Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 332: The choice you have to make even if you go back on your word

Chapter 332: The choice you have to make even if you go back on your promise

 After a brief chat, Lu Yanhe realized why Zhou Shuyu and Qiu Ling came here.

Zhou Shuyu is a professor in the History Department of Yuming University and has always been interested in these places of interest.

This time, Qiu Ling was rarely able to take a vacation, so the two of them discussed going out for a walk together.

It happened that Qiuling had always wanted to come to the desert, so after the two of them came to Shangjing, Zhou Shuyu heard that there was an old temple with a history of five hundred years here, so he came to take a look.

 Meeting Zhou Shuyu gave Lu Yanhe a huge surprise.

 Because Zhou Shuyu can tell you some of the origins of this temple and analyze the stories recorded on the stone tablets with you.

The reason why many people don’t like to visit museums and historical sites is not because they really don’t like it, but because they actually can’t understand it.

Lu Yanhe himself had only a partial understanding of it, but Zhou Shuyu explained and chatted at the same time.

 This is not a big ancient temple, and it took me more than an hour to visit.

This ancient temple records a story that has a bit of a Chinese Ghost Story meaning. Of course, people in this world only know Xiaoqian in "Liao Zhai", but they don't know about "A Chinese Ghost Story" that has touched generations of people.

Documentary such as "City Travel", if a miraculous small probability event does not occur, it is doomed to be an explosion of a national fire. However, it also has its audience. wants to make it into a documentary series with characteristics and loyal fans, with a low cost and great long-term benefits.

From the perspective of a fan of "City Travels", Lu Yanhe's performance on the show makes everyone really believe that he likes to explore old bookstores, old buildings and other places in the city, rather than pretending to cater to him.

She told Zhou Shuyu: "You didn't know, right? Those high school classmates of Lu Yanhe were the core team members of his magazine "Jump Up"."

Lu Yanhe nodded and said, "Yes."

"An encounter." Qiu Ling said with a smile, "You didn't expect it, right?"

Xin Zixing also nodded and said, "I've seen it this time. It's true. Let's go back and study it carefully."

"These young people are very powerful." Qiu Ling held her chin in one hand and said, "I watched these people do a lot of things from scratch. I was shocked again and again before, but now I am shocked." I’m not shocked anymore, I’m used to it.”

Zhou Shuyu was amazed, "I thought this was all a promotional tool for the publishing house. After all, it sounds a bit exaggerated for a few high school students as core members to create such a popular magazine."

"However, after he saw the white fox, he was awakened to the memories before his death. In his previous life, he was a white fox. He was killed by the monk, and the wandering soul was detained and allowed to cultivate in the green lantern in the name of shelter. Because, if you save it to a certain level, you will eat them.”

  He thought to himself that these few of them had not actually gotten together so frequently when they were in high school. Apart from hanging out with Li Pengfei every day, he only chatted with others occasionally. However, after graduation, everyone strengthened their connection through the magazine "Jump Up".

 At this time, Li Pengfei arrived.

 Zhou Shuyu was surprised when he heard this.

Zhou Shuyu was surprised when he heard that several of his high school classmates had made an appointment to go into the desert together. He said, "It has been so long since you graduated from high school, and you still maintain such close contact?"

Lu Yanhe smiled and said nothing.

  Qiu Ling obviously knew this situation.

 In the episodes without Lu Yanhe's participation, the number of broadcasts and the program's word-of-mouth feedback were obviously insufficient.

“The injured white fox is the incarnation of Buddha and is here to kill the demon monk.”

He sat down "reservedly" and winked at Lu Yanhe, implying that Lu Yanhe didn't tell him in advance.

Zhou Shuyu said: “It is rare to see a negative image of a monk in a temple.”

"It is said that a monk named Liansheng once took in an injured white fox in this temple. However, after the white fox recovered from its injury, it ate the monk. A lonely soul living in the green lantern wanted to avenge the monk. So he sacrificed his spiritual practice, turned into a fox, and pretended to be close to the white fox."

Of course she knew it would be disturbing to join Lu Yanhe and his friends so hastily.

After Lu Yanhe heard this story, he smiled and said: "There is such a story in the temple. Do you want to tell the story that the Buddha appeared, or do you want to tell the story that there are demons in the monks?"

 A few people were chatting and laughing.

Lu Yanhe smiled.

 “I didn’t expect it.” Li Pengfei shook his head.

“Uh...Officer Qiu?” Li Pengfei looked at Qiu Ling, whom he had met several times, in surprise, “You, you—”

 In fact, according to their market research, the reason is not complicated. People are not used to other people. I am used to watching Lu Yanhe explore all kinds of interesting places in the city with everyone in this program, and when there is comparison, there will be gaps. If you want to find another young artist with Lu Yanhe's knowledge, culture, temperament and charisma, it's almost impossible to find one.

Lu Yanhe also told Xin Zixing, “City Travels can actually invite professors to participate in the program. What they talk about is much richer than what we can understand through just a quick glance.”

 However, "City Travels" is her job and her cherished work. Even if it disturbs others, for the sake of "City Travels", Xin Zixin must take the initiative to fight for such shooting opportunities.


 After visiting this ancient temple, Lu Yanhe and Linyu had lunch with Zhou Shuyu and Qiuling.

Qiu Ling: "Isn't that because there is a Buddha who holds a staff to destroy demons? It's enough if the Buddha is positive."

This kind is actually the most difficult.

 He came directly to the hotel with his suitcase.

 Xin Zixing and others who had been following behind heard the content of their chat and listened very carefully.

“Are you a member of the core team? Didn’t your magazine come out with the help of the publishing house?”

  So far, Lu Yanhe’s remuneration for recording this program has been much higher than at the beginning, but after all, it is not a commercial-oriented program, and the cost of one episode is far lower than the remuneration he received for recording other programs. This is one of the reasons why although the top management of has asked Xin Zixing and others from time to time to weaken Lu Yanhe's influence on the show, Xin Zixing has always refused.

Xin Zixing also knows that if the program "City Travel" wants to continue for a long time, it must be inseparable from Lu Yanhe at this stage.

Xin Zixing understands very well that this documentary, which unexpectedly gained a foothold, relies heavily on Lu Yanhe. The emergence of this documentary was accidental from the beginning, and its popularity in niche circles initially relied on Lu Yanhe's popularity. Now, because of the humanistic nature of this program, it is extremely popular among people who like this kind of documentary, but this group of people also has a lot of overlap with people who like Lu Yanhe. In fact, many people like Lu Yanhe and "City Travels" mutually. Without Lu Yanhe, they may not like "City Travels", and without "City Travels", they may not like Lu Yanhe. However, the problem now is that Lu Yanhe can do without "City Travels", but "City Travels" cannot do without Lu Yanhe.

Zhou Shuyu smiled.

"Ah, I'm so hungry! Is the food served? I want to **** him with several bowls of rice!" He shouted as soon as he entered the box, and then he was startled by the other two people who came out of the box, and their voices suddenly stopped. Stop.

Linyu said: "To be precise, the content of the first issue was all produced by Lu Yanhe and Chen Siqi, plus an artist responsible for layout design and typesetting. The three people made the first issue, and we joined later. Yes, this magazine is not the editor-in-chief in name only. He is really in charge of this magazine.”

 She had a calm smile on her face.

 He was embarrassed to admit that he had forgotten.

However, it is true that I am hungry. Li Pengfei was a little embarrassed at first, but after a while he started to eat freely.

 “I’m so hungry.” He apologized while eating, “I look a little ugly when I eat, I’m sorry.”

Lu Yanhe frowned for a moment when he heard what Li Pengfei said. From Linyu putting on a mask to Li Pengfei subconsciously saying "I'm sorry", Lu Yanhe suddenly felt very uncomfortable. Although everyone said they were willing to appear on camera and didn't care about the recording of "City Travels", this incident obviously still affected It made them feel relaxed and free during this trip.

 What he originally thought would give him the best of both worlds did not happen.

Lu Yanhe realized that he was preconceivedly accustomed to the existence of the camera and could be himself in front of the camera without pretending. However, Li Pengfei and Linyu had no such experience. With such a big camera stuck here, it would not affect them in any way. mood and actions.

 After lunch, Lu Yanhe pulled Xin Zixing aside.

“Sister Zi Xing, I’m sorry, can we not take pictures on this trip?” Lu Yanhe asked.

Xin Zixing was stunned for a moment, with a look of surprise on his face, and asked, "What's wrong? Yan He, did something about us affect you?"

"No, it's not." Lu Yanhe shook his head, "It's my own fault. I still wanted to go into the desert without any work pressure. I originally thought I could adjust my mood and not be affected, but with the camera, I still can’t relax 100%.”

Xin Zixing looked embarrassed.

"I know, this is my fault. I promised you at the beginning." Lu Yanhe said, "This time, I will bear all the expenses for your coming out."

Xin Zixing waved her hands quickly: "That's not okay. If you are saying such polite things to me, I knew you were hanging out with your friends to relax. I came to you even though I knew you were disturbing me. I shouldn't have done that. It's okay. I understand your thoughts. Yes, I understand, I will leave with the filming team.”

Lu Yanhe hesitated for a moment and said, "How about I invite a friend to come over and record this episode for you?"

Xin Zixing was stunned, "Huh?"

“Or, even if you don’t record this episode, you still have inventory to support subsequent broadcasts?”

“Don’t worry about this, we have finished shooting a few episodes and they are ready for broadcast.” Xin Zixing said, “When you come back from Hexi, we will ask you to shoot again.”

 Lu Yanhe felt very sorry.

  He was the one who agreed to take the photo before, but now he is the one who decided to stop the photo shoot.

Lu Yanhe thought about it again, contacted Chen Ziyan, and decided that they should be responsible for the travel expenses of their group, and each person gave a gift to express his apology.

Chen Ziyan said: "This kind of thing is a bit inappropriate, Yan He. Once word spreads, you will be the person who has no professionalism. You will even be said to be a big name."

 Lu Yanhe sighed, "I know, in fact, it was indeed my fault. I shouldn't have agreed to it from the very beginning when Sister Zi Xing came to see me."

"Don't take everything on yourself. It's not like you didn't get the consent of your friends. I just remind you that you should think twice before doing anything that involves your friends in the future. Don't do it because they are a group of people who follow you. People with close relationships and good feelings will mess up your usual methods and style. "Chen Ziyan said, "There are too many shortcomings and it is easy to get into trouble. I will arrange it for "City Travel" later, so don't take it to heart. , have fun, you have been tired for a long time, it’s time to relax. "

 Hearing what Chen Ziyan said, Lu Yanhe breathed a sigh of relief.

When Chen Qin, Xu Zijun and Chen Siqi arrived later and heard that the filming team of "City Travels" had stopped filming for some reason and would no longer follow them into the desert, Li Pengfei was still confused and asked: "Why do you say that if you don't want to shoot, you won't shoot."

 Lu Yanhe did not explain the real reason.

 He ​​didn’t want to burden them, so he just said it was the filming team’s decision.

“Then we will go into the desert together. Wow, that’s cool.” Li Pengfei looked excited, “I don’t have to pretend anymore.”

Linyu immediately gave him a disgusted look and said, "I really didn't realize how you were pretending. Your four bowls of rice are so delicious."

Li Pengfei: "...That's because I'm really hungry and can't bear it anymore."

Lu Yanhe immediately laughed.

When he smiled, he noticed Chen Siqi looking at him.

 He turned around and looked.

 Chen Siqi's hand reached out from under the table, took his hand, and squeezed it.

 Lu Yanhe smiled at her.

 Chen Siqi said: "Well done."

Lu Yanhe said "Ah".

 Chen Siqi had no intention of continuing to say more.


Xin Zixing hesitated for several hours. Should they stay in Shangjing and shoot a documentary by themselves? Without Lu Yanhe, they would use narration to talk about the customs and customs of Shangjing. This was not impossible. Lu Yanhe could also record narration.

 After all, they are here, and the shooting plans have been submitted.

Xin Zixing understands Lu Yanhe’s thoughts.

 She didn't feel that Lu Yanhe had gone back on his word, but she felt that her previous interruption was a bit excessive - Lu Yanhe is a person who will do his best to help you, and he is not the kind of "difficult artist" who needs to be "rubbed and beaten" to get things done.

 She sighed.

The team members have gone to Shangjing to eat, drink and have fun.

 She gave them a holiday.

 There is no one else to discuss it with.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in Xin Zixing's mind.

That Zhou Shuyu who told them historical stories all the way.

 Lu Yanhe said at that time—

Your "City Travels" program can actually invite professors to participate in the program. The things they talk about are much richer than what we can understand through just a quick glance.

Xin Zixing’s eyes lit up.

 Perhaps, you can try asking Professor Zhou Shuyu for help?

As soon as she thought of this, she immediately wanted to contact him. She had no choice but to contact Lu Yanhe again and ask him for his contact information. Lu Yanhe could only ask Qiu Ling for it.

After many rounds of discussions, it took Xin Zixing thirty minutes to get Zhou Shuyu’s contact information.

 She called Zhou Shuyu’s number.

“Hello, Professor Zhou, I am Xin Zixing, the producer of “City Travels”, we just met not long ago…”

 (End of this chapter)

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