Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 292: The hot Lu Yanhe (16,000 words updated)

 Chen Ziyan’s strength has been experienced by Hu Siwei and many people in Beijing and Taiwan.

 But in this negotiation, Hu Siwei felt that Chen Ziyan's judgment must have been wrong. This is not a matter of bargaining, but a matter of principle.

 Beijing and Taiwan have never offered profit sharing to any actor.

For any drama, Beijing and Taiwan can pay the actor a salary that exceeds the market level, but it has never given a profit share.

 These are two concepts.

 The concepts of one-shot buying and selling and long-term sharing.

However, if he wants this drama to be filmed, Hu Siwei must bite the bullet and report Chen Ziyan’s requirements to the boss.

Hu Siwei’s boss is not Jiang Lan, but Xu Bin is the person who promotes this drama.

 Hu Siwei was able to become the producer of "Seventeenth Floor" because Xu Bin used his strength behind the scenes to maintain a delicate "balance" between the power of Beijing and Taiwan in this drama.

When Hu Siwei handed Xu Bin the script for the first episode written by Lu Yanhe and Chen Ziyan's request, Hu Siwei thought that Xu Bin would directly curse, "Go live her spring and autumn dream!"

 This is Xu Bin’s mantra. Whenever someone made an unreasonable request, he would curse like this.

 But this time Hu Siwei did not hear these words.

 He saw that Xu Bin's expression fell into silence and thinking.

Hu Siwei was stunned.

Is it possible that Xu Bin is still thinking about the possibility of this matter?

real or fake?

Hu Sisi looked at Xu Bin in bewilderment, confused by his unusual reaction.


Lu Yanhe didn’t know how Chen Ziyan negotiated with Jingtai and the others, but three days later, Hu Siwei told him with a bewildered expression that Jingtai had offered unprecedented conditions.

“8% revenue share?” Lu Yanhe looked at Hu Siwei in surprise.

Hu Siwei asked: "Are you dissatisfied?"

“No, what’s going on with this revenue sharing?” Lu Yanhe asked.

Hu Siwei was even more shocked and asked, "You don't know what's going on?"

Lu Yanhe shook his head.

 Hu Siwei took a deep breath and said: "It was Chen Ziyan's request. The film salary + screenwriter's remuneration, 2 million yuan per episode, 10% profit sharing, and finally reached an agreement at 8%."

Lu Yanhe looked at Hu Siwei in shock.

Chen Ziyan actually negotiated such treatment for him?

Hu Sisi saw that the surprised expression on Lu Yanhe's face did not seem to be fake, and asked, "Didn't your agent tell you?"

Lu Yanhe shook his head, "Sister Ziyan won't tell me these things specifically. She is negotiating them. She will only tell me when the contract is finalized and the contract is signed."

Hu Siwei looked a little complicated. He was silent for a few seconds and then said, "You have a good agent."


About this play, Lu Yanhe thought for a long time about what would be a better name for "Under the Eaves".

 Use "Friends"? However, this story is not completely from Friends. Except for the beginning of "Friends", the subsequent character relationships and stories are different.

Moreover, these six people are not old friends, so choosing this name is a bit inappropriate.

 The Big Bang Theory is even less appropriate. The name comes from several of the main characters in the play, except Howard, who are all physicists, taken from the Big Bang.

 A good name is very important for a series that wants to become a classic.

 It should be simple and have its own characteristics.

On the way to Beijing and Taiwan for a meeting with the two-episode script he had written, Lu Yanhe looked at the tall buildings outside, and the prosperity of Yuming came into his eyes.

 "Prosperous Life"?

 The name crossed Lu Yanhe’s mind.


Immediately denied it again.

Although this is a story that takes place in a bustling city, this story is not "busy" at all.

 《Heavy Traffic》?

 It’s literary, like a period drama.

 Lu Yanhe looked out the window in silence, feeling the difficulty of coming up with a good name.


 This meeting in Beijing and Taiwan is mainly related to the content.

ˆ As a screenwriter and core actor, Lu Yanhe got the right to speak in a drama for the first time - not because others listened to his opinions because he was famous or because he was the protagonist, but because his opinions were needed from the beginning.

   Lu Yanhe has been to Jingtai several times.

 However, he rarely comes to the administrative area.

This time, Linghe Film and Television Production Company established by Lu Yanhe and Chen Ziyan will participate in the production of this drama as a co-producer.

Lu Yanhe's film remuneration and screenwriter's remuneration are signed separately. The former has to be divided with the Star Entertainment agency, but the latter does not.

Lu Yanhe only signed an acting contract with Star Entertainment Agency.

The 8% share is also agreed to be obtained as a screenwriter, and it is clearly written in the contract.

Vice President Ma found out about this and complained a lot, but no one said anything in front of Chen Ziyan.

After all, in the contract Lu Yanhe signed, the remuneration part was the market price, and there was no deliberate attempt to lower the price and transfer it to the screenwriter's royalties.

 As for profit sharing...this has never happened to TV drama actors before.

 It's just that this matter has spread in Xingyu.

 Lu Yanhe wrote a script for Jingtai and received an incredible treatment.

 The news of this incident in Star Entertainment means that it will soon spread in the entertainment industry.

Lu Yanhe has not received inquiries from others yet.

 He came to Beijing and Taiwan today to discuss the lineup of the main creative staff.

 Unexpectedly, he was intercepted by Jiang Lan before he reached the conference room.

 “Chiang Tai.”

"Xiao Lu, why didn't you tell me when you came to Beijing today?" Jiang Lan put a hand on Lu Yanhe's shoulder with a smile on her face, to show that the relationship between the two people was very close. Others in Beijing and Taiwan looked on, "Your meeting will be held for a while, right? Let's go to Sister Lan's place and have a cup of coffee first."

 Lu Yanhe indeed arrived early.

 He did not expect that Jiang Lan would intercept him midway.

Lu Yanhe wanted to say that this was not good, but what Chen Ziyan said to him popped up in his mind: "You don't need to be too cooperative, that's how people in Beijing and Taiwan are. The crazier you are, the more they think you are capable, and the more humble you are, they The more I think you are rubbish."

So, Lu Yanhe nodded and followed Jiang Lan.

When Hu Siwei in the conference room heard that Lu Yanhe had been intercepted by Jiang Lan, he jumped up in anger.

“What does Jiang Lan want to do?!”

 He hurriedly went to find Xu Bin.


Jiang Lan made a cup of coffee for Lu Yanhe and brought it to him.

"We haven't seen each other since the filming of "Seventeen Floors" was completed." Jiang Lan said, "Originally, I was going to your birthday party last time, but something happened to happen that day, so I couldn't go. It's such a pity. , but I saw your speech on the Internet, and I was moved. You are indeed the most promising young actor today, which is great."

 Lu Yanhe said thank you.

“Jiang Tai, why did you come to me for something?”

Jiang Lan smiled and said, "What's the matter? I just knew you were coming over, so I invited you over for a cup of coffee. How about it?"

Lu Yanhe took a sip and nodded, "It smells good."

 Jiang Lan: "I only found out in the past two days that you can also write scripts."

Lu Yanhe smiled and said, "I'm just writing casually."

"You can write a script that can earn 8% of the profit share just by writing. You are a genius." Jiang Lan praised, "No wonder you refused to agree to sign the long-term cooperation agreement before. You are a capable and talented person." , never worried about not having a chance.”

 “I just don’t want to be tied down.”

"Understood." Jiang Lan said, "I made a wrong estimate. I also hope that if you have a good script in the future, you can give it to me. We collaborated on "Seventeen Floors" and had a very happy start. We can also do it later. Let’s continue this happy collaboration, right?”

Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "As long as everything is suitable, of course."

Jiang Lan said: "I heard from Lian Bei that you have a script on hand that is also a battle royale theme?"

Lu Yanhe was a little surprised and shook his head, "I just have this idea. I mentioned it to the director, but I haven't written it yet."

 Jiang Lan asked: “Can you tell me what the story is like?”

“I haven’t thought about it yet, it’s just a very basic concept.” Lu Yanhe said.

 Jiang Lan: "Then when your script comes out, be the first to come to me."

Lu Yanhe blinked and said with a smile: "I'll try my best to write the script first."

 “Dong dong!”

  There was a sudden knock on the door of Jiang Lan's office.

 Jiang Lan turned around and looked.

Xu Bin had already opened the door and walked in, followed by Hu Siwei.

“Jiang Tai, how could you run away from our teacher Lu halfway?” Xu Bin smiled jokingly at Jiang Lan.

"Oh, I just brought Yan He here to talk about "Seventeenth Floor". Look how nervous you are." Jiang Lan stood up and smiled sweetly at Lu Yanhe, "Okay, okay, I won't keep you anymore. Yan He, otherwise Xu Tai will lose his temper with me."

 Lu Yanhe stood up, "Then we'll talk about it next time."

As soon as he came out of Jiang Lan's office, Xu Bin said to Lu Yanhe with a smile: "Xiao Lu, I read the script you wrote. You are indeed a student of the School of Liberal Arts of Zhenhua University. You wrote such a script for the first time." good."

 Lu Yanhe said: "Thank you Xu Tai for the compliment."

Xu Bin said: "Sisi has always told me that you are a very talented creator. This time we will do this show together, and I will fully support you. If you have any ideas or requests, please feel free to mention them."

 Lu Yanhe nodded and said yes.

 Xu Bin did not attend the subsequent meeting.

Even a deputy station director would not participate in meetings on specific matters like this.

 Today Lu Yanhe came to Beijing and Taiwan, and the two deputy directors personally came forward to win over Lu Yanhe. This is a rare phenomenon.


meeting room.

 Director Bai Jingnian, producer Hu Siwei, screenwriter and actor Lu Yanhe, director assistant Jiang Xun.

 Several people sit together.

 Today we are here to discuss the cast.

"The background of this drama is a group of young people who have just graduated from college. I will play Jiang Kele." Lu Yanhe first expressed his thoughts, "I want Yan Liang to play Hu Fan, and Chen Wanqiu wants Wen Minglan."

Yan Liang is Lu Yanhe’s good friend, and Wen Minglan is Chen Ziyan’s actress.

Lu Yanhe didn't care at all that saying these two names would make them think that he was showing off his relatives.

 When he wrote the script, he specifically relied on the images of these two people.

"Their salary -" Hu Siwei immediately frowned, because these two people are not unknown actors. To be precise, they are both somewhat famous, and the salary is not low.

Lu Yanhe said: "I will talk about the remuneration. It will not exceed the budget you set, so don't worry."

Hu Siwei was stunned.

He glanced at Lu Yanhe with some doubts.

Based on his understanding of actors' remuneration, no matter how low the remuneration of these two people is, it cannot be as low as 50,000 yuan per episode. Can Lu Yanhe handle it?

“I have no objections to the other roles. Director, Producer Hu, do you have any ideas?” Lu Yanhe asked.

Hu Siwei and Bai Jingnian looked at each other and said, "We are going to hold an audition."

Lu Yanhe nodded, "That's good, then let's audition. When is our drama expected to start filming?"

Hu Siwei said: "We want to start filming at least before the end of this year. We want to broadcast it during the winter vacation. The main audience for this drama must be young people, especially students."

“Starting filming at the end of the year and broadcasting during the winter vacation?” Lu Yanhe was a little surprised, “Will there be enough time for post-production?”

Hu Siwei said: "This is different from a drama. The post-production of a sitcom is done very quickly, and we even plan to broadcast it while filming."

 “Huh?” Lu Yanhe was stunned.

Hu Siwei said: “Only in this way can we catch up with the broadcast during the winter vacation.”

 There are eight episodes in total, one episode per week, and it will be broadcast for a total of two months.

Lu Yanhe said: "I don't understand the schedule and production matters, so I can only listen to you completely. I am only responsible for writing the script and then acting it out."

Lu Yanhe's words made Bai Jingnian and Hu Siwei breathe a sigh of relief. To be honest, Lu Yanhe's tough attitude in the script made them think that Lu Yanhe would always be in a very strong position in this drama. With his status as screenwriter and starring role, they really can't suppress him.

 Actually, Lu Yanhe doesn’t want to be assertive—people who are familiar with him know what his personality is like. But the script given to him was so bad that he regretted that he had agreed to act in the play without seeing the script. For a moment, he felt that he had done something stupid. Therefore, after he wrote the script, he couldn't help but become more aggressive. The main reason was that he didn't want the script to be questioned.

 Hu Siwei and Bai Jingnian are not strong personalities. Otherwise, they might have conflicted long ago.

Bai Jingnian is a veteran director from Beijing and Taiwan. He has filmed many movies, but most of them were water scenes, crudely made to fill the schedule. It must be admitted that most domestic TV dramas are not that sophisticated, and they are just for making money from the beginning of the project. Bai Jingnian is a veteran employee of Beijing and Taiwan. Unlike directors from outside film and television companies, they have to rely on KPIs to make a living. If his movie fails, it won't affect his income.

But for such a director, who has reached middle age, and together with his old friend Hu Siyi, he felt that he still wanted to make a masterpiece seriously instead of just fooling around all his life. Therefore, Bai Jingnian decided that he had long thought about it. The story to be filmed was written into an outline and handed over to Hu Siwei.

 Hu Siwei, as an old friend of Bai Jingnian, knows his abilities and wants to help Bai Jingnian realize such a wish. It just so happens that Xu Bin has always wanted to create his own brand. The reviews of Bai Jingnian's past movies were not very good, mainly because there were too many restrictions, such as subject matter, scripts, broadcast methods, schedules... These are not decided by him. Bai Jingnian is just a tool who executes according to the opinions of the station. He has done the best within his capabilities.

This time Bai Jingnian proposed to make a sitcom, and Hu Siwei felt that this genre had been vacant in China for a long time and it was a good opportunity. So, Hu Siwei approached Xu Bin with this project. Xu Bin also experienced the era when sitcoms became popular. Anyway, it was just a short play. He thought he could give it a try and the cost was not high, so he agreed.

Later, it was slowly finalized and it could be made into a weekly broadcast format. Because of the low cost, in order to increase the ratings, the video platform could not be broadcast during the first broadcast. Then Hu Siwei and Lu Yanhe collaborated on "Seventeenth Floor" , Hu Siwei had a sudden idea that Lu Yanhe could be roped in to star in this drama.

 A play has gone through such a long process, and many things are different from what was originally planned.

Just like at the beginning, Bai Jingnian said that he would write the script himself.

 But a play is like this, and its final appearance will always change with changes in the process.

Now, Lu Yanhe has become the absolute core creator of this drama, which Hu Siwei and Bai Jingnian did not expect at the beginning.


 After settling the matter, Lu Yanhe went to find Chen Ziyan and Zhou Ping'an.

"Sister Ziyan, if Minglan plays this role, the salary will be much lower than her market price. However, she doesn't have to spend much time. There are only eight episodes, and I am confident that it will become a very popular drama." Lu Yanhe said to Chen Ziyan, "Minglan will become famous through this drama."

 Chen Ziyan smiled at Lu Yanhe and said, "Why are you still telling me that? Even if you asked Minglan to star in the film for free, she would agree."

 “Huh?” Lu Yanhe was surprised.

 Chen Ziyan said: "After I read the script you wrote, I told her that there was a role in it that was very suitable for her. Even if you didn't tell me, I would help her fight for it."

 Lu Yanhe asked: "Sister Ziyan, which role do you like?"

 “Chen Wanqiu.” Chen Ziyan said, “She is beautiful and generous, with a gentle personality but a little paranoid. This character seems to be based on her.”

Lu Yanhe laughed and said, "You are right. When I wrote this character, I did use Wen Minglan's image and character to write it."

 Chen Ziyan said: “Do you think this drama will be very popular?”

"It's either very popular or bloody." Lu Yanhe expressed his judgment, "However, I think it will be popular. It has been a long time since there has been a drama about the lives of young people in our country. Now they are all Everyone is tired of workplace dramas, romance dramas, and fairy tale dramas.”

 Chen Ziyan: “Although I’m tired of watching these themes, there are still several hits every year, which shows that there is an audience and they will continue to flourish.”

Lu Yanhe nodded, “But I think this drama will make up for the needs of many viewers.”

"You're right." Chen Ziyan nodded, "I also like this. I haven't seen a drama specifically about young people's lives and emotional relationships for a long time. When you recorded "Young Days" What touches me most about variety shows is the concept proposed by Li Zhenzhen. In fact, she is right. Many young people want to see such themes and types. "

 Compared with Chen Ziyan's support for him, Zhou Ping'an is full of critical eyes.

"Although Yan Liang doesn't have you and Li Zhi Baihuo, he won't be reduced to 50,000 yuan per episode. He is still an idol after all." Zhou Pingan said, "Besides, he is filming."

Lu Yanhe: "I know he is filming, but I also know that his film will be completed in November. Brother Ping'an, you should know that Yan Liang is my best friend, and I will not cheat him."

Zhou Ping'an: "It's just an eight-episode sitcom. No matter how popular it is, how popular can it be? Moreover, in the past, most of the popular sitcoms in our country were about family ethics. Your kind that talks about young people's lives, dreams and friendships, There’s no main plot yet, so it’s just a bit of a slap in the face.”

Lu Yanhe looked at Zhou Ping'an seriously and said, "Brother Ping'an, do you know? This is a script that allows me to get 8% of the revenue share of the entire drama from Beijing and Taiwan. Do you think this can be obtained with a blockbuster script?" Treatment?”

 Zhou Ping'an's mouth twitched momentarily. He was shocked by the news and showed an expression of disbelief.

"If you read the script carefully, you will know that this script is very good." Lu Yanhe said, "If you don't believe in my vision, you should also believe in Sister Ziyan's. Sister Ziyan will let me go to a photo shoot." Do you want to play a starring role in the play? "

Lu Yanhe looked at Zhou Pingan with firm eyes, "Although there have been many unpleasant things between you and me, I know that you are a very capable agent. Without Vice President Ma's instructions to you, maybe we would have been able to It’s a pleasure to work with you. Why don’t you put aside your preconceptions about me and read the script carefully to see if what I said is right before making a decision.”

Zhou Ping'an: "No matter how good your script is, I will never agree to the salary of 50,000 yuan per episode."

“What if I said that after this drama is finished, Yan Liang’s salary will increase to 500,000 per episode?” Lu Yanhe looked at him seriously.

Zhou Ping'an was stunned.

Lu Yanhe said: "I can even say that this drama will definitely be filmed for a second season. Yan Liang's salary in the second season can increase to 500,000 yuan per episode."

Zhou Pingan smiled.

"Do you know what you are talking about?" Zhou Pingan said, "Your current salary is also 500,000 yuan per episode, right?"

Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "I'm just saying that if Yan Liang plays this drama, he will become famous."

Zhou Ping'an: "Do you think you are a prophet? I will believe whatever you say?"

 Lu Yanhe: "I am not a prophet, but I am the only one who will submit the script to Yan Liang and ask him to play the leading role because he is my friend."

Zhou Pingan was silent.

Lu Yanhe said: "Brother Ping'an, please read the script first. I'm leaving today. In addition, I'm also writing a movie script starring Yan Liang and Li Zhibai. Maybe you think I'm a newcomer. The script I wrote is terrible, but maybe you don’t know that Jia Long and Chen Bige have both decided to star in the movie script I wrote, and Huang Kairen just booked a script with me with him as the protagonist. Now you still think Is the script I wrote not worthy of Yan Liang?"


 “I finally realized what it means to pull the tiger’s skin and raise the flag.”

Lu Yanhe's tone on the phone became excited, without any trace of the confidence, strength and inexcusable expression he showed just now in front of Zhou Ping'an.

“When I said the names of Jia Long, Chen Bige, and Huang Kairen, Zhou Pingan’s expression immediately changed,” Lu Yanhe said.

Chen Siqi also laughed, "Yes, you are self-taught, but you are not pulling the tiger's skin or pulling the flag. You are not lying. Sometimes you have to tell lies in order to win over someone. of."

 “Hmm?” Lu Yanhe asked, “You?”

“Yeah, but it’s not a lie, it’s a double-cross. In the end, when the matter is done, it’s not a lie.” Chen Siqi said, “This is a strategy.”

Lu Yanhe asked: “How is the winter special issue going?”

Chen Siqi said: “While we were busy selecting manuscripts, Teacher Shi Xia finally agreed to give us a prose.”

 “Huh?” Lu Yanhe showed a surprised expression.

Chen Siqi: "It's really not easy. After working hard for so long, Teacher Shi Xia suddenly asked me two days ago. He wrote a short article and asked me if I wanted it. I said of course, how could I not want it? I was on the phone. He let out a squeal of surprise and startled him."

 Lu Yanhe knew how much energy and effort Chen Siqi had put into getting rid of Teacher Shi Xia. It had been almost a year. He had only visited Teacher Shi Xia's house no less than three times, and he usually sent gifts during every New Year and festival.

“Our all-star author lineup for the winter special issue of “Jump Up” can finally add the name of Teacher Shi Xia.”

"Congratulations." Lu Yanhe said with a smile, "By the way, there is something I have to tell you in advance. I am going to write about this drama in the column of this special issue. They plan to broadcast it during the winter vacation, I think Spread the word on Jump Up.”

 Chen Siqi: “Of course it’s no problem.”

 Chen Siqi added: "All of our "Jump Up" media accounts can cooperate with the promotion."

Lu Yanhe: "I have been telling others these past few days that this drama will definitely be a hit and will become popular. I swear so confidently, but in fact I am not sure at all."

Chen Siqi: "This shows that you have finally advanced again."


"Well, there is no truly talented creator who is not confident in himself. It is nothing more than the difference between showing it and not showing it." Chen Siqi said, "And you are in the entertainment industry, this is a place where everyone is trying their best to exaggerate themselves. Where, if you don’t swear by your promises, others will be the first to look down on you. In the past, you had Sister Ziyan here, and she helped you get it done. Now you have to be the main creator of a drama. In this crew, you can only do it by yourself. Okay, looking at it now, the results are quite good, aren’t they?”

 Lu Yanhe hummed.

Chen Siqi said: "Besides, I also believe that this drama will be popular. What you said is not wrong. If you are just blindly confident, why would Jia Long, Chen Bige and others choose your script? Why are Hu Siwei and Bai Jingnian so qualified?" The seniors in Shen will invite you to be a screenwriter, and why Beijing and Taiwan agree to give you an 8% profit share. These actually show that you write well, and only if you write well can these things happen. "

“You are really good at encouraging people. I am so encouraged by you.” Lu Yanhe said with a smile.


 As a result, Li Zhibai came over aggressively.

“You asked Yan Liang to act with you, why didn’t you ask me?” he asked.

Li Zhibai drove the car, parked directly at the school gate, and called him out.

Lu Yanhe suddenly received a call from him, telling him to wait for him at the school gate and asking him to hurry over. He thought something urgent had happened, so he hurried over, but it turned out that Lu Yanhe didn't bother him for the drama.

Lu Yanhe couldn't laugh or cry, and said: "We are just a small-budget drama, and we can't afford to hire you for the time being. How could Zhou Ping'an agree to both you and Yan Liang for a reduced salary to star in this drama?"

Li Zhibai chuckled and said, "I said before that I would write a movie script for Yan Liang and me, but now I don't see the shadow of the movie script. Instead, I wrote a script that ignored me."

"Isn't it just that Beijing and Taiwan came to me for cooperation? It's not intentional." Lu Yanhe said, "Besides, I have already passed on "Nineteen Years of Crime Record" to you and Yan Liang. Did they come to you?"

Li Zhibai nodded, "Yes, I've been looking for it, and I've been asked to audition, but there's no news yet, so I guess I'm not interested."

After he finished speaking, his eyes widened again, "Don't interrupt, you didn't do this properly."

"Is there any way that the role is more suitable for Yan Liang?" Lu Yanhe said, "Do you want to play a person with a gentle personality, a positive and sunny character? I can't imagine you like this."

 Li Zhibai: “…”

Lu Yanhe said: "I can still imagine you playing a violent and emotional person."

“I’m here to challenge you, not to hear you complain about me.”

Lu Yanhe said with a smile: "Isn't this explaining to you why I didn't ask you to act? Of course, the most important thing is the remuneration. You are too expensive. It's not me who pays, but Beijing and Taiwan. They don't want to pay. Are you letting them take advantage?"

 Li Zhibai pursed his lips.

 “And, in the script I wrote, there is another role that I want to play for you.”


Lu Yanhe said: ""Squid Game" is a theme very close to "Seventeenth Floor"."

 Li Zhibai looked at him in disbelief, "You wrote another script?"

Lu Yanhe nodded.

Li Zhibai: "Lu Yanhe, how many stories do you have in your head? Damn it, how did you come up with all this?"

Lu Yanhe thought to himself that this was not his idea. He was just a small porter.

In "The Squid Game", there is a young male police character who is also one of the protagonists. He did not participate in the death game, but suspected that the game was related to his missing brother, so he infiltrated the organization to investigate the secret. It's another branch line. The actor who played this role at the time became an instant star with this drama.

Lu Yanhe said to Li Zhibai: "The script has not been written yet, but the characters have been thought of. I will show it to you after the script is written."

Li Zhibai nodded immediately, and his attitude towards Lu Yanhe's attack on the enemy was gone.

 “That’s not bad, you have a good attitude.”

 Lu Yanhe said: "When the time comes, you will not be the main protagonist of this drama."

Li Zhibai: "The first leading role is nothing. I don't have a problem with not acting unless I'm the leading role. After you won the Golden Tripod Award for Best Supporting Actor, Zhou Ping'an even muttered that he wanted to give me a supporting role that could win the award. ”

Lu Yanhe: "As long as you don't mind." Li Zhibai squinted his eyes, "Then the pay for this drama won't be less, right?"

 “There is nothing less for a big production.” Lu Yanhe believes that after the broadcast of “Seventeenth Floor”, “Squid Game” cannot be a small production, and it will not lose Li Zhibai’s salary.

In this drama, there are two middle-aged characters. The first protagonist is of course the one starring Li Zhengzai. Lu Yanhe wants to find Jiang Jun to play the role. Just like what Lian Bei said, because of Jiang Jun's popularity and appeal, the other protagonists must find big stars who can carry the drama and make investors and broadcast platforms nod. Therefore, Lu Yanhe thought of it at that time, Li Zhibai was asked to play the role of the young male police officer, while Jiang Yuqian was asked to play the role of the young girl in the leading group—if Sister Yuqian was willing to play the role.

 With the two of them in the lead group, they won’t be a drag on the cast.

Lu Yanhe: "You're here anyway, let's have a meal together, I'm hungry."

 “What do you want to eat? Your brother-in-law invites you.”

“How about we go to our school cafeteria to eat?” Lu Yanhe asked, “Our school cafeteria is quite rich, with a lot of delicious food.”

"Let's go then." Li Zhibai finished, "No, I have to find a place to park first. This is a temporary parking space. You can't park for too long."


Li Zhibai wore sunglasses and followed Lu Yanhe into the Zhenhua campus. The combination of the two attracted countless eyes.

Although Zhenhua students are more restrained and less likely to express themselves in an excited and screaming manner, there are quite a few who take out their mobile phones to take pictures of the two of them.

Li Zhibai waved hello to many girls with a bright smile.

Lu Yanhe couldn't help but shake his head when he saw his peacock-like appearance.

This guy Li Zhibai is like this.

As a result, because Li Zhibai did not have Zhenhua’s campus card, Lu Yanhe invited Li Zhibai to eat the last meal.

“The food in your school cafeteria is really good.” Li Zhibai gave his own evaluation.

“That’s right, I told you it’s delicious.” Lu Yanhe said, “Everyone doesn’t go out to eat very much.”

 Li Zhibai: "It feels like you are really enjoying your campus life. I rarely go there a few times a semester."

“What will you do after graduation if you don’t go to school?” Lu Yanhe asked.

Li Zhibai said: "In my **** school, no one usually cares about you. Just go and take the exam during the exam. And, to be honest, it doesn't matter whether I get the diploma from that school. It's not like you and Yan Liang. Zhenhua, one is from Beijing Art Institute, which are famous schools. If I had this degree, my dad would have invited everyone to dinner. "

He had dinner with Lu Yanhe and asked, "Are you going back to Ziyuanqiao in the evening, or are you staying in the dormitory?"

"Go back to Ziyuanqiao. There will be no classes tomorrow or Saturday." Lu Yanhe said, "But I have to go to the dormitory to get my computer. You called me just now. I ran out in a hurry, thinking there was something urgent. ”

Li Zhibai: "Then who's to blame? When I heard that you only looked for Yan Liang and not me for filming, I immediately exploded."

 Lu Yanhe: “Then it’s impossible for me to put all three of us in one play forever.”

 Li Zhibai: “That’s your business.”

 Lu Yanhe: “…”


The news that Lu Yanhe was going to collaborate with Beijing and Taiwan on a sitcom quickly spread in the entertainment industry.

Everyone's first reaction when they heard the news was that Lu Yanhe and Jingtai were collaborating on a new drama. They all lamented that after Lu Yanhe won the Golden Tripod Award, the resources immediately followed, and he still had to win the award.

 Listen carefully to the content of the cooperation again, what? screenwriter? What? ! 8% revenue share? !

This news is not an explosion, it simply blew everyone up.

Zhou Pingan finally relented and agreed to let Yan Liang star in the play.

 Lu Yanhe is right. This is the only TV series currently that would agree to let Yan Lianglai play the leading role. It is a TV series produced and broadcast on a traditional TV station like Beijing and Taiwan.

 This is of extraordinary significance to Yan Liang.

Zhou Ping'an is an agent who is very good at calculating accounts. He can clearly calculate the apparent salary figures, as well as the hidden income that a starring role brings to Yan Liang at this stage.

But Zhou Ping'an still didn't mean to accept it readily. When he told Yan Liang about this, he didn't forget to give Yan Liang eye drops.

"Look at this good friend of yours. He says he's giving you the leading role, but to be honest, he's just trying to take advantage of you. He's getting 2 million yuan per episode and an 8% profit share. You just You can get paid 50,000 yuan per episode." Zhou Pingan clicked his tongue, "This is such a smart calculation."

Yan Liang listened in silence without saying a word.

Zhou Ping'an said: "At this time, he knew that he didn't ask Li Zhibai. He knew that if it was Li Zhibai, I would never agree."

Yan Liang still listened silently.

 When Zhou Pingan finished speaking, Yan Liang left silently.

 50,000 per episode is a very low salary, especially when compared with Lu Yanhe’s salary, it seems pitiful.


Yan Liang took a deep breath.

If there were no Lu Yanhe, which TV station would be willing to give him the leading role in a prime-time drama?

Li Zhibai's words yesterday are still ringing in his mind: "Lao Lu went too far. He asked you to play this role instead of me, and humiliated me for not being able to play it. He obviously followed the role you wrote, and yet he blamed me for not being able to play it. He Why don’t you write this character according to my personality?”

Li Zhibai clicked his tongue, "He is his true love for you. From the perspective of the script, you are the real hero of this drama, and he is just a supporting role."

Yan Liang looked up at the blue sky, the blue of the sky reflected in his silent eyes.

 Clean, cold.


After Lu Yanhe started recording the second season of "Young Days", others joked and asked if there were any roles suitable for them.

Lu Yanhe said with a smile: "The budget is too small and I can't afford to invite everyone. However, everyone is welcome to make a guest appearance, please."

Lu Yanhe plans to find one or two characters in each episode and invite his celebrity friends to guest star.

For example, Li Zhibai took the initiative to volunteer.

 There is more and more news about this drama.

For example, Lu Yanhe is actually the screenwriter of this drama. For example, as a key creative staff of this drama, he will participate in the casting of this drama.

These news are all invisibly rendered into a legendary color by everyone in an incredible tone.

 “He is only twenty years old.” This is the most critical and the one that has caused the most discussion.

 It is normal for actors like Chen Bige and Shang Yongzhou to be able to influence the creative direction and casting of a play. It has also been accepted by the industry and will not make people feel strange.

But Lu Yanhe is not them, so why does he have such great power?

It is this unusual phenomenon that has pushed both Lu Yanhe and Jingtai to the forefront.

 The news also began to spread from the industry to the entire network.

When Lu Yanhe was recording the second season of "Young Days" with everyone, he didn't look at his mobile phone, so he didn't know much about the situation online. When he finished recording the show, got his mobile phone, and went online, he realized that he had been completely hacked. The discussion took place online for several days.

 Some people question his ability to write scripts, and some question his ability to carry dramas. Of course, there are also many people who support him and look forward to his work, with various voices.

However, this time, many people remain skeptical.

Because Lu Yanhe is too young, only twenty years old, and he has not even been acting for two years before he started writing scripts.

Everyone judges this matter based on conventional experience, and they all feel that no matter how talented Lu Yanhe is, he does not have the ability to write a script independently.

- Domestic entertainment is really about to end. An idol actor who has only broadcasted one drama so far and appeared in less than three episodes has won a Golden Tripod Award for Best Supporting Actor and now he has become an independent star of a Beijing-Taiwan drama. Screenwriter and core starring, is this world more magical, or am I unable to tolerate sand in my eyes? What kind of background does Lu Yanhe have that allows him to obtain such exaggerated resources? Even Huang Kairen can't get such resources, right?

 Someone said so.

Then, Lu Yanhe’s forever anti-fan leader Yu Jiang arrived late but retweeted this Weibo, saying: “Everyone has finally seen Lu Yanhe’s true face. When I exposed other people’s small ambitions before, you all said I can’t tolerate it. Young man, can you understand my feelings now?"

Then, Chen Siqi, Yujiang’s biggest anti-fan, showed up and showed a promotional picture of the cumulative sales of the paper and electronic versions of "Jump Up" exceeding 1.5 million copies, saying: "I have always understood your envy and jealousy. "

Yu Jiang counterattacked: "You relied on the popularity of Lu Yanhe and the power of fans to make "Jump Up" and support the sales of 1.5 million copies. Do you think such a deceptive game can be replicated in a TV series?"

Chen Siqi forwarded it and made an official announcement: "Since Teacher Yu Jiang asked sincerely, I will mercifully announce it in advance. Whether such results can be replicated in Yan He's new play, we will wait and see, but such results Finally, our "Jump Up" has successfully impressed Teacher Shi Xia. We will publish Teacher Shi Xia's new work in the special winter issue of "Jump Up", so stay tuned!"

Yu Jiang subconsciously wanted to fight back, but then his eyes fell on the word Shi Xia, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

 Shi Xia? !

Chen Siqi: "I understand many people's doubts about Yan He because he is very young and because he has never shown his ability as a screenwriter in front of everyone. It is useless for me to say more at this time, so I won't say more. Everyone After seeing the drama aired, I made my own judgment, but I cannot sit idly by and ignore some teachers making targeted and instructive remarks based on past grievances."

Chen Siqi added: "There are always people criticizing us. Two newly graduated high school students want to make a magazine. Do they think this is just playing house? Do you think they can make a magazine just by relying on Lu Yanhe's fans? Now, this This magazine has entered a period of healthy development. It has successfully reached its first anniversary and has issued a total of eleven issues. The cumulative sales of paper and electronic versions have exceeded 1.5 million copies. In the past year, Many senior writers are encouraging us and asking us to keep doing it. Even many writers and teachers of serious literature have expressed their encouragement to us in various ways. This is what we did when we decided to create a commercial literary magazine. Unexpectedly, let alone, now we are proud to announce that Teacher Shi Xia has given us one of his new works, which will be published in the special winter issue of "Jump Up".

Chen Siqi posted a third post on Weibo: "Being young means having no experience. Being young means that everything you do will be questioned and challenged, but being young also means having unlimited possibilities. Let your works speak for itself."

 Chen Siqi’s three Weibo posts received a large number of likes from young fans with her clear-cut attitude.

And Yu Jiang was bombarded by Chen Siqi’s three Weibo posts and was trolled again.

It can be said that Chen Siqi’s powerful response to all the doubts that Lu Yanhe received has eliminated the harm it caused to Lu Yanhe.

The main reason is that the sales of "Jump Up" are too hard. This is the achievement of two young people, Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi, and no one can erase it.

Since Lu Yanhe was able to buck the trend and create a best-selling magazine at the age of nineteen, why couldn't Lu Yanhe write a script for a hit drama at the age of twenty?

Chen Siqi’s response brought everyone’s thinking to this position.

 Sort out the doubts and doubts you subconsciously feel based on life experience, choose to give Lu Yanhe a basic trust, and then maintain your expectations for this drama.


 Chen Ziyan said to Lu Yanhe: "Siqi is really suitable to help you with public relations. Every time you are attacked by public opinion, her response can help you turn the tide just right. She is very powerful."

 Lu Yanhe: “If she hadn’t helped me respond to Yu Jiang, I really don’t know what to say.”

"Of course you can't speak out about this kind of thing yourself." Chen Ziyan said, "Remember, no matter what happens, you can't confront people by yourself, do you understand?"

Lu Yanhe nodded.

Chen Ziyan: "But thanks to this incident, your drama became popular before it was broadcast, and there will be no shortage of attention and popularity. I think many people will want to know about this new drama with you as the screenwriter and starring. What will it look like?”

Lu Yanhe lowered his head and chuckled, and said: "They don't know yet that this drama will be broadcast exclusively in Beijing and Taiwan, and it won't be broadcast online. If they knew about this, they would probably have an even bigger fuss."

 Chen Ziyan: “This is a very risky approach. After all, there are really very few people watching TV now.”

"But there are still many people with TV sets at home." Lu Yanhe said, "I understand what Hu Siwei and the others want to do. They have wanted to make a sitcom from the beginning, and it is a low-cost sitcom. The cost of one episode is Controlling it within five million is just for this purpose.”

 “They want to boost ratings.”

"Hmm." Lu Yanhe nodded, "After the TV series completes its first round of exclusive broadcast, it will be sold to video websites for broadcast."

Chen Ziyan said: "But it may not be able to increase the ratings. This really depends on the appeal of this drama. Of course, if this drama really increases the ratings, let alone 2%. , if it can reach 1%, it will be a huge achievement.”

 The current prime-time ratings of Beijing and Taiwan average between 0.3-0.6%.

  If the ratings can exceed 1%, it will basically be the drama king of the year.

 In the Internet era, the ratings of traditional TV stations have collapsed like this.

 Except for the national channel, all other TV stations are like this.

 At that time it will be a battle for ratings.


 The audition for the actors is scheduled for a weekend in October.

Lu Yanhe is also one of the interview judges.

 Because Lu Yanhe's appointment as screenwriter caused a stir on the Internet some time ago, many people are staring at this drama, knowing that no matter what happens to this drama, it will definitely be a popular drama that attracts attention.

  It will not be an invalid broadcast.

However, Hu Si Siwei also made rumors to various agencies and agents early on. Currently, there are only three main roles of a man and two women in this drama that have not yet been cast. This time, the main purpose is to cast these three, but due to the limited budget, so There will be no auditions for A-list actors this time around.

This has caused some first-line actors who were interested in the project to back out.

 This does not affect the enthusiasm of various brokerage companies at all.

 Which agency hasn't signed some unknown actors, or even newcomers.

 For this group of actors, the first expectation of the agency is not to make money, but to become famous.

 Only by becoming popular can you make more money.

This drama is very popular now. It seems to be a drama that attracts a lot of attention. Everyone wants to have their own people in this drama.

 Hu Siwei and Bai Jingnian were involved in various relationships, and Lu Yanhe also became very popular because of this incident.

Some people even asked Huang Kairen to greet Lu Yanhe through connections.

Huang Kairen smiled and said: "This is too crazy. There is no way. Yan He is a very good senior of mine. He came to see me. I can only make this call to you."

Lu Yanhe was also helpless and said, "Brother Huang, we are just a small crew, not that exaggerated."

Huang Kairen said: "Do you know how popular you are now? Many people are asking me about your drama."

Lu Yanhe said: "This is because people haven't seen the script and don't know what the play is. Then because I was questioned and became a hot topic, the play suddenly attracted attention. In fact, it was really a small cost." It’s a drama, but others say it’s a big drama, and I don’t know how to explain it.”

Huang Kairen: "You wrote the script. That's correct, right? It's not a rumor, right?"

 “That’s not true.” Lu Yanhe smiled.

Huang Kairen: "Let me just say, I told you before that I asked you to write a play with the two of us as the protagonists, and you promised me. Don't forget it."

“I can’t forget it, but Brother Huang, why don’t you come and help me make a guest appearance in this drama.” Lu Yanhe chuckled and said.

Huang Kairen: "Guest appearance? Okay, whenever you want to shoot, I'll come when I have time."

 He agreed directly.

 “It’s really refreshing, thank you, Brother Huang.”

 “Why are you so polite?” Huang Kairen said.

 After hanging up the phone from Huang Kairen, Lu Yanhe returned to the worry about what the name of the play was.

 These days, Lu Yanhe has been worrying about this matter, but he has not thought of a good answer.

 Hu Siwei and Bai Jingnian were also thinking about it.

However, every time when people come up with a name and then pass it, they always feel that it is not good enough. It is not strong enough, not appropriate enough, and it is not good enough.

 On the day of the weekend audition, Lu Yanhe went out early in the morning and came to Beijing and Taiwan.

 The audition took place in Beijing and Taiwan.

What Lu Yanhe didn't expect was that when he arrived, there were already many people waiting.

Looking around, the waiting room was almost full. They are all young actors.

 Lu Yanhe's appearance also made everyone in the waiting room look over in surprise.

 “It’s Lu Yanhe!” someone said softly.

Lu Yanhe nodded to them, waved hello, and walked into the audition room.

 Hu Siwei and Bai Jingnian are already here.

 There is coffee and snacks on the table.

 The preparation was quite considerate.

 “I’m not late, am I?” Lu Yanhe saw that everyone was here, and for a moment he wondered if he was late.

"No, it won't start until fifteen minutes." Hu Siwei said, "There has been a lot of discussion about our play recently."

 Bai Jingnian smiled and said: "The main discussion is about Yan He."

Lu Yanhe said: "I hope these discussions can bring more viewers to this drama when it is broadcast. It is not in vain that I have been questioned by so many people."

"When they see the script you wrote and the show is broadcast, they will know how wrong they were to underestimate you." Bai Jingnian said.

Lu Yanhe shook his head, "As long as they don't throw bricks at me."

 “Haha, how could it be?”

 The three of them chatted for a while.

Hu Siwei suddenly said: "Yan Liang and Wen Minglan have already signed a contract, and we are going to start filming in December. Yan He, is your time OK?"

“No problem, just avoid my class and exam time, especially since I have two exam weeks in January.” Lu Yanhe said.

Because it is a peripheral drama that is being filmed and broadcast at the same time, this shooting method does not require Lu Yanhe to spend many consecutive days on the set as before.

 For Lu Yanhe, time is much easier to coordinate.

Hu Siwei said: "We will definitely coordinate the shooting time."

Bai Jingnian added: ""Phoenix Channel" should be broadcast in November. Our station has bought this drama."

Lu Yanhe was a little surprised and asked: "Will it be broadcast on Beijing TV in November?"

"Yes, it will be broadcast simultaneously on Taiwan and the Internet." Bai Jingnian said, "This will also be beneficial to the ratings of our subsequent drama."

Although Lu Yanhe is not the protagonist in "Phoenix Terrace", he is still a main character with a complete plot line.

  This drama will definitely bring some viewers to Lu Yanhe if it is broadcast on Beijing TV. And this sitcom will be broadcast after "Phoenix TV". As long as "Phoenix TV" does not collapse, it will certainly reap dividends.

 After chatting for a while, the audition officially began.

Lu Yanhe used to go to auditions. For the first time, he sat in the interviewer's seat and looked at the people who came in for the interview. This feeling was a bit strange, and it also made him feel a little dazed.

 It turns out that this is how the interviewer feels about the auditionee.

 From the first moment someone comes in, you will subconsciously evaluate which role this person is suitable for, what are the plus points and where are the minus points. Some people give you a good first impression, but their subsequent performance is unsatisfactory. The first impression some people give you is not very good, but during the audition, their line skills and performance are very natural and unexpected.

Even though there were cameras recording the scene, Lu Yanhe was still taking notes with pen and paper.

 He had the resume information of all the auditionees in front of him.

Everyone’s situation is different when they come in. Some people will arouse the interest of Hu Siwei and Bai Jingnian, and when asked questions, some people will just try a clip and let them leave directly.

Lu Yanhe rarely spoke. He knew that he was actually not that capable of leading an audition, so he just sat silently watching, taking his own notes, and recording his impressions of each auditionee.

During the break, Hu Siwei asked Lu Yanhe if there was anything that impressed him deeply.

 Lu Yanhe said: “I haven’t seen it yet.”

 Most of the actors who came to audition were not very good at acting. In fact, the scenes that require auditions do not require much acting skills. This sitcom does not require very high acting skills from the actors. Lu Yanhe always thought that everyone would give a more qualified performance, just like what he encountered in previous dramas. Like those young actors.

However, through this audition, Lu Yanhe discovered that there were so many people who couldn't even perform basic natural and life-like performances, and some even moved as stiffly as a zombie.

Lu Yanhe didn’t want to say that he was shocked, but the actual situation was almost the same.

But looking at Hu Siwei and Bai Jingnian again, the two people's reactions were calm and calm, with no expression of surprise at all.

Lu Yanhe knew that this was the norm at the audition scene.

 No wonder director Luo Yuzhong praised their group's performance when he went to Star Entertainment to audition.

 Compared with the situation today, the performances given by the five of them at that time were at least commendable.

 Thinking about it again, Lu Yanhe realized that his knowledge of actors was somewhat above average from the beginning.

 In "Golden Age", "Phoenix Stage", "Seventeenth Floor", and even the guest appearance in "Three Mountains", every opponent actor who has worked with him was actually selected after careful selection.

 And this is the norm.

Lu Yanhe didn’t say anything, just digested all this silently.

 But in the end, during the audition process, a few actors appeared that made Lu Yanhe’s eyes light up and felt that they were pretty good.

It's not that his acting is good, but he feels very sincere and his personality seems to fit the character very well.

 Lu Yanhe made several special marks.

This audition lasted from 9:30 in the morning to 5:30 in the afternoon, and all the actors who signed up to audition were seen.

 There will be another one tomorrow.

Lu Yanhe felt that he was exhausted after sitting for a whole day and that it was too draining on people's energy.

 Hu Siwei lamented: “If it weren’t for our insufficient budget, we should have hired a professional casting team to help us find actors.”

 For large production crews, there are very few directors who need to be responsible for the first few auditions.

  The list of actors is often provided by a professional casting team for the director team to make the final decision, which only requires one or two more viewings.

Lu Yanhe said with a smile: "Maybe when the second season starts, we won't have to be so embarrassed."


 In the evening, after having dinner with Hu Siwei and Bai Jingnian, Lu Yanhe returned to school.

Li Zhibai and Yan Liang were not at Ziyuanqiao, so he went back to his dormitory to sleep.

Mao Jiayang was lifting dumbbells in the dormitory, and his biceps were very developed.

Seeing that Lu Yanhe was back, Mao Jiayang said: "Yanhe, someone came to your dormitory just now and said he was a classmate of your film history course. He said you borrowed notes from him and came to give them to you. But you were not there, so he just put them down." It’s on your desk.”

Lu Yanhe immediately glanced at his desk and saw a stack of copied notes.

 He nodded.

“But film history should be an elective course, right?” Mao Jiayang asked.

Lu Yanhe nodded.

Mao Jiayang was a little surprised and asked: "Are you so serious about asking for other people's notes in elective courses? Aren't all elective courses just a passing grade?"

Lu Yanhe smiled and said, "I chose this course because I was interested in it. The score is secondary. The main reason is that I am interested in the content of this course. The teacher who takes this course is also very knowledgeable. Every class I didn’t want to delay the class by taking notes, so I borrowed notes from others.”

Mao Jiayang: “Cool.”

 In school, there are actually many rumors about Lu Yanhe. The fact that he appears in the library from time to time is just to create a persona that he studies hard, and that he loves reading is just an illusion. In fact, he has not read many books, etc.

Even in public, Lu Yanhe is the idol of almost every Zhenhua student.

 But behind the scenes, there are still people who gossip out of anonymity.

 Perhaps this is an encounter that every celebrity cannot avoid.

Only those who are really close to Lu Yanhe know how much of his love for reading comes from his heart, and how much of it comes from rumored utilitarian purposes.

 This is also the reason why several people in the dormitory sincerely appreciate and admire Lu Yanhe.

Mao Jiayang told Li Xiao: "At least half of the people in our school are studying and working hard for very utilitarian purposes, even to improve their grade points and comprehensive tests, and are simply interested in knowledge like Lu Yanhe , I haven’t seen many students who are interested in the content of the book, and he doesn’t look like an artist at all.”

Li Xiao also joked: "I feel like you are all Lu Yanhe's fans now."

Mao Jiayang nodded, "That's not impossible."

Li Xiao: "Don't they say that artists are seen from afar and smell bad when seen close up? Anyone who really has close contact with a celebrity artist in life will break the filter and realize that he is also a person with many shortcomings."

Mao Jiayang: "Lu Yanhe is different."


"The media touts him as a genius, as if he is someone who learns everything effortlessly, but if you really get to know him, you will know that he really puts in 100% effort and concentration in everything he does to be able to master everything. "Everything is done with ease," Mao Jiayang said, "Geniuses may make people jealous, but no one in our dormitory is jealous of him. We all feel that he deserves everything he gets now."

Li Xiao was also surprised to hear Mao Jiayang describe Lu Yanhe like this.

She didn't know much about Lu Yanhe. If it weren't for Mao Jiayang being Lu Yanhe's roommate, she might have been like everyone else, only meeting Lu Yanhe from a distance on campus, or passing him somewhere on campus, but There won't be any real interaction.

That time she and Mao Jiayang attended Lu Yanhe's birthday party together, and felt a little out of place.

Later, I heard from Mao Jiayang that I found out that the birthday party actually originated from a couple's activity he proposed. Only then did Li Xiao know why at Lu Yanhe's birthday party, several girls who were not familiar with Lu Yanhe at all appeared in an infield that only belonged to Lu Yanhe's private circle of friends.

“Lu Yanhe is very sincere, just treat him as a very nice classmate.” Mao Jiayang said this to Li Xiao more than once. (End of chapter)

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