Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 309: Love to listen to the ghosts singing in autumn graves (updated with 10,000 words!)

Chapter 309: Love to listen to ghosts singing in autumn graves (updated with 10,000 words!)

 For overseas reporters, Wang Zhong is the only well-known filmmaker on the crew of "Three Mountains".

 Several other actors are all newcomers and I don’t know them.

 At most, when I checked the information, I knew something about Lu Yanhe and that he was a very famous star in China. But this has nothing to do with them. Not many people overseas know Lu Yanhe.

Originally, not many people planned to attend the press conference of "Three Mountains", but after watching the movie, many people who were ready to leave directly came.

Media reporters may not be as familiar with the masterpieces in film history as professional film critics, nor can they tell a story about a work quickly, but they are all year-round film festival goers. After watching a movie, Whether it's good or bad, controversial or relegated to the sidelines, we all know it in our hearts.

When the news of the film "Three Mountains" was first announced as being shortlisted for the main competition, it was quiet and did not attract much attention. It was not a hit.

Except for the Chinese media who are a little excited because it is the only Chinese-language film shortlisted, for foreign media, it is almost a bench player.

Although director Wang Zhong is well-known and his personal style is considered unique in the world of film circles, he is still far from being a "master" or a "famous director".

Many film critics have said that he was tired of his beloved spooky and mysterious style. He succeeds in this style and fails in this style. The first time he saw it, it was amazing, but after watching it too much, it was just the same. After reading it, it felt like I had a meaningless dream.

 No one expected that this time, he would actually bring "Three Mountains".

 Will this film become a classic?

 They dare not say that.

 However, there is no doubt that this movie must be a topical piece, as can be seen from the reaction of the audience at the premiere just now.

Moreover, it will probably be Wang's most talked-about movie since his remake.


There are nearly 70 media reporters who came to the scene today, totaling about 90 people.

 The venue was very crowded.

  But having such a grand occasion at a media press conference is a major proof that the film has received attention.

 Director Wang Zhong first expressed his thoughts on shooting this movie.

When the reporters could raise their hands to ask questions freely, everyone in the audience raised their hands.

 A reporter from Japan, Nagayama Kazuzo, got the first opportunity to ask questions.

Lu Yanhe was a little surprised to find that when Yongshan Hesan stood up, both Wang Zhong and Chen Ling had ugly expressions on their faces.

"Director Wang Zhong, I haven't seen you for a long time. I'm very happy to see you shooting a new work. In the past, many film critics commented that your films were dragged down by your style. They said that you have a certain style in any film you make. It seems that you have pushed this style to the extreme this time. I wonder what you think about it?”

After the translator translated his question into English, the whole audience was in an uproar.

  Film critics have always had mixed reviews of Wang Zhong’s films, and he is considered a controversial director. The questions raised by Yongshan Kasan are equivalent to saying directly in front of Wang Zhong what some film critics who don't like Wang Zhong's directorial style have said. To describe it in four words, it can be said to be "close to the face and wide open".

Lu Yanhe glanced at the Japanese reporter in surprise. The latter was actually not young. He was not the kind of young man who had just entered the industry and was ignorant. In fact, any reporter who would be assigned here had fought in his own media. It takes a lot of effort to get the opportunity, no matter who is a simple person, the media will not send a rookie to a film festival of this level.

Yong Shanhe San had a sincere expression on his face, as if he was seriously looking forward to Wang Zhong's answer.

Wang Zhong pondered for a moment before replying: "I have my own creative preferences and style. After all, everyone sees the world differently, based on their own life experiences or aesthetic preferences. As a film director, film "The style is not what I want to define subjectively, but based on my own judgment, it should be shot like this. Only in this way can I get what I want."

Nagayama Kazo immediately asked a question: "Do you mean that the world in your eyes is such a world full of disasters, terror and death?"

He spoke very quickly. When he was almost finished, the host had time to say, "Sorry, because time is limited, each reporter can only ask one question."

Yongshan Hesan nodded, "Sorry, if Director Wang Zhong is inconvenient to answer, forget it."

 After saying this, he sat down.

 The translator translated his words exactly as they were said.

Lu Yanhe could almost conclude that this person was malicious and prejudiced against Director Wang Zhong and said such words on purpose.

 He turned to look at Director Wang Zhong.

Wang Zhong's face also looked a little ugly. He seemed to want to say something, but was concerned about something and didn't speak for several seconds.

Lu Yanhe didn’t know if he needed to help Director Wang Zhong out of trouble.

 He was afraid that it would be inappropriate for him to speak rashly.

At this time, producer Chen Ling suddenly looked at Lu Yanhe and said, "This reporter just said that because the director's film has the spooky feel of a ghost movie, the world in the director's eyes is full of disasters and death. Yan He, this time you The collaboration with the director, although the shooting time was short, the performance has been praised by many people. I wonder what you think about this issue? "

Lu Yanhe did not expect that Chen Ling would suddenly take the initiative to throw the question to him in front of everyone.

 But he immediately saw a hint of "please" and "please" in Chen Ling's eyes.

 This is asking him for help.

Chen Ling knew how powerful Lu Yanhe's mouth was, so he spoke specifically at this time.

Lu Yanhe smiled and looked at the reporters in the audience.

“I didn’t know that my performance was praised by many people.” After saying this, I felt hypocritical, but I continued to smile, looked at the people in the audience and asked, “Did I really do a good job?”

 The reporters looked at him blankly.

 Why is there no response?

 The reaction of the reporters in the audience confused Lu Yanhe.

 Don’t they think so?

 But it’s not like they didn’t react, but like they didn’t know who he was at all.

 Wait a minute, didn’t they recognize who he was playing in the movie?

“The character I played in the movie was the fortune teller who told the fortunes of several people in the mountain temple.”

Lu Yanhe said this sentence in English, and pointed at Chen Jiang and the others with a smile on his face.

The media reporters in the audience suddenly seemed to be in a panic. All kinds of colorful expressions appeared on their faces. Some people started to applaud, and some shouted in a language that Lu Yanhe could not understand, but Lu Yanhe could see that, Everyone is encouraging him and praising him.

 “Thank you!” Lu Yanhe said with a smile.

 He looked calm on the outside, but deep down he was still relieved.

 He was really afraid that they didn't recognize him, but simply didn't want to support him.

“This is my first time acting in a movie, so I’m a little nervous. I don’t know if my performance is really as good as they say.”

 Soon someone said "You are very nice!" in English.

"thanks, thanks!"

 Lu Yanhe’s few words made the atmosphere at the scene relax from the awkwardness just now and become a little more lively and joyful.



Xin Zixing, who was watching the live broadcast of the media meeting, obviously knew about the conflict between Director Wang Zhong and Yongshan Hesan. He angrily told the people around him: "This Yongshan Hesan has been scolded by Director Wang Zhong seven years ago. From now on, I will hold a grudge against him. Whenever I meet Director Wang Zhong, I will feel disgusted with him."

 This is a live broadcast event of

 Xin Zixing and several other guests sat together to watch the live broadcast of the media meeting of "Three Mountains" and made real-time comments.

 Another guest, Chen Bing, who has become famous for his talk show performances in recent years, immediately asked: "Why was Yongshan Hesan scolded by Wang Zhong?"

"Previously, director Wang Zhong's "Retention" was released in Japan. Director Wang Zhong went to Japan for promotion. Nagayama Kazuzo was a reporter at the time, but he was very rude to the heroine of "Retention" because she had some problems in "Retention" During some **** scenes, Yongshan Kazo asked her if she would be worried that her lover would mind if she made such a big sacrifice to become famous. The heroine was already a little overwhelmed at that time, but Yongshan Kazo still chased her. Let’s talk about our traditional Chinese culture being very concerned about women. Does she think such a big sacrifice is worth it?” Xin Zixing said, “Director Wang Zhong just put down the microphone and cursed. I said, this is Yong Shanhe’s fault. He doesn’t respect the director or the actors.”

 “This little day—” Chen Bing took a breath and reminded himself that this was a live broadcast, “It’s his fault.”

Xin Zixing’s face was solemn.

Song Jiang, a contracted host of, said: "He maliciously interpreted Director Wang's words and let others give Director Wang a negative impression. It is quite vicious."

 Chen Bing: “I don’t know if Yan He can restore the atmosphere, alas.”

 Xin Zixing said nothing.

At this time, she didn’t want to flatter him by saying, “Yan He can definitely do it.”

 What if Yan He fails to do it? -

 When the atmosphere at the scene became a little more lively, Lu Yanhe returned to the question Chen Ling had just asked.

"I don't know if you all know that in ancient China, there was a very famous writer named Pu Songling. He wrote a book called "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio"." Lu Yanhe smiled slightly, "In this book, what is said It’s all about gods and monsters. Almost every Chinese has grown up hearing the stories in this book.”

“In the Qing Dynasty, a man named Wang Shizhen wrote a sentence to evaluate this book.”

    "Material should be disgusted with speaking in human language, but loves to listen to ghosts singing poems in autumn graves."

 Speaking of this, Lu Yanhe first read the poem in Chinese and then translated it into vernacular—

I don’t like to hear some people talk about worldly things about fame, wealth and success. I prefer the dead ghosts on the cemetery to tell me their true feelings.

  “This is my own translation, which is not very accurate, but it is my own understanding of this poem.”

Lu Yanhe smiled softly. His tone of voice was gentle, powerful, and full of a slow rhythm.

"I wonder if you can understand such a feeling? We live in this world, and sometimes we have no choice but to feel a little disgusted with the world we live in, just like "The Moon and Sixpence" written by the British writer Mr. Somerset Maugham ", 'There were six pennies all over the ground, but he looked up and saw the moon.' I will always remember this sentence."

 Everyone in the audience fell silent.

Most of the reporters here are journalists from European and American countries. How could they not know Maugham?

 Including director Wang Zhong, several other actors on stage, and producer Chen Ling who asked him questions, their expressions when looking at Lu Yanhe changed.

 Lu Yanhe’s speech completely exceeded their imagination.

“Sometimes it is easy for us to understand style as the clothes a person wears. Some people like to wear more classic and elegant clothes, while some people like to wear more relaxed and wanton clothes. However, style is not only the clothes a person wears, but also a person. Human temperament, and in our Chinese context, I prefer to call it character bone. Translated into English, I call it 'character that is different from other people'. Of course, this is not that accurate, but it is what I am now. Any translation you can think of.”

 Lu Yanhe emphasized again that this was his own translation.

"The movie "Three Mountains" is obviously different from most movies. Whether it is good or not is up to everyone to comment, but we can definitely reach a consensus that it is not a movie that can be copied from other places. , but a movie that only director Wang Zhong can make.”

"Desire, impulse, anger, regret, fate, fear... Some people understand a director as a person who puts the world he sees into a movie, just like some people understand style as the style of the clothes a person wears. "

"But after I cooperated with Director Wang Zhong, I am more willing to understand the director as a person who is reshaping the world. He uses his thinking, his confusion, his greed, anger and ignorance, and his abandonment to reshape a world. The world in the movie.”

"It is completely different from our real world, but during the two hours we watched the movie, we seemed to have fallen into a huge and confusing dream. After watching it and waking up, we knew that it was a movie and that it was not real. , and then at a certain moment of confusion, I recalled some passages and a picture in my mind, and asked myself blankly, was that a dream, or did it really happen? "

“This is the world of cinema as I understand it, does it have to do with style? Of course it does, but does that matter?”

Lu Yanhe said with a smile: "The important thing is what we feel. The movie is the work of the director, but it is not the director. It belongs to everyone who watches it."


 After Lu Yanhe finished speaking, the scene was quiet for several seconds.

 In stark contrast to this quietness, are the barrage areas in the live broadcast rooms of several domestic platforms.

 As Lu Yanhe speaks sentence by sentence, sometimes in English, sometimes in Chinese, but because there is always real-time translation, everyone can basically understand what Lu Yanhe is saying without any obstacles.

 The more they listened, the more excited and complicated their mood became.

—When Lu Yanhe spoke, I almost forgot what he was talking about. I felt like he was shining.

—From "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio" to "The Moon and Sixpence", he actually picked it up with ease, even remembered other people's comments, and could he translate it directly into English on the spot?

—Can you please stop paying attention to these external things? Listen carefully to what Lu Yanhe said. He is too advanced and awesome. He is standing in another dimension and pressing Yongshan Hesan's SB to the ground and rubbing him!

—Lu Yanhe speaks so well that I am already used to it.

—I’m very vulgar, I just think his calm and calm manner is so handsome, I can’t hear what he said at all.

 —Same as above, I am also vulgar.

—Lu Yanhe’s speech simply turned this media meeting into his performance, and it is already being discussed on the Internet.

—A foreign netizen of mine asked me what "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio" was and whether it had an English version. Damn it, I didn't know if it had an English version!

—Lu Yanhe’s wave of cultural output is so awesome.

Others say that Lu Yanhe was admitted to Zhenhua by luck and became a stain on Zhenhua. Now, who dares to say that Lu Yanhe is a stain on Zhenhua? It’s so awesome, I’m almost moved to tears. You deserve to be a student of Zhenhua and a student of Zhenhua Liberal Arts College!


The number of people watching the live broadcast was only a few, but as major media cut out Lu Yanhe’s speech, made a long picture, and posted it to media accounts, more and more people read it.

 In fact, originally such a speech, no matter how well it was said, would at most attract the attention of some people who usually pay attention to the entertainment industry because the speaker was Lu Yanhe.

 But what happened this time was caused by a "malicious" question from a Japanese reporter.

So, this matter turned into Lu Yanhe’s witty refutation of the Japanese reporter.

 This topic, due to some well-known reasons, has become increasingly popular on the Internet.


After the media meeting for "Three Mountains", Lu Yanhe followed everyone to complete several official promotional itineraries. Afterwards, he returned to the hotel to have something to eat, and there were two very formal interviews in the evening.

 They are all exclusive interviews with domestic media.

 One is "Tomorrow Daily" and the other is "Film Report", both are domestic first-line media.

Reporters from both media outlets invariably mentioned his performance at the media conference in the afternoon.

They did not hide their love for Lu Yanhe at all. After some encouragement, they asked, "Yan He, have you seen the comments about you online in China?"

Lu Yanhe shook his head, a little confused, and said, "I haven't had time to look at my phone yet. What's wrong? What's your comment?"

"Look back and see for yourself. To put it simply, your speech has won the support of many people. It is not just support." The reporter said, "It is mainly your words that made many people in the film industry stand up. I support you. The films directed by Wang Zhong have been very controversial in recent years, not only internationally, but also domestically. Your speech not only responded to Yongshan Kasan's doubts, but also seriously responded to the questions about Wang Zhong. Regarding the director’s film style, many people think your answer is a redefinition of director Wang Zhong’s film style.”

"That's too strong a statement. I just talked about my own feelings. How can I call it a redefinition?" Lu Yanhe said.

 After talking about his speech seriously, we got to the point.

 People specifically talked about how he created this character.

When Lu Yanhe mentioned that the scene he acted in was actually just a guest appearance for one night, the reporters were stunned.

 When asked again, Lu Yanhe even got the script fragments that day, and everyone was confused.

The reporters laughed on the spot: "We don't even know how to write this manuscript. I feel that if we write it like this, others will either think you are exaggerating or we are writing randomly."

Lu Yanhe smiled and waved his hands, "Then don't write these."

“But how did you find your role in such a short period of time?” the reporter asked. Lu Yanhe shook his head, "Actually, I don't know. The state of entering the scene that day was particularly strange, because Director Wang Zhong really found a real mountain temple. It was not a temporary set. We sat in the car for a long time. After driving on the mountain road for a long time, I felt a little motion sick. I felt like vomiting as soon as I got off the car. It happened to be the environment that day, a small hilltop, with howling wind, surrounded by mountains and fields. The situation in the script appeared directly in front of you, that little hill. The same goes for the temple. Once you enter, it's dusty and everything is real. You can't help but imagine the story. After the director gave me my role and lines, I faced the wall and imagined myself alone. The past of the character is very magical. I made up a lot of my own experiences without any distracting thoughts. Then, when it came time to start acting, I didn’t have any baggage in my heart and I felt very relaxed.”

He said: "Director Wang is the kind of director who doesn't give you much specific guidance. He just puts the camera there and gives you a lot of space to use your own ideas to act. He won't try to pick on you. The details, but to tell you how he wanted to feel. As an actor, I really enjoyed my performance that night. I didn’t have to worry about anything. Even before today, I had never seen what I looked like in the movie.”

 “When you saw this movie, did you have any feelings that you wanted to share with us?”

"I just want to say that the director's movie lenses are so good for actors." Lu Yanhe said, "The people in the lens feel strange to me. The director is a person who is very good at using the lens to find actors. The people in this lens , I feel strange to myself.”


 After the exclusive interview, Lu Yanhe was so tired that he poured himself water and didn't want to say another word.

 At the end of the day, the high-intensity work made him exhausted.

Chen Ziyan came over and told him that the program scores were out, and "Three Mountains" got a very high score.

The program refers to the scores given by the media from various countries to the participating films. Although it has nothing to do with the final award, it represents the evaluation of the film by the film media in various countries and is equally influential.

 In fact, judging from the situation over the years, the degree of overlap between the scores in the program and the final award is also very high.

The judges are not locked in a small dark room to review these films. They still have to go out to participate in activities and read the program.

Chen Ziyan added: "The New York Times, French Films, and the Guardian have all spoken highly of your performance and specifically mentioned it, especially "French Films", which praised your performance. It is the most surprising supporting performance of the year and will definitely become the top seed for the Best Supporting Actor award this year!”

Lu Yanhe couldn't help laughing when he heard Chen Ziyan say this excitedly, and said: "Returning the number one seed, is it true or not?"

"It's a bit of an exaggeration. After all, these magazines will use the most exaggerated words to describe a good performance at the film festival, but it also shows that everyone likes you." Chen Ziyan said, "You don't know, right? "French Film" has sent an interview application and wants to conduct an interview with you. "

Lu Yanhe was a little surprised.


"Yeah." Chen Ziyan nodded, "Of course, your interview may not necessarily be published in their magazines. It may just be posted on the website, but this is also good. It is rare to have such a serious movie. Foreign media interview you.”

Lu Yanhe nodded and agreed happily.

Chen Ziyan added: "The most popular topic about you in China right now is actually your speech at the media meeting in the afternoon. You said it very well. Many foreign media present also spoke highly of you. In fact, everyone didn't I really like an empty-headed actor. When you first meet them, you show this side and make them have a good impression of you."

 After speaking, Chen Ziyan sighed, "Unfortunately, there are too few scenes. Although the evaluation is high, there is no hope of competing for the best actor this year."

Lu Yanhe was shocked, "No way, Sister Ziyan, have you ever thought about competing for the Best Actor at the West Tur Film Festival?"

“Based on the current evaluation, if you are the male protagonist, it’s okay.” Chen Ziyan said.

Lu Yanhe waved his hand, "Don't say that, you will make me more and more swollen."

“With your humble and prudent character, even if I blow you up every day and blow you up to the sky, you will still find a step and walk down by yourself.” Chen Ziyan complained.

 Lu Yanhe: “…”

"But this time I followed "Three Mountains" to the West Tur Film Festival, and I gained more than I imagined. At first, I just wanted to see the world. It was my first time to participate in the film festival, so I got to know you a little bit. This time you are It’s a good start, even director Wintour Robey knows you and remembers your name.”

 “I’m being polite.”

"I mentioned you specifically during an interview with the media," Chen Ziyan said. "A foreign media asked him if there was anything special worth introducing to everyone at this Xituer Film Festival. Among the contents he introduced, There is you. Among the films participating in the main competition this year, there is a young actor from China who has won praises from many people, including many friends around him, and also solemnly introduced your name. "

Lu Yanhe was surprised when he saw this video on Chen Ziyan’s tablet.

"Of course, people only said this to the media because you are a famous star in China." Chen Ziyan immediately added, "It is also true that he can make the West Turf Film Festival what it is today. Two brushes, big stars from various countries, were treated very well by him and gave them enough face, including Jia Long. He personally appeared at one of Jia Long's public events and took a photo with him. "

When Lu Yanhe heard this, he felt a little excited but also a little disappointed.

He thought it was his performance that Wintour Roberto took a look at.

 Turns out it was for another purpose.

When Chen Ziyan saw Lu Yanhe like this, she immediately guessed what he was worried about.

"If you have a correct attitude and people are willing to praise you, the premise is that you are worthy of praise. If you don't perform well, he can't praise you at the risk of being complained about. I mean, if he wants to praise you in front of the media, then Your fans will naturally publicize his evaluation of you, and the golden name of him and the Xituer Film Festival will spread. This is a good thing.

"Well, that's a good thing." Lu Yanhe yawned, "But, Sister Ziyan, I'm really a little tired. There's too much work today. Otherwise, let me rest first. Tomorrow will be another day of work."

 “Okay, then you can rest.” Chen Ziyan was obviously still excited and not sleepy at all.

 She came out of Lu Yanhe's room and left the hotel instead of going back to her room.

 She has another game.

 There are quite a few Chinese filmmakers in West Tur.

 It is rare to get together in one place, so they try to find time to get together.

Director Wang Zhong is also there.

As soon as Chen Ziyan appeared, they asked: "Why didn't Lu Yanhe come with you?"

“He had just finished work and could hardly keep his eyes open, so I asked him to sleep first,” Chen Ziyan said.

"Oh, young people don't get tired so easily. You are too strict with them."

“There’s no other way. It’s not easy to cultivate such a baby, so I have to take good care of it.” Chen Ziyan said with a smile.

"Then you have indeed found a treasure. Who would have thought that a ten-minute play could create such a huge momentum, and more than a dozen foreign media specifically named him to praise him."

“Mainly because of what he said at the media conference, heh, those foreigners were stunned.”

"People say it well. Director Wang's film style has been criticized by some people who don't have eyesight. Or Xiao Lu said it well. People who criticize are just choosing clothes. They are superficial and can't see. Character."

Wang Chong smiled and waved his hands, "You guys, please stop teasing me. It's Xiao Lu who will save my respect for me."

"Director, you are so humble. This is not Xiao Lu trying to save your respect. This time "Three Mountains" has received such good feedback at the Situer Film Festival. We are very likely to win an award!"

Wang Chong smiled and just said: "It's impossible to say for sure. We can only see if we have such luck later."

  Chinese-language films have not made any success at the West Tur Film Festival for many years.

 Things that are scarce are valuable.

This makes the domestic film circle very much hope that Chinese films can gain success again at the West Tur Film Festival.

"I think "Three Mountains" has a high chance of winning an award this time."

“If there are Chinese filmmakers among the judges this time, it will be safe. Now we have to see whether the judges this time can appreciate "Three Mountains"."

It’s not that if there are Chinese filmmakers on the jury, it will matter. In fact, in many cases, if there is a filmmaker from the country, he can often explain to other judges what is good about the film itself from the perspective of cultural background. The cultural background barrier can easily prevent others from understanding the content of the film itself. If someone interprets it, it will be more conducive to other people's understanding.

 Especially a movie like "Three Mountains".

Wang Zhong said again: "It's okay. Winning the award is just luck. Not winning the award doesn't mean that my film was not good. I just calm down and wait for the results."

 In the competition unit, no one cares about the winner of the grand prize.

Wang Zhong’s films are often shortlisted for the four major international film festivals, but they rarely win awards.

 Deep down in his heart, of course he also wants to win a grand prize. It's just that these years of constant disappointment have made him almost habitually prepared to be disappointed.

"However, "Three Mountains" seems to be quite popular in the international market? Many film producers want to buy the rights?"

"Yes, the response to "Three Mountains" has been relatively large this time, and many film producers are interested."

 “This is a good thing.”

“Is it a theatrical release?”

“Maxine wants to buy the exclusive streaming rights around the world except mainland China,” someone said.

Wang Zhong nodded, "I haven't decided yet whether to sell them separately or package them all at once and sell them to Maxine."

“If it’s sold to Maxine, I don’t know what the situation will be when it’s released on global streaming media.”

 Chen Ziyan said: "It depends on what kind of publicity resources Maxine will give to "Three Mountains"."

"Although Maxine has many users, it has become quite popular in recent years, and has launched several hit movies. However, after all, it is not a traditional film company, and "Three Mountains" is not the kind to go for the box office. The data of upper-stream media may not be good. Sometimes I can’t produce good data and I am belittled.”

“Maxine said that if given to them, they would help "Three Mountains" run the North American awards season."

 “Are you going for Austria?”


The American Academy Awards is also one of the top film awards in the world. Although it no longer has the unique status it had before Lu Yanhe crossed, it cannot be underestimated. At least in Europe and the United States, its influence and dominance are still very high. big.

 “Is there any hope that “Three Mountains” will win the Olympics?”

"After today's premiere, several American media have given positive reviews, which at least shows that the film is acceptable to the American media. If it can win an award in West Turf, it will indeed have a chance to win the Olympics. These days All the films released by Situer in 2017 will be featured in the awards season and will also receive some nominations at the Oscars.”

“It’s been a long time since our Chinese-language films have been nominated for Oscars.”

"There are completely two lines. In the past, there were many domestic art films, and relying on the reputation and momentum of international film festivals, one or two films could be included. Now there are basically no directors making successful art films, and commercial films have just started to be played. , It hasn’t reached the point of breaking through other people’s production ceilings, and it’s already out of touch with their style.”


"If "Three Mountains" competes for the Olympics, with Xiao Lu's momentum, can he still compete for the Best Supporting Actor? It's a pity that he is in Xituer. If Xituer has the Best Supporting Actor unit, It will definitely be him this year, but Situl only chooses one best actor and one best actress every year, and it has nothing to do with supporting roles."

Chen Ziyan smiled and waved her hands, "Xiao Lu doesn't dare to think about this. Anyway, let's just follow the crew's arrangements."


Because he was in a hurry to go back to class, Lu Yanhe hurried back to China after finishing his last job—an interview for "French Film" magazine.

Zou Dong accompanied him back to China, while Chen Ziyan still had to stay in Xituer and had other work.

As soon as he landed, he was blocked by media reporters who had received the news early.

"Yan He, your performance in "Three Mountains" was highly praised by media from various countries. How do you feel?"

“Do you think “Three Mountains” can win an award at this year’s Situor International Film Festival?”

"Why did you come back so early? Is it because you heard some rumors in advance that "Three Mountains" did not win at the Situer Film Festival?"


 Everyone asked questions at once.

 It is difficult to walk along the Lu Yan River.

“Brothers and sisters, I have just experienced a long-distance flight, please let me take a moment, otherwise I will faint.”

 Lu Yanhe made a helpless expression.

  Everyone’s enthusiastic attitude has calmed down a little.

He said: "Let me explain first. The reason why I came back early is because I have to rush back to school. I have already asked for five days of leave from the school. I can't ask for any more. The director and others are still at Situer Film." As for the festival, I only made a guest appearance in the film, and I am not the protagonist of the movie. My coming back early will not affect the crew. "

He added: "This time I went to Situl because it was the first time I went to the International Film Festival. It felt very fresh. Moreover, it was also rare to experience such a grand party gathered for movies. I got to know a lot of people. People, "Three Mountains" has indeed received love and support from many media friends, especially many foreign journalist friends. Some of them even said with a smile that although they didn't quite understand it, they were shocked and it was an unparalleled movie viewing. experience.”

"Of course I really hope that "Three Mountains" can win the award. Even if it comes back, I will continue to pay attention to the news."

After Lu Yanhe finished speaking, he waved his hands and said, "I have to go, bye."

“Your response to Nagayama Kazo before was great, keep up the good work!” Suddenly a reporter said loudly.

Lu Yanhe glanced at him in surprise, laughed, and raised his hand to make a gesture.


 Seven days later, the Situr Film Festival will hold its awards ceremony.

 Director Wang Zhong attended with three leading actors.

"Three Mountains" won the Best Director Award at this year's West Tur Film Festival. Wang Zhong went on stage to accept the award. He was quite excited. When giving his acceptance speech, he was even too excited to speak normally.

 There was thunderous applause.

 After the award ceremony, the jury of this year’s main competition accepted media interviews.

Felena Ricci, a famous actress from Spain, talked about the award of the Best Actor, and smiled and talked about some insider tidbits of everyone's decision-making.

"Actually, the competition for Best Actor this year is very fierce. There are several actors whose performances are good enough to win this award, including the actor who played the fortune teller in "Three Mountains". I don't know his name. He just After appearing for about ten minutes, some judges thought he should win the award. However, considering the richness, complexity and difficulty of the role, we finally chose Leon Spacey.”

 Lu Yanhe was stunned when he saw this video.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a sudden regret.

He had said so many things before that it was impossible to win the award and that it had nothing to do with me. But now when he heard the judges personally say that he really had a chance and hoped to win the award, his first reaction was, "If only there were more scenes." alright".

It is exactly the same as what Chen Ziyan said.

Lu Yanhe smiled and shook his head, sighing, people do have desires, and he is unavoidable.

 He thought he saw clearly and thought he had no chance of winning the prize.

 But when the fact turned out that he missed this award, his desire for this award became extremely strong in an instant, and it was intense because of regret.

 On the day Wang Zhong returned to China, he announced that "Three Mountains" would be released in China on March 18.

At the same time, "Three Mountains" will be released on Maxine on April 10th and will be released globally on streaming media.

 He contacted Lu Yanhe immediately and asked him to spare time to join the promotional schedule of "Three Mountains".


 Ten thousand words updated, this chapter is a little easier to write and less strenuous.

  Tomorrow I will go to the big sealing promotion, and before the big sealing promotion, both prices were set at 6,000, thank you all.

 Finally, please give me a monthly pass!


 (End of this chapter)

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