Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 288: Birthday party (11,000 words updated!)

At Jiang Jun's insistence, he returned to the filming of "Seventeenth Floor", and after filming, he will return to the hospital.

 His wife Wei Ran insisted on returning to the hospital.

Jiang Jun didn’t even want to go back to the hospital.

Lu Yanhe vaguely felt that Teacher Jiang Jun was very pessimistic about the outcome and was unwilling to go to the hospital. He just wanted to finish filming the film on location.

 Wei Ran is a very tough woman. This toughness is not part of her appearance, although she gives off the keenness of a wild animal. She is actually very beautiful, but it is different from the beauty of well-maintained women that Lu Yanhe often sees. Wei Ran obviously doesn't care much about details like her skin and eyelashes. She doesn't seem to even put on any makeup.

At first, Lu Yanhe thought that Wei Ran had forgotten about it because of teacher Jiang Jun's health. But after a few days of contact, Lu Yanhe discovered that Wei Ran seemed to be a person who didn't care much about whether his external image was "refined".

 Chen Ziyan seems to be very familiar with her. When the two met, they didn't exchange much greetings, just a simple, deep-breathing hug, which felt like they had crossed thousands of mountains and rivers.

Chen Ziyan said to Wei Ran: "I'll hire a nurse for him in the hospital."

Wei Ran shook his head and said, "No, I will take care of him here these days until he finishes filming the film."

She added: "Fengyi doesn't know anything about his father."

 Chen Ziyan said she understood and would not let anything slip.

 Chen Ziyan actually doesn’t have much time to stay here. She saw Jiang Jun, chatted with Hu Siwei, and left in a hurry. He didn't even have much time to talk to Lu Yanhe. Lu Yanhe knew that she was busy with the Star Award. The establishment of an important award and the establishment of a committee behind it were very complicated to think about, let alone promote it.

Lu Yanhe thought Chen Ziyan would not come back, but unexpectedly, Chen Ziyan came back just one day later.

 The hospital she still goes to.

At this moment, Lu Yanhe knew how good the relationship between Chen Ziyan and Jiang Jun was.


Jiang Jun never showed a trace of vulnerability or fear of death on the set.

 But the more this happened, the more uncomfortable Lu Yanhe felt. He also felt that there was something wrong with him. Others didn't have anything wrong with him, but he had an outstanding ability to empathize.

Lu Yanhe didn’t know what he could do.

 It wasn’t until "Seventeen Floors" was almost finished filming and about to wrap up that Jiang Jun was finally diagnosed.

 Stomach cancer, intermediate and advanced stages.

 Needs surgery as soon as possible.


On this day, after finishing work, Lu Yanhe was about to return to the hotel, when Chen Bige suddenly called him.

Ever since Jiang Jun fainted and went to the hospital, Chen Bige has never invited friends to have dinner together after work.

Lu Yanhe looked at Chen Bige with some surprise.

 “Come here for a moment.” Chen Bige waved.

Lu Yanhe went over and got into Chen Bige's car.

 Chen Bige said: "I am going to organize everyone to send some condolences to Mr. Jiang. He has been an actor in these years and has not made much money. I chatted with Wei Ran before and was still collecting the surgery expenses."

Lu Yanhe was shocked.

Not every actor can make money like Chen Bige and Lu Yanhe, but Lu Yanhe believes that no matter how hard it is, at least he will have enough food and clothing.

Teacher Jiang Jun, after all these years, can’t he even pay for the surgery?

This matter really did not occur to Lu Yanhe.

 But, thinking about it again, Teacher Jiang Jun basically has no other income except the acting salary.

  Unlike them, in addition to acting, he can also record programs, receive endorsements, go on live broadcasts, etc.

 “Okay.” Lu Yanhe nodded immediately.

Chen Bige sighed, "If something like this happens, I hope the operation goes well."

 Lu Yanhe asked: "Sister Bi Ge, have you been familiar with Teacher Jiang before?"

"We're not very familiar with each other, we just know each other." Chen Bige said, "Zi Yan told me before that if there is a suitable opportunity, she can lead Teacher Jiang a little bit. However, I have basically never met a suitable person for my acting roles. I would recommend it to others." I tried Teacher Jiang several times, but others didn’t use him in the end because Teacher Jiang was not famous.”

Hearing Chen Bige's words, Lu Yanhe felt at a loss.

 Because Chen Ziyan also told him this.

If Chen Bige didn't even have the opportunity to recommend him to Jiang Jun, how could he do it?

 But at this moment, Lu Yanhe felt a strong sense of responsibility in his heart—he had to do something for Teacher Jiang Jun.


 Chen Siqi listened to Lu Yanhe express his feelings on the phone, and sighed softly in his heart - Lu Yanhe was too emotional.

She doesn’t think this is wrong, she is just worried that with a character like Lu Yanhe’s, he will encounter more and more such things in the future. What should he do then?

Chen Siqi said: "Yan He, don't worry. The projects that Sister Bi Ge is exposed to are all top-notch projects. They are also more picky about actors. It's understandable that they don't like Teacher Jiang. You and Sister Bi Ge are not the same." Same."

 Lu Yanhe was in a very low mood.

 “Well, but I don’t know how to help Teacher Jiang.”

"The most important thing now is to let Teacher Jiang survive this operation. I hope the operation can be successful. This is why Sister Bi Ge asked you to come together to raise some money to give to Wei Ran." Chen Siqi said, "At least let Teacher Jiang be able to survive." Enjoy better medical conditions.”

 “Well, you’re right.”



"Aren't you going to collaborate with producer Hu Siwei on a sitcom?" Chen Siqi said, "If you have a say in that drama, you can ask them to write a role for Teacher Jiang. It doesn't have to be permanent, just from time to time. It’s okay to appear in an episode, there are a lot of sitcoms like that, right?”

Lu Yanhe suddenly became enlightened.

"Also, whether you wrote "The Man on the Road" or other scripts, it is not difficult to recommend Teacher Jiang to play a role in the film, as long as he is not the protagonist." Chen Siqi said, "You can do it There are many things, don’t underestimate yourself.”


 Chen Siqi’s words awakened Lu Yanhe.

 He didn't even know what was going on with him. When he was in a low mood, he even forgot what he could do.

 Wake up!

Lu Yanhe took a deep breath and warned himself not to suddenly feel like he was hit when something happened again and lose his mind!

 You are no longer just a student, there are many things you can do.

Lu Yanhe took a deep breath.

 After finishing work, Lu Yanhe took out several scripts he had written, looked at them, found a printer, and printed them all out.

In these scripts, Mr. Jiang Jun can play the old butler in "Raise the Red Lantern", but in "Rouge Button" he seems to have only a guest role as the director on the set, and his roles are not many. , and can only play a guest role casually.

 In the scripts he wrote, none of the main characters fit Jiang Jun's age.

This made Lu Yanhe feel a little depressed again.

 In fact, Jiang Jun's forty-two-year-old age is the golden age of an actor. It just so happens that the scripts written by Lu Yanhe are not mainly about men of this age.

Lu Yanhe ushered in the completion of "Seventeen Floors" in this mood of repeated tossing.

On the final day of filming, Lian Bei said: "It has been my dream to film a drama like "Seventeen Floors" since I was a child. I never thought it would come true. I am very happy to complete the filming of this drama with you. I hope We will continue to cooperate if we have the opportunity in the future, and I hope to see you in the second season!”

 As a result, when everyone was sad, Li Yuefeng felt even more sad.

“It’s possible for you all to see me in the second season, but it’s impossible for me.” Li Yuefeng’s character has died in this part.

 No one else knows what to say.

 It’s all finished, let’s talk about this now.

Lu Yanhe patted him on the shoulder and said, "We can cooperate in other dramas in the future."

After cooperating with Li Yuefeng on a play, Lu Yanhe discovered that although Li Yuefeng had a lot of shortcomings, he was still generally someone he could work with.

He likes to push others, is a bit petty, and always wants to take advantage, but he is good at acting, dedicated, and during such a popular period, he basically never went out during filming. Even Lu Yanhe heard him quarreling with his agent, just to avoid The crew took time off to record a variety show. Li Yuefeng is serious about acting.

Lu Yanhe also understood why several of Li Yuefeng's dramas were hits. He moved real emotions and was really involved in his acting, and the audience could naturally feel it.

“Well, that’s what I said, who knows when we can work together next time.” Li Yuefeng said something disappointing again.

Chen Bige rolled his eyes.

Lu Yanhe said with a smile: "Then next time I will write a play by myself, and we will ask director Lian Bei to shoot it."

Li Yuefeng said with disdain: "You wrote it? Can you write it in the year of the monkey, horse and moon?"

Lu Yanhe feigned anger: "Then I'll write it, but you don't want to act."

Li Yuefeng: “Let’s see how the script you write goes.”

 Lu Yanhe: "No need to say any more, I have excluded you, you are no longer in my actor list."

Li Yuefeng glanced at him and sighed, "Okay, okay, I promise you now, I will act, okay?"

 “…” Lu Yanhe looked at him speechlessly.

At this time, Jiang Jun patted Lu Yanhe on the shoulder with a smile and said, "It's okay, Xiao Lu. When the time comes, you ask me to act, and I will act for you."

Lu Yanhe nodded, "Okay, then let Teacher Jiang play the leading role. Li Yuefeng, you can play the supporting role for me."

Li Yuefeng's eyes widened, "What? I played the leading role as soon as I debuted!"

“It’s just the right time for you to experience the new world!” Lu Yanhe said.

Chen Bige stood aside and looked at them with a smile.

Yan Zhimeng asked with a smile: "Is it also a battle royale-themed drama? I also want to join, can you arrange a role for me that can fight?"

Lu Yanhe looked at all of them, and a flash of lightning suddenly flashed in his mind.

 A play suddenly emerged from his memory.

 "Squid Game".


 Lu Yanhe has never understood one thing. He didn’t understand it before he traveled through time. That is why “Squid Game” is so popular.

This drama is not long, and the plot is not very innovative. However, it immediately became popular all over the world and became the most popular Korean drama in history. It also broke many records in streaming media.

At that time, many students in the class had watched this drama. After talking with everyone, I found that everyone had the same view of this drama, that is, this drama was not that good.

 But it is very popular.

 Looking back to watch this drama, Lu Yanhe realized something that he had not noticed before.

 That is, although it is simple and uncomplicated, it is precisely because of its simplicity that it can be viewed by the largest audience.

 The more complex and advanced a story is, the higher the threshold is actually.

Many people know this truth, but it is often difficult to reconcile it with their own aesthetic habits. In short, people who have established their own aesthetics through "Journey to the West" find it difficult to accept the nonsense of "Journey to the West".


 After finishing filming "Seventeenth Floor", there are still a few days left before school starts.

Jiang Jun went directly to the hospital to prepare for surgery. Chen Bige took everyone together to collect 500,000 yuan and gave it to Wei Ran. She took out 100,000 yuan alone.

 Lu Yanhe took 50,000 yuan.

Wei Ran refused at first and refused to accept.

It was Chen Bige and her current manager who made sure to put the bank card into her hand and said: "If any of the crew members were in this situation, we would all come up with this idea. We are destined to film together, and we are colleagues. If another member of the crew was sick, wouldn't Teacher Jiang show his sincerity? "

 Having said this, Wei Ran accepted it.

 She bowed deeply to Chen Bige.

 “I would like to thank you all on behalf of Lao Jiang.”

“You’re really welcome. Get well soon. We are still waiting for Teacher Jiang to come back to film the second season.” Chen Bige said with a smile.

After Chen Bige gave away the money, he gathered a small group, including everyone who had given his heart to him, and told them about it.

  Lianbei fired ten thumbs in succession.


 There should always be a little warmth between people.

 Lu Yanhe has a deep understanding of Jiang Jun.

 He and Chen Siqi went to visit Teacher Shi Xia.

Shi Xia entertained them for lunch with a smile.

 This time, no one mentioned the manuscript.

 After visiting Teacher Shi Xia, Chen Siqi was ready to return to Jiangguang.

She said: "I have to go back a few days early. We have a social research assignment to do."

Lu Yanhe nodded.

Chen Siqi glanced at him and noticed that Lu Yanhe seemed to be more silent than before.

Lu Yanhe was not a very active character originally, and now he is even more silent.

 “How will you celebrate your birthday this year?” Chen Siqi asked.

“I…most likely have a meal with Li Zhibai and Yan Liang.” Lu Yanhe said.

  Chen Siqi: “How about we organize a party, a birthday party.”

 “Huh?” Lu Yanhe was stunned.

Chen Siqi: "Invite all your friends over and have a good time together."

Lu Yanhe said: "Then you are not in Yuming, so it is not easy to come over."

Chen Siqi said: "Aren't your friends in the entertainment industry here? I'll help you plan it."

Lu Yanhe shook his head, "Forget it, it's too much trouble. If you're not here, I'm not very interested."

In Lu Yanhe's heart, there are two groups of very important people. One group is Li Zhibai and Yan Liang, and the other group is Lin Yu and Li Pengfei.

Chen Siqi looked into his eyes seriously and said, "I don't know if it's because of your acting or what. Over the past year, you seem to have become more and more closed-off."


“Well, there is a kind of closure that is immersed in one’s own world.” Chen Siqi said, “Although many performing artists are like this, I don’t want you to become like this. When you are not acting, you have to open yourself up.”

Lu Yanhe couldn't laugh or cry, and said: "I have not closed myself off. I was just a little affected by Teacher Jiang's incident. This is the first time I have encountered such a thing."

"I don't think it's entirely Mr. Jiang's fault." Chen Siqi said, "Perhaps many people think that emotions are lifeless, but as actors, you will definitely feel it. Every time you enter a role, you will experience the role of the character. When life comes out, it will leave some influence in your body. Teacher Jiang's incident only stimulated those influences that were left in your body before. "

Lu Yanhe was at a loss.

is that so?

 Chen Siqi touched Lu Yanhe's head.

"I have read a lot of actor's autobiographies and interviews. Actors who really devote themselves to every role will go through such a stage." Chen Siqi said, "Some actors even suffer from depression, and their emotions are constantly swinging. It will affect your body, so when you are not acting, you have to put aside these emotions. You can't immerse yourself in it alone. You don't need to have a birthday party, but you have to stay with others, Li Zhibai If you and Yan Liang are not here, you must live in the school dormitory."

Lu Yanhe nodded and said oh.

He did not expect that Chen Siqi began to worry that he was suffering from depression.

 He raised his hand and gently touched Chen Siqi's head.

 “Don’t worry, it won’t happen.”


 Lu Yanhe has always felt that he is very lucky. Every time he goes to a new place, he will definitely make a friend like Li Pengfei, but the people he meets are not bad, and his connections are not bad.

 In the past few days before school started, Lu Yanhe stayed alone in Ziyuanqiao and did nothing else. He broadcasted live broadcasts all day long, wrote scripts, read books, and read scripts.

 For three consecutive days, the live broadcast lasted more than 12 hours every day.

 Because of this incident, Lu Yanhe became a hot search topic.

“He can really sit still. He can stay like this for three days alone, reading and writing.” Lu Qingzhen and Chen Ziyan lamented.

Chen Ziyan: "You have known him for two years, why are you still surprised by this kind of thing? I'm used to it."

Lu Qingzhen: "I may be surprised for the rest of my life. No matter how many times I see this kind of thing, I won't be surprised, because I can't do it myself."

Chen Ziyan: "I have arranged rock climbing lessons for him and asked him to go rock climbing every day. How can he stay in the house like this every day."

Lu Qingzhen smiled.

Chen Ziyan: "He just doesn't bother to go out as long as his friends are not around. This kid has no intention of making new friends."

Lu Qingzhen nodded, also confused: "But it's true, don't boys of this age like to go out and run wild?"

 “He doesn’t like sports.” Chen Ziyan complained.

Lu Qingzhen smiled and asked, “Didn’t you run every day before?”

"That was for "Phoenix Stage". Once the filming was completed, he never ran again. Oh, he ran for a few days while doing physical training for "Seventeen Floors."

Lu Qingzhen: "Then he is really different from Yan Liang. Yan Liang really loves sports, and he has started running live broadcasts."

“I know, it was Xiao Lu who gave him the advice.”


"Xiao Lu said that Yan Liang goes for a morning run every morning. Since he has to run anyway, why not do a live broadcast on the way? Yan Liang got himself a head-mounted camera and started live broadcasting the morning run every day." Chen Ziyan asked, "How is the effect? Sample?"

"Okay, of course, why do you think I know this? Several sports brands have come to Yan Liang to discuss cooperation." Lu Qingzhen said, "Moreover, there are also invitations to some marathon events, and they want to invite Yan Liang Participate as a celebrity guest.”

Chen Ziyan also laughed, "These two are all doing flower jobs. Ten years ago, how dare you imagine that artists can still become famous by relying on these things."

“Look at the three of them, one is famous for being lazy and quick-tongued, one is famous for doing sports and fitness, and the other is famous for being good at studying.” Lu Qingzhen smiled, “They are all unconventional.”

 Chen Ziyan: “In the end, those who are famous for being lazy and quick-tongued are the most famous.”

“That kid Li Zhibai is a bit charming.” Lu Qingzhen said, “I also understand why those little girls like him and go crazy for him.”

“You—” Chen Ziyan’s eyes looked up and down on Lu Qingzhen, showing suspicion and ambiguity.

"Don't think too much, I just have an appreciation for young boys." Lu Qingzhen said immediately.

 Chen Ziyan: "I think you are not far from falling."


Lu Yanhe thought it would be good to learn rock climbing while he had time, and he also started learning to drive by the way.

However, Lu Yanhe did not expect that he would meet Liu Bige and Miao Yue while climbing.

If Lu Yanhe had met the two of them on other occasions - such as a cafe, Lu Yanhe wouldn't have thought too much about it, but here, a rock climbing gym? ! The two of them appeared here alone, a man and a woman? !

Lu Yanhe couldn't control his expression, and almost wrote these words on his face: When did you have an affair? !

 Liu Bige and Miao Yue did not expect to meet Lu Yanhe here, and both of them were a little dumbfounded.

 Both sides looked at each other.

Lu Yanhe looked at them and asked, "Do you have anything to explain to me?"

Liu Bige coughed twice and looked at Miao Yue.

Miao Yue was a little embarrassed at first, but when Lu Yanhe asked, her eyes widened and she said, "Is there anything to explain? It's not just what you saw. You already guessed it. Why do you still need us to explain?"

Lu Yanhe laughed twice, looked at the two of them, and asked: "When did you two get together? How long did you keep it secret from us?"

Liu Bige said: “Just a while ago, we didn’t even say anything about it.”

“Director Hehan doesn’t know either?” Lu Yanhe asked.

"He...he had guessed it a long time ago." Liu Bige said, "You were filming on the set some time ago, so I didn't think of telling you."

"You don't need to tell me, I just..." Lu Yanhe looked at Liu Bige and then at Miao Yue, "Okay, I don't know what to say, I'm just confused by the fact that you are together. ”

Probably because there was a big age difference between the two of them, Lu Yanhe really didn't think about them in that aspect.

"Have you two finished writing the script for "Late Spring"?" Lu Yanhe asked.

Liu Bige nodded and said: "It has been sent to the company. They will hold an evaluation meeting. Only after passing it will they agree to let us shoot." "No wonder you all have time to climb rocks." Lu Yanhe said.

Liu Bige asked: "Why are you here too? Aren't you the least fond of sports activities?"

“My agent signed me up for a class.” Lu Yanhe said, “He asked me to learn a new skill and said that I might be able to use it in future filming.”

Liu Bige nodded, "I guess I just can't stand the fact that you stay at home every day and don't go out, so I found an excuse to let you come out and move around."

 “I think so too.” Lu Yanhe nodded.

Liu Bige: "Next time we ask you to come out, don't make excuses saying you are busy and can't come out."

 Lu Yanhe: “I am really busy.”

"No matter how busy you are, you won't stay in the room twenty-four hours a day." Liu Bige said, "He has been shutting himself in his room to write a new script recently."

 “Write a new script?” Lu Yanhe asked in surprise.

"Well, the girl he liked didn't want to act in a movie, and he refused to give in. The other girls didn't think it was suitable, so "Miss Ning" was shelved indefinitely." Liu Bige said, "There is no way , He is so willful, and obviously not everything will go as he wants when making a movie. We have tried to persuade him, but he refuses to listen or compromise. "

"There's nothing we can do about it. If the director doesn't want to shoot it, even if he bites the bullet, he won't be able to shoot it well." Lu Yanhe glanced at the time and said, "I have to hurry over, my class is about to start, bye."

 “Bye.” Liu Bige said.

As soon as Lu Yanhe left, Miao Yue sighed.

"so awkward."

 “Awkward? Why are you embarrassed?” Liu Bige took Miao Yue’s hand and asked.

Miao Yue's cheeks were slightly red and she said, "Of course you are not embarrassed. You are not his classmate."

  Liu Bige laughed, "It's good that he knows, then I won't have to bother to hide it from him in the future."

 Miao Yue: "Well, if Teacher Chen knew that I was in love, maybe he would tell my mother."

 “What if your mother finds out?”

“With the age difference between us, what do you think my mother will do if she finds out?” Miao Yue looked at him sideways.

Liu Bige scratched his head, his eyes filled with innocent confusion.


In class, learning climbing skills, tossing, sweating, fortunately, there is a bath room in the climbing hall, and you can take a bath after the end.

 He put on clean clothes and came out, and saw Liu Bige waiting for him outside.

“We happened to meet each other, would you like to have dinner together tonight?” he asked.

 Lu Yanhe nodded and said yes.

Liu Bige said: "Let's go, Miao Yue is waiting for us outside."

Although Liu Bige is thirty years old, he is handsome and often wears shirts, giving people a handsome impression.

 When he and Miao Yue walked together, it would not give people the awkward feeling of "an old husband accompanying his young wife".

However, the fact that the two of them were together still gave Lu Yanhe some impact - love can transcend age, but when the gap reached ten years, he still felt a little guilty in his heart.

 The dinner restaurant was booked by Liu Bige.

He made a reservation at a French restaurant that was obviously expensive.

Lu Yanhe is actually not that interested in Western food, but he can eat it if he wants.

Of course, he would not let himself spend this price for a meal he was not very interested in.

Liu Bige studied in France and stayed there for so many years, so it was normal for him to take them to eat French food.

Lu Yanhe has known Liu Bige for so long, and this is the first time Liu Bige has brought him to eat French food.

At the door of the restaurant, when they were about to go in, suddenly, a shiny Rolls-Royce stopped at the door with envious eyes.

Lu Yanhe looked at the car in front of him in surprise.

This license plate number looks particularly familiar.

 The car door opened, and a girl in a gray-blue dress got out of the car.

So, Lu Yanhe knew why he was so familiar with the license plate number.

Every time Lin Miaomiao appears, she gives Lu Yanhe a sense of purity and beauty that is otherworldly. However, this is just the appearance of this girl. Lu Yanhe knows very well that if you really treat her as a little fairy who is otherworldly, , she will use her most direct way to make you feel difficult to deal with, or even have nothing to say, and is extremely upright.

Lin Miaomiao's eyes lit up instantly when she saw Lu Yanhe.

“What a coincidence, you come to this restaurant too?”

 “Yeah.” Lu Yanhe nodded and smiled.

Lin Miaomiao looked at the two people next to Lu Yanhe, a little confused, "Are they your friends?"

 “Miss Lin!” Liu Bige shouted in surprise.

 He obviously also knew Lin Miaomiao.

Lin Miaomiao frowned when she saw Liu Bige, as if she thought of something bad, and instantly turned her head and looked around.

Liu Bige was a little embarrassed and said, "Don't worry, the congratulatory letter is not with us."

Lu Yanhe asked in surprise: "Do you also recognize the congratulatory letter?"

“You mean that lunatic?” Lin Miaomiao complained with a sense of disgust as soon as she opened her mouth.

Lu Yanhe was stunned, "What did the congratulatory letter do to you?"

 He knew Lin Miaomiao relatively well. This girl was upright, and she spoke very mercilessly, but she generally would not attack others on her own initiative.

Lin Miaomiao immediately said that He Han was crazy. It must be because He Han had done a lot of things.

Liu Bige explained awkwardly: "This Miss Lin is Miss Ning, whom He Han has been dreaming about. In order to get Miss Lin to star in "Miss Ning", He Han used many methods, pursued her fiercely, and wrote several letters. Maybe …it scared Ms. Lin.”

Lin Miaomiao glanced at him silently and let out a sigh.

Lu Yanhe was surprised and asked: "So the heroine the congratulatory letter wants is you?"

Lin Miaomiao looked suspicious, "You... know about the movie he is going to make?"

"Yeah." Lu Yanhe nodded, "I agreed to star in his movie before."

Lin Miaomiao looked surprised.

 “You want to act?”

“Yeah.” Lu Yanhe said, “I read the script and it’s pretty good.”

Lin Miaomiao hesitated for a moment.

When Liu Bige saw this, he didn't know why the matter had turned around.

This girl has thoughts about Lu Yanhe right away. The relationship between these two people is definitely not simple!

Liu Bige secretly picked up his cell phone and sent the congratulatory letter with his location. He only said two words: Come quickly.


“Are you three here for dinner?” Lin Miaomiao asked.

"Yes." Liu Bige nodded, "Miss Lin, are you alone? How about you come with us?"

Lin Miaomiao looked hesitant, but without hesitating for a few seconds, she nodded and said, "Okay."

As soon as they walked in, the manager of the restaurant greeted them with a smile.

 “Ms. Lin, you are here, please follow me.” The manager seemed to know Lin Miaomiao and greeted him respectfully immediately.

 Lin Miaomiao shook her head and said, "Please help me arrange another room. I brought my friends over."

The manager was stunned for a moment, then looked again and recognized Lu Yanhe.

He seemed to understand something in an instant. He nodded immediately and said a few words to Mai. After about three seconds, he smiled slightly and said to everyone: "Please follow me."

Lu Yanhe asked Lin Miaomiao in a low voice: "Did you make an appointment with someone else here?"

 “I don’t want to eat with him anyway.” Lin Miaomiao said directly.

Lu Yanhe was a little surprised, "Are you letting others go?"

"Of course you can't let go of the pigeons. I'll go and tell him first. You go in first and I'll come over later." Lin Miaomiao said.

 Lu Yanhe responded and nodded.

Lin Miaomiao said: "I will become your school girl soon."

Lu Yanhe looked at her in surprise, "Have you been admitted to Zhenhua?"

"Yeah." Lin Miaomiao nodded, "To be precise, I was recommended to Zhenhua. I didn't take the college entrance examination."

Lu Yanhe was startled and looked at Lin Miaomiao in disbelief.

 “So awesome?”

Lin Miaomiao smiled.

Lu Yanhe: "Who are you, a great person, who can get a recommendation?"

Lin Miaomiao said: "First prize in the National High School Mathematics Competition."

Lu Yanhe felt like his brain was about to be crushed.

Lu Yanhe didn't even realize that Lin Miaomiao was so strong.

 He said nothing for a long time.

Lin Miaomiao added: "Then do you want me to star in "Miss Ning"?"

 “Huh?” Lu Yanhe looked at her blankly.

Lin Miaomiao said: "Didn't He Han want me to act in this movie? If you want me to act, I can consider it."

Lu Yanhe snorted and said, "You can think about it yourself."

Lin Miaomiao immediately became angry and asked, "Don't you want me to act?"

"No, if you don't act, I won't even prepare to make "Miss Ning". Of course I hope this movie can be made. However, becoming an actor is a big decision. It is different from ordinary jobs. Once you become an actor "When you enter the entertainment industry, your life will change tremendously," Lu Yanhe said, "It's not just as simple as shooting a movie, it will completely change your life."

Lu Yanhe just didn’t want Lin Miaomiao to make a hasty decision that might affect his life because of him.

Lin Miaomiao was thoughtful after listening to Lu Yanhe's words.


Lu Yanhe didn’t know what decision Lin Miaomiao would make in the end.

To a certain extent, Lu Yanhe even hoped that Lin Miaomiao's decision would be to refuse. Since the congratulatory letter has been pestering her for so long, she has not agreed to appear, which shows that she is not that enthusiastic about acting and entering the entertainment industry.

 In fact, given her background, the entertainment industry may not really be that attractive to her.

Having been used to seeing all kinds of celebrities since she was a child, she knows very well the real operating mechanism behind the glamorous entertainment industry.

How could she, who was familiar with all this, be attracted to the "dream-making" entertainment industry?

By the time Zhenhua started school, Lu Yanhe had almost forgotten about this incident.

 And on the first day of the new year's welcome season, he heard Lin Miaomiao's name in other people's ears.

Perhaps, many people will think that in top universities like Zhenhua or Yuming, there is no such "vulgar" selection of campus beauties.

Lu Yanhe didn’t know about Yuming, but in Zhenhua, he knew very well that what happened in ordinary universities would also happen in Zhenhua.

 A particularly beautiful junior girl came to the Mathematics College, and the news spread throughout the school almost immediately.

Lu Yanhe also saw the photos of Lin Miaomiao's check-in taken by others on the forum.

She has fair skin, no makeup, and wears a slim-fitting student uniform. When she walks in the sun, her whole body seems to be glowing, like a scene from a movie.

 No wonder it caused a stir.

While Lu Yanhe was looking at the photos on his phone in a daze, Mao Jiayang ran into the dormitory in a hurry, his whole person was filled with an unconcealable excitement, like ten thousand bubbles coming out of his body.

 “What are you—”

Mao Jiayang clenched his fists, rushed to Lu Yanhe, grabbed both sides of his shoulders, shook him hard, and said, "She agreed!"


"Li Xiao agreed to my confession, ah-ah-" Mao Jiayang jumped up and down excitedly.

Lu Yanhe finally realized what had happened to Mao Jiayang.

 He laughed.

“Hey, congratulations, I’m finally single.” Lu Yanhe said.

Mao Jiayang waved his hand and said, "What do you want to eat? Tell me, I'll treat you!"

Lu Yanhe immediately said: "I want to eat roast duck."

  Xiao Jing poked his head out from under the quilt: "Help me buy some steamed buns first. I haven't had breakfast yet."

 His eyes were bleary as he worked all night to catch up on a course paper yesterday.

 Zhou Mukai came out of the bathroom and said, "Bring a whole roast duck."

 No one was polite to Mao Jiayang.

Mao Jiayang laughed.

Lu Yanhe: "If you keep laughing like this, others will think someone in our dormitory is crazy."


In order to pursue Li Xiao, Mao Jiayang first joined the Youth Association through Lu Yanhe, and then deliberately created opportunities to get along with Li Xiao in various activities, and was so diligent that he was diligent.

"I said, how about we find a chance to invite all our girlfriends and go out to play together?" Mao Jiayang said enthusiastically.

Lu Yanhe glanced at him sideways and said, "Brother, I understand that you have been beaten to death, but I advise you to calm down a little first."

Zhou Mukai also nodded and said, "The four of us have never gone out to play, why did you just go so far?"

Mao Jiayang was stunned, "Haven't the four of us gone out to play?"

Xiao Jing: "Brother, there are only four of us in the dormitory. Each one is busier than the other. If we want to make it together, we only have time to go to bed at night. How can we have time to go out and play?"

Lu Yanhe suddenly remembered what Chen Siqi told him: stay with your friends when you have nothing to do.

 Furthermore, his birthday is coming soon.

“How about this Saturday? I have my birthday on Saturday, can I book a place and let’s all come and play together?” Lu Yanhe said, “I’ll add my other friends in Yuming then.”

"Oh? Are there any other celebrities?" Xiao Jing immediately sat up from the bed, and his sleepy eyes were no longer sleepy, staring like bells, "Will Jiang Yuqian come?"

Lu Yanhe looked at him silently, remained silent for a long time, and said "ha".

Mao Jiayang: "Are you serious? If you are serious, I will tell Xiaoxiao."

“When you call me Xiaoxiao, I feel really numb.” Xiao Jing complained.

 “Get out of here.”

Zhou Mukai shook his head, sat down, and opened his laptop.

Lu Yanhe thought for a while and said, "Seriously, but I haven't asked them yet, and I don't know who is coming."

Xiao Jing said excitedly: "Should I ask Jiang Yuqian first?"

 Lu Yanhe: "Can you please stop being such a bitch? I don't even dare to call her over with your appearance."

"In front of the goddess, I will be brave and heroic, and I won't let you down!" Xiao Jing said.

 Lu Yanhe: “Why can’t I believe it when I see you like this?”

 Xiao Jing: “Who are you looking down on?”

Mao Jiayang: "I look down on you, but I have the nerve to ask. Just look in the mirror and see what a fool you are."

“I am a die-hard fan of the goddess, watch your words!” Xiao Jing yelled.

Mao Jiayang made a sound.


 It is not that simple to hold a party, but Lu Yanhe has a very reliable agent.

As soon as Chen Ziyan heard that Lu Yanhe wanted to hold a birthday party, she took care of everything without saying a word.

 Lu Yanhe said: “I just want to make a small one, just for a few friends to play together.”

 Chen Ziyan: “I understand, I understand, don’t worry, leave it to me.”

Lu Yanhe looked at Chen Ziyan’s positive attitude and always felt that Chen Ziyan’s understanding of “small” was not consistent with his.

However, when Chen Siqi learned that he was going to hold a party, Chen Siqi immediately sent a message from Jiangguangdu, "You can teach me."

Lu Yanhe took a deep breath: When did you and Sister Ziyan communicate so frequently?

 Chen Siqi replied: Don’t ask about the things between us girls.

Lu Yanhe:…

When inviting friends, Lu Yanhe looked through the address book one by one and found that if he really wanted to invite everyone he knew, the party would never be small. There was no way, no matter how streamlined, Li Zhibai, Yan Liang, Lin Yu, Chen Ziyan, the three people in the dormitory and their girlfriends, as well as Wang Xiao, Xin Zixing, and Xu Xiaoyin, of course it would be better to call them Xu Xiaoyin instead of Xu Mingyue. If I call them Xu Mingyue, why not He Lan? Where is Miao Yue? Does Liu Bige still have a congratulatory letter?

 After counting this, it was found that the number of people could not be reduced at all.

 Unless he only invited Li Zhibai, Yan Liang and those in the dormitory.

Lu Yanhe told Chen Ziyan about his troubles, and Chen Ziyan said: "Don't worry, I have already made plans for you. I will book a small banquet hall when the time comes. Outside, I will call a band for you to perform live. Create an atmosphere, and then send invitations to everyone who has worked with you. This is the outfield. The infield is smaller, but there will be a table. You can bring all your best friends to the infield. I'll help you with the outfield, and you can handle your infield."

Lu Yanhe was stunned.

Chen Ziyan said: "Since you became popular, you have never held such an event. It's time to do it again."

 Lu Yanhe nodded.

Chen Ziyan said: "I will make the list for the outfield. Just give me the list for the infield. I will let the hotel arranger remember the people who can enter the infield."

 Lu Yanhe asked: “Will it cost a lot of money to do this?”

Chen Ziyan nodded, "It's okay. You pay for the infield by yourself, and I will find someone to pay for the outfield."

Lu Yanhe asked in surprise: "Looking for someone else to pay the bill? Who will pay this bill?"

 Chen Ziyan: “Leave this to me, you don’t have to worry about it.”

“It’s not good if someone else pays the bill, so I should do it myself.” Lu Yanhe said, “After all, it’s my birthday party.”

Chen Ziyan: "Are you sure? We can't handle this small party with less than 100,000 or 200,000 yuan."

Lu Yanhe felt pain like cutting flesh when he heard this number, but he still gritted his teeth and nodded.

 “I’ll pay for it myself.”

 It’s not a birthday party held in someone else’s name.

Chen Ziyan smiled and said, "Okay, then I will deduct it from your remuneration and I will confirm it with you."

Lu Yanhe nodded. (End of chapter)

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