Become Famous Another Day

Chapter 369: Accident (7,000 words updated!)

Lu Yanhe was quite frustrated.

Every time he felt that he had made some progress, a situation similar to this would appear, reminding him that he was actually still an ignorant novice, and he did not react to this basic common sense immediately.

When Huang Cheng said this, Lu Yanhe reacted.

His cooperation with Northern Lights resulted in Huang Cheng suddenly interfering. Regardless of whether it was Lu Yanhe's own idea, this showed that Lu Yanhe did not trust Northern Lights enough and did not really regard Northern Lights as a trustworthy collaborator.

If Northern Lights wants to cooperate with Lu Yanhe, of course he will not direct his anger towards Lu Yanhe, so he can only go towards Huangcheng.

Lu Yanhe and Huang Cheng finished their meal and went back to the hotel car, lost in thought.

 On the one hand, I was thinking about what Huang Cheng said that Chen Lingling might want to collaborate on his script.

On the other hand, I am thinking about what I want to make "Wulin Gaiden" look like.

 Every script he takes over is faced with the premise that he already has a completed work in his mind. Therefore, when every script is to be developed, he can't help but compare it with the previous work.

However, just like the same piece of music played by different players will produce different effects, if you insist on imitating one person's style, without a certain level of skill, you can only imitate others.

Huang Cheng’s words made Lu Yanhe think deeply.

 How will "Wulin Gaiden" be filmed?

  Can it be liked by people in this Internet age as it was before it was filmed?

Any work will be marked by the times.

Lu Yanhe was thinking and looking out the car window in a daze. Unconsciously, he felt sleepy and fell asleep.

Zou Dong and Wang Biao noticed that he was asleep, so they stopped talking and became quiet.


Lu Yanhe himself feels strange. It seems that every time he joins the crew for filming, he tends to get sleepy at night.

Normally he doesn't go to bed until 11 or 2 o'clock, but now it was only around 9 o'clock in the evening, and he fell asleep in the car.

 At the hotel, Lu Yanhe took a shower and sat on a chair to dry his hair.

 As a result, I fell asleep again.

 Acting requires energy.

But this also has the advantage of being able to sleep well and get up early.

Lu Yanhe rarely got up early again and opened his eyes at six in the morning.

 Sleep refreshed.

Lu Yanhe thought for a second. Since he got up so early today, should he go for a run and exercise?

 He only thought about it for a moment and then gave up the idea immediately.

 Forget it, it’s not necessary. It’s not the time to film “Phoenix Terrace”. He needs to make himself look energetic.

 Today I still have to go to the crew to film.

 At ten o'clock in the morning, he set out to do makeup and hair. He still had several hours to spare.

So, Lu Yanhe started the live broadcast and continued to write the script.


 Early in the morning, at 6:30, Lu Yanhe started the live broadcast.

 There are not many viewers.

At this time, night owls have just fallen asleep, and people with regular schedules also have other things to do at this time.

But Lu Yanhe thinks it doesn’t matter. He is just live broadcasting. Whether everyone can see it or not is up to chance.

Lu Yanhe is writing the script of "Wulin Gaiden", Season 2.

Although I don’t know how "Wulin Gaiden" will be shot in the end, no matter how it is shot, there must be a script.

 At eight o'clock in the morning, Chen Siqi sent a message to Lu Yanhe: Why did you get up so early? Going to the set early in the morning?

Lu Yanhe picked up the phone and replied: I went to bed early yesterday, why did you wake up so early?

It’s summer vacation now, and Chen Siqi usually doesn’t wake up so early.

Chen Siqi said: Today I made an appointment to visit Teacher Shi Xia at his home and bring him the letters written by readers.

 Chen Siqi invested a lot of energy in Teacher Shi Xia.

However, the results are also significant.

Teacher Shi Xia has published two articles in "Jump Up" this year, one short story and one essay.

Chen Siqi also knew that Lu Yanhe was filming today, so she didn't tell him about it before.

She added: You are filming "River of Silence" now. I asked Li Bi to come over and do an exclusive tour to promote it. Do you think it is appropriate?

Lu Yanhe thought for a while and said: Let me ask the director and Huang Cheng first. I wonder if they are willing to let people do publicity before the filming is over.

Chen Siqi: OK, if it's inconvenient, forget it. Don't force it. But if "River of Silence" needs such publicity, then the money won't go to outsiders. Now Li Bi's short video program is quite popular on the Internet, with the number of views Higher and higher.

Lu Yanhe replied "OK".


He Lan got up at eight o'clock in the morning, opened her eyes drowsily, checked the time on her mobile phone, and saw the notification of Lu Yanhe's live broadcast popping up in the background.

Live broadcast so early? !

Helan rubbed his eyes in surprise and stretched out on the bed.

 She sat up and clicked on Lu Yanhe's live broadcast.

In the picture, Lu Yanhe seemed to have just finished replying to someone else's message, put down his phone, continued to look at the screen, and started typing on the keyboard.

 Lu Yanhe’s keyboard typing speed is very fast.

 There were many people lamenting this in the comments.

Some people praised Lu Yanhe for his beautiful hands.

 Helan couldn't help laughing when he saw these remarks.

 Then she put down the phone, feeling melancholy.

 When this summer vacation is over, I will be a senior.

  Unfortunately, she did not get a place for graduate school.

 She needs to make a decision whether to take the postgraduate entrance examination or start looking for a job.

This decision is quite difficult to make.

 He Lan’s main reason was that she didn’t think clearly whether she should continue studying or go to work.

Of course, she has not thought clearly about what kind of work she would do if she could work.

During the three years of college, Helan felt that she was quite confused at the beginning, but then she changed.

ˆ Helan actively participated in school activities and competitions and found some goals for himself to strive for. In the process, Helan gradually became a "star student" in the eyes of other students. It's just that Helan herself knows that her essence is still a person who doesn't know what she wants or what direction she wants to work towards. Now she has just begun to learn to enjoy the process of hard work.

Because of her internship at Jiangyin Publishing House, her roommate Xu Mingyue happened to catch a ride on "Jump Up" from scratch. She has successfully received an offer from "Jump Up". After graduation, she will officially join "Jump Up" 》.

Although Jiang Linxian is not popular, she has been accumulating various internship experiences, participating in many activities and competitions, and building a glittering resume for herself.

Helan looked at Lu Yanhe who was doing the live broadcast and thought to herself that excellent people have clear goals no matter what they do and can persist in fighting for them, but she was often confused and at a loss.

At this moment, an APP she registered that aggregated various recruitment information suddenly sent her a push message:

 Airu Tianshen Culture Co., Ltd. has invited you to the [Literary Editor] position.

Helan was stunned for a moment when he saw this news.


Helan vaguely felt like he had seen the name of this company somewhere.

 She clicked in curiously.


 At half past nine, Wang Biao came to the hotel to find Lu Yanhe.

 He was still carrying breakfast, boiled eggs and noodle batter bought on the road.

Lu Yanhe said before that he loves to eat, so he specially asked Zou Dong to take him to the most famous restaurant nearby to pack a portion.

Lu Yanhe has washed up and is ready to go out.

Wang Biao: "Brother Lu, please finish your breakfast first."

Lu Yanhe nodded and asked, "Have you eaten?"

"We have already eaten." Wang Biao said with a happy smile and full of energy, "We still have time, you can eat slowly. We will set off at ten o'clock."

Lu Yanhe nodded, sat down, and took a bite, "Huh? This is even more delicious than what we had the day before yesterday."

“After a special search, this restaurant is very famous and has been open for many years. Many locals eat here.” Wang Biao said, “I asked Brother Dong to take me to buy it.”

 “I’m interested, thank you.”

Since Wang Biao became his assistant, he has paid great attention to these details, learned quickly, and has become a very qualified assistant.

Wang Biao also cherished the opportunity he had to work as an assistant to Lu Yanhe.

While filming the drama "Silent River", Zou Dong was usually accompanied by Wang Biao on the set, so Zou Dong could take a break. Basically he was only responsible for the round trip, so he didn't have to be as tired as before.

 After eating, Lu Yanhe went to the set.

His shooting time is now arranged at the best time. Unless there are special circumstances, there is no need to get up early or stay up late.

When we arrived at the dressing room, as soon as we entered, the makeup artists came over. As soon as Lu Yanhe put on his costume, they started to apply makeup on him.

Lu Yanhe was reading the script while waiting for the makeup artist to put makeup on him.

●The scene we are going to shoot today is not difficult, but it is very physically demanding.

  The film was about him being discovered by a policeman played by Zeng Qiao, and the two of them had a chase scene.

 It took half an hour to put on makeup. When he came out of the dressing room, he became the suspect who lived in poverty, was full of desolation, and had low self-esteem.

 Today’s play is an outdoor scene.

 After putting on makeup, he had to get in the car and set off to the shooting location.

 The scene has been arranged, all we have to do is wait for him and Zeng Qiao to arrive.

 It was around 11:20 when Lu Yanhe arrived at the scene.

Chen Lingling is taking the camera crew to walk the route of the actors, thinking about how the camera will shoot.

  Around 11:40, Zeng Qiao arrived.

 The food began to be served on site.

 Many extras.

Lu Yanhe and Zeng Qiao were eating lunch under a temporary tent.

 Their conditions are already very good, at least they still have a table and a small bench.

 Others found their own place on the spot, squatting or sitting directly on the ground.

“I’ll shoot in the afternoon, I’ll probably be very tired.” Zeng Qiao said with a smile.

 Lu Yanhe nodded, "It will feel very tiring."

 They can already see where they will be filming later. This side is a residential area, which is where Lu Yanhe lives in the play. The policeman played by Zeng Qiao came here to look for Lu Yanhe after learning that he lived here. However, Lu Yanhe had long known that his classmate later became a policeman, so he ran away immediately after discovering Zeng Qiao.

 They started a chase in this crowded place.

 The two of them were halfway through eating when Chen Lingling came over.

She was holding a lunch box in her hand, so she sat down directly next to them.



 Lu Yanhe greeted Zeng Qiao.

"How about the lunch box?" Chen Lingling asked, "I said before that they made it too oily and asked them to make it lighter, but I don't know if I listened."

 “Very good.” Lu Yanhe said.

“The filming today will be a bit hard, so you should eat more,” Chen Lingling said.

Zeng Qiao smiled and said, "How can I eat more? If I eat too much, I won't be able to run."

Hearing this, Chen Lingling thought for a while and nodded, "That's right, then you should eat less, so that you won't be unable to run by then."

 Chen Lingling has this kind of direct character.

Those who are not familiar with her will sometimes be confused by her words and don’t know what to say.

 Lu Yanhe and Zeng Qiao looked at each other and smiled.


Although he was fully prepared mentally, when Lu Yanhe ran for nearly two or three hours and his whole body was soaked and out of breath, Lu Yanhe couldn't help but bend down, support his knees with both hands, and gasp for air, like the following He will fall down in a second.

“How are you, are you okay?” Zeng Qiao saw him suddenly stop from behind and asked. Lu Yanhe waved his hand to indicate that he was fine.

 After a while, he straightened up and looked back at Zeng Qiao and the director.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t catch my breath just now, so I stopped.”

Chen Lingling came over wearing a sun hat and said, "Everyone, let's take a rest."

Lu Yanhe glanced at the western sky and saw that the sunset was about to set.

He said: "Now that I have a rest, will the light change?"

Chen Lingling looked back at the sunset and nodded, "Let's take a five-minute break and take it easy. We'll finish the shot in one go later."

 Lu Yanhe nodded.

Lu Yanhe and Zeng Qiao were both sweating, and their clothes were soaked with sweat.

Wang Biao came over immediately and handed the kettle to Lu Yanhe.

The thermos kettle, the water was still slightly cool, Wang Biao put an ice cube in it.

Lu Yanhe took a sip of water and murmured. It felt like a banana fan was coming to the Flaming Mountain.

  Take a long breath of relief.

 The makeup artist came over to help him wipe away his sweat and touch up his makeup.

very tired.


"You are a student from the School of Liberal Arts of Zhenhua University, so it goes without saying that you have professional qualities. However, our company is mainly responsible for three areas: copyright incubation, IP evaluation, and film and television adaptation of Teacher Yu Jiang's works. We need literary editors, and we also focus on these three areas. Three pieces of business come to work.”

The other party said to Helan with a smile on his face, "I saw on your resume that your English level is also very high. This is also the ability we need. In the future, we will need someone to participate in film festivals or related activities overseas. Translation, if you join our company, we will save trouble."

 The more Helan listened, the more outrageous he felt.


 What on earth did she do?

When Helan checked the company Airu Tianshen in the morning, he found out that it was a company in Yujiang.

When He Lan saw that this company belonged to Yu Jiang, as a fan of Lu Yanhe, he immediately made a big cross in his heart.

 But just when she was about to quit, she secretly wanted to see what the company was like.

So, she agreed to participate in the interview.

Unexpectedly, the other party called her two hours later and asked her if she had time for an interview in the afternoon.

He Lan came to the company Ai Ru Tian Shen with a curious attitude.

 It is said to be a company, but in fact it only rents four offices and one conference room in an office building.

Helan chatted with the person for nearly an hour, and she could clearly feel that the other person was satisfied with her.

 It's just that the fork in Helan's heart has not changed at all.

 She just came to take a look out of curiosity.

After Helan finished chatting with the people, she smiled and said that she would give them a reply after she went back and thought about it carefully.

Someone sent her to the door of the conference room.

Helan was about to go to the elevator when a familiar figure walked over.

"I have told you a long time ago that I must find a top-notch young actor to star in this movie. If you cast an unknown actor like this, who would want to see it?" The man's tone sounded like this. She sounded very arrogant, as if the person on the other side of the phone was her subordinate, bossing her around, "This is a campus youth love movie. If the male and female protagonists are not popular, they will not be able to attract fans. If you are going to find new people to play the roles, you might as well give up as soon as possible." , don’t ruin my story, go report it to your leader.”

 After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone and her eyes had fallen on Helan.

The person who escorted Helan out saw Yu Jiang and immediately shouted respectfully: "Teacher Yu, you are here!"

Yu Jiang looked at Helan and asked, "Who is she?"

Helan looked at the woman in front of her who was as bossy and arrogant as the rumors, and muttered "your grandma" in her heart.

After knowing that He Lan was here for an interview, Yu Jiang immediately looked at her carefully and said, "I happen to need an assistant. Come to my office and let's have a chat."

The person responsible for interviewing Helan paused and looked at Helan with a look of embarrassment.

I am a graduate of Zhenhua University. I am here to interview for a literary editor position, not an assistant position.

 These two positions are completely different in nature.

He Lan smiled slightly at Yu Jiang and said, "Teacher Yu, I have no intention of working as an assistant. The interview just ended. I have an appointment with someone tonight. I'm leaving now. Goodbye."

 She rejected Yu Jiang in the most polite tone and left without being humble or arrogant.

An angry look appeared on Yu Jiang's face. He looked at the person interviewing Helan and said, "Where did you find this person? He's not that big or small."

The other party looked helpless and said, "Teacher Yu, she is a student at Zhenhua University and is here to interview for the position of literary editor."

Yu Jiang was stunned when he heard the words "Zhenhua University".

“I saw her resume, she was a very good girl, so I tried to send her an invitation, but I didn’t expect that she would be willing to come for an interview.”

 The implication is that if people are willing to come to our place, it’s because they give in, so don’t do it.

Yu Jiang rolled his eyes, "What's wrong with those who graduated from Zhenhua University? These days, what matters is not academic qualifications, but ability."


 He Lan finished the interview and came out of the building.

 The setting sun has reached the horizon.

Looking towards the road between the buildings, a layer of hazy purple smoke appeared on the horizon.

 Helan walked towards the subway station.

 “He Lan!” Xu Mingyue’s voice suddenly sounded from behind her.

He Lan almost thought he heard wrongly.

 “Mingyue? Why are you here?”

 “I’m here to talk about an advertising cooperation.” Xu Mingyue said, “What about you?”

He Lan simply explained it.

Xu Mingyue looked confused, "You're going to Yujiang's company for an interview? You don't even plan to go, so why are you wasting your time?"

“Isn’t this just out of curiosity? I want to see what Yu Jiang’s company is like.”

Xu Mingyue: "You really have nothing to do, so we happened to meet you. Let's have dinner together and then go back."

 “Yeah.” Helan nodded, “What do you want to eat?”

“I want to eat Japanese food. I just saw on the Internet that there is a Japanese restaurant near here with a very high rating.” Xu Mingyue said, “I’ll treat you.”

 Since Xu Mingyue worked in "Jump Up", she has often invited Helan to dinner.

Helan said: "You don't have to treat us all the time, let's AA."

"That's okay." Xu Mingyue nodded, "Then if you don't want to work in Yujiang's company, where are you going to work?"

Helan shook his head, "I haven't thought about it. I've been worrying about this this summer. I'm still thinking about whether to go to graduate school."

"If you haven't thought clearly, it's good to go to graduate school." Xu Mingyue said, "I know very well that I will not follow the academic path in the future, and I encountered a good opportunity like "Jump Up". You can't pass the exam Are you thinking about doing academic work in the future?”

"I haven't thought about anything. I'm doing academic work... I don't think I'm that good. I'm not a person who can calm down and sit on a stool and read a book." Helan hugged Xu Mingyue's arm and rested his head on her shoulder. "So I see you and Lu Yanhe both have such clear goals, I'm so envious."

 Xu Mingyue: "Goals are all set by yourself. As long as you want to set a goal, you can do it at any time. There is nothing to envy about this."

 “It’s not that easy.”

 Xu Mingyue: “If you really don’t know what to do, why not come to Lu Yanhe and give it a try?”

 “Huh?” Helan was stunned, “What are you trying?”

Xu Mingyue said: "I heard from his girlfriend Chen Siqi that in addition to the "Jump Up" business, Lu Yanhe also established a film and television company with his agent, specializing in film and television projects. He is definitely We also need people. If you are interested in the entertainment industry and are a fan of Lu Yanhe, maybe you can find what you want to do there. "

 Xu Mingyue's words moved Helan's heart.

Two people walked into the subway station and passed the security check.

 Suddenly, a girl in front of me let out an exclamation.

"No way?"

 “What’s wrong?” asked the girl’s companion.

“Someone said that Lu Yanhe fell from the third floor while filming.”



 Helan and Xu Mingyue were both stunned when they heard this sentence and did not react.


Chen Ziyan and Chen Siqi got out of the car and hurried to the hospital building.

 The faces of both women were tense, serious, and unsmiling.

 You can vaguely see the tension and uneasiness underneath the seriousness.

Wang Biao and Zou Dong were waiting for them on the twelfth floor.

In addition to the two of them, Huang Cheng and two other people from the crew were also there.

"How is it? How is Yan He's injury? Is it serious?" Although she had received news from Wang Biao that she was safe on the way here, Chen Ziyan couldn't help but ask immediately.

Huang Cheng said: "Ziyan, Siqi, don't worry, the test results are all out, no internal organs were injured, and there were no fractures. It's a blessing among misfortunes."

“Fortunately, there are two clothes-drying poles below to buffer Lu Yanhe.” The person next to Huang Cheng added.

 Chen Ziyan and Chen Siqi breathed a sigh of relief.

When they received the news that Lu Yanhe was injured, both of them were shocked, and they have been worried until now.

Chen Siqi said: "I'll go in and see him first."

 Chen Ziyan nodded.

 Chen Siqi went in.

Chen Ziyan turned back to Zou Dong and Wang Biao and said: "Zou Dong, Wang Biao, you go back to the hotel first, help Yan He bring two sets of clothes, and then buy two sets for Chen Siqi... Forget it, I'll buy her clothes, Wang Biao, you need to rest first and come to change your shift at eight o'clock tomorrow morning. Zou Dong, I'll work hard to bring you clothes and toiletries tonight, and you'll be on guard tonight."

Zou Dong nodded, "Okay."

 Wang Biao immediately said: "Sister Ziyan, I can do it too."

“There’s no need for you both to stay here, it’s not a big deal.” Chen Ziyan said, “Besides, you two are here to watch tonight, who will guard tomorrow?”

Wang Biao stopped talking.

 Zou Dong and Wang Biao left.

 Chen Ziyan did not speak to Huang Cheng immediately. Instead, she took out her mobile phone and replied with a few words as if replying to someone's message.

 She raised her head and looked at Huang Cheng and the others.

“Mr. Huang, what happened during today’s shooting? Why did Yan He fall from the third floor?”

Huang Cheng said in a deep voice: "It's my fault that we didn't do safety confirmation in advance. The iron railings in the corridor on the third floor were rusty and unstable due to age. Yan He and Zeng Qiao were filming a chase scene. Yan He was captured by Zeng Qiao here. The bridge was blocked and the railings became loose as a result.”

 Chen Ziyan asked: “Did you choose the place where you filmed today?”

 “Yes, that’s where our crew found it.”

Chen Ziyan took a deep breath and said: "When something like this happened, the Internet is now making a big fuss. Please let everyone know that you are safe first in the name of the crew. Someone at the scene took a video of Yan He falling, and it went viral on the Internet. , it spread to panic, and some people even said that Yan He smashed his head on the spot and died. Let’s put an end to this rumor first.”

Huang Cheng nodded.


Chen Ziyan: "Let's talk about other things later. Let's take a look at Yan He's recovery first. Yan He will definitely not be able to go back to filming for at least these two days."

Huang Cheng looked apologetic and said, "Zi Yan, I'm sorry that such an accident happened to Yan He on our set."

Chen Ziyan looked stern and said, "It's really inappropriate for something like this to happen on your crew, Brother Huang."

 Huang Cheng: “We should have made all inspections and preparations, but this play was really hastily prepared.”

Chen Ziyan: "I know that the filming of this drama is very stressful, but let Yan He rest for a few days. With his character, he will definitely want to return to the crew to film as soon as possible, regardless of his injuries. You let him He needs to rest in the hospital for two more days. Even if his internal organs and bones are not injured, he fell from a height of three stories and the injuries on his body will not heal so quickly. Don’t let him have a chance to show off. "

“Okay, I understand, I’ll leave this in my hands, don’t worry.” (End of chapter)

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