Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 355: The price of "Seventeen Floors" (10,000 words updated!)

Xu Bin was so angry that he rushed into the station director's office, his face turned livid.

"Director, there are so many rumors that our station is going to hand over the drama "Six People" to Jiang Lan. What's going on? There are so many rumors outside, it seems that I am the one who caused trouble to Lu Yanhe. But you know, this matter has nothing to do with me, it was Lao Li who arranged for others to do it."

Shen Tailin was not surprised at all that Xu Bin would rush in to find him.

He smiled and said, "Don't be impatient for a moment and sit down."

Xu Bin: "How can I sit down here?! Director, you won't really let me take the blame, right?"

Shen Tailin shook his head and said, "We all know what's going on. Who will let you take the blame? It's just that we talk about our own affairs behind closed doors and we can't let outsiders see the joke."

Xu Bin was very annoyed, "But now people outside are watching my joke. Others don't understand and think I am causing trouble for Lu Yanhe."

"When you were in charge of the "Six People" project before, the people below deliberately used some means to disgust Lu Yanhe. You didn't realize that there was someone behind the scenes. Isn't it still a matter of your oversight?" Shen Tailin said, "Now that Lu Yanhe is finally willing to repair the relationship with us in Beijing and Taiwan, at this time, no matter what the outsiders say, just let them say a few words, and they won't really cut a piece of flesh off of you."

These words made Xu Bin even more angry.

 —If the flesh is not cut on you, you won’t feel heartache, right?

 An endorsement is about to expire, and there is obviously no intention to renew it. Yan Wei is working **** public relations and maintaining relationships, hoping to keep this endorsement. Otherwise, once the endorsement is gone, the decline in commercial value will be exposed to everyone again.


After worrying about this for a long time, his agent Yan Wei said that Lu Yanhe made it clear that he would not return. This made Chen Ziliang relieved but also a little irritated.

  I was willing to get a discount on the salary, and I was also willing to write the OST for "Six People" for free. I even agreed to help Beijing and Taiwan film other movies and record some programs.

 As a result, Shen Tailin's attitude towards Lu Yanhe has obviously changed now, and even in Xu Bin's opinion, he paid too much attention.


The relationship between Lu Yanhe and Beijing and Taiwan has eased. Some people are happy, and naturally some are unhappy.

Xu Bin said: "The project "Six People" was clearly created by us at the beginning, but now it seems like we can't play it without him."

Lu Yanhe and Zeng Qiao received news from Chen Lingling and went to her studio to read the revised script.

Shen Tailin's words made Xu Bin feel like he had been fed a mouthful of shit.

Shen Tailin said: "Of course I still leave it to you to do the second season of "Six People", but I don't need to say more about your attitude towards Lu Yanhe in the future, right?"

Even for a project like the second season of "Six People", Lu Yanhe can say that he will not do it if he doesn't want to do it. This kind of courage and confidence, let alone being crazy or not, in the final analysis, he, Chen Ziliang, does not have such confidence.

 When he came out of Shen Tailin's office, he thought about it for a long time, what does "just use it" mean?

 It sounds like Shen Tailin is not very satisfied with Chen Ziliang.

 But, generally speaking, how can the director of a TV station have any opinions on the lead actor of a drama? Even if it’s a hit show.

 The packaged cooperation framework is one that Chen Ziliang has never signed with other places.

 "River of Silence".

Everyone can see that one is going uphill and the other is going downhill.

 For the industry, things to look at are even more complicated. Moreover, many people pay more attention to trends. Is this person trending upward or downward? If it goes up, you can invest, but if it goes down, you need to stop losses in time.

 Chen Lingling, wearing pajamas and pajamas with messy hair, opened the door for them. This image shocked both Lu Yanhe and Zeng Qiao.

 He is very worried that if Lu Yanhe is willing to return to the second season of "Six", then the project will have nothing to do with him.

 For the public, whether an artist is popular or not depends to a certain extent on whether his works are on the air, whether they are frequently on hot searches, and whether there are people discussing them.

Xu Bin thought to himself, wasn’t it the decision of everyone in the theater to give up this drama?

This is why Yan Wei decided to plug Chen Ziliang into a project like the second season of "Six People".

For example, Chen Ziliang is really unhappy, even worried.

Shen Tailin: "You should wait until the second season is aired first. If the second season without Lu Yanhe can still achieve the results of the first season, we can say this and abandon the first season." You were the one who lost it, and it was Lu Yanhe who started the campaign vigorously. Do you think why Lu Yanhe has the status he has now in the drama "Six People"?"

 But Shen Tailin is the director of the station, so what can he, Xu Bin, say.

“Did you arrange for Chen Ziliang to be included in the second season?” Shen Tailin suddenly asked.

 He really wanted to ask this question. Of course, he still held back.

 After saying that, Chen Lingling went to another room by herself.

 What really concerns him is that summer vacation is coming again.

Xu Bin was stunned.

 The whole thing made Xu Bin feel strange.

 Chen Ziliang has been chased and scolded by Ma Zhiyuan's fans these days, blaming him for dragging Ma Zhiyuan down, which made him so angry that he couldn't sleep in the middle of the night.

 Damn, that’s right!

Although Chen Lingling has always been a very laid-back person, not like ordinary successful directors, her appearance in such a casual image still surprised Lu Yanhe.

Beijing TV is still Beijing TV, and its nature is different from that of a video platform.

 The new drama directed by Chen Lingling, which will be launched in August, has finally been named.

The boss of the video platform will always chat and laugh with a popular star like Lu Yanhe, but the director of a traditional TV station may not have such a mood.

Xu Bin nodded, "His boss and his agent had dinner with me several times, and they were very proactive in asking Chen Ziliang to star in the second season. I happened to be looking for an actor as well, and had been looking for a long time. Although Chen Ziliang has recently been There have been some negative reviews, but after all, he is a popular and popular star, and his willingness to star in this kind of group drama will also help in the second season. "

Just because the second season of "Six" is obviously going to be a hit. Chen Ziliang will once again receive huge attention after joining.


Of course, these have nothing to do with Lu Yanhe.

"Come in." Chen Lingling waved for them to come in. She was wearing clattering plastic slippers and pointed to two thick scripts on a table and said, "These are the scripts for the first five episodes. I Some places have been changed, please read it first.”

Shen Tailin glanced at him and said, "Just use it, forget it."

  It’s the summer special issue of “Jump Up”.

 Lu Yanhe and Zeng Qiao looked at each other.

Zeng Qiao smiled, showing a helpless smile, "Then let's read the script."

 Lu Yanhe and Zeng Qiao sat down.

 About ten minutes later, Huang Cheng arrived.

 “Brother Huang.”

"You are already here." Huang Cheng was a little surprised when he saw them, "I thought you would be here for a while."

Lu Yanhe said: "The time Director Chen told us was eight o'clock in the morning."

Huang Cheng: "It seems that she didn't sleep all night again yesterday. She was still sending me messages at four o'clock in the morning yesterday, and she will continue to go to the set in the afternoon."

Chan Lingling is now directing another drama.

 She has always been low-yield, but this year she rarely filmed two dramas back-to-back, making her more productive.

Huang Cheng said: "Fortunately, "Silent River" has money, and foreign streaming media are really generous in filming. We don't have to be too careful about production funds. Every department can use the best people."

 That is indeed the case.

 Chen Ziyan once said that Lu Yanhe's average per-episode remuneration for "River of Silence" was the highest since he acted.

 Having money makes things easier. This is true. If the people in each department are the best staff, the director will have to spend a lot less energy.

Lu Yanhe asked: "If "River of Silence" is released on overseas streaming media, who will broadcast it on the domestic platform?"

"This hasn't been settled yet. The biggest ones are all competing for it." Huang Cheng smiled, "Besides, there's no rush. It's not our turn to have the final say. The whole show belongs to Maxine." , they have the final say on who they collaborate with, we are only responsible for producing this show.”

Lu Yanhe nodded.


 "River of Silence" is a suspense crime drama.

There was a previous version of the script, and director Chen Lingling wanted to change it to an ancient setting, but after some hesitation, the director gave up.

 Just to avoid some sensitive issues, the background of this drama is placed in a fictional country in Southeast Asia that is dominated by Chinese.

 Furthermore, it seems that some of the exterior scenes were shot in Southeast Asia.

In this story, Lu Yanhe plays the suspect and Zeng Qiao plays the policeman. The two used to be classmates in the same school, and the murder case is also related to the school they once attended.

Especially the character played by Lu Yanhe has a very rough experience, especially the reason why he killed people, which made Lu Yanhe very sad when reading the script.

   is a very good story.

 While he was reading the script, he sighed frequently, which made him feel sad many times.

 Being born as a human being is like an ant. It is not easy to live in many places.

How to fight against this twists and turns of fate?


 Chen Lingling's version of the script has been changed to be more emotional...

The policeman played by Zeng Qiao and the suspect played by Lu Yanhe have more confrontations and conflicts.

Although Lu Yanhe and Zeng Qiao were the two male protagonists before, they were basically two lines and there were not many antagonistic scenes. This version of the script has been changed and the two have a confrontation in almost every episode.

 Very well modified.

 Chen Lingling seemed to have gone to catch up on her sleep for an hour and a half. When she appeared again, her eyes looked as sleepy as when she just woke up.

 But her thinking is very clear.

She did not ask Zeng Qiao and Lu Yanhe for their opinions, but said directly: "I have increased the number of confrontations between the two of you. The previous script was still too focused on the inner drama, and the requirements for post-production editing were also very high. It was easy to make the editing dull and unsightly. , I still hope that this drama will be better and not give the audience too high a viewing threshold.”

Lu Yanhe nodded.

Zeng Qiao said: "After I finished reading the script, I also felt that this version of the script was more beautiful. One link after another, there was basically no time to relax."

Chen Lingling: "Because the number of episodes is very small, it is very difficult to tell the ins and outs of a story clearly in such a short episode, and to establish several characters. Unlike before when we filmed movies, we had enough material. , some parts can be dealt with in post-production. This time, we have to figure out before shooting what we are going to shoot for each scene and what effect we are going to shoot. Unfortunately, I don’t have enough energy right now. I am still shooting another one. You two are very mature actors and you know how to act. You must figure it out for yourself. In the past, actors didn’t know how to act. I can tell them how to act correctly. You two don’t need me to do this, right? The ugly words are ahead of me, and I don’t have that much energy to help you figure out every scene.”

Lu Yanhe didn’t expect Chen Lingling to say this.

“Director, we will prepare well, don’t worry.” Zeng Qiao said.

 Chen Lingling yawned.

"I'm too sleepy. I'll take a nap for a while. You can take the script with you. I'll revise the next three episodes and let you watch it."

 After saying that, Chen Lingling stood up and left again.

Huang Cheng said to them: "Let's go, I will see you off."

 Huang Cheng sent them out.

He said: "She has been under a lot of pressure recently. While filming the scene at hand, she also has to prepare for the subsequent scenes. The main reason for inviting you here today is to see how you are doing. She didn't say anything to you. The condition should also be satisfactory. ”

 Lu Yanhe and Zeng Qiao looked at each other and smiled.

This is not the first time for them to work with Chen Lingling, and they know that this director has his own methodology on how to guide actors.

Lu Yanhe is the kind of character who will fully trust a director when he chooses him. Zeng Qiao has steadily honed his current acting skills on his own. He has a kind of confidence that no matter what crew or director he meets, he will definitely win. .

  Some actors may feel uncomfortable with Chen Lingling's tentative attitude - because they feel like they are being manipulated, but neither of them mind this kind of thing.


 Finally, the play is about to begin.

 July, summer is getting hotter and hotter.

Lu Yanhe was preparing for "River of Silence" while accompanying Jia Long in preparing for the film "On the Road". He said he was accompanying him in preparations, but in fact, Lu Yanhe was only responsible for providing his own suggestions and ideas. The ones who are really promoting this project are Jia Long and the director he found, Jiang Lu, a new director who has never directed a film independently.

Although "On the Road" in Lu Yanhe's memory is a classic, it is actually not a well-made movie, with a low cost visible to the naked eye.

 In fact, in the minds of many people, comedies have almost become synonymous with “using small to make big”.

However, because this movie stars Jia Long, it is obviously impossible to follow the path of "using small to gain big". His salary alone determines that the cost of this movie cannot be "small."

Lu Yanhe just shared his style about the film with them.

 When the actors were finally decided, an open audition was held to find the role of Niu Geng.

 Wang Dashan also participated. There are also other well-known actors, but after the final audition, Wang Dashan turned out to be the most suitable.

Even Jia Long himself said: "It is rare to see such stubborn and honest characteristics in a young actor."

Wang Dashan's acting is very free of burdens, which is what Jia Long likes most.

The actors who came out of the academy all have more baggage than the last. They have liberated their nature, but to a large extent they have also lost the sense of boundaries of ordinary people. They use a kind of stage drama-style exaggeration to replace what is normal in reality. cautious.

Wang Dashan auditioned for the part where he was looking for a seat on the train and found that his seat collided with Li Chenggong's.

When he was performing this scene, it was not Jia Long who was acting with him in person, but a staff member who was reading the words to him with the script.

But despite this, Wang Dashan is completely fine, and his condition is naturally the same as usual.

 This is the most difficult part, taking a character who is rarely seen in ordinary times and giving him the usual sense of relaxation in a scene with high intensity of jokes.

When Lu Yanhe saw this paragraph, he was thinking in his heart that no matter whether Jia Long and the others were satisfied or not, he was satisfied anyway.

Of course, the results also prove that everyone has a good understanding of the performance and can see it. Jia Long and Jiang Lu also thought it was good.

So, Wang Dashan settled down.

Wang Dashan has been cast, but the other characters actually don’t have many roles, and their impact on the movie is not that big. Either they find actors to make guest appearances, or they choose them themselves. Lu Yanhe doesn’t have many ideas.

 The movie "People on the Road" takes place during the Spring Festival travel rush.

Jia Long wants to put the film into production at the end of the year.

 Lu Yanhe has no opinion on this. He is not starring in the film, nor does he have to coordinate his schedule. There was only one thing: Jia Long still wanted him to guest star as the handsome college student in the movie, but Lu Yanhe wanted to simply find someone else to play the guest role. He feels that since he is already a screenwriter anyway, if his fans want to support him, they will. It might be better to find another actor to make a cameo.


If Jia Long is pushing forward with all his strength in "The Journey to the End", then "Wulin Gaiden" is Lu Yanhe's own business.

 Compared with the issue of actors, Lu Yanhe thinks more about which director can handle this project.

Shang Jing, the director of the original work, had sitcoms such as "Cooking Class Story" before filming "Wulin Gaiden".

 In the current entertainment industry, the only director Lu Yanhe has ever collaborated with on a sitcom is Bai Jingnian, the director of "Six People".

But it is a pity that Bai Jingnian is a director from Beijing and Taiwan, and he is also a director with human relations in Beijing and Taiwan. He basically does not accept projects from outside. If you want to find him, you must get the consent of Beijing and Taiwan.

Beijing and Taiwan now definitely hope that Bai Jingnian can concentrate on completing the second season of "Six People", and there is no need to even negotiate and try.

After Chen Ziyan knew that Lu Yanhe was worried about this matter, she rolled her eyes at him and said, "Why are you worrying so much? Since this project is in cooperation with Northern Lights Video, then you just leave it to them and let them worry about it. With such a big platform, I can’t find a good team for you?”

 Lu Yanhe: "I...seem to subconsciously regard this project as my own."

"Then you'd better change your mind as soon as possible. To be honest, when it comes to your choices of the leading actors in "Wulin Gaiden", I think you are too optimistic? People will not cooperate with you. I plan to put so much power in your hands," Chen Ziyan said, "What director to use and what actors to choose? It doesn't matter if you only have one or two candidates. You are now completely treating yourself as the producer of "Wulin Gaiden." People are working on this project, but they are still doing it with money given by others.”

Lu Yanhe was hit in the head by Chen Ziyan’s words.

 Actually, Chen Ziyan had mentioned this to him before, but Chen Ziyan didn't say it so straightforwardly at the time.

Lu Yanhe fell into silence.

Lu Yanhe knew that Chen Ziyan was right. Regarding the project of "Wulin Gaiden", it is probably because so far, this project has been done by himself and has not entered the formal preparation stage. Therefore, unlike "Journey on the Road", there is a The physical Jaron was there, reminding him that this was not his decision.

"If you have chosen a few actors and have ideas about the actors, you can communicate with Northern Lights Video earlier, but don't make your own decision until later to officially promote the project, because these things will conflict, and there will be conflicts by then, even if Your original intention is to make this project better, but it will also make people feel unhappy. After all, they are the ones who pay the money.

 Lu Yanhe said: "Sister Ziyan, what do you suggest me to do?"

"First, make a list of your target actors. Second, go to a meeting with Northern Lights. Ask someone, especially a trader, who can represent Northern Lights Video to promote this project. Between you and Northern Lights internal "Be a sounding board." Chen Ziyan said, "Then, if you have such a person, you can hand over the list openly and tell them that these are the actors you initially think are suitable, and ask them to consider it carefully to give others face. , with the sincerity with which they treat you now, they will definitely consider your opinions. ”

 Lu Yanhe asked: “Then what if I have a conflict of opinion with them?”

"If there is a conflict, then resolve it. It is normal for both parties to disagree when advancing a project." Chen Ziyan said, "When it really cannot be resolved, then, in fact, it is a thousand words and ten thousand, Yan He, this The most important thing for you is your attitude. Don't give them the impression that you are domineering and uncompromising in this project. Many times you give the other party some respect, and they will return the favor to you. After all, you already have a great inherent advantage. No matter what they say, this project was started because of you, and they paid a lot of money to hire you to do it. If they don’t care about your opinion, it’s in vain. Spend money, this is the greatest endorsement Mr. Lin can give you.”

 Lu Yanhe felt a sudden realization.

Well, Sister Ziyan is still Sister Ziyan.


So, Lu Yanhe made an appointment with Zheng Huairen, the executive in charge of content production at Northern Lights Video.

 This time, Chen Ziyan was not present.

Lu Yanhe said: "Mr. Zheng, I have seriously considered what we talked about a long time ago. This time I invite you to come out to meet to discuss the drama "Wulin Gaiden". We will soon choose a production company. Before that, I want to discuss other things with you and reach relevant consensus."

Zheng Huairen nodded and said, "No problem, please tell me."

"I still want to say something. I am only twenty years old. I am an inexperienced novice in many aspects. If you think there is something I have not considered adequately, you can tell me at any time." Lu Yanhe emphasized first. After saying one sentence, he continued, "I hope Northern Lights Video can arrange for a supervisor or executive producer to work with me on the "Wulin Gaiden" project, because I will have a lot of ideas about this project, such as casting, For example, the shooting style, such as the content of the script, these ideas may not be mature and are my first reaction based on the content itself, so I need someone to connect with various departments to help me implement these ideas, or directly prove that they cannot be implemented. "

Zheng Huairen was stunned.

 He was surprised.

 He did not expect that Lu Yanhe would take the initiative to ask Northern Lights to arrange a supervisor for this project.

 The position of supervisor is, to put it bluntly, a supervisor, or a supervisor. It is the person who does the "supervision" in the production process.

Lu Yanhe and Chen Ziyan took the initiative to find a professional production company to produce this drama. No problem. This is indeed a specialization in the industry.

But Zheng Huairen did not expect that they would take the initiative to find someone to be the supervisor. This was equivalent to installing a monitor around them.

Lu Yanhe said: "You give the project of "Wulin Gaiden" a budget of 200 million in one breath, not to mention that we plan to do it in seasons, even if we don't do it in seasons, this budget is far higher than our expectations. Maybe there are some differences in understanding between the two of us on the "Wulin Gaiden" project. I personally have no plans to create an all-star cast for the protagonists of this drama. "

Zheng Huairen frowned in confusion: "Why not?"

"Because it's not suitable." Lu Yanhe said bluntly, "Of course, the actors' remuneration is also indispensable, because I hope to invite celebrity guest stars in every unit, and the remuneration of these guest stars is not low, but I don't understand the calculation. You need to arrange someone to do it.”

Zheng Huairen: "Let's not talk about guest roles, why is it not suitable? To be honest, we are planning to create an S+ drama with an all-star cast. If your script is not S+, it would be a waste."

"Mr. Zheng, whether the production cost is S+ is not the key to whether a drama can produce S+ effects." Lu Yanhe said, ""Wulin Gaiden" is a commercial drama. If you find a large group of well-known actors, If a high-quality star actor plays the leading role, the threshold for the audience to enter this world will become higher. For example, for the role of Bai Zhantang, Sister Ziyan has been persuading me, which shows that Huang Kairen is very suitable. I have collaborated with him and told him that he is willing to act, but I am still a little resistant to it. Why? Because he is so well-known and everyone knows him, and his star aura is very shining. I think it will affect this film. "

Zheng Huairen took a deep breath and said, "Yan He, we have announced to the public that "Wulin Gaiden" is an S+-level drama."

Lu Yanhe looked puzzled.

"If I tell everyone at this time that the production cost of "Wulin Gaiden" will be reduced, especially if the starring cast does not have an actor of Huang Kairen's level, there will be a lot of doubts in the market, such as whether our platform has been internally evaluated, and whether it is Then look at this drama, for example, is the script too poor to attract good actors? "Zheng Huairen said, "You said that the level of production cost is not the level of the final broadcast effect of a drama, of course it is, but if If a drama is promising from the production stage, it will never become a low-cost drama. Just like your script, we can't spend tens of millions to buy the script you wrote and only spend a few dollars. We are asking a group of unknown actors to star in the movie. We are a listed company. If the project is done like this, no one will be optimistic about it. With "Wulin Gaiden" already attracting much attention, the stock price will be affected. "

Lu Yanhe was dumbfounded.

He didn't expect that he wouldn't have to spend so much money on the "Wulin Gaiden" project, and Zheng Huairen was not happy about it.

Mainly, Lu Yanhe did not expect that the production cost of the "Wulin Gaiden" project alone would affect the stock price of Northern Lights Video. He thought it was exaggerated and unbelievable, but when Zheng Huairen said it, it seemed to make sense.

Zheng Huairen said: "The protagonist may not be an all-star cast, but it must not be a starless cast. Yan He, I must ask you to change your mind. There are no actors rated as S+ in the market. Our drama and even our Many future plans will be affected.”

Lu Yanhe took a breath of cold air.

  What? ! -

Although there were conflicts in terms of production costs and actor selection, Zheng Huairen immediately arranged for a producer to come over for "Wulin Gaiden".

 Jiang Zixin, an experienced woman, thirty-six years old.

Zheng Huairen later called Lu Yanhe several times.

"Yan He, we must use the highest standards to produce this drama. You don't have to have any worries." He said, "I don't know if you heard some rumors and felt that our production of this drama has affected many other people." project, but that has nothing to do with you. "Wulin Gaiden" is a drama that we all have high hopes for. We don't want to save a little money and fail to achieve our ideal results in the end. "

Lu Yanhe couldn’t laugh or cry.

Zheng Huairen also got married by mistake.

Lu Yanhe felt that he didn’t know what to say.

 Many projects require money but cannot be paid, and his project does not require that much money. People throw baskets of money into his hands and say, "You must spend it for me!"

The most expensive thing about "Wulin Gaiden" now is his screenwriting fee, which is 500,000 yuan per episode. According to the original idea, if twelve or sixteen episodes were produced in the first season, his screenwriting fee would be 6 million to 8 million.

 In addition, he himself also has a share of the show's profits. Of course, this is not included in the production cost.

Lu Yanhe decided not to think about the production costs anymore, and there was no need for him to think about it.

The key is to make this film a success, and leave the settling of accounts to Jiang Zixin and the others.


Lu Yanhe talked with Chen Ziyan, Jiang Zixin and Zheng Huairen many times, and had a serious chat with Huang Kairen. Finally, he compromised and let Huang Kairen play Bai Zhantang.

Zheng Huairen insisted that this drama must have two S+ level actors. After searching for it, Huang Kairen could only be used.

In addition to Huang Kairen, Northern Lights Video also hopes that shopkeeper Tong can find a first-line actress.

What Lu Yanhe didn’t expect was that Northern Lights actually recommended an acquaintance of Lu Yanhe’s.

 Zhen Hongyu.

When Lu Yanhe was filming "Phoenix Terrace", the person who played his CP at first was Zhen Hongyu, but later because something happened to her, she was replaced by Xiao Yun.

 Zhen Hongyu plays shopkeeper Tong?

Lu Yanhe's face twisted in an instant.

 Mainly because the image of Teacher Yan Ni is so deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, Lu Yanhe simply cannot put on the face of a young girl who is only in her twenties.

Lu Yanhe asked seriously: "Shopkeeper Tong is a widowed woman. Although she is not old, she is definitely not in her early twenties. Do you think it is appropriate to cast Zhen Hongyu?"

This choice made Lu Yanhe even feel speechless and incredible.

Lu Yanhe’s reaction was so intense that it exceeded Northern Lights’ expectations. Considering Lu Yanhe’s attitude, everyone put this role on hold for now.


As the drama "Wulin Gaiden" progresses, many of the words that Chen Ziyan said to Lu Yanhe have been fulfilled one by one.

Lu Yanhe is also deeply aware that if he is really dizzy and selects all the actors by himself, then the conflict between him and Northern Lights Video will be even greater.

 It has to be broken apart.

Lu Yanhe understood even more why Chen Ziyan asked Northern Lights to arrange a supervisor in the first place.

  No matter what happens, there is such a person to coordinate in the middle, which can prevent many conflicts from exploding directly on the table.

At this time, the trailer of "Seventeenth Floor" was aired.

Unlike "Six", "Seventeenth Floor" has received the greatest support from all departments in Beijing and Taiwan from top to bottom. Various hot searches have become popular, and various media channels have opened up the joints.

 The heat is pleasing.

Lu Yanhe's image in the play is that of a somewhat silly genius, and his scenes in the trailer are second only to Chen Bige, making him a well-deserved leading actor.

Chen Ziyan has already arranged various drafts to be released in conjunction with the drama promotion.

 After "Six People" and "Three Mountains", this is Lu Yanhe's third drama broadcast this year.

This is also Lu Yanhe’s second starring role.

  Of course it is important.

Of course, at this time, some people refused to calm down.

 For example, Li Yuefeng.

 He had no intention of tricking Lu Yanhe, he just wanted to get more exposure for himself. However, his methods were still the same as those before, and his thoughts were all written on his face.

For example, a press release appeared on the Internet, saying that this drama will have one female protagonist and two male protagonists. Li Yuefeng's role is similar to Lu Yanhe's, and there is no distinction between male protagonist and supporting actor.

Another example is the rumor that Beijing and Taiwan highly praised Li Yuefeng's performance and decided to submit him for the best actor category in this year's major awards.

 Hand on, you will know whose handiwork it is and what its purpose is at a glance.

To put it bluntly, I actually want to turn myself, a third-time supporting actor, into a regular-time leading actor like Lu Yanhe.

Chen Ziyan said: "This is Li Yuefeng's usual operation, but he did not dare to do it too obviously this time."

Mainly because Lu Yanhe’s momentum in the past six months has been so fierce that almost no one can match him.

No matter how proud Li Yuefeng is, he cannot think that he can keep pace with Lu Yanhe now.

  There was a gap when I first starred in this drama, let alone now.

 Actors who want to be in a position have to fight openly and secretly, regardless of gender.

Lu Yanhe has dealt with Li Yuefeng, and he is more or less familiar with this person and knows his character.

 Unlike Huang Kairen and Zeng Qiao, Li Yuefeng is a person who shows his snobbery clearly on his face.

But he is not really a bad person, unlike the villains in some stories who will use some bad methods to do harm to others and benefit themselves.

 At best, I just like to mess around.

"Furthermore, because we refused to sign a cooperation agreement with Beijing and Taiwan before, many of Beijing and Taiwan's own publicity resources were given to others." Chen Ziyan said, "This is on the surface. I made it clear before, Shen Yue and Yan Zhimeng have both signed a cooperation agreement. They have already recorded two shows in Beijing and Taiwan this month. I see that some of your fans have asked on your official account why you, as the protagonist, rarely appear on Beijing and Taiwan. Promote this drama on the show. I will spread the word and say that you are preparing for the new drama directed by Chen Lingling. Don’t let it slip.”

 “Yeah, okay.” Lu Yanhe nodded.


  What kind of ratings results "Seventeenth Floor" can achieve is a question that the industry is very concerned about.

Just like the original "Sixteenth Floor", "Seventeenth Floor" is also a "battle royale" theme that is rare in domestic film and television dramas.

 How many viewers will buy it is unknown.

It’s just that this time, top actress Chen Bige is in the lead, and Lu Yanhe is the male lead. This makes the drama face an unknown future while being generally optimistic at the same time.

 "Seventeen Floors" has only twelve episodes, each episode is one hour long.

  When Beijing TV was arranging the broadcast, they struggled for a long time whether to broadcast it weekly or daily.

 "Six People" relied on weekly broadcasts to maintain its popularity for two full months, maximizing economic benefits.

 Finally, Beijing and Taiwan decided to adopt weekly broadcast.

However, because the investment in "Seventeenth Floor" was really large, they did not dare to put everything on their own hands and gamble, so they sold the webcast to Northern Lights Video. Twenty-four hours after the TV station premiered, it will be broadcast on the video The launch of the platform gave TV stations a 24-hour window.

This drama also sold for a high price.

Northern Lights Video won the two-year exclusive network broadcast rights of this drama at a price of 10.5 million per episode.

The head of Northern Lights Video’s purchasing department said in an interview: “Such a price is not expensive for a drama with only twelve episodes. Although the average price per episode is higher than other dramas, Putting it all together, in a project with such a cast, it’s a good deal.”

 Before it has been officially broadcast, there are as many as eight pre-roll advertisements on the Internet.

 It is enough to see the market’s optimism about this drama. (End of chapter)

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