Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 303: Don’t be a coward if you have the ability!

 “When did Lu Yanhe go make a movie?”

 “I heard it’s just a guest appearance.”

“Guest appearance? Then how can he act like he’s starring in this movie?”

 “He is the only star in this movie, the others are all newcomers.”

“Isn’t this just a scam? It’s obvious that I’m not the leading actor, but I still act like one.”

“That’s it, the crew also needs to promote it. Why don’t you go to the biggest star to promote it?”

 “Isn’t it easy to get backlash?”


 The above conversation happened in the mouths of some entertainment reporters.

At this moment, they were squatting at the airport, waiting for Lu Yanhe to appear.

 He has a public schedule today and is going to South Korea to participate in a "Phoenix Channel" broadcast promotion event.

ˆA Korean video website has bought the copyright of "Phoenix Channel" and will launch it in South Korea.

Originally, Lu Yanhe would not participate in such activities as a supporting role. Moreover, although Lu Yanhe is now famous, he is only famous domestically and has no reputation internationally. To Koreans, he is even more unknown. Amateur.

 But Huang Cheng and Chen Lingling said they would take him with them as long as he was free.

Lu Yanhe was indeed free, so he followed Huang Cheng and Chen Lingling to prepare to go to South Korea.

 Also accompanied by Zeng Qiao and Wei Fang.

Wei Fang was the person the other party asked to invite. Many TV series she starred in are very popular in South Korea, and she is one of the most well-known Chinese actors in South Korea.

Lu Yanhe was surrounded by reporters as soon as he got out of the car.

 Zou Dong and a few temporarily arranged bodyguards stopped them.

"Yan He, "Three Mountains" has been shortlisted for the West Tur Film Festival. Will you participate in the film festival with the crew?"

"Yan He, the ratings of the fourth episode of "Six People" exceeded 2, and Beijing and Taiwan announced that they will launch a sequel. Are you really not planning to return?"

“Yan He, you are going to Korea to promote your new drama this time. When will you come back?”


 Everyone has a lot of questions.

Lu Yanhe thought for a while, took off his sunglasses, and greeted everyone with a smile.

“It’s such a cold day, do you want to be so dedicated? I won’t feel cold if I squat here?” Lu Yanhe asked with a smile.

 The reporters said: "What can those who eat this bowl of rice do?"

Some reporters said: "No one tells you to show up very often. You finally showed up once a few days ago, but then disappeared again. Why don't you follow the "Six People" team to promote it? If you were to promote it, say Maybe the broadcast results will be better.”

Lu Yanhe smiled and said: "It's already very good, how can it be better?"

 The reporter said: “Maybe we can break 3.”

“I’m not looking forward to it that much.” Lu Yanhe said, “The ratings are already very good now, and I’m very satisfied with it. Moreover, everyone is very popular now, so it’s okay for me to be absent for a while. I’m really too tired.”

The reporter said: "You haven't even come out to show your face. Why are you tired?"

Lu Yanhe said with emotion on his face: "I am still a student, and I have just gone through a horrible exam week. How did you know that I had to get a headache every day because of the exam?"

 The reporters had nothing to say for a moment.

Lu Yanhe waved his hand, "Okay, okay, go back quickly. Don't squat here. You won't go in in this cold weather."

 The reporters laughed.

Lu Yanhe said: "If you really want to ask me any questions, there are many channels to ask. "Jump Up" has a column for asking questions, as well as my social media. You can all find me. I saw it. If you can answer it, just answer it." There’s no need to travel so far, it’s too much trouble.”

 “We want to be exclusive.” the reporters said with a smile.

Lu Yanhe looked at them, "You are a large group of people, at least ten media outlets, right? It's not exclusive."

 The reporters who were complained by Lu Yanhe looked at each other and didn't know what to say.

Lu Yanhe’s brain circuit is too strange. The main thing is that no one wants to hear Lu Yanhe say this.

Lu Yanhe waved his hand, "No, I have to catch a plane. I have to go in. Let's talk next time."

“You haven’t said yet, will you go to the West Tur Film Festival with the crew?” a reporter asked.

"Oh, I just made a cameo in the movie. It doesn't matter whether I go or not. You should pay more attention to the leading actors. They are just not popular now. They will be popular when the movie is released." Lu Yanhe gave them a cheer gesture, "This is a good time to grab exclusives, come on!"

 Reporters: “…”

 They looked at each other.

 Lu Yanhe's reaction today... was a bit beyond their expectations.

 I never thought that Lu Yanhe’s reaction would be like this.

Furthermore, Lu Yanhe didn’t seem to be like this before. Why did he suddenly become as happy as a rabbit? He also cheered them up and told them to hurry up and grab the exclusive.


Lu Yanhe came to the waiting room and met Director Chen Lingling and the others.

 “Hi, director!” Lu Yanhe greeted her enthusiastically as soon as she entered.

Chen Lingling smiled, stood up and hugged him.

“I haven’t seen you for a while. You’ve been so popular recently, so you still have time to accompany us to South Korea.” Chen Lingling said, “Didn’t your agent take advantage of your popularity during this period to take more work for you?”

"My agent knows that I need to rest." Lu Yanhe said seriously, "I was too tired some time ago, and my body and mind are tired. I must take a good rest now."

“Then when you go to South Korea, won’t you be asked to work again?” Chen Lingling asked.

"Fortunately, I'll just go there as a vacation." Lu Yanhe said, "The people there don't know me anyway. I've never been abroad before. It's my first time and I can go and have some fun."

Chen Lingling asked in surprise: "Is this your first time going abroad?"

 “Yes.” Lu Yanhe nodded.

 At this time, Huang Cheng came over with two cups of coffee.

 Seeing Lu Yanhe coming, he smiled and said, "That's right, you can have a cup each, and I'll get another cup."

Lu Yanhe quickly received it and said, "Thank you, Brother Cheng."

Chen Lingling pointed to Lu Yanhe with a surprised look on her face and said, "We have to take good care of him this time. This is his first time going abroad."

Huang Cheng asked: "Where is Zou Dong? Isn't your assistant going to accompany you?"

 Lu Yanhe: “He is outside.”

 Because Zou Dong did not have a first-class ticket, he could not enter the VIP waiting room.

Huang Cheng said to Chen Lingling: "Don't worry about Xiao Lu. He has someone to take care of him. This is his first time going abroad. His assistant is very capable. Chen Ziyan has told me, so we don't need to worry."

 Chen Lingling said to Lu Yanhe with a serious face: "The first time I went abroad, I got lost. I didn't speak English well and I didn't know how to ask others where I was."

Lu Yanhe laughed.

Huang Cheng: "I am a top student from Lu Yizhenhua. His English is not bad at all, and I won't get lost like you."

Chen Lingling pursed her lips and glanced sideways at Huang Cheng, implying that Huang Cheng said this in front of Lu Yanhe, which was too much.

Huang Cheng smiled, waved his hands, and went to get himself coffee again.

 The feeling between the two people just now made Lu Yanhe a little surprised. Although he already knew from Chen Ziyan that Chen Lingling and Huang Cheng had an unusual relationship, Lu Yanhe still felt that the relationship between Huang Cheng and Chen Lingling was more special than an ordinary relationship. Zeng Qiao and Wei Fang almost all arrived ten minutes later.

Wei Fang smiled brightly as soon as she arrived and said, "Director, why are there only a few of us when we go to Korea to promote "Phoenix Channel" this time? Why don't we just invite everyone to come?"

Chen Lingling said: “The organizer only gave us a small budget, so we could only call a few of us.”

Wei Fang curled her lips and said, "What I said is that I can only bring one assistant. If I bring more assistants, I will be responsible for the funds myself."

“How many assistants do you need to bring with you?” Chen Lingling said helplessly.

"It's not that I have to bring a few more, but I haven't received such a request for a long time, which makes me feel a little strange." Wei Fang said, "Forget it, let's not talk about this, director, this time "Phoenix Channel" will be launched in South Korea. Let’s go to the broadcast and do the promotion. Are there any other arrangements besides the meeting?”

 Chen Lingling said: "I have to appear in two variety shows."

 This trip to South Korea lasted five days. Excluding the two days of round trip, there were three trips in three days.

Lu Yanhe had already received the itinerary notification before. He was a little surprised that Wei Fang didn't seem to receive it.

 Immediately, Chen Lingling said.

 “This has been communicated to your management team a long time ago, didn’t they tell you?”

"How can I care so much? Usually when they take over the work, I will follow their arrangements." Wei Fang said, "I never care about these trivial arrangements, and I can't remember them clearly anyway."

Wei Fang seemed to have a sense of freedom and spontaneity on her body, but Lu Yanhe felt that it was not really free and easy, but somehow showed a sense of pride and willfulness.

 But then again, she has pride and willfulness.

Zeng Qiao sat next to Lu Yanhe and asked in a low voice: "I would like to ask, did Li Lili and Hu Fan get back together in the end?"

Lu Yanhe was still muttering about Wei Fang when he suddenly heard Zeng Qiao’s question and was startled.

Zeng Qiao said: "I have been watching "Six People" and really want to know the ending of this story."

Lu Yanhe laughed and whispered: "Brother Qiao, no spoilers, please continue to follow the drama."

Zeng Qiao glanced at him sideways and said, "I can't even know in advance?"

“It is the most unethical behavior to spoil the plot in advance for a loyal audience who is eager to know what happens next.” Lu Yanhe said with a smile.

 Zeng Qiao: “…”

 “That’s too much.” Zeng Qiao continued to look at him sideways.

 Lu Yanhe asked in a low voice: "Brother Qiao, you have been so busy recently and still have time to watch dramas?"

 The popularity of "Phoenix Channel" has brought Zeng Qiao a busy turn of the new year.

Lu Yanhedu sees Zeng Qiao’s news on hot searches from time to time.

There were almost five or six audience meetings for "Phoenix Channel" alone.

Zeng Qiao said: "Although I can't catch up with the most popular ones, I can still catch up more or less because Beijing and Taiwan rebroadcast it twice a day. Your drama is not long, one episode is only 20 minutes. It is still relaxed and everything is fine." Just sit there and watch it for a while.”

“Brother Qiao, do you like to be alone during your breaks, or do you like to go out and play with others?”

"Half and half."

 Lu Yanhe nodded.

Zeng Qiao: “What about you?”

“I’m quite a homebody,” Lu Yanhe said. “If I don’t go out with very close friends, I usually stay by myself.”

"That's good. It would be quite happy if you could enjoy being alone." Zeng Qiao said, "But, can you still be alone? I thought there would always be many people around you, and you don't seem to be either. Live alone? Or live with Li Zhibai and Yan Liang? "

"Yes, but they are also very busy, and we rarely have time to meet them now." Lu Yanhe said.

"That's true. The three of you should be very busy right now. Are you a little better? I don't think you come out much." After Zeng Qiao finished speaking, he looked at Lu Yanhe, "Even my agent said, You are in the promotional period, and you don’t look like an actor in the promotional period at all.”

“It’s almost done.” Lu Yanhe said, “I don’t want to keep spinning every day. This is good now.”

 The two of them chatted.

 Until we got on the plane, someone wore earplugs to sleep, and someone took out a book and started reading.

Lu Yanhe brought a notebook and was doing his own editing while reading the script of "Late Spring".


“Lu Yanhe has gone to South Korea. After he comes back, shall we have a good get-together?” Li Pengfei said to Chen Siqi.

They all went on winter vacation, and now they are reunited in Yuming.

 Except for Lu Yanhe, everyone else is here.

 Today we had dinner at Li Pengfei’s house, and Li Pengfei arranged the meeting.

 Chen Siqi had been working on his tablet with his hands on his tablet. When he heard Li Pengfei’s words, he said, “Okay, he won’t have any other work after coming back from South Korea. He’s just waiting for the Chinese New Year.”

 Li Pengfei: "He is not in the New Year either."

“How can he not celebrate the New Year?” Chen Siqi said, “He just doesn’t have a family to celebrate the New Year together like others, he still has to celebrate the New Year himself.”

 Li Pengfei scratched his chin, "Then will you spend the New Year with him this year?"

"You mean the night of the New Year's Eve? Although I really want to do it, I can't. I still have to have a meal with my dad to stay up late." Chen Siqi said, "I will wait until the New Year's Day is over. I can accompany him.”

Li Pengfei smacked his lips and said, "I asked Lu Yanhe to come to my house to celebrate the New Year, but he didn't want to say anything."

 “How could he be willing?”

 “He’s by himself anyway.”

“I came to your house and watched you reunite with your brother and your dad? Is this better than being alone?” Chen Siqi said, “By the way, will your brother graduate next year?”

"Yes." Li Pengfei said, "He went out for exchanges in his junior year. As soon as he came back, he applied to do an internship at a national green and health organization. He won't be able to come back for the Chinese New Year this year. My dad and I are the only ones celebrating the Chinese New Year."

Chen Siqi clicked her tongue, looked at him, and said, "It's no wonder your dad brought you two together so much and didn't marry you a stepmother."

 Li Pengfei: "He just didn't marry a stepmother for us two, but he didn't give my mother a good life. Don't make him look noble."

 Chen Siqi: “…”

She suddenly looked behind Li Pengfei and called out uncle.

Li Pengfei was shocked and looked back.

 There was no one behind him.

Li Pengfei was furious and turned to look at Chen Siqi.

Chen Siqi had already gone to Linyu's side with a teasing smile.

 “That’s too much, Chen Siqi!”

Chen Siqi turned back to him with a smile and shrugged her shoulders, meaning "Don't be a coward if you have the ability!".

Li Pengfei took a deep breath silently, and then credited the account to Lu Yanhe.

"Hey, Lu Yanhe has arrived in South Korea! A fan at the scene photographed him leaving the airport." Bai Yu suddenly said with his mobile phone, "Tsk, our editor Lu is really handsome. He will probably be massacred in the Korean entertainment industry. ”

“Don’t say that, he is a nobody in Korea.” Chen Siqi said.

Bai Yu shook his head, "Siqi, think about it, our Chief Editor Lu has a bit of a hot-search metaphysics."


"Ever since he entered the entertainment industry after the college entrance examination, it seems that he has never left the hot search. He can be listed on every slightest sign, and all kinds of things, topics and news appear inexplicably." Bai Yu said, "I believe, It was the same when he arrived in Korea. Things like metaphysics are not something that ordinary people like us can look at with a mediocre eye." (End of Chapter)

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