Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 338: Desperate (Second update, please vote for me!)

Zhou Pingan shook his head, smiled, and said, "This is one thing, and there is another thing."

 Lu Yanhe assumed a "you say" pose.

Zhou Ping'an could already feel Lu Yanhe's guard against him from Lu Yanhe's body language.

Without even opening his mouth, Zhou Pingan knew what reaction he would get.

 However, Zhou Pingan had to speak. He received the assignment from Ma Zhongquan.

Even if you know it will fail, you still have to complete this standard action.

“If you are willing to come back, we will tailor a training program for you to train you to become the top actor in the country and the next Shang Yongzhou.”

 Zhou Pingan said this.

Lu Yanhe almost stopped and laughed on the spot.

He looked at Zhou Pingan with a teasing expression and asked, "What do you mean, come back again?"

 Zhou Pingan: "I know that we wanted to terminate the contract with you before, which bothered you very much—"

"I don't mind anymore." Lu Yanhe interrupted him, "On the contrary, I am very glad that we terminated the contract, otherwise I might still be the same now."

Zhou Ping'an: "Yan He, you should know that I didn't deliberately want to suppress you before."

"But you haven't told me until now who wants to suppress me, right? I can only put this matter on your head." Lu Yanhe said calmly, "We have to be fair, and we can't do it just because we are You completely shirk all the responsibility for what others ask you to do. The killer takes money to do things, so why don't you look for this killer for revenge? "

Zhou Ping'an looked calm.

Lu Yanhe looked at Zhou Pingan calmly.

Zhou Pingan showed a wry smile.

"Brother Ping'an, you came to me today, maybe it's not your own intention, right? I know that you are just following orders, so my attitude has been made very clear. You can go back and resume your duties with Vice President Ma." Lu Yanhe shrugged his shoulders, "When I had no use value, they treated me like a piece of grass. If they wanted to drive me away, they would drive me away. I had no room to struggle at all. Now that I have no use value, they suddenly came to me again. Then I was really helpless, as if... it wasn't that big of a deal when you drove me away before. You didn't have to force me to do it. In fact, you didn't have to drive me away, right? As long as I have enough value for you.”

 Lu Yanhe's eyes were cold, "It's a pity, I don't want to share my value with you."


Lu Yanhe originally thought that he would face all this calmly.

 But after talking to Zhou Pingan, Lu Yanhe felt a little depressed on his way back to the dormitory alone.

This kind of depression has nothing to do with Ma Zhongquan and Zhou Ping'an, but with his own destiny that has skyrocketed in recent years - if he had not traveled through time, all of this would have been over long ago, and there would have been no comeback against the wind, and there would have been no Sitting in front of Zhou Pingan today was indifferent.

If possible, Lu Yanhe would rather hope that the person sitting in front of Zhou Pingan and saying these words today is the original Lu Yanhe.

 It was not until he reached the dormitory that Lu Yanhe realized that he seemed to be affected again.

 It seems that whenever this happens, his mood fluctuates greatly.

 Once the fate of the original person is involved, you will feel sorry for him and feel unworthy.

 Is it because the original body left related emotions in this body that makes him frequently lose control in this regard?

 This is not the first time.

Lu Yanhe scratched his head and washed his face to calm down a little.

 At this time, Xiao Jing came back.

“Yan He, you are here. I haven’t seen you for a long time. I bought roast duck. Do you want to eat it?”

Lu Yanhe returned to the room, saw Xiao Jing's happy face, and asked with a smile: "What good thing are you doing?"

Xiao Jing said: “I got a place to go to the UK for a one-year exchange.”

"Congratulations." Lu Yanhe immediately congratulated, "When are you going?"

“Next semester,” Xiao Jing said, “I will leave in August for a year of exchange.”

Lu Yanhe nodded and asked, "Which school are you going to?"


 “What a benefit.” Lu Yanhe sighed.

Although many Yuming students go to overseas universities for exchanges every year, the opportunity to exchange at the world's top prestigious universities like Cambridge is still very competitive.

Even Lu Yanhe, a student who has no such idea, has heard of difficulty.

 At this time, Xiao Jing's cell phone suddenly rang.

Xiao Jing frowned when he saw the name of the caller.

Who is the person who can make him frown at this time?

Xiao Jing took his mobile phone and went to the balcony to answer the call.

Lu Yanhe returned to his seat and opened his laptop.

After a while, he suddenly heard Xiao Jing's voice coming in: "... Can you please stop making trouble? How could I give up this opportunity! You clearly know how much I value this opportunity... It's just one year, one year later I’m back, I’m not going away for the rest of my life!”

 Xiao Jing's voice revealed helpless exhaustion.

 This must be a quarrel with my girlfriend.

 Otherwise, we would not easily mention the word "lifetime" to others.

This kind of word basically only appears between lovers.

Lu Yanhe put on his headphones silently and acted as if he didn't hear anything.

 After a while, Xiao Jing ended the call and came back from the balcony.

 He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Lu Yanhe was wearing headphones and seemed not to have heard the call he made on the balcony at all.

 Xiao Jing sat down in his seat, seeming to calm down his mind.

Lu Yanhe wrote the outline and character biographies of "Wulin Gaiden".

 This story and these characters, he really didn’t need to think about it too much, he remembered it very clearly.

 The main reason is that he really likes watching this drama. He has watched it several times and often discusses it with his classmates. He is deeply impressed by many plots in it.

After a while, Lu Yanhe took off his headphones.

 He looked back at Xiao Jing, his acting was inexplicably poor, and asked: "Have you finished making the call?"

 Xiao Jing nodded.

 He asked: "Yan He, did you quarrel with your girlfriend?"

 Lu Yanhe: “…”

He silently said "Sure enough" in his heart, and then said: "Of course, of course we will quarrel."

Xiao Jing scratched his head as if in pain and said, "What would you do if there was a quarrel?"

Lu Yanhe thought to himself that he and Chen Siqi had really never had a quarrel about "I don't know what to do" until now.

 He hesitated and remained silent for a moment, then said, "Maybe we should all calm down first."

 Xiao Jing: "Can you accept being separated from your girlfriend for a year? In a different place."

"Are you talking about going to England for exchange?" Lu Yanhe did not answer, but directly guessed the reason for Xiao Jing's quarrel with his girlfriend, "She doesn't want you to go?"

Xiao Jing said: "Originally, we agreed to go together, but she didn't get an exchange place in the UK."

 Lu Yanhe: "So she wants you to stay with her?"

 “Hmm.” Xiao Jing nodded sadly.

 “Then what do you think?”

“I don’t want to give up this opportunity.” Xiao Jing said, “It took me two months just to prepare for this quota.”

Lu Yanhe: "Since you have thought about it clearly, it's okay. In fact, it's not difficult to handle. I think you may have to have an honest talk with your girlfriend."

 “What to talk about?”

"Talk about choices." Lu Yanhe said, "I am very worried about one thing. If you really give up this opportunity for your girlfriend, can you really accept it in the future and not blame the reason for losing this opportunity? On your girlfriend’s head?”

 Xiao Jing shook his head without hesitation. "Yeah, I think so too. So, I think that if you really feel that this is an opportunity that is very important to you and so important that you don't hesitate when making a choice, then make this your priority. Go think about your future relationship with your girlfriend.”

“You mean, if we really can’t reach an agreement, I should just break up?”

"It's not what I said, it's the only way you can go." Lu Yanhe said, "Otherwise, what can we do? Either you give up going to the UK, or she accepts your going to the UK, and the quarrels come and go. This core If the contradictions don’t change, the results won’t change.”

 Xiao Jing sighed and nodded.

"Actually, I know everything you said, but I just don't understand. She was obviously preparing to go to the UK with me at the beginning. She is the one who best understands how much I value this exchange opportunity. Why is she now telling me to give up? Let me give up."

 Lu Yanhe: "Because maybe in her heart, the fact that you two are together is more important than anything else."

 Xiao Jing was silent.

"Maybe you think it's just a year of separation, but in her opinion, this year of separation is destined to separate you two forever." Lu Yanhe shrugged, "I'm a little pessimistic, but I guess it's possible ”

 After saying these words, Lu Yanhe suddenly realized.

It is because I have suffered from poverty for three years that I understand the constraints, restraints and discomforts Chen Siqi feels in her family's environment. Perhaps because of this, Chen Siqi understood his decision particularly well.

 They have never complained about each other being busy and finding it difficult to have time to date together like a normal couple.

 Not only because one of them is in Yuming and the other is in Jiangguang, but because they put work and self-improvement at a very high priority.

 This is the tacit understanding between the two of them.

If one of the two of them didn't think so, maybe they would have had a quarrel like Xiao Jing and his girlfriend.

 Lu Yanhe told Chen Siqi about this matter online.

Chen Siqi said: "I just think that we don't need to rush for a while, and we don't need to worry about this year or two. Even if one day you tell me where you are going to film, and it will take a year, I won't feel it." I'm panicking because I know you'll be back after filming. To be honest, Yan He, Xiao Jing's girlfriend is so worried and hopes that he won't go to the UK. Is it because he didn't give his girlfriend this opportunity? To feel a sense of security, his girlfriend subconsciously feels that if they are not together for a year, the two of them will definitely break up? "

Lu Yanhe was speechless.

Chen Siqi: "We girls really think differently from you guys. I don't want to say there is any reason for this, Xiao Jing, but if it were you, I wouldn't worry about it, and I wouldn't advise you not to go. ”

Lu Yanhe was silent.

"Of course, you are different from Xiao Jing, and Xiao Jing's girlfriend and I are different." Chen Siqi smiled, "At least when I miss you, I will buy a plane ticket and fly to see you."

Lu Yanhe burst into laughter.


"But not everyone has such conditions, and we must admit this. If it were not for "Jump Up", I would be a very ordinary female college student." Chen Siqi said, "So, I think in the final analysis, it is what you said, No matter what, you have to do your best. I will never stop someone from getting better, even if it is you, even if it means breaking up, I think so from the bottom of my heart."

Lu Yanhe took a deep breath.


 People have learning, career, emotions and rationality.

 Lu Yanhe rarely talked to Chen Siqi in such depth. This was a very accidental chat.

 That night, Xiao Jing went to bed very early. He didn't know whether he fell asleep or just stayed in the "sleeping" position on the bed.

Lu Yanhe is also thinking about his future.

 Will he and Chen Siqi have such conflicts in the future?

Thinking about it, I didn’t think of potential conflicts, but there will definitely be conflicts. Lu Yanhe was lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling, thinking to himself that he was not as big-hearted as Chen Siqi. If one day he really wanted to achieve something at the cost of breaking up, he would definitely not be able to agree, and he would not be able to agree shamelessly.

After thinking about this matter clearly, Lu Yanhe felt at ease and fell asleep peacefully.


the other side.

"Lu Yanhe humiliated me severely. Mr. Ma, please don't let me do this job. This is simply an impossible task."

Zhou Pingan and Ma Zhongquan sighed. After complaining, they glanced at Ma Zhongquan, seeming to feel pity for the humiliation they had suffered.

Ma Zhongquan glared at him and said, "What's wrong with humiliating you? You've been an agent for a long time, and you can't even bear this grievance? When you were talking about business, when someone poured wine on your head, you greeted him with a smile. , You can’t do it now, can you?”

Zhou Ping'an's expression was like that of a stuck robot. He was stuck on the spot and didn't know how to react.

Ma Zhongquan said: "Zhou Pingan, let me tell you, for us now, one Lu Yanhe is more useful than five Ma Zhiyuan. I don't care what methods you use, just win over Lu Yanhe for me. I don't care what methods you use, I just want to win over him." result."

Zhou Pingan glanced at Ma Zhongquan silently and sadly, and said, "Mr. Ma, how about you take action yourself?"

 Ma Zhongquan: “…”

Zhou Ping'an said: "I'm really not shirking responsibility, Mr. Ma. Let me tell him about this matter. We have an old grudge. Even if I dump my head on him, it won't be enough to relieve his anger. You It’s really embarrassing for me.”

Ma Zhongquan: "Then I'll ask Lin Suyang to talk to him."

Zhou Ping'an was suddenly startled.

"What? Mr. Ma, how can you let Lin Suyang go to Lu Yanhe? How can he handle things that I can't handle?"

“If you can’t figure it out, just let him try.” Ma Zhongquan said.

Zhou Ping'an's facial features instantly became distorted, a little unwilling.

"Mr. Ma, let me try again. That guy Lin Suyang will definitely mess up the matter." He said directly.

Ma Zhongquan smiled and said, "Then I'll give you another chance. Don't let me down."


 After Zhou Pingan left, Ma Zhongquan also frowned.

He really doesn't have a good idea about Lu Yanhe right now - as for Chen Ziyan, he already has evidence and knows that she is running her own company outside. However, even if Chen Ziyan is kicked out, Lu Yanhe may not obey. Arrangements from the company.

 According to the contract, only Chen Ziyan can manage Lu Yanhe’s brokerage affairs. If Chen Ziyan is no longer here, according to the contract, Lu Yanhe can make the final decision on his own without having to listen to anyone else in the company. If this matter is not dealt with in advance, given the old grudge between Lu Yanhe and them, it is very likely that Lu Yanhe will become a "three no matter" personnel, and no one can control it until the contract expires in three years.

 The words repeated by Zhou Ping'an made Ma Zhongquan's sense of crisis even deeper.

 —The worst case scenario is waiting until the contract is over.

Whether Lu Yanhe, Li Zhibai, or Yan Liang, they all had eight-year contracts at the beginning. Only Lu Yanhe later changed their contracts. This also means that the contracts of the three of them with the company will expire in three years. .

 The same is true for Ma Zhiyuan and Cheng Hai.

With their current popularity, popularity and status, any brokerage company that wants to compete for them will definitely be in trouble.

Ma Zhongquan must make arrangements and plans in advance before he can find a way to keep people here.

 Otherwise, if someone becomes famous but runs away, it is one thing to lose face, but being held accountable is a big problem.

 Among them, the one Ma Zhongquan valued most was Lu Yanhe.

Any manager can see the preciousness of Lu Yanhe.

 With someone like him who is a top actor and screenwriter, when negotiating with any platform, the chips must be thicker than just one or two times.

 It is a pity that among these people, Lu Yanhe is the one who is most seriously out of his control.

Ma Zhongquan was very angry.


Zhou Ping'an usually pays close attention to Lu Yanhe's activities, and he has paid even more attention to it in the past two days.

 When he learned that Lu Yanhe had made an appointment with Huang Kairen and Wang Zhong to meet together, his first reaction was whether these people were going to cooperate?

After all, Lu Yanhe’s explosive official announcement at the Jose Film Festival let everyone know that he has many projects to start.

Huang Kairen collaborated with Lu Yanhe in "The Golden Age".

Zhou Pingan went to inquire about the news immediately.

Zhou Ping'an discovered something strange after this inquiry.

This is actually a movie directed by Wang Zhong, written by Lu Yanhe, and starring Chen Bige.

 From the perspective of director, screenwriter and starring, it can be said that it is already the top lineup in the domestic film industry. It is difficult to put together a more luxurious lineup than this.

 Zhou Pingan reacted immediately. The movie is looking for Huang Kairen to play the male lead.

“Do you know this movie?” Zhou Pingan asked Li Zhibai immediately.

Li Zhibai nodded, "I know."

"I know why you are so careless? You can also play the roles that Huang Kairen can play. Why not ask you to play the role?" Looking at Li Zhibai's casual look, Zhou Ping'an asked with hatred. road.

Li Zhibai glanced at him and said, "Why do you want me to act? If you didn't find me, it would be inappropriate."

"How are you worse than Huang Kairen?" Zhou Pingan asked angrily.

Li Zhibai: "It's nearly ten years behind. Where do you think it's missing?"

He rolled his eyes hugely, "Can't you, old man, stop pretending to be confused? Before, you went over to threaten Lao Lu, saying that you could reject the movie he wrote for us, and now you help him eagerly. Am I eyeing a script written by someone else?"


 Please give me a monthly ticket! Asking for a monthly ticket! Asking for a monthly ticket!

 Say important things three times! (End of chapter)

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