Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 358: Vegetarian Meal in the Corpse Position (7,000 words updated!)

 The fact that "Seventeenth Floor" suffered from a negative ratings in Beijing and Taiwan was not something they had not planned for, but they did not expect that it would be this way.

"If you start a drama like this at a very low level because the subject matter and type cannot attract middle-aged and elderly people over forty years old to watch, but if the quality of the drama is good enough, then at least the ratings will go up, right? Doesn’t this pattern of opening high and moving low mean that the show is not popular?”

 At the internal meeting of "Seventeenth Floor", someone fired shots from the beginning.

"Indeed, the opening of "Seventeenth Floor" can be said to be at the top level, but unfortunately, it cannot retain the audience. The theme of battle royale is still too niche for our domestic audience."

“Do we need to allocate so many promotional resources to “Seventeenth Floor” in the future? Such ratings, unless it is a miracle, will continue to fall in the future.”


 Everyone is talking about it.

Jiang Lan was in a terrible mood as the tip of her tongue pressed against an oral ulcer that had popped up in her lower jaw due to the sudden attack on her heart.

 She gave her confidant a wink.

The confidant received the wink and immediately said: "But the online evaluation of this drama is very high now. In addition to the hot searches we arranged ourselves, there are more than 20 naturally generated hot search terms on each platform."

 Chen Siqi smiled brightly.

“We will adjust our publicity strategy carefully. Even if the basic ratings keep falling and end up at 0.7%, we can definitely save it.”

 The most common discussions are about Chen Bige and Lu Yanhe.

"OK." Chen Siqi took a deep breath and said, "This is the first big deal our self-media has signed with Northern Lights Video. The ratings in Beijing and Taiwan dropped all the way yesterday, which is not a bad thing for us. They actually did it before They also want us to give them free publicity. Everyone, today we will let everyone know that we have our own most unique channels and capabilities in the promotion of "Jump Up"."

"Oh, Teacher Shi, you know that our "Jump Up" never does low-quality promotions. I have sent you the audience praise of "Seventeen Floors", and you have seen it. I am definitely not fooling you. , please help me stand up. I just organized such an event on my own to expand the self-media business of "Jump Up". It's not just you, there are dozens of people, nearly hundreds of people. I won't do it just for this. A small activity has ruined my own reputation. I am still thinking of getting a new full-length novel from you and serializing it in our "Jump Up"."

 Everyone who noticed it for the first time was stunned.


Jiang Guang, in a hotel suite, a dozen people each holding their own devices, looking for a place to sit down, the space is king, Chen Siqi is sitting behind the desk, holding up his mobile phone with a smile on his face.

The next moment, Bai Yu's voice also sounded, "Li Bi has arrived on the street. He will start the on-site interview with passers-by in ten minutes."

On Saturday, many media and marketing accounts were shocked by the high and falling ratings trend of "Seventeenth Floor" and wrote with emotion. The voices discussing the drama "Seventeenth Floor" have not disappeared.

"Hi, hello everyone, I'm Yuqian. "Seventeenth Floor" starring my idol Sister Bige and my dear little brother Lu Yanhe will be launched on Northern Lights Video tonight. Do you already know this? What kind of story is it? A group of people are tricked into an uninhabited island, and they have to pass through levels of life and death crisis before they can qualify for escape. Doesn’t it sound exciting? Come and make a reservation at Northern Lights Video? , if you make a reservation now, maybe you will be the one to have dinner with me. I will select three people from the reservations and invite them to have lunch with me, so make a reservation quickly!"

Drama promotion itself is a direction that Chen Siqi wants to take when he is doing self-media.

Yu Lang—this girl with a boy-like name immediately made an OK gesture and said, "I'll follow up here."

It is one thing to work on "Seventeenth Floor", but another thing is that she wants to use the "Seventeenth Floor" project to announce her entry into the game.

Some people have enumerated Chen Bige's past achievements, while others say that since Lu Yanhe became an actor, none of his works has failed.

Here, she has the resources of authors who are the best at writing, as well as rich offline publicity resources, whether it is traditional physical stores represented by cooperative bookstores accumulated through various activities, or readers’ circles represented by reading clubs and university societies. , are all categories that are significantly different from the current publicity team.

Of course Chen Siqi said it can be done.

 In the past, Chen Siqi held it all by himself and maintained single-line communication. This time "Seventeenth Floor" was about to be broadcast. Chen Siqi went to Beijing and Taiwan with a cooperation plan that he had prepared long ago. As a result, Beijing and Taiwan looked down on their small team and felt that they had never done a drama promotion and were just fooling around. I have been researching the Northern Lights video for ten days and a half, until last night when the Beijing TV ratings came out, I suddenly contacted Chen Siqi and asked her if she could still do it.

 Some people analyzed how well the first episode of "Seventeen Floors" was shot yesterday from a technical level and how fast the pace was, while others analyzed the characteristics of different characters from a performance perspective.

On the large carousel on the home page of Northern Lights Video, there is a window occupying about one-third of the size on the right side, which displays a ten-minute countdown.

In addition to the Northern Lights Video logo, there is also a "Jump Up" logo.

"But, Teacher Shi, don't worry. I will personally lead a team to help you promote and publicize your new books in the future. As long as you don't dislike me, not only our domestic ones, but also overseas ones, our "Jump Up" can cover Wherever you go, the name of your new book will be promoted.”

"I want to trouble you to record a short video for us. Don't know how to record? It's okay. I have arranged for a photographer to be on the way to your home. He will be there within an hour. I know you will not be willing to refuse me. What do you want to say? It’s up to you, I came to you in such a hurry to help me, how could I tell you what to say! If it weren’t for the fact that this is a drama starring Yan He, it has a good reputation, but it has not been seen by many viewers. I won’t take the trouble!”

  What is this?

 Click to open, and Jiang Yuqian’s face appears.

“It’s really too early to judge success or failure based on the results of the first episode. The second episode will be aired tonight.”


However, it is true that "Seventeen Floors" is being discussed with unprecedented enthusiasm.

 Promote good film and television projects that can be promoted.

 What Chen Siqi attached as a classic case is actually the promotion of "Jump Up" that was taken out one or two days before the broadcast of "Six People" and after Beijing and Taiwan completely removed the drama promotion.

In this case, many people are waiting to see whether "Seventeen Floors" will become their rare Waterloo work.


 The number of people sending messages to Lu Yanhe has decreased.

"Yes, is it too early to say that "Seventeen Floors" has failed?" Another person immediately stepped forward to support, "When we were working on this drama, we knew that this drama would have great success. The subject matter is risky, but now we at least know that the show is well done, and it is a good show for the audience who watched it, isn't it?"

  Lower right corner—

 Indeed, a whole room of more than a dozen people are now contracted staff of the self-media team.

"But Northern Lights signed the contract with us too late. They didn't have time to prepare many things. It's crazy, crazy." One person shook his head and sighed, "I really didn't know until today that we relied on magazines There are so many people in the self-media team. ”

  and a huge question mark.

"Just the copyright fee paid by Northern Lights for the exclusive online broadcast has allowed this drama to recoup its cost, right?" Someone asked, "Not to mention other things, the commercial performance of our TV series is not bad, especially overseas. In terms of sales, because of the subject matter, the broadcast rights have been sold to four or five countries in Asia.”

Of course, at that time, they did not regard this as a specific business.

 Now Chen Siqi has begun to develop it as a very important business segment.


 After the first ten-minute countdown ended, a video appeared where the question mark was.

Some people also asked, where did you watch "Seventeen Floors" and why can't you find it online.

“If we continue to invest such a large amount of publicity resources and don’t stop the losses in time, how much loss will we have on this project? Can we afford it?”

However, in this case, Northern Lights Video suddenly opened a new page:

 The number of reservations for "Seventeenth Floor" is 3,271,287.

 Welcome to reserve "Seventeenth Floor" in advance and draw surprise prizes.


“Thank you, Teacher Shi!” Chen Siqi happily hung up the phone and turned to look at her classmate and assistant, “Langer, Teacher Shi Xia has taken care of it.”

 All media outlets for "Jump Up" released and pushed this video immediately.

The entry for #江玉青狠在吃你# was typed out, and the number of reads continued to rise.


"Sister Yuqian, here is the prize she proposed on her own initiative." Chen Siqi called Lu Yanhe and said, "She is very helpful. Originally, I just wanted to ask her to provide a set of signed photos. She said that there were a lot of things and it was not attractive. force."

Lu Yanhe was moved after hearing this and said, "Sister Yuqian has always taken good care of me. She must have seen that the ratings were not very good last night, so she wanted to help me add fuel to the fire."

Chen Siqi: "Let's formally invite Sister Yuqian to dinner later. Although I know that you will have many other cooperations with her later, and she came to do this event with us because of you, but no matter what, she is willing As the first guest to provide rewards for those who made reservations, we at "Jump Up" have a great advantage, and I should express it."

“Well, okay, I’ll write it down and I’ll make arrangements later.” Lu Yanhe nodded.

 Chen Siqi asked: "How are you?"

"whats the problem with me?"

 “Aren’t there many voices saying bad things about “Seventeenth Floor” now?”

"This is actually not bad. I probably guessed it myself." Lu Yanhe said, "Originally, it would be quite risky for this subject to be premiered on a traditional TV station. To put it bluntly, "Six People" still tells stories about modern people's lives. The threshold is low. " "Seventeenth Floor" is like an urban legend, which is really difficult for the middle-aged and older generation to accept. "

  Chen Siqi: “So what you are saying is that you are actually very optimistic about its effect after the Northern Lights video is broadcast?”

"I'm very optimistic." Lu Yanhe said, "This subject matter is not innovative, but there are very few domestic dramas, and there is a large blank. Even if it is an average film, many people will definitely want to watch it, not to mention that the reputation is so good now. You see You can tell by the hot searches and popularity on the Internet now. Just those people watching TV yesterday spontaneously made so many topics, discussed, and hotly discussed. At least half of the hot searches now are not from Beijing and Taiwan. What they or our artist team do is all natural. ”

Chen Siqi: "Well, I hold the same view as you. I think so too. Many of my classmates who have not returned home are complaining that there is no TV in school and they cannot watch it. They have to wait twenty-four hours before they can watch it. Even Many people are looking for piracy. Fortunately, the crackdown on piracy has been severe in the past two years and the control is relatively good. "

 Lu Yanhe: “Whether it’s a mule or a horse, we’ll find out tonight.”


Northern Lights video platform.

 Why did they decide to cooperate with Chen Siqi after the ratings came out last night?

 Because data from their own platform shows that people who are interested in this drama, people who are searching for this drama on the site, and the number of trailers and outtakes played are all showing a very positive exponential growth.

After extensive analysis, the data analysis team concluded that it is not that "Seventeen Floor" is unpopular, but that this drama is completely deviated from the main audience of Beijing and Taiwan.

 Young people will not sit in front of the TV and watch TV.

 Even students who have returned home do not have this habit.

 The video platform is different.

Someone asked: "Young people are the main audience, why can "Six" break such a record?"

"Because it is short, only twenty minutes, and there is an advertisement in the middle, everyone can sit still. But "Seventeen Floor" is an hour long episode, plus the advertisement time, it is longer. Not many young people can sit still now."

  This is the result of the influence of behavioral patterns.

Many media outlets only use the declining ratings to conduct various analyses, but for the industry, the only thing that needs to be analyzed is "why the ratings are going up and down."

It can be said that on Saturday, the industry did not really sentence "Seventeen Floor" to death, but was waiting for the second episode to be broadcast on Saturday night and the first episode to be broadcast on Northern Lights Video.

Under such circumstances, Northern Lights Video suddenly launched such a "reservation event" with great fanfare. Everyone understood that it was sending a signal: they were still very optimistic about "Seventeenth Floor".


“Which platform has not launched a reservation event? But this is the first time that it has been so vigorous and mobilized as the Northern Lights.”

Lu Qingzhen sat in front of Qin Zhibai and smiled at the potential customer.

""Jump Up" uses its own resources to try a new drama promotion, increase the audience's sense of participation, and let the audience become the promoters of the show." Lu Qingzhen said, "This is Jump Up's self-media for "Seventeen" "Layer" is a tailor-made drama promotion plan. Our company actually does this, tailor-made service plans for our VIP customers."  Qin Zhibai is a rich second generation.

  He is a singer and writes his own songs. It cannot be said that he is not popular. He has a group of die-hard fans of his own, but he is not outside the music industry.

His most popular work is actually the variety show "Young Days", but in this show, his sense of presence is not particularly high.

 This is because of his own personality.

He himself doesn't like to talk, and rarely makes publicity, because he is not short of money and his career ambition is not that strong. To put it simply, he just wants to sing well.

 Qin Zhibai’s first reaction after hearing what Lu Qingzhen said was to turn his head and look at his agent.

His manager smiled at Lu Qingzhen and said, "Qingzhen, we are not actually thinking about how popular Zhibai is or how many fans he has, but we want the songs he writes and sings to be heard by more people. Can you do anything about this?”

Lu Qingzhen nodded without surprise and said: "Of course we can do it, that's right. Since our plan is customized, it must be based on meeting your needs. I have listened to all Zhibai's songs and I like them very much."

Qin Zhibai said to her seriously: "Thank you."

Lu Qingzhen looked at the boy in front of her who had only been around for a few years but was still well protected and uncontaminated, and smiled softly.

“You and Yan He are good friends, right?”

"Yes." Qin Zhibai nodded, "Chen Siqi also called me, and I will also be part of the scheduled activities later."

 “Really? What is the gift you are offering?”

“ album I’m about to release.” Qin Zhibai said, “It’s an electronic album. There are only a thousand sets of it recorded physically, and this is one of them.”

“Then this is very precious.” Lu Qingzhen said immediately, “You gave such a precious physical album to everyone. It seems that you have a really good relationship with Yan He.”

"It's not that good. We don't have much contact." Qin Zhibai said frankly, "But we can chat very well."


  Northern Lights Video’s “Reservation Event” updates the final prizes that can be drawn by reservation holders at the rate of one guest every ten minutes.

Of course, for the platform, the most critical thing is not the appeal of these prizes to everyone, but the invisible communication power that celebrities one after another bring to "Seventeen Floors".

 For many people, this is another “Lu Yanhe moment.”

 Can the power behind Lu Yanhe bring another "Sixteenth Floor"-like publicity miracle to "Seventeen Floors"?


 “Why didn’t you tell us?”

On the phone, Wang Xiao said to Lu Yanhe jokingly, "If you had told me earlier, the ratings of "Seventeenth Floor" last night would definitely not have continued to decline."

Lu Yanhe said: "How can I trouble you every time, senior? Last time it was a special situation. This time Beijing and Taiwan have spent so many publicity resources, and the ratings continue to fall. This is not a matter of insufficient publicity. "

"Nonsense, this is just a lack of publicity." Wang Xiao said, "Since it is broadcast exclusively on a TV station and the video platform will not go online until 24 hours later, then "Seventeenth Floor" is already so popular and attracts so much attention. Next, shouldn't you focus on promoting the TV station's broadcast time? But you have been focusing on promoting this drama instead of the viewing time. As a result, many people are thinking about where to watch it online, and then they miss it. First broadcast time, so weren’t the people who watched the first broadcast yesterday mainly viewers from Beijing and Taiwan and some people who know the broadcast time?”

Lu Yanhe was stunned.


Wang Xiao: "Anyway, that's how I am. I wanted to take a look yesterday, but after searching again, I found out that it was broadcast exclusively on the TV station and was only launched on the video platform today, so I had no choice but to miss it."

 Lu Yanhe: “I really didn’t realize this.”

"Nowadays, drama promotions are based on the same old template, focusing on promoting content and attracting everyone's attention. This is understandable. But your drama is not lacking in attention. Shouldn't the focus be on how to attract everyone to watch the premiere?" Wang Xiao Complained, "Both your girlfriend and Northern Lights Video know how to do reservation activities. Why don't Beijing and Taiwan know how to organize a premiere viewing event to strengthen the concept of premiere time and watching TV stations?"

Wang Xiao’s words gave Lu Yanhe a blow.

Not only did Jingtai not think of it, he himself also didn’t think about it.

Wang Xiao said: "To be honest, people are saying that traditional TV stations are in decline. This is indeed true, but if it is completely irreversible, why can "Six People" be successful? I am not bragging, so what did we do at that time? We The main concept is "Watch the premiere together and support Lu Yanhe". The emphasis is on watching the premiere. Of course "Seventeen Floor" is good to watch, but it doesn't mean that you can't watch it if you don't see it in the premiere. And you can only watch it during that time period. If you miss it, you will miss it.”

Lu Yanhe took a deep breath.

“Senior, what you said really inspired me.”

"It's just my personal opinion. I won't be held responsible if it's wrong." Wang Xiao smiled, "Next semester, the current president will be a senior, and I will take over as president. Do you want to be an honorary vice president?"

"Please, don't do it." Lu Yanhe said with a black line, "I haven't done anything, how can I be an honorary vice president."

"You have helped us invite so many big names to come to our events, and basically whenever you are free, you will come to our events. How many stations have you stood for us? Is this all fake? You haven't done anything yet. "Wang Xiao said, "I very much hope that you can take over the position of honorary vice president."

“Forget it, senior, I will just be an ordinary member.”

After calling Wang Xiao, the more Lu Yanhe thought about it, the more he felt that what he said made sense.

Nowadays, different TV series have different scheduling methods. Of course, fans will pay attention to many details. However, as a real casual audience, who will really pay attention to whether a drama is broadcast daily or weekly or something else? , if not, forget it.

 Lu Yanhe told Chen Siqi about this matter.

Chen Siqi said: Beijing and Taiwan deserve this. When I discussed cooperation with them before, they thought we were inexperienced and a small business that could not achieve big things. But later on, they wanted to rely on our relationship as lovers to make us work in vain. , I was so angry that I was speechless. Since he looked down on us, he coveted our little power and wanted to do whatever he wanted.

 Lu Yanhe: Did you talk to Jiang Lan?

Chen Siqi: No, they have a department responsible for this kind of publicity, and they will cooperate with some third-party organizations. I went to discuss this business, including the drama promotion of the drama "Seventeen Floors". In fact, I also worked with them docking.

 Lu Yanhe suddenly realized.

 Chen Siqi: The current promotion of "Seventeenth Floor" by Beijing and Taiwan is that the thunder is loud and the raindrops are light, but it does not fall into the pit where it should fall, and it gives others an advantage.

This other person is naturally the video platform Northern Lights.


At night, while the second episode of "Seventeen Floors" was launched in Beijing and Taiwan, the first episode was also launched on Northern Lights Video.

Ten minutes after it went online, Northern Lights Video announced good news: the number of viewers exceeded 8 million!

At the same time, the real-time ratings of the second episode of "Seventeen Floor" in Beijing and Taiwan started at 0.72%, and within ten minutes, it rose slightly to 0.75% and did not continue to fall.

Lu Yanhe was still sitting in the house, watching the second episode with Li Zhibai.

  There were several very thrilling and tense places in the middle, which made them all feel excited and in their throats.

Lu Yanhe knew how the plot would develop, but under Lian Bei's camera, he still felt the thrill of being choked.

Li Zhibai sighed: "It's really awesome. I want to act in a play like this. Is there such a real-life secret room? I also want to play this type of secret room."

 Lu Yanhe said: "Maybe if this show is very popular, someone will make it?"

What did Li Zhibai think of, "How about we develop it ourselves? Let's get some money together to build a "Seventeenth Floor" themed secret room?"

Lu Yanhe: "Will Beijing and Taiwan give it to me?"

“If the ratings are average, why not give it? If you can make a fortune, it’s a fortune.” Li Zhibai said.

Lu Yanhe felt that Li Zhibai had a very keen sense of smell.

As a result, after talking to Chen Ziyan, he realized that this kind of thing was not a potential gold mine at all. Someone had already smelled gold.

 A large domestic amusement park brand has negotiated cooperation with Beijing and Taiwan and will carry out related development.

Not counting subsequent royalties, Beijing and Taiwan collected no less than eight figures in licensing fees alone.

This collaboration has been kept secret before. People came to discuss cooperation with Beijing and Taiwan when "Seventeen Floor" was about to be aired.

As soon as the second episode was aired, the ratings were clear. The peak did not exceed 1, but it did not fall below 0.7. The average ratings were slightly higher than the first episode yesterday, reaching 0.79%.

 This trend in ratings has made Beijing and Taiwan feel a little relieved.

 The trend in the first episode yesterday was so scary that it made people think it would drop directly to 0.5 today.

However, compared with the ratings, within an hour of the release of the first episode on Northern Lights Video, the number of viewers exceeded 10 million, which directly broke the record of Northern Lights Video this year, making Northern Lights Video the most popular within an hour. With three good news, "Seventeenth Floor" finally regained its reputation as the king of dramas.

Northern Lights Video describes "Seventeenth Floor" as: an all-star cast led by top actors, setting off a new theme and new type of work.

Northern Lights, who will have many collaborations with Lu Yanhe, also secretly gave Lu Yanhe a label at this time: all the film and television dramas he participated in as an actor were hits, and none of them failed.

Of course, it’s not too out of the ordinary for such an exaggerated label to be mixed in with the equally exaggerated labels of other actors.

For example, the label given to Chen Bige by the Northern Lights is: The Queen is back, still on the top of the mountain.

And the words they labeled Li Yuefeng were not subtle: a hot topic, good luck, not the protagonist, but he has the halo of the protagonist!


These tags alone were on the hot search list and discussed by many people.

Lu Yanhe looked at their descriptions of himself, and there was only one sentence in his mind: Praising someone to death will not pay for their lives.


Northern Lights Video ushered in their hit hit with "Seventeenth Floor".

Everyone in Beijing and Taiwan saw it in their eyes, and it was impossible not to feel sad in their hearts.

Damn it, they paid for a drama, they produced it, they formed such an all-star cast, but it ended up being moderately broadcast on Beijing and Taiwan, but it became a hit on Northern Lights Video. Who wouldn’t feel bad about it?

Of course, the copyright owner of "Seventeenth Floor" belongs to them, and it is a big hit. Their other copyrights can also sell better and benefit from it.

 But the most important thing is the ratings.

 Just like the results of "Six People" when it was broadcast.

The advertisers suddenly wanted to place ads one after another like chicken blood. How long has it been since a traditional TV station had such a grand event?

At this moment, Jiang Lan’s speech suddenly circulated within Beijing and Taiwan: Compared with the publicity strategy that Jump Up formulated for the Northern Lights video, our own publicity department is simply a dead meal! (End of chapter)

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