Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 367: Progress too fast, the future will be terrible

Chapter 367: Progress too fast, the future will be terrible

 After much deliberation, Li Zhibai must have been upset by the "Picture of the Gods".

Of course, it is also possible that Li Zhibai's previous roles and every disagreement he had with Zhou Ping'an caused him to accumulate a lot of dissatisfaction.

Lu Yanhe thinks this is a good thing.

With Li Zhibai’s current energy, he can completely participate in a film and television project more deeply, instead of just being an actor.

As long as Li Zhibai doesn’t mess around, his attitude can help a project develop in a better direction.

Li Zhibai asked Lu Yanhe: "What are you doing in these projects you are managing now?"

"Me? Every project is different." Lu Yanhe said, "I basically asked Mr. Jia Long to work on "People on the Road", so I wrote a script, and then accidentally found One of the leading actors, oh, of course, there are also many guest actors invited by me. I actually didn't participate much in this, but there were more in "Wulin Gaiden". From the cooperation model with Northern Lights, the sharing ratio, From rating, finding a production company, to what level the drama is expected to be, what kind of lead actor to find, etc., I was more or less involved in every aspect.”

Li Zhibai: "Did you learn this all by yourself right away?"

Lu Yanhe shook his head, "That's not the case. It's all about learning by doing. I'm lucky enough to have Sister Ziyan to guide me. She's very familiar with many things."

Li Zhibai nodded thoughtfully.

 “This kind of thing can really only be learned by doing.” Lu Yanhe said.


Yan Liang was also moved after hearing that Li Zhibai had such an idea.

“Would it be better for me to accumulate more experience like this?” he asked.

Lu Yanhe said: “I think not every actor must become a professional producer, but being able to learn more about these behind-the-scenes production links and procedures can also help us judge the quality of a project.”

Yan Liang: "How do you say this?"

"What is a good project? A good project is the result. Before the result is achieved, every link, every department, and every type of work affects the result." Lu Yanhe said, "I only started working on my own project before I found that there are so many twists and turns in it, such as the platform’s rating for you. Before I didn’t understand it, I just thought it was a matter of the production cost. After understanding it, I realized that the level of the rating also means the platform’s rating. What level of resources and publicity will this project be equipped with, and what is its priority? Some project platforms will put in people even though they know they are not the most suitable in order to train their own production teams or contract actors, but for some projects, the platform will We will allocate the most suitable and outstanding people from all aspects. Many times, the platform does not know that many of their methods are not the optimal solution for this project, but when it comes to the operation and development of the entire platform, it is the best comprehensive solution. Excellent solution.”

Lu Yanhe talked a lot and finally concluded: "So, when I look at a project now, in addition to reading the script, I also have to look at the producer of the project, what his style was in the past, whether it matches this project, and whether the director has filmed it. What kind of play, what is he good at, what is not good at, besides the content of the script, how should it be shot to produce a good effect, and whether this production team can achieve such an effect."

Yan Liang showed a look of surprise.

 “You are really professional now.”

Li Zhibai said: "However, this must also be based on Lu Yanhe's own autonomy to accept the film. Even if the two of us know how to watch, it will be useless. We cannot refuse the film that Zhou Ping'an wants to take. The film we want to act in , It’s useless if Zhou Ping’an doesn’t agree.”

Yan Liang nodded.

Lu Yanhe: "You two are no longer young artists. You have no right to speak. If you really have the drama you want to act in, you must have a way to deal with Zhou Ping'an. Are you just letting them manipulate you now?"

Yan Liang came back to his senses and smiled, "I am quite obedient. Li Zhibai has no need to listen to him."

  Comparatively, Yan Liang, who only became famous with "Six People" at the beginning of this year, does not have the confidence.

"Apart from "Pictures of the Gods", do you have any other movies to shoot next?" Lu Yanhe asked.

Yan Liang said: "No more for now. We have been notified that we will be filming the second season of "Six People" in the second half of the year."

"That's good." Lu Yanhe said, "Fortunately you are still in "Six People", otherwise this popular drama would really have nothing to do with me."

 “Are you really not considering returning?”

"Until Beijing and Taiwan have a formal settlement, I will not return no matter what. I have taken one step back to save my life. Do I need to take a second step back?" Lu Yanhe shook his head.

Yan Liang knows best what happened between Lu Yanhe and Beijing and Taiwan.

“I heard that Director Li was not dealt with in any way.”

"This is too normal. How could a deputy station director be punished because of me." Lu Yanhe shook his head, "But Sister Ziyan is right, a gentleman takes revenge. It is not too late in ten years. Take your time, there is always a chance. "

“I thought you were relieved of your close and cooperative relationship with Director Chiang.”

"It's impossible to be relieved. I just don't want the enemy's power to continue to increase and disintegrate his power from the inside." Lu Yanhe smiled, "Now that "Seventeenth Floor" is available, Jiang Lan will never stand still. He went over there to help him.”

 “That’s true.” Yan Liang nodded.


 The news that the drama "River of Silence" is about to start filming has also slowly spread on the Internet.

 After all, it is another drama with a dazzling cast.

  Previously, only a few people knew about this drama, but because of the huge attention Lu Yanhe received in "Seventeenth Floor", many people are curious about his plans for his next drama.

 So, when they saw the news about the drama "Silent River", they were very interested and went in to learn the details.


“Lu Yanhe actually took on Chen Lingling’s role again.”

“Doesn’t he have many projects behind him? Why does he still take on outside roles? I thought he couldn’t finish filming his own projects in the past two years.”

“I can shoot my projects anytime, but Chen Lingling’s projects can’t wait for him.”

"As long as Lu Yanhe is willing to act, what script is not waiting for him? He has now acted in four TV series, two starring roles and two supporting roles. He has achieved outstanding results. Not one of them has failed to be a hit. Such achievements are really hard to come by."

“But even with such an achievement, wouldn’t it still be a double act for Zeng Qiao to play “River of Silence”? Fans, don’t praise her too much.”

“When did Lu Yanhe choose a role for filming? I have never heard that he had any trouble with anyone because of the competition for the role.”

“That’s right, when he guest-starred in “Three Mountains”, he agreed right away and didn’t mind playing supporting roles for a few newcomers.”

“It’s very immoral to mock Lu Yanhe with his title. As a young actor who has just started acting for a few years, does he have to overpower actors like Chen Bige and Zeng Qiao who have been in the industry for many years to be considered powerful?”

“An actor does not rely on his position to speak, but on his play and role.”


"This is really an unforeseen disaster. Who would have thought that such a small matter, not even a fight for position, could lead to such a heated discussion." Chen Ziyan said helplessly to the person on the phone, "Xiao Lu, he Is this important? This is not a **** drama. The drama directed by Chen Lingling is not as good as the director's drama, is it? "

 The person on the phone smiled and said, "Can I quote this sentence of yours into my article?"

The person Chen Ziyan was calling was a famous reporter.

Someone called her specifically about this matter and asked her about her attitude.

"The fan position issue has been quarreling for several years, and everyone has called for a long time that actors should not care too much about the fan position. However, the debate on this matter has never stopped." The reporter said, "I want to use Lu Yanhe's attitude as a To start, let’s write an article to discuss this phenomenon. I think it’s a good thing that an actor like Lu Yanhe can blatantly not care about his position, and he doesn’t just say he doesn’t care, but he really doesn’t pursue his position. This example will let everyone see clearly how meaningless the fight for position is.”

Chen Ziyan nodded, "However, the position is not meaningless. We just don't want to compete with it as a great thing. Don't establish Xiao Lu as some kind of heroic image. I don't want him to be young. He was targeted as a target. In this circle, there are still many people who care about position and are competing for it. It would seem that Xiao Lu disdains this kind of behavior. "

 The reporter couldn't stop laughing, "I know, I know, what kind of professional qualities do I have, you still don't know?"

“I know your professionalism, but I still need to explain clearly what I should explain.”

 Chen Ziyan hung up the phone and carefully thought about the conversation she had just had with the reporter, and then she felt relieved after confirming that there was nothing inappropriate.

 Although their friends are also friends, no one can make too many guarantees regarding work matters.

 Chen Ziyan is also thinking about the issue of the title of "River of Silence". Since it is such a big fuss now, Lu Yanhe will definitely be asked about related topics in the subsequent public schedule.

 How should Lu Yanhe respond?

 Chen Ziyan has to worry. Lu Yanhe is now a big tree and attracts the wind. Every word she says is criticized with a magnifying glass, and there is no room for her to be careless.


Lu Yanhe and Zeng Qiao met at the script reading meeting. They looked at each other and smiled, and neither of them raised the issue of position.

 The script reading of "River of Silence" included more than a dozen actors who had important roles.

 Everyone greets and greets each other.

 In this drama, most of them are actors that Lu Yanhe has never worked with before.

After Lu Yanhe heard everyone introduce themselves one by one, he realized that most of them were actors who had been acting for many years. It was just that Lu Yanhe didn't know them well because he didn't know much about the entertainment industry. In fact, they knew each other.

However, it is quite troublesome for such a group of actors to meet together.

 The trouble is that everyone has many ideas about their own play and understanding of the characters. They are often interrupted by someone to express their opinions while they are speaking.

No matter what role this person plays or how many roles he plays, he is very confident when talking about professional matters, and he can say everything with certainty.

Lu Yanhe was surprised at first, because he rarely encountered this kind of situation even when he was filming "Phoenix Terrace" before. Of course, he wasn't playing a leading role at that time. Every script reading meeting he attended was in his role, and he didn't have much interaction with a group of protagonists led by Zeng Qiao.

Chen Lingling listened silently most of the time, and finally stood up to make a decision and give her own opinions.

But these people who are all talking about opinions will not say anything after Chen Lingling has made a conclusion, as if they respect Chen Lingling very much.

 The script reading lasted for three days.

 After it’s over, we’re ready to officially start shooting.


 “Why do you still disagree?” Xin Zixing looked at Liu Qiao angrily.

In two years, as Xin Zixing's supervisor, Liu Qiao has been promoted from content editor to content producer. Xin Zixing, who originally hoped to be the content editor, had to work with "City Travel" and "Jump Up". I rejected this position, but was offered salary and other benefits at this level.

 As a content producer, Liu Qiao’s authority and voice have actually been greatly improved.

Under such circumstances, Xin Zixing originally thought that his proposal to increase production funds for "City Travels" this time would be a great hope.

"Xiao Xing, I know how you want to make "City Travel Notes" even better. However, no matter how high-quality "City Travel Notes" is, its upper limit is there. You have to increase your investment to get the expected return. "What?" Liu Qiao said, "I have watched you get to where you are today, and I have told you privately that no one thinks that the audience of "City Travels" can be further increased and that it can achieve the impact it has now. The power has exceeded many of our expectations.”

 Xin Zixing looked at Liu Qiao with disappointment.

"I started the program "City Travels" bit by bit, and the production budget for the first episode was only 30,000 yuan." Xin Zixing said, "I don't have a say in how far it can go." , it doesn’t matter what you said, just like before this show came out, no one thought that this show could have the results it has now, why didn’t you even give me a chance to try it?”

 Liu Qiao looked at Xin Zixing helplessly.

"Xiao Xing, you are a very capable and thoughtful person. We all know this. However, sometimes if we want to use our talents and abilities, we must find the right direction. "City Travel" does it At this point, it has reached its limit. No matter how hard you work and innovate, it will never see much growth. We have done a lot of market research on this program.”

Xin Zixing looked at Liu Qiao in silence.

“Brother Qiao, I thought that no matter what others do, at least I can gain your trust. Unexpectedly, I can’t even gain your trust.”

Liu Qiao was stunned for a moment, showing surprise and confusion.

 He did not expect Xin Zixing to say this.


"Actors must trust each other." Chen Lingling once again emphasized this matter on the day of the launch. "In our drama, there are old actors, new actors, famous actors, and not-so-famous actors. , no matter what kind of actor you are, you are all actors in "Silent River" now. It is fate that we film this drama together. Moreover, a good work will bind all of you forever. Together, I hope that in the next days of filming, each of us will trust each other and help each other to complete this work."

 Chen Lingling's speech drew continuous applause from everyone.

 Lu Yanhe couldn’t help but think to himself that Chen Lingling’s speech was really good, especially on the day of the launch.

 The director has set this tone, so as an actor, you must naturally follow the director's lead.

There are so many veteran actors in the crew, no matter what their style is, because of Chen Lingling's words, they will take a little care of the young actors in the crew.


Similarly, Lu Yanhe did not expect that on his first day of filming, the first person to visit the cast was neither Chen Ziyan nor Chen Siqi, nor Li Zhibai and Yan Liang, but Xin Zixin.

When Xin Zixing appeared on the set, Lu Yanhe thought it was Wang Zhong who came to see him about something related to his short film.

However, Xin Zixing did not come to him for this matter.

Before Lu Yanhe finished his work, Xin Zixing had been waiting for him.

After Lu Yanhe finished his work, Xin Zixing said, "Let's go have a drink."

Lu Yanhe was a little surprised and nodded.

Xin Zixing told Lu Yanhe that the top management of was unwilling to increase the production funds for "City Travel".

 “It’s very depressing,” she said.

Only then did Lu Yanhe know why Xin Zixing came to see him at this time.

“They are not optimistic about it, and there is nothing we can do about it.” Lu Yanhe said, “Do you have any ideas?”

Xin Zixing said: "Well, what can I think of now? I'm not a senior executive. It's meaningless if I complain about anything. They won't pay attention to it or care."

Hearing this, Lu Yanhe smiled and said, "Who told you to refuse the position of content editor before? You want to focus all your energy on making content, but if you don't have enough voice to protect your content, then Even if you put in 100% of your efforts, it may be 100% in vain because of someone else’s words.”

Xin Zixing sighed deeply.

 “It’s heartbreaking.”

Lu Yanhe said: "You want to make a short film project, which is also a very good idea, but to be honest, Sister Zi In terms of content, the short film project is very likely to fall into the situation of "City Travel". When you want to do better in the future, also feels that it is not worth further increasing the production funds, and still positions this short film as a website to attract traffic. It’s not a work that can go out of the leaf vein network.”

Xin Zixing immediately understood the meaning of Lu Yanhe's words.

 The experience of "City Travels" made her think deeply.

 Lu Yanhe’s words are actually very straightforward.

Xin Zixing asked: "Do you think I can cooperate with other video websites?"

"Yeah." Lu Yanhe nodded, "In this way, the power you can use is not limited to the leaf vein network."

 Lu Yanhe’s words gave Xin Zixing a lot of ideas.

Xin Zixing took a deep breath and said, "I understand."

 After she finished speaking, she reacted again and looked at him in disbelief.

“You can think of so many things now, it’s really scary.” Xin Zixin sighed from the bottom of his heart with a teasing and teasing tone.

 The young man who was completely unfamiliar with these things is now able to see her predicament at a glance and give effective suggestions.

 Xin Zixing couldn't help but be surprised.

It’s only been two years.

Lu Yanhe’s progress is too fast.

 (End of this chapter)

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