Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 295: Storm (10,000 words updated! Thank you Norns leader!

Chapter 295 Storm (10,000 words updated! Thank you, Leader Norns!)

Lu Yanhe is not the leading star of "Phoenix Terrace", but now he is as popular and popular as the other leading actors in "Phoenix Terrace".

  If it was a general drama crew, perhaps the publicity strategy would have been adjusted and changed at this time, focusing on Lu Yanhe, trying to use Lu Yanhe to increase the popularity of the drama.

 But Huang Cheng did not do this.

 The focus of publicity for "Phoenix Channel" has always been around the director and several leading actors.

Lu Yanhe also does publicity, but in the end it is still supplementary.

Most of the hot searches on him are run with the help of Star Entertainment Agency and promoted by fans.

 The ratings and broadcast data of "Phoenix Channel" have shown a steady upward trend.

 Especially the ratings, which increased by 0.2 in three days, almost exceeding 1%.

 Beijing and Taiwan may not have three dramas that can exceed 1% in ratings in a year.

 The media account of the Editors Club conducted exclusive interviews with several people including Chen Lingling and Zeng Qiao, but not Lu Yanhe.

 Someone asked in the comment area why Lu Yanhe was not interviewed exclusively.

 They replied: To avoid suspicion.

 As a result, this matter became a hot search topic.

 "Phoenix Channel" is a powerful plot drama. After a few days of airing, the discussion skyrocketed. This type of drama is actually like this. If it fails, I won’t say anything. If it does well, either the entry threshold for the plot is too high at the beginning, which will prevent it from becoming popular, and it will end up being a poorly-received drama, or it will not be popular. If the threshold is well done, the audience can be guided in and start to analyze the motivations behind each person and the truth behind each accident.

No character in "Phoenix Terrace" is a simple facial expression, they all have twists and turns and secrets. Chen Lingling has a very solid grasp of the script and editing, and is a director who really understands drama. It can actually be seen from her shooting style on set that she is not the kind of director who is immersed in artistic creation and ignores business rules.

 In the first few episodes of this drama, the intrigues and fights were not the focus and did not surface.

 The first few episodes were just a very ordinary case, all the characters were introduced, and the atmosphere was relatively relaxed.

Especially the line between Lu Yanhe and Lang Xia is a comedy line that is full of excitement and chaos.

However, in the early plot, Lang Xia is the character of a "silly and sweet" wealthy little prince, while Lu Yanhe is just a guard beside him. The eye-catching, funny and relaxing scenes are all in Lang Xia's character. Lu Yanhe's character is relatively taciturn and tends to be hands-off and silent. Therefore, during the early broadcast, although Lu Yanhe had far more fans than Lang Xia, Lang Xia still relied on the charm of the character itself to attract more attention. force.


 Since the Chen Wenwen incident, Lang Xia's public activities have decreased a lot.

 The crew did not take Lang Xia with them to promote "Phoenix Channel" when it aired.

Although He Yingzi was very unhappy about this matter, there was nothing he could do about it.

They have to thank God that the crew didn't pursue them in this matter.

However, with the broadcast of this drama, Lang Xia's popularity has also increased. Based on He Yingzi's expectations for this drama, it is difficult to say whether this drama will become a hit in the future, but it is already a well-deserved hit drama.

 The role played by Lang Xia is one of the most eye-catching characters in the early stage. He has a real character that is different from those of powerful people, and his temperament of doing whatever he says is also very catering to the preferences of young people in the current Internet environment.

He Yingzi did a series of supporting publicity. The crew did not arrange it. They spent their own money on marketing. Whether it's hot searches, exclusive interviews, or programs, they are all arranged one by one, and Lang Xia's work starts spinning non-stop.

  It can be said that in these days, Lang Xia's appearance rate is no lower than that of any leading actor.

He Yingzi is still cheering Lang Xia on.

"This period will be a little harder, but you have to persevere. This is your time to become popular. We must seize the opportunity and do everything possible to consolidate the current popularity. Do you understand?" He Yingzi told Lang Xia.

 After what happened to Chen Wenwen, despite the harsh response they issued, it seemed that they did not think Lang Xia had done anything wrong at all. In private, He Yingzi still gave Lang Xia a severe reprimand.

 This incident itself also gave Lang Xia a lot of excitement.

Lang Xia listened to He Yingzi's words and nodded.

 He now looks calmer than before, and less arrogant.

If it had been in the past, He Yingzi would have found a rival actor of Lang Xia to act as a supporter in the play.

  It's not that she likes to troll others, but that's how it is in the entertainment industry - trolling garners much more attention and hype than other publicity methods.

 At the beginning, He Yingzi’s target was Lu Yanhe. Even if Lu Yanhe's manager is Chen Ziyan, He Yingzi knows that Chen Ziyan will fight back, but He Yingzi is not afraid. She is not afraid of the other party's counterattack at all, but is afraid that the other party will have no news or action at all, so that this matter will not be promoted. The more powerful Chen Ziyan fights back, the more people will know Lang Xia.

 He Yingzi had this idea.

 But not anymore.

If she tries to win over Lu Yanhe now to win the favor of Lang Xia, Chen Ziyan doesn't need to take action. This method itself will cause a lot of backlash.

 When two people are about the same, this method of pulling and stepping can lead to traffic and increase the popularity.

 When the disparity between two people is a bit big, this method of pulling and stepping will only arouse people's contempt, or even violent disgust.

He Yingzi was just a little confused and strange as to why Chen Ziyan didn't seem to make any move even after the show had been aired for so long, and the promotion and marketing of Lu Yanhe was not carried out in a big way.

 Lu Yanhe’s current popularity and momentum seem to be firmly suppressed by Lang Xia.

From this point of view, it seems that Lu Yanhe has already been stepped on by Lang Xia without He Yingzi doing anything.


“The character played by Lang Xia is indeed liked by many audiences.” Chen Ziyan told Lu Yanhe, “It is similar to the rich second-generation character played by Li Zhibai in “With You to the End of the World”.

Lu Yanhe also nodded and said: "Everyone seems to like to see this kind of character who is not really 'silly and sweet' but has the external characteristics of 'silly and sweet'."

 “You’re right.” Chen Ziyan smiled and nodded, “That’s it.”

 Lu Yanhe: “Actually, I also think such people are very interesting.”

Chen Ziyan said: "But don't worry. Although such a character is inherently attractive, there are pros and cons. Such characters are too homogeneous. Now everyone has discovered such a traffic code, almost every drama There is such a functional role in "Phoenix Terrace". Your explosion in "Phoenix Terrace" will not appear until the middle and late stages. In the early stage, we will steadily maintain the popularity, and it will be fine if it is not successful. Now there is too much hype, which is not conducive. There must be a sense of anticipation for the later outbreak.”

Lu Yanhe nodded, "I think so too. Besides, I didn't have many special roles in the early stage of this drama. It was mainly about the performance of the character."

“The early stage still revolves around the main plot of the protagonists.” Chen Ziyan said, “He Yingzi has done so much marketing for Lang Xia at this time, which is a bit overwhelming. I guess the drama team and the starring team are not very happy.”

 "Phoenix Stage" even refused to borrow Lu Yanhe's momentum. From this move, we can see that the crew has full confidence in publicity and marketing.

 In fact, the crew also has such confidence.

Since its launch, "Phoenix Channel" has shown a good upward trend in both ratings and broadcast data. Especially with the increasing number of viewers and people participating in discussions, the reputation of this drama has remained strong. , it is not easy to firmly maintain its reputation on all major rating websites.

ˆThe showrunners are still a little disgusted with Lang Xia's marketing at this time, but they also understand - after all, every actor will have his own marketing during the broadcast, more or less.

  But for the leading actors, especially the leading actor Zeng Qiao, this is very unpleasant.

"Phoenix Stage" is a large ensemble drama, but the main line is his, while the other protagonists are all middle-aged and older actors, and there are not many who are truly younger. Zeng Qiao was originally supposed to be the one who received the most attention and the most limelight. From a practical point of view, he was also the one. But among all the tricks Lang Xia has done, his character is the most popular and popular character in the show.


Zeng Qiao had been interviewed by the Editors Club before. At this time, Zeng Qiao's agent said again: "Brother Qiao, the Editors Club proposed that they would like to do a review around your acting experience and sort out the moments when your acting skills improved. , they hope that we can cooperate with this plan. Please review your original filming experience on several key dramas and your thoughts on the characters.”

 Today, the self-media of "Jump Up" Editorial Club is already a very famous and influential self-media.

Posts and tweets related to this kind of drama promotion and artist promotion have hundreds of thousands or even millions of views, not to mention the spread of long-term pictures in the online environment.

 A tweet that is very popular with the artist will be promoted by the artist himself.

Zeng Qiao also did a good job in the last exclusive interview with the Editors Club.

They specially hired a well-known reporter to interview him. The final draft also solidified his image as an "actor". It can be said to be a very successful interview. Many friends in the industry came. I told him that this interview article was well written and he read it all.

 “Okay.” Zeng Qiao nodded immediately.

 "Phoenix Channel" was broadcast, and Zeng Qiao received a lot of praise, especially for his improvement in acting skills.

 This was also Zeng Qiao’s biggest hope when he starred in this drama.

When starring in a new play by a great director, any actor will have one hope, that is, maybe he can win an award.

Zeng Qiao saw such hope in the drama "Phoenix Stage".

Now that the Editors Club is planning another issue in this area, of course he is happy.

 The agent nodded.

 He muttered again.

“But it’s strange to say it. The self-media company “Jump Up” is a self-media company. Why hasn’t even one promotional copy of Lu Yanhe been published?

Zeng Qiao said: "Lu Yanhe's character has not yet entered the explosive period of the plot line. What is there to promote? He is not bad at popularity. He needs to rely on marketing to get out of the circle. As for them now, it seems that Lu Yanhe has not started to play in the drama. In terms of publicity, isn't Lu Yanhe also on the hot search list every day, attracting a lot of attention? Look at that clown Lang Xia, who has been marketing the ancients, his innate nobility, and his kind nature. You see how long you can continue marketing. Sooner or later, marketing will suffer backlash. What happened to Chen Wenwen before was that I wanted to market him to a simple big boy. I was convinced."

The agent didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

“He Yingzi’s style is like this. She doesn’t care whether the things you market are good for the artist or not. As long as it can make the artist more popular and popular, then it can be washed away later.” said the manager.

Zeng Qiao: "At this time, I realized why Huang Kairen and Jiang Yuqian have such a good relationship with Lu Yanhe after working together with Lu Yanhe. It's really incomparable between people. Lu Yanhe is so good at life."

"Yes, he has never wanted to compete with others. Whether it is his own publicity and marketing or cooperation in all aspects, he is also willing to let others cooperate with him." The agent said, "Like Lang Xia If you do this, fewer and fewer people will be willing to cooperate with him in the future.”

Zeng Qiao: "It's a pity that Lu Yanhe and I have almost no scenes opposite each other. We are not very familiar with each other even after filming."

"You have so many promotional trips ahead of you, and there are many opportunities to get acquainted with you. Why don't you take the initiative to show some of your goodwill." The agent said, "Lu Yanhe doesn't look like a very outgoing person who would take the initiative to make friends with you." people.”

Zeng Qiao nodded.


 In the recording of a crew interview show, Zeng Qiao, Lu Yanhe and several other leading actors sat together and were interviewed by a well-known host.

The host asked: "Zeng Qiao, do you have any regrets about this cooperation?"

Zeng Qiao immediately pointed at Lu Yanhe and said, "I regret that I don't have many opposite roles with Xiao Lu."

Lu Yanhe looked at Zeng Qiao in surprise.


He always felt that he was not very familiar with Zeng Qiao, and he didn't know why Zeng Qiao suddenly mentioned him.

Zeng Qiao explained: "Because I often hear other actors and staff on the crew say that Xiao Lu is very good at acting and very talented, so I have always wanted to play opposite him."

Lu Yanhe quickly waved his hand, feeling very embarrassed and said, "Brother Qiao is so complimentary."

 Others smiled.

The host asked: "What about Xiao Lu? What regrets did you have while filming this drama?"

Lu Yanhe rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "It's a pity that I don't have many scenes opposite Brother Qiao."

Zeng Qiao laughed and pointed at Lu Yanhe.

"Brother Qiao and I don't communicate much in private, because I'm afraid of disturbing him." Lu Yanhe said, "Actually, I watch a lot of Brother Qiao's movies, especially Brother Qiao has done a lot of costume dramas before. This is my first time filming Regarding costume dramas, my acting teacher told me that when acting in costume dramas, I must put aside the language habits and walking habits of modern people. He recommended several dramas to me, including Brother Qiao's, especially the one played by Brother Qiao. "The Eternal Knife", because the character I played is a guard. When I shaped this character, I made reference to many of Brother Qiao's performances in "The Eternal Knife."

Zeng Qiao was stunned.

To be honest, Zeng Qiao originally thought that this was just a business exchange. He never expected that Lu Yanhe had actually watched his play and was really learning from him.

 Lu Yanhe had never told him such a thing before.

 When Lu Yanhe said this in the talk show, he was undoubtedly praising Zeng Qiao.

 When a young actor like Lu Yanhe shapes his role, he refers to the role he played before Zeng Qiao. This is enough to explain the success of his previous play and that role. There is no need to say more about this, the existence of this thing itself is a proof.

 Very few actors would praise another actor in this way. It usually only happens when a younger actor respects an older actor.

 After the recording, Lu Yanhe was ready to go back.

Zeng Qiao suddenly invited everyone to have dinner together.

 He even came to invite Lu Yanhe in person.

"Are you free later? If you are free, let's go have dinner together. We didn't have the chance to get to know each other well during filming, so we have to seize the opportunity now." Zeng Qiao smiled and put his arms around Lu Yanhe's neck, "After all, he is my little crush. Woolen cloth."

 Lu Yanhe:? ? ? When did I become your little fanboy?

Zeng Qiao didn’t understand Lu Yanhe’s subtext.

 After the battle just now, Zeng Qiao has already regarded Lu Yanhe as his little fan.

Of course Lu Yanhe did not refuse such enthusiastic Zeng Qiao and went with him.

Except for Zeng Qiao and Lu Yanhe, the people who came to the interview program today are all seniors.

Jiang Binfan is a leading actor of the National Repertory Theater.

The same goes for He Songlian, he is still a veteran actor.

Wei Fang is a veteran TV actress who has won three awards for Best Actress. Her abilities are terrifying.

Lu Yanhe felt so nervous in front of the three of them that he didn't even know what to say.

 On the contrary, it was Zeng Qiao, laughing and joking, without any restraint or nervousness at all.

Lu Yanhe suddenly felt a little regretful. The role he played had almost no rivalry with these teachers. Otherwise, he would definitely have learned a lot.

 At the dinner table, Zeng Qiao has been enlivening the atmosphere.

 And several seniors are also very talkative people, and many of the things they talk about are past events in the entertainment industry.

 Many people and things are just symbols to Lu Yanhe.

But what Lu Yanhe didn't expect was that they suddenly mentioned Teacher Jiang Jun.

“Xiao Lu, you just collaborated on a play with Jiang Jun, right?” Wei Fang suddenly looked at Lu Yanhe and asked.

Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "Seventeenth Floor."

Wei Fang: "Fortunately, his stomach cancer was discovered and did not lead to a worse outcome. The operation has been successfully completed now. He is still recuperating and observing. I don't know when he can continue filming."

He Songlian said: "I heard that Jiang Jun has been replaced in several of his subsequent dramas, alas."

"I'm still worried about his physical condition." Wei Fang said, "Actually, it's really a pity for Jiang Jun. His acting is no worse than yours, but his luck is not as good as yours, and he can't get any good roles."

Lu Yanhe would like to say that Jiang Jun's role in "Seventeen Floors" this time is quite good.

Perhaps this time "Seventeenth Floor" is broadcast, Teacher Jiang Jun will receive a lot of attention.

Wei Fang: "It seems that there is another drama for him to star in later."

"That's not it. The drama that Lian Bei asked him to do was just a cover. In order to allow Jiang Jun to go through the operation with peace of mind, Xiao Ran told me." Wei Fang said.

"No, Lian Bei does have another play that he wants to act in." He Songlian said, "I met Lian Bei before, and Lian Bei said it himself, not the play you mentioned."

"What kind of drama is that?" Wei Fang asked, she was a little surprised, "Now there are still dramas that you are willing to hire Jiang Jun for? I also want to say that if you have a suitable role, please help me."

He Songlian shook his head, "I don't know the specifics. Anyway, it is a drama with a theme somewhat similar to "The Seventeenth Floor", and Jiang Jun will play the protagonist."

Lu Yanhe sat next to him, silently shocked.

 It turned out that I was talking about his play.

 "Squid Game".

Of course Lu Yanhe will not jump out and shout at this time. I wrote the play you are talking about.

That's too stupid.

Zeng Qiao turned around and asked Lu Yanhe in a low voice: "What scenes are you filming later?"

 Lu Yanhe said: ""Six People's Journey"."

“Oh, it’s that sitcom, right?” After Zeng Qiao realized it, he frowned subconsciously, obviously not very optimistic about this show.

 Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "Because we are filming and broadcasting at the same time, we will start filming next month."

Zeng Qiao: "I read in the news that you should be the screenwriter yourself. You are quite good."

Lu Yanhe shook his head and said: "Actually, I'm not very familiar with the screenwriter's work, so I made a lot of revisions. It was only finalized after Hu Siwei supervised the production of each episode."

“Okay, when you finish writing the script, I will act it for you.” Zeng Qiao said.

Lu Yanhe smiled and nodded, saying yes.

 Several seniors looked over when they heard what they said.

 “Xiao Lu is writing a script?” Wei Fang asked in surprise.

"Why is your news so out of date? It has been in a lot of news before, and I know it all." Jiang Binfan said.

 Wei Fang asked: “What script?”

 Lu Yanhe gave a brief explanation. "Oh! Sitcom? It's good enough. This is the hardest thing to write. I've always wanted to act in it, but I couldn't find a good one." Wei Fang said, "You have to experience life before you can write with real life energy. "

Lu Yanhe smiled.

He Songlian asked: "Is this book about six young people?"

 “Yeah.” Lu Yanhe nodded.

He Songlian: "Watch it carefully next month. It's been a long time since I've seen this kind of drama that's only shown on TV."

Lu Yanhe explained with a smile: "Producer Hu Siwei planned this project when he first started doing it."

Wei Fang: "It's still a bit risky, but this is not your first male lead role. It's okay. You have "Seventeen Floors" to support you."

Lu Yanhe said nothing and nodded with a smile.


 Almost no one is optimistic about "Six People".

Although Lu Yanhe had been mentally prepared for a long time, Lu Yanhe was still a little frustrated when he encountered such voices and attitudes frequently.

Every time you feel discouraged, you have to cheer yourself up and cheer yourself up, so as not to be discouraged.

Lu Yanhe thought to himself that he had encountered this situation, let alone others.

 However, something worse also happened.

 Beijing and Taiwan are not planning to give "Six People" a prime time slot.

  Preparing to move "Six People" from the 8pm slot on Saturday to the 10pm slot on Sunday.

Hu Siwei was shocked when he received the news.

 Sunday…ten o’clock…

 Who wants to watch TV at 10pm on Sunday when they have to go to work on Monday?

 The drama was not favored to begin with, and now it is even worse.

Hu Siwei went to ask why the station made such a change.

“Obviously when we made this drama, it was for exclusive broadcast. It is the only one of all the programs in Beijing and Taiwan that is broadcast exclusively by the TV station, but you do this!”

However, Taiwan’s attitude is very clear and it will not make any changes. The reason is that advertisers are not satisfied with the prime time slot on Saturday nights.

 Advertisers are not optimistic about this sitcom starring Lu Yanhe.

The advertising revenue of TV stations has been declining day by day. The remaining advertisers are the ones Beijing and Taiwan need to maintain a good relationship with. When the advertisers made it clear that they were unwilling to allow the show to be on Saturday prime time, the station also had to Pay attention.

Hu Siwei was so angry that his eyes were red, but it didn't help.

"Then move it to at least eight o'clock in the evening on Sunday. How is it possible at ten o'clock in the evening?" He said, "It would be better to pronounce the death penalty in advance and there is no need to go to school."

 A group of people are arguing.

 Lu Yanhe was a little helpless when he heard the news from Chen Ziyan.

 It seems normal for things like this to happen in the entertainment industry.

 Chen Ziyan said: "I am going to communicate with several brands you endorse to see if they are willing to place advertisements in Beijing and Taiwan."

Lu Yanhe shook his head and said: "Farewell, Sister Ziyan, we are angry and suffer a loss, and we are still asked to pay the bill. Why should we let them take advantage of this?"

 Fortunately, there is Xu Bin behind Hu Siwei.

After several rounds of mediation, the broadcast schedule of "Six People" was finally adjusted to 9 o'clock on Sunday night.

 Finally it’s not such an unlucky time period like ten o’clock.

 While "Phoenix Channel" was on the air, "Six People" also began to do pre-heating advertisements.

So far, filming has not started, there is no material, and the pre-release commercials are just scenes of Lu Yanhe typing on the keyboard and sitting with a few people in a meeting.

 The copywriting also feels quite unsettling and endless.

“The talented actor Lu Yanhe’s first film as the Best Actor!”

“Lu Yanhe, a student from the School of Liberal Arts of Zhenhua University, is the first screenwriter for his work!”

 “The first work released by the popular actor Lu Yanhe after "Phoenix Stage"!"

As these majestic words were read out, the scene that was broadcast was of Lu Yanhe communicating with everyone about the filming of the drama in the conference room, of Lu Yanhe typing on the keyboard, and of them sitting in the audition room watching the actors. Audition scene.

 Lu Yanhe was stunned when he saw this video online.

 Don’t talk about him, even Chen Ziyan was confused.

By doing this, Beijing and Taiwan completely put all the ratings hopes of "Six People" on Lu Yanhe alone.

“But how can you do this! How much pressure are you going to put on Lu Yanhe?!” Chen Ziyan said, “No one can do things like this, right?”

Hu Siwei himself was confused.

“This is not a warm-up advertisement we are doing.” He had a big head, “I will communicate.”

Chen Ziyan said: "If you push Lu Yanhe to this point, then the drama won't be filmed anyway, so we might as well stop filming it!"

At this moment, Chen Ziyan behaved like a tigress with a hysterical temper.

 She seemed to be rushing to Beijing in the next moment.

Not only did she face Hu Siwei, Chen Ziyan also directly called people in Beijing and Taiwan one by one, and each of them made a fuss.

As a result, this advertisement was aired about four times on Beijing TV and then removed from the shelves, never to appear again.

However, this video went viral online.

Even Lu Yanhe’s fans can’t bear to look directly at him and can’t stand this exaggerated promotional style.

 In the Internet age, what kind of people do netizens hate the most?

 A person who is showing off.

Lu Yanhe looks like a pretentious person in this video.

Even though Lu Yanhe didn’t want to show off, it was Jingtai who did it without permission. But how could others know so much, and how could others clearly tell you whether it was you who was showing off.

Anyway, the video is broadcast, and it is you who is praised and praised, so you will be nailed to the pillar of shame and humiliated by us.

 There has never been a time when Lu Yanhe did not dare to go online.

 This time, he met.


 Apart from going to class, Lu Yanhe stayed in the dormitory and didn't go anywhere, not even the library.

 The bedroom is also very quiet.

Mao Jiayang and the others were cautious when entering and exiting, as they were afraid of disturbing Lu Yanhe.

Now the voice of Lu Yanhe being ridiculed on the Internet is so loud that it is like a snowball - it is getting bigger and bigger, with no intention of stopping.

Those who are familiar with Lu Yanhe certainly know that Lu Yanhe does not have this kind of character. It is simply impossible for him to praise himself like this.

However, the online world is like this, and you have no way to explain it.

This time, even Chen Siqi didn’t stand up and say anything.

 Can’t say anything.

 You can only stand at attention and receive a beating.

Chen Ziyan tried to suppress the heat, but found that she couldn't, so she gave up.

 So as not to forcefully suppress the heat and suppress everyone's greater disgust.

How to do public relations?

 The advice Chen Ziyan received was to wait silently for the heat to pass.

 Lu Yanhe is a person who cares very much about his own face. If he didn't care about his own face, he wouldn't have such high demands on himself. But in this matter, he felt that it was not a matter of losing face, but a problem that he didn't know how to face at all.


The overwhelming ridicule that Lu Yanhe suffered also indirectly affected his performance in "Phoenix Terrace".

 In the next two days, any discussion about the drama "Phoenix Terrace" that involved him was filled with ridicule and ridicule.

Lu Yanhe directly withdrew from the promotion team of "Phoenix Terrace".

 "Phoenix Terrace" also expressed understanding.

 But of course there were also people who wanted to ask them what they thought about Lu Yanhe.

Zeng Qiao only said: "Sometimes, actors can control far fewer things than people think. From what I know about Lu Yanhe, he is not the kind of person who brags about himself."

 However, under the general trend, Zeng Qiao's words did not have much impact.

  Time, we can only wait for time to let everything pass.


 Lu Yanhe’s public schedule has been stopped.

 At the end of the year, Lu Yanhe was invited to many events and wanted to have Lu Yanhe attend.

Chen Ziyan can’t refuse even if she refuses.

Now something like this has happened, there are fewer people coming to see Lu Yanhe. Those who come to see Lu Yanhe, Chen Ziyan politely declines, and the other party won't force him anymore.

 It can also be considered a blessing in disguise.

Lu Yanhe just stayed in school, took, and then prepared with Hu Siwei and others for the filming of "Six People".

 There are also a few people in the school who are angry with Lu Yanhe, such as Ji Qianxing.

She once ridiculed Lu Yanhe while the whole class was waiting for class, saying: "Lu Yanhe, although we also know that as an artist you have to promote yourself and market yourself, but don't use the word Zhenhua so easily, okay? It's so bad It seems that our Zhenhua students are all frivolous. When the time comes, "Six People" is so bad, others will think that Zhenhua Liberal Arts College can only produce students of this level."

Lu Yanhe’s fists under the table were clenched.

 He was silent and did not speak.

 Other students did not speak either.

Even Zhou Mukai and Miao Yue, who had a good relationship with Lu Yanhe, didn't know what to say at this time.

 Nothing is right.

If Lu Yanhe seemed to have never encountered a trough since the college entrance examination results came out last June, he finally ushered in the second darkest moment in his acting career.

 Sometimes, the darkest moments in life have little to do with what you have done. Even if it is something done by others, it may drag you into it.

 And you can't do anything but find a way to get through it.

 But, fortunately, time is a good medicine.

 Fortunately, this incident was just some public ridicule.

 Slowly, as various other things happened, everyone’s ridicule of Lu Yanhe in this matter slowly passed.

 No one mentioned it again.

Lu Yanhe went to record the second season of "Young Days" in the third stage.

 Li Zhenzhen apparently made a special segment for Lu Yanhe and set up an interview segment in the program.

 The director team asked each artist a "sharp" question.

When Lu Yanhe came here, the director team asked directly: "The commercial on the Internet that promoted you as a talented actor and screenwriter was laughed at by everyone. Do you have any response?"

Lu Yanhe's face was blank for a moment, then he raised the corner of his mouth, smiled self-deprecatingly, and said: "Don't say that everyone is laughing at me, I want to laugh at myself. There is nothing to say. Since a commercial has been broadcast, Now, I’m the protagonist there, so I’ll just stand up and get beaten.”

He thought he could finish these words with a smile and understand them with a self-deprecating attitude. However, as soon as he turned around, the grievances in his heart surged out.

 He returned to his seat, lowered his head, and did not turn around for a long time.

Li Zhibai and Yan Liang noticed something strange about him, and moved in front of him to block him.

 The director team and others noticed something strange one after another.

At this time, Lu Yanhe had straightened out his expression, took a deep breath, and turned back to face the camera.

 He had begun to laugh again.


While preparing for the acquisition, Li Zhibai rolled his eyes when he mentioned his views on this link.

 “What can you say?”

 The director team was stunned.

Li Zhibai said: "In the case of Lu Yanhe, Lu Yanhe didn't know how the promotional video was made from the beginning to the end, and he didn't communicate with him and his team, so it was broadcast like this by Beijing and Taiwan. As a result, it made him so angry. During the big turmoil, Jingtai was hiding behind it, and Lu Yanhe was here alone to bear the fire, as if Lu Yanhe wanted to promote himself. "

"Fuck me, if he wants to promote himself, why can't he promote himself? Do you think "Six People" is the first script he wrote? The movie script he wrote was chosen by Jia Long and Chen Bige to be made into Does a movie need to use a sitcom script to prove its ability? Many things are not what you see. Then some people saw that Lu Yanhe stood up for this incident and bullied him for his good character. , bullying him won’t reveal everything!”

"It's disgusting. Who asked Lu Yanhe to write the script with a salary that broke the industry record? They really don't have two brushes. They are mentally ill to give Lu Yanhe such a high salary to write the script? Lu Yanhe is the most wealthy person I know. A person who goes out to promote himself but never intentionally promotes himself. He is the kindest person I have ever seen and the person who doesn’t take himself seriously the most. He was scolded like this and still wanted to ask us not to say anything for him. talk."

Li Zhibai became angrier and angrier as he talked in the preparation room, his voice became louder and louder, and he was so excited that he seemed to tear the place apart.

Lu Yanhe heard the commotion, walked in, and shouted "Li Zhibai".

 Li Zhibai saw him and closed his mouth.

Lu Yanhe called Yan Liang.

Yan Liang came over and looked at them without knowing why.

 Lu Yanhe said to him: "Take Li Zhibai away, he is crazy."

Li Zhibai rolled his eyes and left with a look of displeasure on his face. He was obviously very angry and his nose was still wheezing.

Lu Yanhe took a deep breath, turned to look at the PD in charge of the interview, and said, "Please delete this section and don't broadcast it."

PD looked at the boy in front of him—no, he was already a young man.

Only when she listened to Li Zhibai's crazy output just now did she realize how wronged Lu Yanhe had been in this turmoil.

At this moment, he was calm and calm, as if he didn't care about anything.

PD sighed and said, "I'll go talk to the director."

“Well, I will also tell the director.” Lu Yanhe said, “Sorry, please don’t spread this part, otherwise it will cause trouble for him.”

 PD nodded.


 Finally, the matter passed.

 Half a month has passed, and Lu Yanhe's roles in "Phoenix Terrace" have increased.

The truth behind his reticence, the blood feud he shouldered, and his self-contradictions and disputes were all revealed to the audience.

For several consecutive episodes, Lu Yanhe was entangled, helpless and self-angered in the play. In the end, he made up his mind and finally decided to put aside everything after meeting the little prince and determined to take revenge. A one-minute long shot of a person in a dark place without any editing points, from expressionless to eyes bloodshot and red, veins popping out on the forehead, and a tear falling from the corner of the eye.

The animation made from this scene ranked first in the hot searches.

 Someone said silently: If nothing else, Lu Yanhe acted... really well in this scene.

The Internet’s reputation for Lu Yanhe has quietly changed again.

Since the controversy over the Beijing-Taiwan promotional video, Lu Yanhe has not updated his social platform for 19 days.

 After this day, Lu Yanhe did not update.


  10,000 words update, many people said I stopped updating. I clearly said the day before yesterday that I would update at 8am starting today...

 The current monthly ticket is 9,711, and 6,000 words need to be updated, leaving a shortfall of 2,000 words.

 Plus, I received my first leader reward in my life, thank you Norns! This makes me think about how much time I have to write updates in the next few days, and I will add more updates!

  Let me emphasize again, my increase is to increase the number of words, not to add chapter updates. If you want to update chapters, I can split one chapter into five chapters and update...

 Continue to ask for monthly votes! My monthly ticket plus updates have always been completed according to quality and quantity.

 (End of this chapter)

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