Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 30: Surprise attack

Chapter 30 Sudden Attack


After walking up the steps, Lu Yanhe applauded from behind.

 Chen Siqi immediately turned around and looked at Lu Yanhe in surprise.

"what are you doing?"

Lu Yanhe said: "I just witnessed the entire confrontation between you and Li Lin, and I admire you from the bottom of my heart."

Chen Siqi said with a straight face: "Are you sick?"

Lu Yanhe smiled and said, "Really, last time I heard that Li Lin was going to take the art exam, why didn't you have this idea?"

Chen Siqi sneered: "Why should I take the art exam? Only those with bad grades take the art exam."

 Lu Yanhe: “…”

 Chen Siqi turned around and left.

 “Hello!” Lu Yanhe called to her.

 “What else do you want to do?”

 Lu Yanhe pointed at Chen Siqi's head.

 “You’ve lost a hair on your head.”

Chen Siqi's expression changed, and she immediately reached out to touch it, and sure enough, she touched a bird feather that had fallen on her head at some point. This made her immediately angry and glared at Lu Yanhe, then turned and left.

Lu Yanhe curled his lips.

“It’s weird. He glared at me even though he was kindly reminding me. He has a really weird temper.”


Lu Yanhe came to the class, and as soon as he entered the classroom door, he felt something was wrong.

 He turned around and looked around. He didn't know what was going on today. Everyone was sitting in their seats reading.

 Normally at this time, at least half of the people are laughing and joking.

what is it today?

Lu Yanhe hesitantly sat down in his seat.

“Why is it so strange today?” He couldn’t help but curiously asked the classmate next to him.

 “What’s weird?”

 “They are all reading books.”

“Oh, Lao Chen just said that I will write down the words silently in the first class later.”

 Lao Chen is their English teacher.

 Lu Yanhe understood.

 It turned out to be a temporary inspection, and these people were just improvising.

“Old Chen also said that whoever can’t memorize half of the words this time should go to his office every day after school to memorize the words.”

Lu Yanhe laughed.

 It seems that this is the main reason.

   No matter how uneducated the student is, he doesn’t want to be left to go to his office to memorize words every day.

Lu Yanhe asked: "Today, which part of the word should I silently silence?"

  “Vocabulary list for the first volume of high school.”

Lu Yanhe thought, that’s not bad.

 At this time, Lao Chen came. Although they call them Lao Chen, Lao Chen is actually only in his early thirties. He came to their school to teach English right after graduating from college. He has a good personality and does not bother the students. He has always had a good reputation among the students and has a good relationship with them. Not bad.

 Because the first class is English, according to the usual practice, this morning self-study is also in English.

After Lao Chen came in, he looked around the classroom, looked at the time, and said twice, "Your class is also generous. You are already in your third year of high school. It's already this time, and half of the people are still not here."

 Everyone continued to memorize the words in silence, and no one paid attention to him.

Lao Chen started to attack again with the magic sound: "Look at how hard you are working now. If you are even half as self-aware as usual, you can pass the top 10. Now I am just trying to make ends meet. I want to see how many of you can pass. Don’t blame me for being too cruel. During the monthly exam a few days ago, I analyzed each of your answer sheets. Unexpectedly, most of you asked basic questions. Points were deducted for spelling errors alone, with an average of three points deducted. , This makes me feel so embarrassed.”

Lao Chen doesn't speak harshly, he just talks like an old man. But this style is very useful in their class. The more amazing thing is that no one took what he said seriously. This is rare in high school classes.

Classmates came in one after another. Seeing the solemn atmosphere in the class and Lao Chen standing on the podium, they all knew that something must be going on. Without saying a word, they quickly went to their seats and whispered to the people next to them what was going on. .

Only five minutes before class, Li Pengfei slowly walked in from the back door carrying his schoolbag.

“Oh, it’s so quiet!” Li Pengfei was startled as soon as he came in.

 Lao Chen: "I'm just like you. I'm in my senior year of high school. I didn't arrive in the classroom until this hour."

“Old Chen, you are not kind, but I am not late at least, so I can still get a scolding from you.”

"Don't blame me for not telling you in advance. As soon as the first class starts, you will have to memorize the words. If you get more than half of them wrong, you will go to my office to memorize the words after school every day." Lao Chen held his hands in front of his chest, "Including you. Inside."

Li Pengfei's eyes widened, "Holy shit, right? A surprise attack?"

"Are you embarrassed to say that? You, who only got 43 points in the English test, tell me, how many points were obtained by yourself and how many points were you fooled into?" Lao Chen asked.

There was a burst of uncontrollable snickering in the class.

Li Pengfei pursed his lips and said, "Damn, Lao Chen, you are making a personal attack."

"I studied the scores of each of you yesterday and learned from the painful experience. I feel that I should not only criticize you, I should also criticize myself. I am just too soft-hearted and too good to you. I always make excuses for you to let you in. I have deducted so many points that shouldn’t be deducted from my English. As a role model, I will take the lead in self-examination and personally make improvements. Therefore, starting from today, I will take ten minutes every day to write down the words for you. I marked them for you today. The scope is relatively large. The main purpose is to see how your vocabulary foundation is. Starting from tomorrow, you will memorize twenty words every day. The range of dictation will be announced after the English class every day. If you make less than three mistakes, you can solve it yourself. If you make more than three mistakes, See you all in my office after school."

Everyone in the class raised their heads in shock. At this moment, bursts of wailing erupted in the quiet classroom.

 “Old Chen, why have you become so cruel!”

 “Old Chen, you are no longer the gentle you!”

 “It’s so cruel and inhumane!”


Complaints kept coming and going.

 Lao Chen smiled and said: "You young people, if you have the energy to cry, why not remember two more words? Today you are allowed to make half of the mistakes."


Lu Yanhe sat in the audience and found Lao Chen strangely interesting.

 Actually, their class’s English scores are not bad. In other words, their class's English scores are very good, ranking among the top three in their grade. This is actually related to the fact that everyone likes Lao Chen very much. When I was a student, generally whichever teacher you liked, your grades in this subject would not be much worse.

 Today Lao Chen made a sudden attack, and I don’t know what the situation was.

 However, this is exactly what he wanted.

Lu Yanhe himself summarized the English test. The biggest problem is that he has forgotten the words and cannot understand English well.

 He also needs to make up for his shortcomings.

Twenty words a day are actually not many. They are all words that have been memorized and learned. In their situation, each person can finish memorizing them in an average of ten minutes, provided that they memorize them carefully.

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 (End of this chapter)

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