I also have my own problems, and I have to admit it. But to be honest, the things that everyone scolded me for are actually not big. Part of it has nothing to do with me. It was because the director at that time insisted on making me act crazy and stupid, saying that the audience would just accept it. I refused to act like this, and the director even called me arrogant. After the play was aired, everyone scolded me for being stupid. The most speechless thing happened. At this time, the director suddenly put the blame on me during an interview. He didn't say anything directly to me, but when he heard it, he made me laugh. Knowing that he was talking about me, he said that no matter how good a director is, there is nothing he can do when he encounters an actor who cannot be trained, and he has no way to resist an actor who is forced to work by an investor. "

Jiang Jun asked in surprise: "It can't be the drama "Landscape Renjia", right?"

 Shen Yue nodded with a slumped face.

“Oh, then you are not an exception.” Chen Bige said immediately, “I have heard of him.”

Lu Yanhe had no idea who they were talking about, so he took out his phone and searched silently.

 The director of "Landscapes and People" is Liu Jian, who is also a very experienced director.

Li Yuefeng asked Shen Yue curiously: "Then how did you win this drama?"

Shen Yue said: "They took the initiative to submit the script to me."

“If a great director is scolded when his work is broadcast, he will always find a scapegoat.” Chen Bige said with a smile, “Calm down, everyone in the industry knows what is going on.”

"Anyway, I was so angry that I couldn't calm down for several months. After work every day, when I returned home, I couldn't help but cry." Shen Yue sighed, "I can't do that now. I really felt wronged at that time. "

"Anyone who encounters this kind of thing will feel aggrieved." Chen Bige said, "There is no way, you will always meet a few bad people. You can only make yourself stronger, so that those people can only look up to you in the end."

 Chen Bige’s words seem to have a meaning, but no one knows whether there is her own story in it.

Jiang Jun chuckled twice.

“What is Teacher Jiang laughing at?” Li Yuefeng asked.

 Jiang Jun: "I thought of something. When it comes to being a part of the crew, none of you are as good as me."

“That’s true, you have the most experience.” Chen Bige said.

"I've seen all kinds of crews." Jiang Jun said with a smile, "There are those who want to film well, those who mess around, and those who just disband the crew in the middle of filming. Until now, I even feel that as long as one The drama has been successfully filmed and aired, so it’s a great success.”

What Jiang Jun said made many people feel awe-inspiring.

Every year there is a situation like this. Halfway through filming, the investors withdraw their funds, or the producer/director runs away, or something happens to an actor. The filming is not finished, and there is no way to continue. This has become a problem in the film and television industry. "unfinished building".

There are also some plays that have been filmed, but due to various reasons, they cannot be sold, or even after they are sold, they are never broadcast.

 No actor wants to be in this situation.

 Nowadays, actors are very worried that they are taking too much responsibility and are considered "bad luck" by the industry. The scariest thing is that you can't answer these rumors.

"But we don't have the right to choose." Lin Chan said, "I really have the same mentality. If a job comes to me, I will take it quickly. Otherwise, I don't know when the next opportunity will come. I am so rigid. Newcomers who have just debuted are always controlled by this feeling of insecurity.”

"Everyone comes here like this." Chen Bige said directly, "In the beginning, there was no choice. I could only seize all the opportunities. But later on, I gradually had room for choice. Otherwise, it would be really easy to encounter difficulties." To a bad show, or to a bad show.”

People only have so much time. It takes a year to prepare a play and a month to prepare a play. The degree of preparation is completely different. In a general sense, the final effect is also completely different.

 Chen Bige’s meaning is very simple. When you have a choice, you must choose a good opportunity and learn to wait for a good opportunity.


 Lian Bei came over to find Chen Bige to discuss some matters for the next scene, and the others dispersed.

Since it would be a while before the next scene was shot, Lu Yanhe simply went back to his lounge and prepared to read for a while.

Xiao Yun suddenly sent him a message and said: Yan He, something seems to have happened to the crew of "Phoenix Stage". Have you heard about it?

Lu Yanhe replied with a question mark in confusion and asked: What happened?

  Xiao Yun said: Liu Biao and He Min were sued by the crew.

 Liu Biao is the production assistant, and He Min is the leader of the costume team of "Phoenix Stage".

When there was a problem with Lu Yanhe's costume in "Phoenix Stage", Shen Yufang, a small assistant at the time, was finally blamed. Chen Ziyan said at that time that once the filming was completed, Huang Cheng would definitely not let these two people go, and kept them at that time. Mainly to maintain stability and allow the film to continue filming.

The news about Xiao Yun made Lu Yanhe sigh in his heart, "Sure enough."

Lu Yanhe said: The two of them had dirty hands and swallowed up a lot of money from the crew. It is normal for them to be sued by the crew.

Xiao Yun: Huh? There is such a thing, no wonder.

 Lu Yanhe asked: Who did you hear the news from?

 Xiao Yun: My agent, I thought there was something wrong within "Phoenix Station". It turned out that they were being liquidated.

Lu Yanhe: It is said that these two are the senior members of Chen Lingling’s director team. I didn’t expect that this kind of thing would happen.

 Xiao Yun: It’s really scary.

Lu Yanhe asked: Are you filming now?

 Xiao Yun: No way, I didn’t get the role, so I was picking my feet at home.

Lu Yanhe studied the word "foot-picking" for a few seconds and smiled softly.

Xiao Yun is probably one of those people who doesn't receive a script that he is satisfied with, so he would rather not act and stay at home picking his feet than accept a script that he is not very satisfied with.

When Lu Yanhe and Xiao Yun collaborated on "Phoenix Stage", it was obvious that although Xiao Yun is a carefree and informal girl in life, she has very high demands on herself when it comes to acting. high.

Xiao Yun said: I really envy you. You have received so many good dramas, one after another, and you are still in school. If you were not in school, wouldn’t you have to act in all the dramas that other actors want to act in? .

 Lu Yanhe: Then this is too exaggerated. How is it possible?

 Xiao Yun: How is it impossible?

 Lu Yanhe: How many scenes have to be filmed every year? How many can I film? Moreover, it is impossible for me to take on so many films.

Xiao Yun: "Seventeenth Floor" is getting a lot of attention now. It is estimated that when it is broadcast, it will be a big hit again. This time it will hit the best actor.

Lu Yanhe: Haha, I hope that when I am competing for Best Actor, you will also be nominated for Best Actress.

 Xiao Yun: I’m trying my best to not hold back our “Young Days”.

After the first season of the program "Young Days" was aired, it received a good response and gave great support to every participant. Lu Yanhe and Li Zhibai are already very popular, such as Song Linxin, Yan Liang, Xiao Yun and the others have experienced significant growth in various statistics, especially Yan Liang and Xiao Yun, whose popularity has increased significantly.

If this were not the case, Xiao Yun might not be able to take this opportunity so quickly after Zhen Hongyu's accident and replace Zhen Hongyu in her previous role.

Xiao Yun said: The second season of "Young Days" seems to be the same as last year. It will start recording at the end of August. Will you join?

Lu Yanhe: Well, the agreement has been signed. I asked if it was the original team before. Because I said it was still you people, I signed it.

Xiao Yun: I don’t know what the program team will ask us to do this time.

 Lu Yanhe: I really don’t know.

 Xiao Yun: They didn’t ask you for any planning in the second season?

Lu Yanhe: No, if you ask me for planning in the second season, then I will have to charge a fee, and I can no longer do free work for others.

 Xiao Yun: In the future, you will create your own show.

 Lu Yanhe: There is no such time. I feel like I don’t have enough time now.

Xiao Yun: That’s because you are very popular. At this time, I cannot wish you to be more leisurely in the future. I must wish you to continue to be busy.

 Lu Yanhe made a smile.


Two days after Lu Yanhe chatted with Xiao Yun, a piece of news suddenly appeared on the Internet.

When Lang Xia was filming "Phoenix Terrace", he played with the feelings of a young **** the crew. The girl thought Lang Xia was interested in her, but she didn't expect that as soon as the filming was completed, Lang Xia stopped talking to her.

This news comes from a well-known marketing account. The source of the news is not clear and confidential, but it is conclusive.

Li Yuefeng was the first to ask him whether this was true or not.

Lu Yanhe looked confused.

"I do not know."

 When he was filming with Lang Xia on the set, he was not seen getting close to any girl.

Li Yuefeng didn't believe that Lu Yanhe didn't know. He curled his lips, meaning that Lu Yanhe wasn't a friend enough and wouldn't even say such a thing.

Li Yuefeng was used to this kind of behavior, and Lu Yanhe didn't bother to explain to him, and it was useless.

Lu Yanhe was just very curious and confused, and didn’t know whether the news was true or false.

 He went to ask Xiao Yun privately.

Xiao Yun said: I'm also asking. I didn't see Lang Xia getting close to anyone during the filming before. However, I heard that this marketing account always reveals the truth and rarely makes up false news.

 Lu Yanhe: The main reason is that the news is well compiled and feels very real.

 Xiao Yun: How about you ask Producer Huang? Producer Huang must know.

 Lu Yanhe: I went crazy and asked him. It seemed like I was gossiping.

 Xiao Yun: Then you are also a bit gossipy.

 Lu Yanhe: should pay attention to your words.

 Xiao Yun: I am just seeking truth from facts.

Just as he was talking, Chen Siqi actually sent a message to Lu Yanhe, asking whether the news was true or false.

Lu Yanhe, dumbfounded, called Chen Siqi back.

 “Why are you curious about this gossip? I don’t know.”

 Chen Siqi said: “You don’t know how many people asked the authenticity of this news in the backstage of our editorial club.”

 “Huh? Why did they come to the Editors Club to ask?”

“Because we often publish some entertainment news comments.” Chen Siqi said, “Plus, you also filmed "Phoenix TV", so everyone takes it for granted that you must know it."

 Lu Yanhe: “That disappoints everyone, I really don’t know.”

Although he didn't know it, Lu Yanhe heard a principle from Chen Ziyan. After such news comes out, if the rumor is not quickly refuted, it is usually not without purpose.

Lu Yanhe waited for a long time but did not get a response from Lang Xia, so he knew that this matter was almost certain.

 Then, that night, the girl who was exposed appeared on her own.

 She did not disclose her true identity, but only wrote a long article about this matter:

I wasn't very familiar with him, but because of my work, I needed to be in contact with him often. Among the crew, his popularity was average, because his father was a well-known singer, and many old people took care of him. He himself was a bit pretentious and didn't bother to talk to him. There are so many people to deal with that he usually comes in and out alone with his assistant.

He often plays opposite Lu Yanhe and Xiao Yun. Lu Yanhe and Xiao Yun have known each other since "Young Days" and have a good relationship. They often chat and play games on the set, but his relationship with them is not so close. I even think he is a little jealous and resistant to Lu Yanhe, because Lu Yanhe is more respected than him in the crew.

He is probably a little depressed because he is often criticized for his acting by the director - in fact, his acting is pretty good. The director is just demanding and picks on everyone's acting, including Lu Yanhe's. However, he is a sensitive person and always falls into self-anger and disappointment. Emotions.

 Probably because of this, he suddenly showed his kindness to me. During the filming period, we had a secret relationship and no one knew about it. Of course, I also blame myself for being too naive. In fact, he never told me that he liked me and wanted me to be his girlfriend, so I just deceived myself. Unexpectedly, after filming, he lost contact with me. He didn’t even say a word to me. He just stopped answering my calls and didn’t reply to my messages.


 The following is her elaboration on the relationship between the two people, as well as her being ridiculed and threatened by Lang Xia's manager.

 Under the long article she published, the most favorable comment in the comment area was: Why is Lu Yanhe more respected than Lang Xia on the set? When Lu Yanhe was filming "Phoenix Terrace", he didn't even win any awards, right?

She even replied: Because everyone can see clearly, Lu Yanhe is very talented in acting, and he will become the best actor sooner or later. You have never seen Lu Yanhe acting live, and you don’t know that a person with such talent can act in such a big way. Under such circumstances, he can still work harder. We all admire Lu Yanhe privately.

 Lu Yanhe was stunned when he saw this reply:? ? ?

Sister, if you criticize Lang Xia, I will criticize you. Don’t bring me to a standstill at a time like this. Why don’t you give me a compliment?

This is too embarrassing for me, right?

Lu Yanhe couldn't imagine how angry Lang Xia would be after seeing this.


 The next day, when Lu Yanhe went back to the set, he found that Li Yuefeng looked at him strangely and hesitated several times.

Lu Yanhe didn't even bother to ask what Li Yuefeng wanted to say. It must be related to what the person said last night.

 Li Yuefeng may even want to ask Lu Yanhe whether this person is the one Lu Yanhe is looking for.

 It is false to criticize Lang Xia, but it is true to praise Lu Yanhe.

As soon as Shen Yue arrived, she immediately teased Lu Yanhe with a smile and said, "Didn't you expect that this matter would suddenly involve you?"

 At present, the entry of #鲁彦河在“黄肖台”crew respected” has reached fifth place on the hot search list, only one place lower than Lang Xia’s hot search. This kind of popularity is something that many people did not expect.

 Many people are even joking: If you scold Lang Xia, you scold Lang Xia. What's going on when you praise Lu Yanhe? Are you the undercover agent sent by Lu Yanhe to Lang Xia?

 After reading the long post that the girl posted yesterday, Lu Yanhe actually now roughly knows the identity of the girl.

From the content of the long article, it can be found that this girl is the most familiar with Lu Yanhe and Lang Xia, and can often contact Lang Xia without arousing suspicion from others. The only person in the crew who meets this condition is Chen Wenwen, who is responsible for matters related to Lu Yanhe and Lang Xia.

Lu Yanhe did not respond to this matter.

 Huang Cheng instead took the initiative to contact Lu Yanhe.

 From here in Huangcheng, Lu Yanhe knew what was going on.

 It turns out that it was not Chen Wenwen herself who exposed this matter, but Liu Biao.

Previously, "Phoenix Channel" wanted to sue Liu Biao and He Min, so Liu Biao started to fight back in order to protect himself. He just casually released a small piece of information to warn Huang Cheng and the others that if they persisted in pursuing him, his hands would be in danger. There is also a lot of black material that plunged "Phoenix Channel" into scandal and affected the broadcast.

 That's how Lang Xia was stabbed.

As a result, Lang Xia thought that Chen Wenwen was causing trouble, and his manager He Yingzi immediately threatened Chen Wenwen, saying that if she refused to let it go, she would never be able to work in the entertainment industry again.

Chen Wenwen, a young girl, how could she be afraid of you?

 In a fit of anger, I wrote the long article last night.

 Lu Yanhe: “…”

He said: "Now many people even suspect that I was the one who caused this incident. Alas, Wenwen scolded Lang Xia just as she scolded Lang Xia. Why did she praise me?"

Huang Cheng said with a smile: "The actors she is most familiar with on the set are you and Lang Xia. If Lang Xia makes her sad and disgusted, then you will become a white moonlight by comparison."

"Please, Bai Yueguang, don't put a hat on me." Lu Yanhe sighed, "This is the first time that someone praised me and it caused trouble."

"No, don't mind. I think everyone's attitude toward you is mainly support and appreciation." Huang Cheng said, "I'm just calling you to explain the reason. Don't worry. You don’t need to respond to this matter.”

Lu Yanhe: "I'm not going to respond. What can I respond to? Yes, I am the young genius Lu Yanhe who is highly respected in the "Phoenix TV" crew. It's so stupid."

 Huang Cheng: "I feel relieved to hear that you still have the energy to complain." (End of this chapter)

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