Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 348: chrysanthemum tea

 The last issue of "Idol Era" in June will be officially confirmed to be broadcast live on June 12th.

 Aroused a lot of attention.

Especially those fans who were competing for their idols were confused by this sudden news.

  The previous programs were all recorded and broadcast. Why did you suddenly have another live broadcast?

 The key is that no one knows what the final effect of this live broadcast will be. Although many fans are fans, they are well aware of the professional abilities of their artists, and there are still only a few fans who are truly "blind". This makes some fans of artists who usually rely too much on post-processing a little nervous.

In addition, "Idol Era" also seems to want to make this program a "grand ceremony". Not only has a new method of on-site voting to compete for the rankings been introduced, but eight performers have also been officially announced to support this episode of the show. Among them, Lu Yanhe will not only have a solo performance of his own, but will also perform a three-person stage with Li Zhibai and Yan Liang.

In the stage trailer of the three of them, the program team wrote a slogan saying: Classic remake, let’s do it for real!

These four words made everyone curious about the stage performance of the three of them.

 A classic reissue?

How popular is the show "Idol Era"?

 Because of this program, Icefield Video has been at the top of the traffic list of all video platforms since the beginning of the year. Because of this program, Icefield Video has brought stable viewers to Icefield Video every week, and the audience is getting more and more. Idol artists are naturally attractive to young people. More and more students and young people are attracted and become fans of a certain idol or program, and start to follow them every week.

On this show, almost 90% of the performances are modern, Hip-Hop, and explosive.

The biggest difference between it and the music variety show is that the main concept of "Idol Era" is stage performance.

 Stage performances include singing, dancing, and some other designs. Therefore, a richer variety of performances can be seen on this show.

The last time the three of them, Lu Yanhe, collaborated on a stage was in June last year.

 A whole year has passed, and now we finally have a new stage.

Lu Yanhe’s few “stage fans” and “group fans” all shed tears because they never expected that such a day would come.


The person responsible for various data monitoring of "Idol Era" frequently lamented: "It's crazy. Lu Yanhe is coming to our show to perform. Even before it is broadcast, the popularity has already reached two peaks of over 10,000."

When other people heard what he said, they said, "He is so red."

"However, generally speaking, for such a popular artist, his fans should also be very sticky, but his fans are indeed not in the first echelon no matter how you look at them. Compared with Li Zhibai and Ma Zhiyuan, There is a big gap.”

“I have a lot of fans, I’m not here to play data operations with you.”

“The main reason is that people don’t follow the path of idol artists anymore, so they don’t need fans who are so sticky.”

 “As I said, which celebrity artist doesn’t need fans?”

"Of course it is necessary, but if an actor's fans are as crazy as Li Zhibai or Ma Zhiyuan's fans, is it really a good thing? Every time Li Zhibai acted in these dramas, his Fans have to fight with the fans of other artists without exception. This creates a bad impression on everyone. If Li Zhibai himself is not very good at fighting, at least in the business aspect, absolutely no artist can ignore it. The impact of negative public opinion.”


 Xu Fanxing sat at his work station, silently listening to everyone's discussion without joining in.

She has actually joined the show "Idol Era" for some time. After Chen Ziyan arranged for her to come here, she became a very ordinary artist. Chen Ziyan didn't say what exactly he wanted her to do here. He only said that he should first let her get familiar with the environment here.

 When she first came here, she was actually very uncomfortable with the environment here. It wasn't that she was too busy or tired from work, but that many parts of this place were very different from the world she had been exposed to before. She always felt that she was not afraid of hard work or tiredness. However, when she got here, she discovered that there were some places where she could not survive if she worked hard enough.

 No one taught her, and everyone treated her as an airborne soldier at a respectful distance. Neither offend nor get close to. This is nothing. What bothers her the most is the work content itself. Dealing with the artist completely shattered her outlook.

The first time she was dealing with an artist, Xu Fanxing didn’t say anything. The other agent’s manager looked her up and down and left directly with his artist. Xu Fanxing didn't even know what he had done wrong, but he didn't say anything and told the program team that someone else would be the one to deal with them.

 It went around and around, but one day Xu Fanxing heard other people talking in the tea room and realized that it turned out that the artist thought she was too beautiful, so she was unwilling to work with such a person. When Xu Fanxing heard it, he felt it was incredible and unbelievable.

 But after doing this work for a long time, Xu Fanxing slowly realized that there are many more things like this. Many artists are concerned about having good-looking staff members. Female celebrities are worried about being robbed of their limelight, while male celebrities are worried about being misunderstood and rumored.

 In addition to this kind of thing, there are also some things that make Xu Fanxing unbelievable. For example, some artists' meal plan is actually one thousand meals. Xu Fanxing wanted to know, what were they eating? Eat gold? When she saw news like this on the Internet before, she thought it was a marketing account deliberately creating such exaggerated titles to gain traffic. Until she encountered such a request when she was doing docking in person.

 This is a relatively understandable thing. At most, it can be said that artists are extravagant and wasteful. But there are still things that she can't understand even more, such as the hotel room cannot have mirrors, or the hotel room must have three pots of green plants, or the program team is required to be responsible for the food, accommodation and transportation of the entire management team... with different artists When dealing with artists, you will encounter different requirements. When dealing with the same artist, the requirements will be different every time.

Xu Fanxing often thought about how he had worked hard over the past few years and earned a meager salary of less than 3,000 yuan a month. In the end, it was not as good as what others could eat for a day. This contrast made her spend a long time adjusting her mood.

Having come into contact with different artists and teams, this time when she met Lu Yanhe, she suddenly felt like she had returned to the "real world" from a "fantasy world".

She contacted Lu Yanhe, and the person who came to contact her was an assistant who had just taken over the job.

His name is Wang Biao.

She contacted Wang Biao about Lu Yanhe's rehearsal time, food, accommodation and transportation requirements, etc. Wang Biao quickly responded with a time schedule. There were several time periods in which the work had been scheduled: except for these time periods. , the rehearsal time can be arranged according to the time of Li Zhibai and Yan Liang. Just set the time and tell us.

 Xu Fanxing was stunned when he saw this sentence.

The time of these artists is the most difficult to coordinate. Because artists have a lot of schedules and various requirements, some are not willing to rehearse in the afternoon, some are not willing to rehearse after 9pm, and some clearly cannot stay up late and must finish before 12pm. Xu Fanxing is always worried about this time and can only coordinate and communicate again and again. Many artists said whatever they said was fine, and I cooperated with them. As time passed, there were problems here and conflicts there, which gave Xu Fanxing a headache.

 Although she knew Lu Yanhe and had dealings with him. However, during this time, she has seen too many people with different appearances and private situations. Xu Fanxing never expected that Lu Yanhe would be so cheerful. She even wondered if it was because Wang Biao had just taken over the job that he was so easy to talk to.

Xu Fanxing confirmed with Wang Biao other matters regarding Lu Yanhe’s recording of the program this time. Confirm the specifications of the transfer vehicle, the class of hotel you will be staying at, the size and layout of the on-site lounge, etc.

Wang Biao replied: Sister Fanxing, there’s no need to go to such trouble. We’re coming here by ourselves, and we’re not staying in a hotel. We’re all staying in Yuming by ourselves. Just arrange four lunch boxes for us.

 Xu Fanxing:? ? ?

 She asked: Don’t you need to prepare any more?

Wang Biao: I asked Brother Lu, and he said there was no need to bother.

Xu Fanxing was shocked.

 However, when she reported the docking situation on Lu Yanhe's side, no one had any unnecessary reaction.

 Only one person said: "Tsk tsk, Lu Yanhe is still Lu Yanhe. Reading more means you have high quality."

 Everyone seems to be accustomed to Lu Yanhe’s actions.

Xu Fanxing felt a sense of relief: No matter how many monsters and monsters there are, there are still honest people in the world.


 Lu Yanhe’s solo show was rehearsed alone.

 The rehearsal time is exactly three o'clock in the afternoon.

Lu Yanhe went directly to the studio to audition the sound and move.

 His appearance brought many people to the scene.

This is Lu Yanhe's first time performing in "Idol Era".

Lu Yanhe hasn’t sang for a long time.

If you don’t evaluate Lu Yanhe’s singing skills from the perspective of a professional singer, he is very good. He does have a good voice that makes people feel "good", but it's just not as outstanding as his acting talent.

 The theme song of "Seventeenth Floor" is a song full of a sense of destiny and struggle. The chorus has a soaring high note, and Lu Yanhe also sang it easily.

 Everyone at the scene was surprised.

 Because, they have all heard of Lu Yanhe’s positioning—why does Lu Yanhe make acting his main career? Because his talent in acting is much higher than his talent in singing.

 They all thought that Lu Yanhe was an ordinary singer.

 As a result, this song came out easily and everyone was stunned.

“Yan He, you sing very well, why don’t you sing more often?” someone asked.

Lu Yanhe stood on the stage, shook his hand quickly and said, "It's just an amateur performance that sounds good, it's embarrassing."

  The director came over, full of surprises, and said, "You should really come to our shows more often. Your song will definitely become a hit."

 Lu Yanhe: “Thank you, director, and I hope to lend you some kind words.”

The director added: "We have all listened to the demo of the song you wrote for Li Zhibai and Yan Liang. You are worthy of being the author of "Remember". Are you really not considering producing more musical works in the future? "

Lu Yanhe said: "Of course I will if I have the right opportunity, but I write songs very slowly. It has taken me so long to write so many songs."

The director said: "I have a hunch that these songs will become popular, especially "Young Battlefield", a war song dedicated to high school and junior high school students. When I heard this song, I got goosebumps. The knot makes my blood boil.”

 Lu Yanhe smiled and said thank you.

 Whether people are using polite words or not, "Young Battlefield" is indeed written for students.

Lu Yanhe remembers this song because the school kept playing this song during his college entrance examination days, and he learned to sing it from beginning to end.

The rehearsal ended successfully, and the director said to him: "We want to put your song in the fifth performance position, do you think it's okay?"

"Yes, I have no problem, I can do anything. This performance itself is also to promote "Seventeenth Floor". Thank you to the director for the stage."

 Director: “Thank you for your willingness to come to our show.”

 He personally sent Lu Yanhe to the studio.

Lu Yanhe said to him: "We'll see you later."

 At nine o'clock in the evening, there will be a rehearsal of "Green Apple Paradise".

The director nodded.

Lu Yanhe did not wait here, but went to a nearby bookstore. This bookstore is the cooperative bookstore of "Jump Up", and he plans to go there to write the script.

Chen Siqi has always said that if he has the opportunity, he will appear more often in the bookstores that "Jump Up" cooperates with.

Lu Yanhe is also thinking about this matter.

 Furthermore, he also wants to meet someone here.

A classmate recommended by He Jiang, Wang Dashan.


Wang Dashan was wearing a white shirt, black trousers, and a pair of canvas shoes. He had a shaved head. He looked energetic, but he was not a star at all.

However, Lu Yanhe’s eyes lit up.

 Because he has an inexplicable, honest and clumsy temperament, which fits the character of Niugeng very well.

 He stood waiting for him outside the bookstore.

Lu Yanhe wears sunglasses and a peaked cap. Wang Dashan probably didn't recognize him immediately until he walked up to him.

 “Wang Dashan?”

Wang Dashan responded, "Hello."

  also used you.

“You are my senior, just call me Yan He.” Lu Yanhe said, “We finally meet.”

The look on Wang Dashan's face was inexplicably reserved.

 Visible tension.

"I, I..." He suddenly lost his expression, "I can't shout out. You are a producer, how can I just call you by your name?"

The corners of his eyebrows and eyelids drooped like this, showing a bit of clumsy frustration.

Lu Yanhe only had one feeling at this moment—

God has given me burdock.


Wang Dashan and Wang Baoqiang are similar in some aspects, but very different in some aspects.

Lu Yanhe subconsciously wanted to find someone who looked very similar to Wang Baoqiang. It was only when he met Wang Dashan that he realized that finding someone who looked similar was not the point at all.

Lu Yanhe had a chat with Wang Dashan and realized why he couldn't get a role from other crews.

 He is very upright and stubborn.

For example, Lu Yanhe asked him if he would play a role he didn't want to play, would he play it? Wang Dashan shook his head and said he wouldn't play it.

Lu Yanhe asked again, what if he has been unwilling to play roles he doesn’t want to play and has no roles to play?

He didn’t say that he would stop acting, but said that he would talk about it when the time comes.

Lu Yanhe couldn’t laugh or cry.

  Not every young actor who has graduated will lower his requirements in order to compete for an opportunity, but such actors often end up with a broken head.

 Reality is always cruel.

Lu Yanhe originally thought that Wang Dashan came from a rural town with an average family background and would not have such noble pursuits. He did not expect that he really had such high self-requirements.

"Do you know what kind of role I want you to play?" Lu Yanhe asked.

Wang Dashan shook his head, "I don't know, but He Jiang told me that he was acting with Teacher Jia Long."


"I watched "Party of Six", and you are very good at writing lines." Although Wang Dashan was nervous when facing Lu Yanhe, when talking about the script, he gained professional confidence. He was clearly saying that Lu Yanhe was great, but there was no flattery. Meaning, but as if he was saying this matter-of-factly, "The script you wrote must be very good. I really want to act in it."

Lu Yanhe nodded.

"Whether I can decide on you in the end depends on the subsequent audition. Teacher Jia Long will also come to see it in person. If Teacher Jia is dissatisfied with your acting skills, I have nothing to do." Lu Yanhe said.

 “Yes.” Wang Dashan pursed his lips vigorously and nodded.

“Do you know why I want to meet you when I see your resume?” Lu Yanhe asked curiously.

 Wang Dashan shook his head.

 There was also a look of sincere doubt on his face.

 A big star like Lu Yanhe must be very busy at ordinary times.

Lu Yanhe said: "When I wrote the role of Niu Geng, I felt that he was a person who was so sincere that people around him would be willing to help him for free. When I met He Jiang, I actually met him for another drama. But he didn’t care about his own affairs that much, but he brought your resume to me to recommend you. I was very curious about you. A person who can make his classmates do this made me feel at that moment that you might It’s very similar to burdock.” Wang Dashan showed a look of enlightenment.

 “He Jiang has always been very kind.”

 “You have a good relationship?”

“Well, very good.” Wang Dashan nodded, “He is my best friend in college.”

"No wonder." Lu Yanhe smiled, suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Have you signed with a brokerage company? Do you need to find your company to act in a play with you?"

Wang Dashan shook his head and said: "I didn't sign with a company, and no good brokerage company signed me."

Lu Yanhe looked astonished.

 “That’s it.”

Wang Dashan nodded.

Lu Yanhe said: "One more thing, if you come to act in the end, the salary we will give you will not be very high."

"It's okay." Wang Dashan said, "If you want me to act, I will do it without paying me."

Lu Yanhe: "Then we are not a shady businessman. We just need to make it clear to you first. On the one hand, our film production budget is relatively tight, and on the other hand, because this is your first time acting, according to the market price, it is Not very high.”

 “I know.” Wang Dashan nodded.

 Overall, the communication with Wang Dashan is very smooth.

 Lu Yanhe also had a very good impression of Wang Dashan. The main reason is that after Lu Yanhe talked with Wang Dashan, he felt that he was really suitable to play the role of Niu Geng. Sometimes Wang Dashan's words and reactions were exactly the same as Niu Geng. This made Lu Yanhe feel relieved.

To be honest, at this time, Lu Yanhe once again realized the preciousness of Wang Baoqiang as an actor. It’s not that Xu Zheng didn’t play the role of Li Chenggong well, but if he didn’t play it, there would be other actors who could play him well. However, if Wang Baoqiang doesn’t play the role of the burdock, it will be difficult to find someone who can take his place as the burdock.

This kind of honest, sincere and not stupid temperament is so precious.

Most actors don’t have this kind of energy, and actors with this kind of energy are hard to come by. He is the only one like Wang Baoqiang who can act with this kind of energy and become a big star of his level.


 After chatting with Wang Dashan, Lu Yanhe started working in the booth of the bookstore.

 He ordered a cup of coffee, facing away from the view inside the bookstore and facing the floor-to-ceiling window.

 Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows are green trees and walls. This angle was specially reserved for him by the boss, knowing that his identity is relatively sensitive, so this position allows him to have a relatively private place in this bookstore.

Of course, people will definitely still see it.

Lu Yanhe came to this bookstore just to be seen, and then to attract traffic to the bookstore.

Chen Siqi said: "Bookstores are declining, and it would be a good thing if you can drive some traffic through you."

 Now bookstores are trying to save themselves and want to survive as long as possible in this era.

 Chen Siqi is also willing to help the bookstores that cooperate with "Jump Up" - so it is one thing for writers to go to various bookstores to do signings or exchange activities, and it is also another thing for Lu Yanhe to use his star effect to attract traffic.

At about five o'clock in the afternoon, Li Zhibai opened the door of the bookstore and came in carrying a big bag.

Although he was wearing sunglasses, the moment he entered the door, some people in the bookstore heard the noise and turned their heads to take a look. Then, they were shocked by the scene in front of them, which completely attracted their attention.

This scene is like a scene in a movie.

The sunset has already set, and the golden sunlight turned orange-red at some point.

 Outside the bookstore, there are high-rise buildings and busy traffic, with white noise composed of human voices and other sounds.

Li Zhibai was wearing dark blue beach shorts and a pair of flip-flops on his feet, as if he had just come back from the beach. But this casual and lazy sense of freedom made his somewhat unruly temperament more prominent.

 Handsome, unruly, with a sense of freedom from ordinary life.

 This is the first impression many people have when seeing him.

 Then, some people recognized him as Li Zhibai.

 The screams started.

Li Zhibai looked up and immediately made a silencing gesture to the screaming girl.

The sound suddenly stopped.

He showed a bright smile, and a row of white teeth reflected sparkling light under the orange sunset—an exaggeration that made the girls cover their rapidly beating hearts.

Li Zhibai turned around and looked around and found the man sitting in the corner, wearing headphones and typing on the keyboard with all his concentration.

 He walked over.

No one came forward to ask for photos or autographs.

The bookstore owner was shocked by the scene after Li Zhibai entered - even he had to admit that Li Zhibai's celebrity style was still much better than that of his partners.

It’s really dazzling even if you don’t take off your sunglasses.


Li Zhibai sat down next to Lu Yanhe and put his bag on the table.

"go for meal."

Lu Yanhe was startled by Li Zhibai who suddenly sat down, "Why are you here suddenly?"

Li Zhibai said: "I saw the car driven by Zou Dong in the parking space next to this bookstore, and I guessed that you were in it."

Lu Yanhe: "You have such sharp eyes, why don't you become a detective?"

  Li Zhibai: "Stop talking nonsense. I'm starving. Let's go and eat."

Lu Yanhe scratched his head. He originally wanted to finish writing the script for the episode at hand, but was interrupted by Li Zhibai and his train of thought was stopped.

"Okay, okay, let's eat. Where is Yan Liang?" Lu Yanhe asked.

"He is still on the plane. He will get off the plane in an hour and it will be almost eight o'clock when he gets to our place." Li Zhibai said, "We can pack him a bag."


Lu Yanhe packed up his things and patted Li Zhibai on the shoulder, "Since you're here, it's just right."

Li Zhibai looked at Lu Yanhe with a puzzled face, wondering why he said it was just right.

Then, he found himself being used as a mascot by Lu Yanhe and went to take photos with the bookstore owner.

 The bookstore owner’s smile is as bright as the chrysanthemum in bloom.

As soon as they finished taking photos with the bookstore owner, other people in the bookstore also looked at them eagerly.

Lu Yanhe waved and said, "Shall we take a photo together? Boss, how about you take a photo for us?"

 “Okay.” The boss smiled and nodded immediately.

The boss took the photo with Lu Yanhe’s mobile phone.

Lu Yanhe said: "I will post it on my Weibo later, you can take it for yourself."

 Everyone said yes in unison, very excited.

Lu Yanhe and Li Zhibai said goodbye to them and left.

Li Zhibai said: "You are really amazing. You can actually write the script in that bookstore without being disturbed."

“The boss found a good seat for me,” Lu Yanhe said. “I’m not like you. I’m like a peacock. I can’t help but twitch my tail and open my tail wherever I go.”

 “Fuck you, uncle.” Li Zhi was retorted.

Zou Dong saw Lu Yanhe coming out and got out of the car.

Lu Yanhe asked Li Zhibai: "Should we just eat around here?"

 “Let’s eat around here,” he said.

Lu Yanhe told Zou Dong that he didn’t need a car and could go directly to eat.

 Zou Dong and Li Zhibai's bodyguards followed them.

There is a lot of traffic here.

Lu Yanhe and Li Zhibai were walking on the street wearing sunglasses, and their turnaround rate was almost 100%.

 The main reason is that the two people are tall and handsome. Even if others cannot recognize them as celebrities at first, they will be attracted by their images.

 Then someone recognized who they were.

 Perhaps their attitude was too casual, but no one came forward to disturb them.

 Just being photographed silently by many people.

Lu Yanhe rarely has the opportunity to walk on the street like he does now.

He and Li Zhibai looked left and right and entered a barbecue restaurant.

“We have to rehearse in the evening, so we need to supplement some protein first,” Li Zhibai said.


Ma Zhiyuan learned from the director team that the rehearsal for the three of them's combined stage was in the evening.

 The rehearsal of his show has ended in the afternoon, and the on-site effect is very good.

He spent a lot of money to hire a choreographer from South Korea to design a brand new dance specifically for his stage, and also made many cool designs.

During the rehearsal, although there were only staff present, everyone expressed their excitement.

 This effect made Ma Zhiyuan relieved.

What he fears most is that he has worked hard to prepare for a long time, but the result is unsatisfactory.

 Now let’s see how Lu Yanhe and the others fare on stage.

 Ma Zhiyuan knew that with Lu Yanhe joining the show, the combined stage of the three of them would definitely be the most popular show tonight.

After all, the last time the three of them got together was a year ago. Just such a topic and the combined appeal of the three of them was beyond what he could compare to.

Ma Zhiyuan is still self-aware in this regard.

Ma Zhiyuan knew that he had to be better-looking than their program in order to gain a clear advantage.

 Coming out of the scene and returning to the lounge, the assistant asked him if he wanted to go back now.

Ma Zhiyuan said, "Let's order dinner first. I'm a little tired. I need to take a rest."

The assistant followed the instructions and prepared to go find the program team.

“Stop looking for the show crew, let’s order takeout ourselves.” Ma Zhiyuan said.

When the assistant heard this, he was stunned for a moment and said, "But if we don't contact the program team, they won't be responsible for the cost."

Ma Zhiyuan said: "You order it, and I will transfer the money to you."

The assistant said, "Okay, Brother Ma, what do you want to eat?"

“Just order what I usually like to eat.”



 Ma Zhiyuan took out his mobile phone and prepared to browse social platforms for a while.

Unexpectedly, when I searched for real-time hot spots, the names of Lu Yanhe and Li Zhibai came up.

 Many people posted real-time Weibo posts about Li Zhibai and Lu Yanhe who they photographed.

Ma Zhiyuan then saw that these two people did not have any pressure on the performance and were still able to have dinner outside while talking and laughing.

Ma Zhiyuan's heart immediately cast a shadow.

 In this matter, Ma Zhiyuan will never be able to catch up with Li Zhibai, and he knows it himself. Li Zhibai's confidence and relaxed attitude on the stage can never be achieved by Ma Zhiyuan.

At this time, the assistant came over with his mobile phone and asked, "Brother Ma, there is a barbecue restaurant nearby that has a high rating. Would you like to order some barbecue for you? Didn't you say you wanted to eat it yesterday?"

Ma Zhiyuan frowned immediately and flipped his phone back, "What should I eat? The live broadcast will be broadcast soon. If you ask me to eat this kind of thing, what will I do if I get acne later?"

 The assistant was scolded for no reason and left silently.

Ma Zhiyuan couldn't suppress the anger in his heart - he knew he shouldn't, but he had no way and couldn't restrain it.

He took a deep breath and told himself to be calm and calm.

 Don't mess around with yourself.


After Yan Liang got off the plane, he turned on his mobile phone and saw Li Zhibai and Lu Yanhe sending him messages in the group, saying that they had packed food for him, including barbecue, grilled chicken legs, and grilled sausages.

Yan Liang was shocked and asked: If you eat such meat, you will get acne! It will be live broadcast tomorrow!

Li Zhibai: Huh?

 Lu Yanhe: No way? Do you get acne after eating barbecue?

Yan Liang: I’m not sure, but it’s possible.

So, before the rehearsal, Lu Yanhe and Li Zhibai each drank themselves a large cup of chrysanthemum tea. (End of chapter)

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