Become Famous Another Day

: Month-end summary (and half-year summary)

The book was published on August 31 last year, and it has been exactly seven months since. The total number of words is 1.7 million, with an average of 240,000 words updated every month.

 Looking at the current results, I can only feel four words: "How can I be so good?"

The average number of orders is almost 8,000, and the number of orders has exceeded 10,000. It seems that there is no need to wait until this summer.

 Many readers and friends said that this novel is different from many online articles and makes everyone feel fresh. In fact, I think the core definition of online articles is that it is oriented to readers and puts readers first.

I have seen many friends say that I am a very young writer, and I feel that I must admit it.

 But in fact, it’s not like I didn’t try to write this story for readers, but the way it was written, it was the opening sequence that was very criticized by everyone. It seems that my ability can only reach this level. The more self-righteous I am in writing content that you like to read, the less you will like it.

 On the contrary, if I write according to my own ideas, the chapters I write will be more recognized and liked by everyone. I started writing this story according to my own ideas later on, and the premise was also because everyone liked it.

Of course, it was precisely because I finished writing the previous book "I Became a Scandal Heroine Overnight" that I gained the confidence that "I am an author who can make the story more interesting as it goes on." Only then will I continue writing when the first round of pk fails. Of course, he was lucky enough to be resurrected and entered the second round of PK.

I am not a full-time author. Based on my current situation, I will basically not choose to be a full-time author, even if my annual income reaches more than 10 million in the future.

But this doesn’t mean that I don’t want to be a good novel writer. It is precisely because I have a job that satisfies me that I can concentrate on creating this story, and it is precisely because the story I created has brought me a generous income. , I can concentrate on doing my job well without being tempted by benefits, and I can stand straighter than anyone else.

 I love my job because it gives me an unexaggerated and unobtrusive sense of accomplishment and allows me to truly feel the word meaning. It seems that I will have a particularly good opportunity in the future, so I will no longer be able to update 10,000 words every day, because I need to devote sufficient energy to work.

But, on the other hand, the writing of this novel also gave me a strong mental surplus, allowing me to have an outlet for my emotions that no one can take away when I feel tired, frustrated, and angry at work.

For an online article, keeping updated daily seems to be the most basic morality. Therefore, many times, no matter how tired I am, I will still insist on updating a chapter, but maybe that chapter does not have many words and is very short and weak. I know this too (laughs), but please believe that I really tried my best.

I believe that I will continue writing seriously. After all, my last book was a novel of more than 3 million words with only 700 subscriptions. No matter how you write it, the results of this novel will be much better than the previous one.

In addition, I would like to explain to everyone that my work has nothing to do with the entertainment industry. All information actually comes from online reports and materials from various channels. If there is anything wrong with the writing, please point it out and I will try my best to revise and adjust it.

 Finally, seriously ask for a monthly ticket! (End of chapter)

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